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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Margaret, I'm a huge Jane Austen fan. About a year ago, I started to re-read all of her books. When I was done, I was actually depressed because I didn't have another book of hers to read. I was thinking of downloading the unfinished book she had because that is the only one I haven't read.


I like to have something good to read while on vacation. It's kind of an indulgence for me, because by the time I sit down to read under normal circumstances, I only have time to read a few pages and then it's time for bed. Last vacation, I read "The Girl on the Train" which was a complete departure for me since I love classic literature. I was very happy with my choice though, it was a great book.


We need to get Anita to buy this shirt too, and then we will have to try to get together for a group picture! :) I will post a picture when I wear this shirt, and it would be great to see everyone else do so too. Margaret, it looks great on you. I love how the colors were so earthy looking. I didn't look at it and say "is that really warm?" or "is that truly muted?"


Our weather has turned nice and warm. As a matter of fact, they are calling for warm and humid all weekend. It sounds like Sunday and Monday will be to the rainy side though.


Our plans are small....Saturday morning, instead of going to the gym really early, we're going to a local car gathering they have. My husband has a 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A that he has been restoring for years, and there is a group that gathers each Saturday morning and he's been wanting to go. We're going the gym Sunday morning instead. In between all that, we are going to work on the landscaping (when weather allows and painting inside the garage. I definitely plan to iron everything and start getting my suitcase ready!

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I also bought the shirt . I bought it in a medium which is what I usually wear so I hope it isn't too large .

Lauri . I love reading so I load up my kindle with several books for trips. I did read "Girl on the Train ". I was a good read .

Edited by Sailor_Sally
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The latest issue of New York magazine is called "What We Wore - Centuries of Peacocking in the City" and it's full of fun pictures and articles about clothes. I love this one called "New Yorkers Have Always Worn Black":




This is my favorite picture (I think I would be the one on the right with the funky hat and the teal flowered purse):


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The latest issue of New York magazine is called "What We Wore - Centuries of Peacocking in the City" and it's full of fun pictures and articles about clothes. I love this one called "New Yorkers Have Always Worn Black":


This is my favorite picture (I think I would be the one on the right with the funky hat and the teal flowered purse):


Thanks for the delightful article.

I only wear black, white and gray and the very occasional navy/ white.

Have done this my entire professional and now retired life. Looking out of my current London window I can see all the locals going to work in black and all those in other colors, shorts and white sneakers seem to be " tourists."

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Besides going to a birthday party I have been spending the holiday taking advantage of the sales . JJill had 30 % off so I did some damage there . I then bought a pair of sandals and espadrilles from Macy's .Have a nice holiday everyone !

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Yesterday we went to a car show, as my husband loves cars. We stopped at the mall so I could exchange something, and I ended up picking up another item as well. The DH picked up a few things too. When we got home, I went into cruise mode and started organizing, ironing, rolling and packing. Ironing in 90 degree weather when you don't have air conditioning isn't something I would recommend though!


I have had a really bad time sleeping for over two weeks, and it seems to be very noticeable...the family is constantly asking if I'm okay because I don't seem like myself. Well, in between all of the things I was working on yesterday, my husband told me to just lie down a bit and rest. It's okay to be tired and to need a bit of a rest, he said. Well, I took his advice. I didn't actually sleep-sleep, if you know what I mean. But I did just rest for about 40 minutes, and it did wonders. I ended up sleeping all night last night, which felt really good.


Today we went to the gym, and my husband is doing a little lawn work while I work on laundry. We are going back to the mall, as he wants a different size in the shirt he got yesterday. This must mean it's going on the cruise, because he can't wait to exchange it. :)


Mostly, we are going to see what we get done this weekend. We tend to over plan sometimes.


I'm hoping that now that it is warmer and I'm wearing shorts, this shingles rash will go away. It doesn't bother me anymore, but it sure looks ugly!


Sally, I almost went into JJill yesterday, but we were just stopping in quick. The mall is really, really big. It takes a while to get from one area to the next.

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Laurie, IMO JJill is geared to women living in warmer climates since they have so much linen. It also seems to be geared to older women who want a slightly trendy look but not the Chico's look .JJill can be pricey but I hit the sales and the clothes last forever and still look good .


You must be getting so excited about your cruise . Have a great time !

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I went into JJill last week & Chicos too & didn't find anything (very unusual). Went into Athleta & hit jackpot. Two more skorts, on sale!


Sitting here watching the blasted hail destroy my yard [emoji30]. Ah well, we need the rain. Melody

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Have any of you found a good way to pack men's button down shirts? My husband wears them to dinner and most days of a cruise. I don't think rolling them and putting them into packing cubes is ideal, lol.

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I fold a mans shirt with buttons closed, sleeves smooth behind the shirt fold once & put in a plastic dry cleaning bag, put on top of everything & close case. DH never has to get his shirts pressed on board. Melody

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Laurie, I bought something like this at Marshalls for about $12, thinking it might come in handy:




DH used it on our last cruise for his button-down casual shirts (for dinner wear) and he loved it. It has a hard plastic insert that gives some shape to the folder, and you can use it to help fold the clothes, too. His shirts traveled perfectly. Since he tends to throw things in like his suitcase is a bucket, it saved me lots of ironing in the heat down there. We alternated putting the collars on one side and then the other, so they nested.


I initially thought I'd pack my dresses in it, but it was large and bulky that way, so I went back to layering my dresses on top.

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So far our weekend has taken a few unexpected turns. When we arrived at the lake on Friday, we found out we had no hot water. Until the plumber can get here, we have a workaround that involves turning on the heat really high (it was already 95 degrees that day) in order to heat the tank.


Then our boat overheated. Turns out it needed a part that wouldn't arrive until Saturday. Oh well, no boat.


Then when our propane company arrived to replace the tank, we discovered a leak in the line (outside, thankfully). So, any time I want to cook, I have to go out and turn the tank on, then go back and turn it off when I'm done. Did I mention we were having six people over for dinner?!?


Saturday was 95 degrees again and at lunchtime our AC quit. I spent about an hour up in the attic -- so hot! -- with our AC guy on the cell phone helping me to diagnose the issue. Another workaround, and the AC was working until it quit again yesterday.


Went out to trim the bushes and noticed that the stones are falling off our chimney. Yeesh. I have such a long to-do list as soon as school is finished on Thursday.


On a more pleasant note, we went to the most fun wedding yesterday. The ceremony was outside on top of a mountain with a beautiful view of the Catskills, and the reception was in a modern barn (designed for events though) with the most amazing band. We danced the night away!


Today we have the remnants of tropical storm Bonnie, so it will rain on and off. I am hoping to work in the garden during the lulls, but first I have to finish my proposal. So, I'm off to rewrite and drink some more coffee. :)

Edited by MJC
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Margaret, this has not been a good weekend for you at all! I'm so sorry you've got so much going on at once. You seem to be keeping your chin up though, and I commend you for that. It's hard to do when everything goes wrong at once.


I will check the Marshalls down the street to see if they have that gadget. Now that I think about it, I think Eddie Bauer had something like that when I was in the store the last time. Let me check with my daughter.


I often use the dry cleaning plastic for items, but for starters, I don't think I have enough. Plus, much of it isn't the shorter length, but the longer length that I use for my dresses. I wash and iron his shirts myself. He's probably bringing along about 12 shirts. That may seem excessive, but he wears long sleeved dress shirts to dinner each night, and short sleeved, casual shirts during the day. He doesn't really wear a lot of t-shirts, unless they're for our team - Go, Orange! Speaking of which, he is bringing along two quick dry (tech) polos...yup, Syracuse shirts.


I have most things packed. I'm going to put the shirts and dresses in last so those are hanging up still. I did a dry run though, and we have plenty of room. I was a bit concerned because I opted not to get the larger size suitcases for us. I went with the middle size. I think that even though you don't think packing cubes will make a difference, they do. Especially for things that you don't mind packing tight, such as underclothes or socks.


My husband hardly ever wears any kind of sandals - he's a sneaker guy so that means we pack lots of socks. And he always wears undershirts too. Needlessly to say, his clothes take up more room than mine. :D


Today I will be doing some odds and ends. It's been good to get things done, yet relax and take my time doing it. It's going to be a busy week ahead before we leave on Saturday.

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Wow Margaret! The joys of having a vacation home!!!


Our youngest DGD asked us to go to the pool with her yesterday & we had a ball. Found out we can put our visiting grands on our membership for $20 each. So when they arrive next weekend they'll be able to swim for the summer...we're not telling them till they get here. DS is happy that they won't be bored while he's at work.


Laurie, I've never used the frames/folders, always had good luck just folding once. DH takes at least a dozen aloha & long sleeved button downs on each trip too Melody

Edited by awhfy
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I meant to post some fashion photos while Laurie was away to keep us entertained. Unfortunately I've been awash in VA application materials again. OMG. My dad screwed up the application royally last fall and now I'm in damage control mode. I'll be making another trip to MI next week to sort out some papers.


My sister is moving to Sarasota! Yay! That means she will be 3 1/2 hours closer, and in the same time zone. I am SO happy. I'm already thinking about a week-long getaway in September.


I have a formal party tonight. I'm planning on wearing that black and gold dress again, for the 4th time, I think? That was such a wise purchase. Now that it's hot here I'm wearing my JC Penney skorts almost every day.

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Margaret , if your Sister was here in Sarasota yesterday it might have made her think twice . That tropical storm was brutal . We had 54mpg winds most of the day . Our front yard is loaded with tree limbs but luckily it moved quickly . Sorry about your Dad problems . I can relate having spent a lot of time back and forth to Pa. with Mom .

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Sally, I saw photos of the flooding and the trees down. Glad to hear you made it through ok.


My sister has already made an offer on a house east of 75. She got a great job up in Sun City Center so that will be an easy commute for her. A bit far from the beach for my taste :) but I'll make do.


Today's my last day of work for the summer. Yippee!

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I've been reading along and listening to the conversation but feeling so wrapped up in the drama of life...haven't felt like contributing for a while.


DH is now in New Jersey. He started his new job Monday. While the original job post was for a virtual job...and that changed...the reason for change is a major complement to DH and with boring everyone with details...the company has provided an upfront signing bonus that should amount to a very generous (company paying income taxes on the bonus so it results in the right amount) budget to cover all living expenses for DH for one year. This includes rental car, hotel, per diem, travel expenses to and from home...and the ability to work from home virtually one week for every 3 he works in New Jersey.


It's a pretty sweet deal.


There are many possible scenarios as to what will ultimately happen after this one year transition period. And crazily enough, one scenario is for him to work at home virtually just as the original job description said.


So we just have to get through this year. And we can do that.


We will see each other this weekend. I'll end up in NJ with him...he will still have to go to work, but while he is there, I'm going to try to find a studio or other temporary living situation to get him out of the Residence Inn and into something that he won't feel like he needs to completely check out of and move out of for when he does come home. And so he can feel more settled and get a good routine going up north.


So I'll be packing for a 9 day trip tomorrow.


DS will be attending a composition music camp during this time. He was accepted earlier this spring...and he already had to submit his original composition for the in house ensemble to practice prior to the camp. The camp ends with two concerts where the camp composers pieces will be performed live by the in house ensemble. We will also receive professional recordings of the concert or at least, our composer's piece.


So my packing will include clothing that is concert attendance worthy.


Should be an exciting week. We'll be in Cleveland over the weekends and NJ/Philly during the week. I haven't checked the weather yet though...


I had my hair cut today...it looks much the same as before except that I grew out my undercut and now it is "stacked" in the back. I'm contemplating growing it out a bit more...ponytail length...and getting the undercut grown out was the first step toward figuring out what I want to do with my hair.


I feel like my life is pretty scheduled out from this weekend through Thanksgiving. I basically have something scheduled every weekend and many things for week+ long events (band camp) so I feel like summer is already over...even though it just started before Memorial Day...and unbelievably, I have this almost dreadful feeling like Christmas is right around the corner.


Like :eek:?


Meanwhile...I'm trying to just take life one day at a time with this whole living situation and uncertain future after this year.


Just checking in. Glad to read that despite the normal highs and lows of life, everyone is basically well. :)

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