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Excursion Reservation Regret?


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We booked a Misty fjord float plane excursion and am now having second thoughts. Our budget is fairly tight and already I am worrying about whether we will have enough "fun money" for the various ports, not to mention any extras we might want to purchase on the cruise ship. I'm seriously debating canceling the excursion because, quite frankly, $500 would make for a lot of fun money. I can't decide if we'd get more enjoyment on the 2 hr tour, or the spending of the $500 on various things. Thoughts or advice anyone?

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It is entirely up to you on how you use your money. Is the excursion something you would regret not going on? Is it something you were really looking forward too? Are the items you might spend that money on such that they must be purchased? So many questions that only you and yours can answer.

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We booked a Misty fjord float plane excursion and am now having second thoughts. Our budget is fairly tight and already I am worrying about whether we will have enough "fun money" for the various ports, not to mention any extras we might want to purchase on the cruise ship. I'm seriously debating canceling the excursion because, quite frankly, $500 would make for a lot of fun money. I can't decide if we'd get more enjoyment on the 2 hr tour, or the spending of the $500 on various things. Thoughts or advice anyone?


IMHO...A ship is a floating hotel, and trinkets are trinkets. I think it comes down to whether you want the "Alaskan Experience" or the peripheral things?

It's all subjective. :)

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Ports/budgets are always something one must consider. My personal opinion is that flightseeing is a huge highlight. One can debate is Misty, glacier helicopter or someother one is best, but I would suggestion you search flickr and youtube to see what people have shared to find what is the best bang for buck.

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I'm not thinking "trinkets" per say, but just the financial freedom to perhaps enjoy crab legs at Tracy's Crab shack or a tangible thing one sees that one wants and can take home.


I guess I'm just thinking that people who don't go on expensive float plane excursions and just have fun at port, must have a wonderfully memorable time too? Also wondering if the stress of the money spent will somehow cloud the excursion experience when I can't enjoy or buy something I want.


Maybe that's silly. [emoji23]

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We booked a Misty fjord float plane excursion and am now having second thoughts. Our budget is fairly tight and already I am worrying about whether we will have enough "fun money" for the various ports, not to mention any extras we might want to purchase on the cruise ship. I'm seriously debating canceling the excursion because, quite frankly, $500 would make for a lot of fun money. I can't decide if we'd get more enjoyment on the 2 hr tour, or the spending of the $500 on various things. Thoughts or advice anyone?


I had this same debate myself a few weeks ago, actually, and ended up cancelling the flight for my August cruise. While Misty Fjords looks beautiful from the photos I've seen, it would be one of many beautiful places I'll be seeing on this trip. In my mind, the value/uniqueness of the tour didn't add up to the cost. Plus, even though I know the recent crash was probably a freak occurrence that I don't need to worry about, it made me uneasy. So that pushed me over the edge and I cancelled it. Instead I am going to rent a car and drive up the Tongass Highway.


FWIW, I am still doing a Denali flight/landing, because IMO that is definitely worth the cost, and is an only-in-Alaska opportunity.


But it is very much a personal, to-each-their-own decision. No one's interests (or budgets) are the same.

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We have one scheduled in September, as well. I had seriously considered canceling but have decided to go. While money is not an issue for us, I do want to know I'm getting my money's worth. The online reviews and videos convinced me of that.


I was also concerned, since our flight is right smack dab in the middle of our port time, that it would limit our opportunity to enjoy a little time in town. It looks so picturesque and I have a photo addition. People on this board convinced me that we will still have some time to walk Creek Street. As we are not shoppers, it is just for the exposure, take in the beauty of the town, type of visit so I'm hoping we can pull it all off.


We travel a lot but do feel it is a once in a lifetime experience. But, then again, we try to treat every vacation that way.

Edited by vtxriders
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We booked a Misty fjord float plane excursion and am now having second thoughts. Our budget is fairly tight and already I am worrying about whether we will have enough "fun money" for the various ports, not to mention any extras we might want to purchase on the cruise ship. I'm seriously debating canceling the excursion because, quite frankly, $500 would make for a lot of fun money. I can't decide if we'd get more enjoyment on the 2 hr tour, or the spending of the $500 on various things. Thoughts or advice anyone?


I post bluntly, so flame away. But, frankly, your post is telling. You don't want to spend all this money, on this tour, am having regrets already? You want money to spend on the fly, as you wish. THAT appears to be your traveling preference? An anonymous message board doesn't know you, nor would I ever, make any "recommendation". You need to go in the direction that is going to be accepted by you and not be in turmoil over something, just not sitting right.

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Haha! No flames from me Budget Queen. [emoji6]


To be honest, this is the most expensive vacation my dh and I have ever booked. It is our 30th wedding anniversary and we wanted to do something special...as we didn't have the funds for anything but short weekend trips up until now. Going on this cruise is a big deal for us, and proving to be a LOT of money with airfare, the extra expenses on the cruise (DSC, etc) and then excursions. It's all a little overwhelming. We are not poor, but $500 is a lot of money to spend, and to spend it in 2 hours has my very frugal mind having second thoughts. [emoji6]


So many who post on these boards have the funds to stay in Haven or big suites, etc so I often feel like maybe spending

$500 is chump change to them. Meaning they are flush and can do whatever excursion they want with no regrets or worry. I am just too money conscience from always having too little of it, so yes, it's driving me a little bonkers to spend so much on a vacation. Haha! Do I want to take the float plane? Yes, otherwise we wouldn't have booked it. But when it's over and done am I going to regret it and wish I had that $500 back?? There in lies my main dilemma.


DH and I are still kicking it around and have not decided yet. We are both so very easily pleased and can enjoy life's simple things, so we can't help but question if we wouldn't be just as happy skipping the excursion and doing our own thing in Ketchikan thereby saving ourselves some money.


And yes, I know no one can recommend or tell us what to do, but I know we can't be the only people to work through this thought process...so I was hoping to hear how others thought it through.

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Haha! No flames from me Budget Queen. [emoji6]


To be honest, this is the most expensive vacation my dh and I have ever booked. It is our 30th wedding anniversary and we wanted to do something special...as we didn't have the funds for anything but short weekend trips up until now. Going on this cruise is a big deal for us, and proving to be a LOT of money with airfare, the extra expenses on the cruise (DSC, etc) and then excursions. It's all a little overwhelming. We are not poor, but $500 is a lot of money to spend, and to spend it in 2 hours has my very frugal mind having second thoughts. [emoji6]


So many who post on these boards have the funds to stay in Haven or big suites, etc so I often feel like maybe spending

$500 is chump change to them. Meaning they are flush and can do whatever excursion they want with no regrets or worry. I am just too money conscience from always having too little of it, so yes, it's driving me a little bonkers to spend so much on a vacation. Haha! Do I want to take the float plane? Yes, otherwise we wouldn't have booked it. But when it's over and done am I going to regret it and wish I had that $500 back?? There in lies my main dilemma.


DH and I are still kicking it around and have not decided yet. We are both so very easily pleased and can enjoy life's simple things, so we can't help but question if we wouldn't be just as happy skipping the excursion and doing our own thing in Ketchikan thereby saving ourselves some money.


And yes, I know no one can recommend or tell us what to do, but I know we can't be the only people to work through this thought process...so I was hoping to hear how others thought it through.


An alternative- to perhaps consider- would be to book this when you get there? Walk up Misty fiords tours are just about always available- IF you make this arrangement early in your port day. Don't know what your cruise itinerary is, but if Ketchikan is your last port, could be a workable compromise.


I fully understand where you are coming from. All kinds of people, my sister is one, (more financially successful) who just can't part with money on costly tours, she is very happy to do nothing, and count her money. :) I do spend- don't have any limits, which is my choice and preference.


When it comes down to it- I'm a firm believer- being true to yourself. Getting into the second guessing is a waste of my time, which is borrowed and finite. Again- MY thinking.


I wish you the wisdom to find yours.

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To be honest, this is the most expensive vacation my dh and I have ever booked. It is our 30th wedding anniversary and we wanted to do something special...as we didn't have the funds for anything but short weekend trips up until now. Going on this cruise is a big deal for us, and proving to be a LOT of money with airfare, the extra expenses on the cruise (DSC, etc) and then excursions. It's all a little overwhelming. We are not poor, but $500 is a lot of money to spend, and to spend it in 2 hours has my very frugal mind having second thoughts. [emoji6]


So many who post on these boards have the funds to stay in Haven or big suites, etc so I often feel like maybe spending

$500 is chump change to them. Meaning they are flush and can do whatever excursion they want with no regrets or worry. I am just too money conscience from always having too little of it, so yes, it's driving me a little bonkers to spend so much on a vacation. Haha! Do I want to take the float plane? Yes, otherwise we wouldn't have booked it. But when it's over and done am I going to regret it and wish I had that $500 back?? There in lies my main dilemma.


DH and I are still kicking it around and have not decided yet. We are both so very easily pleased and can enjoy life's simple things, so we can't help but question if we wouldn't be just as happy skipping the excursion and doing our own thing in Ketchikan thereby saving ourselves some money.


And yes, I know no one can recommend or tell us what to do, but I know we can't be the only people to work through this thought process...so I was hoping to hear how others thought it through.


I live someplace where people just love to show off their money. The truth is, lots of those people have no money, just loads of debt. So the ones who stay in the expensive cabins? The $500 might mean more to them than it does to you, because it might mean more debt.


DH and I are very conscious of the costs of things, so I understand your concerns, to a degree. We also like doing oddball things, e.g., taking the water taxi while we were in Victoria, instead of doing a shorex someplace. I think I "get" it.


But we can also spend like sailors on shore leave :D when there's something we really want to do and limited opportunities to do it.


We recently had to make a choice about whether to spend big or not, and eventually got to "is it likely we will have another chance to do this?" No, not at all likely, so we spent. I will often also play the "if I want to do this, what can I give up in order to do it?" game. For me, giving up prime rib or fast food or take-out coffee for 6 months is easy, if there's an experience I really want :)


I think the right answer for you will come to you if you give it a little time. Don't think about it, definitely don't obsess about it ;)

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We just returned yesterday and did the Misty Fjords flight with Michelle of Island Wings. It was a highlight of our trip! I am still sorting photos, but will hopefully post in the next couple of days.


I do know what you mean about the money. We aren't rich by any means. We usually take Inside cabins, and only had a balcony this time because I caught a price drop that made it only a couple hundred (per person) more than an inside, instead of twice as much. We usually do one "splurge" excursion on each trip. Last year, when we took my 3 kids + 1 best friend, I spent nearly $1000 to take everyone whale watching with a stop at Mendenhall. We had great success, with many whales bubble net feeding, and it was well worth the expense.


I can't tell you what you should do, but I can say that I do not regret doing the Misty Fjords flight or the money spent. I did not buy a single souvenir for myself, but the experience of that flight makes up for any trinkets.

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Haha! No flames from me Budget Queen. [emoji6]


To be honest, this is the most expensive vacation my dh and I have ever booked. It is our 30th wedding anniversary and we wanted to do something special...as we didn't have the funds for anything but short weekend trips up until now. Going on this cruise is a big deal for us, and proving to be a LOT of money with airfare, the extra expenses on the cruise (DSC, etc) and then excursions. It's all a little overwhelming. We are not poor, but $500 is a lot of money to spend, and to spend it in 2 hours has my very frugal mind having second thoughts. [emoji6]


So many who post on these boards have the funds to stay in Haven or big suites, etc so I often feel like maybe spending

$500 is chump change to them. Meaning they are flush and can do whatever excursion they want with no regrets or worry. I am just too money conscience from always having too little of it, so yes, it's driving me a little bonkers to spend so much on a vacation. Haha! Do I want to take the float plane? Yes, otherwise we wouldn't have booked it. But when it's over and done am I going to regret it and wish I had that $500 back?? There in lies my main dilemma.


DH and I are still kicking it around and have not decided yet. We are both so very easily pleased and can enjoy life's simple things, so we can't help but question if we wouldn't be just as happy skipping the excursion and doing our own thing in Ketchikan thereby saving ourselves some money.


And yes, I know no one can recommend or tell us what to do, but I know we can't be the only people to work through this thought process...so I was hoping to hear how others thought it through.


Our situation is a little different, but I sure do feel your pain. We cancelled our "BIG" 20th Anniversary trip to Europe with a Med cruise because we simply weren't comfortable once the costs ticked into 5 figures. We made a very poor, knee-jerk decision to book Alaska because the deposit we'd already paid on the "good" trip more than covered the cruise fare and flights for our upcoming Alaska Southbound. What we failed to realize was how ridiculously costly the excursions were going to be, made even more gut-wrenching by the woeful state of our CDN currency.


We could easily be spending $1,000/day on the better excursions, which would quickly negate any savings on this trip compared to the one we really wanted to take. :( Coupled with the fact that we already live in an environment relatively similar to Alaska and much of it holds no great allure, we're really having to keep our wits about us while booking excursions. We've practically eliminated flight-seeing as an option in any port unless we can find something that strikes us as a very good value on offer at the pier. We're not counting on it.


This may end up being our CTN, during which we may spend a LOT of time on-board; buy a drink package, get spa treatments and take quite a few naps. We'll enjoy our time together and celebrate our anniversary regardless but as cruises go, this one is likely to be very different for us. I wish you well and hope you have a great trip, whatever you decide!

Edited by ronandannette
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Our situation is a little different, but I sure do feel your pain. We cancelled our "BIG" 20th Anniversary trip to Europe with a Med cruise because we simply weren't comfortable once the costs ticked into 5 figures. We made a very poor, knee-jerk decision to book Alaska because the deposit we'd already paid on the "good" trip more than covered the cruise fare and flights for our upcoming Alaska Southbound. What we failed to realize was how ridiculously costly the excursions were going to be, made even more gut-wrenching by the woeful state of our CDN currency.


We could easily be spending $1,000/day on the better excursions, which would quickly negate any savings on this trip compared to the one we really wanted to take. :( Coupled with the fact that we already live in an environment relatively similar to Alaska and much of it holds no great allure, we're really having to keep our wits about us while booking excursions. We've practically eliminated flight-seeing as an option in any port unless we can find something that strikes us as a very good value on offer at the pier. We're not counting on it.


This may end up being our CTN, during which we may spend a LOT of time on-board; buy a drink package, get spa treatments and take quite a few naps. We'll enjoy our time together and celebrate our anniversary regardless but as cruises go, this one is likely to be very different for us. I wish you well and hope you have a great trip, whatever you decide!


I find your story, kind of sad. You are still spending a considerable amount of money on a destination, you aren't real interested in, with it being a second choice?


Just a general comment, those who do have to "save" up for touring, making a choice like this, in my opinion- is further delaying, that trip that may be the priority? Perhaps think carefully about alternative plans? I live for "today", my priority,- "tomorrow" is no longer something I want to look too far ahead at.

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I find your story, kind of sad. You are still spending a considerable amount of money on a destination, you aren't real interested in, with it being a second choice?


Just a general comment, those who do have to "save" up for touring, making a choice like this, in my opinion- is further delaying, that trip that may be the priority? Perhaps think carefully about alternative plans? I live for "today", my priority,- "tomorrow" is no longer something I want to look too far ahead at.


Yeah, it was a bad decision; made under pressure. It's not even really a second choice; DH jokes that we may never cruise again since Alaska is the "last place" he ever wanted to go. We're really looking forward to being away together though and are working on making the best of it. Maybe we'll actually find out if a bad day cruising is better than a good day at work - LOL! :D

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We made a very poor, knee-jerk decision to book Alaska because the deposit we'd already paid on the "good" trip more than covered the cruise fare and flights for our upcoming Alaska Southbound. What we failed to realize was how ridiculously costly the excursions were going to be, made even more gut-wrenching by the woeful state of our CDN currency.


We could easily be spending $1,000/day on the better excursions, which would quickly negate any savings on this trip compared to the one we really wanted to take. Coupled with the fact that we already live in an environment relatively similar to Alaska and much of it holds no great allure, we're really having to keep our wits about us while booking excursions.


Not sure if this of any help to you, BUT there are plenty of things you can do that don't cost a fortune, that can still get you away from the dock and let you see Alaska (not the Diamonds International version of Alaska....) Thanks to Budget Queen, I discovered the Totem Heritage Center in Ketchikan, which is a $5 entry fee, and now one of my favorite places to spend time. There is not enough money in Alaska to get me onto a flightseeing excursion :D but there are plenty of other things to do.


I live in a resort area in the Canadian Rockies, towering mountains, emerald green and turquoise blue water everywhere you look. I still attempt an annual cruise to Alaska. It is not the same as where we live.


I hope you are able to overcome your disappointment and find joy in Alaska :)

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Not sure if this of any help to you, BUT there are plenty of things you can do that don't cost a fortune, that can still get you away from the dock and let you see Alaska (not the Diamonds International version of Alaska....) Thanks to Budget Queen, I discovered the Totem Heritage Center in Ketchikan, which is a $5 entry fee, and now one of my favorite places to spend time. There is not enough money in Alaska to get me onto a flightseeing excursion :D but there are plenty of other things to do.


I live in a resort area in the Canadian Rockies, towering mountains, emerald green and turquoise blue water everywhere you look. I still attempt an annual cruise to Alaska. It is not the same as where we live.


I hope you are able to overcome your disappointment and find joy in Alaska :)


This is a state of mind and a decision we make every day! Thanks for the port suggestions.

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This is so subjective. When we went to Alaska 5 years ago, we didn't know if we would ever have an opportunity to return so we booked a flight over the summit of Mt. McKinley and are so glad we did. It was really the absolute highlight of the trip for my husband. We've never done a float plane to one of the glaciers, but you really have to decide just what is going to make this a special trip for you. For us, there were so many wonderful experiences in Alaska. You just can't go wrong, no matter what you choose. We didn't spend money on souvenirs, we wanted to spend our money on experiences.

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When I first started planning my trip to Alaska, I wanted to do everything--flight seeing, glacier landing, bear viewing. I quickly realized how expensive these tours were and that I didn't have that kind of budget. I decided that dog sledding on a glacier was my top priority, so I adjusted the budget elsewhere, including our time in Alaska post-cruise to just one day. My time on the glacier was magical and I'm happy with my choices. Do what will make you happy AND let you sleep at night!

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