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Worried about carnival sunshine norovirus


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Sometimes it seems that those who take the most precautions are the one who get sick. That is because they seem to think that wiping everything down with Lysol wipes is going to kill Noro. It doesn't. They think that using hand sanitizer keeps them from getting Noro. Nope! In fact, the hand sanitizer that everyone wants Carnival to push is going to kill more good bacteria that would fight the Norovirus.


My DH and I never use the hand sanitizer and never wipe things down, never use paper towels to open doors, etc. Yet, we never get sick! BIL & SIL use sanitizer all the time, wipe things down, etc and guess who the sickest people in our familiar are? Yep! They are.


Please stop acting like you are living in a bubble. Normal good hand washing is the best thing there is to fight Noro. All the extra vigilance being done is killing the good bacteria that helps fight the bad stuff! When are folks ever going to realize that.


Sorry, off my soap box. :D


Maybe some people will now wake up and stop acting dumb with their claims of not touching this or that. You can't spend the rest of their lives never touching anything. I see the wipes to clean handles on shopping carts, it might help with immediate germ removal, but then the shopper touches every product they buy, load it on the checkout belt, touch the card reader. So to think if they sanitize the cabin, what do they never touch once out of the cabin? They touch handrails, chairs, tables, menues, counters at GS, pens and the list goes on. I believe simple hand washing is adequate because you can never avoid touching anything. When you board a ship, it's likely the cleanest thing you expose yourself to. Do you see stores, taxis, planes being sanitized 24 hours a day?

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Here's a mystery. I spent 3 years on submarines and 3 years on a destroyer and never came across Noro. Navy vessels aren't the most sterile environments although there were weekly cleanings with most of us just going through the motions. One thing I did observe though...the majority of the guys would wash their hands after using the bathroom (the Head in Naval terms) whereas on cruises I'm shocked when I see someone who actually washes their hands. There are a lot of slobs out there in the world and the only thing you can do is wash your hands often and don't touch your face between washings. The rest is up to baby Jesus!:D

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I'm currently on the Sunshine. No obvious signs of Noro at this time, but Lido staff have begun to get more strict with their hand washing recommendations as you enter Lido Marketplace; they basically direct you to the hand washing stations. I'm glad to see that approach in use.


The biggest Noro threat that I've seen so far, in my personal opinion, comes from passengers failing to wash their hands, or as I overheard this morning from someone on Lido, "Why should I wash my hands again, I just washed them 20 minutes ago".


We have been receiving near daily handouts in our cabin about hand washing... Some people just don't get it.


Any questions? We are almost in Aruba. The sun is out, and the sea is calm, for now.

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I would be more nervous about getting noro too.


Everyone who was exposed to the outbreak does not leave the ship.

12 to 48 hours is the incubation period.

People could still be starting the illness for four days into the next cruise.

And shedding virus before they have symptoms.


I just read an article that said the virus can live for weeks on hard surfaces and on plates washed under restaurant conditions.


And then I read another article about a grocery bag of snacks that was in a hotel room when one girl threw up in the bathroom.

When she flushed the toilet, the virus became air born and contaminated the grocery bag hanging in the room.

The grocery bag later infected a whole soccer team when they ate cookies from a sealed package that had been in the bag.

When the illness was investigated live virus was found on the grocery bag weeks later.


The spray radius of noroviruses has been measured at 3 feet when someone vomits.

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We were on the Sunshine during this current outbreak. Lucky for us we didn't come down with it, but heard many were quarantined to their cabin. Felt really bad for them. Carnival seemed to handle it as well as could be expected. I did get the stuffy nose and congestion thing that was also around on this trip. but what can you do with sooo many people interacting closely for 14 days. In spite of all of this, we had a great time, loved all the islands we visited and liked the Sunshine also. Hope all the sick people are feeling back to normal by now and that it won't stop them from cruising in the future.

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I'm currently on the Sunshine. No obvious signs of Noro at this time, but Lido staff have begun to get more strict with their hand washing recommendations as you enter Lido Marketplace; they basically direct you to the hand washing stations. I'm glad to see that approach in use.

The biggest Noro threat that I've seen so far, in my personal opinion, comes from passengers failing to wash their hands, or as I overheard this morning from someone on Lido, "Why should I wash my hands again, I just washed them 20 minutes ago".


We have been receiving near daily handouts in our cabin about hand washing... Some people just don't get it.


Any questions? We are almost in Aruba. The sun is out, and the sea is calm, for now.


But this bothers me. I won't use the sanitizer and I have read on this board many others who won't as it is so drying. Hopefully they aren't making you use it. As I said before, won't stop Noro.

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But this bothers me. I won't use the sanitizer and I have read on this board many others who won't as it is so drying. Hopefully they aren't making you use it. As I said before, won't stop Noro.


The OP said they are directing people to hand washing stations, not sanitizers, so why would it bother you that people are directed to wash their hands with soap and water at hand washing stations

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The OP said they are directing people to hand washing stations, not sanitizers, so why would it bother you that people are directed to wash their hands with soap and water at hand washing stations


He's talking about the sanitizer's set up, not hand washing stations with soap and water. There are no hand washing stations around Carnival's ships. Unless someone has seen portable sinks set up around the buffet. I won't use the sanitizer and would not like being told I had to. Especially since it won't stop Noro abd kills good bacteria.

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He's talking about the sanitizer's set up, not hand washing stations with soap and water. There are no hand washing stations around Carnival's ships. Unless someone has seen portable sinks set up around the buffet. I won't use the sanitizer and would not like being told I had to. Especially since it won't stop Noro abd kills good bacteria.


The cruises I have been on the last couple of years have had blue hand washing stations that have soap and water. I just came off the conquest and they had them on the lido deck, so yes at least some carnival ships have them.

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He's talking about the sanitizer's set up, not hand washing stations with soap and water. There are no hand washing stations around Carnival's ships. Unless someone has seen portable sinks set up around the buffet. I won't use the sanitizer and would not like being told I had to. Especially since it won't stop Noro abd kills good bacteria.


Sunshine does have hand washing stations. Much better option as I too avoid sanitizers.

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Before some of ya'll completely damn hand sanitizer/antibacterial soaps ....


Hand sanitizer DOES work on bacteria.... we use it on a ship in particular to guard against BACTERIAL Pneumonia which can be devastating and have long lasting results - especially for older folks and small children.


At home we only use antibacterial dish soap in the kitchen because of the possibility of spreading food bacteria. Elsewhere in the house we use regular soap.

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Before some of ya'll completely damn hand sanitizer/antibacterial soaps ....


Hand sanitizer DOES work on bacteria.... we use it on a ship in particular to guard against BACTERIAL Pneumonia which can be devastating and have long lasting results - especially for older folks and small children.


At home we only use antibacterial dish soap in the kitchen because of the possibility of spreading food bacteria. Elsewhere in the house we use regular soap.


No one said it didn't work on bacteria. What it doesn't work for is Noro which is a virus. Also, sanitizer kills the good bacteria.


Sorry, I didn't realize that the Sunshine had actual hand washing stations. We were on the Conquest back in October and never saw one there. I agree that those a much better to have around that the sanitizers.

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In addition to hand washing and not touching your face, mouth or eyes; "THE LARGEST CULPRIT"...until you have washed them; I think a lot of it is what you do...sleep well, not too much sugar and alcohol, take your vitamins...especially 1000 C and a multi when traveling. If it makes you feel better, wash your room with the wipes ....half of it is the security your precautions give you..plenty of water, fresh air and rest, and eat your fruits and veggies...so easy to do on a ship. Many people do get better nutrituin on ships with the produce variety at their disposal!! Eat a salad for lunch....wash after you dish it up.


Also..for most people..a bad cold or flu gives you a free pass for a long time in the future. You build your antibodies. My friend shared with me her son had that very bad one a few years back in Canada..she did too and she had him sleep in her bed and had to watch closely...he did not eat or drink or use bathroom much for 4 days...and the doctor said he may get very few colds and flu in future.


That same one went around when i was a kid in middle school. Dad and I were home 2 weeks and it never ever happened before or since except the mumps etc...I was pre shots. I lost all my baby fat..that was it i woke up a teenager and mom got me teenager clothes..down 2 sizes..LOL..there is always a silver lining...


All this to say not to worry...take precautions...unless you have real issues and can't survive something..go..live..your time will be few and far between...enjoy that fresh air!!

Edited by sjn911
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I have always brought my lysol spray, wipes and germ killer with me..I rewipe everything in the cabin..takes about 30 minutes for my little ritual..I hit the remote, light switches , door handles, closet door and drawer handles..I spray it down good! I hit the elevator buttons with a knuckle or elbow if possible...I use germ killer before hitting the buffet line and after I leave it. Yes I practice overkill ROFL:D;)




We DID just that, and I still was sick for a night, and NO I'M NOT old, I'm under 60. It helps, but the are no guarantees, except that there's will always be a few pigs that don't wash after using the John. Just off the Sunshine on March 5th.

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I would be more nervous about getting noro too.


Everyone who was exposed to the outbreak does not leave the ship.

12 to 48 hours is the incubation period.

People could still be starting the illness for four days into the next cruise.

And shedding virus before they have symptoms.Whether or not someone is "shedding" the virus without symptoms, in order to be dangerous, that person still has to practice poor personal hygiene in order to get the virus from where he/she is "shedding from" to their hands.


I just read an article that said the virus can live for weeks on hard surfaces and on plates washed under restaurant conditions.Operative word here is "restaurant conditions". When do you think the last time your local restaurant actually checked the dish temperature coming out of the dishwasher, rather than relying on the rinse water temperature gauge? Probably never. USPH has set the standard that dishware must reach a surface temperature of 160*F to be considered sanitized. This is done at least daily, and recorded, for every dish and glass washing machine on the ship. This is done using temperature strips, much like the thermometer strips you place on a child's forehead. This strip will change color, permanently, once 160* is reached. This surface temperature may not be reached even if the rinse water is many degrees hotter, if the machine is not operating properly. Also, the temperature gauges on the warewashing machines on ships must be accurate within 3*F, and are checked regularly onboard and by the USPH inspectors. Wonder how many times the gauges in Applebee's are checked, or even checked during the test mentioned in the article?


And then I read another article about a grocery bag of snacks that was in a hotel room when one girl threw up in the bathroom.

When she flushed the toilet, the virus became air born and contaminated the grocery bag hanging in the room.

The grocery bag later infected a whole soccer team when they ate cookies from a sealed package that had been in the bag.

When the illness was investigated live virus was found on the grocery bag weeks later.


Don't deny you read this, just would love to see a link to see who investigated this, and how they came up with the convoluted transmission vectors stated. Just another factor of ships where this is far less likely to happen is that with the vacuum toilets, any aerosolizing done in the toilet when flushing, is sucked down into the bowl and the piping, as I'm sure everyone has felt the "breeze" sucked in past the bathroom door when flushing.


And they didn't find "live" virus on the grocery bag. They may have found spores, because outside of a host, viruses are not "alive" (there is some debate whether viruses are actually living) but are in their dormant spore form. And to determine whether the spores were still viable, they would have to have infected a human with them, as it is notoriously difficult to propagate a noro culture "in vitro". Which is why most testing for noro efficiency of hand sanitizers and such is done using feline calicivirus, considered to be a "near match" for noro.

Edited by chengkp75
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No one said it didn't work on bacteria. What it doesn't work for is Noro which is a virus. Also, sanitizer kills the good bacteria.



If you read page 2 of this thread above my post you will see that hand sanitizer/antibacterial soaps are well and truly slammed. My post addressed the fact that hand sanitizer/antibacterial soaps are not all bad. My post never claims that it works on noro


On a cruise the amount of "good bacteria" killed on one's hands is not going to make a notable difference in someone's physiological make-up but a good case of Bacterial Pneumonia will. Thus, we'll keep using it on cruises - as well as continue frequent hand washing to cover our bases.

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He's talking about the sanitizer's set up, not hand washing stations with soap and water. There are no hand washing stations around Carnival's ships. Unless someone has seen portable sinks set up around the buffet. I won't use the sanitizer and would not like being told I had to. Especially since it won't stop Noro abd kills good bacteria.

I beg to differ with you- there are definitely hand washing stations on the sunshine. It is a machine that you put your hands into- the soap and water do all the work - all you do is leave your hands in there until it stops- the problem I see is that there is no friction and it is a 12-15 second wash- not nearly enough- I am here to tell you that I was on that noro cruise and I washed my hands constantly with soap and water and still got really sick requiring a stay in the medical centre and ambulance ride to the hospital when we got back into port- we knew we had a problem when they started with overhead announcements about hand washing and letters being left in our cabins

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I'm on the same cruise. We leave the 18th. Someone is on the ship now and posted that the virus is still on board as well as a respiratory issue. Hope they get it resolved before next friday!!


Would you like to elaborate more:confused: I see this is post #1 for you.

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Good morning from the Carnival Sunshine where there are no official reports of Noro. We haven't received a Noro related handout in a few days. Hopefully that is a good sign.


The crew has continued with the increased cleaning protocols, but that has not had an impact on the cruise.


Hand washing is still encouraged in every announcement from the CD, and Lido staff is still directing passengers to hand washing stations (these are soap & water stations).


Unfortunately, I'm disappointed in the choices of some of the other passengers, specifically in regards to how they select food from the Lido buffets. Using your hands to grab bread, muffins, cookies, and other foods is never ok. The biggest Noro threat on this cruise is from the passengers, and not a dirty ship.


Seas are rough today as we cruise towards Grand Turk. Ship seems pretty quiet this morning for a sea day.

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I know it may be too new to give opinion on right now.. but do you think once a day cleaning of the rooms may cause more issues with illnesses around a ship? I know they still clean the common areas regularly but for a room that a person is sometimes in for a longer period of time the germs permeating or something longer... Just a what if question :)

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