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Cruiselines of choice for the affluent: Article

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I'm the daughter of college professors and learned a long time ago that money doesn't give you class or education.


This is hilarious. You need to visit an inner-city high school to get some perspective.


You right about class though. Money can't buy you class.


By the way if I read between the lines correctly, you equate being smart to being educated. Perhaps it is time to broaden your definition.


Most of the smartest people I know are not affluent. And some of the most affluent people I also know are the opposite and feel more comfortable cruising mainstream.


That's very condescending, especially coming from someone who likes to cruise mainstream. You do know, that Celebrity is mainstream cruise line, do you?

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You do know, that Celebrity is mainstream cruise line, do you?


I would take issue with that, and I think that the ship ratings that one sees in places like Vacations To Go back up what I'm about to say.


To suggest that there are only two categories, lux lines and mainstream lines clearly fails to take account important distinctions that absolutely do exist in the non-lux group; you cannot reasonably put all the non-lux lines in the same category, whatever name you may use for the category.


Celebrity is an upscale line, with quality that falls between (what I would call) mainstream and lux. Oceania would be another example.


Of course, this depends on one's definition of "mainstream," but there is no doubt, in my mind at least, that X is on a higher plane of quality than Carnival or NCL for example, and that grouping X with those is inappropriate.

Edited by jan-n-john
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I think you're right.


The article doesn't define affluent. Who is affluent? People who earn $100K, $200K, $250K a year? They're probably the ones cruising mainstream lines (probably in suites). But truly affluent people, they're the ones on their own yachts!


Sorry, but I can't picture a Bill Gates type on a Carnival ship, not even in the nicest suite.


I've often wondered who books the $15,000+ suites on Celebrity or Royal. I think if I had that much money to spend on a week's vacation, I wouldn't be on a mainstream cruise line...but that's just me! :)


We have friends who live in Texas, who started out with nothing, wound up with a lot, put it all into Exxon Oil (when he retired and sold his business in the early nineties,) and now have more than a few million dollars. And who sail only Carnival. They sailed the world on the old Marco Polo line, but now age and illness keeps them closer to home. They sail out of Galveston, New Orleans, Florida.................


On One Carnival cruise to the Panama Canal, on The Freedom, we met a painter, who worked in D.C. He told us his work was in the Smithsonian. A chair portrait of Mrs. Clinton. Well, we looked him up when we got home ( after I saw the lovely second young wife, I was already a believer.) Actually, he was being modest. he is famous and has homes in three states. I assume he is/was very wealthy. And he liked to play Trivia and the other games they do on Sea Days. That is where we met him, and He was a very, very likable man.


And the Farmer from Missouri...on a cruise on Carnival Dream who, with his wife, were the nicest of table companions................It turned out he owned a LOT of Missouri. A whole lot. And he was nice. She was nicer. We loved coming to dinner each night and catching up with them.


You Never Know. A lot of really rich people, especially those who made it on their own, are still very nice, unassuming people. Who really like to play Trivia.

And Carnival.........imho.......is clean to a fault. I have never been on a Carnival cruise that had issues with Norvo. It might just be a coincidence...but it is true. Not One. And we have over a 100 days sailing with them. We do stick to the newer ships. Usually Port Canaveral as it is so close to our home.

Edited by AmberTeka
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This is hilarious. You need to visit an inner-city high school to get some perspective.


You right about class though. Money can't buy you class.


By the way if I read between the lines correctly, you equate being smart to being educated. Perhaps it is time to broaden your definition.




That's very condescending, especially coming from someone who likes to cruise mainstream. You do know, that Celebrity is mainstream cruise line, do you?


Well said Our wealthy friends who only sail Carnival...both are college Graduates. She taught English for the first years of their marriage and has her Masters;He is a navy vet who went to school on the GI Bill, and majored in....I don't know. criminology, I think


I love some Carnival ships. At certain non school vacation times of the year. On longer cruises. I like their food. I manage to eat three meals every day, and always find too much to eat. Their pizza..............the best.


and Not to brag, but in reference to the above post..I have a Master's in Information Science and My Husband has his BA in Business + a lot of post graduate hours. Our daughter has a Master's degree in Education, My SIL has his Bachelor's in communications...........and they like Carnival too.

My husband has a trust fund. And he is mainstream. It is not nearly big enough, but still he has one. I don't. No one I knew did. It is From an Aunt who had the first grocery store on one of the famed Barrier islands of Georgia. A Very ritzy island today.


But the most down to earth, fun passengers I have every cruised with........were on the old Celebrity Zenith. I loved that ship. Loved the crew. Loved the passengers. X rules

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Hello, we try our best to answer any concerns, or to comment on any speculation (when possible). Is there a specific thread you are referring to?



I am pleasantly stunned that you read the boards and respond to them. A+ to Celebrity for trying to keep your fingers on the pulse of the folks cruising.


if I could two suggestions to attract even more of those affluent cruisers...

I have not found a copy of the Celebrity Daily Schedule posted that I can read ( print is too small). Not the photo bucket ones or the ones posted directly.

That makes a lot of difference to.me when I book a cruise. What are the activities on the ship? A typical Sea Day is like what? the Productions?

And post menus on the web site? Please?


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Hello, we try our best to answer any concerns, or to comment on any speculation (when possible). Is there a specific thread you are referring to?


Celebrity Cruises


I think that this does prove that you are monitoring these boards as this is the last place I would have expected to see an answer from you. You must be paid a great deal by Celebrity to monitor every thread here. There are some thread I would not bother reading regardless of what someone paid me to do so.

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Celebrity Cruises


I think that this does prove that you are monitoring these boards as this is the last place I would have expected to see an answer from you. You must be paid a great deal by Celebrity to monitor every thread here. There are some thread I would not bother reading regardless of what someone paid me to do so.


What makes you think someone is "paid a great deal" to do this?


Every major company, and most small ones who plan to stay in business, monitors social media traffic relating to its business. This includes boards like this, facebook, twitter, etc etc. It's a standard function of the marketing/customer relations department, and generally assigned to some lower-level staff person(s) to plow through and report trends to higher-ups. Totally normal and unremarkable. And by the way they not only monitor traffic for their own company but, to an extent, the competition as well. Just one more overhead function at HQ. Not particularly expensive in the larger picture of corporate overhead.


And if "someone paid you to read" the threads, you damn well better "do so" or you'll be out of a job real quick.

Edited by jan-n-john
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What makes you think someone is "paid a great deal" to do this?


Every major company, and most small ones who plan to stay in business, monitors social media traffic relating to its business. This includes boards like this, facebook, twitter, etc etc. It's a standard function of the marketing/customer relations department, and generally assigned to some lower-level staff person(s) to plow through and report trends to higher-ups. Totally normal and unremarkable. And by the way they not only monitor traffic for their own company but, to an extent, the competition as well. Just one more overhead function at HQ. Not particularly expensive in the larger picture of corporate overhead.


And if "someone paid you to read" the threads, you damn well better "do so" or you'll be out of a job real quick.


I think you have completely misread my post.

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Celebrity Cruises


I think that this does prove that you are monitoring these boards as this is the last place I would have expected to see an answer from you. You must be paid a great deal by Celebrity to monitor every thread here. There are some thread I would not bother reading regardless of what someone paid me to do so.


Funny -- and so true :)

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OK. Please tell me how I misread your post.


I was just expressing sympathy with someone who was reading some of the posts on Cruise Critic as part of their job rather than by choice. Personally, I love Cruise Critic but could not be paid to read some of the threads! It seems that Host Jazzbeau [someone else who has to read posts out of duty rather than choice] fully understood!

Edited by Project_gal
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What makes you think someone is "paid a great deal" to do this?


Every major company, and most small ones who plan to stay in business, monitors and shapes social media traffic relating to its business. This includes boards like this, facebook, twitter, etc etc. It's a standard function of the marketing/customer relations department, and generally assigned to some lower-level staff person(s) to plow through and report trends to higher-ups. Totally normal and unremarkable. And by the way they not only monitor traffic for their own company but, to an extent, the competition as well. Just one more overhead function at HQ. Not particularly expensive in the larger picture of corporate overhead.


And if "someone paid you to read" the threads, you damn well better "do so" or you'll be out of a job real quick.

Fixed for accuracy ;)

Edited by kemenyg
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I run technology for a fairly visible company in the UK. You have no idea how difficult it can be watching social media. You and your teams put in hard work every day and it is challenging to see people boil your hard work down into a tweet of "you guys are complete idiots" from someone.


On the other hand, most companies ignore social media at their peril, though sometimes it is really challenging to ferret out your real issues and challenges from all the dross that are there.


Also, responding directly can cause a whole load of issues and mis-set customer's expectations. While there are millions of Celebrity passengers here, there are actually only a handful of us "vocal" ones. Addressing peoples individual issues in public is a challenge, trying to get the right message across in an official capacity is even harder. Because we are a hard and tough and critical lot (as any vocal group of customers are).


Any complex business operation won't ever be able to get it right 100% of the time. I know in my job, I probably take it too personally. What I try to do though is take the spirit of the vitriolic rants people embark on as well as the genuine suggestions and see what we can do better. I can only assume that there are lots of folks at Celebrity (and RCL) that sit there, spending day in and day out how they can make things better.


Of course commercial companies are driven by profits and the challenge is that you can't please everyone all the time, but all companies know new business and repeat business are critical to their success. To boil down issues to "Celebrity clearly doesn't give a toss" is likely way over simplifying trying balance very demanding customers with varied expectations, while keeping staff motivated and all at a price people are willing to pay while having enough left over to make the shareholders happy.


My opinion is when you hang your banner out as "Modern Luxury Cruising" my goodness that is a high mark to set yourself.

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I was just expressing sympathy with someone who was reading some of the posts on Cruise Critic as part of their job rather than by choice. Personally, I love Cruise Critic but could not be paid to read some of the threads! It seems that Host Jazzbeau [someone else who has to read posts out of duty rather than choice] fully understood!


OK that's fine, but your original post did seem to suggest a lack of understanding about how and why companies monitor social media, and why it is important for them to do so, and that is what I was responding to.


For one thing, no "proof" is needed that they watch these boards. I guarantee you, they do. You can assume that with 100% confidence going in, and there ought not be anything "surprising" about it. kremepuff alluded to that fact. The fact that the Celebrity person came back for clarification indicates how seriously they take this mission.


There are two particular reasons they do it: (1) it is a very cheap way for them to collect market data, and (2) unlike other forms of market data collection, its public nature makes it potentially more damaging for their business, so they must keep on top of it.


RCL is a very large service company, and it is likely they actually have staff dedicated to this job. Those folks are likely not paid "a great deal," but I imagine they are happy to have the job, and as such it is by choice as much as any job.


I would love to be a fly on the wall in the room where they do this and hear their private comments to each other about some of the posts they read on cruise critic and elsewhere.


I certainly agree with you that many threads found on cruise critic are not worth reading -- I'm tempted to put a percentage on that, but I'll demure. However, it would probably not be a good idea for professionals to skip them, because one can never predict when something useful for them might be posted as those threads go along. What is or is not interesting to you or to a cruise critic host is not the same as what is useful for a service company to know about the "thoughts" of its customers, no matter how "off the wall" those thoughts may be or may seem to any one of us.


I agree with kemenyg's fix (actually augmentation) to my original post.

Edited by jan-n-john
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Gotta love the results from this survey. Carnival (Celebrity/NCL/RCC/fill in any large line) has X number of ships (sake of argument say 20) that hold 2000+ people. So 40,000 people. Windstar has 3 ships that hold 600 people total. Crystal/Oceania and the likes also have a small number of passengers in comparison. Of course you will have the large lines on top - doesn't take a genius to figure that out!

Having traveled on Carnival/NCL/RCC/Celebrity and Windstar, there is no comparison to 150 on board versus 2500.


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Very interesting. Having had a miserable experience on Silversea. Not getting what you have paid for, we have been coming back to Celebrity. I think they offer something for everyone, and do like the new suite perks.

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Hello, we try our best to answer any concerns, or to comment on any speculation (when possible). Is there a specific thread you are referring to?



Because you asked:


Click on your user name "Celebrity Cruises" in the top left of your post.

Go to your profile, click on Statistics, now move arrow down to "all post"

and click again.


Now, read your posts of recent months.


jls (PS, Thanks for turning the music down.)

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Hi All


Interesting article and posts ,we have only done one cruise (did not really impress) but have decided to give it another try with Celebrity .

We could if we wished book with any of the small ship cruiselines or 5 star land resorts but as we are a couple with an older teen we prefer to book a large suite for the three of us .This has proven to be diffucult to find with smaller ships as even the highest level of suites generally have less square metres or feet .We enjoy the suite perks and are looking forward to seeing how Celebrity delivers in Jan 2015 when we sail on Eclipse for our first Caribbean holiday.


Kind Regards


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The "Good Old Olden Days" when the Chandris family owned Celebrity and the ships were built for the customer and the corporate model was not of maximum profit for the Chandris Family.


With the advent of the M Class ships built buy RCL everything changed. Compare the Galaxy, Mercury And Century to any M a Class ships and you will see big differences in the space, quality of fixtures and soft goods.


Unfortunately those days are long gone.

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Celebrity Cruises


I think that this does prove that you are monitoring these boards as this is the last place I would have expected to see an answer from you. You must be paid a great deal by Celebrity to monitor every thread here. There are some thread I would not bother reading regardless of what someone paid me to do so.


Thank you for noticing. :)


We try to pay attention to everything that our guests are saying, and will comment when necessary. We occasionally do miss a few posts, and do wish it was a bit more positive on here - especially lately. We have a lot of positive stories on Facebook and Twitter, is always a bit surprising that Cruise Critic is usually the most negative. Regardless, we're here for you all, and are always able to assist.

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Thank you for noticing. :)


We try to pay attention to everything that our guests are saying, and will comment when necessary. We occasionally do miss a few posts, and do wish it was a bit more positive on here - especially lately. We have a lot of positive stories on Facebook and Twitter, is always a bit surprising that Cruise Critic is usually the most negative. Regardless, we're here for you all, and are always able to assist.


Would you mind checking my post #42 on this thread.


When I google a ship for information, Facebook and Twitter to not come up as part of my search. CruiseCritic always comes up as the source to check.

Hint: new cruisers might check cruise critic message boards first.



(PS, there are ups and downs when we cruise Celebrity. All in all it levels out to not a bad cruise. It just needs a few refinements for "Modern Luxury".)

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Would you mind checking my post #42 on this thread.



Just checked it, and not sure what you are referring to. Sorry.



When I google a ship for information, Facebook and Twitter to not come up as part of my search. CruiseCritic always comes up as the source to check.

Hint: new cruisers might check cruise critic message boards first.



Thank you. Our Facebook and Twitter pages were recently verified (you'll notice a little check mark next to our names.) We're trying to leverage Facebook and Twitter so that search engines will pick up our official channels, but this is proving to be very difficult when people search for a specific ship.

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Hello, we try our best to answer any concerns, or to comment on any speculation (when possible). Is there a specific thread you are referring to?


See post #42 on this thread. I'm glad to help improve your product.


It's good some ways, need improvement in others. Your posts on this msg board need follow-up.



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Thank you for noticing. :)


We try to pay attention to everything that our guests are saying, and will comment when necessary. We occasionally do miss a few posts, and do wish it was a bit more positive on here - especially lately. We have a lot of positive stories on Facebook and Twitter, is always a bit surprising that Cruise Critic is usually the most negative. Regardless, we're here for you all, and are always able to assist.


I'll give you one :) I am looking for documentation on what's really included in the premium drink package because there is much confusion on your ships as well as here....and there is a thread on drink packages which I'm sure you must have read.


where is it documented that if you have the premium package, you only have to pay the difference if you buy a drink that is more expensive than allowed? Does this apply to the martini flight? does the package include the vodka tastings on the martini bar menu?


This is just an example...when folks are trying to get some official clarification. I don't think you have ever commented on upgrades/cabin changes after final payment....is the official policy that you can only change to a "better" category of cabin if it is priced at least $1 more than you have already paid...or can you upgrade and just not get a refund. Is there an official written policy because if there isn't, that probably explains the confusion...everyone does what they think is right, and that differs.


These are examples. It would be great if there was a way to somehow ask you these questions here...perhaps start a thread or work out something with cruise critic. If we email you (???) I guess we might know the answer..but how does that help everyone else.


There has to be a better way...because now it appears that you answer the easy ones and just ignore others (I said appears...).


Help us help celebrity....figure out a better way to get things to you from Cruise Critic.

Edited by ghstudio
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And If you believe Carnival is preferred by the affluent I have some great real estate to sell you in Florida's everglade................:)


I'm sorry, but I can't see a hugely affluent couple choosing Carnival unless they have kids. Carnival obviously has its clientele, but I just can't see people who live in million dollar houses booking Carnival or NCL.
I always smile at comment like this as if there is such a difference between ALL of the mass market cruise lines.

And yes X and RC are also mass market cruise lines.

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