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Enchantment Review. Sept 21, 2015. 4-nights.

Anita Latte

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I'm glad to read that. I saw the pitchers at the Solarium bar and was reminded of the Margarita pitchers on our Celebrity Spring Break 2014 cruise. On that ship, at the pool bar, the margaritas were entirely premade, alcohol and everything. When I saw pink pitchers matching the drink of the day...I just assumed that it was the same as Celebrity and that the entire drink was in those pitchers. I'm glad to read that it is just one of the components of the drink in the pitcher and not the whole thing. :)


Hope you have a great cruise on the Allure! I did the Eastbound TA on her earlier this year.

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I continued my picture taking time around the pool deck.


This is the other table tennis table. You can see the Solarium through the sliding glass doors. Also, those black box like things are towel collection bins for when used pool towels are turned back in.




This table by the towel station is on the non-smoking side of the ship..and the other one (pictured earlier at night) is right next to/in the smoking section.


If you refer to the deck plan, this is the main pool that is closest to the Solarium. All the whirlpools on Enchantment are fully shaded:




Under the "fin", the big arched railing like thing, is the Oasis Bar. It's labeled the Island Bar on the deck plan, but it is called the Oasis Bar. It is currently closed. On this day, it was scheduled to open at 2 pm.


Be aware that this bar has a smoking side and a non-smoking side. The smoking side is closest to the edge of the ship, away from the pool. There are tables/chairs on that side of the bar.


This is the mirror image of that area on the non-smoking side of the ship:




The walkway above creates a shaded area on the pool deck.


This is the other main pool and the big screen. Just beyond the big screen is the Pool Bar.




One of the whirlpools:




The Kid's Splashpool:




Again, the Pool Bar under the big screen.


Remember that today is an off and on rainy kind of day in a port...the time is before 12 noon still.

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There is a recent thread discussing the subject of smoking and in the casino...I didn't read this thread prior to our sailing...and I didn't spend any time in the casino gambling...I only walked through it several times.


Before our trip, I was concerned about whether or not Boleros would be affected by the smell of smoke from the nearby Casino. The deck plans don't really show how one area flows into the next. I've been on at least one ship where the Casino smelled did permeate other areas of the ship. I was really hoping that Boleros wouldn't be affected.


For anyone else that feels that same concern...I took these photos.


From Boleros, to the casino, one of the first things you encounter is this floor:




You can see the floor in the distance in this hallway photo that shows a decent length of corridor that functions to separate Boleros from the casino:




Then there is the half of the slot machines in the casino that are the non-smoking side of the casino:






Then you hit the table section and the beginning of the smoking area:






If you want to use the nearest bathroom when you are in Boleros...then you need to walk through the casino to get there. The bathrooms are located at the entrance to the casino on the theater side. There are no other bathrooms on Deck 5.


It wasn't that bad to walk through this casino...as in, the effect of smoking wasn't as overpowering as other casinos I have encountered...for whatever reason. For example...the effect of smoking on the Allure casino and the nearby area was much worse. Sailings vary...so YMMV on your sailing.


Regardless, the separation between Boleros and the casino, as well as the location of the non-smoking section being closest to Boleros did keep me from smelling any smoke whenever I was in Boleros. Again, though...YMMV...

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The Casino was obviously closed when I took those photos... The compass says that the casino would open at 7pm this day in port, until "late."


When researching Nassau for our Fall Break last year, I came to the conclusion that 1. many ships stop in Nassau therefore 2. there was no need to try to see a bunch of things in Nassau and/or stress about making the most of this port because 3. we would likely visit Nassau again so just plan to see something new each time we go.


Last year, we walked to Fort Charlotte and ate lunch at the Fish Fry.


Yes. We walked there. And back.


I have found a lot of discussion regarding how far it is to certain places, etc., so I hope that these photos, while giving a feel for what Nassau looks like when viewed from the ship parked in the first berth...will also give a feel for how far away a few noteworthy places are from the pier/port.


These photos are through the glass of the Solarium...first, we see Sharkee's:




Further to the right (as in away from the entrance to the port...further to the right from leaving the port) is the Straw Market which is in this building with the clock on it:




Here, you can see Senor Frogs and also the British Colonial Hilton and it's private beach. The Hilton is the taller yellow/tan building with white trim. And I know that it is very hard to see...but on the far right in the photo, you can just see the beginning of another beach (sand) and that is Junkanoo Beach.




The following photos are taken through an open window in the Solarium.


I zoomed in on those buildings...this one is more true in perspective...and hopefully now you can recognize the landmarks...you can see the beach front walkway on the other side of Junkanoo Beach in this one...the actual beach is kind of hidden by the bend:



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The street the fronts Sharkees and the Straw Market, etc. is not Bay Street.


Bay Street is one block further inland, away from the pier/dock area.


See this long white rooftop? And the car entrance to it's right?




That is one way in and out of the port area. At that car entrance, you will be about two buildings away from Sharkees.


That long white roof covers a line of horse drawn carriages...if they are there and not already hired for the day.


Continually to pan left...see the water tower in the distance...mark the pink building on the corner for perspective:




And panning further left, you can see the building that you must walk through when you leave the ship/port. It is under the shorter yellow tower to the left. After walking through the building, you walk through a kind of outdoor market area...that is the palm trees and lower roofs (which are permanent booths, again like some Renaissance Festivals):




You can also walk out of the port on this side of that horse drawn carriage line...past the pink building and further inland to Bay street. There are all sorts of jewelry shops, restaurants and bars, and tourist shops on Bay Street.


And the side streets between Bay and the water front have more shops, bars, and restaurants. You can see a lot from the ship, here in the first berth. The very faded black flag on the side street directly across from that car entrance to the port I pointed out earlier is a Hard Rock Cafe:




Oh! And I forgot to point out the pink building in the Straw Market picture of the PP. I think that's the Government House. You can just see it in the distance in the first photo of this post.


It was approaching noon at the time of these photos. We decided that we needed to see what was up with DS and get him up, if he wasn't already.


Turns out he was already showering/dressing. Time to hit the buffet for some lunch!


This was the day that we found the "hidden" Indian station on the side of the buffet, outside the main Windjammer room. There was a lamb dish there, a red curry, that was tender, with a build in your mouth kind of heat. The cabbage dish there was also very good, with al dente cabbage that wasn't too spicy. They had these cracker like things (can't recall the name) that are truly wafer thin and made from chickpea flour, I think (they are in other Indian places I have been to).


I may be repeating myself...but our plan in Nassau was to some very specific shopping. DS wanted to get a little something for his girlfriend.


So we weren't in a hurry. When DS said he wanted to do the movie tunes trivia at 1:45 pm before going ashore...we were game. So that's just what we did.

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The Casino was obviously closed when I took those photos... The compass says that the casino would open at 7pm this day in port, until "late."


When researching Nassau for our Fall Break last year, I came to the conclusion that 1. many ships stop in Nassau therefore 2. there was no need to try to see a bunch of things in Nassau and/or stress about making the most of this port because 3. we would likely visit Nassau again so just plan to see something new each time we go.


Last year, we walked to Fort Charlotte and ate lunch at the Fish Fry.


Yes. We walked there. And back.


I'm not sure why people would say it's not a walkable distance to the Fish Fry or the forts, honestly (seems quite walkable to me, but I'm also used to doing multiple miles of walking in national parks and the like so my perspective is a bit skewed :rolleyes:). The hardest part would be knowing your bearings and making your way through the street peddlers right at the waterfront.


And yes, I like the approach of "trying one or two things of interest, and saving something for the next time"--pretty much exactly what we did in Nassau too (admittedly this was also my first time on a cruise, so there was still some Ship Exploration as well to do; also we had one or two non-Atlantis things we wanted to see and figured we'd spend the rest of the time being lazy).


So far your review has been wonderful, pretty much matched what I experienced on board (though I did not know the Windjammer had lamb curry on Nassau day, otherwise I might have been tempted to hit there! Yes, I'm one of those people who LIKES curry and finds it a pleasant surprise there's a small curry cart in the Windjammer :D)

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My thanks to all of you! (Very glad to read that someone was able to access the pdf files! Yay, they worked!)


We were headed to Boleros for some Music Trivia.


There weren't too many people present...and I was able to snap a few photos of Boleros. There are windows in this Boleros (I don't recall any in the one on Allure), but the view isn't as big a part of the Boleros ambiance:




By and large, being in Boleros is all about the dance floor...which dominates the center of the room.


There are few seats at the bar counter itself:




This is from later in the day...when we participated in the Majority Rules Game Show. Just another view of the dance floor and stage. You can see how the dance floor lights up:




I took some pics of the R-bar as we made our way off the ship. As a reminder, the R-Bar is the one on Deck 4...it's the bar that at the bottom level of the Centrum. The bar counter itself:




The stairs above are from Deck 5 to Deck 6. At the top of those stairs on Deck 6 is one of the Freestyle Coke Machines...and Ben & Jerry's and the Cafe-Lattetudes.


Some of the chair and couch conversation groupings on the side:




Slightly different furniture of the same function are in the same places on Decks 5 and 6. This is DH (after our time ashore in Nassau), but I think this photo gives a nice feel of what it's like to sit on Deck 6:




The area is open and you can feel as much a part of the greater area as you want...or you can focus in on your own little conversation grouping.


Finally...it must have been about 3 pm or so...we were headed off the boat.

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We thought the rain might have passed for the day...but we were wrong.


It started raining on us as we walked away from the ship.


There is SOME cover from the rain in the shopping area. Some buildings have covered the walkways/sidewalk in front...some businesses have an awning. But there are large gaps in the coverage as you try to walk around.


If the rain persists...and especially if it turns into a hard tropical rain...the kind that you think for sure can't last very long...the streets turn into rivers.


And that hard tropical rain can persist for a while in the tropics.


I was reviewing my notes from our last Fall Break...and funny enough, our forecast for Nassau was also an 80% chance of rain for that trip. But on that trip...the sun was shining and there was no rain. Obviously, if I had been able to look at a forecast after departure, I probably would have seen an update.


Again though, for this trip...the forecast was 80% chance of rain...and it RAINED...on and off for the majority of the day.


Be prepared.


We were wearing quick dry clothing...typical athletic dryfit kind of shirts, etc. Unfortunately, we all wanted more support for walking this day and opted to not wear our Tevas...ah well.


At some point, we had to decide that we would actually move and get wet, because the rain was showing no sign of easing.


We hit two stores for real (the others were just for FAKE, to try to pass time hoping that the rain would end).


The first one was The Linen Shop on Bay Street.


I like to sew. A friend of mine has picked up fabric from Africa when she has traveled there. I thought it was a great idea and researched if there were any local fabric places in Nassau. There are two that I have found:


Bahama Hand Prints



I don't really need to buy myself another project at this time, so I haven't made a priority of trying to visit either factory or make a fabric purchase yet, but I recalled that the Linen Shop used local fabric for some of their table linens.


So I dragged my men through that shop. :D And there were actually SOME other things for them to look at...


Then we were on the lookout for a promising place for DS to buy a thoughtful token for his girlfriend. We ended up in the Straw Market.


I found the Straw Market to be overwhelming. It is tight quarters...narrow corridors...and a TON of merchandise...all of which looks very similar to me from one booth to the next. The merchants are vocal, and will definitely flatter you and encourage you to check out the wares of their particular space with promises of making a good deal, etc.


We didn't venture too far into any one booth...and when we saw a jewelry display that was more out in the open...that's the one that we checked out. DS picked out a fun necklace. We didn't haggle on the price. I just asked how much. It was an amount I was willing to pay so I didn't try to bargain.


Mission accomplished...we headed back to the ship:




I guess I understand a concern that people have regarding the possession of their passports... For my part, if I am ever going into a foreign country, I want my passport. That's it.


Also...DS is so old looking (I mean, he has a beard)...I feel better having legal identification for him. Since he isn't old enough for a license, we take his passport...if we take his, we take them all. End of story.


We showed our Sea Pass and ID to the agent.


I noticed that there was a courtesy shuttle to take NCL passengers back to their ship.


We were ready to change into dry clothes and shoes...and eat again. Amazingly enough...you CAN get hungry again, even on a cruise.


After dinner...we went to the early Headliner show "starring the Juggling and other bad habits of Jeff Taveggia, accompanied by the Enchantment of Seas Orchestra." Taveggia was talented and entertaining. He struck a good balance between the talking / sharing with the audience aspect of the show and the actual demonstration of juggling feats aspect. There were a few good chuckles during the show. There were a few moments of wow, how do you even PRACTICE that? Definitely a family friendly show and a fine time to pass.


We also participated in the Majority Rules Game Show. The audience is divided into self made teams. Each team is given a pad of answer sheets. We were all asked open ended questions. Each team writes down their answer to the question and turns it in. After each question, the answers are tallied and and points are awarded to the teams that answered the way that the majority answered that question.


It was very entertaining and mostly G rated. For the few PG rated responses, the cruise staff leading was sensitive enough to the audience to advise parents to "cover their ears." And honestly, the answers were never THAT bad because the questions weren't THAT bad or conducive to going there...if you KWIM.


We TRIED to participate in Karaoke...but unfortunately, the machine was broken this night. :(


Fortunately, there WAS other entertainment on board...


We headed to the Centrum to listen to the Enchantment Orchestra.

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I really liked the Centrum.


The space feels like the heart of the ship. There's usually something going on here. It's comfortable. It's entertaining. You can be as close or as removed from the entertainment as you'd like...


We felt like being in the front row...close to the dance floor and the stage where the musicians were playing:








And did I forget bar service? That's another lovely reason to enjoy the Centrum.


Just to note...there were servers in all the lounges and bars. There were times when the lounge may be more busy...and times when we would be less patient...and we would order at the bar...or rather, DH might order at the bar for us. Most often though, we were served. And service did not take long. I have no complaints about bar service overall.


Tonight, we were recognized, thanks to the Beefstock cocktail our server remembered us and knew that we were drinkers (some aren't and are just spectators), so we received prompt service...and I decided to try the Red Velvet Cake cocktail:




Tasty. There are chocolate swirls in the glass and then the drink is poured into that chocolate rimmed glass. Notice the water bottle. We generally had no problem ordering water AND a cocktail/beverage...and we often did. While tasty, the drink was too sweet to repeat.


Next, I opted for what I hoped would be a bit more tart...and ordered a Lemon Drop...which I THOUGHT was similar to a martini I had had on Celebrity. This was not on the menu...or any menu that I saw anyway. I ordered it like, "Can I get a lemon drop martini?"




I have no idea if that is really the name of the think I was thinking of or if it is the name of a different drink...or close enough to the name of a real cocktail. Another martini glass with a pale lemon colored drink with a candied lemon garnish arrived. Again...tasty.


Sorry, I didn't get a photo of that one. It was still more sweet than tart...but not as sweet as the Red Velvet.


I love it when couples dance. This was my artistic shot of the night...my drink and the couple dancing in the background:




This evening "Tonight's Dinner Dress Suggestion" read "Casual/White after dinner."


And there was NO OTHER written promotion or information regarding the idea of a White Party. If you attended any shows or activities that were hosted by the CD staff, then you may have heard just a bit more about it.


Consequently, I would say that there wasn't a HUGE amount of white on board. There was white...but the participation felt more like 50/50...maybe even 30/70...if you want to be technical as to whether someone was dressed ALL in white.


Our family was not prepared for the White Party, however, I had my lace skirt (off-white) and the men had their linen pants (again, off white). DS came the closest to all white because he had a white background plaid shirt. So we had SOME white (ish) on.


This is my take on this White Party...


I did not go to the Viking Lounge...and I did wonder if there were greater participation there and if there were black lights, etc., that would make wearing white more fun...


We DID go poolside for the Dancing Under the Stars Poolside Party (11pm - 1 am) and Midnight Delights Buffet (11:30 pm - 12:30 am) aka the Nassau Sailaway Party.

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Since you mentioned something about passports earlier..do you recall ever needing your driver's license also? I can't recall. I have my passport but lost my license last week & don't know if the replacement will get here in time. I think I'm good with my passport but just curious?

Thx for your review!

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Since you mentioned something about passports earlier..do you recall ever needing your driver's license also? I can't recall. I have my passport but lost my license last week & don't know if the replacement will get here in time. I think I'm good with my passport but just curious?

Thx for your review!

You need a photo ID and your cruise card to get back to the ship at Nassau. Your passport will work fine as the photo ID.

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This evening "Tonight's Dinner Dress Suggestion" read "Casual/White after dinner."


And there was NO OTHER written promotion or information regarding the idea of a White Party. If you attended any shows or activities that were hosted by the CD staff, then you may have heard just a bit more about it.


Consequently, I would say that there wasn't a HUGE amount of white on board. There was white...but the participation felt more like 50/50...maybe even 30/70...if you want to be technical as to whether someone was dressed ALL in white.


Our family was not prepared for the White Party, however, I had my lace skirt (off-white) and the men had their linen pants (again, off white). DS came the closest to all white because he had a white background plaid shirt. So we had SOME white (ish) on.


This is my take on this White Party...


I did not go to the Viking Lounge...and I did wonder if there were greater participation there and if there were black lights, etc., that would make wearing white more fun...


We DID go poolside for the Dancing Under the Stars Poolside Party (11pm - 1 am) and Midnight Delights Buffet (11:30 pm - 12:30 am) aka the Nassau Sailaway Party.


Thanks for this info. I probably won't wear all white (too much trouble), but I will try to stay awake for the Nassau Sailaway Party.

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Jennifer...the sailaway party was a lot of fun. Definitely go if you are awake!


The Orchestra concluded at around 11:00 pm, which was the listed start time for the dancing on the pool deck.


When we arrived, the party was already on its way. The area between the two pools was the dance floor. I believe popular music was playing, not line dancing...and there were some passengers already dancing. IIRC, one of the songs was "Blurred Lines" and/or "Uptown Funk"...songs of that caliber were playing.


The buffet was being set up. The line was already forming for that as people waited. DH and DS were headed there, while I headed for the dance floor...


Soon enough, the CD staff started hosting the party...and the entertainment began. Several bartenders appeared with bottles balanced on their heads...the crowd formed a circle and the bartenders took turns showing off their moves:










Note that there were many spectators watching from the "bridges" above. You can check out the crowd to see how little/much white apparel was worn by the passengers.


A limbo stick figured in the bartender skills...


Much of the entertainment value of this event falls into the "location category"...in that, you really have to be there to appreciate it. Pictures are rather lame and don't do justice to the excitement and enthusiasm of the crowd, nor the showmanship of the bartenders entertaining the crowd...so suffice it to say...I really enjoyed this event.


When the bartenders cleared the floor...the line dancing started. It began with the familiar dances. Some officers attended the party...they were brought up on the "stage" area by the DJ and photographer...and their "favorite" line dance was played.


We also learned at least two new, simple line dances. I know the one song because it was my warm up for my Zumba classes for a long time:


Oliver Twist by D'Banj.


There was also a salsa song with another simple line dance.


These dances were taught on the spot. There WAS a line dancing class taught earlier this day...I didn't attend, but in my experience, they often preview what might be taught new at a later dance party on board. So these dances may have been introduced during that line dance class.


I didn't eat from the buffet. DH and DS did. They had no complaints, but no raves either.


I continued to dance...they played one of my favorite songs, Danza Kuduro by Don Omar, et al, soon the music played was more Club/House than Latin/Popular Music. We had been there for over an hour, for sure, and we were ready retire to the stateroom for the night.


Awaiting us in the stateroom was our first towel friend:




I haven't had a seal before.


I believe we all got into bed and zoned out to an older movie on TMC before lights out.


The next day was a Sea Day...

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Thank you!


Day 4 is a Sea Day.


Again...no alarm. And thankfully, no announcements!


Regardless...the adults still woke up much earlier than they would have wished...if only we could sleep and sleep like the teenager!


DH went for a jog. I read a little after waking and discovering his absence...waiting for my breakfast companion to return.


The Windjammer was INSANE. I believe that our early arrival on embarkation...and consequently the fact that we were at the buffet when it opened...insulated us a bit from the typical crush on that day.


That crush was in FULL FORCE on this Sea Day. Whether it was because we hit it just right...or because people were more relaxed, having no where in particular to go and thus, taking longer at breakfast, claiming a table for a longer time than on previous mornings...whatever...it was difficult to find a table this morning.


Note: the Park Cafe's breakfast service ends 30 minutes EARLIER than the Windjammer, so this could also play a part in the crowd...as the Park Cafe isn't an option later in the morning...


DS slept through breakfast service.


After breakfast, DH and I enjoyed our Irish coffees and relaxed while waiting for Sleeping Beauty.


We all ate lunch in the MDR.


This was the only time the MDR was open for lunch. Service from 11:30 am to 1 pm on Deck 4.


DS enjoys lunch in the MDR. Actually, he first ate in lunch in the MDR when we happened to be on the same cruise as a schoolmate's family. He and the schoolmate hung out and they ate lunch in the MDR every Sea Day.


He ate lunch in the MDR before I ever did!


So, HE'S the one that leads us to the MDR for lunch...


The one thing about the MDR for lunch...


Lunch in the dining room is a completely atmosphere from dinner.


SO quiet.


So calm.


So few people!


As usual, we were seated at a 4 top. One of the couples from our shuttle was seated shortly after us. They were seated at an 8 or 10 top. Other parties trickled in and they were served as a group.


We were never asked, but I know from previous cruises that you can request to sit privately or to share.


One feature of lunch in the MDR is the salad bar. DH ordered from the menu but created a salad for an appetizer. I believe the selection is wider than at the buffet. DH had kalamata olives and feta cheese on his, which I don't recall seeing elsewhere. The service is either suited for having your salad be tossed all together and dressed rather than just piled on a plate, like at a typical salad buffet...or there is a server attending the salad bar that will toss your salad for you. I don't recall...


Lunch was pleasant. I admit, if possible...I like to be served rather than serve myself...


The Compass is full of activity...you can be as busy or as stationary as you choose.


What we did:


Name That Tune with Pianist Ronilo, Schooner Bar. 1:15 pm


This was an very informal activity. The typical paper and pencils provided...but no exchanging of papers. Just test your memory and identification skills...and the songs themselves were so varied...memory inducing, conversation starting fun.


80s & 90s TV Tune Trivia with Marc, Centrum. 2:00 pm


This was the only trivia we attended that CD Marc hosted. You could sit anywhere in the Centrum...either on Deck 4 or the edges of Decks 5 and 6. You just had to go to Deck 4 to get the paper and pencils.


Marc is a great entertainer.


This trivia was hot on the heels of Name That Tune...so seating was sparse. DS wanted to be on Deck 4...we were tucked way in the back corner of the R-bar:




Ultimate Family Harry Potter Trivia, Schooner Bar. 3:15 pm


These types of activities generally are 30-45 minutes in length. They are long enough to enjoy, but not long enough to dominate your day...so we had some lag time before the Potter Trivia started.


DH wanted to soak in a hot tub...so off he went. This was the only time our family made use of the pool or whirlpools. I was tempted, but there was weather again...and the thought of putting on a swim suit sounded chilly. I was glad that I opted out...DH said the whirlpool was not hot. And it felt cooler and cooler, the longer you sat in it.


DS and I grabbed a trivia sheet and a Sudoku sheet from the cabinet by Cafe-Lattetudes...I grabbed a Coconut Mojito from Boleros...and we grabbed one of the few open tables in the Schooner Bar in anticipation of the trivia.


I don't recall the name of the CD staff woman from Wales, but OMG...she is a character...very entertaining...very funny. She was our Harry Potter Trivia host...


Good times.


These photos are not quality...but they highlight the wonderful windows/view from the Schooner Bar. The Schooner Bar is like a galley kitchen...a pathway through the middle with seating areas on either side. At one entrance is an elevator bank and at the other is the Spotlight Lounge. At the midpoint is the piano.









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Bar service was in full force during all our activities...


Sometimes, before the activity would officially begin, the host would poll the crowd...making sure that everyone who wanted one had a drink. You could raise your hand during this point and immediately be attended to by a server...if you hadn't already been approached.


We were approached during the Name That Tune...and I'm disappointed to share that the Goose Island brew that was on the menu was not available...which is perhaps why I didn't photograph the page with the beer selection?


Anyway, here's the menu at Schooners:












The beer page must also have the red wines...I am sorry that I missed that...

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I did forget that after TV Tune Trivia, DS and I hung out for the Q&A with the Production Cast. The male lead singer, the female lead singer/dancer, one female dancer, and one male dancer were all available to field any questions asked.


DS wants to pursue a career in music...so this was interesting for us. Interesting to learn their ages...where they are in the career...how Royal treats them...their background/education...their hopes, if any, of a career off ship...some background about the productions themselves, the music, the staging, the costumes, how the entertainment contracts figure into their overall careers...how the entertainment contracts work, etc.


We had a lovely leisurely afternoon...


When we returned to our room to get ready for dinner...we had another new friend:




Despite the gray day...the seas were still amazingly calm:




Our last night on board was jam packed with activity.


We went to the Farewell Production. I think that we appreciated the production that much more because we felt like we got to know some of the cast. However, I will say again that I thought that the quality of the singers and the dancers was higher on this cruise than it has been on previous cruises.








I tried my hand at Finish That Lyric! Game Show, Centrum. I thought I would do so much better than I did. I don't think I could finish any of the songs given to me. I was so disappointed because I could sing the songs given to some of the others. Isn't that just the way? You always know the answer when it isn't your turn...


DS and I both sang during Karaoke in the Spotlight Lounge. We were happy that the machine was working again.


If you are interested in singing...they only take as many singers/songs as the allocated time allows. So if you arrive later in the activity, you may not be able to sing. (We learned this on Day 2, when we arrived toward the second half and DS couldn't sing).


DS sang "I've Got You Under My Skin."


He also wanted to participate in the Rock Band Karaoke with the Rockport Band in the Centrum. These two Karaoke activities were running concurrently, probably because the Karaoke with the band had an Adults 18+ only age requirement...which we completely ignored...


DS looks the part...and he can sing...he wasn't even questioned...




He sang "My Way."


Even though there were more singers signed up to sing...the activity ended on time at 11:00 pm.


It was finally time to pack.


With our packing cube system, we made short work of that chore.


We had been wanting to see the movie "Pitch Perfect 2" for a while. Yes, we LOVE Pitch Perfect...think it is very funny and can quote Fat Amy throughout that movie. This was one of the movies being shown poolside on this cruise...but there was always something else we would rather be doing. However, there was a Midnight showing tonight...


Which we went to.


I can tell you...even if it starts to rain a bit...the movie will play on!


And it is surprisingly comfortable to sit on a pool lounger and watch that big ole screen...


The pool bar was closed...so this was one instance where we were happy to have brought our wine on board. We hadn't had much of it because of the beverage package purchase. It was very convenient to have that bottle for this midnight movie!


Looking at the Compass here...I see the Junior Cruisers' Curfew of 1:00 am for Guests 17 & Under.


I guess we ignored that too...


It was after 2:00 am when we went to bed.


And we had to set an alarm...because we had to wake up to get off the ship the next day.

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I have the sheet titled "As You Depart" with all the details re: disembarking. I'll scan that in and post a link later.


We were carrying our luggage off ourselves. It worked for our plans for the day.


Self Carry Departure is from 7:20 am until 8:30 am.


We didn't get much sleep this night.


We didn't eat before leaving the ship...we weren't even hungry.


There was a constantly moving line to exit the ship. It was very long...beginning close to the theater on Deck 5...out to the Promenade Deck and down the side of the ship to reenter by the stairs...down the STAIRS to Deck 4 and off the ship.


I did see people "join" the line on Deck 4...


Customs/Immigration was a breeze. No wait.


We had paid for round trip shuttle service with Cortrans. They were very easy to find. Two people were standing at the front of the ground transportation area. We waited for the shuttle to arrive...and for our fellow passengers to arrive.


Waits tend to feel longer toward the end of a trip...but I would guesstimate that we waited less than 30 minutes.


This shuttle was larger...could seat 20 travelers. There was an enclosed trailer hitched to shuttle to haul luggage.


Our flight wasn't scheduled to leave until 8:40 pm.


I know.


It was the only non-stop flight available with the cheapest fare that we could make...


We had a plan for the day though.


The Hyatt Regency Orlando Int'l Airport has day rooms available. Basically, you become a hotel guest from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. You have all the rights and privileges of a hotel guest during that time.


From past experience, we learned that it may not be possible to check baggage when your flight is more than 4 hours away...also, we knew we wouldn't be up for trying to make a day out of Orlando.


The Day Pass room was a great plan. A comfortable, private place to hang out / relax with our luggage.


When I tried to contact the hotel directly, the price quoted was ridiculous. I had been reading several positive reviews that conveyed the idea of the day pass room being the best $99 the reviewers had ever spent at the end of a vacation...


The hotel quoted me a price closer to $200.


We were able to book the Day Room through this website:




We booked a "triple" and were quoted a price greater than $99, but more reasonable than directly with the hotel.


I did not double check my reservation through this website with the hotel, although I could have, I had a reservation number with the hotel in addition to a reservation number with the website. We had no problems checking in...and in fact...we were charged only $99 like I had read about from others on line.


Which made no sense to me at all...but I didn't complain.


Our room had a king sized bed. It was spacious and as wonderful as I had hoped it would be.


This hotel is attached to the airport. From my balcony room, I could see the security lines:






We slept on and off all day...zoned out to some cable tv.




There was a deck area, with an in-room coffee maker with Starbucks coffee supplied:




This is a horrible photo of the large, comfy leather (leather-like?) chair and ottoman:




The bathroom was really nice...and surprisingly big:




The toilet was to the left of this vanity. The shower bath was to the right.


There was a foyer feeling space and the entrance. Here there was also a large double-door sized closet...and again, a surprising amount of floor space.


Perhaps it all seemed so big because in contrast to the stateroom...regardless...it was very comfortable for our family and fulfilled our needs for the day. With the desk, chair, and large balcony space...this room could easily work for a larger family...especially if anyone was interested in using the pool or other hotel amenities.


We did not leave the room except for food so I cannot comment on the hotel amenities.


We checked out right at 6 pm.


We headed for security and the terminal thinking that we would have plenty of time for a nice dinner before boarding.


Unfortunately, the terminal for our Southwest gate (Gate 120) has very limited food options. We would have had a much nicer dinner at the main terminal, but it feels good to be through security and in the terminal, so would probably still plan on eating in the terminal in the future.


Soon enough...we were landing in Atlanta and driving home.

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