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My view on Specialty restaurants


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The top four people above me did not read my original post carefully and it really speaks to your intelligence when you can't debate with someone without name calling and without even adressing the concerns themselves.


1.) You cannot say "to each his own" on topic that involves everyone. The discussion is not about whether or not specialty dining is worth it, I'm sure it is. The discussion is also not about whether or not its good to have options...as a matter of fact yes, yes it is very nice to have options. But before you start capitalizing the word OPTIONAL as if I'm some sort of ignorant moron who doesn't realize that I have options go read my original post and also the post of the person who made the boiled frog analogy. If the cruise industry stayed the same way it is now, I really wouldn't care. But myself and anyone out there with half a brain can and should think about the BIG PICTURE ie where this industry will be in 10-15 years. If you happen to be one of those people with the capacity to think forward (as do the CEOs of these cruise companies) then you should be worried about a completely ala cart experience.


2.)To the person who called me tacky for saying "I'm rich." I think its a important to state my financial background on a matter then involves extra fees...don't you think? This would be a much different discussion if I was lamenting the fact that I couldn't afford these higher specialty dining but other people could. Again, use your brain before posting.


3.)To the guy who said "complaining on a message board makes people feel better." First off this wasn't a complaint, it was a general observation meant to create a discussion, secondly, why don't you go ahead and never post again because pretty much everything on this forum involves exchange of information and ideas, 2 things you seem offended by.


Finally, I simply have no idea what to say to people who write things like "I'm happy to pay the extra money for better quality, cruising is so cheap nowadays anyways." Consider yourselves victims of the marketing plan of these multi-billion dollar companies because you're speaking the words they wish you to speak. That being said I'm not here to say that these companies are evil or that it doesn't make sense for them to do what they are doing. My issue is with people foaming at the mouth and succumbing so easily. In any consumer market, the consumer (that's you and me) control it. Do not so willingly give up the standard we have now. And guys, I don't need an economic lesson on inflation when you people don't seem to understand the concept yourselves. If the price of cruises has gone down relative to the worth of your money that has absolutely nothing to do with adding extra charges on the ship......why you seem to think those things are related is beyond me and I have a degree in economics.

You certainly make valid points. And yes, I'm sure the cruise lines see the popularity of up charges. And it very well could result in a la carte cruising. However, mid priced lines will lose a lot of customers. Sadly, it's becoming more about the bottom line and less about customers everywhere. Should this happen , it will be the end of cruising for a lot of people.

Edited by janice2348
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To each their own. I don't like dining in the MDR. I'm glad that we all have options. If specialty dining is not for you then stick to the MDR. Simple as that.


I couldn't agree more. We're slowly gravitating away from the MDR also.



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No one is forcing you or anyone else to a specialty restaurant and have you checked out the MDR lately???? They are almost always FULL each and every night. By the way way your quote...."I'd consider myself rich, but I'm not hoighty toighty like that".:rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes: Really, honestly, not only does anyone care or not weather you are rich or poor on these boards, your quote was IMHO tacky and crass.



Lol I agree with you!! No one is forcing you to cruise. You don't like the changes then don't go. People will always find something to complain about. I have so done cooking, cleaning, pouring my drinks and entertaining me. I have nothing to complain about.


I can't wait to go to Johnny Rockets!! Grilled cheese with chili



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3.)To the guy who said "complaining on a message board makes people feel better." First off this wasn't a complaint, it was a general observation meant to create a discussion, secondly, why don't you go ahead and never post again because pretty much everything on this forum involves exchange of information and ideas, 2 things you seem offended by.


If not a complaint, then what do you call it? You are not really adding any new information, since it's pretty well known that specialty restaurants ask you to pay money, or that old time cruisers got some of these benefits, etc. Nothing you wrote is new ideas or information. It is your rant over things that have been talked about for some time.


And since your post was about not being happy about it, or the people who seem to accept this, that is a complaint. People consider it valid, others do not, none the less it's a complaint.


So if you consider it an observation, what is your goal about posting this information? Again, it's far from new, or original, or even close to be the first person who does not like the upcharge. What's your point?


Finally, I simply have no idea what to say to people who write things like "I'm happy to pay the extra money for better quality, cruising is so cheap nowadays anyways." Consider yourselves victims of the marketing plan of these multi-billion dollar companies because you're speaking the words they wish you to speak. That being said I'm not here to say that these companies are evil or that it doesn't make sense for them to do what they are doing. My issue is with people foaming at the mouth and succumbing so easily. In any consumer market, the consumer (that's you and me) control it. Do not so willingly give up the standard we have now. And guys, I don't need an economic lesson on inflation when you people don't seem to understand the concept yourselves. If the price of cruises has gone down relative to the worth of your money that has absolutely nothing to do with adding extra charges on the ship......why you seem to think those things are related is beyond me and I have a degree in economics.


You have a degree in economics? Seriously? This is such simple math and you don't get it? Econ 101 tells you about inflation, and since the cost per night has been stable, or have gone down, with all the other costs of business going up, cuts had to be made someplace. I'm an engineer and get it.


Oh, you are saying that you don't accept it. Well, then why book a cruise on the ship where you don't accept the changes? It's not as if you are taking your opinion to another cruise line. To accuse the ones that accept the alteration in the model to the new one "victims of a marketing plan" is not helpful. I understand that value wise, I'm able to get a nicer cabin for the same price as before.


Ok, well, inform all you want. It's not new, original, or terribly helpful.


And nothing is likely to happen based on this thread. Well, unless you cancel your cruise.

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We don't eat at the MDR any more, I could care less if they "phase it out".


Then you would have to eat with commoners because we would be there with you. After that, would you suggest a Specialty Specialty Restaurant to separate you? Maybe a Specialty Specialty Specialty Restaurant? hehe

Poor, poor man!

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Kudos to the OP for pointing out the obvious trend that will lead to paying for all food venues except maybe the buffet.

People, this thread is not about how you could care less about the MDR, because you love the specialties. I've eaten in all of them, OK, but in my opinion, not worth the upcharges. I'd love to see some blind taste tests of MDR vs. specialty dishes, as I think many equate a higher price with higher quality, for the reason of price only - but I'm off the point.

So many posts point out the optional nature of specialty dining, but that's just for now - when dining at no upcharge venues is no longer an option people will wonder how it happened. Well, it will have happened because of the growing attitude shown here - "I don't care if the MDR closes, I eat only at specialty restaurants".

Possibly in a few years this won't be an issue. Then the thread will be about paying the upcharge on the upcharge for superior food, as is just starting at Chops.

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I agree with the OP and hope the current trend of adding more and more extra charge restaurants will not end up with the dining rooms ALL being an extra charge! I took my first NCL cruise last year on Pride of America. While a lot of things were similar to RCI, the choices in the main dining rooms sure were not. I was very surprised and disappointed with the limited choices. In order to get items (such as shrimp cocktail) you were forced to eat in a speciality restaurant of which there were many. We choose to use our vacation funds to enjoy the Hawaiian islands not for an additional charge for food. I doubt I will ever take another NCL cruise. So I do believe the cruise lines will lose some cruisers if this trend continues on all lines but as I've read here there are many that welcome that concept so maybe the cruise lines will make the decision to hopefully keep things the way they are now and let both choices remain.

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And, I don't consider myself a "victim" if I make the choice willingly. Everything is changing and, of course, you have the right to choose whether or not you want to continue to cruise. I think giving me the "choice" to decide what I want to spend my money on is one of the only ways for most of us to continue to cruise without being totally priced out of the market. I know when I fly I don't have much choice on what I am served in flight any more. I used to get a full meal and a whole can of coke instead of 6 peanuts and a tiny plastic glass served to me in a seat that is totally claustrophobic for me but the planes are still full. Things change, life goes on.

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The top four people above me did not read my original post carefully and it really speaks to your intelligence when you can't debate with someone without name calling and without even adressing the concerns themselves.


I'm not sure how you think hurling insults about people's intelligence adds credibility to your position.


The discussion is not about whether or not specialty dining is worth it, I'm sure it is. The discussion is also not about whether or not its good to have options...as a matter of fact yes, yes it is very nice to have options.


I'm glad we agree on that!


If the cruise industry stayed the same way it is now, I really wouldn't care.


Okay, YOU wouldn't care. But name one customer driven industry that is wise to say "let's keep things just like they are". That is, as any economist or business professional will tell you, a recipe for stagnation and likely failure.


I think you may be looking back through rose colored glasses. Only seeing what is bad about change.


But myself and anyone out there with half a brain can and should think about the BIG PICTURE ie where this industry will be in 10-15 years. If you happen to be one of those people with the capacity to think forward (as do the CEOs of these cruise companies) then you should be worried about a completely ala cart experience.


"worried"? What if I am in fact "welcoming" and "looking forward" to a "completely a la carte experience"? Maybe I don't think a piece of veal should cost the same as a piece of chicken. I don't expect it to on land. Perhaps when things are priced a la carte the quality will be more commensurate with my expectations.


2.)To the person who called me tacky for saying "I'm rich." I think its a important to state my financial background on a matter then involves extra fees...don't you think? This would be a much different discussion if I was lamenting the fact that I couldn't afford these higher specialty dining but other people could. Again, use your brain before posting.


I'm exceptionally well off myself. I understand why you wanted to share this in order to put your comments into context. You did a better job of that in this explanation than when you simply declared "I'm rich". It did come across as rather odd. But again, with the insults. All that's doing as making it look like YOU are incapable of a reasonable discussion on the topic. Is everyone who doesn't agree with your every thought somehow intellectually challenged?


3.)To the guy who said "complaining on a message board makes people feel better." First off this wasn't a complaint, it was a general observation meant to create a discussion, secondly, why don't you go ahead and never post again because pretty much everything on this forum involves exchange of information and ideas, 2 things you seem offended by.


First of all, complaining on a message board DOES make people feel better. So I have no problem with that. Second of all, if this was intended to generate discussion, congratulations, as it has done PRECISELY that. Unfortunately, you don't really seem to want a discussion. If so, you wouldn't be belittling everyone who has a different opinion that your own.


Finally, I simply have no idea what to say to people who write things like "I'm happy to pay the extra money for better quality, cruising is so cheap nowadays anyways." Consider yourselves victims of the marketing plan of these multi-billion dollar companies because you're speaking the words they wish you to speak. That being said I'm not here to say that these companies are evil or that it doesn't make sense for them to do what they are doing.


While you state you don't think these companies are evil, you are taking an old and somewhat flawed position of adversaries. It's like the person who goes into a dealership absolutely bent on not just getting a good deal, but really sticking it to the salesman and the dealership. It's a business. The car dealer needs to make a living, and a large company like RCI needs to turn a profit. I would only assume that they would continue to evolve and adjust their practices to expand their revenue stream and customer base.




My issue is with people foaming at the mouth and succumbing so easily. In any consumer market, the consumer (that's you and me) control it. Do not so willingly give up the standard we have now.


"Succumbing" makes it sound like we are all victims. I do not believe for one second I am a victim. I am an educated consumer who is looking at my options and choosing what is best and most appealing to me. If RCI added a new, higher end a-la-carte restaurant tomorrow, I would be excited to try it. Not because I'm some sort of lemming blindly leaping off the cliff, but because better dining options appeal to me. If I found it wasn't worth it, I wouldn't go back.


What you fail to understand is that some of us LIKE the options being presented. And that is key to the issue. I NEVER cared for the main dining room. I like the smaller, more intimate setting in the specialty restaurants. That can't be rectified with your position the we shouldn't 'give in'.


You are also trying to proselytize to a very heterogeneous group of "consumers". You argue we should not "so easily give up the standard we have now". But I don't believe it's about "giving up". I'm not looking to settle for less. I am asking for something more. To me that's not giving up a standard. That's getting more. If you cannot or are unwilling to consider this perspective, then you will only continue to be frustrated with many of us.


And guys, I don't need an economic lesson on inflation when you people don't seem to understand the concept yourselves. If the price of cruises has gone down relative to the worth of your money that has absolutely nothing to do with adding extra charges on the ship......why you seem to think those things are related is beyond me and I have a degree in economics.


RCI doesn't make a PENNY off of someone who never boards their ship. While it used to be that the price of the cruise was the key factor in revenue and profits, the paradigm now relies heavily on additional revenue. Everything from the casino to the shops to the bars to the specialty restaurants has a sales target for each and every cruise (And they are unique for each sailing). But if you don't sail, you can't spend extra. As such, the price of sailing is actually RELATIVELY less expensive than it was a generation ago. That's not subjective. So, it seems perfectly reasonable to me that supplemental revenue streams (i.e. specialty restaurants) has in fact contributed at least partially to maintaining lower rates for passage. But I'm sure you'll just tell me I'm stupid for considering this.:rolleyes:

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I think it's wonderful that there is something for everyone on RCCL ships:D


Life would be so boring if we were all the same, no? Just sayin....:cool:

Different strokes for different folks....that's what it's all about.


I am happy to pay for the specialties, makes me feel special, as we could never afford it in the beginning, but happily can now.



Thankfully, the OP doesn't have to pay another penny to get his foody on:)

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And, I don't consider myself a "victim" if I make the choice willingly. Everything is changing and, of course, you have the right to choose whether or not you want to continue to cruise. I think giving me the "choice" to decide what I want to spend my money on is one of the only ways for most of us to continue to cruise without being totally priced out of the market. I know when I fly I don't have much choice on what I am served in flight any more. I used to get a full meal and a whole can of coke instead of 6 peanuts and a tiny plastic glass served to me in a seat that is totally claustrophobic for me but the planes are still full. Things change, life goes on.



I agree! If there's not enough places to eat people complain and when there's more places to eat people complain. I don't wanna eat the free food people complain. I don't wanna pay for the specialty food people complain. The times are changing people complain. My point is times change, but people will complain about anything. Just be lucky that you have the finances to actually go on a cruise because I know lots of people that don't vacation at all.



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And, I don't consider myself a "victim" if I make the choice willingly. Everything is changing and, of course, you have the right to choose whether or not you want to continue to cruise.

So basically, don't question the direction of any trends in the industry because, as of now you still have a choice.

Later, when all the added charges has you no longer affording a cruise, you can "choose" to no longer do it.

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It's interesting to see two things:


1) people don't seem to have a concept of inflation and value. Tell us how great it was to cruise +20 years ago, and totally ignore how much it cost and the REST of what you got. Food is one big thing, but so is cabin size and location. So many people have posted that they were spending roughly twice as much on an inside cabin as they are now for a balcony. Oil is the #1 cost of cruising by a wide margin, and oil is 5-10x what it was "in the day", as well.


2) people don't seem to understand that there is choice out there. I'm not talking about not going to the specialty restaurants, I'm talking that if you can afford #1's inflation, there are still a LOT of choices for that kind of cruising. Heck, if you want to pay a premium, be allowed to bring wine on, and still direct your money to RCCL, you can sail on Azamara. If you want a special meal prepared from ingredients that the chefs got at the port, you can do that, too.


RCCL made a choice of how to run their business. Based on their returns, and how full ships are, seems like it works pretty well. But nobody is forcing you to agree with that, and sail with them.


But if it makes people feel better to complain about stuff like this on an internet message board, ok.


Totally agree with this.


RCI today is not the same as it was 20 years ago. They are not catering to the same demographics. 20 years ago it was RCI and that was it for the company. Now there is RCI, Celebrity and Azamara. Like it or not the customers that RCI catered to 20 years ago are now being catered to by Celebrity or Azamara. Times change. RCI to succeed as a business must change along with them.


Whether or not you like the changes is for you to decide and RCI knows that with every decision that it makes it will undoubtably lose some longtime loyal customers but they will also gain cruisers because of that change.


As for all free dining going away and being replaced by specialty dining I don't think that we will see that day. Yes there will be more and more specialty dining available but to offer enough different venues to cater to the size of the ships today I think there will always be free dining on board whether that is the WJ or the MDR or both who knows.

Edited by Ourusualbeach
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So basically, don't question the direction of any trends in the industry because, as of now you still have a choice.


Later, when all the added charges has you no longer affording a cruise, you can "choose" to no longer do it.



Nothing wrong with questioning anything. No one can force you to do anything. If you don't like Royal you can always go to the fun ship lol



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So basically, don't question the direction of any trends in the industry because, as of now you still have a choice.

Later, when all the added charges has you no longer affording a cruise, you can "choose" to no longer do it.


Who says "don't question"? Of course I question. If I don't think something is going to be worthwhile, I won't do it. Likewise, if I try something and I decide it wasn't worth it, I certainly won't do it AGAIN. That was the case with the Chef's Table. I liked it, I didn't love it. I thought it was too drawn out, and while the food was excellent, it wasn't a way I would choose to spend my evening again.


I always question. Just because once I do, I come to a different conclusion that you might doesn't make me wrong.

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But the OP doesn't want choices. He wants us all to eat that delicious food that is being wasted in the MDR. ;)



You just don't get it then. I'm not going to repeat myself if you aren't going to take the time to read what this discussion is about.

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This recent "trend" is no such thing. The Titanic had a specialty restaurant for an extra charge. Some people try to make this out as some new conspiracy. But for the past century at least, this is just the way ships have operated.

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I have read it. I don't agree with you. That simple. Do you "get" that?


None of the responses to the post have disagreed with the premise of the discussion, which is: Having options is nice but i am fearful of not having any options in the future.


Its not the addition of options thats of concern it is the removal of having the option NOT to go to the special restaurants.


For the millionth time I'm not complaining about anything because as of now there is nothing to complain about. I'm just wondering how other people would react if everything was ala cart. Sheesh-people told me about RCI fanboys but I never thought they would be this bad!

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None of the responses to the post have disagreed with the premise of the discussion, which is: Having options is nice but i am fearful of not having any options in the future.


Its not the addition of options thats of concern it is the removal of having the option NOT to go to the special restaurants.


For the millionth time I'm not complaining about anything because as of now there is nothing to complain about. I'm just wondering how other people would react if everything was ala cart. Sheesh-people told me about RCI fanboys but I never thought they would be this bad!


Not a fan boy. Just stating the facts. If things change and I no longer enjoy the product then I leave. Simple as that. I am not going to sit around and worry about something that may or may not happen. I have better things to do like plan my next cruise. Next! :rolleyes:

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I'm not sure how you think hurling insults about people's intelligence adds credibility to your position.




I'm glad we agree on that!




Okay, YOU wouldn't care. But name one customer driven industry that is wise to say "let's keep things just like they are". That is, as any economist or business professional will tell you, a recipe for stagnation and likely failure.


I think you may be looking back through rose colored glasses. Only seeing what is bad about change.




"worried"? What if I am in fact "welcoming" and "looking forward" to a "completely a la carte experience"? Maybe I don't think a piece of veal should cost the same as a piece of chicken. I don't expect it to on land. Perhaps when things are priced a la carte the quality will be more commensurate with my expectations.




I'm exceptionally well off myself. I understand why you wanted to share this in order to put your comments into context. You did a better job of that in this explanation than when you simply declared "I'm rich". It did come across as rather odd. But again, with the insults. All that's doing as making it look like YOU are incapable of a reasonable discussion on the topic. Is everyone who doesn't agree with your every thought somehow intellectually challenged?




First of all, complaining on a message board DOES make people feel better. So I have no problem with that. Second of all, if this was intended to generate discussion, congratulations, as it has done PRECISELY that. Unfortunately, you don't really seem to want a discussion. If so, you wouldn't be belittling everyone who has a different opinion that your own.




While you state you don't think these companies are evil, you are taking an old and somewhat flawed position of adversaries. It's like the person who goes into a dealership absolutely bent on not just getting a good deal, but really sticking it to the salesman and the dealership. It's a business. The car dealer needs to make a living, and a large company like RCI needs to turn a profit. I would only assume that they would continue to evolve and adjust their practices to expand their revenue stream and customer base.






"Succumbing" makes it sound like we are all victims. I do not believe for one second I am a victim. I am an educated consumer who is looking at my options and choosing what is best and most appealing to me. If RCI added a new, higher end a-la-carte restaurant tomorrow, I would be excited to try it. Not because I'm some sort of lemming blindly leaping off the cliff, but because better dining options appeal to me. If I found it wasn't worth it, I wouldn't go back.


What you fail to understand is that some of us LIKE the options being presented. And that is key to the issue. I NEVER cared for the main dining room. I like the smaller, more intimate setting in the specialty restaurants. That can't be rectified with your position the we shouldn't 'give in'.


You are also trying to proselytize to a very heterogeneous group of "consumers". You argue we should not "so easily give up the standard we have now". But I don't believe it's about "giving up". I'm not looking to settle for less. I am asking for something more. To me that's not giving up a standard. That's getting more. If you cannot or are unwilling to consider this perspective, then you will only continue to be frustrated with many of us.




RCI doesn't make a PENNY off of someone who never boards their ship. While it used to be that the price of the cruise was the key factor in revenue and profits, the paradigm now relies heavily on additional revenue. Everything from the casino to the shops to the bars to the specialty restaurants has a sales target for each and every cruise (And they are unique for each sailing). But if you don't sail, you can't spend extra. As such, the price of sailing is actually RELATIVELY less expensive than it was a generation ago. That's not subjective. So, it seems perfectly reasonable to me that supplemental revenue streams (i.e. specialty restaurants) has in fact contributed at least partially to maintaining lower rates for passage. But I'm sure you'll just tell me I'm stupid for considering this.:rolleyes:



Its hard to respond to a post that misconstrues what I said.


Again, I love the options. I would not have the specialty dining restaurtants from any ship removed. I may or may not go to one but regardless I want them there so I know "can" go there.


What I don't want to happen is removal of the "free" option so that I must go to the specialty dining place. As far as I am concerned we can happily disagree about this point because its a matter of preference and what you think will make a more enjoyable experience. But do not try and make it sound like I am anti-change, because I am not. Not all change is bad, but by the same token not all change is good.


Finally, I'm pretty sure I didn't insult anyone. I made a post and 3 pages later there were rude comments about "the OP this and the OP that." Its funny you didn't point out the rudeness of others when the other people shared your view.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Not a fan boy. Just stating the facts. If things change and I no longer enjoy the product then I leave. Simple as that. I am not going to sit around and worry about something that may or may not happen. I have better things to do like plan my next cruise. Next! :rolleyes:



You have more posts in this thread than anyone else, and all of the are in STRONG support of your opinion. Don't pretend like this thread is "beneath you" when you clearly have a vested interest in it. I might add, you didn't state facts, you stated your opinion...quite a few times actually. We get it. You want to dine in ala cart restaurants and the rest of us who disagree should just not cruise. Thank you, have a nice day.:rolleyes:

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