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Time to Take A Stand - Elimination of In Room Consumption

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It had been four years since we cruised on Royal Caribbean and I thought they had beer and mini-bottles on our previous trips' date=' but I could be wrong. Our last three cruises were on Celebrity, and I know they had beer and mini-bottles and wine in the mini-bar.




Allen there was some in the frig last year on The Navigator, however only soda on the Monarch last week. Who knows!



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MMMM.....that was a delicious 16.9 oz plastic bottle of Tropicana OrangeAde I just finished.............whatever shall I do with this empty plastic bottle?






Soooooooooo.......Carol, what exactly are you refilling your 16.9 oz plastic bottle of Tropicana OrangeAde with, that you are then wrapping in a very special piece of clothing (like a T-shirt) and putting in the middle of your TSA locked suitcase?


You have just a day to go!!! Enjoy the cruise! I keep looking and I still have double digits on my calendar!!


By the time you return, I will almost be to single digits! Then I can do the same dance you were doing this week.


I will wait to hear your tale of the "revenuers" at embarkation.



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Thanks Fury – The Cruise Company is playing the same game used by politicians, dictators, and large corporations always preying on the ignoble nature of people.

I’ll bet you never thought, in your wildest dreams people would come up with some of the rationalizations they’re coming up with now. I’m sure RCI is sitting back and the CEO’s are saying, “I told you ” “tell them anything you want and they’ll fight among themselves.

It’s kind of sad. But that’s human nature, and it almost always works.


“I'm going to check in a couple of weeks when we're on Monarch (which has fairly strict Booze Police at embarkation) and see if (1) the room service menu has anything reasonable by the bottle and (2) whether you can buy a bottle at one of the bars to take back to your room and if so, what it costs. I'll let you know. If you can still enjoy your cocktails in your room (and we do, too, by the way), then I still don't see this turn of events as any more significant than some of the other new charges.” … Jean


The original Turn off events was: They changed the rules AFTER I signed on.

The final turn of events was my conversation with Customer Relations. What he said in effect was how I felt in the matter was unimportant. He was speaking for the company. He was expressing to me the company’s attitude.


Without the “bundles” all you have left is a room, and some transportation. How do you sort out who’s benefits get taken away first? (Cause they all will go you know, because that’s what you want)

I’ll tell you what. I can make a list of the things I don’t care about, and we’ll start with eliminating they’re benefits.

“They’ll just have learn to live with it” Right?


Let’s face it. Costs are going up with the price of fuel etc. The cost for fare has to go up. The best thing is keep the benefits in cruising. Remove the bundle and you got a (carnival midway with nickel and dimming every step of the way. No class). Trying to save money by using others. Just isn’t nice.

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Well, I have just discovered that my rum is already in a plastic bottle. I guess my Uncle Jack Daniels will go into a couple of the bottles, and Aunt Absolut Kurant will go into another couple. That just leaves Cousin Champagne and Gramps Bordeaux and Poor Old Lacryma Christi to go as themselves, since we know that champagne and wine are permitted "for special occasions and if RC doesn't have them on their wine list." Trust me, THEY DON'T.


Fortunately, I buy a lot of books on ebay, and have an enormous stash of bubble wrap. Thanks to these boards, I buy freezer-thickness large ziploc bags. I'm set!



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I disagree with whoever said the companies should raise the price of the cruise to compensate for this in-room alcohol thing.


Some want an after-dinner drink in their room and some don't. Some want to drink mass quantities in their room and some don't. And some people don't want to drink at all. It's a choice. I'm guessing it's the "mass quantitiy" drinkers the cruiselines want money from.


Maybe I'll wander up to the bar for a drink and maybe I won't. But, what counts is that I am going to have a GREAT time on my cruise! It's difficult for me to understand why some people are upset over this to the point of not even wanting to cruise again.


Ok, then how would you feel if they start charging for entertment per show? Or food per meal? Those are choices also. We could strip down cruising to just a room and let EVERYTHING be a extra cost added choice. Would you be ok with that too???


I for one wouldn't. And I don't like this move either. Every time they do something like this it's defended by those that don't care about that particular benefit. "I don't use it so let those that do pay".


Well, I'm not big on all the shows, but I think it would be horrible if they started charging for the shows. Based on your logic I should embrace charging for shows. I would never do that.


I also am not a big coke drinker and think the charges for a daily coke pass are ridiculous.


The removal of the ability to buy and take back to the room a bottle of liquor will do little to improve the overall profit of a ship IMHO... in fact it will probably decrease it. It will only increase smuggling and they will sell LESS in the shop, lowering profits there. Will increased bar sales offset that loss? I actually think they won't.


At least there's a very apparent greedy motive for charging for coke every day.

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Good post Beach Buzzard - After my talk with the arrogant man in Customer relations. I decided there would be NO purchases of liquor in lounges, bars, or the ship liquor store, on my next cruise. Every time someone comes to me and asks if I want a drink I’ll just feel so good saying “no”. If it fair for them to try to squeeze me by eliminating a major reason I purchase a balcony stateroom. Than it’s fair for me to resist. They’re effort. It’s just a matter of principle. I should be able to save quite a bit on this cruise.


I will of course purchase some liquor, To bring home, on the island stops, to take advantage of the great prices. RCI will happily store the stuff, and I’ll have it to bring home, on the last day. I live in Florida, so I have no problems carrying all that stuff on the airlines.


Have great day Buzz

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The final turn of events was my conversation with Customer Relations. What he said in effect was how I felt in the matter was unimportant. He was speaking for the company. He was expressing to me the company’s attitude.



And as a shareholder, I am horrified by that attitude. Many corporations never seem to get it that some of their lowest-paid employees are the only contact the public has with them. I started out some <coug> thirtyfive years ago as a bank teller. We were the one who had to deal with the public, not the VP in his back room. I can attest to the fact that it isn't easy being polite to somebody who is so angry that I cannot take his pennies and put them through my coin counter because he's not a customer that he is literally spitting. But it's necessary because you never know when the old lady with $1MM in CDs might be at the next window watching you. It's easier to get away with it on the phone because the rest of the public isn't watching, but "this call may be monitored for customer service" may actually be true.


How about, "I understand your anger/frustration/rage/irritation, sir. We instituted this policy because increased costs of fuel/personnel/whatever had made it necessary. I suggest that you write a letter to [who's the CEO or Chief Lackey in Charge of Customer Comments?] expressing what you have told me. I will make a note of it and pass it on to my superiors."


And BTW, the cost of many basic fares has gone up quite a bit as well. We track JS prices because that's what we prefer to book. For the Jewel Baltics itinerary, the website price is from $3999 to $4999, a cool $1000 more than it was in 2004.


Just my ramblings for the day...

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Post back after your cruise to let us know if you managed to stay on the wagon. I know I wouldn't.


I'm not going on the wagon. Just not going to be forced to patronize RCI. I've always had a bar tab, and bought from their liquor store in the past. RCI wants to force us. Sorry won't do it that way. Plenty of places when I get off ship. The only place I really enjoy a cocktail is before meals in the privacy of my stateroom. Preferably with a friend, on our balcony. Although I’m expecting a great time at Mr. Frogs in Nassau, with some friends, when we stop there. :)


I'll do just fine on the liquor policy. I'm mostly angered by the attitude of the company. That's why the boycott. As for the people that think they are going to profit at the expense of someone else. That's nothing new either. With most it's their ignoble nature coming to the forefront, and in some cases just plain irrational thinking. It's just people being people.


You see it everyday. If you doubt it - Just read the paper, and see how an unpopular discussion gets made in congress.


Thanks for your concern Schplinky. Have a great day, and keep you eyes, ears, and mind open. It can be a fun world :cool:

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I'm not going on the wagon. Just not going to be forced to patronize RCI. I've always had a bar tab, and bought from their liquor store in the past. RCI wants to force us. Sorry won't do it that way. Plenty of places when I get off ship. The only place I really enjoy a cocktail is before meals in the privacy of my stateroom. Preferably with a friend, on our balcony. Although I’m expecting a great time at Mr. Frogs in Nassau, with some friends, when we stop there. :)


I'll do just fine on the liquor policy. I'm mostly angered by the attitude of the company. That's why the boycott. As for the people that think they are going to profit at the expense of someone else. That's nothing new either. With most it's their ignoble nature coming to the forefront, and in some cases just plain irrational thinking. It's just people being people.


You see it everyday. If you doubt it - Just read the paper, and see how an unpopular discussion gets made in congress.


Thanks for your concern Schplinky. Have a great day, and keep you eyes, ears, and mind open. It can be a fun world :cool:


Yes Mr. Frogs.:D We have a date remember? You, me and Mike. :D

And don't forget all the tips they'll be missing out on. I'm sorry to see the staff shortchanged but that is out of my control.



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I seem to recall a similar uproar when RCI decided to charge for soda in the dining room.




A little over a year ago, a charge for Johnny Rockets was instituted. Many of you were upset, still other didn't care....even though it seemed there was a trend.




The OP's thread title was "time to take a stand"




Perhaps the time WAS back when these first charges were instituted.




Alot of the posters who were upset back then cannot be blamed for thinking "We told you so."

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As the OP, I think Mafig has hit the nail on the head. We often take a "so what" attitude on a lot of things. It's only when we are pushed just so far that we tend to speak up.


We've got deposits on 4 RCCL cruises thru 2/07. Don't think for a moment that we haven't thought of making alternative plans. Will we do it? Probably not as we enjoy RCCL's product and this is not an issue that one "falls on their sword on." I mean, we're going to switch to Carnival just to make a point? Someone else will quickly take over our booking. However, we have come to realize cruising for what it is; a mega business with the eye on the bottom line and the customer, well, your just a number on the balance sheet.


For the past few years, cruising has been within the means of a lot of people. With the cost of cruising going thru the roof, some may be priced out of the market and, when that happens, RCCL will come running after our business. We won't forget.


To illustrate, we were waltzed around by Celebrity a few years ago on a Hawaiian cruise. We made a reservation for the cruise, paid our deposit and were waiting to go. On a whim, I went to the Celebrity web site to get some information on the cruise and found it was no longer there. I spent nearly six weeks trying to get an answer as to what was happening. We were told the revenue department had "red lined" the cruise. It quickly became apparent that Celebrity had under priced the cruise and was taking a beating. Instead of telling us the cruise would be cancelled, they jerked us around for six weeks. I finally found out that the ship was going to South America on the dates we were to be on it doing the Hawaii run. They never did tell us that they cancelled the cruise. We contacted our TA, made alternative arrangements and cancelled Celebrity. Willl we ever sail Celbrity again; "when pigs fly."


On the past few cruises we've taken, we've engaged some of the staff about what was happening, e.g. fewer cabin stewards. They're not happy either and it shows on some ships. We're only there for a week or ten days. Those people have to put up with this mentality on a daily basis. It's got to be rough. I now know why they can't get off the ship fast enough when their contrcat is up.


We might not be successful in getting RCCL to reverse their policy, but I think we've put them on notice that their clients are rapidly approaching the point where we may start looking elsewhere to spend our hard earned cruise dollars. When everything is equal, we too will start to look at the bottom line.

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re: mafig's point - I haven't been in a JRs since they announced the charge. Didn't even use the coupon.


Am I a heavy drinker? Just the opposite. It IS the principle of the thing.


I'm also a stockholder. I'm still against this move, because I think that it will NOT improve the bottom line.



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Am I a heavy drinker? Just the opposite. It IS the principle of the thing.



What IS he principle that you feel they've violated? They made an unpopular decision? It will be less convenient folks to drink in their cabin? Less inexpensive?


I think about 5 people have blown this way out of proportion. RCCL is not taking away a benefit you can get anywhere else. All we have is anecdotal evidence from posters as to why this has happened (and yes, that is because of poor communications at RCCL) but I suspect the majority of pax couldn't give a rip. Might they notice? Sure. Will they rant and stomp their feet in the way the OP and others have? I doubt it. Most people will either buy a bottle in port (which has never been hard to get back on board, according to most) or they will buy drinks in bars.


I also doubt that the posters who say they will not buy a single drink in any RCL bars were buying that many, anyway. If they were, then drinking in rooms and bars was a big part of their trip and doing neither seems to be like cutting off your nose to spite your face!

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What IS he principle that you feel they've violated? They made an unpopular decision? It will be less convenient folks to drink in their cabin? Less inexpensive?


I think about 5 people have blown this way out of proportion. RCCL is not taking away a benefit you can get anywhere else. All we have is anecdotal evidence from posters as to why this has happened (and yes, that is because of poor communications at RCCL) but I suspect the majority of pax couldn't give a rip. Might they notice? Sure. Will they rant and stomp their feet in the way the OP and others have? I doubt it. Most people will either buy a bottle in port (which has never been hard to get back on board, according to most) or they will buy drinks in bars.


I also doubt that the posters who say they will not buy a single drink in any RCL bars were buying that many, anyway. If they were, then drinking in rooms and bars was a big part of their trip and doing neither seems to be like cutting off your nose to spite your face!



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re: mafig's point - I haven't been in a JRs since they announced the charge. Didn't even use the coupon.


Am I a heavy drinker? Just the opposite. It IS the principle of the thing.


I'm also a stockholder. I'm still against this move, because I think that it will NOT improve the bottom line.



Bravo Merion_Mom – People of principal and only people of principle, know the feeling of being true to their beliefs. These people become heroes.


There will be some out there that can not, and perhaps never will understand, and will sell their souls for a crumb, and always take the easy road.


You’re definitely a person of good principle, and integrity. Hope I can meet you some day. :)

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There will be some out there that can not, and perhaps never will understand, and will sell their souls for a crumb, and always take the easy road.




Yes, all this crusading to maintain the consumption fee has reminded me a lot of the civil rights movement, the human rights movement and the like. Give me a break.

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Good post Beach Buzzard - After my talk with the arrogant man in Customer relations. I decided there would be NO purchases of liquor in lounges, bars, or the ship liquor store, on my next cruise. Every time someone comes to me and asks if I want a drink I’ll just feel so good saying “no”. If it fair for them to try to squeeze me by eliminating a major reason I purchase a balcony stateroom. Than it’s fair for me to resist. They’re effort. It’s just a matter of principle. I should be able to save quite a bit on this cruise.


I will of course purchase some liquor, To bring home, on the island stops, to take advantage of the great prices. RCI will happily store the stuff, and I’ll have it to bring home, on the last day. I live in Florida, so I have no problems carrying all that stuff on the airlines.


Have great day Buzz



Next thing they'll do is start charging you a storage fee for all the booze you buy in port.

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None of the other cruise lines allow you to take liquor into your cabin, even with a corkage fee. If you don't go RCCL, which would you choose? Good luck finding one.

justaknucklehead: I'm glad that you are feeling better, but this is not correct.


Other lines may not have had the "buy it in our duty-free shop and then take it with you for an extra $9.50" policy, but they have "room service" where you can buy an entire bottle and have it delivered to your room. The outcome is the same.


RC is/was NOT the only cruiseline permitting this. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.......

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Corporate America and the rest of the corporate world make unpopular decisions every day and the world goes on.




Remember when your can of tuna fish was 6 1/2 ounces, then all of a sudden it was 6 1/4 and the price was the same. Sure you were annoyed at first, maybe didn't buy it that time and the next, but eventually you bought it again.


Same holds true for coffee, ice cream and many others.


At one time you could bring food to baseball games & the movies, now you can't. People still go to both.



So now RCCL has made a corporate decision. And some don't like it, eventually the wind will blow over and life will get back to normal.

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WeLuvVacation - I agree with you, and it ISN'T that "big a deal" - but people ARE annoyed and DO want to vent their feelings about an unpopular change.


Will this be life-altering? no Will people get used to it? yes Will "life go on", as you said? of course


Will this stop people (of any age) getting drunk on a cruise? Not bleeping likely!



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Has anyone heard back from RCCL in writing about the new rule. I have written two emails, so far no reply.




Yes, I got a reply yesterday. They basically said that they are trying to cut down on the underage drinking in the cabins and that is why they felt they must change this rule.


If kids want liquor, they are going to GET liquor......one way or the other. People will just start smuggling it on again.....including kids.

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