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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Miss kitty came home last night after an afternoon on IV fluids and antibiotics. All her scans were normal so we are just dealing with an infection, apparently. I was surprised because she didn't have a fever, I was very worried it was an obstruction, so we're thankful that's not the case. Poor baby.

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Margaret, so glad Miss Kitty is better (was she named for the Gunsmoke character...now I said that & you’re probably too young to know that show [emoji849])


I was putzing around on the Macy web page & saw a Ralph Lauren white sport coat for Les. His comment was, why do I need it? I said, it’s a $300 jacket (for $55 after discounts) your favorite style, fits perfectly & you can wear it in Hawaii. I think the $55 sold him [emoji23]. He’ll wear it with a black shirt & black pants. Melody



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Melody, when I was little I though Miss Kitty was pretty. I didn't like Festus, though. My grandpa was a HUGE fan of westerns and he always had them on when we were over there.


She's actually named Danica after the NASCAR driver for her constant racing around the house. :) I was a big admirer of Shirley Muldowney back in the day but I couldn't imagine having a kitten named Shirley. Not much racing today, but at least she has eaten a bit. Would like to see some poo, though. (Never thought I'd be happy to see poo.)


That sounds like a pretty sharp lookin' outfit for Les.

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Happy for kitty! It's the worst with our furry family members are ill.


Sounds like a nice jacket for Les!


I just ordered 3 large duffle bags for our Alaska trip. On the plus side, I read that these duffle bags are very useful for packing for summer camps and going off to college. So, yay for them being useful for DS in the near future. The shipping was free but not fast so...now we wait. I'm eager to do a dry run on the gear to see how much space it actually takes.


Sally...when do you leave? I think we're next up!

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Anita, we got an Eagle Creek duffle (with backpack straps) for our snorkel gear...perfect.


Margaret, hope [emoji90] comes for kitty (Danica, cute).


Now that I’ve ordered the jacket he’s wondering when it’ll come [emoji849]. He doesn’t order anything on line...ever



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I saw some really nice Eagle Creek brand duffles but they weren't in the budget. I got some highly rated Samsonite duffles. There were few negative reviews. I figure a 4.5 star rating out of almost 1900 reviews is pretty good. I might do a few improvements to them...IDK. It's odd because we are PACKING excellent backpacks, but I wouldn't send my $$$ backpacking packs unprotected through baggage. Part of the test pack will be to see if we can transfer most or all of what is in the duffle to the backpacks prior to getting on the train in Vancouver. The packing strategy is still a work in progress.


Waiting for online purchases...it's one way to create happy mail/deliveries!

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I'm glad Miss Kitty is doing better. We were talking a few days ago that our cat is about to turn 17. She's getting slower but she seems to be doing okay health wise.


It's amazing how quickly time flies. I can't believe your cruise is around the corner, Anita. You have the planning so nicely organized, which must take a lot of thought. The things you need to bring are a bit different than the usual cruise items.


We chatted about plans for our October vacation today. Going to Lake Placid for a few days is up high on the list still, but my husband also suggested Vermont. Quite a few years ago, we visited the Vanderbilt Estate in Hyde Park. That got us thinking a bit but I'm not sure if there is much else in the area.


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Shirley Muldowney...you are bringing back memories! I was a huge race fan for many years, and always wished for more women racers.


My first and most loved cat was named Jalopeno. But I called him Pumpkin one day as a term of endearment and it stuck. Pumpkin became his new name.


The Red Sox aren't doing that great tonight. I hope I'm not bringing them bad luck by watching!


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Margaret, how did the safari talk go? When are you planning to do that again?


We're really hitting the count down for Alaska. We're just about at the 60 mark. The planning is very different from any other cruise we've done. First of all...Mom and Dad are on the cruise with us but for the first time, we are the ones who initiated the cruise...and Mom has been happy to just let us pretty much take the lead for the planning. I think she is enjoying that...as she is the one that normally does all the planning...she's going to get to enjoy going along for the ride so to speak.


It is a different kind of planning and packing for Alaska for sure, but I think that is especially true for our family because I don't think too many people plan to go camping before or after their Alaska cruise. DH and I just couldn't handle it if we didn't make some sort of effort to get into the wilderness...or at least somewhat into the wilderness.


Also...planning for Juneau has been a roller coaster. We've had so many plans that have gone awry. First, the big splurge excursion was canceled (way back, so nothing new) and now, the other thing we had planned, a sort of father son fishing trip for DH and DS is basically canceled. I had talked with the tour operator way back and now, I can't get him to return my calls or emails. And I found a post in the forum that said he has closed up shop...but the website doesn't give that appearance. So very frustrating.


Meanwhile...I've been researching the whole fishing idea for Juneau and this has lead to the understanding about the troubles facing the King Salmon. The regulations are tight and strict. Basically, there is no king salmon fishing in SE Alaska in 2018. It's all catch and release for the majority of the season. I don't really understand how the fishing charters are working with the regulations. It doesn't really concern me personally because we aren't hiring a charter... We are thinking about doing some fishing though. We will be there for the end of the king season and after the catch and release only ends. I've passed along the information to DH and now he is deep into research on verifying what gear he needs to do some roadside fishing in Juneau, of which there is A LOT. So...looks like we'll be renting a car in Juneau now. Something that I had originally thought seemed like a PITA...but now...seems like the thing to do.


DH gets a sweet employer deal with Avis, which has recently opened an office close to the cruise port in Juneau. So yay! We're in Juneau from 7 am to 9:30 pm...so well worthy of the expense of a car rental...especially when researching the options.


I heard from Mom yesterday. She was in South Korea. She had Wifi and a minute so she texted me. So crazy...the world today sometimes blows my mind...she was getting her day started...it was just after breakfast for her and I had just had dinner, technically the day before to her.

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Anita , a lot of the Alaska tour people leave Alaska after the last cruise ship leaves because the towns basically get deserted . That might be why you are having trouble contacting one of the operators .We went whale watching in Juneau with a small private company . We then went to the glacier and stopped at the Red dog Saloon .The Red Dog Saloon has Wyatt Earp's gun on display .It is a fun place to stop at for a drink . They have live music and the decor is old time Alaska .

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Yes, the population in the port towns fluctuates greatly with the season. I'm aware of the seasonal jobs that help support the tourist industry. The man we were going to go fishing with lives in Juneau full time and has for years. He runs a shore fishing excursion where he would just take you shore fishing and supply you with the gear to fish. I believe that his business has basically been shut down because of the tight fishing regulations that have been imposed because of the decline in fish populations. There are many places where you just can't fish period. And the majority of the king salmon fishing season is catch and release only. I'm thinking Abe has figured out a different line of work for a while.


But it's fine. There's a lot of information online and our trip is after the June 15 catch and release only time period. We were already planning on bringing our own fishing rods so it's really not a big deal. It's just a matter of needing to do more research than we would have done had we been able to rely on a guide. Oh. And having to rent a car. But overall, renting the car will be make our overall expenses less in Juneau.

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Wow, you're packing your fishing poles? Do you have cases for them? I used to fish with my dad a lot. I miss that. I'm curious as to how you will be packing them, Anita. It seems it would be quite a challenge to pack them safely so that they don't break.


I am currently in between a few things, and the weather is beautiful here today. I know I will probably be heading outside to do some hard work or help my husband clean the garage. But I am scrolling through Macy's right now, and have seen some very pretty things.


This dress here is just beautiful. I think it's too light in color for me, perhaps. It's a print! But I like the print. I don't know if I would like it on, but you never know.




Then I saw this casual dress, and it is a lot like the idea of what I've been looking for. I think there is too much fabric for me though. A-line would be fine, but this is a swing dress. I'm loving the smoked salmon color.




I think it might be worth trying, but I am almost positive I won't be happy with the shape. If the quality is good enough and I really love it, it might be worth altering. The price is decent.

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The color for this is listed as black gold. I found it intriguing. I was just thinking to look at it, if the neckline was different, it might work for me. Then I saw the color description and wondered if the gold was just making the black look brown to me.



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Nice dresses Laurie! That full length one is beautiful...pretty print. I like the graceful way the fabric flows around the body. The print seems to give an overall more colorful kind of color rather than a more pale color, so it might be wonderful. Very summery to me. I like the shape of the casual dress. It would really depend where the fullness of the skirt would start as to how flattering it would be. I think Margaret mentioned needing the fullness to start below the hip level...I'm the same way. I think that black and gold is very bronze! I've seen fabrics like that before and even though the fabric is a blend the overall impression is more of a solid color.


The fishing poles need to be ones that break up into 3 pieces, not just 2. They have hard tube cases that protect the rods. The reels are packed separately. The duffels I ordered are 33" long. The pole cases are more like 36 but I think we'll be able to pack the rod cases on bit on the diagonal. The test pack will reveal whether or not this will all work out. Got notification that the duffels were labeled for shipment today.

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I just love this swimsuit:




Anita, my dad mostly used poles that were two pieces, so I think that is why I was thinking it could be an issue for you. He always laughed, because I loved to fish but I would never take the fish off the hook. I'd tell him I don't like to touch the fish. There is a picture of me when I was little, that has me and my sisters in it. I'm crying while one of my sisters is holding the fish. I caught it, but didn't want to even hold it for the picture and I was so upset. It provided many laughs over the years.


I was thinking the same thing with floral print dress - that the print would make it seem like there was more overall color to it. Prints are something that I want to figure out. I don't wear a lot of them, but when I do, I don't necessarily see a pattern. I'm hoping to learn why I like certain prints and not others, because it will help me shop. Most of my purchases are online, since when you walk into a store, the variety is limited, especially with dresses. Macy's, Lord and Taylor, and Kohls, are a big sea of black.


I know that I don't like geometric prints, or plaids, stripes or polka dots. I can tell that I'm drawn to things that are more serene, if that makes sense. An example would be the yellow dress from the last cruise. I think any print that involves a chiffon overlay immediately has a certain amount of softness due to the sheer quality of the fabric. I like tonal prints. To me, lace is a tonal print because of the pattern involved.


You know what I love about ordering online? When it arrives and you get to open the package, as if it were a present. Right now, I'm waiting for my new Nook cover to come in! Exciting!! I'm so silly sometimes...

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I love the front of that swim suit, but I dislike the back. I have what they call a high hip, which makes my butt look especially big because it appears to start so high up on my body...like at my waist. I have a swim suit from Athleta with a back like that and I really don't like it at all. It's the swim suit that I designated for the Thellassotherapy pools! It's all faded in streaks and horrid looking for all that the material and seams are still in really good shape.


Love the zipper in the front but I'd be worried about it. For looks, it doesn't appear to have any fabric behind the zipper to be between the zipper and your skin. Not sure how I feel about that. I don't necessarily think it would catch on skin...but IDK...


Beautiful color. The breaking up of the body with the princess seams is nice...and I like the ruching.


I think you like florals. Not tight busy florals, but larger, more impressionistic florals. And the look of watercolors. Definitely a kind of tone on tone...less dramatic floral.

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Too funny, I tried that black gold dress on at Macy’s on a Friday. I thought it’d be great for my reunion. It really did nothing for me. Les’s comment was, it’s really shiny... think I’ll stick with my jumpsuit. Melody



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I really like that black gold dress and the full length dress is pretty but being super practical I would wonder how much use I would get out of a dress like that ? I recently read an article on not buying any clothes for a year and just shopping your closet . I am intrigued with this idea since I tend to wear the same items and some things just sit there unworn. I don't think I could go a whole year but maybe six months ? Okay maybe three months !

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Cruzisme...maybe? All of Laurie's links worked for me. Try again? I opened them and copied them fresh.






Sally...I like that idea. I think I could do that now that I've been in this place for almost one year. I needed to have the opportunity to fill out holes in my cold weather wardrobe...and now that I think I've done that...I think I could shop my closet for one year. It would be a good goal for me. We are about to renew our lease. It'll be up July 2019, which will be 2 months after DS graduates high school...and we might be moving? So not buying anything for the next year would seem like a smart thing to do!


Funny comment Melody. Right now, shiny fabrics aren't a good match for me. They tend to make you look bigger...and I don't need that right now at all. I'm getting back into being active...I've found a Zumba class I like on Monday nights. It's not a super fun Zumba class...it's an okay Zumba class but it's a good one in that the exercises are good...arm work, squat work, etc. The music is good and the ladies that go to the class are friendly enough. I have a great Tuesday followup too. And Friday. And I'm trying to get out and walk more with the warmer weather...

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I had workout swim suit that had a zipper . I hated that suit , The zipper was annoying and because it was cut real high in the back it was a beast to get off . One time I had to wear it home from the gym and have Garry help me get it off .Never again !

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HI Anita. Thanks but still no luck, a red circle continues to spin. And yet I got to see the black gold dress.

I too could wear my clothes from my closet for awhile with no shopping. Up here I have a spring summer wardrobe plus a cooler weather one. Am now just starting to pack away some sweaters and fleece and bringing out capris, sleeveless tops etc.

Today is our first day since October that we can walk about with no jacket needed. We feel so lucky as parts of Canada still have snow.

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