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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

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Lots going on but we finally had a weekend of down-time, so we're caught up on pictures and I have a little time to post. I thought I'd do some food pictures because they are probably more interesting than the same old pictures of the same old sights. Which we enjoyed thoroughly, mind you, but the Catalan food will stay with us much longer (literally and figuratively...had to go running yesterday)!


Our Christmas Dinner at Restaurant Gelonch was nothing short of amazing. I still can't get over the fact that it was only €52 per person. We got a bottle of rosé Pinot Gris from Alsace to go with it.


Each course was intricately assembled and served fresh from the kitchen. Our table was right near the slot in the kitchen door, where the chefs put out the plates for the servers, so not only was our food delivered in seconds but we also got a preview of every dish.


On Christmas Day they were serving a set menu. We had reserved online through a mobile app called The Fork, and we were a little worried because the app had said that the restaurant would contact us for a deposit to secure the reservation. That never happened, and our hotel tried contacting the restaurant for us before we arrived without success. But luckily they were expecting us when we arrived at 15:30, ready to eat!


Our first course was called "Fresh Herbs Crusty Pastry with Foie Gras Mi-cuit and Pear Confit." It was served on a bed of fresh rosemary. The cracker was perfectly crispy and contrasted nicely with the smooth texture of the foie gras. Every once in a while you got some extra crunch, from a crystal of sea salt, which made the whole dish explode with flavor. A great starter - yum!




The next course was "Seafood Cannelloni with Grilled Wild Mushroom" and unfortunately this doesn't photograph as well. It too was delicious - the cannelloni was not a commercial cylinder of thick pasta, but rather a sheet of homemade fresh pasta hand-rolled around a nice medley of seafood, and shaped into a tube. It had a creamy sauce over the top and then was baked and garnished with the grilled mushrooms. We also thought that the plate it was served on was pretty cool too!




After the seafood we had an "Iberian Secret Mille-feuille with Octopus, Roasted Garlic Cream, and Baby Spinach." We were not sure what to expect, as most things that are called "Mille-fieulle" in my experience are layered in puff pastry - this usually renders them fairly tasteless. This most certainly was not... Eventually we figured out that the slices of octopus were layered between thin slices of pork! The combination seems odd but it worked amazingly well. The octopus was delicious and the two different textures and flavors went together very nicely. Another home run for the kitchen!




The rosé was going down nicely and we were eagerly anticipating the next course. This was "Codfish 'Morro' with Almond Cream, Cardoons, and Cockles" and the codfish was in small brick-like pieces, covered with a nice crust, and seared. The sweetness of the almond cream went well with the dish, and the crunch of the coating and nuts added an interesting texture. The cockles were out of the shell and loose in the cream; maybe it would have looked more interesting had they been in the shell? We could not complain about the taste, though.




So that was all for the rosé, but we had another course to go - "Deboned Iberian Suckling Pig with Cassava Gnocchi, Padron Pepper, and Pumpkin Cream with Passion Fruit." That's a mouthful for sure! We got a glass of red each and awaited its arrival eagerly.




This dish was fantastic as well. The pork was fork-tender, and the skin was crackling crisp and so tasty! The gnocchi were good for a palate cleanser after the rich meat, and the dots of padron pepper sauce, and passionfruit sauce, added interesting and contrasting bits of hot and sweet flavor to the dish.


On to dessert - "Crema Catalana with Green Apple Sorbet and Elderflower Jelly" which unfortunately does not photograph well either. Catalan cream is like a looser version of crème brulée but this had a bit of a surprise. Instead of being a huge dish of rich cream, the cream had been poured around a scoop of the apple sorbet. The result was that the crisp tart flavor of the apple sorbet cut through the thick rick creaminess of the crème, and the combination was outstanding.




So after that we were fairly full - just room for a coffee, and a nibble at the petit-fours that came with it. This ended up being our most expensive meal of the whole trip, yet we thought that we really got our money's worth. As the last seating of the day was 15:30, things had slowed down and the restaurant was almost empty when we had finished. The kitchen staff got a well-deserved break, and one of the chefs came over to chat with us, so we could pay our compliments to him directly.


Such a nice meal! Since it was a pleasant evening, we decided to take a meandering route back to our hotel instead of using the Metro.

Edited by jpalbny
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No trouble at all, Jeff. This was one of those meals where the memory remains long after the last bite. So it was a pleasure describing it here for others to enjoy.


We're planning a Danube River cruise for the spring, and a big trip to Madagascar and South Africa in the fall. Have to fill in the gaps with weekend getaways, but those require less advance planning...

Edited by jpalbny
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JP the BCN photos are WONDERFUL. It my favorite city -- been there many times -- and you even got to that charming little maritime museum - I didn't think many people went there.

Thanks for bringing back so many precious memories. Tried to get my late DH to close up our house and take an apartment in Barcelona for 3 months -- couldn't sell the deal -- but we did revisit and I've visited several times since.

Thanks for the memories.

Oh -- food looks great too....:)

Dusababy aka Mary Ann

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No trouble at all, Jeff. This was one of those meals where the memory remains long after the last bite. So it was a pleasure describing it here for others to enjoy.


We're planning a Danube River cruise for the spring, and a big trip to Madagascar and South Africa in the fall. Have to fill in the gaps with weekend getaways, but those require less advance planning...


I'm pleased for Chris and your sake, you ignored my views on BCN, so where and when is the next European city trip?



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Thanks, Mary Ann and Jeff. It really was a fun trip. We got to many of the places on our list, despite the crowds. Thinking that the next weekend getaway will not be exactly on Christmas - it's not as empty as we like... ;)


Next city trip will probably be Budapest for 2 days before the river cruise. Have to figure out how to get enough time off from work to allow adequate time there. After the cruise ends in Passau, we'll probably visit Salzburg.


For next winter, a weekend trip to Venice has appeal but I don't think the flights will be very convenient. Reykjavik also is an awesome winter destination that we've done before, and it's an easy flight. Will have to see what strikes our fancy as the time gets closer. No firm plans yet. Don't think we finalized the Barcelona trip until the end of Augusta. Plenty of time!

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Looking forward to Barcelona even more now. Arrive midday before our first trip and have 4 nights there for the second that the kids are tagging along on. Looking forward to it - particularly a trip to camp nou to see BCF.


I was in Budapest last October and had a great time. Terror park was good fun (I will try to find a photo to post). And some great photo opportunities available. The hop on hop off buses are very good and cheap... And come with Danube boat trips too.... Though I doubt you will need that one! Haha


Was in Iceland year before. Absolutely loved it. Its certainly a different destination. Hired a car for 5 days... Only got a very brief glimmer of the northern lights.... It was cloudy nigh every day and nigh, but a place I intend to return. Not sure id want to do it in winter on a ship, I expect ir can get very very rough. The visit was planned to go see our volcano friend who caused us an unnecessary 11 hour flight, which saw us return to Singapore after nearly reaching Pakistan. We got a free full board 6 night extension of our Bali holiday that's to the volcano no one can pronouciate. Funnily there were some eerie coincidences to it. The night before we were at Tanalot and looking up at a mountain asked what it was. The taxi driver said it was another volcano. I then went on to proclaim (and I was thinking of the BA incident in 1983) that we never have problems with volcanos on Europe. Then on the flight I was watching the movie 2012 and it got to the part Yosemite was. Blowing when the bing bong went and the pilot announced "due to volcanic activity in London, we are turning back to singapore". I was convinced I had been set up for an episode of you've been framed and was frantically looking around for the camera.



Scary part was the reports talking about it setting off the second one and together it could last 6 months! It stopped us taking advantage of our good fortune as we could see ourselves up the creek and Singapore is not exactly the cheapest place on the planet!

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Nice to hear of some of your travel adventures Les.


Sinagpore gets a bit of an unfair deal reputation-wise ...... but it is a place we know very well as we spend at least 7 or 8 weeks each year there .... and consider it out third home. We use the same suite on each visit so it really does feel like "home".


Apart from getting there and quality accomodation costs I'd say it is very cheap to live well there particularly if you are a foody who likes to eat the local food which is wonderful.


If you want to read more then I suggest you search the earlier cooler thread on my name and Singapore where I'd chatted to others about our trips and help others prepare others prepare their's. It's certainly one of our very favourite places.



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Cheers Jeff... Will take a look.


Our hotel bill and food bill (not including any drinks) was £4000 for 6 nights. (We had 2 rooms... There were 4 of us.) But it was the thought of being stranded and an airline unwilling to foot the bill for an extended period that was the problem. This was on the back of 2 1/2 weeks away, so it did have big concerns. I agree you can eat cheaply and tourist things not majorly expensive... But the timing or more to the point, the unknown that was the problem. If we'd known we were only there 6 nights we would have hit the tiles! We were even starting to look for ways we could get home by land and sea! Quite worrying.

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Being stranded is desperately stressful.




Particularly when you find out your travel insurance say "sorry - act of god". What was annoying was the company I was going to use proudly proclaimed "you are covered for Icelandic Volcano" on their website. Grrr That said, it wasn't a problem as Singapore Air footed the Bill. Changi is eerie empty! (Though Air France remained the only airline not to look after its stranded passengers. Singapore Air didnt want to take care of us either. At first they claimed they had simply cancelled my flight and 11 hours in the air, I was simply back to my starting point. They weren't moved even after reminding them that my starting point was Bali and that Singapore was just a transit flight.


After 3 days - the government stepped in telling the airline it was embarrassing Singapore and that they were to look after its passengers properly. You don't mess with the Singapore government!!! lol


My master stroke was reminding them to look at the manifesto for medical records and get our suitcases. (My eldest is autistic and type 1 diabetic.) It was only then they helped us.

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Next city trip will probably be Budapest for 2 days before the river cruise. Have to figure out how to get enough time off from work to allow adequate time there. After the cruise ends in Passau, we'll probably visit Salzburg. For next winter, a weekend trip to Venice has appeal but I don't think the flights will be very convenient. No firm plans yet. Don't think we finalized the Barcelona trip until the end of Augusta. Plenty of time!


les37b: Looking forward to Barcelona even more now.


Super glad that things worked out so well for Barcelona and that Les is finalizing plans for visiting this great city with so much character. Am proud to have been one of the big boosters and pusher for the wise choice of doing that charming' date=' historic and forward-looking city of Barcelona.


For JP and Chris, the [b']added time in Budapest, Salzburg and Venice[/b] will be wonderful. But, however, only so much time and money?? Choices? We are very experienced in all three of these locations and can post more details, ideas and visuals later.


For those needing some added ideas about where to travel and visit in the future, you might check out this New York Times Travel Section that was delivered yesterday morning. They have this headline: "52 Places to Go in 2016" with this sub-headline summary: "It’s a big world out there, so we’ve narrowed it down for you. From ancient temples to crystalline waters, here are our top destinations to visit this year."


In their top five, they have two Europe locations that we have not, yet, visited. Both are now firmly on our "to-do" listing. These two spotlighted stars are Bordeaux and Malta. Been nearby to both, but need to experience each of these in the future.


Also on their top to-do list is Barcelona. This Times story has this sub-head: "Celebrating a beloved architect all year." Here are a few of these brief story highlights: "This year, Barcelona prepares for an influx of architecture aficionados as it marks the 90th anniversary of the death of Antoni Gaudí, whose work famously peppers the city. The Gaudi Exhibition Center at the Museu Diocesà de Barcelona will continue to offer an interactive deep dive with its 'Walking With Gaudi' exhibition. By year’s end, the Unesco World Heritage Site Casa Vicens — Gaudi’s first major work — will open as a public museum, and the completion of the Sagrada Família cathedral, his most ambitious work, is finally scheduled for 2026."


Others have ideas, tips, secrets, photos, suggestions, etc., from your past visiting to Barcelona? Don't be shy!! Share more!


Full NY Times' 52 Locations for 2016 story at:



For Venice if it is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 132,153 views for this posting.

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Morning Coolers! Sea day today. Yesterday Michael Buerk spoke on the death knell for newspapers and TV news reporting. Spot on I thought! The lack of research and in depth reporting coupled with the public's attention span of a gnat is leading to extinction of informed reporting. He speaks again this morning - topic is "Sorry, it is to do with Islam".

Have a great day all!

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Happy New Year, Coolers! Albeit it a little late.


This is the first year for a couple of decades that we have been facing a totally clean slate with regard to travel. We have no plans at all for the year ahead, I feel I need to rectify that very soon.

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Oh no Nigella! I hope that you can fix this posthaste and come back with updates.


We are in a similar, albeit less serious situation in that I haven't yet purchased our flights for the April river cruise, nor the Madagascar adventure. I am getting depressed looking at my Delta account, and seeing, "You have no trips scheduled."


We have to have something to look forward to, especially in the dreary months of January and February.

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Happy New Year, Coolers! Albeit it a little late.


This is the first year for a couple of decades that we have been facing a totally clean slate with regard to travel. We have no plans at all for the year ahead, I feel I need to rectify that very soon.




Does this post mean that you will be crawling back to Silversea after a bad Seabourn cruise [emoji13]

Edited by Mr Luxury
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Morning Coolers! Sea day today. Yesterday Michael Buerk spoke on the death knell for newspapers and TV news reporting. Spot on I thought! The lack of research and in depth reporting coupled with the public's attention span of a gnat is leading to extinction of informed reporting. He speaks again this morning - topic is "Sorry, it is to do with Islam". Have a great day all!


YES! Appreciate mysty's great sharing about this speaker and the topic. Agree 100% that quality and substance for and by many in the media has slid significantly. Part of it is the changing media economics and management "re-focusing" and/or tightening. I work with lots of print and broadcast media people. Things are challenging. Then, there is the "World of Reality TV", plus a never-ending 24/7 media cycle/circus that does NOT allow much time for thought and depth. Oh, and so much of "it" is about the Kardashian and being "famous" just because you seek to be a "celebrity"!! And cable TV, the Internet, talk radio, etc.! Keep sharing these wonderful details, topics, etc., from your World Cruise learning adventure.


Below is a visual sampling of the "Silver Box" that we received last week. The two hard plastic tags with our names on them are nice enough. BUT, we still have some of the older Silversea red leather bag tags that are much, much nicer and more impressive. The personalized Silversea "Travel Journal" is somewhat good, too, but here are two suggestions to the SS management. My wife was very unhappy that there was only one copy enclosed. She would have liked to have what she viewed as "her copy", not just sharing one between the two of us. Second, the print size used in this booklet is rather small and not always that easy to read. Hint! Hint!


Had dinner last night with one of our area's top lawyers who also happens to love travel, especially Africa. Lots of great, fun stories and details from their experiences there. They really like our upcoming plan for Cape Town, sailing on the Silver Cloud for seeing the South African coast, plus Botswana and Victoria Falls. Many good, practical tips from both him and his wife. Very helpful for both of us as we are now within two weeks of departing.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 34,519 views for these postings.



Last week, here is what things looked like from the magic "Silver Box" that arrived in prep for our Feb. 2-12, 2016, Silver Cloud sailing from Cape Town along South Africa coast to Mozambique and back.:



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This is the first year for a couple of decades that we have been facing a totally clean slate with regard to travel. We have no plans at all for the year ahead, I feel I need to rectify that very soon.


jpalbny: Oh no Nigella! I hope that you can fix this posthaste and come back with updates. We are in a similar' date=' albeit less serious situation in that I haven't yet purchased our flights for the April river cruise, nor the Madagascar adventure. I am getting depressed [b']looking at my Delta account, and seeing, [/b]"You have no trips scheduled." We have to have something to look forward to, especially in the dreary months of January and February.


For J.P and Nigella, tell us more on your likes and interests, then we can help spend your money for such needed future trips. Lots of good, interesting options to consider!! Many skilled folks on these boards who like to offer suggestions and ideas.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 132,153 views for this posting.

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When the magic journal box and luggage tickets arrive, you know its nearly here. Im always envious when I hear of pending departures.... But especially when its on my favourite ship to stalk!


I agree with you about the print size... And yes that does seem a bit mean to have to share it. Printing the .pdf is never quite the same!


What stops are you most looking forward to?

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For J.P and Nigella, tell us more on your likes and interests, then we can help spend your money for such needed future trips. Lots of good, interesting options to consider!! Many skilled folks on these boards who like to offer suggestions and ideas.


Thanks Terry!

We're taking a break from cruising so will be looking at land-based holidays this year. We're having issues co-ordinating our work schedules to get time off together. We're lucky to have our main home in a very beautiful area of France and with my parents in law living on the riviera I suspect we'll be staying close to home for our travels this year. I certainly feel that there are many areas of the UK that I haven't visited yet, so most of our travel is likely to be long weekends in the UK and France.


By the way, I did Cape Town - Cape Town round trip on a different cruise line in December/Jan 2014-15. I imagine you're all set regarding your plans but if not, most of the ports are places where you do need some tours organised. We visited Port Elizabeth, East London, Richards Bay, Durban, Mossel Bay and Maputo. I'm guessing your itinerary is quite similar.

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When the magic journal box and luggage tickets arrive, you know its nearly here. Im always envious when I hear of pending departures.... But especially when its on my favourite ship to stalk! I agree with you about the print size... And yes that does seem a bit mean to have to share it. Printing the .pdf is never quite the same! What stops are you most looking forward to?


Appreciate Les' wise comments and excellent question. What will be our best, biggest starring stop? Hopefully several of them!! From our chatting with many very experienced from being there multiple times and other research, it seems that BOTH Cape Town and the Botswana Okavango Delta areas are going to be the highest highlights. BUT, for the ten-day Silver Cloud sailing, clearly it is designed for the two-day, overnight stop at Port Richards to be a super-star potential. Since Silversea's shore offerings were a little limited, we set-up a private adventure to include seeing these historic Zulu lands, doing the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park (staying there overnight) and exploring the iSimangaliso Wetland Park.


There are some other key, great opportunities that should work out very well. We like to do lots of advance planning and aim higher than just getting off of the ship and doing some "walking around". From past experiences, we have found "reaching higher" works much better in many cases. BUT, we still have lots of flexibility to adjust, add more, move up to a better potential, etc. We welcome any additional tips, insights, etc.!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 191,978 views.


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Thanks Terry! We're taking a break from cruising so will be looking at land-based holidays this year. We're having issues co-ordinating our work schedules to get time off together. We're lucky to have our main home in a very beautiful area of France and with my parents in law living on the riviera I suspect we'll be staying close to home for our travels this year. I certainly feel that there are many areas of the UK that I haven't visited yet, so most of our travel is likely to be long weekends in the UK and France. By the way, I did Cape Town - Cape Town round trip on a different cruise line in December/Jan 2014-15. I imagine you're all set regarding your plans but if not, most of the ports are places where you do need some tours organised. We visited Port Elizabeth, East London, Richards Bay, Durban, Mossel Bay and Maputo. I'm guessing your itinerary is quite similar.


WOW, Nigella, you have a great plan and wonderful options for doing super exploring and enjoying so much in France and the UK. Prior to our first cruise in 2006, we had done lots and lots by land/road/rail in France, England, Italy, other parts of Europe, etc. There are serious pro/con factors and trade-offs for the options of sailing/cruising . . . versus . . . doing more "conventional" travel where you can gain the long-form, more in-depth countryside exploring. This includes for getting a better feeling/fun from added evenings/time in great locations, etc., compared to cruising's six to ten-hours in a port.


From your Cape Town round-trip cruise about a year ago, we will be doing all of your ports except we will not be stopping at Mossel Bay. Any added, special tips and experiences, especially for East London, Durban, Maputo???


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 207,966 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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