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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Sally, I can see how that skirt would be perfect for Florida. I bet the faux wrap on the diagonal is super flattering.


Friday night we're going to our favorite restaurant to celebrate our birthday. We've gone there almost every year since we got married. Sadly, it's closing in July and we are very sad about that since it's one of the finest restaurants in the world. I believe the room itself is landmarked, but who knows what will go in there next.


I have to dig through my dresses and see what to wear!

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A week ago my husband asked me where I wanted to go for Mother's Day dinner. I was surprised, because he works at a university which has their various graduations on Mother's Day Weekend. He works Monday through Friday, and then literally from morning to night on Saturday and Sunday. This year, graduation is a week later.


I have no idea where to go. I told him we don't need to do anything special, you know? I love my family to pieces, and that is all that matters.


But he still wants to know where I want to go for dinner! There is a local place that I just love. I think we'd probably have to make reservations, even though we normally do not have to.


Margaret, you post about going to dinner maybe me think about all this, because sometimes there is a place that we love to go to, and it is really sad when they close up.


Sally, that bathing suit isn't going to fit anyway, so I'm glad you mentioned the quality issues. I was going to try, since I could take it back to the mall but there really isn't a point when I'm almost 100% sure it won't fit and I know now that the quality would be questionable.


I'm still looking at all those other beautiful items in cinnamon though.


That is a really cute skirt! I was thinking already of wearing a maxi skirt when we fly to Fort Lauderdale for our cruise. I find them to be so comfortable and nice looking as well.


Someone posted on another thread these really nice luggage tag holders from Amazon. I have some nice ones from my travel agent, but you do have to add tape, and I'd rather have something where I don't need to put scotch tape in my luggage. Anyway, they're only about $11.00 for 8, and considering I'd get years of use out of them, that is outstanding. I think it's funny that the shipping is $7.00 though. Still, it's not a lot. I may given them a try.

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Since I barely have a waist, no bunching is key for me. I generally look for flat-front pants with no waistband.


Here I am, armchair shopping again. I don't normally like madras, but isn't this a cute skirt? It's hard to tell from the photo if this is EARTH or AIR, but I bet with the right top it could be EARTH:




I could see this with a t-shirt and some Keds.


I was looking at the young women's footwear on my way home from the subway yesterday. Lots of ankle boots and white-soled Keds/Vans type shoes, with skinny jeans or pants. Lots. The NYC uniform for spring. :)

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I'm always looking for something that gives me a waist, but I'm short waisted as well so there are a lot of hits and misses. That is a cute skirt. I don't wear plaids but I do like that.

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Anita and Pam, since you have been on Allure, I have a few questions. I think they would be answered if I went back through the old thread, but I thought it might be easier to just ask.


I recall the thermal spa...is there a fee, and is it per visit? There is nothing on the RCI website.


What restaurants did you try, whether it was for dinner or lunch? I'm always up to trying different things, though my husband is fussier. However, I think I could convince him to try something new, knowing that we could always grab a roast beef sandwich in the Park Cafe or a slice of pizza later if we needed to. :D:D


As you mentioned, Sally, White House Black Market does have sales. Right now, I can get three of the tops I have been watching for $135.00. I don't think that is awful. I may just go ahead and order them today or tomorrow.


For all you moms out there, Happy Mother's Day!

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Laurie before you order them check for a coupon code . I just goggle White House Black Market coupon codes and one usually pops up .

Margaret , I really like that madras skirt .


We are finally well and I have been able to return to the gym . We have heard some frightening stories about this virus . It ended in hospitalization for quite a few people .I am now looking for a short trip in the fall and we have booked Freedom of the Seas to Portugal & Spain for next April. I am just so thankful to be feeling good .

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About the Allure...


There is a fee for the Thermal Spa. I'm not sure how to translate what happened on our TA cruise with a more normal cruise...but they had passes for sale on the first day and had a certain number that they would sell. There were a couple different passes...one was for unlimited usage...one was for a certain number of uses...


But you could always pay a daily fee to use the Thermal Spa. I don't recall what that price is...remember that they do tack on 18% gratuity to every price.




I'm sorry to have to remind you that Mom wasn't feeling well on the trip...and had in fact been diagnosed with pneumonia...so we had some issues with food and what we ended up doing was not quite what Mom and Dad had hoped we would do. Anyway...


Giovanni's...we ate lunch. It was very good. Especially for the way that we were eating...that is...we were losing an hour each day at 12 noon, so that suddenly it was 1 pm after 11:59 am. We ended up doing a very light breakfast (Mom had the hardest time finding food she could eat for breakfast...dairy free, soy free, egg free, gluten free...yeah, very difficult) and we were eating a larger lunch. So Giovanni's was a great lunch.


Rita's Cantina...I don't know if this is still what it is or if it changed names with the dry dock. It is the Mexican restaurant on the Boardwalk. We ate a very early dinner here. It was a port day actually, Malaga, and we ate around 5ish, give or take. We were ready for a bigger meal. This one is pay ala carte for what you eat, not a cover charge.


Chops...dinner. Excellent.


That's it.


Mom and Dad have eaten at Central 150? Or whatever that is...I'm not looking it up. They loved it when they did it on Oasis.


Again...we had food issues, so not sure that our experience is the absolute best to draw from.

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I haven't been posting lately because life has just been too crazy. I don't want to bog down the thread with all my happenings so to sum up...


DH got a new job. He accepted the offer Friday. The process has felt a bit like a bait and switch because they changed the details of the job location after his interview. He originally applied for a virtual job...or at the least, a job that could be located in one of three different state locations...but they have since changed that and want him in New Jersey.


So we will eventually be moving to New Jersey. Because DS is still in high school...this is throwing quite a wrench in our plans to let him stay in the same school for all four years. We aren't entirely sure when we will move...


Meanwhile...they are allowing for a transition time, but how long that can last...well...things change so we are attempting to go with the flow.


If all happens as we think it will, he will go up to start in June and we will see him one week of the month until the holidays.


Meanwhile...As DH was turning into our neighborhood, driving home from the airport from flying to NJ to interview...he was rear ended and the insurance called the incident a total loss. So DH needed a new/different car...


Which was very frustrating because we were only 1 year out after having paid off that loan and we didn't want another loan. And I know you all know how hard it is to find a used car with the insurance money as the budget...


And meanwhile...DS is in the last weeks of school, so all the year end stuff is happening.


And my Mom and Dad aren't around for the usual talk...


So it's felt a bit stressful over here...still does a bit, because well...see above.


All I have to say is that once I move to New Jersey (give or take the possibility of living in PA instead)...Margaret! I expect AT LEAST a monthly date with you. It will be my excuse to visit the big city and see a friend since I will be starting all over AGAIN.


And yes...


Happy Mother's Day everyone!

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Anita, I understand your issue. As a military family we moved, a lot & we didn't have a say as to where we were going...over 18 moves in 22 years. That being said, I'd move your son at the start of his sophomore year, lots of kids transition schools at grade 10, so he won't be the only new kid. We moved our oldest (honor student, promising athlete & madrigal singer) at the start of her junior year (& she still talks to us [emoji6]). It is easier to move as an underclassman than an upperclassman. He's an outgoing guy & will adjust quickly.


Great vacation in Hawaii, good cruise (except allergic reaction to Mahi Mahi put me out of picture commission until day 8 of 10-day cruise - face swelled so badly I was un recognizable, thank goodness I had my Epi pens & refill prescriptions with me (I can tell you Walmart locations in Maui, Kona & Hilo!). Lots of landscape photos this trip. I'd do the cruise again, but in opposite direction (Vancouver to Hawaii). Couldn't use our monster balcony for last 5 sea days cause it was too cold, even with provided blankets, that was disappointing. Amazing day in Seattle on Friday (blue skies & not a cloud in sight with 75 as a temperature) before flying home yesterday (with a 5 HR delay in Denver due to thunderstorms & a stray tornado or two). Enjoyed my own bed last night!


Happy Mother's Day to all. Melody

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Oh Melody! So sorry you had a reaction on your cruise! :(


I know you know about moving a lot. We will not move this summer. For reasons that I don't want to get into on a public forum...there is too much that is already going on for next year...things that we can't recover from if we were to move...


I think I've mentioned that DS is a musician...and a composer. It is what he is pursuing...and we have a long range plan to help him get where he wants to go. He applied and was admitted to a summer youth composer program this summer. There are other summer things happening, but that is the biggest thing. For music majors, your summer plans are as important as your school year...as that is when you can really focus in on your craft, since most high schools aren't focused on fine arts.


There are many fine arts schools up north...and we think that would be the thing for DS if we did move. Many are magnets and charter schools and don't require tuition if you live in the school district but they are audition based admissions, which start in the fall of the school year previous to the target...so that is something that requires a year long plan to implement. That is what we would be hoping for for him...and so we would begin applying next fall for his junior year admission.


I can't tell if you really had a wonderful vacation Melody? I hope you were able to enjoy it. I have a feeling it was a bit like what Mom experienced last April...you can't say that it was horrible, but it falls short of what you were hoping for. I would still love to read/see what you would want to share of it.

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Anita , You really have a lot going on . The move & the car accident all at once . I lived in New Jersey for many years so be prepared for sticker shock .Other than the price of housing I really enjoyed New Jersey . If you like Italian food you will think you have died and gone to heaven . It's tough when you hit a rough spot but luckily life always turns around and becomes more smooth .


Melody , I have been thinking about you and wondering how the vacation went . Sorry about the allergic reaction . That can really be frightening . Hope you were still able to have a nice time .

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Anita, I'm sorry for all the upheaval you seem to be going through. I'm not sure if I used the best word, but it was the first word that came to mind. First, your husband changing jobs, the prospect of moving, your son having to switch schools, the accident....that is a lot at once.


It seems very wrong that they played out a bait and switch...I don't know your circumstances, but it would have been nice for him to have known beforehand, and have been able to utilize that in his decision making. I think the company should have thought about that as well.


I was thinking to myself that the plus side is that you can get together with Margaret! And you know, I'm not that far away either.


Thank you also for the Allure restaurant info. I do remember that your mom was sick on that cruise. I just didn't recall if it had been through and through or just part of it.


Melody, I'm so sorry you had an allergic reaction. I recall you mentioning that you eat fish before. Is it only certain types you are allergic to? (I'm guessing here because you mentioned having your epipen with you.) I'm hoping that it wasn't too awful, and that you have lots of good memories to share.


Last night, me, my husband and daughters went to dinner. One of my daughters was working today, and my husband decided that it would be good for us to go to dinner the night before Mother's Day. I've never been one to think they need to do anything like that, but they are very good to me. We went to a place called Pastabilities. If you ever watch Diners, Drive Ins and Dives, it has been featured. However, it doesn't fit the DDD critieria at all. It's a bit more of an urban contemporary restaurant. We got a really nice picture, but unfortunately, it was dark in there and you can't see the colors well. I was wearing that dark teal lace dress, which is one of the dresses in my cruise line up picture.




And my daughters must listen to me, even when I don't think they are...I received a generous WHBM gift card, which was totally unexpected. It made me happy I hadn't placed my order yet. Between the gift card and the 50% off my highest cart item, I made out very well. I'm looking forward to seeing my new things come in!

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We had a great week in Hawaii before my allergic reaction to either a hidden mushroom or a new allergy to Mahi Mahi. I've eaten Mahi before without incident but have recently developed an allergy to salmon too, sigh


Maui was beautiful but I felt pretty miserable the two days we were there (just have to go back [emoji6]). Kona was the perfect day; snorkeling, outrigger canoe & lots of paddleboarding--had a ball. Hilo was great, National Volcano Park was spectacular. The cruise was lots of fun but the 5 sea days were frigid (glad I had layers!). Melody

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Anita and I are going to be neighbors! :D:D:D I am sorry though that your plans to stay put for your son didn't work out. There will be so many wonderful opportunities for him up here, though, I hope they make up for it.


One interesting thing about New Jersey is that you can go from one little town to the adjacent one and they will be very different communities, with different school systems that have their own reputations and big variation in how diverse or not they are. Not to mention house prices.


Another interesting thing is that once you are about 1.5 hours from NYC, beyond possible commuting distance, it feels like a different state.


Laurie, what a beautiful picture of your family!


Melody, I am glad you had some fun days, but it must be disappointing to visit Maui while under the weather. It gives you a good excuse to go back. :) I'd love to hear about the national park you visited. And why you think the reverse itinerary is better.


About mid-way through our trip to Vietnam, I got stung by a jellyfish while snorkeling. It was really tiny and one of the tentacles got trapped around the bulge in my face from the snorkel. It was quite painful for a couple days, and I had a puffy white line where it had been against my skin, from my nose down my cheek to my chin, that looked like a scar. Needless to say, there aren't many pictures of me in the last half of that cruise!


Thank goodness for Epi pens and Walgreens!



I took a quick walk through Old Navy looking for workout wear. No luck with that, but there are some great EARTH colors in t shirts and shorts... a muted light turquoise, teal, brick red/orange, some beige. Lots of coral.

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I found two really nice greens in Old Navy when I was there a dew weeks ago. A warming, almost air olive green and then this wonderful green...if you have your color cards, it's on there except the shade I found was a bit lighter. I think k Curtis called it a forest green. I bought a basic top in that color but I need to exchange it for a different size.

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Hi ladies,

Anita and I touched base a month or so ago via email and I promised myself I would come check in with all of you! It's great to read you all still supporting one another and shopping for your summer wardrobes!


Sorry for my abrupt departure. I think we cruised late October then life got busy and I never made it back here!


Shortly after turning 50 in February, I felt a breast lump that I was 100% positive was more of my fibrocystic disease. Went in for a diagnostic mammogram and sure enough, what I was feeling was fibrocystic but right next to it was cancer. Thank the good Lord for putting this huge lump that I could feel, and though nothing showed up on mammogram, the ultrasound technologist found the cancer while looking at the fibrocystic lump. Because of my age I had to have a MRI, where they found three more suspicious areas. 5 biopsies later, I learned I had grade 1 cancer and DCIS on the right, and atypia on the left. They wanted to do three lumpectomies but I opted for a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. The news has all been great; my lymph nodes were negative and the genetic typing of the cancer was favorable, so I do not need chemotherapy. I will have to take tamoxiphen for the next 5-10 years, but I can handle that!


I am now 3.5 weeks post surgery and doing quite well. I still have two miserable drains that I hope to have removed in the next week or two. My plastic surgeon has given Mike and I his blessing to take a Caribbean cruise in a week and a half! I am not sure who needs the R & R more! Mike has taken such marvelous care of me. I am so blessed! We splurged and are staying in the Haven on NCL Escape. What other time in our life do we deserve/need such pampering?


So Ladies, get your mammograms! I was very prompt with mine. I have a girlfriend who was diagnosed three weeks before me. She is now on her 6th of 16 chemo treatments. She had not had a mammogram for three years before being diagnosed. It could have made the difference.


Life is great! I love that you all take care of each other and support one another! When I was here before, I sometimes felt I was doing more taking than giving and felt guilty. Wow, was I wrong! Life is like that...sometimes you are the taker, sometimes the giver, and true friends do not keep track! So sorry for my absence the past few months! I have missed you all! I am tickled you had to start part 2!



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