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Trace Adkins Leaves The Pearl........


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The man beat up another passenger. Why does everyone wish him well

He is a drunk who cant control himself. Some should beat the crap out of him

I wish the person he beat up well and all the other passengers who were effected by his selfish and despicable behavior


I was being sarcastic in regards to this. So far I haven't hear nor read anything that says Trace beat up another passenger. It's been said that he got into an altercation with a Trace Adkins impersonator but I don't think it's been said that he beat the crap out of him.


This post doesn't say what you are implicating in your post. It says "Some should beat the crap out of him".


All the articles I have read affirm there was an altercation and that Adkins left the ship. This indicates that Adkins realized he caused a problem and he left either of his own accord or by request.

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This post doesn't say what you are implicating in your post. It says "Some should beat the crap out of him".


All the articles I have read affirm there was an altercation and that Adkins left the ship. This indicates that Adkins realized he caused a problem and he left either of his own accord or by request.


Well, I'm thinking that some of us think that leaving on his own accord shouldn't have been an option available to him.

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I confused Merle with Waylon and forgot Loretta was on the list.

Yeah, they'd be upset to discover they were dead.


Now we are on the same page. ;)


Though, from what I have seen Loretta seems like she has a pretty good sense of humor and would probably throw a pretty good wake for herself. :)

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I dont have compassion for a drunk who beats up an innocent man especially a rich entitled celebrity who thinks they are above the law and better than most.

Checking into rehab is a rich celebrity way of avoiding the law

Facts have nothing to do with being cynical or compassionless

But opinions are like XXXXXXXX and everyone has one

Edited by johnsak123
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I dont have compassion for a drunk who beats up an innocent man especially a rich entitled celebrity who thinks they are above the law and better than most.

Checking into rehab is a rich celebrity way of avoiding the law

Facts have nothing to do with being cynical or compassionless

But opinions are like XXXXXXXX and everyone has one


Thats interesting. I think your right that checking into rehab might be a way for a celebrity to avoid the law but the laws on a ship are so different. Right now he has no law to answer to, he's off the ship. He broke no laws in the US so why would he check into rehab to avoid the law? What law would he be avoiding? In this case I don't think avoiding the law is the case. Also, I may have missed something did he in fact beat someone up?

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I know it sounds ridiculous to say this, but TMZ does have a pretty good track record of accuracy. Levin, the owner of TMZ, is also a lawyer and is pretty conscious of the legal ramifications of slander, libel, defamation, etc.....they broke the story on Mel Gibson, and all of it panned out as true...just one of many examples. They are not your "runofthemill" tabloid.


I'm tending toward believing the report from TMZ.

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I know it sounds ridiculous to say this, but TMZ does have a pretty good track record of accuracy. Levin, the owner of TMZ, is also a lawyer and is pretty conscious of the legal ramifications of slander, libel, defamation, etc.....they broke the story on Mel Gibson, and all of it panned out as true...just one of many examples. They are not your "runofthemill" tabloid.


I'm tending toward believing the report from TMZ.


You are right, people mock and laugh at TMZ but they are rarely wrong.

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I know it sounds ridiculous to say this, but TMZ does have a pretty good track record of accuracy. Levin, the owner of TMZ, is also a lawyer and is pretty conscious of the legal ramifications of slander, libel, defamation, etc.....they broke the story on Mel Gibson, and all of it panned out as true...just one of many examples. They are not your "runofthemill" tabloid.


I'm tending toward believing the report from TMZ.



That might be true but TMZ really doesn't say if Trace just got in his face or threw punches. If he got in his face, truthfully I don't blame him. This impersonator had to be annoying but defiantly out of line signing autographs.

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Let's try to toss a little logic into this .


Why was Adkins in the karaoke bar unless he was looking for trouble ?


Why was it reported that he spent two nights in the lockup on the ship before he left ?


The fact that he reportedly left the ship and the impersonator didn't is telling me that NCL enforced the rule of NO TOLERANCE for fighting among employees. This places Adkins at fault in the eyes of his employer.


Many celebrities have impersonators, and they handle them with humor or report them to the proper authorities. The ship has a staff of security whose job it is to handle this stuff, and they do a very good job.


No celebrity has the right (nor the need) to attack a guest in ANY venue.

Edited by swedish weave
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That might be true but TMZ really doesn't say if Trace just got in his face or threw punches. If he got in his face, truthfully I don't blame him. This impersonator had to be annoying but defiantly out of line signing autographs.



I am tending toward thinking that TMZ is having trouble determining the FACTS regarding that part of the incident(s).


I too tend to fall on the side of Trace Adkins. I'm not a big fan ===I don't even know which songs are his, although I guess I would recognize him if I saw him...in any case, it sounds to me like a pretty high-stress situation and the truth is that no one really knows what THEY would do if it were them. They like to think they would handle it "gracefully" but frankly, I think most people would snap too.


If this guy really was engaging in what I would consider, stalking behaviour, well, I guess I can understand such a volatile reaction.


There seems to be a lot of self-righteous judgment being thrown around and that is something that really bothers me -- none of us know what it is like to walk around in this guys skin and to have to deal with something like this. From what I've read, this impersonator acts more like a stalker, and not an entertainer...stalking is a criminal act, and it looks to me like we are engaging in more "victim blaming" .

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Let's try to toss a little logic into this .


Why was Adkins in the karaoke bar unless he was looking for trouble ?


Why was it reported that he spent two nights in the lockup on the ship before he left ?


The fact that he reportedly left the ship and the impersonator didn't is telling me that NCL enforced the rule of NO TOLERANCE for fighting among employees. This places Adkins at fault in the eyes of his employer.


Many celebrities have impersonators, and they handle them with humor or report them to the proper authorities. The ship has a staff of security whose job it is to handle this stuff, and they do a very good job.


No celebrity has the right (nor the need) to attack a guest in ANY venue.


The fact that he was in the karaoke bar doesn't bother me, he could have been sitting there before that particular became a karaoke bar. The fact that a recovering alcoholic is sitting in a bar seems to be too much of a temptation to me. For me, I would stay clear of cruises let alone bars on cruises.

Do we know for sure that he spent 2 nights in lockup or that the impersonator left the ship. Celebrities get lots of attention, a guest leaving the ship would probably go unnoticed.

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The fact that he was in the karaoke bar doesn't bother me, he could have been sitting there before that particular became a karaoke bar. The fact that a recovering alcoholic is sitting in a bar seems to be too much of a temptation to me. For me, I would stay clear of cruises let alone bars on cruises.

Do we know for sure that he spent 2 nights in lockup or that the impersonator left the ship. Celebrities get lots of attention, a guest leaving the ship would probably go unnoticed.


One news article I read quoted a passenger as saying Adkins spent two nights in the ship holding cell. Several articles say Adkins left the ship and checked into rehab.


None of the articles I read said the impersonator left the ship. The impersonators name was shown as Michael Larsen

Edited by swedish weave
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I am tending toward thinking that TMZ is having trouble determining the FACTS regarding that part of the incident(s).


I too tend to fall on the side of Trace Adkins. I'm not a big fan ===I don't even know which songs are his, although I guess I would recognize him if I saw him...in any case, it sounds to me like a pretty high-stress situation and the truth is that no one really knows what THEY would do if it were them. They like to think they would handle it "gracefully" but frankly, I think most people would snap too.


If this guy really was engaging in what I would consider, stalking behaviour, well, I guess I can understand such a volatile reaction.


There seems to be a lot of self-righteous judgment being thrown around and that is something that really bothers me -- none of us know what it is like to walk around in this guys skin and to have to deal with something like this. From what I've read, this impersonator acts more like a stalker, and not an entertainer...stalking is a criminal act, and it looks to me like we are engaging in more "victim blaming" .


If the impersonator stalked Adkins and committed a criminal act, it would be a simple matter for Adkins to report him and have him penalized for it. Nothing gives Adkins the right to take the law into his own hands.

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If the impersonator stalked Adkins and committed a criminal act, it would be a simple matter for Adkins to report him and have him penalized for it. Nothing gives Adkins the right to take the law into his own hands.


While I agree in principle, I am simply saying the facts are NOT all in.....it's the rush to judgment that I object to, in the main. We do not know all the facts in this case. Until we do, it's difficult to make a judgement call on who was right, wrong, drunk, obnoxious or at fault.


Stalking is not as simple as you have made it sound. I had a stalker for five years. The guy stole my mail, watched my house, sent pics of my daughter at school, showed up at my CHURCH..... Police could do nothing (because he was always gone by the time they showed up) and all I could get was a piece of paper from a courthouse. Repeatedly. A piece of paper, or a "report" does nothing to protect anyone. The psychological and emotional damage from such an experience is hard to explain to those that have never experienced it.


From all I have read on this story, it sounds to me like the guy was lucky Mr. Adkins didn't have access to a firearm.

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While I agree in principle, I am simply saying the facts are NOT all in.....it's the rush to judgment that I object to, in the main. We do not know all the facts in this case. Until we do, it's difficult to make a judgement call on who was right, wrong, drunk, obnoxious or at fault.


Stalking is not as simple as you have made it sound. I had a stalker for five years. The guy stole my mail, watched my house, sent pics of my daughter at school, showed up at my CHURCH..... Police could do nothing (because he was always gone by the time they showed up) and all I could get was a piece of paper from a courthouse. Repeatedly. A piece of paper, or a "report" does nothing to protect anyone. The psychological and emotional damage from such an experience is hard to explain to those that have never experienced it.


From all I have read on this story, it sounds to me like the guy was lucky Mr. Adkins didn't have access to a firearm.


Your situation has no resemblance to this case. Within the confines of a cruise ship, the stalker can't hide -- can't run away -- and the ships officers know who he is and where to find him. All Adkins had to do was to report the problem and it would have been handled promptly. He chose not to do the right thing and ended up in trouble.

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While I agree in principle, I am simply saying the facts are NOT all in.....it's the rush to judgment that I object to, in the main. We do not know all the facts in this case. Until we do, it's difficult to make a judgement call on who was right, wrong, drunk, obnoxious or at fault.


Stalking is not as simple as you have made it sound. I had a stalker for five years. The guy stole my mail, watched my house, sent pics of my daughter at school, showed up at my CHURCH..... Police could do nothing (because he was always gone by the time they showed up) and all I could get was a piece of paper from a courthouse. Repeatedly. A piece of paper, or a "report" does nothing to protect anyone. The psychological and emotional damage from such an experience is hard to explain to those that have never experienced it.


From all I have read on this story, it sounds to me like the guy was lucky Mr. Adkins didn't have access to a firearm.





I understand what you went through very well. A restraining order isn't a magic wand in some cases. I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher and have handled many calls from people with restraining orders that are constantly bothered by these crazy people. Men and women .....


You are right. these people know how to get to you without doing anything to get themselves picked up. Its a mindset your average "normal" person or someone who has never been through it doesn't understand.

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I understand what you went through very well. A restraining order isn't a magic wand in some cases. I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher and have handled many calls from people with restraining orders that are constantly bothered by these crazy people. Men and women .....


You are right. these people know how to get to you without doing anything to get themselves picked up. Its a mindset your average "normal" person or someone who has never been through it doesn't understand.


Thank for your kindness and acknowledgement. It is very much appreciated.


And thank you also for all that you do for your community as a dispatcher. God bless you! Peace!

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Your situation has no resemblance to this case. Within the confines of a cruise ship, the stalker can't hide -- can't run away -- and the ships officers know who he is and where to find him. All Adkins had to do was to report the problem and it would have been handled promptly. He chose not to do the right thing and ended up in trouble.


You know nothing about me, or my situation, except the bare minimum I have chosen to describe. You're still rushing to judgment and you are definitely not someone I would never want to know IRL if your posts are anything indicative of your personality.


Best of luck to you if you ever find yourself the victim of a stalker.

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One news article I read quoted a passenger as saying Adkins spent two nights in the ship holding cell. Several articles say Adkins left the ship and checked into rehab.


None of the articles I read said the impersonator left the ship. The impersonators name was shown as Michael Larsen


My only point about the impersonator is that he could have left the ship unnoticed. Perhaps they were both wrong and both left, we just don't know yet.. We have very little to go on at this point, hopefully people who were on the cruise will post.

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