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EQUINOX - 10 Day Ultimate Caribbean - Picture Trip Report 3/14/14...


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I am so enjoying your very detailed picture review! Your pictures are amazing! As you can see from my signature we have done this cruise a few times. :D We absolutely LOVE Equinox and Aqua Class. We will be re-doing this cruise in November. Can't wait to read the rest of your review! Wanda

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Agapey Chocolate Factory Tour


Norma Jean's, pictured below finishing up her Barbados' Day coffee at Blu, pre cruise homework was to investigate what we may want to do while we were in Barbados.




Before we get to our Nj's Homework result let see the other ships that are in with us today. Looks like we see Carnival Valor and Sea Dream 1 (Sea Dream Yacht Club). Yeah I know! I never heard of them either.




So back in 2010 when we visited Barbados we were fortunate enough to have our own private tour guide. He was a personal friend of my father who he meet there will attending a "friends of Bill W" meeting "the Program". My father phoned him and arranged to meet us at the pier. It was pretty neat because he worked someplace that allowed his vehicle direct access to the port. We went on a wonderful tour of the island including a stop at Harrison Caves. So this time Donna and I were pretty open and would let the first timers decide.


Norma Jean's Homework Results:


I do believe NJ got her first plan from the CC Barbados Port forum. Agapey Chocolate Factory Tour. Her second part of her homework she got from a fellow teacher at her school who used a local taxi driver for a general tour.


http://www.Agapey.com Chocolate Factory Tour


Norma Jean pre booked this tour for four I think it was $18 each paid in advance. Website say walking distance from ship. It really is but, most locals have no idea where their site is. Once off the ship with the masses did not wait for shuttle bus because they were too busy. Outside of port and started walking... of course we looked lost to taxi drivers who all offered their services. We finally gave in for $2 each to get us to the factory. Good thing because our time was tight and Reids do not like to be LATE.




Okay time for a little story. We all had our "its a small world story" so here is another one. SO Canada's population is 35 Million and consists of ten provinces and three territories. We live in Canada's smallest province in land area and population. PEI has only a population of 136,000 and our capital city of Charlottetown is a massive 36,000. Pretty Small right? Just wanted to show you the small percent chances here.


When we arrive in the factory there are already two couples there. FYI they are not from one of the cruise ships but folks that winter in Barbados from January to April. This was your first clue they are Canadian Snowbirds. So after the normal hellos you always get to... Where are you from?. Well once we all said Canada we took it further one couple from Ontario and the Next PEI... wow just think a factory in Barbados there was .00004% of the PEI population there. (no that is not the "small world story" keep with me remember I am an accountant) So Donna was looking at this one woman and something kept going off in her head.. I know or I have seen this woman before. So here is the "small World" thing. After a few questions Donna figured out that this lady's deceased husband was her grade six teacher and get this... We had run into her and here husband in a Calgary, Alberta Mall in the early 1990's and had them over to our house for dinner. THERE HOW's THAT for a story? SMALL WORLD ISN'T IT?


FYI to my Snowbird reference the song that put Nova Scotia's Anne Murray on the Map was written by PEI native Gene MacLellan. I know get on with Trip Report Already. Sorry!


Picture below is our "small world" lady plus us and Derrick Hastick the owner operator of Agapey Chocolate Factory. Derrick is also original from Canada.




Now I did take more pictures of the Agapey Factory but, Derrick asked that we not post them on the internet because of his proprietary machines and processes. Basically for almost three hours Derrick took us from Bean (really seeds we learnt that) to Sweet tasting Chocolate. I highly recommend this tour it is quite different from your normal Caribbean excursion. We also had the chance to purchase his products which are Dark Chocolate. I understand that his main source of selling his product is on Amazon so interested please check it out.


Ready to start drooling? Here is picture of some of his products that we purchased and took back with us spread out on our pool table.




Photo of the back of the packaging:




Next up our Taxi Tour with Darren



Kevin Reid

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Well Hello Tommy,


Thank you such much for the EGO stroke please keep it coming.:D I have a fan website http://www.PCWjunkies.com (currently down) that expresses my love of Canada's Wonderland. I think it is important for fans of Celebrity to express why they are fans and hence this Trip Report. I just choose not to dwell in the petty negative things about your cruise.


Videos - I have tons of footage with very well intentioned plans for time lapse. I have this one sunset that took over half a hour and it is beautiful when you skim it in a few seconds. This may sound corny but I love the time lapse stuff that they do on CBS's Survivor. Nothing beats a quick cloud roll or quick sunrise sunset. On my PCWjunkies website I have many rollers coaster type videos and then my oldest son, Adam, tried his hand at it. Adam is so much better at it than me. For our 2011 and 2012 cruise I took all the video but, Adam created and edited a travel video of both. Adam is coming home for Easter so I am going to send him away with all the 2014 video footage hoping that he makes us a video. (I think Adam might be reading this Trip Report)


Actually here is a link to his Canival Valor video hosted at Vimeo it is a little long but, it was intended for our family and friends. I personally love his music selections he is responsible for getting me into and loving EDM or as some here call it "techno".




Bar menus - Nope! Sorry! Like I said not much of a drinker.


Thanks again for the comment and question. I promise to post a link in this thread when I get a video posted and sorry about the bar menu thing.



Kevin Reid


Looks like I have my work cut our for me then. Yes its me the older son, Adam.

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Darren, Tiger Woods, Monkeys, etc ... The Tour


Generally we have been pretty lucky when we have gone out on our own and hired a Taxi/Van for general Island tour and Barbados was no exception. Norma Jean received this reference from a couple of fellow PE Islanders so we arranged for Darren to pick us at Agapey for a 2-3 hour tour. The Agapey tour ran a little late and Darren was there waiting for us.




Darren picked us up in your normal non North American taxi mini van. We all have been in them right?




Okay! Here is the Tiger Woods thing. We drove by a place where Tiger Woods was married for the first time and then stopped very close to the attached golf course to look at monkeys. As per Darren this Golf Course is $800 USD/round. So if you love to golf please come to my Island where we have much nicer and much cheaper golf courses. Pictured below over priced course.




We got out at this spot to look at the monkeys that made this area of the golf course their home. There was a sign "do not feed the Monkeys". Here are a few pics of these free monkeys as opposed to chained stolen baby monkeys of St Kitts. (notice I had no St Kitts Monkey Pictures?)




Next one is a momma with her baby on breast.




One more of Mother and baby.




This was pretty cool for us to see. Was also able to get some nice video of this area. We just don't have this kind of wildlife in Canada. I remember when we were in Grand Cayman and the tour op was stopping to show us an alligator and a resident from Florida said,"boring we have tons of gators in Florida" our response, "we don't in Canada." I digress.


Next up Continue with Taxi Tour.



Kevin Reid

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I am so enjoying your very detailed picture review! Your pictures are amazing! As you can see from my signature we have done this cruise a few times. :D We absolutely LOVE Equinox and Aqua Class. We will be re-doing this cruise in November. Can't wait to read the rest of your review! Wanda


Wow! That will be four years in row on Equinox. I agree you love Equinox. Did you get to do both the 10 and 11 day? Thanks for your kind comments please stick with me I only have the evening to work on it.


Thanks Again,

Kevin Reid

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Funny. Beth and I stopped at Cafe all Bacio also on the way to breakfast every morning.


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I know I caught you guys there at least one morning. :cool:



Kevin Reid

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Looks like I have my work cut our for me then. Yes its me the older son, Adam.


Look who joined us with his first post on Cruise Critic #1 son Adam. Welcome!




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and on with the Taxi Tour and Back to Equinox


So after the monkey excitement we ventured into the country side driving by some places that I recognized from our 2010 visit. We stopped at Bethesda Beach which had some pretty nice coral rock formations sprouting out of the beach sand.






We stopped at a local place along the street, near the airport, to get some lunch. Just like back in 2010 I knew what to expect so I didn't order anything while Donna tried some deep fried plantain. Ken and and Norma Jen tried the flying fish figured if it was good enough for the seagulls it was worth a try. Result: Ken and Nj didn't real like the flying fish. Well at least they tried something unlike me.




Ken was telling Darren about how we enjoy Harness Racing back on PEI so Darren drove by their local Horse racing track so we could get a view.




Darren dropped us back at the port around 2:30 PM. The terminal was actually quite busy and we didn't spend to much time looking at the various shops. But, we did find a shop at the terminal that sold Agapey chocolate bars for around $7 each.


Picture of Valor's Bow as you exit the terminal building and catch a shuttle bus back to the Beautiful Celebrity Equinox.




Here is the Beautiful Celebrity Equinox taken from the shuttle bus as we drove back.





Kevin Reid

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Pre Sail away Ramblings From Barbados


A similar picture of the Conquest class Carnival Valor taken form the shuttle bus.




Boy we need a rest before we get back abroad. We are always love how Celebrity rolls out the red carpet for you on your return. Comfy chairs to sit in, Cold wet towels, drinks, and smiles.




So in this next picture of Valor there is a sign displayed mid Starboard side that you can barely read.




Now for a close up of the sign. Take that wanna be pirates.




I am pretty sure that Sea Dream 1 was using Barbados as a port to embark and disembark passengers because in the morning we saw suit cases lined up in the terminal. Next Picture is a Zoom in from form our balcony.




Picture of hotel in the background of the top of the port working of loading/loading buildings for bulk materials.




Next up one of our favourite parts of the day.. watching the ships leave.



Kevin Reid

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Valor first then US


The plan was to watch Valor from our Deck 11 Port side Balcony then zip down to Starboard side of D5 and watch us leave the dock. From the next picture Donna is ready for Valor to Leave with wine in hand.




Kevin was also ready with his cameras fastened to the rail to catch Valor's action from both direction.




Valor about to make its final turn into the basin before putting her into "D" for drive.




Barbados Port tug on her way to assist us out. Not sure why the need for a tug but, probably the ports own safety measure to prevent collision within their basin.




So time now to pick up my cameras and rush down to Deck 5 to catch our sail away.





Kevin Reid

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Our Sail away Pics


Another great spot of Deck 5 to watch the sail away from Barbados. Now be sure to keep this a secret.




Other folks on their balconies catching the sail away and sunset.




Donna got this picture of me in solitude watching the sea go by. There is writing on the back of my shirt. I will take a picture of it so you can read the back.




So back to our room to get ready for dinner but first a picture of the sunset with the bridge wing in the foreground.




Up next one my personal favourite meals from Blu.



Kevin Reid

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Can't wait for the next installment. :D


At least you are still with me. Anybody else?



I was trying to finish up with Blu last night and when I was trying to link a picture it kept screwing up so I gave up went to bed to watch Games of Thrones.



Kevin Reid

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At least you are still with me. Anybody else?



Kevin Reid


Kevin, with almost 23,000 views, I would venture there a good many still a watching:D



ps: has to be my current favorite pic as, for me at least, it rings true as to why we cruise.

"Donna got this picture of me in solitude watching the sea go by"

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At least you are still with me. Anybody else?



I was trying to finish up with Blu last night and when I was trying to link a picture it kept screwing up so I gave up went to bed to watch Games of Thrones.



Kevin Reid


Popcorn in hand, waiting for the next installment

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Loving your trip report; however, after 30+ years of reading deadly trip reports, I wish you'd have been working for me! Love Equinox, two fantastic cruises on her so far.



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Lets Finish up Barbados With Blu


Here it is April 15th and I think it is safe to take off my Winter tires. Just in from the garage changing over to my all seasons. Heading over to Halifax tomorrow to pick up Adam. Hoping to send him back with mega gigabytes of cruise video footage.


So thanks to "4Cats4me" recent Equinox review the mystery is over for the Blu Hostess. Her Name is Aurora and boy! did she leave a lasting positive impression with the Reids. Always so pleasant, smiling regardless of how her day maybe going. I think we forget sometimes that the staff are human too.




We did even have to ask Aurora as she pulled out the MDR menu for us along with the BLU menu. Tonight I did not require the MDR menu because I was ordering from the "big boy" Blu Menu. Donna and I would would feel like we accomplished something when we both ordered entirely from the Blu menu.



Left Side of Menu




Right Side of Menu




Tonight I ordered the Cumin Grilled Pork Chop and I can say that it was without a doubt my favourite Blu meal. It was delicious and I almost picked up the plate and licked it clean. But I didn't because Donna won't let me. Sorry I took a picture of it after I had already cut into it.




I am pretty sure that I had chocolate cake for dessert with green tea because I loved that stuff. Here is the funny thing at home I never drink coffee or Tea only when I cruise do I drink Coffee or tea. I know most people complain about the non Cafe al Bacio coffee. I don't because I don't know the difference between good and bad coffee.


So after Blu we headed to Equinox Theatre to catch "Limelight". We saw this back in 2010 and back then I had a slim sliver off hope that "Limelight" would mean Rush's Limelight. (Canadian/World Rock Band icons) Don't even go there if you don't like Geddy, Alex, and the Drum God Neil. For the record Donna hates Rush and would not even come with her three boys last summer to see them live in Halifax. So back to Equinox Limelight in the year 2014 and it still had nothing to with Rush's Limelight. I think maybe Celebrity could work on that one. For you non Believers here is a youtube link to Rush's Limelight.



Converted you didn't i? See I do listen to more than that "techno" music as we call it here on the Celebrity forum.


As you can tell we are not much of "party" "hardy" type people and shortly after Limelight he headed for bed. Open the stateroom door and greeted by the wonderful chocolate turndown and the next day's Celebrity Today treasure.




FYI even though I had the Premium Non Alcohol Package it was nice to have the Aqua Class bottled water. Notice the American penny with the water we don't use pennies anymore in Canada. It cost more than a penny to make them.




Next up pictures of the backs of "Island Guy & Gal" t-shirts and my Cigar smoke story.



Kevin Reid

Glad you are still with me.

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I am proud to be a Canadian and equally proud of being an "Islander" and I try to show this pride by wearing/purchasing "Island" things. I love wearing my "PEI Dirt Shirt" usually on the first day of the cruise. This past summer the PEI liquor Control Commission (some handle eh!) had a promotion on these Island Guy and Girl T-shirts. Donna and I knew we wanted to add them to our " Cruise Wear" pile. Yes! we have clothes that we save and put away just for our cruises. That is why we look so darn sharp in all our pictures.


Both Donna and I have shown up in some of the posted photos with our "Island Guy/Girl" t-shirts. I figured it would be a neat idea to post a pic to show the printing on the back.




and now for the back of Donna's...




I can explain any of the comments printed on the backs to you non "Islanders".



Kevin Reid

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cmalagngl here better known at home as Carl. We were on this cruise with you. Attended the Meet & Greet and the Slot Pull. What a great time. I am responding to your review to let you know you are bringing back such great memories of our time on the Equinox. We really enjoyed this cruise and to see your pictures just bring back great memories. I find it interesting how different people experience almost an entirely different experience than others. So far we did something entirely different in each port. I guess that is what makes cruising so great. You can do whatever interests you. Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together, the pictures are great. I really like your sunrise shots. For some reason I didn't make any of the sunrises on this cruise. It could be I had the premium drink package and did hang out at the martini bar. I know you are not into that but for those that are I highly recommend the upgrade or purchase. We had a blast with friends we met on the Xpedition in the Galapagos. Thanks again for the memories!

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Kevin, with almost 23,000 views, I would venture there a good many still a watching:D



ps: has to be my current favorite pic as, for me at least, it rings true as to why we cruise.

"Donna got this picture of me in solitude watching the sea go by"


Sometimes you can get a photo that you never plan out and it becomes a favourite. So glad people are still with me.



Kevin Reid

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