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We were just on the Soujoin in May.The first evening we were shown to a table by the work station.My husband said he would prefer another location.She was very gracious and moved us.We then had the same location for the entire trip.We were on deck 6 so not one of the suites.

As far as tipping goes this got sticky.We have sailed on SB for the last 14 years and have always donated to the crew fund.We were told by numerous employees that they wold prefer a personal tip.One gal said they are not paid enough and need and the tips.We were both shocked at her comment.Things have changed and I fear not for the better.

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And I have to admit to being quite distressed by one of Kevinsworld's comments. I think it is wonderful that he liked the new system and found this hostess provided exceeds the service for which he felt she should be rewarded. However, I am very distressed that he chose to do this by tipping her at then end of the cruise.


I did not want to be the one to bring attention to the tip. I have enjoyed reading his posts on the Celebrity forum and am a bit disappointed whenever people coming from the large ships cannot get with the program. It's just another bad habit that people bring from mass market lines.

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I am totally taken back by your account of your recent experience. Can I ask what you did? Could you have gone to the Hotel Manager and without naming names informed him as to what took place? We too have always donated to the Crew Welfare found and found it to be a fair way of rewarding all of the crew for their wonderful service.

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We were just on the Soujoin in May.The first evening we were shown to a table by the work station.My husband said he would prefer another location.She was very gracious and moved us.We then had the same location for the entire trip.We were on deck 6 so not one of the suites.

As far as tipping goes this got sticky.We have sailed on SB for the last 14 years and have always donated to the crew fund.We were told by numerous employees that they wold prefer a personal tip.One gal said they are not paid enough and need and the tips.We were both shocked at her comment.Things have changed and I fear not for the better.



I fear that you found a couple of rogue members of crew.

I hope that you reported them to the Hotel Director.


This behaviour is most unusual on a Seabourn ship.

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I fear that you found a couple of rogue members of crew.

I hope that you reported them to the Hotel Director.


This behaviour is most unusual on a Seabourn ship.


Agreed, and if pay was an issue why would we see so many of the crew returning over the years? I have never had any crew member remotely imply they were looking for a tip, but I have heard from multiple folks how much they enjoy working for Seabourn.

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I was really in mourning for the little ships when we disembarked the final Legend cruise in April. Part of this stemmed from little hints dropped by crew that suggested with the end of the little sisters "changes" would be made. It would appear from comments here and on a few other recent threads that some of my apprehension was justified. It will be very interesting to get updates from longtime Seabourn cruisers as to changes they notice. Fingers ( and toers) crossed these are aberrations rather than shades of things to come!

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No I did not report them They were young .It was the first time this has ever happened and we let it go.

As you said most have been with the line for years. Service was outstanding and had no complaints about that at all.

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I am sad to read this. I wonder if these young people had previously worked on other lines (possibly HAL) and therefore did not think it was out of place. The worst we have had is being importuned to give 10 out of 10 to some staff - it was thoroughly deserved, but I did say please do not ask.


It now makes me wonder if the seating hostess idea has also come from HAL perhaps (never cruised this line or likely to) and this may also mean people looking for tips which never used to happen. Do hope not.

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Hostesses from HAL? Crew asking for tips, a HAL practice?


These are 2 very good reasons for Seabourn to establish separate and/or at least distinct HR (and training) functions.


If I wanted to go on a HAL cruise I would do so. And set myself for a mass market experience. And yes, I would find other uses for the money saved, possibly on a different vacation after that HAL "experience".


Happy sailing on Seabourn!

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We will be on the Sojourn in 2 weeks so I will post an update after our return. We tend to eat later (8:30 to 9 pm) and we prefer to sit at a table for 2 by the window, so hopefully the hostess will oblige. If a table isn't available, we don't mind going to the bar to have a drink and wait, but I refuse to sit at a noisy table by a service station. We will see how it goes.


Question re the Collanade...is there a hostess to seat you? Again, we like to sit at a table outside on the aft deck section. Will this be difficult to acquire?

Edited by Sunprince
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We will be on the Sojourn in 2 weeks so I will post an update after our return. We tend to eat later (8:30 to 9 pm) and we prefer to sit at a table for 2 by the window, so hopefully the hostess will oblige. If a table isn't available, we don't mind going to the bar to have a drink and wait, but I refuse to sit at a noisy table by a service station. We will see how it goes.


Question re the Collanade...is there a hostess to seat you? Again, we like to sit at a table outside on the aft deck section. Will this be difficult to acquire?



We prefer a table for 2 and also like to dine at 8.30pm or even a bit later, we usually have no problem being offered a decent table. That said, our last SB cruise was the first with one of these hostesses and we did find that she'd try to give us a less desirable table. Closing time for dinner in the MDR is 9pm and we have found that we feel a bit rushed sometimes if we arrive 8.45pm onwards. We do like to take our time over dinner though.


We also prefer to dine outside when we eat at the Colonnade, and have never had a problem getting a table there for dinner. It can occasionally be difficult at lunch time.

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Perhaps if enough people refuse the tables offered and congregate but the entrance to the dining room to wait for a proper table the maitre d' or Hotman will do something about it and retrain the hostesses.

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We will be on the Sojourn in 2 weeks so I will post an update after our return. We tend to eat later (8:30 to 9 pm) and we prefer to sit at a table for 2 by the window, so hopefully the hostess will oblige. If a table isn't available, we don't mind going to the bar to have a drink and wait, but I refuse to sit at a noisy table by a service station. We will see how it goes.


Question re the Collanade...is there a hostess to seat you? Again, we like to sit at a table outside on the aft deck section. Will this be difficult to acquire?


No you will not have a problem getting a able for 2 at either restaurant. We did every night. 1 evening we were invited to a hosted table.

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We are taking our first Seabourn cruise next April, after several on Crystal. On Crystal, in spite of grituities being included, it is not uncommon to tip the room stewardess, the person with whom we have the most contact. As such, we have always left our stewardess a tip in addition to leaving something for the crew welfare fund, because of the exceptional service. Is this practice frowned upon on Seabourn? We don't want to insult our stewardess if we receive outstanding service and do not leave a tip, but we also do not wish to violate company policy.

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Since i have yet to sail with a hostess on Seabourn I will reserve judgment as to whether or not this is an improvement. But I will say that if this new system now includes assigning table based on suite category then this will turn me away from Seabourn. As others have noted somehow over the years Seabourn has done a remarkable wonderful job of treating all passengers as equals.This "democratic" atmosphere truly is one of the hallmarks of Seabourn and I would hope that this remains. But if there are some special perks that come with premium suites it would be better and more transparent if those perks are stated in writing and not doled out in a sort of shadow system.


And I have to admit to being quite distressed by one of Kevinsworld's comments. I think it is wonderful that he liked the new system and found this hostess provided exceeds the service for which he felt she should be rewarded. However, I am very distressed that he chose to do this by tipping her at then end of the cruise. I would hope she had the good sense to refuse this tip. Seabourn has a no tipping policy and because of this I find all of the crew members can focus on providing all passengers with good service and not sucking up to those they think might remunerate them. And imagine how the hardworking crew members who did not receive a tip must have felt when they say this young woman being singled out.From my perspective the only thing worse than tipping a favored crew member or two at the end is tipping early in the cruise in the expectation of receiving better service. If you feel have have received excellent service from a crew member there is something you can do to reward them -- go tell the Hotel Manger or write a note to Seabourn or give them a special shout out on your Guest Questionnaire. But please don't muck up the no tipping policy. I would hate to see Seabourn degrade into one of those lines that leaves envelopes with "suggested per person per day gratuities" in the suites.


I can say that at the end of the Seabourn cruises I've been on, there still is tipping...i've witnessed it numerous times especially for the wait staff.

We chose to give something to Daniella because she was so friendly and accommodating. She had no advance way of knowing that we would. We also always tip our cabin attendant. I saw numerous people tipping the Asst maître D, we were not one of them.

We did not choose one of the favored tables, or a window one. We liked being against the back wall at a table for four, so we could sit next to each other.

We chose to eat close to 8:15-8:30 to help facilitate that.

I'm sure if someone else wanted that specific table, and it was available before we got there, they could have requested and gotten it.

Again, we were not in a higher end suite...we were just nice to them and never demanded anything...we just politely asked, and worked with them timing wise... They obviously got to know us over the course of the thirty days and we them. We thought the entire crew was great, almost without exception....

Can't wait for October!

Edited by Kevnzworld
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We are taking our first Seabourn cruise next April, after several on Crystal. On Crystal, in spite of grituities being included, it is not uncommon to tip the room stewardess, the person with whom we have the most contact. As such, we have always left our stewardess a tip in addition to leaving something for the crew welfare fund, because of the exceptional service. Is this practice frowned upon on Seabourn? We don't want to insult our stewardess if we receive outstanding service and do not leave a tip, but we also do not wish to violate company policy.


We usually do the same although sometimes buying them a gift as opposed to money - learnt that from another CC member (only once we had a stewardess not worth the money - she seemed to think she was the paying party and did nothing special unlike all the others). The crew fund rewards every one including the engine room guys, kitchen staff and guys in the boiler suits who polish the rails. If my stewardess meets my expectations I do give her something. However the stated policy which I do NOT want to see change is tipping in NOT EXPECTED. And I have had more than one stewardess at first tell me it was not necessary and try not to take it. (Which is why the mention of some one expecting one on another thread is disturbing)

FWIW I would never tip a hostess.

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Yes you almost have the no tipping policy almost right.


I do not tip, full stop for obvious reasons.

Yes the expectations do rise that the tip will become the norm.

It also happens on Silversea.


But the one piece of advice l would give those that do want to recognize a particular crew member more than just give them a praise in the questionnaire or a back slap to the hotel director is to name them on the crew fund donation which l do every cruise.


I place a very nice very short note to the Purser.


"Dear Sir,

Thank you for a wonderful cruise once again, please accept this well deserved donation to the crew fund on my behalf.

The reason for this donation is due to the amazing service l received from Mary Smith my suite attendant.

Please pass on to the crew committee my sincere thanks for Mary's service and l would be great full for the crew to know it was Mary who was responsible for my donation.

Well done Mary."


Yours sincerely,

Mr Jaffa



SB and SS have a no tipping policy.

It is important to follow the rules.

The cruise lines are very particular about not doing this.

The crew fund is there for everyone, even the crew we never see.

It is unfair to pick one or two over everyone else.

Plus it is not good for morale with crew being diveded in to the haves and the have not's.

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I agree with Mr. Jaffa to an extent. We always do the crew fund as well........but....there are those who go the extra mile. To me that is what tipping is about.....not a tradition. I have always make an envelope and note out to about 10 crew who have made a difference in my trip....and give it to the Maitre d to distribute. He has always be thrilled with being able to personally give these accolades......and I give the Room Stewardess hers myself......along with an appreciative little gift. Most of us on these trips lead a privileged life.........and these young people work exceedingly hard to make life special for us. I think that making a day special for them and their hard work is worthwhile. We all have or opinions....I had to give mine.....Lola

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What about all those people in the laundry and kitchen who go the extra mile to make your cruise special. Do you go down to the laundry room to tip them as well? They work just as hard, perhaps harder.

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What about all those people in the laundry and kitchen who go the extra mile to make your cruise special. Do you go down to the laundry room to tip them as well? They work just as hard, perhaps harder.


No, nor do I tip the dishwasher in the restaurants I eat at..or the chef, and they work a lot harder than the waiter does. The staff shares gratuities in what ever fashion they deem appropriate.

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In a restaurant waiters share their tips because they have to. And management knows exactly how much in tips a waiter earns because it is on the credit card. But when you tip in cash on a cruise ship I would bet the stewardesses and hostesses and whoever one tips do not share with all those other hard working people.

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In a restaurant waiters share their tips because they have to. And management knows exactly how much in tips a waiter earns because it is on the credit card. But when you tip in cash on a cruise ship I would bet the stewardesses and hostesses and whoever one tips do not share with all those other hard working people.


And they are all paid unequally too....that's life.

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