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How would you handle glacially slow MDR service


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We had participated in a meet and greet where there was a gift exchange. We had happened to pick up a his and hers Hamptons baseball caps and so thought that would be a nice token memento to exchange. We included a little card with our names. During the exchange our name was called out, I thought the person who received the gift just might want to chit chat or say thank you.


Nope. Dead wrong. They wanted to publicly humiliate us for our thoughtless and cheap gift. They then let us know that we didn't participate much in the roll call and maybe we shouldn't participate in the other M&G activities. (My involvement was, months before the cruise, to say hi, we will be onboard, look forward to meeting new people). When someone mentioned a gift exchange I responded that we would be interested.


Apparently over the course of those few months a few people became real chatty buddies and were volleying back and forth about their kids and their home life and this ones illness and that ones award and work and blah, blah, blah, blah - stuff I don't think anyone with an ounce of self-preservation would post to total strangers they never met face to face. I hadn't paid much attention and didn't participate in the conversation and so this couple took it upon themselves to publicy ostracize/humiliate us. Weird. Trashy. Kind of sad really. I felt more embarassed for them than for myself. I was thinking wow, these people take cruise critic waaaaaay too seriously. Crazy town. Do you know who knows my personal family information? My family.


I then stopped using my old account and simply read for information for a long time before making this new account to ask questions. We make friends much more organically now; chit chatting at embarkation, sailaway, in a lounge.



Huh? DH and I would LOVE to get matching ball caps!


Sounds like the problem was with ONE couple, NOT the M & G.


If there were gift "stipulations" I would have thought one of the last posts on the thread would have summarized what was going on, what was expected, etc.


I am handling my 3rd Roll Call at the moment. Please feel free to book tickets and join in! I promise you a very different experience!

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It isn't a tip. a tip is what you give them after paying the Service Charge.


Clearly you are using words you do not understand. Service Charges are not optional. They are usage fees. The fees we are discussing are OPTIONAL and can be adjusted based on the service you receive. That is by definition a TIP.


I will give you an example to help you to grasp this concept. The corkage fee charged on the bottles of wine is a SERVICE CHARGE. It is not optional. It is a fee charged on a service (in this case the service is the ability to drink your own wine on their ship). You are REQUIRED to pay it.


The $12 a day is a TIP. It is based on optimal service. If you get service that is not up to snuff you can reduce this SUGGESTED $12 a day to an amount the service dictates. This is what is called a TIP. It is an optional amount paid to a person based on service provided.


As you can see both have something to do with services, it is the Optional nature that makes one a tip. Hopefully this clears that up for you.



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Clearly you are using words you do not understand. Service Charges are not optional. They are usage fees. The fees we are discussing are OPTIONAL and can be adjusted based on the service you receive. That is by definition a TIP.


I will give you an example to help you to grasp this concept. The corkage fee charged on the bottles of wine is a SERVICE CHARGE. It is not optional. It is a fee charged on a service (in this case the service is the ability to drink your own wine on their ship). You are REQUIRED to pay it.


The $12 a day is a TIP. It is based on optimal service. If you get service that is not up to snuff you can reduce this SUGGESTED $12 a day to an amount the service dictates. This is what is called a TIP. It is an optional amount paid to a person based on service provided.


As you can see both have something to do with services, it is the Optional nature that makes one a tip. Hopefully this clears that up for you.




Well, it is obvious that IF you were correct that we would be in agreement.

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Clearly you are using words you do not understand. Service Charges are not optional. They are usage fees. The fees we are discussing are OPTIONAL and can be adjusted based on the service you receive. That is by definition a TIP.


I will give you an example to help you to grasp this concept. The corkage fee charged on the bottles of wine is a SERVICE CHARGE. It is not optional. It is a fee charged on a service (in this case the service is the ability to drink your own wine on their ship). You are REQUIRED to pay it.


The $12 a day is a TIP. It is based on optimal service. If you get service that is not up to snuff you can reduce this SUGGESTED $12 a day to an amount the service dictates. This is what is called a TIP. It is an optional amount paid to a person based on service provided.


As you can see both have something to do with services, it is the Optional nature that makes one a tip. Hopefully this clears that up for you.




Not to mention NCL calls it a DISCRETIONARY service charge.

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LoveyHowell I agree with you 100%. Most of these comments are VERY rude. You can reduce the DSC, and not remove completely. The service in the MDR should be acceptable. If the service is terrible and the Head Waiter does not correct, then his tips should go away. If the server is rude then they should not receive tips. Tips are to show appreciation for a job well done. Tips are NOT guaranteed amounts. This PAX shaming crap that is clear in this board and in the attitudes of the people on the boats that these tips are deserved even when the promise is not met is insane. If customers continue to allow the service to slip and allow themselves to be shamed into paying full price for half assed service then the service will continue to degrade.


If you were not happy with your service, reduce your tips. When the servers tips go down they will approach management internally and complain that the reduced staffing is hurting their bottom line. That is how changes are made. NOTHING will ever change if we just suck it up and pay out even though we are not satisfied.


I am sorry to see so many people on here responding to this very reasonable question with such terrible attitudes. People can ask questions, it is not your job to pass judgement. If you can answer the question with helpful information then do so, but to respond as rudely as some of you have done....despicable....




Perfectly stated.

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I don't think you would be over tipping? *hear me out :)*


It sounds like the incredibly slow food service is a kitchen issue NOT a server issue. Does that make sense? just a thought


But, but, isn't the kitchen crew those 'behind the scenes' people we are constantly reminded of that ARE included in the discretionary service charge?


Thus nullifying your argument.

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First of all, the story about the gift exchange is so sad. I would've been thrilled to receive ANYTHING and if someone reacted that way to the gift I brought, I would've been crushed.


To go back to the topic at hand, I've experienced a few "leisurely" meals in the MDR. Hasn't ever been a huge annoyance because I cruise with my sister (whom I only see a couple of times a year and I enjoy spending time with her) BUT... and I think I mentioned this on a Breakaway thread in regards to reported slow MDR service there: I am cruising in August (on the Breakaway) with a fairly large number of extended family who are, in comparison to my sister and I, much more difficult to please (in my opinion) and not nearly as easygoing. Very high expectations. If they even eat in an MDR, they will totally not be okay with a 3 hour dinner and I'm really hoping that is not what we experience. I would never do anything with the DSC, I have zero qualms about paying that. I am also the type of person who would be hesitant to "complain." Maybe complain isn't the right word but I can't think of a better one at the moment.


We had participated in a meet and greet where there was a gift exchange. We had happened to pick up a his and hers Hamptons baseball caps and so thought that would be a nice token memento to exchange. We included a little card with our names. During the exchange our name was called out, I thought the person who received the gift just might want to chit chat or say thank you.


Nope. Dead wrong. They wanted to publicly humiliate us for our thoughtless and cheap gift. They then let us know that we didn't participate much in the roll call and maybe we shouldn't participate in the other M&G activities. (My involvement was, months before the cruise, to say hi, we will be onboard, look forward to meeting new people). When someone mentioned a gift exchange I responded that we would be interested.


Apparently over the course of those few months a few people became real chatty buddies and were volleying back and forth about their kids and their home life and this ones illness and that ones award and work and blah, blah, blah, blah - stuff I don't think anyone with an ounce of self-preservation would post to total strangers they never met face to face. I hadn't paid much attention and didn't participate in the conversation and so this couple took it upon themselves to publicy ostracize/humiliate us. Weird. Trashy. Kind of sad really. I felt more embarassed for them than for myself. I was thinking wow, these people take cruise critic waaaaaay too seriously. Crazy town. Do you know who knows my personal family information? My family.


I then stopped using my old account and simply read for information for a long time before making this new account to ask questions. We make friends much more organically now; chit chatting at embarkation, sailaway, in a lounge.

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There is a lot of incorrect info here. Tips and the service Charge are not the same thing.


tech you are correct, but they are thought to be the same and are used in the same way. now, my advise, like has been said by a few others, if you continue to get poor service (which is unlikely) change cruise lines, but don't take it out of the other servers or those crew members who have gone above and beyond to give good service. They suffer because someone in unhappy with the dining room service.

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our experience on breakaway this past nov.-we were a group of 36 that cruise together each year. one evening about 10 of us made reservation at main dinning room. total time in restaurant was 3 hours from ordering meal to dessert which most skipped. we called over the maître d to discuss service and he rudely commented that ncl standard is 3 hours for 3 course meal-well I have been in the restaurant business for 30 years and rule of thumb has always been 2 top table 45-min to an hour-parties of 8 or more about 1-1 1/2 hours. 3 hours totally unacceptable unless you are a group having drinks and leasuring talking etc after dinner.-removed dsc for dr service and yes you can adjust up or down by area-steward, dr service etc. even if you mention your issues at desk u cannot fill out adjustment till last full day of cruise .flame me if u will I removed dr service portion as service in all non pay venues was below par. they are building these larger ships with higher passenger capacity and not increasing staff enough to meet demand (used to be about 1 staff member to every 2.5 pass.-seems now about 1 staff member to every 4 or 4.5 pass). when we started cruising ncl 15 years ago it was definetly a better experience. ncl is still usually our line of choice.

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our experience on breakaway this past nov.-we were a group of 36 that cruise together each year. one evening about 10 of us made reservation at main dinning room. total time in restaurant was 3 hours from ordering meal to dessert which most skipped. we called over the maître d to discuss service and he rudely commented that ncl standard is 3 hours for 3 course meal-well I have been in the restaurant business for 30 years and rule of thumb has always been 2 top table 45-min to an hour-parties of 8 or more about 1-1 1/2 hours. 3 hours totally unacceptable unless you are a group having drinks and leasuring talking etc after dinner.-removed dsc for dr service and yes you can adjust up or down by area-steward, dr service etc. even if you mention your issues at desk u cannot fill out adjustment till last full day of cruise .flame me if u will I removed dr service portion as service in all non pay venues was below par. they are building these larger ships with higher passenger capacity and not increasing staff enough to meet demand (used to be about 1 staff member to every 2.5 pass.-seems now about 1 staff member to every 4 or 4.5 pass). when we started cruising ncl 15 years ago it was definetly a better experience. ncl is still usually our line of choice.

Can someone translate this for us?

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Can someone translate this for us?


I'll try


  • had similar problem
  • NCL said 3 hours is normal
  • Been in restaurant biz and 3 hours isn't normal
  • Adjusted their DSC to remove for dining room staff
  • Flame me if you want
  • Full words and punctuation are overrated
  • Still like NCL

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I'll try


  • had similar problem
  • NCL said 3 hours is normal
  • Been in restaurant biz and 3 hours isn't normal
  • Adjusted their DSC to remove for dining room staff
  • Flame me if you want
  • Full words and punctuation are overrated
  • Still like NCL


Good Job.:)


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I'll try


  • had similar problem
  • NCL said 3 hours is normal
  • Been in restaurant biz and 3 hours isn't normal
  • Adjusted their DSC to remove for dining room staff
  • Flame me if you want
  • Full words and punctuation are overrated
  • Still like NCL



Thanks for the help.

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Sorry guys, just trying to state facts of our situation and got interrupted umpteen times. Although I am an educated person I have been led off the path of proper English and caps etc. mainly due to texting and just trying to answer with minimal strokes etc, :o

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Sorry guys, just trying to state facts of our situation and got interrupted umpteen times. Although I am an educated person I have been led off the path of proper English and caps etc. mainly due to texting and just trying to answer with minimal strokes etc, :o


Welcome back to the world of properly crafted and punctuated prose!:D


I was interested in your rules-of-thumb about the times for 3-course meals. I shall bear those in mind for the future.

Edited by SteveH2508
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I'll try


  • had similar problem
  • NCL said 3 hours is normal
  • Been in restaurant biz and 3 hours isn't normal
  • Adjusted their DSC to remove for dining room staff
  • Flame me if you want
  • Full words and punctuation are overrated
  • Still like NCL


I am certainly nor questioning your post, as you are very fair and objective most of the time, but I can't imagine anyone saying 3 hours is normal. I would have questioned the representative that said it was normal.

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I am certainly nor questioning your post, as you are very fair and objective most of the time, but I can't imagine anyone saying 3 hours is normal. I would have questioned the representative that said it was normal.


You're not following the thread correctly.

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I am certainly nor questioning your post, as you are very fair and objective most of the time, but I can't imagine anyone saying 3 hours is normal. I would have questioned the representative that said it was normal.


I cant believe any one would say 3 hour is the norm .

They want to turn the table to get the next group thru service

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Interesting discussion. We have done three NCL cruises and never taken three hours to eat a meal, either in specialty restaurants or the MDR.


I would say two hours would be tops. We have not had a problem with the service.

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Or keep'em full to encourage those waiting to experience a specialty restaurant.........


It is least a valid topic for debate. I think its hard for anyone, no matter how big of a fan, to claim the amount of mdr staffing is sufficient.

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