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Bit of a Blog : Solstice : Auckland – Fremantle – Sydney : February 14th 2016


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Do you get Decaf Cappuccino?..... ;)




Please stay with me.....


Cheap and cheerful restaurant / cafe suggestions if such things exist in Sydney will be very welcome.


Sunday 20th : Retail therapy in Sydney..... then the Opera House for some....wait for it...... Opera


Monday 21st : Blue Mountains Tour with ATS Pacific : Notice the words 'gondola' and 'lunch'.




Tuesday 22rd : Opera House Tour then being whisked away by friends on a Mystery Tour

Wednesday 23rd : Fly to Uluru / Ayers Rock

Saturday 26th : Fly back to Sydney

Sunday 27th : Fly back to UK


The Fine Foods Store, The Rocks, is a personal favourite, with great food and a friendly atmosphere. It opens from 7 am.

It has a personal recommendation from Ken Done, who said "tucked away in The Rocks is a lovely little place called The Fine Food Store where we often have lunch".


Don't get too excited about the gondola, if you have been to Venice. Should be a lovely day in the Blue Mountains.


Sounds like you have a busy week ahead of you before you fly back to the UK. What a contrast between Ayres Rock and the UK!


Thanks for sharing your enjoyable blog on your cruise.


Happy Travels!


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Phone conversation to Guest Services :


Me : "Do you by any chance sell postage stamps for postcards?"

Response : "No madam regrettably we don't but we can give your postcards to our port agent to post."

Me : "So I can bring my postcards to you to post for me?"

"Yes madam".

"But how much is that?"

"Nothing madam. The postcard must have a stamp on it."


There's a hole in my bucket......


Priceless, I have heard of short term memory loss. But after three sentences? :eek:

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I've had a lovely morning in Newcastle..... did my usual wild goose chase for a phone repair then went on a massive walkabout to Nobby's Point, right to the end of the breakwater wall and then up to the lighthouse. Had a play with some dogs on a very dog friendly Horseshoe Beach.


They held an emergency drill for crew this morning and could see that from afar. At 1pm Capt Berdos and Hotel Director John-Paul Lamb were privileged to fire the cannon at Fort Scratchley; there will be a firing of the cannon as we leave this evening.






I'm really overwhelmed at the number of reads this rambling tale of a senior with a broken mobile phone has had..... Thank you so much for being out there...... I've the choir performance this evening; should've been yesterday on chic night when we were all dressed up but that's a whole other story..... and a 2nd dinner at Murano.... last supper :(


I'm to disembark at 9am so not bad really. Will eat a hearty breakfast. I'll continue to post as is usual for me until I get home..... with any luck I'll be able to share all those Dailies via hotel wifi so you can see what was organised.


I've been asked on board about extra gratuities. I've tipped extra in the specialty restaurants; have given the Maitre d' in the Select part of the MDR an envelope and similarly one of the waiters (more for last cruise than this) will give the lovely Nataliya at Guest Services something again for the daily emails; and have something for my room steward again. I gave Ceren, who organised the first CC lunch something back then. I've invited Brenda, the Group Coordinator, to join me for dinner this evening in Murano but I don't think she can get away with everyone wanting to settle their accounts...... It's difficult to know how to show my gratitude to an officer for all the support she's shown me during the past 5 weeks.

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Preparing for the Egg Drop competition




The idea is to drop 3 raw eggs to land inside the hoops without breaking from Deck 7. This is a demo




That's a fail..... they mustn't break




The first contender


OMG - they tapes plastic over the carpet when we were watching this on the ship!!! :eek:



It was fascinating to watch.

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Do you get Decaf Cappuccino?..... ;)


Cheap and cheerful restaurant / cafe suggestions if such things exist in Sydney will be very welcome.





Cheap and cheerful places to eat in Sydney - well the best places are in Darling Harbour really a bit of a hike for you. So let's think CQ. We often eat at City Extra. Don't know if it would be classified as cheap, but then there's not many 'cheap' places in Sydney :eek:


City Extra is on CQ right where the ferries come in (opposite Wharf 4 I think). It has a quaint menu which you can keep as a souvenir if you wish. There is an upstairs section if you want a view, you can eat outside downstairs if you want to people watch.


Lots of other options around to the Opera House (East CQ) - DD and I ate at Buckleys. Not too many GF options, but you get the idea of prices - that's probably classified as a 'cheap eat'.


Then on the other side - West CQ - you have pub options as well as lots of restaurants. Lowenbraukeller, Zia Pina and Phillip's Foote (both Rocks icons - been around for decades) The Orient Hotel - another Rocks icon along with loads of other pubs. Further down George Street in The Rocks is Pancakes on the Rocks. Don't know about GF options there, but you do get seriously large portions for your money.


That should be enough to keep you busy :)

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Thought I'd post this info separately so it did not become lost in amongst the restaurant info.


You will be in the Blue Mtns on a Monday and travelling by coach. Watch for the Korean tour buses. I hope you are not overwhelmed by their invasion which can happen often.


The Scenic Railway is a 'hold your hat' ride, down one of the steepest inclines in the world. Sometimes good to know these things ahead of time in case you are a little nervous. If you like such rides, try to sit at the front it is fantastic.


Also when you come up on the gondola, again try to get to the front if you wish to take photos. It's a beautiful ride.


I'm sure you won't have anything like the bad experience you had in Cairns. The Mountain Heritage Restaurant looks quite delightful. Haven't been there. Will be interested to hear your opinions.


I'm really pleased you will be having an Aboriginal Cultural tour as well. The Blue Mountains are such an important cultural heritage area. You will, no doubt, have the story of the Three Sisters told to you as well as other Dreamtime stories.

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Presently on our hotel balcony overlooking the international pier where Solstice will dock tomorrow. Alarm set to get up very early to watch here come into harbour....


Sincere thanks for all the information posted, your reports have become part of my breakfast reading!


Our sincere best wishes for the remainder of your vacation and return flight home.

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Hi Linda--Thanks for your blog--enjoying reading it -I am envious since we left the ship in Perth--We did spend three days in Sydney after the cruise We also went to the Blue Mountains and also to Manley Beach-Manley is an enjoyable 30 minute ferry ride across the bay and has a wonderful beach walkway and stores and restaurants. If you have time you would enjoy it. Have a great time in Uluru. kathy

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Dear Celebrity,


Packing for a holiday is fun and excitement filled. Packing to disembark is a right pain in the @@@@. And it's all your fault


I have to sleep in PJs. There are bathroom products without which I cannot start my day. Paring everything down to a bare minimum is easy..... when you're not constricted by the time factor of leaving your cases outside your door. Now I know why you set a time and I really do appreciate the assistance of the staff who have to schlep my suitcases down and out for me. But tonight I had things to do, a special meal to enjoy, and there simply aren't enough hours in the day.


But there's more in my suitcases than when I boarded.... and it's all your fault. Notwithstanding the winter coat that has gone in one as well as the onesie I bought for the flight out but there are 3 boomerangs amongst assorted gifts purchased for my darling grand/children.


Your tote is coming in handy as the bits I've not been able to stuff into the suitcases can go in that until I get to my hotel and can repack. My cases were so neatly packed on the way here..... they're appalling right now. And it's all your fault.


I would like a letter of apology. Or some chocolate covered strawberries delivered to my room please. This has been stressful. Very, very stressful. And I'm going to be very sad to be disembarking. And it's all your fault.


I've finally found something to gripe about. I've heard some ridiculous complaints about Celebrity and Solstice in the past 5 weeks but I've finally found something that I can moan about. Disembarking. It sucks. It's really, really bad. You sucked me in and now you're letting me go. Just like that. Discarded. Someone else will get this bed. This room. This rather nice shower. It will be like I was never here. I've yet to take the pics of my girls and boys off the wall, that will be the last thing I do.


I'm not happy, not happy at all. And it's all your fault.

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Dear Celebrity,




Packing for a holiday is fun and excitement filled. Packing to disembark is a right pain in the @@@@. And it's all your fault




I have to sleep in PJs. There are bathroom products without which I cannot start my day. Paring everything down to a bare minimum is easy..... when you're not constricted by the time factor of leaving your cases outside your door. Now I know why you set a time and I really do appreciate the assistance of the staff who have to schlep my suitcases down and out for me. But tonight I had things to do, a special meal to enjoy, and there simply aren't enough hours in the day.




But there's more in my suitcases than when I boarded.... and it's all your fault. Notwithstanding the winter coat that has gone in one as well as the onesie I bought for the flight out but there are 3 boomerangs amongst assorted gifts purchased for my darling grand/children.




Your tote is coming in handy as the bits I've not been able to stuff into the suitcases can go in that until I get to my hotel and can repack. My cases were so neatly packed on the way here..... they're appalling right now. And it's all your fault.




I would like a letter of apology. Or some chocolate covered strawberries delivered to my room please. This has been stressful. Very, very stressful. And I'm going to be very sad to be disembarking. And it's all your fault.




I've finally found something to gripe about. I've heard some ridiculous complaints about Celebrity and Solstice in the past 5 weeks but I've finally found something that I can moan about. Disembarking. It sucks. It's really, really bad. You sucked me in and now you're letting me go. Just like that. Discarded. Someone else will get this bed. This room. This rather nice shower. It will be like I was never here. I've yet to take the pics of my girls and boys off the wall, that will be the last thing I do.




I'm not happy, not happy at all. And it's all your fault.



Your writing skill is outstanding!! It has been a joy to "travel" with you! Thank you!!

Edited by cricketts
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I enjoyed reading this every day! Now to get ready for my own adventure next week!


Have a great stay in Australia, safe travels home and hope to see you again on another cruise.


Until then, see you on Facebook!

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Dear Celebrity,


Packing for a holiday is fun and excitement filled. Packing to disembark is a right pain in the @@@@. And it's all your fault


I have to sleep in PJs. There are bathroom products without which I cannot start my day. Paring everything down to a bare minimum is easy..... when you're not constricted by the time factor of leaving your cases outside your door. Now I know why you set a time and I really do appreciate the assistance of the staff who have to schlep my suitcases down and out for me. But tonight I had things to do, a special meal to enjoy, and there simply aren't enough hours in the day.


But there's more in my suitcases than when I boarded.... and it's all your fault. Notwithstanding the winter coat that has gone in one as well as the onesie I bought for the flight out but there are 3 boomerangs amongst assorted gifts purchased for my darling grand/children.


Your tote is coming in handy as the bits I've not been able to stuff into the suitcases can go in that until I get to my hotel and can repack. My cases were so neatly packed on the way here..... they're appalling right now. And it's all your fault.


I would like a letter of apology. Or some chocolate covered strawberries delivered to my room please. This has been stressful. Very, very stressful. And I'm going to be very sad to be disembarking. And it's all your fault.


I've finally found something to gripe about. I've heard some ridiculous complaints about Celebrity and Solstice in the past 5 weeks but I've finally found something that I can moan about. Disembarking. It sucks. It's really, really bad. You sucked me in and now you're letting me go. Just like that. Discarded. Someone else will get this bed. This room. This rather nice shower. It will be like I was never here. I've yet to take the pics of my girls and boys off the wall, that will be the last thing I do.


I'm not happy, not happy at all. And it's all your fault.

you done good....:p

(just wish my last words had been similar..but sadly not)

Edited by jannandjohn
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I know it must be sad to depart BUT its time for Solstice to come home to America from its vacation Down Under.....Sorry Aussies and Kiwi's but I have Premium Drinks and Specialty Dining to attend to so say Sayonara to Solstice as our 14 day date is looming! :D

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I know it must be sad to depart BUT its time for Solstice to come home to America from its vacation Down Under.....Sorry Aussies and Kiwi's but I have Premium Drinks and Specialty Dining to attend to so say Sayonara to Solstice as our 14 day date is looming! :D

Love the Pacific repo. On the reverse trip on Radiance in September.


Would love to do it on Solstice - just for a change.


2009 Rhapsody, Sydney-Hawaii

2016 Radiance, Vancouver-Sydney

????? Solstice - we'll see



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Linda - by the time your read this you will be safely ensconced in your hotel, ready for the last of your adventures.


What a great job you have done on your live blog. So much information and wonderful photos - both whimsical and informative.


You are an example of how to travel solo ;) to whom I refer many times, and especially with dietary considerations. It is possible (with some work) to enjoy travel despite it all :)

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Thank you for great entertainment Linda.

I have loved reading your blog before bed each night.

I have 370 days left until I cruise for the first time ever and reading about your trip has made the wait more bearable.

Enjoy the rest of your time in Australia and I will be sure to follow you until you sign off to head home [emoji2]



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

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ROFL!! Love your Dear Celebrity complaint letter! I hope they give you a free cruise in compensation!! I'm sure they would love to have you back! As we will too! Thanks for your tireless battle with onboard Internet and witty GF biased narration of your B2B Celebrity experience.


It has been an joy and honour to be cruising along with you from our land based sofas!! It sounds like we will see you on this thread again in the not too distant future (did you visit the future cruise office?!) for another 'bit of a blog' experience!!


Enjoy the rest of your time in OZ and safe travels home!





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by QE2_Fan
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I know it must be sad to depart BUT its time for Solstice to come home to America from its vacation Down Under.....Sorry Aussies and Kiwi's but I have Premium Drinks and Specialty Dining to attend to so say Sayonara to Solstice as our 14 day date is looming! :D


We're looking forward to "bringing her home" to your waters... only 19 days to go...but who's counting..:)


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I'm still here...... just in a different location. I've Newcastle to upload and then the Dailies....


Brekkie in Oceanview. Viorel, my lovely Head Waiter from the MDR is there. He brings a farewell gift. A GF muffin. It was not good.


Jasper is there from the MDR who thanks me for his envelope and gives me a big hug.


I went on a walkabout after breakfast..... got pics from a couple of accessible staterooms to share.


0840 I made some notes in the theatre..... internet has been cut off.

Overnight was really rough..... much infrastructure creaking..... it's overcast outside. Bit like how I feel.


I've an even number to disembark and they leave from the forward access ramp so no point in me sitting aft in the Tuscan lounge for Elite. There's a piano being tuned in the theatre. My rucksack is heavy and I've got the tote.


They're calling numbers and I'm in the last group to be called so I decide not to wait and be at the very end of the line that is bound to be there. I disembark in a long line of others and retrieve my cases. JP is there and we hug goodbye. Am going to miss this amazing Solstice family. Shane (Canadian Chef) came by my table in Murano last night where Brenda had joined me. Have done a whole lot of crew hugging. Such lovely people.


There's a snake of a line but just before I'm about to turn a corner the people in front of me are waved up and around into a new line.....super!! My entry card is given a perfunctory look and am asked about my prescribed meds. There's a table of confiscated goods..... I see irons and power strips..... somehow mine had never been seen or reported.


There's a couple of coaches for my group and we are taken to the hotel rather circuitously as one of the streets is closed.....It's in walking distance of Circular Quay. Unable to check in until 2pm I head off out leaving my tote with the concierge.


I have bought a mobile phone in a sale!!! Just need to figure out how to transfer my phone numbers and pics over but that's academic. Everything else I've set up. Was $100AUD less than if they had been able to repair the old one which is higher spec to be fair but this one is perfectly fine.


Met up with my friend and we went on a mission to buy specific items for my family.


Checked in. My room is HUGE!!!! 2 Double beds. Massive bathroom. And coffee making facilities :D


Heading out to the markets now then the Opera.

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