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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Melody, thise shirts are awesome!!!


I don't know why I stopped getting the notifications for posts but I am going to see what's up.with the settings this weekend.


We had a great time on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.  Quiet overall, but fun!  It was warm for this time of the year, so we played outside in the yard with my grandson.  It was so much fun!

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47 minutes ago, laurspag said:

Melody, thise shirts are awesome!!!


I don't know why I stopped getting the notifications for posts but I am going to see what's up.with the settings this weekend.


We had a great time on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.  Quiet overall, but fun!  It was warm for this time of the year, so we played outside in the yard with my grandson.  It was so much fun!

Glad you had a good Christmas!!

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I'm sorry your cruise plans got messed up, Melody.  My last two cruises have had changed itineraries.  The cruise I have booked for 2024 is almost what I would call a default cruise.  I just wasn't finding the right combination of ship and itinerary.


Part of me says it might be time to try a new cruise line.  I'm diamond with RCI, so I like the diamond lounge and the 4 free drinks.  Maybe Celebrity? They honor the status.  It will be a hard thing to sell to my husband. He is a creature of habit.


We will be taking down the Christmas decorations, likely in the next few days.  We have been talking about what projects we see happening this year. A stair runner is one of them, and I have some things to finish up that I started, such as painting the stairway and the ceiling in the laundry room.


There will definitely be outdoor projects when spring arrives as well.



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Laurie. We’re elite plus on Celebrity (Diamond on Royal). Celebrity does drinks differently. 2 hour free alcohol (limited menu) every night from 5-7 with exception of day 1. Also a morning coffee break from 8-10 plated continental breakfast with mimosa's,. Bloody Mary’s specialty  coffees is included in Tuscan Grille. It’s nice & quiet. Biggest difference to us between Celebrity & Royal is few kids on Celebrity (10 is a lot of kids!!). Food is excellent on Cekebrity but  Royal has the best shows. Quieter crowd (no bellyflop contests)


I didn’t post our cookie insanity Christmas Eve Melody 


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Happy New Year, everyone!  We had a quiet New Year's Eve.  The day part wasn't quiet, as we had our grandson over with his mom so that she could do laundry.  We don't mind - the cost of doing laundry at her apartment is high, and we all get to hang out together.  We made our traditional pizza around 5:30, and they went home shortly after.  We watched football and got out our appetizers.  I also made a chocolate mint martini....okay.  Two.  I had two martinis.  🙂  I forgot to get champagne, because I was not original expecting my daughter over at the house and we cut our errand trip a bit short.  


All is good though - ringing in the new year doesn't need champagne, it just needs the right mindset.


We did make one stop that I wanted before we headed back to the house, and that was to Lowes.  I'm sure that doesn't sound exciting, lol.  I wanted to see what kind of rugs they have.  I was looking at Ruggable and Tumble online, but I wasn't thrilled with the cost.  The main reason for wanting a washable rug is mostly for the thinness.  I was looking for the den/office, and I have an office chair.  The room looks so great, and I thought a small rug might ground everything better.  Being that it is a small, squarish room, iwth a double window, a single window, and a tiny closet area, furniture placement realy has to be against the walls, with the exception of the desk.  It feels like the room could use an anchor. My husband has also decided he wants to add crown moulding.  We have it through the hall, living room and dining room, and this room is right off of those areas.  I think it will look nice.  The room is small so it won't be too expensive or drawn out to do.


But, back to Lowes.  I was looking, and my husband saw a hanging rug that was perfect, except the blue was teal like and I really wanted some of that beautiful dark blue we have on the walls and curtains to be reflected.  We had seen a rug earlier, but it wasn't what we wanted.  However, we kept going back to it.  I realized that I wasn't exactly shopping with an open mind, but I was shopping with a certain rug I saw online in my head.  We checked another area, and found another option.  After going back and forth on them, we took them both home to try out.


They both looked great, but one of them looked right for the room as a whole, including the style and decor, not just the color.  We are taking them both back today because we need a bigger size, but I already ordered it online and it should be here by Thursday or Friday.  The neat thing is that I saved almost $200.00.  I was prepared to pay for Ruggable, but I am so glad I looked around.  There is nothing like finding a better option for a lesser price. 


That was a much longer story than it needed to be, lol.  I'll take a picture when it comes in!  


We are still talking a lot about our master bedroom.  It's funny, but we are always doing things in what I call the public part of our home, but the master has been totally neglected.  It was last painted about 18 years ago.  It is missing the baseboard moulding.  I did get new window treatments when the windows were replaced, but that is it.


We can bring this room back to life without a lot of money, but...we need to re-sheetrock the ceiling.  We did this downstairs previously.  There was damage from years ago, where a wall was moved and having someone come in and put the thinnest sheetrock up with some sand paint is desperately needed.   Once we do that, we need to add the missing baseboard moulding, maybe crown moudling, two new ceiling fans, and paint. 


Yes, two ceiling fans.  It's a long story, lol.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all...how's your weather?  It sounds like the Buffalo area is going to get quite a blizzard.  Here ins CNY, we have had some wind today and a little bit of rain, but that is all.  This storm is missing us altogether.  My sister lives in Buffalo, so I worry about her.  She is smart though.  She will stock up and not go anywhere in this.  


It has been a strange winter for us so far.  Mostly, we have had a lot of rain!


I'm itching to start planning out my cruise.  It is in September. I have lots of time, but I am also thinking how quickly time is going by. I mostly toy with outfit ideas until I get closer, but I usually have some excursions picked by now.  With a long weekend, I think I am going to look at ideas for that, along with finalizing our hotel.   We stayed at Embassy Suites the last two times we sailed from Fort Lauderdale, and I've been told it has really gone downhill so we are aiming towards the Dania Beach area.


We finally have our Christmas decorations completely put away.  My husband had Covid last week, and that had him down for the count.  He is doing much better now, thank goodness.


I also got a rug for the den.  It s a thinner washable rug, but is slides too much so we are getting no slip rug bad to put underneath it.  I have no intention of trying to fit this in a washing machine...I wanted a thinner rug for in here.  Even with the pad I am ordering, it will still have a thinner feel overall.  Rugs generally make a room feel smaller, but it doesn't feel that way to me.  It helps to pull the room together, and almost feels bigger?  I'll post a picture in just a bit. The room is messy because I'm rearranging, but I like how it is coming together.  


What are you all up to?  

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Well Les has already had a year. Torn shoulder (surgeon for evaluation on this coming Thursday & hopefully a cortisone shot) until we get home the end of February. Last Saturday he had an allergic reaction to the pain medication for his shoulder. Then he developed a nasty, severe kidney infection that has caused terrible sciatic pain & leg weakness necessitating my getting him a mobility walker after he took a nasty fall in the bathroom this morning.  I ordered it from Amazon at 8am & it was just delivered (expedited shipping for $5). Les grumped & groaned  then said ok, it really helps. 

we leave for our b2b cruise in 24 days, hopefully he’ll be back to feeling well by then. Melody


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Aw Melody...that is rough business with Les. It's awful to have health issues at any time but especially before your big long awaited travel. I hope that y'all can enjoy your vacation if you are still able to go. Once on board, it would seem to be a nice place for some pampering and some relaxation and a bunch of rest while not having to feel the pressures of home life and all the chores of daily living there. Hugs.


Laurie...I really, really like that rug and the way it feels in the room. You have a lovely mix of patterns in that photo and I find that very appealing. I'm kind of laughing to myself over that photo because you are doing such a good job of mixing your patterns and yet for your clothing, I know you gravitate more toward solids. What a funny thing. That's very much what I like to do with the fabrics in my house. I'm very much a mix it up and coordinate rather than match kind of decorator.


My life has fairly crazy of late...


We went to the family farm in Huntsville AL for Thanksgiving. Pretty much all of DH's family except for one niece was there. It's not an old established farm, it's a newer venture of my youngest SIL, her DH and their 2 kids and my MIL/FIL. They bought it several years ago and have been having a good time exploring the world of rural living. They started with chickens and an ambitious garden...the garden is rough but the chicken family has expanded and they've gotten into goats. They are all about the goats and over Thanksgiving were having a go at their first breeding...very fun to visit but man, oh man...too much work for me! LOL.


On November 27, the Monday following Thanksgiving, DH and I flew to Seattle for the first time in our lives (like to go beyond the airport), rented a car and moved into a studio apartment that we rented sight unseen...the decision for the apartment was all pretty much on my shoulders. DH trusts me...and I did my darnedest to research the heck out of Seattle to choose a place that we could 1. afford...2. be safe...3. have a decent commute for DH and even hopefully, 4. ENJOY. And I'm happy to report that all my moving has paid off in that I can confirm that I do know how to pick a good home for us. Except for the fact that DH is basically living alone in Seattle...he's quite happy with the little place I picked...460 sq ft studio with a full kitchen (including dishwasher), in unit laundry, a huge (for the studio) walk in closet, and garage parking. WHEW.


It also happens to be exceedingly walkable with a walk score of 98? There are 4 grocery stores within 15 minutes walk...the nearest shows 800 ft away when you get directions from the apartment. I am comfortable walking all around there as well...just very pleased.


We don't know what exactly will be happening over the course of this year. We have a one year lease on the studio. DS is applying for grad schools...the last applications due yesterday...and so we wait to see what's happening with him. Meanwhile, I'm dealing with the house...regardless of what we do with it, we're reluctant to sell though not enthused to have it be a rental but also recognizing that it's not a place that we left alone for any length of period of time...anyway, no matter what...there's projects to finish...plenty of regular maintenance...and it's always a good idea to regularly go through stuff and really sort out what you need and deal with the rest. DS must take anything he considers his with him to grad school...and he'll be welcome to take quite a bit of furniture as well...his bed set, his desk, etc...and many other choices as I'm not sure any of this furniture is truly worth moving one of the longest moves you could do in the lower 48.


I was in Seattle from 11/27 to 12/10. Most of that time was spent setting up the apartment. I found the cherry Goodwill where they get a lot of palettes from Target. Not sure what exactly that merchandise is but I found a bunch of it...we have 4 checked bags of things like household linens, a few plastic kitchen items, some silverware and utensils, good knives...but dishes, glasses, cookware, furniture...that was all purchased in Seattle. I had 4 shopping carts full from Goodwill...buying dining chairs, lamps, a floor fan (no air conditioning in Seattle), etc.


We did some explorations but I haven't sorted through the photos to be able to share. I will though. For never having gone to Seattle before...it feels very much like my childhood home which was the SF Bay Area. It's hard to describe the way people are in different places...but let's just say that the terrain and the people...the overall feel of the place...I hadn't connected with that part of me that loved where I grew up in a long time. I was quite sentimental about it all. We're giving DH the freedom to have time at the job and have it prove to be all that it should be before we permanently relocate...so I'll say that if we do continue moving forward...I'm actually THRILLED with the idea of the move. 


I'll share some photos later. This week is DS's birthday...can y'all believe that he is turning 23?!? DH arrives today to spend the rest of the week with us. We met in AZ at my parents home for the holidays. And I spent a long weekend with him back in Seattle before flying home Jan 8. So so far we haven't had too long a period without seeing each other...but the dry spell is about to kick off after Sunday as DH won't be back here until mid February when he is coming for a dentist appt LOL...and I won't be visiting him in the meantime. The year will just be a play it by ear kind of thing as far as all that goes.


The only other travel we are thinking about is a trip to Glacier National Park with DS this summer before he heads off to grad school. It's something he really wants to see and we were very disappointed to have to cancel our trip we had had planned a couple years ago. 

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Anita, glad that everything is falling into place!!! 

Les is having a devil of a time with this back/sciatic pain. He was very resistant to the walker, but says ‘ok, it really, really helps, especially with the torn shoulder’ (we go to ortho surgeon on Thursday).  I got the walker on Amazon fully expecting I’d return it, we’re keeping it. . He’s determined to go on this cruise (I’m just really hopeful that we can go!!). Melody


I'm beyond grateful that we did the walk-in shower on our upper level before my foot surgery last year

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Melody, I sure hope that Les is feeling better soon.  You two have had so much going on the past few years health wise.  While he may not love having that scooter, if it helps him, then it is a good thing!!  I hope you are able to go on vacation and enjoy it.


The nice thing about cruising is that you can do as little or as much as you want.  Anita described it really well.  


I often think about things like a walk in shower.  We really need to make sure the house can grow old with us.  I know I've mentioned how hard it is to convince my husband of that.  There have been a lot of things we've worked on lately that are not necessarily about making the house easier to age in, but it is about just getting things finished.  He knows I am focused, so he is coming around!!


Anita!!!!  It is so good to hear from you.  It sounds like through all the chaos, you have had a chance to enjoy the holidays and your family.  It sounds like rough business to move like that.  I know I've said it a lot, but it fascinates me.  I have pretty much lived my entire life in a few different homes, all within about ten square miles.  Even work....40 years this past summer!  


Yes, the way I approach decorating compared to clothing is funny.  We were looking at rugs, and I migrated towards this one but I didn't know if it would work.  We brought it home along with another one and I went back and forth.  I finally decided on this one, but I had to return both rugs because I needed a different size.  This arrived about three days later so there really wasn't a wait.  I'm loving how the curtains, chair and rug go together.  There are the wall colors too.  I like to mix patterns when I'm repeating the same colors, but I can't say I've figured out my style.  I just know it when I see it, and it involves some color, and updated classics.  There are some old things too.  That table you see in the picture was my mom's.  It was in horrible shape. I found a retired gentleman who refinishes wood who did this inexpensively.  We removed the top part and I found a piece of leather online that I recovered it with, just like my mom had.  The finish is pretty much the same color as it was, and it goes nicely with the quartersawn oak desk and bookcase we have in here.


I think that figuring out when to sell a home is tricky, and a personal decision.  If it is all about finances, then I would say to fix what has to be fixed, even if it means hiring someone.  Then sell now, while the market is hot.  I would put the money into a good interest earning account and wait to buy.   You can get top dollar right now for selling a home, but you are also paying top dollar. A few years from now, there is risk that you owe more than what a house is worth.  Interest rates will be more stable as well.


Sorry, didn't mean to ramble about that.  Lending is what I do for a living, and it has been very strange over the past few years.  As I said initially, it is about what works for you and your family.  With your son deciding on schools, it probably feels like everything is up in the air right now.  I really admire how you are able to think everything through and figure things out, such as the apartment in Seattle.



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We have a snowy day here.  Nothing major, but it may get a bit worse later on.  I will say, it looks so beautiful outside with a fresh, white layer of snow.  It also makes me appreciate having a warm, safe home.


My husband is working, and we do have plans to go out to dinner tonight.  It does not faze him to drive in the snow, where I am petrified still, after all these years of living here.


I've been working hard on footwear, trying to make sure that I am wearing things that feel okay.  I have always had so many issues with getting shoes to fit properly, which probably explains why I have Morton's Neuroma in one foot and bunions on both. It is very hard to find things that I like and that are comfortable too.  I purchased those lower heel gold sandals that were the same brand as my bone colored sandals, and I was amazed the difference it made on our last cruise.  It is amazing how much we put up with pain to look good, you know?  


I now own two pair of Skechers sneakers, as they come in wide width and super comfortable.  I'm working on work shoes, which is super hard.  I found a pair I loved and purchased, and they still make them even though I got them about 4 years ago.  Problem is, the color choices.  I haven't been able to find brown since I originally purchased them.

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Melody, I'm sorry to hear that Wes is having such a hard time. It's very frustrating. We did think about my parents a lot when we did our lakehouse renovation, and now we are glad we did. The walk-in shower is a big help, and we are thankful for our one-level ranch. Our apartment and building in the city are very accessible except for the tub/shower combo. It's very senior-friendly.


I had a nice visit with my family earlier this month. I am getting ready to go back in two weeks to be with my brother, who has to do a lot of testing in preparation for heart surgery. He had a heart attack the day before Thanksgiving and now he needs a double bypass. They require him to bring someone along for the meeting with the surgeon. His surgery will coincide with his stepdaughter's move to Illinois, so his wife and I are are coordinating so that he has someone with him. I will probably go back for two weeks sometime in February, when we have the surgery date, to share hospital duty and home care. So far all the testing has gone well, no other worrysome issues revealed. We are so thankful that he was already at the ER when he had the attack, because they intervened immediately and he has no discernable heart damage from it.


So, this is a sobering event because he is only a year older than me. It really has me motivated to get everything checked out that I possibly can. I am notoriously lazy about doctor appointments.


I really have to get serious about our April cruise. I haven't booked any excursions except one, though I have ideas for each of our ports. We have our flights and pre-cruise hotel. Neither of us need any new clothes or shoes. I may just take the list from my last cruise and pack that. 🙂


It's been much colder than normal here. We've had freezing rain, snow, sleet, you name it. Our past few winters have been mild so a lot of people go out without proper clothing. I have been getting a lot of use from my Smartwool socks and the base layers from our Norway trip. We went to our favorite Italian place recently and we were the only diners there.







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Margaret, sorry to hear about your brother’s heart issues…that’s scary. 

Les is doing so much better since earlier in the week. He’s moving around house without walker & seldom uses the cane. We leave on 6 Feb (flying first class which will definitely be easier on Les). Son will get us to airport here, we’re being picked up in FLL & will be with friends to get to ship. Really hoping Luggage Valet is an option for getting home. He's bringing walker & cane on the trip & I’ve reserved a wheelchair in Atlanta (both ways). Just need to get him on board & relaxing on the balcony. First time I’ve been glad we didn’t get our normal aft balcony. We’re in a bump out balcony right by the elevators. Melody

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That sounds like a great location Melody. We like to be aft on the Princess Grand class ships because 80% of the things we enjoy are in the back. It is a long walk to the theater all the way forward but we don't mind the exercise. Same with the gym.


Yesterday I went to the Women Dressing Women show at the Met Museum:




The history of women designers was fascinating to me, because the higher levels of fashion have been dominated by men for so long, but there were these incredibly successful and talented women who I never heard about, dating as far back as the late 1800's. Each outfit had a descriptive plaque about the designer's start, career, ethos, progression.... What my aunt and I commented on over and over was how many of the outfits chosen for the show could walk the streets or go to a party today. The workmanship and detail was astonishing. We had the best time.


It was a miserable day to go out, but it reminded me why NYC in January can be delightful with a bit of effort. The museum wasn't crowded at all, so we ate a leisurely lunch, never felt rushed or cramped, and enjoyed our time in the shop. I love museum shops, they are a great place for buying unique gifts, and they are crucial to museums' survival -- guilt free spending. 🙂

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Margaret, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's heart issues.  I find that I spend a lot of time lately realizing that I'm not getting any younger, and how precious life is.  I try to stick with my doctor's appointments, and to take care of myself.  It's not perfect, but my family has a history of a lot of ailments, and I just want to be proactive.


I've decided that we will stay at the Renaissance Fort Lauderdale Marina the day before our cruise.  It seems to be in a decent area with plenty of places to eat along with the hotel restaurant.  I did a lot of back and forth on hotels.  I'm working on airfare next, and prefer to book through RCI on that.  I find the pricing is very similar to booking on my own.  I just inquired with my TA on that so I don't have the options yet.  She will be back in the office on Monday. The last time I spoke to her, she described the prices as ridiculous so we will see!


One thing about sailing on Freedom....it has always been RCI's most popular ship.  I've been on Freedom more than any other ship, so I can agree on that.  I think this has a lot to do with why there have really been no price changes for cruise fare other than up, and why all the excursion and dinner packages are expensive.


My husband likes a mix of the dining room and specialty dining.  Last cruise, we had the three night dinner package, which isn't offered on Freedom because it doesn't have as many restaurants.  They offer a 3 night package or unlimited dining or ala cart.  My husband wants two.  Lol.  I am going to explain to him tomorrow (he is working) that it is actually cheaper to book the three night than two restaurants individually, so I have a feeling we will end up with the three night package and go to Chops twice and Giovanni's once. 


They have a Playmakers, which is perfect for sports lovers like us.  I can see us spending a lot of time stopping in for a drink and to catch up on the scores.


I'm definitely in vacation mode, but I have to wait until September!


Melody, I'm happy that Les is getting around better. I was thinking not long ago about our 2nd cruise, which was in 2009.  My poor husband developed shingles not long before the cruise, and they were just awful.  Unfortunately for him, they went over the back of his head, onto his forehead and eye area.  He literally couldn't open his eyes for a few days.  I don't know how he managed to recover so well and go on a cruise.  When we look at the pictures, you can still see the marks on his face when you look carefully.  To this day, one his eyebrows arches a little from the nerve damage, even.


I think when we really want to go on vacation, our bodies push for recovery!  It also makes the trip that much sweeter.



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4 hours ago, laurspag said:

I've decided that we will stay at the Renaissance Fort Lauderdale Marina the day before our cruise.  It seems to be in a decent area with plenty of places to eat along with the hotel restaurant.  I did a lot of back and forth on hotels. 

We stayed there in December and it was 100% booked with five ships in port on Sunday (don't know how many Saturday). There was only one working elevator and the coffee machine was broken, so they only had brewed coffee. We did have a delightful corner room.


We did like the restaurant we ate at. MamaJuana's. It's in the shopping center across the side street-not across 17th. 

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It seems like every hotel has issues.  I found it so hard to find anything with consistently good reviews.  I hope they get the elevator fixed by September!


I also found fewer and fewer hotels with shuttles.  In the past, it was pretty easy to get airport to hotel shuttles and hotel to cruise port shuttles.   


I'm sure it isn't unique to Fort Lauderdale but I'm wondering how it compares overall to other cruise ports. 

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Laurie, we've stayed down the street in the Hilton Marina hotel a few times. That area is a very convenient location. We have taken taxis, so I cannot comment on the shuttles. One time someone just opened the door and took the taxi we had ordered (they are numbered). I will say that the hotels are very busy when several ships are in port. Between the people checking out and those checking in, the lobbies can be very crowded, and it's not usually possible to get your room early. Plan to have lunch and hang out at the pool if you arrive early in the day. We packed swimsuits, flipflops, etc. in our carryons and changed in the lobby restrooms. They had a room for checking our luggage until  our room was ready.


There is a Walgreens for last-minute items, and they also have a limited wine selection. There is also a Carrabbas, which we don't have here, but used to enjoy when we visited my parents in FL. There's also a restaurant called Boatyard where you can sit outside if you want. You probably need a reservation there. There are a few other places in a small stripmall on the north side of the street.


Do leave yourself a cushion of time for leaving in the morning to go to port, whether there is a shuttle or not. We also found the airport check-in area to be very crowded when we disembarked, so leave enough time there too. There just weren't enough checkin stations for those with luggage for the amount of people who were all leaving the ships.







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Laurie, I’m still a big fan of Embassy Suites on 17th at Cordova. We’ll be there in 9 days. 2 room suites, cooked to order breakfast (omelet & eggs). Manager reception (couple of cocktails & snacks from 5-7). We never bother with shuttles in Ft Lauderdale (they’re way more expensive & crowded) than getting a taxi (or Uber/Lyft). Under $20 from Embassy to ship (shuttle was $30 per person). Embassy has great restaurants in less than a block surrounding the hotel (Kelly’s Landing for great seafood, Gilbert’s for wonderful burgers & homemade key lime pie); a TJ Maxx & a Ross & a Total Wine. Do the rooms need a refresh? Yes, it’s a busy hotel. & has 6-8 elevators. Melody


fyi we stayed one at Renaissance a few years ago…they still haven’t fixed that elevator?

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