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I'm not a good liar either. However, in 2006 my friend Sue & I decided to pretend that we were celebrating our 40th birthdays on the Empress cruise (I had just turned 50 and she was 48 but we both looked very young for our age). We had a huge Cruise Critic roll call and made tons of friends from all over the world before the cruise even began.

Anyway, I met a cute guy on that cruise and of course told him I was 40 - he was 42. But the next night I confessed to him that I lied and was actually 50. I just couldn't lie to him. He married me anyway so whew. And I've never lied to him since. :p

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I'm not a good liar either. However, in 2006 my friend Sue & I decided to pretend that we were celebrating our 40th birthdays on the Empress cruise (I had just turned 50 and she was 48 but we both looked very young for our age). We had a huge Cruise Critic roll call and made tons of friends from all over the world before the cruise even began.


Anyway, I met a cute guy on that cruise and of course told him I was 40 - he was 42. But the next night I confessed to him that I lied and was actually 50. I just couldn't lie to him. He married me anyway so whew. And I've never lied to him since. :p


That's awesome! I love it! And to think .... you actually SURVIVED the horrendous lie you propagated :eek: - LOL. (just poking fun at some of the Negative Nellies, here.) ;)

Edited by ramja96
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I couldn't keep up the fiction for a whole cruise! That would be exhausting!

An evening in a bar, maaayybe. But whenever I see that scenario in the plot of a TV show or movie, it never ends well. At best, real opportunities are missed, at worst...:eek:

But, by all means, whatever floats your boat! Have fun!:)

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I with those who downplay and omit details about my life. When I am on vacation, it is much more relaxing to separate myself from the titles and roles I carry in my daily life.


Well, technically, that's sort of what pretending to be someone different is ... seperating oneself from the titles and roles carried in daily life ... Only by different means. ;):p:D


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Some of us are introverts and while we enjoy meeting new people, we don't enjoy playacting. Only an extrovert would write what you did and not see that not everyone feels the same way.


Sorry, I just absolutely do not see any possible point in doing something like this. I have no idea why anyone would want to pretend to be something they are not, even for "fun." I could go on a cruise and tell people I am a rocket scientist, a brain surgeon, or an undercover operative, but why? Makes no sense to me at all.


I couldn't even read this thread beyond half way down page one.

It blows my mind someone would even think to role play like that.

I am who I am, what you see is what you get and I don't know how or

want to know how to live anyway but that. I don't have to remember what

lies I told if I don't purposely deceive others.


Of course, I have no interest in telling anyone else how to behave or live their lives. If you call that fun...... :confused: :eek: I just hope I am not one of those people you meet and play for a fool. How do you think those people feel when they may discover you have played them that way?!


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Well, technically, that's sort of what pretending to be someone different is ... seperating oneself from the titles and roles carried in daily life ... Only by different means. ;):p:D


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Forums mobile app


I don't see it that way. It's more like I don't identify myself by my profession, or talk about my job and educational background, or my political or religious affiliation, with people I meet casually while on vacation. I'm not pretending to be someone different or re-inventing myself; just being selective in how much of myself I wish to reveal to strangers on vacation.

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I couldn't even read this thread beyond half way down page one.

It blows my mind someone would even think to role play like that.


<clip> ... purposely deceive others.


<clip> ... I just hope I am not one of those people you meet and play for a fool. How do you think those people feel when they may discover you have played them that way?!



It seems rather apparent that you not only didn't read halfway down the first page, you didn't read halfway down the first POST. If you go back to my original post, I say this is all in good fun - NO ILL INTENT HERE. I would never DREAM of carrying on something that was hurtful to someone else. This was just a silly post to create some fun, and get some creative juices going, but obviously there's just no sense of humor among some people. Sheesh! This has gotten so out of hand it "blows MY mind". The funniest thing is the reaction I'm getting from something I wasn't seriously going to do in the first place. It was just a conversation.

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I don't see it that way. It's more like I don't identify myself by my profession, or talk about my job and educational background, or my political or religious affiliation, with people I meet casually while on vacation. I'm not pretending to be someone different or re-inventing myself; just being selective in how much of myself I wish to reveal to strangers on vacation.


I agree with you. It is one thing to not share with newly met fellow cruisers what you do, what your education or training than to pretend to be someone you are not. Who of us, with any sense, spills the whole story of our lives when we meet people who could not be who they 'pretend' to be?


No need to share more about yourself than you wish but lots of us seem to feel as though what you choose to share should be truthful.


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It has nothing to do with not having a sense of humor, because I, and obviously many others, don't see what the humor is? What's so humorous about lying to people about your real life? Seriously, please explain how this is humorous? Personally, if I found out someone was intentionally lying, regardless of the reason, I'd find that person to be more than annoying rather than comical.


And what if you meet people that you find you'd like to have a friendship with after the cruise? How do you explain that you intentionally misled them? I certainly wouldn't want to be friends with a person like that.

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I couldn't even read this thread beyond half way down page one.

It blows my mind someone would even think to role play like that.

I am who I am, what you see is what you get and I don't know how or

want to know how to live anyway but that. I don't have to remember what

lies I told if I don't purposely deceive others.


Of course, I have no interest in telling anyone else how to behave or live their lives. If you call that fun...... :confused: :eek: I just hope I am not one of those people you meet and play for a fool. How do you think those people feel when they may discover you have played them that way?!



Poor OP. He asked a fun question and got these responses.


Why on earth would you be "play(ed) for a fool"? Why would it matter if a complete stranger on a cruise ship told you he was the inventor of sea sickness pills? He's never going to see you again; you're never going to see him again. The only way I could see it rebounding on you is finding out later when you're telling everyone you met the inventor of sea sickness pills. And in that case, shame on you for being a name-dropper. I'll take a "liar" any day over a name-dropper. At least the liar isn't tedious.


On point:


I will confess I've been tempted. I'm a statistician and the dismissive "oh" and glazed over eyes I get when I tell people is obnoxious. However, I like what I do, so screw them anyway. I'd also have to get my husband to play along though, and he's a bit of a fuddy-duddy, so even if I didn't get a perverse pleasure out of my annoyance, I couldn't do it anyway.


On the flip side: Anyone is welcome to spin any stories they want to me. If I find out you're playing a role, that's totally cool. I can't imagine being that hung up on what strangers tell me.

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Poor OP. He asked a fun question and got these responses.


Why on earth would you be "play(ed) for a fool"? Why would it matter if a complete stranger on a cruise ship told you he was the inventor of sea sickness pills? He's never going to see you again; you're never going to see him again. The only way I could see it rebounding on you is finding out later when you're telling everyone you met the inventor of sea sickness pills. And in that case, shame on you for being a name-dropper. I'll take a "liar" any day over a name-dropper. At least the liar isn't tedious.


On point:


I will confess I've been tempted. I'm a statistician and the dismissive "oh" and glazed over eyes I get when I tell people is obnoxious. However, I like what I do, so screw them anyway. I'd also have to get my husband to play along though, and he's a bit of a fuddy-duddy, so even if I didn't get a perverse pleasure out of my annoyance, I couldn't do it anyway.


On the flip side: Anyone is welcome to spin any stories they want to me. If I find out you're playing a role, that's totally cool. I can't imagine being that hung up on what strangers tell me.


Thanks. Finally, someone who doesn't want to string me up by my toenails from the stern of the ship! :p I guess my failure was not being clear enough in teh original post that 1.) This wasn't something I would actually do, just seemed like a funny subject to joke about. 2.) I was referring to simple little things that would never matter to anyone else in their real lives. I'm not trying to deceive anyone in any way that would actually affect someone. So with all that said - I'm now going to bow out of this conversation so that all the nay-sayers can continue to lambast me to their heart's content. I give up. :(

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We never had that problem. Being from Alaska, all we have to say is "We're from Alaska! and the conversation takes care of itself...


Typically, the first question we get is "Do you know Sarah Palin?....Now, many years ago I actually met Sarah Palin (when she was Mayor of Wasilla) so, there is no problem having to pretend....:D

Edited by AKman2495
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We never had that problem. Being from Alaska, all we have to say is "We're from Alaska! and the conversation takes care of itself...


Typically, the first question we get is "Do you know Sarah Palin?....Now, many years ago I actually met Sarah Palin (when she was Mayor of Wasilla) so, there is no problem having to pretend....:D


Ha! This actually reminds me that I have actually done this. I grew up in North Dakota and took a trip to France as a high school student. Whenever people asked where we were from (as it was painfully obvious we were tourists), when we told them "North Dakota" we would get a blank stare.


Trying to describe where the state is set geographically usually ended up with them asking us if we were from Chicago.


So to the entire group of French people that I "played for fools" by telling them I was from Chicago. Sorry about that. It got old giving the real answer.

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Poor OP. He asked a fun question and got these responses.


Why on earth would you be "play(ed) for a fool"? Why would it matter if a complete stranger on a cruise ship told you he was the inventor of sea sickness pills? He's never going to see you again; you're never going to see him again. The only way I could see it rebounding on you is finding out later when you're telling everyone you met the inventor of sea sickness pills. And in that case, shame on you for being a name-dropper. I'll take a "liar" any day over a name-dropper. At least the liar isn't tedious.


On point:


I will confess I've been tempted. I'm a statistician and the dismissive "oh" and glazed over eyes I get when I tell people is obnoxious. However, I like what I do, so screw them anyway. I'd also have to get my husband to play along though, and he's a bit of a fuddy-duddy, so even if I didn't get a perverse pleasure out of my annoyance, I couldn't do it anyway.


On the flip side: Anyone is welcome to spin any stories they want to me. If I find out you're playing a role, that's totally cool. I can't imagine being that hung up on what strangers tell me.




I will call you next time I am in NYC with my Daughter . How is your British Accent ?????? You can be Sabrina's mother *LOL*



That was a few years ago. I am hoping she gave up that alter ego long ago.

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I will call you next time I am in NYC with my Daughter . How is your British Accent ?????? You can be Sabrina's mother *LOL*



That was a few years ago. I am hoping she gave up that alter ego long ago.


If my accent weren't so terrible I'd take you up on it! ;)


Or maybe if we hit a bar with drunk enough patrons, I could pass! :eek:

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No flames here! If I met someone on a cruise and they pretended to be something they were not I would take it in the spirit it was meant - just to have fun!


No biggie - why would I care if you said you invented the internet but really didn't?:p

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OK, here's a "different" question. My wife and I were talking about our upcoming cruise and I brought up the subject of pretending to be someone else on the cruise to make things interesting. I said that I think most of the people we've had dinner with in the MDR have at the very least exaggerated who/what they are to make them appear more interesting. I thought it might be fun on our next cruise to do this. Have you ever done this? If so, who's your alter-ego? I'm looking for ideas - LOL. :p (This is strictly in good fun - no ill intent here)


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We always ask for shared table so that we can meet others. I would hate to think they are telling us lies.

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We used to have a guy at work that was a real Walter Mitty type. The poor guy was only in his 40s at the time, looked like he was in his 60s . Still lived home with his parents , but man some of the tales he told and the experiences he had.


If all his stories were true he should have been a millionaire 20 times over , but also would have been doing jail time on 100 charges not to mention the court martials for the adventures he supposedly had while in the army.


I used to love listening to his stories , knowing damn well that they weren't true , but for entertainment value, they were hysterical, and he told them so well. *LOL*


A lot of people used to say "How can you let him BS you like that?" But that was the thing, I didn't believe a word, he wasn't fooling me, he wasn't trying to scam me , or hurt me , or rip me off. he was telling his tales of Glory and I was having a ball listening to him.


We always joked at work about starting a charity for people like him. We called it "John Doe" (Insert his real name ) Disease "


We said it was the opposite of Alzheimer's Disease



With Alzheimer's you forget people you know and things you have done and places you have been.


With "John Doe Disease , you have vivid recollections of people you have never met, things you have never done, and places you have never been

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I thought it might be fun on our next cruise to do this. Have you ever done this? If so, who's your alter-ego? I'm looking for ideas - LOL. :p (This is strictly in good fun - no ill intent here)


We did it once a few years ago. Completely different names and made up histories. Sally played herself as a sex therapist. I don’t remember what I played. But it was difficult remembering to call ourselves by our play names. To some degree it made it hard to relax around people for fear of saying the wrong thing and getting caught. It was close once. Still, it’s a fun story we can’t tell to our kids.



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A middle aged lady did this to a group of us at jury duty. Told us she was police, wouldn't get picked, police stories, etc.... the entire lunch.


We go back in she is called in front to answer questions. Housewife!!!


I am now saying I will not talk about my career, as I was verbally attacked by a dinner mate once for my job. I never had that happen before anywhere. I was glad the other table mate put an end to it. Thank goodness it was open seating.

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This is all a really good reason to have a dining table for just those with whom one is traveling. Who needs this sort of nonsense from adult dinner companions? Not me. Of all the conversations to enjoy at dinner, lying, misrepresentation, deception and having a laugh at others expense is not high on my list of fun and interesting persons I wished to break bread with. I'd rather a table for one.


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