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Freedom OTS - February 8, 2015 Review

Shore Man

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Hello all. I thought I’d document my experiences on the February 8th sailing on the Freedom of the Seas. In a word, “fantastic”. The cruise was absolutely perfect. That’s it, you can stop reading now. I’m just going to ramble nauseatingly on how perfect this trip was, so you might as well stop reading. I mean it, stop! Oh my, you’re still reading. Ok, don’t say I didn’t warn you.



Let’s start from the very beginning. I was conceived in the backseat of a 19….wait, that may be too far back. Let’s fast forward a bit. We booked this trip to celebrate my wife’s birthday and found an inside cabin on deck 10 mid-ship. We picked mid-ship because I suffer from seasickness and cabins mid-ship rock less than those on either end of the ship. We picked an inside cabin because we be poor. It was the night before the cruise when it dawned on me, “where do I park the car”? The ship will be leaving from the new Terminal 1 in Cape Canaveral, so I could always pay full price and park at the pier. Yeah, that sounded ridiculous even as I typed it. Since Google is your friend, I did some research and found “Park N Cruise”. It was half the price as the Port Canaveral pier. “Half Price” is also a friend of mine. I saw some good reviews and I also saw some bad reviews. I’m thinking, how bad can it be? I’m parking my car on dirt. How can they mess that up? So I reserved my parking spot online and paid the discounted price. Now all I have to do it pack. Fast forward 15 minutes. I’m all packed. Now let’s pack the wife’s clothes….Wholly smokes, is she moving on the ship? Look at all those clothes!! And Shoes!!! Where am I going to put all those shoes? Fast forward 90 minutes – I finally finished packing my wife’s things.



It’s now the day of the cruise. I entered the address of Park N Cruise into the GPS and began my 2 hour and change drive from Tampa to Port Canaveral. Found the parking lot, unloaded the luggage, and then parked the car as directed. I went inside, checked in with the girl behind the counter, then waited about 10 minutes for the bus to take us to the ship. Easy peasy. The bus got us to the ship in about 5 minutes, the guy took our luggage off the bus and another guy immediately took the luggage to load onto the ship. All we have to do now is enter the terminal and check in. That was easy too. Here’s a little tip. I also wear a backpack, since we didn’t know when our luggage would make it to our room. In the backpack I carried some jewelry that the wife didn’t trust to leave in the luggage, some water, sunglasses and a couple of cond…uh…let’s just say some other miscellaneous things. We got to the ship about 1:15 and I think we were checked in by about 1:30. Boy, that was painless as well. And our room was ready too, wow. Let’s get on this bad boy. You know, we used to hate those picture takers but you know what? We now embrace them. I don’t know why the change. Maybe we’re more mature as we got older. Nah, that can’t be it. Anyway, not only do we take every picture, we even end up buying a few. Yeah, they’re expensive, but it’s a nice way to memorialize our trip. I mean, I don’t think twice about spending twelve bucks on an adult beverage that I basically rent for only a couple of hours, what’s another few dollars for a permanent memento? Oh, and I learned that they have some silly rule that the pictures that you purchase have to be of you. The “if the beautifully buxom blond wanted her pictures then she would have picked them up by now” excuse just didn’t work. Neither did “ah honey, I thought these pictures were of you”.



Ok, getting back to the cruise, let’s talk about the food.



Dinners: We did the “My Time Dining” thing and thought it worked out great. Each day we would look at the daily Compass then made our dinner reservations based on the activities we wanted to do. Then we would go to the My Time Dining dining room, went on the “with reservations” or “with or without reservations” line (whichever was shorter) and was usually sitting at our table within 5 minutes. I think there was one time we waited 10 minutes, but usually it was under five minutes. Worked out great. They usually put us with other “table for twos”, and while we’re not the chatty type, we usually found ourselves sharing stories with our tablemates. Once, however, the table on our right was in a fierce battle with the table to our left on what seemed to me a “who’s-family-member-had-the-more-debilitating-disease” contest. There appeared to be only one rule to this contest: Be as descriptive and graphic as possible. I don’t know who won, but I know who lost: My appetite. Fortunately, the waiter brought out the next course which brought the game to an end. Thankfully. We ate in the My Time dining room most nights and the food was great. We always found something we liked on the menu. The second formal night even had lobster and garlic shrimp. We asked for two, and the waiter gladly brought them out.




We also ate at Sabor. That was really good as well. They make the guacamole tableside, you have no choice, every table gets it. I recommend this place, the food was very good. So was Chops. The meat was done exactly how we liked it, tender like butter and well seasoned. Why do I eat the bread? The more bread I eat means the less meat I eat, yet I eat the bread as soon as they put it on the table. Will I ever learn? I guess the big question is, was it worth the extra money for Sabor and Chops? I think so. I would definitely eat there again.



Buffet: We love buffets. We buffeted breakfast and lunch. We always found a table and we always found something good to eat. No complaints here as well.



Promenade: Free pizza! How good can it be? Well, it wasn’t bad. Wasn’t great NY pizza, but wasn’t bad Tampa pizza either. Plus, it was available all hours of the night. I also tried the shrimp salad on a roll that was very good. The cookies were good, but they had a slice of pie, like a Willy Wonka pie, something like that which really wasn’t good. No problem, I’ll have another cookie.



Bars: Our goal was to have a drink at every bar and while we tried really hard, I don’t think we did it. We really liked the Olive and Twist, spent lots of time at the Schooner Bar doing those trivia things and realizing how stupid we really are, and spent lots of time at the Karaoke bar as well. I never been to a Karaoke bar before, but it was fun. Lots of country music (not my cup of tea), but enjoyable nevertheless.



The Cruise Director was Casey. I came home and read reviews about Casey and people seemed to be very harsh. I honestly don’t know what people expect from a Cruise Director, but I thought he was great. Every day was chock full of entertainment. He kicked off each venue and he was funny and entertaining. But boy, those reviews were bad. What else is he suppose to do? Well, maybe he could’ve done something about the hot tub. Because it was, if I could sum it up in one word, HOT! Ridiculously hot! I tried to get into it, dipping myself one inch at a time, and man that was not working. So I decided the only smart thing to do was to completely submerge myself. Down I go. Now, I’m trying to recall the exact time I concluded that this was a really, really bad idea. When my knees hit the water? No, that wasn’t it. My thighs? Nope, not then. AHAH, I know when! But it’s too late now, I’m totally committed. Keep going down, buddy. Now I’m down where my chin is touching the water and boy am I hating life right now. People enjoy this? I can’t feel my tongue. I think all the hair on my body has been burned off. Hey, how did my wife seamlessly sink into the tub like it was a bowl of whipped cream? Ok, try to look cool. That’s right, I’m cool. How is it possible that I’m sitting in a tub of water and I’m sweating? Ok, I’m done, I gotta get out of here. I almost yelled for my mommy out loud. I honestly think years have been removed from my life expectancy as a result of this experience. Ok, stand up slowly, look cool, nonchalantly step out of the hot tub and …..wholly cow it’s freezing out here. Boy I just can’t win.



Regarding the shows, there was a comedian that was funny, a magician that was great, so were the musical numbers, the Love and Marriage show as well as the Quest, which is a silly game that I wouldn’t participate in but loved watching those who did. Oh, they also had a Boston cover band. They were great!! I’m a big Boston fan and this was an unexpected surprise for me. . Ok, let’s digress a little here. This cruise seemed to have an older clientele. I’m guessing more than half of the cruisers had seen Babe Ruth play in person and may have actually voted for Woodrow Wilson. The remaining 40% or so probably ranged from their 20s to their 50s. Now, while my age group was in the minority, this didn’t bother me in the least. I really don’t care about anyone else on the cruise, as long as I’m having a good time. Ok, so there weren’t that many bikinis for me to gawk at. However, I have to admit, some of the old broads did have some rockin’ bodies. Hmmm, that hot tub may have caused more damage than originally thought. Anyhoo, the Boston cover band was LOUD and rockin’, which may not have been to the liking of most of the audience, but I kind of fault them for attending this event in the first place. The rest of the crowd loved it, as did I!



Complaints? I guess I did have a couple. The bathroom light switch. I know the bathroom is small. How small? Well, I’m certainly no large guy, but when I took a shower there always seemed to be one part of my body that was in contact with the shower wall. No matter how careful I was, something was touching the wall. I tried to make a contest out of it, but I always lost. Ok, so we established that the bathroom was small, however, there was plenty of room for a light switch. Who, in their right mind, thought it made sense to put the light switch OUTSIDE the bathroom? Also, who approved this idea?? Here’s my typical bathroom experience: Open door. Enter bathroom. Lift toilet lid. Turn around. Close bathroom door. Curse. Open bathroom door. Walk outside and turn on the light. Seven days people. I did this for seven days.




My second complaint? The TV. Yes, I know, the story goes that you hardly spend any time in your room. But in actuality, you do spend time in your room. I watch TV before I go to bed, no matter the time. I’m watching TV while the misses gets ready for dinner. I watch TV when I wake up. There must be 20 stations. 12 have my favorite shows (e.g., Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, etc.) in a language other than English. Five stations are cruise related. That leaves only a couple of channels that would entertain me, including one that always seemed to show men who tried to kill their wife and get away with it. I should mention that taking notes while watching said program does not provide the spouse with any level of amusement whatsoever.



Let’s see, I think I covered everything. On the last day, we decided to get up early and carry our own bags off the ship. We got on line at 6:15 AM, were about 20th in line and were off the ship sitting on the Park N Cruise bus by 7:15. We sat on the bus until it was full, about 15 minutes, and then was dropped off at our car. Perfect. Just like the cruise.

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Thanks, I enjoyed your review, I am getting on the Freedom in less than 2 days and I hope that Hot tub is still Hot. In November we were on another line and the hot tubs were cold, didn't like that at all. Looking forward to a great time

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I'll make sure and keep an eye on what TV programming my husband is watching ;). Was Sabor a flat cover charge or al a carte? Also do you recall if any of the limited English channel seemed to have children's programming or movies?

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Best review I have ever read, Shore Man. Your hot tub experience had me laughing so hard I had tears running down my face. You have an awesome sense of humor. We have been on the Freedom twice (2013 & 2014) and will be sailing on her again this fall. Beautiful ship, great staff, good food and entertainment. :)

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I was on this cruise and I agree with everything you said. I loved that the hot tubs were so hot -- it was the only cruise I have ever been on where the hot tubs actually felt like a hot tub :) I also agree about the TV, at one point I was watching 30 Rock in what I think was German.

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Enjoyed your review - and your wicked sense of humor about it all. We were on FOS the week before and ranked the Boston cover band tops in entertainment for us. Sadly, some of those who you have mentioned undoubtedly have seen The Babe play in Boston did not appreciate the sound the cover band was making and bailed in large groups during the performance. I felt so bad for the guys in the band! Agree with the TV comments - wish they'd at least have a few sitcoms for those of us who need something before bed.


We did not share your enthusiasm about Sabor - it was truly not ready for prime time the week before. Sounds like they are starting to work the kinks out!:cool:

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Great review. What time did you arrive at Park N Cruise? We have always used them in the past but they now say that they have no shuttles after 11:30 until 1pm. Thanks


For our cruise, they indicated the first shuttle will begin at 11:00 AM. We arrived around 1:00 PM and the shuttles to all the ships were running.

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Hello all. I thought I’d document my experiences on the February 8th sailing on the Freedom of the Seas. In a word, “fantastic”. The cruise was absolutely perfect. That’s it, you can stop reading now. I’m just going to ramble nauseatingly on how perfect this trip was, so you might as well stop reading. I mean it, stop! Oh my, you’re still reading. Ok, don’t say I didn’t warn you.



Let’s start from the very beginning. I was conceived in the backseat of a 19….wait, that may be too far back. Let’s fast forward a bit. We booked this trip to celebrate my wife’s birthday and found an inside cabin on deck 10 mid-ship. We picked mid-ship because I suffer from seasickness and cabins mid-ship rock less than those on either end of the ship. We picked an inside cabin because we be poor. It was the night before the cruise when it dawned on me, “where do I park the car”? The ship will be leaving from the new Terminal 1 in Cape Canaveral, so I could always pay full price and park at the pier. Yeah, that sounded ridiculous even as I typed it. Since Google is your friend, I did some research and found “Park N Cruise”. It was half the price as the Port Canaveral pier. “Half Price” is also a friend of mine. I saw some good reviews and I also saw some bad reviews. I’m thinking, how bad can it be? I’m parking my car on dirt. How can they mess that up? So I reserved my parking spot online and paid the discounted price. Now all I have to do it pack. Fast forward 15 minutes. I’m all packed. Now let’s pack the wife’s clothes….Wholly smokes, is she moving on the ship? Look at all those clothes!! And Shoes!!! Where am I going to put all those shoes? Fast forward 90 minutes – I finally finished packing my wife’s things.



It’s now the day of the cruise. I entered the address of Park N Cruise into the GPS and began my 2 hour and change drive from Tampa to Port Canaveral. Found the parking lot, unloaded the luggage, and then parked the car as directed. I went inside, checked in with the girl behind the counter, then waited about 10 minutes for the bus to take us to the ship. Easy peasy. The bus got us to the ship in about 5 minutes, the guy took our luggage off the bus and another guy immediately took the luggage to load onto the ship. All we have to do now is enter the terminal and check in. That was easy too. Here’s a little tip. I also wear a backpack, since we didn’t know when our luggage would make it to our room. In the backpack I carried some jewelry that the wife didn’t trust to leave in the luggage, some water, sunglasses and a couple of cond…uh…let’s just say some other miscellaneous things. We got to the ship about 1:15 and I think we were checked in by about 1:30. Boy, that was painless as well. And our room was ready too, wow. Let’s get on this bad boy. You know, we used to hate those picture takers but you know what? We now embrace them. I don’t know why the change. Maybe we’re more mature as we got older. Nah, that can’t be it. Anyway, not only do we take every picture, we even end up buying a few. Yeah, they’re expensive, but it’s a nice way to memorialize our trip. I mean, I don’t think twice about spending twelve bucks on an adult beverage that I basically rent for only a couple of hours, what’s another few dollars for a permanent memento? Oh, and I learned that they have some silly rule that the pictures that you purchase have to be of you. The “if the beautifully buxom blond wanted her pictures then she would have picked them up by now” excuse just didn’t work. Neither did “ah honey, I thought these pictures were of you”.



Ok, getting back to the cruise, let’s talk about the food.



Dinners: We did the “My Time Dining” thing and thought it worked out great. Each day we would look at the daily Compass then made our dinner reservations based on the activities we wanted to do. Then we would go to the My Time Dining dining room, went on the “with reservations” or “with or without reservations” line (whichever was shorter) and was usually sitting at our table within 5 minutes. I think there was one time we waited 10 minutes, but usually it was under five minutes. Worked out great. They usually put us with other “table for twos”, and while we’re not the chatty type, we usually found ourselves sharing stories with our tablemates. Once, however, the table on our right was in a fierce battle with the table to our left on what seemed to me a “who’s-family-member-had-the-more-debilitating-disease” contest. There appeared to be only one rule to this contest: Be as descriptive and graphic as possible. I don’t know who won, but I know who lost: My appetite. Fortunately, the waiter brought out the next course which brought the game to an end. Thankfully. We ate in the My Time dining room most nights and the food was great. We always found something we liked on the menu. The second formal night even had lobster and garlic shrimp. We asked for two, and the waiter gladly brought them out.




We also ate at Sabor. That was really good as well. They make the guacamole tableside, you have no choice, every table gets it. I recommend this place, the food was very good. So was Chops. The meat was done exactly how we liked it, tender like butter and well seasoned. Why do I eat the bread? The more bread I eat means the less meat I eat, yet I eat the bread as soon as they put it on the table. Will I ever learn? I guess the big question is, was it worth the extra money for Sabor and Chops? I think so. I would definitely eat there again.



Buffet: We love buffets. We buffeted breakfast and lunch. We always found a table and we always found something good to eat. No complaints here as well.



Promenade: Free pizza! How good can it be? Well, it wasn’t bad. Wasn’t great NY pizza, but wasn’t bad Tampa pizza either. Plus, it was available all hours of the night. I also tried the shrimp salad on a roll that was very good. The cookies were good, but they had a slice of pie, like a Willy Wonka pie, something like that which really wasn’t good. No problem, I’ll have another cookie.



Bars: Our goal was to have a drink at every bar and while we tried really hard, I don’t think we did it. We really liked the Olive and Twist, spent lots of time at the Schooner Bar doing those trivia things and realizing how stupid we really are, and spent lots of time at the Karaoke bar as well. I never been to a Karaoke bar before, but it was fun. Lots of country music (not my cup of tea), but enjoyable nevertheless.



The Cruise Director was Casey. I came home and read reviews about Casey and people seemed to be very harsh. I honestly don’t know what people expect from a Cruise Director, but I thought he was great. Every day was chock full of entertainment. He kicked off each venue and he was funny and entertaining. But boy, those reviews were bad. What else is he suppose to do? Well, maybe he could’ve done something about the hot tub. Because it was, if I could sum it up in one word, HOT! Ridiculously hot! I tried to get into it, dipping myself one inch at a time, and man that was not working. So I decided the only smart thing to do was to completely submerge myself. Down I go. Now, I’m trying to recall the exact time I concluded that this was a really, really bad idea. When my knees hit the water? No, that wasn’t it. My thighs? Nope, not then. AHAH, I know when! But it’s too late now, I’m totally committed. Keep going down, buddy. Now I’m down where my chin is touching the water and boy am I hating life right now. People enjoy this? I can’t feel my tongue. I think all the hair on my body has been burned off. Hey, how did my wife seamlessly sink into the tub like it was a bowl of whipped cream? Ok, try to look cool. That’s right, I’m cool. How is it possible that I’m sitting in a tub of water and I’m sweating? Ok, I’m done, I gotta get out of here. I almost yelled for my mommy out loud. I honestly think years have been removed from my life expectancy as a result of this experience. Ok, stand up slowly, look cool, nonchalantly step out of the hot tub and …..wholly cow it’s freezing out here. Boy I just can’t win.



Regarding the shows, there was a comedian that was funny, a magician that was great, so were the musical numbers, the Love and Marriage show as well as the Quest, which is a silly game that I wouldn’t participate in but loved watching those who did. Oh, they also had a Boston cover band. They were great!! I’m a big Boston fan and this was an unexpected surprise for me. . Ok, let’s digress a little here. This cruise seemed to have an older clientele. I’m guessing more than half of the cruisers had seen Babe Ruth play in person and may have actually voted for Woodrow Wilson. The remaining 40% or so probably ranged from their 20s to their 50s. Now, while my age group was in the minority, this didn’t bother me in the least. I really don’t care about anyone else on the cruise, as long as I’m having a good time. Ok, so there weren’t that many bikinis for me to gawk at. However, I have to admit, some of the old broads did have some rockin’ bodies. Hmmm, that hot tub may have caused more damage than originally thought. Anyhoo, the Boston cover band was LOUD and rockin’, which may not have been to the liking of most of the audience, but I kind of fault them for attending this event in the first place. The rest of the crowd loved it, as did I!



Complaints? I guess I did have a couple. The bathroom light switch. I know the bathroom is small. How small? Well, I’m certainly no large guy, but when I took a shower there always seemed to be one part of my body that was in contact with the shower wall. No matter how careful I was, something was touching the wall. I tried to make a contest out of it, but I always lost. Ok, so we established that the bathroom was small, however, there was plenty of room for a light switch. Who, in their right mind, thought it made sense to put the light switch OUTSIDE the bathroom? Also, who approved this idea?? Here’s my typical bathroom experience: Open door. Enter bathroom. Lift toilet lid. Turn around. Close bathroom door. Curse. Open bathroom door. Walk outside and turn on the light. Seven days people. I did this for seven days.




My second complaint? The TV. Yes, I know, the story goes that you hardly spend any time in your room. But in actuality, you do spend time in your room. I watch TV before I go to bed, no matter the time. I’m watching TV while the misses gets ready for dinner. I watch TV when I wake up. There must be 20 stations. 12 have my favorite shows (e.g., Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, etc.) in a language other than English. Five stations are cruise related. That leaves only a couple of channels that would entertain me, including one that always seemed to show men who tried to kill their wife and get away with it. I should mention that taking notes while watching said program does not provide the spouse with any level of amusement whatsoever.



Let’s see, I think I covered everything. On the last day, we decided to get up early and carry our own bags off the ship. We got on line at 6:15 AM, were about 20th in line and were off the ship sitting on the Park N Cruise bus by 7:15. We sat on the bus until it was full, about 15 minutes, and then was dropped off at our car. Perfect. Just like the cruise.


Thanks for taking the time to write a review. It's funny that you mentioned that the hot tubs were too hot. Usually the complaint is they aren't warm enough! I'm glad you had a great time!

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I'll make sure and keep an eye on what TV programming my husband is watching ;). Was Sabor a flat cover charge or al a carte? Also do you recall if any of the limited English channel seemed to have children's programming or movies?


Flat fee for Sabor. Regarding the English Channels, I think they had the Cartoon network, but they play adult cartoons like Family Guy. I don't recall any other children programming.

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I enjoyed your review. I'm not in the minority age group, but I definitely DID NOT see the Babe play live. I have also learned not to go in the hot tubs since I consider them boiling pots of all sorts of bad stuff.


We're sailing her again in August and I hope the Boston cover band is still there. I love Boston. And I don't mind if it's loud, as long as I can actually still hear them singing and make out the words.


I think this time I might actually get to karaoke, since my son has 3 friends joining us so I think 4 older teens might enjoy trying it out (especially since they are all drama/acting students).


Wondering if you ever got up to the flowrider while you were on Freedom?


ETA: What was the Sabor cover charge? I figured we might do a specialty dinner with the kids so they get the full cruise ship experience and I can't decide between Sabor or the new Giovanni's.

Edited by njmomof2
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Wondering if you ever got up to the flowrider while you were on Freedom?


ETA: What was the Sabor cover charge? I figured we might do a specialty dinner with the kids so they get the full cruise ship experience and I can't decide between Sabor or the new Giovanni's.


No to the flowrider. Regarding Sabor, we had originally booked Izumi. A couple of days before the cruise, we received the following from RCCL:

"We noticed you've made a dinner reservation at Izumi. Unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate this reservation. We understand this may cause quite the predicament so we'd like to make it up to you. As part of our commitment to offer the best vacation experience we would like to offer a complimentary reservation in Giovanni’s Table, our Italian Trattoria, or Chops Grille our signature steakhouse at no charge".


We applied this to Sabor, which wasn't a problem because Sabor was cheaper than the other specialty restaurants. I think the cost was $20.00 per person, but don't hold me to that.

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Great review, great sense of humor! Thanks for posting.


You know, they say you are supposed to soap down the walls of the shower and then just turn around in a circle.:rolleyes:


Also curious about cover charges in specialty restaurants.


I sure hope that Boston cover band is still there in November. While I am not in your minority group either, they are from my era...unlike Babe. Lol On the Exporer a week before you went, that minority was about 15%. I was on the younger end of the majority and drove me crazy.

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Great review & great sense of humor!!! Esp the bathroom lights. Every cruise ship I have ever been on has the light switch outside. I am sure there is a perfectly good reason for this, but I always play tricks on my husband and kids and turn the lights off when they are in there...bahahahahaha

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Fantastic review!! :D


We'll be 42 at time of cruise in November - hopefully the Boston cover band will still be there. i just told my boyfriend about it - Yes!! More than a feeling!! whooo!!! :D:p That will be a funny night....


Can't wait, your review has made me more excited to go on FOS. :)

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Flat fee for Sabor. Regarding the English Channels, I think they had the Cartoon network, but they play adult cartoons like Family Guy. I don't recall any other children programming.

Thank you for the info. We will definitely pack the portable DVD & Kindle for my 4 yo. The last thing I need is him watching Family Guy and the other adult cartoons on Cartoon Network.

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Thanks for the great review. You had me laughing so hard my DH came to see what was going on.


I'm with you Banderboo!!! Thanks Shore Man. Great review and sense of humor. The last time we were on Freedom was 2009... going back to back in August. Absolutely can't wait!!! :D


We're sailing her again in August
... which sailing njmomof2?
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Thank you for the info. We will definitely pack the portable DVD & Kindle for my 4 yo. The last thing I need is him watching Family Guy and the other adult cartoons on Cartoon Network.



There is also a Dreamworks channel. It played a loop of Madagascar 2, Kung fu panda 2, one of the later shreks, monsters v. Aliens and megamind, and how to train your dragon. It never changed so I caught multiple parts of each flicking through.

Edited by queenschick9b
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