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Are the complaints I am reading truly justified?


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I do feel that the marketing department at RCCL is off base a bit with all of their "sales" and gimmicks, and I have written a respectful letter to them. They are depending on the public being dumb enough to fall for this tactic and think they are getting a good deal. But have you seen any of news shows take to the streets and ask simple questions about current events and how truly ignorant the average citizen is? Since they continue these pricing tactics, RCCL must have the data by now and they must be working. I have never received a response to my email. But guess what? I have 2 more cruises booked with RCCL and I am using my money to speak my opinion. I still like their product and I am willing to pay the going rate for it. I am smart enough to realize that if sales start to fall, they will find another gimmick. Think of JC Penney during the last few tumultuous years and their marketing strategies of no sales and how it plummeted their performance.


Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion.


People like sales, even if they are not really sales. I find it funny you mention it. I had to complete an analysis of why department store JCPenny nearly failed after trying to rebrand. Here is a quick synopsis that sums up our (American's) preconceived notions of deals. In 2012 JCPenny did away with coupons and cut the price of every item in their stores by 30% or more, every item. They were lower priced on comparable goods in nearly every department in their stores than competitors. This almost cost them their entire business as people left their stores in mass exodus to go to stores, that were in many cases nearly double the price, that offered coupons to save a percentage off. their numbers during that period were unbelievably terrible seeing double digit losses from quarter to quarter. Real world proof that people will pay more in order to save!!


To answer your initial question, yes the complaints are justified because they are opinions and everyone is entitled to theirs. I have learned that these boards offer some amazing information and some wonderful debate, but I am not going to let them dictate the success of my vacation.

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People like sales, even if they are not really sales. I find it funny you mention it. I had to complete an analysis of why department store JCPenny nearly failed after trying to rebrand. Here is a quick synopsis that sums up our (American's) preconceived notions of deals. In 2012 JCPenny did away with coupons and cut the price of every item in their stores by 30% or more, every item. They were lower priced on comparable goods in nearly every department in their stores than competitors. This almost cost them their entire business as people left their stores in mass exodus to go to stores, that were in many cases nearly double the price, that offered coupons to save a percentage off. their numbers during that period were unbelievably terrible seeing double digit losses from quarter to quarter. Real world proof that people will pay more in order to save!!


Nicely said. What many here don't understand is those crazy RCI sales are not targeting them. They're targeting the uninitiated and/or uninformed. ;)

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I get tired of people complaining about all the people who complain. Can some one help me, who do I talk to to complain about the people who complain about people that are complaining!


Ummmmm, you just complained about the complainers complaining about the complainers.:D

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Wow! I have been on these boards for a long time reading and learning. The complaints are unbelievable! Is it a glimpse at our entitlement society? What is going on? I enjoy the honest reviews of pros and cons, because I learn so much from them. But the overall mentality of everything stinks, is a bit over the top. Perhaps an all inclusive luxury resort would be better for you. Or perhaps a luxury cruise line would be better for you.


We were on the Adventure in December with 2 of our closest friends. We enjoyed the Windjammer and no one went hungry. In fact, I thought the food was fresh and just fine for a buffet. I also went on the Reflection in November and the food in their buffet was very good. If the food was as poor as everyone says, then why are people still gaining weight on cruiseships?


I am a capitalist. I believe that money talks. If you do not like the product, do not spend the money on it. If you prefer another cruise line based on any number of reasons, then use them. If you have a legitimate complaint, take it to customer service. But I am sick and tired of seeing people go over the top with complaints on the ship and act like fools about the dumbest things. How do you manage to treat others so disrespectfully and sleep well at night? As I am reading all the complaints, I feel that these are the people who have the most cruises booked in the future.


I do feel that the marketing department at RCCL is off base a bit with all of their "sales" and gimmicks, and I have written a respectful letter to them. They are depending on the public being dumb enough to fall for this tactic and think they are getting a good deal. But have you seen any of news shows take to the streets and ask simple questions about current events and how truly ignorant the average citizen is? Since they continue these pricing tactics, RCCL must have the data by now and they must be working. I have never received a response to my email. But guess what? I have 2 more cruises booked with RCCL and I am using my money to speak my opinion. I still like their product and I am willing to pay the going rate for it. I am smart enough to realize that if sales start to fall, they will find another gimmick. Think of JC Penney during the last few tumultuous years and their marketing strategies of no sales and how it plummeted their performance.


Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion.

Um, wouldnt what you wrote be considered complaining? People will complain no matter what, why let it affect you? Dont like a post, move on. I get what yoursaying though, but it wont stop the whinning.

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As someone who recently complained about the quality of the food in the main dining room, I would like to defend myself. There are many different reasons why people cruise, the gambling, the drinking, the sun, the destinations, etc. I cruise and have cruised in the past because I enjoy being pampered with semi-elegant dining and just to relax. When I say that in my opinion the quality of the food has declined, I am only giving an opinion for those who might cruise for the same reasons I do. By the way, I am a little tired of reading comments on the board from people who seem determined to cheerlead for the cruise line and imply that anyone who gives a critical comment is either disloyal or too spoiled to have an opinion.

Agreed. I value everyones post as a first timer. Ill have to decide for myself after I get aboard.

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I think some people just like to complain, and others like to claim that everything was better "back in the day". Here's my personal criteria for whether to take a review seriously:


- If it simply says, "Everything was wonderful, fantastic, unbelievable!" I ignore it. That's a person who's not discerning and has little to offer.


- If it says, "Everything was horrible, awful, worst I've ever experienced!" I ignore it. You have to read and decide for yourself whether these people are just miserable human beings who can't be made happy. For example, some people will wail about a problem in their rooms as if it's the worst thing in the room -- even if it's fixed within a couple hours. A dead give-away in this category is the phrase, "ruined my cruise". If the problem was addressed and fixed, it probably didn't ruini your cruise.


What I DO read carefully and take seriously:


- Reviews that contain plenty of details. If someone gives me details, I can judge for myself whether I'm going to like this thing. For example, I'd rather hear that the closet was approximately 4' in width rather than the closet was plenty big for all your clothes! If I know it's 4' in width, I can judge that against my own packing habits.


- Balanced reviews in which the poster describes both good and bad. We all know that in reality EVERYTHING has something positive and something negative. A balanced review is a sign that the poster has thought things through and isn't just a cheerleader (or a hater). For example, I'd say that Royal's food is good, but they fall short on desserts -- many of their desserts seem to be "whipped", which is a way of stretching a little bit of food into more, and I thought their pizza wasn't bad, but it was rather like good-quality frozen stuff. This is a hint that I'm not automatically throwing everything in one category, but I'm weighing things fairly.


- I tend to believe things when I hear them from multiple reviewers. One person may just be a nut case with an axe to grind, but if LOTS of people say the same thing, it's probably true. For example, lots of people used to whine about the -- was it called the Rancher's Steak? -- in the MDR. When people who say, "I generally like the MDR food" say this is nasty -- and LOTS of them say it -- it's probably true.


- Finally, my daughter said something wise to me recently: She said that when she's reading reviews (we were talking about Amazon, but this works for cruises too), she goes straight to the 3s. Her reasoning is much like mine above. She says that the people who judged a product as average are more likely to give you solid details and reasons -- not just sunshine, not just shadow. She says that the 1s and the 5s are the least valuable because they tend to be just judgements, no facts.

Edited by MrsPete
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We've taken several cruises with extended family. As many as 28 on one cruise and as few as four on another. The cruise with 28 family members is a perfect example of what happens on CC. We were all on the same cruise. Some with several cruises under their belt and some first timers. We had some complain about the food non-stop. Some loved it. We had some say the entertainment was boring. Some said it was so good with so much talent. Some complained non-stop and some were thrilled with everything. We have to work hard to save enough to be able to go on one cruise a year. We don't expect perfection, but we've stayed with one line because we know what to expect and we like their "product." It's not perfect, but it's a wonderful experience for us and we've got lots of great memories through the years. We are all Diamond. We rarely go to the Diamond lounge and we no longer go to the events. For some, these perks are very important. I guess what I'm saying is that people who go on the same cruise can see the same experience through different eyes.

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Um, wouldnt what you wrote be considered complaining? People will complain no matter what, why let it affect you? Dont like a post, move on. I get what yoursaying though, but it wont stop the whinning.


And when people use words like whining it indicates to me that they are simply dismissive of other people's opinions and I tend to ignore what those posters have to say most of all.

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We've taken several cruises with extended family. As many as 28 on one cruise and as few as four on another. The cruise with 28 family members is a perfect example of what happens on CC. We were all on the same cruise. Some with several cruises under their belt and some first timers. We had some complain about the food non-stop. Some loved it. We had some say the entertainment was boring. Some said it was so good with so much talent. Some complained non-stop and some were thrilled with everything. We have to work hard to save enough to be able to go on one cruise a year. We don't expect perfection, but we've stayed with one line because we know what to expect and we like their "product." It's not perfect, but it's a wonderful experience for us and we've got lots of great memories through the years. We are all Diamond. We rarely go to the Diamond lounge and we no longer go to the events. For some, these perks are very important. I guess what I'm saying is that people who go on the same cruise can see the same experience through different eyes.


Thank you for posting this. It makes a very good point.


Question: do the "some complained non-stop and some were thrilled with everything" generally act the same way when not on a cruise?


It would be interesting to read your answer.

Edited by beachnative
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Here is what I do not understand about the complainers....90 percent of gripes are about food. To me the food is such a small reason why I cruise. if it is all about food then just save a couple of thousand dollars and for those same seven days just go to 5 star restaurants! because it seems to me that is what you expect on a cruise.

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I agree with the original poster in that people complain for effect. After having read the entire thread this morning, I believe that the complaints are simply a matter of opinion.


We just came off of Adventure of the Seas from Feb 8-15. It was out second RCCL cruise. 3 years ago, we were on the same ship and had a great time. This time, we were able to compare it with with their slight upgrades (panels in the hallways directing you to certain venues, etc). Sure that made a difference in moving about this ship, however, didn't really enhance the overall experience.


I listened and overheard many complaints over the 7 days - One person constantly complained that he had absolutely terrible food in the Windjammer cafe for dinner. He went on to say that he ate there every night. Well, had I interjected in on his rant, I would have asked if it was so terrible, why the hell did you choose to eat there EVERY night? he went on to say that the MDR for breakfast was equally as terrible. Again, every morning he was there. CHANGE IT UP! I'm convinced that people complain to be heard and for effect.


Same goes for people congregating at the persers desk moaning about their bar bill on the last night of the cruise. It was YOUR sail and sign card you kept handing over for drink after drink. You thought their were free? that is YOUR signature on the bar bill.


It's a vacation, however people MUST complain. Some aren't happy unless theyre complaining and being heard.


As for me, I thought the experience was fine. I'm not a picky eater but like to cook with spice. Not HOT, but flavour. The MDR didn't offer this, however, to counter that, there was variety. Steak is my favorite which was always there. I had a steak each night, accompanied with another entree. I suppose my point is that the majority of complaints were surrounding the MDR and the food choices. If on that menu you were unable to find SOMETHING to your liking, then get off at the next port and DO NOT reboard. Find a McDonalds that will safisfy your pallet. (to the guy who liked the hockey puck burgers).


I ordered a martini at the Champaign bar. The first one was great, after the second, third and fourth and even the fifth before dinner. But after that, went to the show and ordered another and it was absolutely horrible. I came to the conclusion that the place fo Martinis was in fact the Champaign bar. I related that to the 2 outstanding gentlemen who ran that bar and they appreciated it (along with the $20 I gave them).


Anyway, long winded......I'll write a review tonight regarding my AoS experience. It will indicate that I had a good time.


One last point - Rust on the ship. It's 15 years old (AoS), sailing in Salt water. You don't think it's gonna show some rust? I always saw gentlmen wandering aorund with a can of paint touching up things... it's STEEL!!!


Come on people!!! Enjoy your vacation! it's a vacation. not a forum to moan and complain!!!!



Markham, Ontario

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Oh but there is :) All of ours have been perfect. We are together, we are not at work, no phones, no family (except each other), we get to flowboard every day. Life is great on a cruise. It is the one time every year we can reconnect as a couple and leave the world behind :D They ARE perfect because I am with my husband. While neither one of us is perfect, we are perfect for each other :p


Well said.. I have always had perfect cruises as well! I feel so fortunate to still be healthy enough to travel...to be financially able to travel and to have someone I love to travel with

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I agree with the original poster in that people complain for effect. After having read the entire thread this morning, I believe that the complaints are simply a matter of opinion.


We just came off of Adventure of the Seas from Feb 8-15. It was out second RCCL cruise. 3 years ago, we were on the same ship and had a great time. This time, we were able to compare it with with their slight upgrades (panels in the hallways directing you to certain venues, etc). Sure that made a difference in moving about this ship, however, didn't really enhance the overall experience.


I listened and overheard many complaints over the 7 days - One person constantly complained that he had absolutely terrible food in the Windjammer cafe for dinner. He went on to say that he ate there every night. Well, had I interjected in on his rant, I would have asked if it was so terrible, why the hell did you choose to eat there EVERY night? he went on to say that the MDR for breakfast was equally as terrible. Again, every morning he was there. CHANGE IT UP! I'm convinced that people complain to be heard and for effect.


Same goes for people congregating at the persers desk moaning about their bar bill on the last night of the cruise. It was YOUR sail and sign card you kept handing over for drink after drink. You thought their were free? that is YOUR signature on the bar bill.


It's a vacation, however people MUST complain. Some aren't happy unless theyre complaining and being heard.


As for me, I thought the experience was fine. I'm not a picky eater but like to cook with spice. Not HOT, but flavour. The MDR didn't offer this, however, to counter that, there was variety. Steak is my favorite which was always there. I had a steak each night, accompanied with another entree. I suppose my point is that the majority of complaints were surrounding the MDR and the food choices. If on that menu you were unable to find SOMETHING to your liking, then get off at the next port and DO NOT reboard. Find a McDonalds that will safisfy your pallet. (to the guy who liked the hockey puck burgers).


I ordered a martini at the Champaign bar. The first one was great, after the second, third and fourth and even the fifth before dinner. But after that, went to the show and ordered another and it was absolutely horrible. I came to the conclusion that the place fo Martinis was in fact the Champaign bar. I related that to the 2 outstanding gentlemen who ran that bar and they appreciated it (along with the $20 I gave them).


Anyway, long winded......I'll write a review tonight regarding my AoS experience. It will indicate that I had a good time.


One last point - Rust on the ship. It's 15 years old (AoS), sailing in Salt water. You don't think it's gonna show some rust? I always saw gentlmen wandering aorund with a can of paint touching up things... it's STEEL!!!


Come on people!!! Enjoy your vacation! it's a vacation. not a forum to moan and complain!!!!



Markham, Ontario


I like what you said.


Personally, we dislike three of the menus in the MDR because the entrees do not appeal to us or we are tired of them. We check the menu during the day and if it is one that is not appealing we either dine in a specialty restaurant or the Windjammer (especially if they have make-your-own stir fry:):)). IF we go to the MDR on one of those nights we order three apps and finish the meal happy.


I totally agree with you…if there is something that one doesn't like then find an alternative and make yourself happy. By doing this there isn't a reason to complain.

Edited by beachnative
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Here is what I do not understand about the complainers....90 percent of gripes are about food. To me the food is such a small reason why I cruise. if it is all about food then just save a couple of thousand dollars and for those same seven days just go to 5 star restaurants! because it seems to me that is what you expect on a cruise.


The absolute last thing I'm thinking about for my upcoming first cruise is the food.

I realize it's very important to some, but I just think of food as nourishment. Anything I eat on the ship will be a huge upgrade over the boring deli wraps that I eat on a regular basis at home. :D

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Here is what I do not understand about the complainers....90 percent of gripes are about food. To me the food is such a small reason why I cruise. if it is all about food then just save a couple of thousand dollars and for those same seven days just go to 5 star restaurants! because it seems to me that is what you expect on a cruise.


Cruising appeals to a wide range of people and everyone cruises for their own reasons. What is very important to one person may be quite trivial to another. And though someone else's issue may mean little to me I can still empathize with them for their disappointment. For me, a week with no pager, cell phone, interrupted dinners from hospital calls, and my family not having to share me with a lot of people who they don't know, and being out on the ocean makes it all good for me. But that doesn't mean I won't still recognize food or a show that I find unappealing.

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I agree with the original poster in that people complain for effect. After having read the entire thread this morning, I believe that the complaints are simply a matter of opinion.


We just came off of Adventure of the Seas from Feb 8-15. It was out second RCCL cruise. 3 years ago, we were on the same ship and had a great time. This time, we were able to compare it with with their slight upgrades (panels in the hallways directing you to certain venues, etc). Sure that made a difference in moving about this ship, however, didn't really enhance the overall experience.


I listened and overheard many complaints over the 7 days - One person constantly complained that he had absolutely terrible food in the Windjammer cafe for dinner. He went on to say that he ate there every night. Well, had I interjected in on his rant, I would have asked if it was so terrible, why the hell did you choose to eat there EVERY night? he went on to say that the MDR for breakfast was equally as terrible. Again, every morning he was there. CHANGE IT UP! I'm convinced that people complain to be heard and for effect.


Same goes for people congregating at the persers desk moaning about their bar bill on the last night of the cruise. It was YOUR sail and sign card you kept handing over for drink after drink. You thought their were free? that is YOUR signature on the bar bill.


It's a vacation, however people MUST complain. Some aren't happy unless theyre complaining and being heard.


As for me, I thought the experience was fine. I'm not a picky eater but like to cook with spice. Not HOT, but flavour. The MDR didn't offer this, however, to counter that, there was variety. Steak is my favorite which was always there. I had a steak each night, accompanied with another entree. I suppose my point is that the majority of complaints were surrounding the MDR and the food choices. If on that menu you were unable to find SOMETHING to your liking, then get off at the next port and DO NOT reboard. Find a McDonalds that will safisfy your pallet. (to the guy who liked the hockey puck burgers).


I ordered a martini at the Champaign bar. B The first one was great, after the second, third and fourth and even the fifth before dinner. ut after that, went to the show and ordered another and it was absolutely horrible. I came to the conclusion that the place fo Martinis was in fact the Champaign bar. I related that to the 2 outstanding gentlemen who ran that bar and they appreciated it (along with the $20 I gave them).


Anyway, long winded......I'll write a review tonight regarding my AoS experience. It will indicate that I had a good time.


One last point - Rust on the ship. It's 15 years old (AoS), sailing in Salt water. You don't think it's gonna show some rust? I always saw gentlmen wandering aorund with a can of paint touching up things... it's STEEL!!!


Come on people!!! Enjoy your vacation! it's a vacation. not a forum to moan and complain!!!!



Markham, Ontario


I agree the Champagne Bar makes the best Martini's. But if I had 5 before dinner I doubt I would even remember the 6th ;)

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Before our last cruise, DH told me he didn't like the food on that cruise line (not RCL). I said he was stuck because he wanted this particular itinerary and that was the line we were going on. On the last day of the cruise he told me he thought the food was great and he loved the meals! Bang head here (sigh).

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Not trying to disappoint but Johnny Rockets on Freedom does not serve breakast :o Only on Oasis and Allure.


The good thing is the Windjammer on Freedom DOES have an egg station where you can get cooked to order omelettes and fried eggs. I dont believe Oasis or Allure has an egg station. Someone will correct me if Im wrong. :)


We just walked off the oasis today and they did have fried eggs every morning so my breakfast was ham,fried eggs,corned beef hash and fruit and I can't say anything neg about the food in the wj!!!

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I have a question for all. What is the purpose of these forums? It seems to me that mostly this should be a place to ask questions and get advice from more experienced cruisers. I posted a complaint about the food on a recent cruise but this was to ask if this was an anomaly or a perception by others that quality has declined. It seems to me that these forums have instead of information become a place of attack and defend, not in fact a civil exchange of information.

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We just walked off the oasis today and they did have fried eggs every morning...


Yes, like on other ships - a pan of fried eggs, which my husband also found perfectly delicious. The yolks were still soft even sitting in the warming bins. I did that for Christmas and it worked! Just undercook your fried eggs a little and place them on an oiled baking sheet in a low oven. :)

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