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Live from Mariner Rome to Monte Carlo, June 15-22, 2014


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Thanks for answering my questions. The ravioli is a must do for us! I'm not familiar with Margaret Lynn. Hope she will be onboard when we sail in October.


It seems that we missed Sorrento the last time we were in that part of the world. Those tender ports can be difficult. Enjoy Trapani tomorrow!

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Rachel & Rarintogo - please keep us abrest of internet situation. I really really need it next week on my cruise with Gramps - I have some school work to do and a quiz to take! :(



Sarawithanh - I was on the Voyager for 35 days last December and the internet was worse than horrible. The only reason I could take that much time off from work was the understanding that on sea days I would work and have internet access - unfortunately, that plan did not work out as well as I had hoped. For very long periods of time, no one on the ship had any connection and at no time during the entire 35 day period was I ever able to obtain a connection from our suite. I had work with deadlines that could not be extended and on more than one occasions I was down to the computer room in the middle of the night when I had a better chance of not being disconnected by surprise. My notebook computer has a very strong wi-fi receptor, but that didn't help. I don't want to scare you, but if there is something that you absolutely must get completed without being d/c, such as an on-line quiz, I suggest doing it either in the middle of the night or during a sea day when the usage is limited. One thing you need to be aware of - after approximately 45 minutes, even with active usage, the system goes down and you need to sign back on so plan accordingly. I have been reading your posts and on a number of occasions you have mentioned the absolute need for internet and I just don't want you to be surprised. Before taking the quiz, speak to the computer room assistant and tell them your situation and I am sure they will work with you - in my experience the computer room assistants are some of the most helpful people on the ship!


gnomie :)

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Sarawithanh - I was on the Voyager for 35 days last December and the internet was worse than horrible. The only reason I could take that much time off from work was the understanding that on sea days I would work and have internet access - unfortunately, that plan did not work out as well as I had hoped. For very long periods of time, no one on the ship had any connection and at no time during the entire 35 day period was I ever able to obtain a connection from our suite. I had work with deadlines that could not be extended and on more than one occasions I was down to the computer room in the middle of the night when I had a better chance of not being disconnected by surprise. My notebook computer has a very strong wi-fi receptor, but that didn't help. I don't want to scare you, but if there is something that you absolutely must get completed without being d/c, such as an on-line quiz, I suggest doing it either in the middle of the night or during a sea day when the usage is limited. One thing you need to be aware of - after approximately 45 minutes, even with active usage, the system goes down and you need to sign back on so plan accordingly. I have been reading your posts and on a number of occasions you have mentioned the absolute need for internet and I just don't want you to be surprised. Before taking the quiz, speak to the computer room assistant and tell them your situation and I am sure they will work with you - in my experience the computer room assistants are some of the most helpful people on the ship!


gnomie :)


Some good suggestions gnomie however, Sarah is on a cruise with ports every day which, IMHO is a good thing as surprised that you are suggesting sea days and that the usage is limited on those days. Our experiences are that sea days have the most usage as everyone is aboard.


Am suggesting that Sarah finds one or more of the port days and makes them a sea day and gets her work done those days as with people off the ship in ports there should be more bandwidth available to allow her to complete what she needs to do. Since sometimes docking results in total loss of internet due to buildings or land being in the way of receipt of the satellite signal, best to take a sea day when the ship is at anchor as less likely to have anything blocking the signal.


Lucky for Sarah is that the first 4 ports days are at anchor so hopefully she can get her work done on one or more of those days as never can tell the docking situation on the last two ports when they are docked.


Good luck getting all your work done Sarah and hope these suggestions help.

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Alternatively, since you will be in port, there will be internet cafes that probably have much more reliable (and faster) connections. Ask a crew member where the nearest internet café is -- they know them all.


My experience onboard is that the internet connectivity is best during dinner (around 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.) when most of the passengers and crew are working or eating. Very early in the morning or very late at night is good but crew members are using it before and/or after their shift. When the ship is docked or tendered, some of the officers and crew take the opportunity to use the internet while most of the passengers are not on board. We always invent sea days for ourselves but do not necessarily get a good reception. If there are connection issues, this is the time they will take the system down and reboot it. Sometimes it was down for quite a while.


When we were on the Voyager last, the biggest problems were with iPads -- they dropped the signal frequently. Several people took their tablets and laptops and set them up in the computer room where the signal is generally the strongest. Keep in mind that location of the ship is very important. Next week it will not be where it was this week or where it was when we were last sailed.


Whether it is onboard or in port, you will certainly be able to accomplish what you need to next week.:)


P.S. I do realize that you will be on the Mariner -- the systems on all of the ships were upgraded last year and will be again later this year. Our internet experience on both ships have been similar.

Edited by Travelcat2
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Not much to add to the excellent advice above, Sarah. RachelG seems to be suffering a localised signal problem and you would be very unlucky to suffer similarly.


We have no trouble getting connected and the connection seems to be stable for 30-50 minutes. There are three problems: first, when you do lose the connection, the effect is sometimes to freeze the screen and the only solution is to reset and you do then lose work – so I do not type online but copy and paste stuff prepared earlier; second, today has been a sea day and it definitely is worse as more people are using it; finally, we have free internet and I am not doing any mission-critical work so the quality of service does not impact me that much - I can just leave it for later.


If you can download whatever you need for your work and do the work on it offline, then finding a suitable slot to transmit the finished product shouldn’t be too difficult but it might involve unsocial hours! HTH and very best of luck :)

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We were on voyager in April for 21 days in SE Asia and India. I was pleasantly surprised with the internet connectivity. Only occasionally the signal was down. I used my ipad exclusively in our suite. We were in 721. As rarin2 go says, I wasn't doing anything really important, and I composed off line. Sometimes the connection was sluggish and I just kept reading material nearby so I wouldn't get too frustrated. For a quiz, your best bet is to find a connection in port, I think, as you can't afford to get bumped off or for the connection to be slow.

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Some good suggestions gnomie however, Sarah is on a cruise with ports every day which, IMHO is a good thing as surprised that you are suggesting sea days and that the usage is limited on those days. Our experiences are that sea days have the most usage as everyone is aboard.


Am suggesting that Sarah finds one or more of the port days and makes them a sea day and gets her work done those days as with people off the ship in ports there should be more bandwidth available to allow her to complete what she needs to do.


RallyDave - thank you for correcting me - that is what I meant to write. I was trying to do two things at once - watch a webinar on one screen and monitor CC on another and I was not thinking clearly as I should have. I meant to write that she should create her own sea day while other passengers are off the ship - I have done this on a number of occasions where I really needed to get work done and needed access to the internet.


From my experience, it is no longer as easy to find internet cafes as it was a few years ago, but again, it depends on the port visited. NYC (where I live) use to be full of internet cafes, now you can occasionally find one or two computers in a print/copy store but nothing like a few years ago. Also, I completed my MBA a few years ago and could only access the University computer system from a "safe" connection - I could not access the entire time I was in Russia, even though I was using the internet at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow.


The computer room assistant should know the ports well enough as to where you will get the best reception. Not sure if you had to download any special software to your computer in order to access the school network, but if not, you may want to use the computer in the computer room - that will provide you with the best signal. Remember to bring a thumb drive if you need to copy files from your computer to the ship's computers. Please don't worry - it will work out, as long as you utilize the resources available and are flexible - DO NOT leave the quiz until the last possible moment!!!!



gnomie :)

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Being a "night owl" I found the internet to be great after 11pm (and beyond). And worse around 7am ish as folks just getting up are checking e-mails before heading out for the day - also just before dinner seems to be another busy time for checking in with family at home. The ship only has so much capacity and when everyone is trying to get on at once, well it's just not good!



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Rachel, thanks for the memories of the lobster ravioli. It is one of one of my favorite dishes onboard. As ours was a longer cruise I had it twice. Your description was perfect.


I am greatly enjoying reading about your days onboard the Mariner which is our favorite ship.

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Thanks guys! I just need to get on maybe twice. Once early in week to do a message board posting and then I'll prob either make Saturday a sea day or I'll stay up late Friday night an go to the computer room to take my quiz. Unfortunately with the quiz, I have an hour to take it and if the internet kicks me off whatever work I've saved is what gets submitted. If it kicks me off and I don't get much done - ill email my prof and advise of situation and see if he will let me back in.


It's due by Sunday June 29 but our flight doesn't land at Dulles til 7:50pm and quiz must be done by midnight. I'm afraid to let a flight snafu kill me so that's why I'll take the quiz on ship.



I thought I can't use my thumb drive on ship computers? Doesn't matter. I like having two monitors so I would prefer to take quiz on ship computer and then use my laptop to look at my notes.


I've gotten most of my school work completed for this week and next week but there are just a few things I won't be able to do until it's posted next week unfortunately. I'll be diligent.


Thanks for the tips guys! I'll make friends with Internet cafe peeps and I'll stay up late if I have to. Is the Internet cafe on board open late or have somebody working there late?


I also have data on my phone so if I need to use that on an excursion to do a quick bs message board post I can do that

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Also my quiz is not being posted until Friday June 27 and I have until midnight June 29 to take it (we land at Dulles at 8pm)


Yeah I hope I don't run into issues using blackboard online or the website my class is using. If I do, I hope my professors are forgiving. Oh well. My GPA is good so I'm not too worried about a lower grade in this class. "Senioritis" is starting to kick in. Ha

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Sarah did you warn your Prof and make some back up arrangement?


Speak with the IT folks onboard so you don't get thrown offline in the middle of your test...


Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

Edited by nana541
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Also my quiz is not being posted until Friday June 27 and I have until midnight June 29 to take it (we land at Dulles at 8pm)


Yeah I hope I don't run into issues using blackboard online or the website my class is using. If I do, I hope my professors are forgiving. Oh well. My GPA is good so I'm not too worried about a lower grade in this class. "Senioritis" is starting to kick in. Ha



Unless things have changed you will have no problem accessing blackboard from the ship's computer, I did it quite often - from an internet cafe or possibly another country is is another story. I learned that the hard way. If you talk to the computer person, who will have their hours posted on their desk in the computer room (and possibly in Passages?) I am sure arrangements can be made to stay on for more than 45 minutes without getting kicked off - I know it can be done.


gnomie :)

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Sarah, don't get too worried about the Internet unless you have to use a VPN. I am pretty sure that that is what is causing the problem with my iPad. My husband is able to get on with his, able at very slowly, but mine just times out loading in our suite. I can get on with my phone, but I can't do my work on that because the screen is too small.


If I used the computers in the computer room, it would be fine, but the VPN requires the download of a Citrix receiver which I can't do on their computers. Years ago, I used to bring a laptop, which would probably work fine too, but I stopped lugging it around because the iPad worked fine (till now).


Anyway, we had a seaday. After my good walk around, it started absolutely pouring rain. So lunch was in La Veranda as the pool deck was damp. Then I got to try out the new reclining chairs on our balcony. Boy, are they comfortable! I read my book and took a nice nap.


Captain's welcome reception and dinner with friends in CR. Lots of fun and laughter.


The show was "Back Stage Pass", and it was outstanding. The singers and dancers are really very talented, and the beginning of the show had a clever number that involved the captain, some guys from the laundry room, and some other crew members. It was really cute.

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Forgot to add--dinner menu on captain's welcome night has just too many good options. Very hard to decide which to get, so we got more than one. I had my usual wonderful Dover sole, a dish I never get except on Regent as I have never had it as good anywhere else. George had lobster with a side of potatoes. Since he couldn't decide between baked and twice baked, the waiter brought both! And we ordered a rack of lamb for the middle of the table. Can't do that every night or they will have to get wheelbarrows to take us off the ship, but it sure was good. Mixed berries for dessert, which were fresh and delicious (and compensated for the excess previous calories).

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Mmmmmm twice baked potatoes!! We usually have those at the beach - my MIL does a wonderful one but I think we are skipping that this year - yay for cruises.


--lobster ravioli


--twice baked potatoes

--green juice


That's my list so far ;) keep it coming :D They are DEF going to have to wheel me off the ship on June 29.

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Glad to know about Jean Ann Ryan's "Back Stage Pass." I was thinking it was about time for JAR to break in a new show, as much as we've enjoyed the Broadway, "Aquarius" and Elton John/Billy Joel productions over the last year or two. (I'm guessing "Cirque" is here to stay as a starring vehicle for the specialty duo--we've had "Cirque" on all our Regent cruises since 2011.)


Rachel, I'm continuing to enjoy your and pingpong's newsy live reports. Now if only we had a live check-in from the Navigator (would love an update on Terry Breen, who was due to finally return on June 11) we'd have a Regent CC reporting trifecta!



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Swedish pancakes with lingonberries served in Compass Rose for breakfast. CR is a very civilized breakfast choice when not pressed for time in the morning. Beautiful view of the ocean and very good service (our experience).

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e.June 17,2014--Trapani Sicily


We awoke to find the ship docking at Trapani, a town made up of sandstone colored buildings on the northern coast of Sicily. The weather was hazy, but no rain forecasted, and temps in the low 70s with a nice breeze.


Our excursion was to take the cable car up the mountain to Erice, an old hill town with shops, the ruins of a fort,and a beautiful church. This was probably the longest cable car ride I have ever done. It took about 15 minutes to get from bottom to top, with outstanding views all around. We walked all over, looking inside the church which is very plain on the inside but has a beautiful interior with a ceiling that reminded me of the buttercream frosting on a wedding cake. Then we hiked up and up to the top where the old fort is, with beautiful views all around. Lots of dogs and cats around, including one dog proudly carrying around a dead rat!


After we returned to Trapani, we went in search of a pizzeria. Pizza was good, but the crust was a bit thicker than we have encountered in Italy, so very filling. George was disappointed but in a pizza coma all afternoon. The town is good for walking, and we were docked right there.


The systems manager is trying to figure out the wifi issue.they have worked to improve the strength of the signal in our suite. And I have found a couple of spots where things load more rapidly. The best is right outside reception on deck 5 and chairs are comfortable.


Dinner in Sette Mare was good, but I was still full of pizza. Lots of choices, so it is difficult to know what to pick. I had a pasta dish with shrimp, and George had veal something or other. It looked good, and included polenta which makes every thing better. Huge selection of appetizers and desserts on the buffet.

I must admit, it is not my favorite dining venue, but I know a lot of people, including George, love it. I just like the more formal evening venues.


Helen, George says hi, and looking forward to seeing Jerry soon.

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Forgot to add--dinner menu on captain's welcome night has just too many good options. Very hard to decide which to get, so we got more than one. I had my usual wonderful Dover sole, a dish I never get except on Regent as I have never had it as good anywhere else. George had lobster with a side of potatoes. Since he couldn't decide between baked and twice baked, the waiter brought both! And we ordered a rack of lamb for the middle of the table. Can't do that every night or they will have to get wheelbarrows to take us off the ship, but it sure was good. Mixed berries for dessert, which were fresh and delicious (and compensated for the excess previous calories).


Really enjoying your posts from the ship, Rachel. I laughed when I read what you had for dinner! Dover Sole, Rack of Lamb and mixed berries (with whipped cream I presume) can only mean one couple! Please tell them Kathy and Al say hi!

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Hello Rachel - Enjoying reading your review as we will be on the Mariner leaving civitaveccia on July 9th. Question for you: We are booked in category F (guaranteed) and they just contacted us for an upsell to a category D deck 10 room 1064 or 1065. Both rooms have standing showers which makes the upsell a no brainer except that it is under La Veranda. I am hoping the noise won't be so bad. What side of the ship should we pick? I know the ship goes down the mediteranean and up the adriatic. What kind of views are you getting so far?

Thank you....Enjoy your trip

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