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My Connie Review...5-nights (3.31.14)...Western Carribean

Anita Latte

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Thanks for your great review. You are a talented writer! Looking forward to the rest of it.


Thank you so much!


Any lounge chairs above the new Aqua Class cabins? It sounds like it would be a nice quiet spot to relax.


I believe there are Aqua Class cabins on both Decks 9 and 11. Just to clarify...in reference to lounge chairs on Deck 12 above the Aqua Class on Deck 11...YES.


There is nothing BUT lounge chairs on Deck 12 on that aft side. Depending on the time of day...and the angle of the sun relative to the direction of the ship...it MIGHT be possible for there to be SOME shade where the ship casts a shadow on itself. But this is commonly called the Sun Deck for a reason. If you don't mind full sun, then I believe this would be a quiet spot to relax.


If you want to be in full shade...down on Deck 4 there are random lounge chairs down the sides of the ship. Throughout the interior of the ship, there are quiet places to hang out. Places that can be very busy at certain times of the day can be rather peaceful at other off times. For instance...we tended to sit at the very back area of the buffet...and we tended to linger...there were small groups of friends that would set up games on those tables. I saw ladies playing Mah Jong (not sure of spelling, but that tile game for 4?) and many, many card games. You'd think the atmosphere would be louder and more chaotic...but it was just pleasant buzz.


Just want to say I'm still following and this is the best way to count down the last week before a cruise!!!!! Zumba sounds fun but I've never tried it before and I'm not the most coordinated either. It sounds like it is suitable for all levels? Can't wait for the next installment!!



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I'm so glad!


Zumba IS fun. As a first time Zumba participant, you'd be in good company. The MAJORITY of participants had never done Zumba before. If Sofia is still the instructor on the ship...she's tiny with a great mass of long, curly dark-colored hair...I think she is an excellent instructor for a first timer.


The heart of Zumba is simplicity...easy moves that are repetitive...yes they are based in dance...but they are interpreted into fitness...and the idea is that everyone moves differently...in such a class you can have some individuality and move the way that YOUR body moves. Some ladies are very dancy...others, not so much. The important thing is to enjoy the music and move...just move...just enjoy yourself.


Because Zumba has this element of interpretation...and what I mean but that is this...the heart of a side salsa step is simply stepping one foot out to the side and then back. Repeat on other side. The extreme fitness version of side salsa is side squats. Step out and squat. Step back together. Repeat on other side. The extreme dance is to actually DO side salsa with all that hip action and the right pause for the syncopated beat. And then there is everything in the middle...and as a participant, you can grow and learn and improve. And also...depending on your body's needs...modifications are very easy.


My Zumba instructor that inspired me has participants that are as young as 84 and as old as 18. Women AND men. It really is for everyone.


Just FYI...coordination is learned. It isn't innate. Exposure to movement is what helps develop coordination. The earlier you are exposed to a variety of movement the easier it can be to pick up movement and to display coordination...but it IS a learned skill.


I was put off by the idea of Zumba by the pool...and the fact that it turns into something of a spectator sport for other guests. But I read someone on these boards talk about how they watched the Zumba classes throughout the week on their cruise...how it looked like so much fun...how it didn't look that difficult...how it didn't seem to matter how well you could move...and repeatedly how the instructor just encouraged everyone. She finally decided to try it...and she was hooked. She was fairly overweight and didn't care for exercise at all...but she could get into Zumba. Back home, she found a Zumba class and has been steadily making progress on her fitness goals ever since her cruise.


I was so inspired by this story that I totally got over the annoyance of the spectators.


And please forgive my Zumba lecture...I do love Zumba. I do instruct. In fact, I'm teaching in about 30 minutes. It's been such a good thing for both myself and my Mom...I just like to encourage even the least bit of interest!

Edited by Anita Latte
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My birthday is March 25.


In my family...celebrations have meaning but celebrating on the actual date isn't the primary concern. We are flexible with our partying. :cool: So, tonight was my birthday celebration.


We had thought about celebrating with a very special dinner in Fort Lauderdale on the night before embarkation. Super fancy waterfront dining at Grille 66 & Bar. Here's the website if you're interested:




Mom and Dad had eaten there...yes, it was a bit pricy...but it wasn't too bad however many years ago. Fast forward to today...and thinking about what 5 adults would eat (DS eats like an adult)...and we weren't sure that we really needed a $500 meal to celebrate my birthday.


With this perspective...the Tuscan Grille seemed like an excellent Plan B.


We chose to celebrate on formal night.


Not because we didn't want to dress up for formal night. Actually, the opposite is true...DS LOVES to dress up. I have more school pictures of him in a full suit and tie than in casual clothing. When he was 6...he already owned 4 ties. And for a multitude of reasons...like two younger SILs getting married and DS being a ringbearer in their weddings...he owned full suits.


He currently doesn't own a suit. And he had no reason for one. And I wasn't going to buy him one, just for formal night on the cruise.


Now others may argue that he could get away with his dress shirt and tie only...


BUT...he would be disappointed with that.


So we DRESSED for dinner. The men wore long-sleeved dress shirts and ties. Mom and I both cocktail length party dresses.


DS has a white dress shirt for his school band uniform. He pants for this uniform WOULD work...but they are a heavier Docker type pant...and I wanted his to be able to wear slacks...


So I hit Goodwill before the cruise.


I have found what I have dubbed to be the "Gucci" Goodwill in my area. The locals donate nicer name brands here...for the men Pierre Cardin, Perry Ellis, etc. And I spent A LONG TIME searching those pant racks to find a great pair for DS. $4.97. Score!


I found a very fun tie. Handmade Silk. The brand is Picasso? It's just too fun and perfect for a young man. Half price tag color. $1.46. Score!


I was very excited to wear my new dress. It was a gift to me from a friendship that I have formed here on cruisecritic. I've been talking with a group of ladies here for about 4 years...and I finally met one when she drove through Atlanta this past December. This dress no longer worked for her...and rather than donate it to Goodwill...she sent it to me!


And as weird as this sounds...I had the perfect shoes. The perfect jewelry. I was thrilled.


It's a little weird to put on makeup while your teenage DS watches?


There are excellent makeup lights in the cabin. Mom used to have a makeup mirror...there were lights on either side of the mirror...and you could manually turn the dial and the lights would switch from bright daylight, to office light, to a pinky romantic light? I was a child when she had this...and I think I owned it for a while...I loved that thing.


The whole desk area is like that old makeup mirror. There are light bars that run up either side of the large mirror above the desk. IDK...it feels very indulgent to sit on that chair in front of the mirror...ocean view on the side...and "get pretty." Even with DS13 watching from the sofa.:rolleyes:


Tuscan Grill felt very masculine to me. It's that kind of room that makes you think about books and comfy leather chairs and scotch. Deep wood thoroughout. Every chair is a "captain's chair" with arms. Well padded with a roomy seat...you settle in for a feast.


Our table was set for 5.



I loved that. In Select Dining, our party of 5 always sat at a 6 top. While service will remove the unneeded place seating, the sixth chair remains...and so our family is always "divided" by empty space...not so in Tuscan Grille.


There are two larger round tables in the middle of the room. We were seated at one of these.


There IS an oceanview...but some tables...and some chairs have more or less access to that view. My chair faced into the room. It was still an amazing atmosphere.


The sun was setting. DS and DH were in the path of the brilliant rays of light.


We knew it wouldn't last for long...though we were offered the opportunity to switch to the other round table next to ours...DH made an adjustment to shade DS and within minutes...everyone was more comfortable again.


We had quite the discussion as to whether or not the menu was designed for a 4 or 5 course meal...because the entree side was separated into a pasta section and a meat/fish kind of section.


Our server was extremely knowledgeable...had a wonderful way of describing various menu choices...even if you don't have questions...it's always a good idea to hear the experts "sell" you what they have to offer. The menu WAS designed for 4 courses...but we asked for us all to have a SMALL, yes please, SMALL pasta course...so that we could enjoy an appetizer, a salad/soup, a pasta dish, a main meat/fish dish, and dessert.


No problem.




And Mom decided that we should have wine pairing with each course.


Our Sommelier was so excited! Because we preferred for her to just bring us wine based on what we had ordered for each course...she said, "I LOVE it when I can do my job."


My meal consisted of the crab cake appetizer, the fried goat cheese salad, the risotto, the filet, and then the creme brulee.


The crab cake was tasty. There seemed to be more bread crumbs added than crab? But the flavor was good...the accompaniment was nice. I enjoyed it. I had a foreign white wine paired with it.


I wish I could remember the wines? They were all foreign to me. I'm used to hearing words like Chardonnay, Pinot Griggio, etc. so when they whip out that grape that I'm unfamiliar with? If I can't see the label (I'm very visual in learning)...then I'm lost. All the wines were excellent.


I happen to LOVE goat cheese. For the salad, the goat cheese was breaded in a very thin layer of fine crumbs and fried to just short of ooey gooey. You could still slice the ball of fried cheese and it would hold it's shape...but it was melt in your mouth warm goodness.


The risotto was RICH. OMG. They honored our request and served us our pasta on salad sized plates...but still...there was no way I could finish this. I didn't even want to. It was THAT rich. Good. Very good. Creamy. I think there was asparagus in it? But I will admit that it was lacking in texture? Which only meant that it was harder and harder to keep eating. I couldn't imagine eating this as a main dish...it would be WAY too much.


My filet was excellent. It was cooked to a perfect medium, which is my preference.


Now DS is experimental with food. He takes full advantage of the cruise and the ease of new and different food available to try new and different food.


Beef is very expensive in my area in Georgia. I had been living with Texas beef prices for over seven years...and I still suffer sticker shock in the beef department. Which, needless to say, means that we don't eat much beef. We eat more lamb? Because apparently, my neighbors don't care for it and it goes on manager's special all the time...and I snag every reduced price package when I see it...but beef has been reduced to special occasion for us.


DS was curious about the Rib Eye steak on the menu. After getting a lesson in cuts of meat from Grandpa, he was enthused to try it.


It wasn't good.


The whole table knew it wasn't good on sight. All the servers knew it wasn't good. We all waited in anticipation for what we KNEW was going to be a negative reaction from DS.


He's trying to cut the fat away from his bites...


And this is just too hard to do with a Rib Eye. If you are used to lean meat...and you don't like fatty bites? Then by its very nature...Rib Eye is not the cut for you.


I tell you what...they had a filet in front of DS in what felt like NOTHING FLAT.


It was amazing. And we were all so pleased with the attitude of service that was congratulatory to DS for trying something new (it was obvious when he ordered) and not punishing because he didn't like it.


My creme brulee had a layer of chocolate under the vanilla custard. Topped with fresh fruit...or served on the side?...it was everything creme brulee should be.


As a family, we all tend to like the same things...and order similarly...so the only other menu items of note to share are DH's selections. He opted for a beef appie and a fish main. The beef carpaccio was excellent. I think you have to like olives for maximum enjoyment? The tapenade served with the beef made the dish for me...I did get ONE bite. And the fish was nicely done. Served skin on and skin up (not my fav)...the sauce is what made this dish special.


DS was also the only one at the table to order the lobster pasta for our pasta course. He loved it. Cleaned his plate.


Dinner was quite a leisurely affair. I think we were eating dessert around 9ish? DS didn't rush...but he didn't dally...he finished his dessert and headed on over to the teen club.


The adults lingered just a bit.


We were served red wine with our filets...DH had stayed with a white from an earlier course. The red wine glasses left Tuscan Grille with toppers...but DH left empty handed. He was eager to try a martini...which he never had before.


There was plenty of time to hit the Martini Bar before the evening show...

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The Martini Bar is a happening place.


The bar itself is something that every one should touch...at least once...just to touch it.


The bar top is stainless steel...or similar...and it's like a reverse NOT frost free freezer. Through some genius of science...every evening...the bar top gets a layer of frost that is thick enough to doodle in. And so thick that your artwork will last for a while before more frost erases your masterpiece.


I'm told that the concept is conducive to the consumption of ice cold martinis. If you are able to snag one of the coveted seats at the bar, then your martini glass gets to rest on this ice cold surface...thus, your final sip is as ice cold as your initial sip.


This begins DH's experimentation into the world of the martini. He ordered the classic.


He liked it. I didn't. Too alcohol-y for me.


We lingered around the Martini Bar. We preferred to sit slightly removed from the beat of the music playing there. It wasn't especially loud...but voices were definitely raised around the bar area. We found seating elsewhere on the deck...and there was plenty available...and were able to have more comfortable conversation.


Soon, it was time for the evening show. It started at 10 pm. The theme was Around the World...or something of that nature.


The house performers did songs and dances that circumnavigated the globe.


There were a few stand outs for me. But overall, I found the show to be too late and too long for me to really enjoy it.


I remember thinking to myself...Are they done yet? How many more countries are we going to see?


DH, Mom, Dad, our family friends...we were ALL nodding off in the show!


How sad is that?


But it's true.


The dark theater. I was comfortable enough in my seat. All that food. All that wine. All the sun from earlier. All the other drinking from earlier.


Not to mention the fact that I had been awake since before 6:10 am.


It was so time for bed.


When the last country had finally been explored...our family went to bed.


I had plenty of time to get myself ready in roomy privacy before DS came sauntering in at about 11:45!


We tucked ourselves in...no alarms needed again. The next day, we would be in Cozumel...

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Wish I was as lucky to be able to find something at Goodwill! My DS doesn't have a jacket. He had to squeeze into his last year on our cruise. He took it off immediately since it was too small. I tried finding one at Goodwill this year,but no such luck :( I am hoping that his nice shirt and tie will allow him into the MDR on formal night......or I guess that Celebrity can offer him one at the door. From what I understand they wouldn't make him wear it but just carry it in. Seems kind of odd,but I'd rather be following the correct dress code! :)

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We weren't in a terrible rush to get off the ship in the morning.


Nochi Cocom was our day's destination. This is an all inclusive beach resort...included with the cost of admission is unlimited drinks (including alcohol), a meal comprised of one appetizer, one entree, and one dessert, an assigned location with a lounge chair and shade provided by a permanent, rather large, grass-roofed, patio umbrella like structure.


My parents had gone here on a previous cruise. They had such a good time...we all went here on our cruise two years ago. For this cruise, we couldn't imagine doing anything else. We were really looking forward to coming back.


There is a pool. I've never used it. There is a hot tub. I've never used that either. I've heard you can swim up to the bar from one, the other, or both. Again, no first hand experience.


I like the beach. Yes...sand gets everywhere. I don't care. I just love the beach.


The beach here is beautiful white sand. It isn't terribly fine. I've been to a FINE sandy white on St. John. Nevertheless, it's better than average sand as far as sand goes.


Nochi Cocom's biggest claim to fame is admission limited to 100 persons daily.


When there are 5, 6, or 7 cruise ships in port...and tens of thousands of tourists invade Cozumel...having to contend with only 99 other people at the beach is a major plus.


We believed that Nochi opened at 10:00 am local time. Local time in Cozumel was 2 hours behind ship's time. Ship time did not change. So that's NOON ship time. So we weren't in any hurry to get off the ship.


We later learned that Nochi MAY have opened earlier than 10:00 because of all the ships in port...so if you have plans to visit Nochi...and your ship time is EDT...then find out ahead time if the 10:00 opening still holds true.


Meanwhile...we woke up. We dressed for our beach day. We wore our swimwear. Today, I wore a tankini top with shorts-like bottoms and a sundress as a cover up. My men wore their swim trunks and t-shirts.


We packed our day bags which we would take with us. I brought a long-sleeved tunic style cover up. My men brought their rash guards. Tons of sunscreen. And the beach towels that were in the room provided by Celebrity. I don't know if these towels are a concierge perk? There were two in the room...I had to ask Moreno for a third. They are bigger and slightly thicker than the pool towels.


My aforementioned tote bag with a zipper closure is my bag...the towels fit in there with the other clothes. There is another small interior zippered pocket where I kept our passports. I'm now reading about a lot of debate as to whether or not you should carry your passports ashore. Frankly, I didn't think DS had a choice. He has no other form of picture I.D. We decided to take all three.


DH used his backpack style string bag with all the toiletry like items, swim goggles, and cat crap (which we LOVE to say...it's an anti-fog rub for eyewear). We left these bags in the room and we headed on up to the buffet. We planned to get the bags when we made our way down to Deck 1 to disembark.


This morning, I ate 2 eggs over medium instead of an omelet. I wanted runny egg yolk eggs.


I really wanted Eggs Benedict. But at this time, I did not know that you could find Eggs Benedict at the buffet. Let me tell you...it's not at the very back of the buffet...but it is one of the last stations toward the back...far removed from all other food service on the side...and on ONE SIDE ONLY.


There are 6 different "versions" of Eggs Benedict offered. Traditional, Mexican adds fresh, finely chopped jalapenos and salsa, Florentine substitutes spinach for the Canadian Bacon, German is with sausage over a dark brown bread instead of an English Muffin, Scottish is with smoked salmon, and ???? is with corned beef hash over a roasted tomato half instead of any bread. The chef is amiable to satisfying any and all variants requested by creative diners.


Please note: this is the only locale where you can get salsa at the buffet. We like salsa with our eggs. DH would stand in line here every morning just to get salsa for his omelets.


I realized Eggs Benedict existed at the buffet when I watched my Dad delight in his Eggs Benedict that morning...and I thought to myself...there's 3 more breakfasts on this ship. I can wait.


On the way out of the buffet...we grabbed some Evian bottles to take into port. Bottled water may be the only consumable item allowable off the ship into port.


Now the last time we were in Cozumel...the taxi line was insane. When you leave the ship...you enter the outside shopping bizarre which stretches for a good bit. Look for signs that say Taxi with directional arrows. This time...there was no line. No wait at all.


We were on track for a slightly early arrival, given our thoughts as to when Nochi opened.


The drive out to Nochi isn't long...but you leave the developed area. The first time my parents went there...they we starting to wonder if they were being kidnapped and taken away by the cab driver, because the appearance all around is that undeveloped.


You pass several other beach resorts along the way. Including another one I have read about, Mr. Sanchos. The entrances to some of to beach resorts are very...Disneyesque...that is...very touristy...very artificially enhanced...big, slightly cartoonish signs.


The entrance to Nochi Cocum looks a little...well...junky. Gravel drive and parking lot. Weed looking like plants. Chain link fence. You may think to yourself...really?...I'm PAYING to go here. On purpose?


Don't let the entrance fool you. The resort itself is very nice. Very tropical feeling. Very relaxing. Very low key.


You'll love it if you like that kind of thing.


There were several other guests already in attendance...but we still had choices as to where we would park ourselves for the day.


Your server will be the one to help you find your spot. And will ask you straight away what he could bring you to drink.


It was early. But the margaritas were calling my name!


The margaritas are EXCELLENT.


All the drinks are made with fresh juice. And it makes all the difference in the world. At some point, Dad switched to Pina Coladas. We got virgin Pina Coladas for DS. So good.


Today, our server was Joseph. I swear that he was the Jose from our last visit. Same mannerisms. Did he tell me Jose two years ago? But answered Joseph this year? IDK. Joseph has worked here 13 years. I liked Joseph a lot.


I find all the staff at Nochi to be really respectful. In talking a bit with Joseph...there was more time for more conversation...it was clear that the staff considers the establishment to be a family business. And they expect the behavior of their guests to be in accordance with this idea. We were told how some rowdy college aged Spring Breakers were booted the week before for getting out of control.


Upon arrival, you will also be approached regarding whether or not you are interested in any additional services. These cost additional moneys. Things like a massage...water sport, etc. I've never partaken of these additional offerings.


At this time of year, the water was a bit cool. We debated and finally decided that it was SLIGHTLY warmer than the ship's pool. Slightly. But again...you just have to get it. Once in...it was very nice. You didn't have to constantly move.


I love floating in sea water. You are just so buoyant.


I loved watching DS float in sea water. Seeing his toes sticking up out of the water for minutes on end.


Nochi is really low key. It's quiet. It's unplugged. It's family time. It IS party time because we find the drinks and food to be very good.


This day didn't feel very busy. Especially compared to our last visit.


Two years ago, we experimented more with the entrees. And from that experience, we learned that the grilled fish of the day is really the best thing to get. Two years ago, the family that was our tablemates in the MDR had also gone to Nochi. They ordered American food...ribs, etc. And from talking with them, we confirmed that when you are in Mexico, at a Mexican resort, order Mexican food.


For 5 people, we ordered 2 guacamoles, 1 salsa and chips, 2 nachos. We all had the grilled fish. We all had flan.


When you order the grilled fish...it's grouper...one of those flatter, lighter, super flakey kind of fishes. And you get the whole fish. That is, they prepare the fillets from each side of the back bone independently...the fish is fully boned...but they serve you both sides of the fish. Kind of like being served a WHOLE breast of chicken instead of a breast HALF.


Super tasty.


There is an area of covered tables and chairs...but we have never sat there. We always eat on the beach. They bring your food on a very large tray and set it up on one of the little tables.


I feel just a bit bad that I don't have photos to share...so I found my review of Nochi from two years ago. Everything I previously wrote still holds true and there are pictures!:




At some point in the day...the margaritas do finally get to be too much. DH and I switched to the local brew called Sol. I think it's comparable to Corona...but it's local and the bottle is fun to read.


There is something absolutely exhausting about lying around at the beach all day. Before you know it...you will start to wonder what time it is...and think that it could be time to head back to the ship.


IIRC all aboard was 5:45 pm.


We allowed ourselves plenty of time to make it back to port. The line to get through the check point to get back on ship last year was insanely long...wrapping around and winding through the market area. But again...today...we experienced no line and no waiting at all.


Go figure.

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I should update my avatar...my hair is much shorter now...I have a pixie cut.


I don't generally post photos of DH or DS...we had an incident that happened a long time ago on the disboards where someone recognized the shirt my DH was wearing and named my son's elementary, our neighborhood, etc. And since I had been using IRL first names...and posting pictures...OMG...DH freaked. Luckily, the editing function on the disboards never goes away like here...and I was able to spend hours editing posts and deleting pictures.


And from that time forward, DH and I agreed that I wouldn't use our real names...and I would refrain from posting DS' face online.


I wouldn't say we are paranoid...but we are very careful...and generally off the grid...we don't participate in Facebook or other social media...and generally avoid too much online life...


CruiseCritic is my big exception. It's like an addiction.


I like to think I'm in good company though...


That said...DH is pretty recognizable. He is taller. He had red hair. It curls on the top but is shorter on the sides and he had a very full goatee. I'm not short...I'm a bit overweight (mostly in the middle)...and because I am strong and not too defined at this time...with my short hair...I'm almost embarrassed to share that I have a bit of a butch appearance when I wear non-gender specific clothing.


It would be nice to have a phone as a back up camera...but we are also rather frugal there...believe it or not we still us the old LG ENVs...which is the very last Qwerty phones of that type that didn't require a data plan...we are grandfathered into a deal that I just can't bear to end...so we haven't made the switch to smart phones. We joke in the family that our phones are "stupid." :rolleyes:


A suite sounds nice. I'm been dreaming of an Alaskan cruise to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary in 2017...and I was actually looking at family rooms on the Radiance class of RCI. Whatever I was looking at had a closet like room with bunkbeds, a separate living area, and a separate master. I think there were two bathrooms too. I can only imagine the price tag, but I think it could be worth the splurge for such a celebratory cruise.


Fortunately, the sofa bed itself wasn't too bad in our room. But comfort tolerance for a 13 year may be lower than an adult child.


I'll have to look up the Convertabeds. Sounds more like a futon inspired bed than a pull out mattress?


Mom and Dad never went to the Elite lounge either...Michael's was described to us as a concierge lounge for suite guests.




Thank you for this great review, I am enjoying your sincerity. REFRESHING!

OMG you are so right about being "off the Grid" Our privacy is sacred..... Folk just don't care about their privacy and post all sorts of information about themselves. Those social media sites are dangerous. Surprised more folk don't realize this....Anyway Thanks again for the Review....The Connie is a great ship!

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Wish I was as lucky to be able to find something at Goodwill! My DS doesn't have a jacket. He had to squeeze into his last year on our cruise. He took it off immediately since it was too small. I tried finding one at Goodwill this year,but no such luck :( I am hoping that his nice shirt and tie will allow him into the MDR on formal night......or I guess that Celebrity can offer him one at the door. From what I understand they wouldn't make him wear it but just carry it in. Seems kind of odd,but I'd rather be following the correct dress code! :)


Since this is our first Celebrity cruise...and since we didn't go into the MDR on formal night, I have no idea what they would do if your DS wasn't in a jacket. I wouldn't stress over this though. It wasn't because DS didn't have a jacket that we chose to not go to the MDR, I actually thought he would be fine without one (so did my parents), but it was because HE wouldn't have felt fine without one...he would have been bumming...


I've shopped many second hand stores all over (we lived in several places) and not all Goodwills or others are great. If your Goodwill isn't great, then see if there are some consignment shops around. In the presence of good consignment, Goodwill is not as good. That is...if you really want to try to find a jacket for your DS.


Thank you for this great review, I am enjoying your sincerity. REFRESHING!

OMG you are so right about being "off the Grid" Our privacy is sacred..... Folk just don't care about their privacy and post all sorts of information about themselves. Those social media sites are dangerous. Surprised more folk don't realize this....Anyway Thanks again for the Review....The Connie is a great ship!


Thank you!


I do find the amount of information that you can discover about people online rather scary. People are posting their childrens' birth dates...and pictures...the mom has her maiden name associated with her page so that her old friends can find her...the children are exposed...these are two supposedly private pieces of information often used to establish identity.


And I'm aware that employers are now doing searches of people online, checking social media, etc., to see what they can learn about their applicants. What some people do and post...IDK...


I regularly search for my family online...we are pretty hard to find. I'm not sorry.


Connie is a great ship. I've heard tid bits from Mom who is still on Connie...and I am eager to hear the comparisons between our sailing and the next.


Love this Review!! We are going on this same cruise Feb. 2015.



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Thank you! I've said before...look forward to a great cruise! Connie is a lovely ship. I really like the way this itinerary had alternating port and sea days. Very nice.

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I really enjoying your review. We are on the Constellation next January and bringing our dd 13 and ds8. It's great to get the family perspective.

How long would your cab ride be to Nochi and what was the cost if you recall? We want to plan for an awesome beach day in Cozumel.


Also, totally agree about social media. I don't participate and I don't let my kids either. I know it can be very useful and serve a purpose, but also can make you very vulnerable. Waaaaay too much information floating around out there.

Edited by sprockie
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I really enjoying your review. We are on the Constellation next January and bringing our dd 13 and ds8. It's great to get the family perspective.

How long would your cab ride be to Nochi and what was the cost if you recall? We want to plan for an awesome beach day in Cozumel.


Also, totally agree about social media. I don't participate and I don't let my kids either. I know it can be very useful and serve a purpose, but also can make you very vulnerable. Waaaaay too much information floating around out there.


The cab ride to Nochi is less than 15 minutes. From the taxi area, it's a straight shot on the road that parallels the coast. Mom paid for the taxi, so I'm not positive, but I believe it's around $15 for the first 4 people. You add $5 for a fifth. Mom and Dad are coming to visit me tomorrow after finishing their second sailing, so I'll confirm with her and post again!


Did the ship dock close to where the Starbucks is? Just trying to remember the dock area in Cozumel.


Are you thinking there is a Starbucks in Cozumel? The Starbucks I mentioned in my review is in Fort Lauderdale. There may be a Starbucks in Cozumel...I saw a Subway during the cab ride! But I'm not familiar. Did you mean to refer to Cozumel or Fort Lauderdale?


The Starbucks is very close to Terminal 4 at Port of Everglades, which is where we embarked. We disembarked at Terminal 29. I'm not sure if this indicated a change permanently for Connie? Or if there was another reason why we didn't arrive back at Terminal 4.


If you take a look at a map...the Starbucks in on the corner of SE 17th St and SE 15th Ave. Terminal 4 is close to the intersection of Eisenhower and SE 20th. We took the shuttle, so I don't know where parking options are located. If you were driving yourself...you could easily hit that Starbucks. Allow time though...there is no drive thru at that Starbucks...you will have to park and go inside.


If anyone else starts studying the maps...the Embassy is located at SE 17th St and Cordova Rd. The google maps satelite view is pretty clear. The Embassy is the large structure with the pool on the south side of the road. The Starbucks is within the strip building that has a gray roof with the two raised, brown-colored roof details.


There is shopping all along this strip of road. In the large strip to the left of Starbucks, there is a Panera Bread among many other things.


The dock area in Cozumel where Celebrity docks is called the International Pier. When we docked, we were docked right across from the Equinox. I swear this was the exact same dock that the Mariner docked at...and when we docked then, we were right across from the Oasis. It was too funny to have our disembarking be between two similarly sized cruise ships for both Cozumel dockings.


So you walk through Ship Canyon...the equivalent of a very wide sidewalk between two ships...turn the corner...walk some more...go through the bag check, if you are carrying one...and then enter into a sprawling outdoor marketplace. Buildings of various size, shape and color with stores and restaurants all around. There are two story buildings even... It deserves the term outdoor bizarre. The marketplace isn't designed on a grid...it's more scattered with curving pedestrian traffic...lines of sight are interrupted all over because nothing is in a straight line.


To get to the taxis...you eventually walk through a short stretch of "indoor" shopping...there are no doors...you are just in a place where the walkways are completely covered...and you land in what could be turnstyles of line waiting for taxis. The taxis are all lined up. Someone will ask you how many are in your party to direct you to the properly sized taxi...they have sedans and mini-van taxis...maybe even larger, IDK for sure.

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Did some research and see we are docking at the International Pier and the Starbuck's I'm talking about is at Punta Langosta Mall pier. Not the same place. I guess we could take a taxi the 6-7 minutes difference. Thank you for all your postings. A real help.

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For the life of me...I've been wracking my brain...trying to remember how I got from the time I spent in my cabin after all aboard to dinner...


And I just can't do it!


Here's what I do remember...


We still took the stairs to get back to our cabin. Yes...we are stair people...yes, we complain and make fun of ourselves and how sad it is that we start to feel winded after a few sections...and as the week progressed, our stamina did not improve...the burn in the legs...the random thoughts of wow...I need to work out more...the self congratulatory thoughts...I made it again...


Because it feels like A LONG CLIMB from Deck 1 to Deck 8. Especially after all that hard work at the beach...:rolleyes:


We arrived to a message from DF14. She wanted to touch base with DS regarding the evenings plans.


It's possible that DS left the room and had a sushi date with DF14.


I know that DS hit the sushi on multiple days. Even if I haven't mentioned this before...(because seriously, I think everyone is getting the picture that there is A LOT of activity on board)...DS LOVES him some sushi. Serious love.


Everyday at 5:30 pm until 9:30, I think...there is a section at the buffet that serves sushi. It's only on one side...and it is one of the closest sections to the main entrance.


This is very friendly sushi. I also partook of the sushi on a couple days, so I feel fairly confident in saying that you can expect there to be three different types of nigiri sushi and a variety of hand rolls. We had shrimp nigiri (which has a fully cooked piece of shrimp butterflied and laying over a pinky finger-sized roll of sticky rice), white tuna nigiri (which is one of the few raw preparations offered), and omelet nigiri (which is japanese style scrambled egg over rice). The rolls varied...but most included cooked items, raw veg, and few had raw fish. There were several to choose from...inside rolls and outside rolls...some with the sesame seeds coating the outside...some with roe.


I'd say that the sushi was on par with what you might find in the grocery store...if your grocery store offers sushi. Which is to say that it is well prepared with fresh ingredients...and probably is a smart offering taking into account the conditions...and would be a nice introduction to sushi for a beginner...and a nice enough taste for a sushi lover. If you were looking for gourmet sushi...then you would be left wanting.


There are chop sticks, wasabi, picked ginger, low-sodium and regular soy sauce offered to help you create a pretty plate.


If DS left the room...he left alone.


I was on the balcony enjoying sailaway.


I guess there is something of a party at each sailaway...but for my part...this is the moment where I like to appreciate my veranda and the private area I have to bask in the view of the port and take the time to just be in a more simple moment of time. Doing...well...pretty much nothing...and enjoying it fully.


Try as we did to avoid sunburns...the red head and the young man both got a bit pink. I'm glad they had their rash guards on to avoid a worse scenario. Let me just remind everyone...don't forget to protect the tops of your feet...and the back of your hands...and sorry if TMI...but it doesn't matter how hairy your legs are, the sun wins at the beach.


We drank SO MUCH at the beach. :o And we ate so much.


I can't imagine that we hit a lounge prior to dinner. All but DS was feeling pretty low key this evening.


DS was eager to eat dinner a bit earlier so that he could meet back up with DF14. Her family ate dinner every night at 6:00 pm. Which didn't really jive with our biorhythms...but nevertheless...because we were supportive of DS' desires for his evening plans...we did try to make it all work. And we went to dinner much earlier than we probably would have otherwise.


Tonight...it was light outside when we entered Select Dining.


We had arrived much, much earlier than our ressie...but we were still seated immediately. I don't know if this was because we were a larger party...and the way that they deal with reserving the larger tables is different than smaller tables? I do recall thinking that we were going to have to wait for dinner this night because I saw two other parties being given pagers because they were having to wait for a table...but they appeared to be couples...


Regardless...we were seated at a different table from our previous experience. We had a closer view to a window. We could see our friend family two tables away...DH went over to say hi. I didn't. I wasn't sure if I should...it seemed weird to me? Like it wasn't quite the right time to socialize...and having DH represent seemed more the thing?


Between our table and the porthole window were two very small tables that would accommodate two people. Picture a 4-top table...now draw a 2-4" line down the middle of that table and split the table in two. THAT is how close those two tables were to each other.


I was trying to determine if the two couples seated at these two tables knew each other and were, in fact, dining together? Or were they strangers? And how did they feel about this proximity to other diners if they were strangers?


Mom and Dad talk about their travels to Europe. They have explained that the seating there in restaurants, cafes, etc., is very, very close. The tables are packed in like sardines and you might as well be dining with your table neighbors. However...the Europeans have developed the skills to completely ignore their table neighbors. Mom said it was fascinating to see how focused they were on their companions. How their attention didn't waver. How she and Dad could immediately identify the other Americans in the room because like themselves...they are looking all around...observing the people...and generally, not too focused on their companions.


I now have a picture of what they have described to me in the past. I've heard that Blu tables are close together too...And I wonder if the ships' dining room is designed by Europeans. Perhaps the ship architects have a different expectation as to the norm for personal space we are used to experiencing?


I really wasn't that hungry tonight. It was a struggle to figure out what would be appropriate to eat...I knew I needed to eat...all those margaritas needed some solid company...


I debated the scallop crudo and the tuna carpaccio. I wanted to order the crudo simply because I often here that word on Chopped and Top Chef...and I haven't had one before. Ultimately, I chose the carpaccio...which I also haven't had before (save the one bite from DH's plate the previous night) because of the reference to ginger...and I knew that I wanted the Asian Consomme...and this seemed a better pairing than the crudo would be. I had the trout for a main.


It was the perfect light meal. Just what I needed. Everything was excellent.


I noticed Mom ordered the Caesar Salad from the Favorites side as an entree with shrimp added to it somehow. Point being...the dining room is pretty flexible...if you wonder about something, ASK.


Service tonight was just plain weird.


Our courses were not all served at the same time. Some of us were eating, some were waiting. There was no rhyme or reason that we could understand. Whatever.


We did have wine with dinner...AGAIN. ;) We were able to have the Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand in the MDR. I know the winery begins with a C...In New Zealand, they are known for this wine. The locals call it "Sauvi" pronounced "Soh-vee."


I can't imagine that I didn't have dessert...but I can't recall what it was? I know that the menus always offered a well rounded selection of rich and filling to light and refreshing. I'm sure that I ordered a little something sweet to end my meal.


Again...DS high tailed out of the dining room to meet up with DF14 and the teens. There was a very special event happening tonight for the teen set. They were having a pool party in the solarium. I think this is the only time that the under 16 crowd can legally enjoy these facilities. Even after all that time in the water...DS was jazzed for this experience.


Tonight's entertainment titled "White Magic" featured a magician and a contortionist.


We weren't in the mood. So we skipped the show.


The adults decided that relaxing in Latte Land and finally experiencing one of the coffee cocktails was the thing to do...so that's where we headed.


We all were able to sit in a big, cushy yellow chair...we turned them just so to create seating for four. There were few others in Latte Land. It was a relaxing place to hang out.


There are several espresso cocktails on the menu. Mom, DH, and I each ordered something different. Mom's cocktail won for taste. Dad ordered hot chocolate because he doesn't drink coffee of any sort.


And now I am reminded of one forgotten detail from our Tuscan Grille night...our after dinner liquor. Limoncello. Mom ordered this first talking about how she discovered this in Italy...and naturally, DH and I had to discover this in the Tuscan Grille.


Again...in recollection...Mom had had an after dinner liquor the evening before in Select Dining. We had all ooo-ed and ahhhh-ed over the cute little glass in which it was served. And we had all noted how quickly service snatched the empty glass from the table...I wonder if people try to steal them? (They are tiny and oh so cute.)


Naturally, we wanted to experience our own cute little liquor glass. The limoncello glass was exquisite. It was probably pressed glass and not cut glass...regardless...it was a small work of art if you appreciate these things. And the light caught it and sparkled...and the lemony colored liquor just called out to you for sipping...


I discovered that I really like limoncello. YUM!


Meanwhile...back in Latte Land...we formed a new server relationship with the evening shift. Another very nice and personable lady who recognized us, called us by name, and in all respects, seemed happy to serve.


You CAN have decaf espresso cocktails...which Mom and I requested.


We chilled in Latte Land for a long time. More great conversation...soon enough...the day caught up to us...and we decided to retire for the evening.


We could have gone to the Totally 80s party...but I was too tuckered out. Bed does a body good...Sleep is good...and unfortunately, adequate sleep feels rare in my life...I took advantage of the spacious privacy and readied myself for bed.


DH couldn't. I learned that he is greatly concerned for DS' well-being. I thought I would be the more worried and concerned parent...but apparently, I was too tired to worry too much. DH decided to head out to the pool deck to see what he could see...that is, to SPY on DS.


The teen party was just closing down. DH made cool like he was checking out the Totally 80s party...and together DH and DS came back to the cabin for the night.


Lights out. No alarm set. Tomorrow was another Sea Day.

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Did some research and see we are docking at the International Pier and the Starbuck's I'm talking about is at Punta Langosta Mall pier. Not the same place. I guess we could take a taxi the 6-7 minutes difference. Thank you for all your postings. A real help.


Because you asked...and because I recall...vaguely...seeing something about Wifi at Nochi, I looked this up. Nochi offers Wifi service for a very small fee to their patrons. (Similar or cheaper than cab service to Starbucks.)


The Wifi cost and CAB PRICES are also listed here:




I was close...$16 for the cab for up to 4 people.


Briefly...glancing at the search results...I saw that many different places offered Wifi for their patrons. Depending on your plans in Cozumel...you might not need to go out of your way to find Wifi.

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I was the first to rise this morning.


I awoke with plenty of time to prepare for the morning Zumba class. A brief conversation with DH confirmed that I should take this time for myself...(greetings to all other mom's out there that struggle not only to find "me time" but to not feel guilty taking it...) DH and DS would go ahead and eat breakfast and continue on with their plans for the day...


DS was to meet up with DF14+ in the late morning...


I wore the same shorts...but otherwise had new exercise clothes. And sunscreen. Especially important because, on this morning, because of the ship's direction, the Zumba area on the pool deck was in full sun.


When I exited the cabin, I saw Moreno. I inquired as to whether or not he had seen either of my parents emerge from their cabin?




I knew that I would need something to eat before Zumba so I headed up and over to the Aqua Cafe for another smoothie. I picked the Debloat again because it was so tasty before. My server commented that it was the tastiest one in her opinion...


Relaxing on deck with my smoothie...I contemplated whether or not to call Mom. We hadn't discussed Zumba this morning...I wasn't sure if she would appreciate being woken up or not...I finally decided that 8:50 am was enough sleeping in and that I would call her...


Dad said she had left for Latte Land.


So I headed to Latte Land.


Meanwhile...Mom ran into Moreno when she emerged from the cabin...who informed her that I was looking for her and had gone to the gym.


This made no sense to Mom, because she knew that I didn't really work out at the fitness center...but Mom headed to the fitness center anyway. But I wasn't there, of course, and she deduced that I must have been dressed for Zumba...for which, she would need only change her shoes to also participate...so she hit the Aqua Cafe to grab a smoothie...


Mom takes Synthroid. It's very important to avoid soy when you take Synthroid. Soy counters your body's ability to absorb Synthroid. It's very difficult to avoid soy...it is added to EVERYTHING. She had avoided the smoothies in the past because she didn't know almond milk was an option. She subbed almond milk for the soy, but also had to avoid the protein powder because it was soy based.


She took her smoothie and headed back to her cabin to change her shoes.


Where Dad told her that I had called and that he had sent me to Latte Land.


Meanwhile...in Latte Land, I couldn't find Mom so I decided to just grab a bottled water and head back up to the pool deck for Zumba. Because I knew that I would be exercising...I decided to take the elevator for the first time this cruise...I wanted to look out the windows and admire the view...


So I missed Mom on her way down to Latte Land to find me!


Since she couldn't find me...she headed on up to the pool deck for Zumba.


And I share all of this to illustrate how difficult it can be to locate someone else on board. It's really important to have the meeting places established because otherwise...it can be impossible to find whoever you are looking for.


Zumba class...in full sun...was very hot. But having this experience, I could affirm that Sofia has smarts. She is able to be make changes as needed, on the fly or otherwise to adjust to conditions and her perceptions regarding how the class is doing.


Someone requested a song before class...and she was able to answer that request.


It was another fun class. I was happy that Sofia eased up...done the partner dance and some other lower key routines so that we didn't overheat in the sun.


I ran into DH and DS after class. They had finished their breakfast...they were moving on with their day. DS off to meet his friends. DH off to the gym to do his physical therapy.


Mom and I headed into the buffet for breakfast.


And finally, I could eat the long awaited Eggs Benedict. It was worth waiting for. And not in the bad way...


On a road trip once...Mom and I were alone in the car. I think we were driving between the San Francisco Bay Area (where I grew up) and San Antonio, Texas (where I went to college). It's a very long road trip...south to I-10...and then all the way across the south western US from LA to SA.


We started seeing these billboards. In just however many miles away was the BEST... the best of everything. It's WORTH WAITING FOR the billboards shouted. OMG...it was so NOT worth waiting for. Worth waiting for became synonymous with the OPPOSITE in my family.


But I say to you...the Eggs Benedict was worth waiting for in the very best sense of the phrase...


The man is wearing gloves...and he will scoop out each poached egg and test it to be sure that it hasn't gone hard while simmering in the service pan. His testing skills aren't perfect...but they're pretty good. I ate Eggs Benedict for the remainder of my breakfasts...and I only had one overcooked egg yolk...


Finally...it was time to head to Latte Land for a LATTE.


I thought that DH would probably be jogging...I was happy to see him on the track when I looked. Ship life can establish itself into a routine...and this is another useful circumstance for finding those you wish to locate...


Our lady greeted us in Latte Land and asked if we would like our skinny double shot lattes...mine with hazelnut?


I think Latte Land is one of my favorite places on Connie...Just as I knew to find DH on the jogging track...DH knew to find me in Latte Land.


And the next thing I knew...it was time to eat lunch...and head back up to the buffet...


I ate the Caesar Salad again...this time with a scoop of egg salad. For my second course...I could only find 2 premade salads that appealed. In my search for something else...I finally decided to try the Lentil Soup (aka Dal) which is found in the Asian section. Fresh, chopped cilantro and diced tomatoes were near to garnish the soup...which I know is traditional because I made lentil soup a lot. One bite of the lentil soup...OMG...WAY to salty...I knew that it needed a squirt of lemon. So I hit the beverage station where I knew sliced lemons were available. I squeezed the lemon all over the soup. MUCH better.


Our lingerings and conversations and enjoyments had progressed so far that it was beginning to push 2 pm. DH had learned through running into DF14 and DS that DF14's family was going to meet at Gelato at 2 pm...because they had a coupon.


Mom also had a coupon...so we decided that we should deliver this coupon to DS at Gelato at 2 pm.


I think you can get these coupons with any level of loyalty status. I think that you just have to be enrolled and have any points at all. If I understood Mom right, because she said that I would have coupons in the future after this sailing.


We showed up to Gelato...DF14, DS, and DF14's brother were all waiting for the other parental units to show. Time passed. No show. We had a chance to talk with the kids though...that was entertaining. DH had seen the missing parents on the pool deck and so he decided to go off to find them...


Sure enough...the parents had forgotten...or rather, they expected the kids to come GET THEM and they would head on down to Gelato as a family...


Communication people...muy importante.


DS got the Donatello flavor? Pretty all sure. (Olivia anyone?...I love that pig.) You can get samples before you commit to your scoop. If you have the coupon...you only get one scoop...and they will not half that scoop to help you get two flavors.


Mom was ready to head back to her cabin.


I asked DH if he wanted to head back too? Change and go to the pool?


DH really wanted to hit the RendezVous lounge and have a London Pride.


Alrighty then.

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The RendezVous lounge was surprisingly dark when we entered. All the curtains were drawn.


There was an Art Event happening here. An overhead projector was in use. Easels displaying art work were set up all around. Looking at the Daily, I can say that the Grand Finale Art Auction that had begun at 1 pm was still in progress.


I heard excited voices. Those who were interested in such things were clearly enjoying themselves.


DH and I headed to the bar counter where we encountered our friendly server from earlier in the cruise. She retired to the back room to fetch our London Pride...which happened to be the larger, 500 mL bottle for this service! With an ice cold pilsner glass and our bottles in hand...we exited the lounge to the deck outside.


I had noticed earlier that there were pairs of lounge chairs randomly located at intervals along Deck 4. We found a pair completely out of sight of any others (due to the topography of the side of the ship).


In retrospect, I'm even more happy that DH and I had this time alone. Our conversation is for ourselves to remember...but it is rare for DH and I to find this kind of time together...time outside of obligation...far away from responsibility...relaxed and in a beautiful setting.


We saw only 3 other people as we sat here.


When debating another...I reminded DH that we could repair to our own veranda and take in the higher view.


The art auction was concluded and the lounge was basically empty. We had a funny little conversation with our server...and were politely interrupted by a group of 4 school age (not teens) girls. They were participating in a scavenger hunt and they needed a picture of people having a fight in a bar. Not a physical fight...just the appearance of argument. They could get extra points if there was a crew member in the picture.


So our server, DH, and I all posed with 3 of the girls into a "fight."


And then I also took a picture of all 4 girls doing a back bend on the dance floor.


These ladies were having a BALL.


Off they went to check off another item on the list. And off we went to our veranda.


We passed DS and DK14 coming into the lounge as we exited. It's so strange to run into your own child on the ship in such a way...it's like hey, son, having fun? Good! See ya later!


I happened to peek around the balcony to Mom and Dad's cabin and I saw Mom lying on her bed in her bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her head napping.


It was a lazy afternoon all around.


Hanging out on the balcony...I heard Mom come out...and we had a conversation without sight as she sat on her side and we sat on ours. I teased her regarding her lack of libation...and like a good little girl...offered to go fetch her something.


So I headed to the Sunset Bar with 3 keys in my hand...I fetched a glass of Sauvi and 2 Stellas.


The bar was busy. A mudslide looks like a tasty drink...I saw one being made. And I saw another young looking lady that claimed to be 26 being carded...but she didn't have her ID with her...she was still served.


Back in the cabin...or rather, back at the divided balcony...Dad joined the group...and had to make his own trip to the Sunset Bar to grab a Sauvi. Then DS joined the group and the next thing I knew...we were up enjoying sushi poolside at the tables and chairs.


There are several tables and chairs set up outside near the outdoor grill where you can get hamburgers and hot dogs. It's very easy to also grab a plate at the buffet and come back out here to eat.


There's also a convenient bar cart near the grill.


More Sauvi....more Stella. Sushi.


And live Latin tunes. The Latin Trio was playing again. They are very good. One man on guitar...one on keyboard...and a lady singing lead who would also add that percussion sound so key to the Latin tunes. Especially salsa!


A few couples would occasionally get out on the dance floor and trip the sunlight fantastic...


I recall two couples clearly. They obviously danced together often. Had been married or together for a long time. I saw them dance at least one dance in various different locales throughout the ship. They knew what they were doing...graceful...on beat...the way he held her and lead her in the dance was so romantic. I also recall another couple...because the one lady had extreme tattoos all over her body...and she wore a bikini so they were very easy to see. She and her partner were clueless...that is...not caring about the beat or the type of dance that "went" with the music...but they were smiling and laughing and obviously having a great time. Both couples were entertaining to watch...


The set lasted until 6:00 or so.


We decided that it was Martini time. DH was ready to continue his tastings and I was eager to try one that I might like.


The bartenders at the Martini bar are very entertaining to watch. If you've ever seen the movie "Cocktail" then you have a clue as the acrobatics that can be involved in the making of mixed adult libation.


Cheers always result with the pouring of several Martinis at once...the largest I observed was 5 at a time. The bartender nestles 5 shakers into each other in some fashion...and shakes the entire stack at once. The Martini glasses are stacked pyramid fashion with 3 on the lower level and 2 on top of those 3. And the bartender pours them all at the same time. It really is impressive and entertaining to watch...


DH ordered a gin martini this time.


I like gin. Gin and tonic with lime. That's my reliable mixed drink for something tasty but not sweet. So I ordered a Sapphire London Something or Other...which was shaken Sapphire Gin, Tonic Water, Lime Juice, Simple Syrup and Mint. And BOY, was it SWEET. And weak.


I watched the bartender make the drink and he added the tonic water last...and he had left a full inch at the top for tonic water...hmmm.


Mom ordered a Sunset and Dad ordered something blue. There drinks were in the 5 stack pour...and they had taken a long time to decide...so there was some significant lapsed time between delivery of my drink and theirs.


And I slurped mine down...it was sweet...it was weak...it was really easy to drink. Everyone had had a taste of mine and I think no one else really liked it.


I was ready for another! :o


The lady...Ni Tusu? Ni Tuku? I can't remember! She caught me and asked if I wanted another...and let me tell you...HER drink was MUCH better. I could taste the MINT...I could see the mint...it's wasn't as sweet...and it was much stronger...she left a sliver of room for the tonic water pour by comparison...


The family decided that we could all sit across the way where the couches and chairs were gathered into multiple conversation friendly groupings, removed from the beat of the bar. And we hung out here with enough time for everyone else to get their second round...also made by Ni Tuju?...and everyone agreed that their second round was way better than the first.


Funny how that is...but again...differences matter...and what appeals to you may be different than what appeals to others. I've read more compliments regarding the men bartenders at the Martini Bar...but I would seek out my lady for another Martini before asking one of the men again...


We were planning on attending the 9:00 showing of the comedian...so it was time to head on up to dinner...


The handy thing about being on a ship...even if you haven't finished your drink...you can totally take it with you to the next place...

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Mom takes Synthroid. It's very important to avoid soy when you take Synthroid. Soy counters your body's ability to absorb Synthroid. It's very difficult to avoid soy...it is added to EVERYTHING. She had avoided the smoothies in the past because she didn't know almond milk was an option. She subbed almond milk for the soy, but also had to avoid the protein powder because it was soy based.


I learn something every day on this cruise board. I have been taking Synthroid for over 20 years and no one has ever told me that it should not be taken with soy. Not that I eat a lot of soy, but I do occasionally have some in one form or another. I also use a Protein Powder that my doctor prescribed to give me extra protein. I checked the label, and it is soy based! hmmm I suppose I should listen to my body the next time I use it and see if it makes a difference in how I feel. I do take my Synthroid in the morning and the Protein Powder at night in a shake.


And I saw another young looking lady that claimed to be 26 being carded...but she didn't have her ID with her...she was still served.


You are the second person that has mentioned seeing someone carded on the ship. I don't understand this because a persons age is listed on their ship card information.:confused:

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I learn something every day on this cruise board. I have been taking Synthroid for over 20 years and no one has ever told me that it should not be taken with soy. Not that I eat a lot of soy, but I do occasionally have some in one form or another. I also use a Protein Powder that my doctor prescribed to give me extra protein. I checked the label, and it is soy based! hmmm I suppose I should listen to my body the next time I use it and see if it makes a difference in how I feel. I do take my Synthroid in the morning and the Protein Powder at night in a shake.[/Quote]


Please look at your labels. You might be eating more soy than you realize. Soy is in almost every processed bread loaf in the grocery store...and it's hidden in the strangest products like barbeque sauce. It's found in ice cream...in salad dressing...just all kinds of things. Soy lecithin as an ingredient has the least effect...but hydrolized soy protein is so common. It's in TUNA! Why tuna needs this, IDK...but if you eat tuna...look at the allergen warning...it likely contains SOY as one of the allergens.


If you make a concentrated effort to reduce your soy intake, you might be surprised at the result. We count this as a HUGE contributing factor to Mom being able to lose the weight that she had gained dealing with all her thyroid issues. I don't know if you have weight issues...it's fairly common with thyroid...and it can feel like an uphill battle once you take Synthroid...but Mom is living proof that once you get all the right information...once you get your body's chemistry into a better place...you will feel so much better...and if you make efforts toward weight loss and control...you will be rewarded with actual results rather than frustration.


Edited to add: Soybean oil counts as soy. So things like normal mayo...and many other oil based or oil included processed foods contain soy.


You are the second person that has mentioned seeing someone carded on the ship. I don't understand this because a persons age is listed on their ship card information.:confused:


I did mention that she was served. My Sea Pass itself doesn't have my age on it...do you mean that when they run the card, they can see that information?

Edited by Anita Latte
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Well thanks for all that! Now I have another thing to worry about. :rolleyes::D


Yes, I do have weight problems which started when my thyroid problem- large goiter was first diagnosed. I gave up and decided to just love who I am. ;)


And yes, some of your personal information is on the computer when your card is scanned. It should have the age, or something indicating that you are not a minor. At least it use to.

Edited by Iamthesea
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Well thanks for all that! Now I have another thing to worry about. :rolleyes::D


Yes, I do have weight problems which started when my thyroid problem- large goiter was first diagnosed. I gave up and decided to just love who I am. ;)


And yes, some of your personal information is on the computer when your card is scanned. It should have the age, or something indicating that you are not a minor. At least it use to.


Awww. :o Mom had a goiter too. And they say that this is unusual in today's salty world of food...hmm.


You know, I certainly don't want to add any burden to you...and no pressure for you to change what is working for you. I'm speaking for my Mom here...and I may not 100% accurate, but I know that she was experiencing issues with energy. She was to the point that she could barely stay awake to a "normal early bedtime." This was a great influence in her learning everything that she could regarding her situation...and resulted in her learning about the soy/Synthroid connection.


The last thing to share with you is that there can also be negative effects if you eat raw cruciferous vegetables...that is, veggies in the broccolli family...which is as known as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage...but also including radishes and many greens. So things like cole slaw, made with raw cabbage...eating too many from this family from a raw veg/dip platter...may negatively affect your energy levels.


Mom isn't a tyrant when it comes to these dietary restrictions...when she can control it...she does...and she can absolutely tell when she has consumed too much negative effect food.


If you are doing great...just tuck this knowledge away in case your situation ever changes and you find yourself struggling in the energy department.

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15th Street Fishery is one of our favorite places.


Yes. Mom and Dad had eaten there in the past and this is why we knew to eat there this trip...and I would definitely include it in all future trips to Fort Lauderdale should I have the choice.:cool:

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