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Mitsugirly takes great PRIDE in bringing her Spring Break extreme review


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We arrived at the theater and the kids took their place on the stage.


We managed to get prime real estate in the first row and I was excited...until this happened...




I could not believe the guy sat down right in front of us blocking our view of the action. Ugh.


So, we were forced to move to a different location, mid center and rows and rows back.


Out came The Cat in the Hat and the crowd went crazy.




Jase told the story and people they picked from the audience acted out the story with props.





This guy was super hilarious and played the part well.





When they talked about it raining outside...it literally rained...





The kids had a good time and the concept was cute. I like having Dr Seuss on the cruise. Great idea Carnival.






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HI all!


mitsugirly ~ loving your review as always!:D Was waiting for it to start.

Like you I've sailed mostly NCL (just turned platinum) & tried Carnival in April 2013 (my 23rd cruise). I love the vibe & have been on Breeze twice since. Hoping to do Sunshine & Vista at some point.


I don't know about the Pride, seems too colourful for me but then I do like the portholes & a few of the venues. The 2 newer ships are more subdued I think.


Anyhow carry on, looking forward to seeing what you did in the ports.


~ Jo ~ :)

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We're going on the pride next Feb and my mother uses a cane to walk. She has occasional problems with stairs and we were discussing possibly going to the steakhouse. We were wondering (couldn't tell from your photos) is there another way up to the steakhouse other than the glass stairs?


yes. I am deathly afraid of heights so I wont do those stairs. You can take the elevators opposite the stairs.

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HI all!


mitsugirly ~ loving your review as always!:D Was waiting for it to start.

Like you I've sailed mostly NCL (just turned platinum) & tried Carnival in April 2013 (my 23rd cruise). I love the vibe & have been on Breeze twice since. Hoping to do Sunshine & Vista at some point.


I don't know about the Pride, seems too colourful for me but then I do like the portholes & a few of the venues. The 2 newer ships are more subdued I think.


Anyhow carry on, looking forward to seeing what you did in the ports.


~ Jo ~ :)


I would absolutely LOVE to go on the Breeze. I love everything about that ship and I was thinking about booking that one when I booked this one, but it was out of Texas and I wasn't sure I wanted to do that. Sunshine is on my bucket list too, but so darn expensive.


Thanks for commenting and joining me on this review. :)

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't care for the burritos. I know everyone raves about them. They just didn't do it for me. :(


Thanks for joining.


I'm not much on the lunch burritos....but I LOVE the breakfast ones! I'm not much on super spicy either, but I thought the other tortilla wasn't too bad in terms of heat. :)

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I'm not much on the lunch burritos....but I LOVE the breakfast ones! I'm not much on super spicy either, but I thought the other tortilla wasn't too bad in terms of heat. :)


I did like the breakfast burrito (coming up in the review). Maybe I should have tried the other tortilla...I mean I didn't have anything to lose I guess...but I didn't. :(

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All the Dr Suess fun had been "had" for the day and we were left to decide what else to do.


Sakari's choice always involves water of some type if we leave it up to her...and up to her...we did just that. Headed for the water park. It was getting warmer outside by now (at least warm enough for a bathing suit) so we figured why not?


We found chairs under one of the umbrellas and planted ourselves firmly after touching the temperature of the water and both looking at each other and saying "no way-jose are we going in there!" Sakari on the other hand is a fish and nothing bothers her. In she went like a squealing pig screaming with excitement.






She decided she wanted to go on the water slide and up she went.








Are you watching me mommy?











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Now I know the waterpark is new, but I also know that the Pride had a water slide before the 2.0 and (I think) it was blue. Now I'm not sure if this is the same slide that has been repainted or if it's new but it reminded me of the old water slides on the NCL ships by the main pool. You try you best to slide down them and even with the water going, you go nowhere. This slide was about the same. You drifted ever so slowly along the water while doing a jiggle with your rump trying to move along.


This would be about as far as she could make it any given time and that's pushing it.




She would have to stand up and walk the rest of the way to the end each time.







I don't know who invented these things but obviously something went wrong with the design, the material or the decline in them. They just don't slide. She still squealed with excitement like it was the best thing ever...after all, it was still water right?


Brayden and Kendra joined us now, but they sat on the opposite side. Now I know this is an older ship and they installed this funtastic water park and I'm not complaining, well maybe just a little, but there's absolutely no place to sit up here. They have maybe 4-5 chairs on one side and the same on the other and 2 umbrellas. How many people is that really going to accommodate? Not many. I can only imagine on a hot day the amount of people up there. You are pretty much forced into going down a level to find a chair. Well, this is a kiddie park area so parents aren't going to just leave their kids up there by themselves. They should at least put some chairs out around the railing or something. Just not designed very well IMO.












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Run and have fun is the name of the game.





Momma's boy





As always, Brayden is known to just throw himself on the floor and wiggle like he's having a seizure and then spin himself around like a turtle on its back. Weird child I tell ya.




So...Sakari is daring...everyone knows this. She will do anything an adult will do if you let her. She has done everything we do on every excursion, including jumping off 2 stories decks into the ocean, ziplining by herself at 3 years old in Roatan, swimming with sharks and every other animal known to man and she's definitely not afraid of heights or fast things. Today would not be the exception and that moment when she says "I wanna go on that!" and points at the Green Thunder drop slide...my heart drops and daddy says "come on".


Up they went to the crap your pants slide. (Don't get me wrong, I LOVE these things and went on it over and over and over again on the NCL Getaway. It's amazing)...BUT, we are talking about a 6 year old now. It may be a different story for her.




Of course I had to peel myself from the nice warm chair with the sun beaming down on my golden tan skin and takes pictures of this...and hopefully a video.


It's almost her turn...




It's now or never to chicken out! And....DROP! Off she went. I was so ecstatic that she did it and was so nervous to hear the end result on whether or not she liked it that I completely messed up the video...but for what it's worth...here's the proof and her thoughts on it (well not in words but you can tell):


(click video below)





The reason I messed the video up is by standing on the desk at the end of the tube, you can not look into it and I had to reach my hand over it and hope for the best in capturing her. I couldn't make it down to the very end in time. It is what it is...but I got the ending.



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I made my way back to our chair, a proud momma, only to find that a big group had came along and sat down beside us and a girl was in my chair! Um, ok...that's my seat. She said "so you are sitting here?" Me "yes, that's my stuff here in the chair and my towel." She said "so you want the chair back?" Me- "Obviously?!?" She hesitated and gave me a weird look like I was supposed to gather my things and move. I think not. I didn't owe her an explanation and I know chair hogs are a problem on cruise ships but I have NEVER EVER been a chair hog. If I have no intentions on sitting in a chair and swimming instead, I won't even put my things in a chair. I'll find a place along the deck and throw my bag down there. 99% of the time I won't be in a chair and won't claim one. I mean what's the use if you are going to be in the pool? However, this wasn't the pool and I wasn't in the water, so I had been sitting in the chair the entire time until I got up to watch my daughter be brave. I was gone for maybe 4-5 minutes tops. I told her I got up to record my daughter going down the green slide and she just starred at me and said "what?" I said it again...not that I owed her an explanation as to what I was doing or how long I had been gone, but I was doing it as a courtesy. She finally got up and stood there with the rest of her party.


About 5-10 minutes into that and feeling a little out of place now that our "area" was taken over by all these people, I decided to join my daughter...BUT I took it upon myself to drag my lounge chair with me!!! I was moving, but you wasn't getting my chair! The hubby drug his chair over too and there we would remain the rest of the time. It wasn't a great location because now we couldn't have full view on the water park part and it was more a view of the steps to the water slides.


Sakari tried to talk Brayden into going down the green slide and his response..."sissy, let's go over here and play...I'll race you down the slide" (referring to the purple baby slides and off they went.







Us hanging out.




Now here we go again. I get up to use the restroom, hubby and Kendra still at the table and chairs and I return to, once again, find a lady sitting in my chair. Hubby was looking at me and shrugging his shoulders. She was an older lady, so I didn't say anything. She needed the chair more than I did and she was just up there with the rest of the family who was watching their little one on the slide. I moved my stuff and took another chair that the kids had been sitting on and resting and trying to get warm off and on and all was good. She stayed for about 20 minutes and then left thinking her family had left her because she hadn't seen them at all the entire time. They later returned about 15 minutes after that wanting to know where she went. Not my day to babysit someone else's family member, it's only my day to give up my chair to anyone that passes by and feels the need.















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Great review. I so want to go on this ship since it is in Driving distance for us. But the price is out of our range for now (we do have a cruise booked on the breeze later).


I laughed reading about you needing to get pop. We are from pittsburgh. I always say pop.

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It was around 6pm and almost everyone was gone from the area so we decided to call it a day and head back to the room to get dressed for dinner.


Now I have always been a 2nd-3rd shifter and every cruise I have to adjust my times and it completely messes with my circadian rhythm. Dinner to me is around 10-11pm. However on a cruise, it just doesn't work IF you plan on finding decent food.


We got dressed and headed down to the MDR. Two nights in a row at the MDR...imagine that!! It's a record for me that I'm not heading up to the buffet.




We arrived and there's a line...I mean A LINE!! Ouch. I have never came across a line on any cruise when going to the MDR, so it was new to me.




While we waited, Sakari discovered a piano...and it played itself.




(click link for video)



She would pass the time by... amazed by this piano.


We finally made it up to the desk and the lady takes our room number and says there's a wait...about 30 minutes. At that moment one of the guys she had given a beeper to came back and put his beeper on the table. She stopped and yelled at him "Hey Sir! Are you not waiting?? You can't just leave that there without telling me! You have to let us know so we can take you off the list!" Now I know what she meant, but the way she said it was kinda rude along with her tone of voice. She turned back to us and handed us a beeper and off we went to the piano playing itself room to have a seat and wait.




30 minutes had passed by and I see this same lady coming around the room and asking people for their room number. I had a bad feeling about this....and I was right. When she made it to us, she said "ok, I found you. I forgot to write your beeper number down when I handed you it so now I have it thanks!" me "Oh, oh oh...hold up just a minute. So are you telling me that we will have even a longer wait because you didn't copy down our number?" Her "Well, you'll have about a 30 minute wait." Me- "Um, that's what you told us the first time around and it's been 30 minutes, but since you didn't copy down our number to activate our beeper when we were next in line and a table was ready, this puts us back in line from the beginning and we have to wait yet another 30 minutes??? I think NOT! Take you beeper back, we'll go elsewhere"


At this point I was tired, I was hungry, I was pissed to tell the truth. Their mistake and I was paying for it. They did not even try to accomodate me and move me up on the list. Nothing...this was very disappointing. Our first visit to the MDR the night before...no steak sauce, empty bottle, cold food at that point. Tonight, no activated beeper, no food-strike 2 for the MDR!


Off we headed to the buffet. I knew there was a reason I normally stick to them and this would be one of the reasons.


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Great review. I so want to go on this ship since it is in Driving distance for us. But the price is out of our range for now (we do have a cruise booked on the breeze later).


I laughed reading about you needing to get pop. We are from pittsburgh. I always say pop.



YES! High 5 to a fellow "pop" person! :D


Thanks for joining me on the review and glad you like it.

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Does the buffet on the pride serve the same menu that's in the MDR??


Seems like on the splendor Is was the same food just in buffet style. Was disappointed as to options cuz it was the sane food. Obviously if I was going to the buffet I didn't like the MDR menu that day yet buffet was the same.


That hold true for the pride?

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Up to the buffet we went.


Now this buffet is a lot different than what I'm use to. Usually the buffet is all together and repeats itself in various areas. You go to 1 area and gather everything you need and that's it. This is the first time I have been to a buffet that is just so spread out all over the place. I guess it can be a good thing and keep the areas from getting as congested, but I honestly didn't care for it. I felt like I was constantly walking and searching for what I needed and wanted and nothing was close together. If you wanted a salad, you had to go to one area, you wanted other food another area, one corner was the pizza the other corner the deli, around the corner the deserts. It was just not the way I'm use to or like. But, it's food and I'll sniff it out until I locate something I want.




I honestly had a hard time finding anything that looked appealing to me. But, I managed. I always say you will never starve on a cruise and there's always SOMETHING to eat...and there was. However, I just was not impressed with it that night.





We did find that there were plenty of drinks stations around the ship on this floor. You never had to go far whether you were in the buffet area or out at the pool deck. I liked that. Another thing I wanted to mention was they pretty much only offered lemonade (or tea, which I don't drink). Now normally when I drink lemonade, I can only have about a glass of it and then it makes my throat so dry and scratchy. I don't know why. I love lemonade, just can't have much of it. However, this lemonade didn't do that. I drank tons of it and loved it. Go figure... I did find myself missing NCL's choices of drinks...they have a mixture of flavored drinks that they started a few years ago and they are awesome for a change in variety. But, lemonade would have to do.


Now on to deserts. NCL CAN NOT get deserts right!! Their deserts are the nastiest thing I have ever tasted (other than that Easter cake in the kids club the other night). I just don't understand how you mess up every desert you make. It's SO BLAND and...well yuck (unless you are eating the cheesecake). I see complaints after complaints about this and nothing ever changes.


However.. Carnival seems to get it right. I tried a little variety of things during the cruise and never had 1 thing that was bad. It wasn't the best I had ever had, but definitely filled the sweet spot I had and I gobbled it up. I was really super happy and even commented to the hubby about it.








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On to the evening activities...which wouldn't be much for us. I was full and really didn't feel like going to a show or doing much. Sakari wanted to head to the kids club and off we went. Tonight they would be doing a "sports" night and playing basketball, volleyball and putt-putt.


We headed off to the casino and donated $40 that night and called it a day.


We went to pick up Sakari from the kids club...standing in line and I notice (after knocking the phone off the wall a few times) that there was a sign up on her door saying it was the 9-11 year olds. So, we got out of line and seen the sign that said 6-8 over on the young kids side (2-5). So here we are waiting in line again. Once we made it up there, they tell us "no, they are on the other side". Ok..."So why does your sign say 6-8 year olds and their sign says 9-11 then?"

Back over to the other line we go to wait and knock the devil phone off the wall a few more times while listening to the filthiest potty mouthed mom in the line that I just wanted to smack her. Geesh, come on. You are standing in line with a bunch of parents and right outside the door to the kids club and all these young children going in and out no one wants to hear that crap! Once I made it up to the window to pick up Sakari, yes, I had to make a comment about "the signs" and how someone needed to correct them. I got a smile in return and that was it. They love confusing you there that's for sure. Never in the same place, never with the right signs. You start the cruise out on a scavenger hunt for stickers and candy and you continue the rest of the cruise on a scavenger hunt for you child at any given time.


Sakari said she had a lot of fun and told us all about being up on the deck and playing putt putt and the other activities. I'm so happy she's enjoying the kids club this time.





We headed back to the room and Sakari's new towel animal had arrived.





I spent some time packing our beach bags for the following day at Grand Turk, daddy watched some t.v and Sakari kinda laid there in a candy coma.




Off to bed we went around 11:30pm

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Does the buffet on the pride serve the same menu that's in the MDR??


Seems like on the splendor Is was the same food just in buffet style. Was disappointed as to options cuz it was the sane food. Obviously if I was going to the buffet I didn't like the MDR menu that day yet buffet was the same.


That hold true for the pride?


I honestly don't know for sure and hopefully someone else can answer that question. If we went to the MDR, we never headed up to the buffet to see what they had or if it was the same. Same goes for if we ate in the buffet, we never checked the MDR menu. So I'm really not sure. I do know there was a night I had some shrimp, that was in a long stick form and my daughter told me she had it also in the buffet area. So...maybe?

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I told you guys burgers was the bomb, along with the grilled Ruebens, the ice cream stations 24 hrs a day ... BTW, was Sakari tall enough for the slides ??? Seems you all had a real good time so far .. :)



You were so right Griz!! They were awesome and I went several times...and several more times. :D The ice cream stations were awesome as well and one of Sakari's favorites. I didn't try the grilled Ruebens, I'm not really big on them to begin with.


Yep, great time! :)


Oh almost forgot...actually Sakari is not tall enough to ride all slides yet (or at least anything that requires her to be 48" tall). She is 47" tall, so if they measure (which they didn't I don't think because they let her down the green thunder) then she can't. I guess we just got lucky. My grandson, however, it 50" tall...go figure. He can ride anything he wants and won't.

Edited by mitsugirly
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I would absolutely LOVE to go on the Breeze. I love everything about that ship and I was thinking about booking that one when I booked this one, but it was out of Texas and I wasn't sure I wanted to do that. Sunshine is on my bucket list too, but so darn expensive.


Thanks for commenting and joining me on this review. :)


The Breeze will be in Miami until late next year 2016, or early 2017.:D

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You were so right Griz!! They were awesome and I went several times...and several more times. :D The ice cream stations were awesome as well and one of Sakari's favorites. I didn't try the grilled Ruebens, I'm not really big on them to begin with.


Yep, great time! :)


Oh almost forgot...actually Sakari is not tall enough to ride all slides yet (or at least anything that requires her to be 48" tall). She is 47" tall, so if they measure (which they didn't I don't think because they let her down the green thunder) then she can't. I guess we just got lucky. My grandson, however, it 50" tall...go figure. He can ride anything he wants and won't.

Guys burgers is delish, and I'm not even a burger person.


As for those slides and your grandson vs. your daughter, my kids are 12 and 6 and like night and day. The little one wouldn't hesitate to get on Green Thunder while my 12 year old wouldn't try it for anything you could possibly bribe him with! I was actually glad to find out in an earlier review that they put two new slides in. The yellow one is new. Had it only been the green thunder, I might not even consider the Pride knowing only one kid would enjoy the Waterpark.


I side with Braydon here. No way would I get on that thing either! Yup....chicken...bark bark! Lol.

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I am really loving your review. Thank you for taking the time and for all the great pictures. I have a long time before my cruise and this helps the time go quicker.


One question, how far was the Best Western from the cruise terminal?

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Guys burgers is delish, and I'm not even a burger person.


As for those slides and your grandson vs. your daughter, my kids are 12 and 6 and like night and day. The little one wouldn't hesitate to get on Green Thunder while my 12 year old wouldn't try it for anything you could possibly bribe him with! I was actually glad to find out in an earlier review that they put two new slides in. The yellow one is new. Had it only been the green thunder, I might not even consider the Pride knowing only one kid would enjoy the Waterpark.


I side with Braydon here. No way would I get on that thing either! Yup....chicken...bark bark! Lol.


Come on cruizin...everyone knows chickens don't bark. ;) :p


I am really loving your review. Thank you for taking the time and for all the great pictures. I have a long time before my cruise and this helps the time go quicker.


One question, how far was the Best Western from the cruise terminal?



Thanks for joining me and commenting. Glad you like it.


Hmm, it wasn't long. I'm guessing maybe 15-20 minutes. If it's not in my review, I didn't time it or take a screen shot of the time. Oops. I knew I was forgetting something. Oh wait, our van pulled up at 10am at the hotel...factor in putting all our luggage in the van, 5 of us getting in and driving away. I took the picture of the ship when pulling up outside the gate to the port and it was taken at 10:19am. Hope that helps...so less than 20 minutes. :)

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I was up at 6:45 and ready to go...with my arm asleep and numb and my back aching from the hard bed...but hey at least my room was no longer cold (they claim to have "fixed" it, but I think it was because we were now in warm weather-wink wink).




I got the crew up, called Kendra to make sure she was up and informed her for the 50th time I would not be waiting on her late butt to get off the ship and we were on our way to the buffet area for breakfast.


Same old, same old for me.




We were due in at Grand Turk at 8am...and we were pulling in at 8am right on time.




Hey, they have a wrecked boat just like Mahogany Bay.









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