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No smoking on balconys?

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This rebuttal to Merion_Mom is just a columnist's opinion. It is not a discussion of scientific information as her article was.


Look people, the rules are the rules. Debating whether the rules are right or not is not going to change them. No one here gets to vote on what the rules are. That said, if you smoke your e-cig where no one can see you, then you probably aren't going to have a problem. Even if there is a smell, its probably not detectable unless the person is in your immediate vicinity.


What was posted by Merion_Mom was copied & pasted from the LA Times so the rebuttal was merely a reflection of the initial post only from The British Spectator rather a LA Times.


In essence I think you are right ...... "stealth vaping" is the way forward as what people don't know/ don't see won't hurt them.

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I find it amusing that people believe they can heat up a chemical mixture, inhale it, magically exhale "nothing" and that it has somehow has also been proven to not be dangerous.


If you used an e-cig to quit smoking tobacco, great! Good for you of kicking a really bad habit. If you've cut out the nicotine and just use an e-cig for flavored inhalants though you are kidding yourself thinking it is 100% safe with no possible detriments. You know what's even safer? Not inhaling vaporized glycol and perfume. I, for one, will not be surprised with the FDA finally gets around to testing, regulating, and subsequently warning of known medical issues from these devices.


Look, if you want to use an ecig and take the risks of the unknown, go right ahead. But the rules are the rules and they really aren't that hard to comprehend. If you want to break the rules, break the rules. No one can stop you from breaking a rule except yourself. Just understand that there are consequences to breaking rules IF you get caught; so don't cry and moan IF you get caught breaking rules and are subjected to a stiff penalty fine or removal from the ship. Sooner or later RCI will make an example out of someone...

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I find it amusing that people believe they can heat up a chemical mixture, inhale it, magically exhale "nothing" and that it has somehow has also been proven to not be dangerous.


Agreed. Nor has it proven to be dangerous. Further studies are needed, until there's a large enough data set then it's all so much vapor. The one thing that's clear so far is that while e-cig vapor *may* contain some harmful substances it certainly doesn't contain carbon monoxide or the thousands of other compounds contained in cigarette smoke. Anyone who claims e-cigs are totally harmless is engaging in conjecture, as are those who claim opposite.


The other thing that is relatively clear at this point is that e-cigs are less harmful than regular cigarettes, both to the smoker and to anyone who *may* be exposed to second hand vapor (which has a lifespan of a couple of seconds compared to smoke).

Edited by jstraw20
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Another important difference is that all e-cig vapor put into the environment was already passed through a set of lungs and presumably anything harmful has already been absorbed by the user.


This is in contrast to regular cigs, in which "side smoke" is constantly generated while cig is lit. This smoke is actually far more dangerous than exhaled smoke for the above reasons.


And as for those who are incredulous that people would subject themselves to the harm of nicotine, to me it's no different from the harm we expose ourselves to in eating, drinking, etc. It's a choice. On person may choose to overeat and be overweight, but to them it's worth the risk of premature death because of the pleasure they derive from eating. So for others the vice is nicotine. For some it's both!


BTW one of the bigger shock I got in med school was when we got to nicotine in pharmacology. Like so many I had no idea what was the appeal, then we learned that "nicotine enhances alertness, short-term memory, reaction time, and problem solving skills." I had never used nicotine up to that point but you can bet I tried it while studying (chew) and let me tell you it's true. You can concentrate and learn and generally focus better with nicotine on board.


There's a reason, like there is for most vices, that people enjoy it.


So let's avoid the holier-than-thou. Unless you have a BMI of less than 25, exercise vigorously for 45 minutes most days of the week, and sleep at least 7 hours a day, you too are making choices that are detrimental to your health, as is your right as an adult.

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So let's avoid the holier-than-thou. Unless you have a BMI of less than 25, exercise vigorously for 45 minutes most days of the week, and sleep at least 7 hours a day, you too are making choices that are detrimental to your health, as is your right as an adult.


Right you are EXCEPT for one thing. If I overeat, only I overeat. It's only detrimental to MY health. You smoke, I have to either subject myself to the foul smell and the dangerous byproducts, or leave the venue. So maybe you can tell my why some stranger has a right to make a decision about MY health by blowing harmful substances into my face? My wife is allergic to tobacco smoke. Maybe YOU can tell me why my wife and I must leave an area because YOU choose to smoke?

You are right...I DO make choices about my health. But when someone smokes, THEY now make the choice about MY health.

Do you think that's fair?

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There could also be another reason RCI are not allowing e-cigs is the danger of them exploding whilst being recharged and so the potential for starting fires.


A close friend of mine was luckily in the room when hers exploded whilst being recharged and so was able to prevent the home furnishings from catching fire, although she now needs new carpeting and redecoration of the damaged wall.



RCI IS allowing e-cigs in the smoking areas so they obviously aren't worried about them exploding. The only fires I've heard of coming from e-cigs is using the wrong charger. This can cause cell phones and other electronics to explode also. Do you suggest RCI ban cell phones, tablets, laptops, ereaders, etc. banned also?

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Another important difference is that all e-cig vapor put into the environment was already passed through a set of lungs and presumably anything harmful has already been absorbed by the user.


This is in contrast to regular cigs, in which "side smoke" is constantly generated while cig is lit. This smoke is actually far more dangerous than exhaled smoke for the above reasons.


And as for those who are incredulous that people would subject themselves to the harm of nicotine, to me it's no different from the harm we expose ourselves to in eating, drinking, etc. It's a choice. On person may choose to overeat and be overweight, but to them it's worth the risk of premature death because of the pleasure they derive from eating. So for others the vice is nicotine. For some it's both!


BTW one of the bigger shock I got in med school was when we got to nicotine in pharmacology. Like so many I had no idea what was the appeal, then we learned that "nicotine enhances alertness, short-term memory, reaction time, and problem solving skills." I had never used nicotine up to that point but you can bet I tried it while studying (chew) and let me tell you it's true. You can concentrate and learn and generally focus better with nicotine on board.


There's a reason, like there is for most vices, that people enjoy it.


So let's avoid the holier-than-thou. Unless you have a BMI of less than 25, exercise vigorously for 45 minutes most days of the week, and sleep at least 7 hours a day, you too are making choices that are detrimental to your health, as is your right as an adult.


We'll said Doc.


I once knew a guy that refused to use a cell phone because years ago it was rumoured that they caused brain cancer & he vigorously campaigned against them & their use. Then they completed the government research & he felt like a dummy.

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Certainly e-cigarettes are totally harmless to anyone in the vicinity of a user. . .


At best the opinion of the author and absolutely false as established by numerous articles posted here.


Points to keep in mind:


1. Odorless does not equal harmless -- many lethal gasses are odorless [calm down -- not saying e-cigarette vapor is lethal . . . necessarily]


2. Tests of some e-cigarette vapors have revealed potentially harmful substances. Thus while YOUR e-vapor may not have any, there is no way to know about the guy next to you unless every device is tested.


3. Many of the e-cigarette manufacturers have been acquired by big tobacco. They say the e-cigarettes are harmless. Their track record for credibility is not good.


Having said the above, I suspect your chances of getting caught are minimal. I have been near a couple of e-cigarette smokers recently and the odoless thing seems to be pretty accurate.

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RCI IS allowing e-cigs in the smoking areas so they obviously aren't worried about them exploding. The only fires I've heard of coming from e-cigs is using the wrong charger. This can cause cell phones and other electronics to explode also. Do you suggest RCI ban cell phones, tablets, laptops, ereaders, etc. banned also?


You read my mind with that last post.

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Another important difference is that all e-cig vapor put into the environment was already passed through a set of lungs and presumably anything harmful has already been absorbed by the user. . . .


So has exhaled tobacco smoke -- so are you arguing it is harmless as well?

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What was posted by Merion_Mom was copied & pasted from the LA Times so the rebuttal was merely a reflection of the initial post only from The British Spectator rather a LA Times.


In essence I think you are right ...... "stealth vaping" is the way forward as what people don't know/ don't see won't hurt them.



That is exactly what all of those who vape will do. It only makes sense. No sense arguing. As you say, what others don't see or smell, won't hurt them!

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Right you are EXCEPT for one thing. If I overeat, only I overeat. It's only detrimental to MY health. You smoke, I have to either subject myself to the foul smell and the dangerous byproducts, or leave the venue. So maybe you can tell my why some stranger has a right to make a decision about MY health by blowing harmful substances into my face? My wife is allergic to tobacco smoke. Maybe YOU can tell me why my wife and I must leave an area because YOU choose to smoke?

You are right...I DO make choices about my health. But when someone smokes, THEY now make the choice about MY health.

Do you think that's fair?


DrD was talking about E-Cigs, not cigarettes. No foul odor, no tobacco smoke.

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I have to wonder how man of the people that plan to simply ignore rules that they don't like have taken the time to write a letter to Royal expressing their displeasure in the rule to start with?


I did. I asked why e-cig users, who are technically non-smokers, are being relegated to smoking areas. I received a reply stating that the e-cig rules are under review.

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Right you are EXCEPT for one thing. If I overeat, only I overeat. It's only detrimental to MY health. You smoke, I have to either subject myself to the foul smell and the dangerous byproducts, or leave the venue. So maybe you can tell my why some stranger has a right to make a decision about MY health by blowing harmful substances into my face? My wife is allergic to tobacco smoke. Maybe YOU can tell me why my wife and I must leave an area because YOU choose to smoke?

You are right...I DO make choices about my health. But when someone smokes, THEY now make the choice about MY health.

Do you think that's fair?


You are 100% correct. I'm not arguing that people should be able to smoke in public. I am arguing that 1. e-cigs should be allowed 2. that people shouldn't make comments about smoking in general unless they have no vices themselves.


Note that isn't the same as making comments / discussing the harms of public smoking.

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So has exhaled tobacco smoke -- so are you arguing it is harmless as well?


Not quite, but it is known to be less harmful than so-called "side smoke."


Given that nicotine vapor is less harmful in general (and possible not harmful at all) and that's there's no "side smoke" (side vapor?) it's likely that there would be little if any harmful effects to people in the area.


I think, although I'm not sure, that most of the few studies done on e-cig vapor tested the raw vapor, not exhaled vapor.


And in case I've not been clear, e-cigs do not emit any vapor when not being inhaled, I'm not sure how they work exactly but vapor is only generated during an inhalation.

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Another important difference is that all e-cig vapor put into the environment was already passed through a set of lungs and presumably anything harmful has already been absorbed by the user.


This is in contrast to regular cigs, in which "side smoke" is constantly generated while cig is lit. This smoke is actually far more dangerous than exhaled smoke for the above reasons.


And as for those who are incredulous that people would subject themselves to the harm of nicotine, to me it's no different from the harm we expose ourselves to in eating, drinking, etc. It's a choice. On person may choose to overeat and be overweight, but to them it's worth the risk of premature death because of the pleasure they derive from eating. So for others the vice is nicotine. For some it's both!


BTW one of the bigger shock I got in med school was when we got to nicotine in pharmacology. Like so many I had no idea what was the appeal, then we learned that "nicotine enhances alertness, short-term memory, reaction time, and problem solving skills." I had never used nicotine up to that point but you can bet I tried it while studying (chew) and let me tell you it's true. You can concentrate and learn and generally focus better with nicotine on board.


There's a reason, like there is for most vices, that people enjoy it.


So let's avoid the holier-than-thou. Unless you have a BMI of less than 25, exercise vigorously for 45 minutes most days of the week, and sleep at least 7 hours a day, you too are making choices that are detrimental to your health, as is your right as an adult.


You Sir, are the voice of reason and I always enjoy your posts. I am a non smoker and really don't mind e-cigs. I think they're less harmful than having 2 entrees and 2 desserts per night and being overweight. Or the same harmful. hmmmm

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I think smoking is dumb, but so long as I can't smell it and it doesn't cause me harm I can't see any reason to care about anyone else smoking e-cigs on their balcony. My guess is if all the smokers had done this in the first place then there would have never been a change. Unfortunately, I think the percentage of smokers using e-cigs is pretty low (at least when rooming next to us). Could be there were a lot and I just didn't notice since they weren't obtrusive :)




You Sir, are the voice of reason and I always enjoy your posts. I am a non smoker and really don't mind e-cigs. I think they're less harmful than having 2 entrees and 2 desserts per night and being overweight. Or the same harmful. hmmmm
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don't smoke or don't cruise! I am so glad they have finally done this I hate going out my balcony and smelling the stink or have ashes fall all over my balcony from above. My dad smoked my whole life I have always hated the smell Do people not know how bad they stink?

__________________Agree with this..


I'll not smoke near you if you'll take off the huge picture of yourself that takes up waaaayyyy too much room! I hate opening cruise critic and having to look at rude posts with lots of large irrelevant photos. Do people not know how irritating that is?

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