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First time cruising coming soon any advice


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I only have one cruise under my belt (so far!), I was so excited and nervous before my first cruise, too.


I am a compulsive list-maker. I started my lists months before we left. I'm not someone who packs too far in advance... I got everything together a couple of days ahead of time.


However, if my mom were going on a cruise in June, she would probably already be packed and applying her sunscreen by now!!


So, do what is right for you. Seeing it all come together builds the anticipation. At least your cruise is in June. Our next one is January 2017! Have fun!

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Hello, so this will be my first time cruising and I'm excited and nervous! How early is too early to pack? I'm heading to Cozumel in June.


Hi Texasgirls


Welcome to cruise critic.


Please check out this site carefully. Find the "port of calls" threads.

You will find links for each of the Caribbean islands. If you read through them you should get a lot of good ideas about things to do and see.


If you aren't sure about something, be sure to ask, somebody will be able to help you.


Some people find lists useful, it's up to you.


Some of the most important things...make sure you have all your proper documents, and second ***don't miss the ship***


have a great cruise

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I overpacked SO much on my first cruise. Chances are, you will spend a lot of time wearing a swimsuit and coverup during the day. We went nuts on the elegant night too. That is just personal preference though.


One thing I do recommend, though it might seem silly: Bring something that will make your room smell nice. I brought a yankee candle plug in on my first cruise. When I open the little box I keep as a souvenir from that cruise, the plug in is still in there and I can close my eyes and am instantly back on that cruise. Scent memory is a powerful thing! The past two cruises it's been a particular perfume or body spray that I've sprayed on my pillow so I don't have to use up the single plug in the room.


Make sure the shoes you are wearing the first night are well broken in. On my first cruise, by the time I sat down in the dining room for my first dinner, I was in near meltdown mode. We were trying to find the kid's club on the Splendor, my shoes were wearing holes in my feet, and just to add a plot twist, we were under very rough seas. I don't get seasick, and now I actually kind of like the swaying of the ship in rough seas, but at the time the combination was just overwhelming. We sat down to dinner and my oldest made some snide remark and he's lucky he was out of arm's reach because I'd have dusted him. The whole thing the first night is just ..hard to describe but the best word I can come up with is overwhelming.


You'll settle in fine after that, and if you're like me, you'll find that being on a ship to travel somewhere is one of the greatest joys in life :)



OH..bring a 32 oz insulated mug, even if you have cheers. You can fill it up with lemonade, or fill it halfway with ice then pour your bar drink in it and have it stay cold and unmelted way longer than if you just had a bar glass.


Have an amazing time! Jealous of reliving that first moment walking onto the ship and seeing the atrium for the first time going WOW!

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I got all caught up in reminiscing and didn't answer your question :D


I don't pack until the day before we leave. That would freak a lot of people out, but there's a method to my madness.


I'm not physically packing prior, but mentally packing. I keep a notepad by my computer with my packing list on it and add to it as I think of things. By the time I pack, the list is complete and I go by it for putting things in the suitcase.


If I try to pack too early, I end up thinking I packed something when in reality, I just thought I did.


The physical chore of putting it all in the bags doesn't take more than an hour. It's the mental preparation that takes time. This is a more organized way for me to accomplish the task.

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I make up a list of things I want to take well in advance. Keep that list saved somewhere, so that with your next cruise, you already have one. Then, just add & subtract items as you see fit.


I start gathering some things together about 2 weeks before the cruise, and piling them on the floor. Yeah, the front room looks messy leading up to a trip. But I wait on gathering clothes until a few days before leaving. Then, about 1-2 days before leaving, I start putting it all in the suitcases, which doesn't take long. I may do a trial packing about a week ahead of time, to make sure it will all fit.


Some people say that they wind up only wearing about half the clothes they bring. I'm lucky to have one unworn t-shirt at the end, so I'm very glad that I didn't take their advice about only bringing half of what you originally planned. I wear it all, especially the shirts, and I do feel like I'm overpacked compared to others.

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Whether or not you make a list is up to you. I always recommend grouping related things together before packing. Suit with dress shirt, tie and dress shoes. Swimming trunks with flip-flops and sunscreen. Passport with cruise / travel documents. Etc. etc. That way, you're less likely to forget something, and it may help prevent over-packing (somewhat). It's also a good idea to put a small first-aid kit together. Aspirin and/or Tylenol, Neosporin, some band-aids, seasick meds. if you need them, and, most importantly, any prescription meds. that you'll need. If you type "packing list" in the search bar at the top of this forum, you'll find multiple posts about packing lists. Hope you have a great cruise!

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DenaInWyo just gave you some of the best advice I have read here in a long time. COMFORTABLE shoes! Too many people go out and buy something special for their cruise and upon first use, Epic Fail. Shoes are a great example.


My suggestion is to read the Carnival Web site FAQ. There is so much there that most of us don't even think about anymore. For example: Did you know that 16 years and older, if traveling with a Birth Certificate, must also have a photo ID? You will often read kids can travel with just a BC, so everyone thinks after 18 but the rule is 16 and up. (I am a passport person, but that is my choice)


Speaking of travel document, locate them NOW. You have plenty of time to get new ones if you can't find them. I have read too many horror stories of cruisers gathering items the day before their cruise and not being able to locate paperwork.


Welcome to CC and cruising. You will make memories that last a lifetime

I know you asked about packing but hubby and I go by the as long as you have your travel documents, prescription medication and money, you can make do without or purchase anything else.


My packing tips, learn to mix and match and it is ok to wear something twice. Those cute capris I wore for a couple of hours after a port day can be worn again. Our next cruise hubby will be wearing brown for "elegant" night and the steakhouse. That mean one pair of dress shoes and one pair of trousers. Different shirts and ties.

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I pack the day before.. As stated, you will only need/use about half of what you originally pack..


I like to keep all my cruise documents, boarding passes, birth certificates/passports in large manila envelope, for easy access for embarkation. You will need to show these documents several times..

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your room card is not only key to open the door, its your id to get back on the ship and an onboard credit card. really easy to run up a bill when all you are doing is signing for drinks etc.


not saying you should overly focus on that but just be aware of it.


other 2 cents is do not try and do everything you are interested in. hopefully you will cruise again. its okay to pack your days but include time just to relax otherwise not a vacation


have fun

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your room card is not only key to open the door, its your id to get back on the ship and an onboard credit card. really easy to run up a bill when all you are doing is signing for drinks etc.


not saying you should overly focus on that but just be aware of it.


other 2 cents is do not try and do everything you are interested in. hopefully you will cruise again. its okay to pack your days but include time just to relax otherwise not a vacation


have fun


To follow up with the last sentence, it's okay to allow time for a midday nap. Just find a lounge chair in a shaded area. Naps are highly underrated. :rolleyes::)

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I usually start packing the week before. My rule of thumb is, only pack enough to fill one suitcase for each person or combine if you have large suitcases. Plus bring a foldable duffel bag to fill with the extras you bought on the trip (souvenirs, etc) that won't fit in your luggage come departure time. If you run out of supplies, like sunscreen and such, you can purchase it in the shops or in the ports. So no need to pack a ton. A little pricey, yeah, but saves in aggravation of finding room for them. I also take advantage of the laundry service on the ship. If I stay 7 days, then I use it at least once midway through the trip. If it's longer, than at least twice. I've even used the laundry service towards the end of my cruise, to save me from having to wash all of our clothes at home. Who wants to do laundry right after vacation? Not me!


As others have mentioned, you room card is your bank card. You use it to pay for everything on the ship, so keep an eye on it. If you go to the casino, they will hole punch it for you and possibly give you a lanyard to hang it on. Guest services will also punch it for you, but they tend to have long lines the first day.


My advice, bring a small first aid kit with some Amodium AD, tums, Tylenol/Advil and some sunburn cream/aloe vera. If you get motion sickness, don't forget those pills too. You can get them in medical, but they will charge you a pretty penny. And the medical hours aren't all day.


Hope you have an amazing time!!



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Bring OTC meds. They're expensive onboard. Include some Imodium.


Lots of info on the Fashion and Beauty board about what to, and more importantly, how to pack.


Carnival has laundry rooms and also a Bag Special. If you have the ship do your laundry, only send out sturdy, previously washed clothes.



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I got all caught up in reminiscing and didn't answer your question :D


I don't pack until the day before we leave. That would freak a lot of people out, but there's a method to my madness.


I'm not physically packing prior, but mentally packing. I keep a notepad by my computer with my packing list on it and add to it as I think of things. By the time I pack, the list is complete and I go by it for putting things in the suitcase.


If I try to pack too early, I end up thinking I packed something when in reality, I just thought I did.


The physical chore of putting it all in the bags doesn't take more than an hour. It's the mental preparation that takes time. This is a more organized way for me to accomplish the task.


I do this too! I mentally go through my closet, shoes, jewelry, and decide what to pack. I check my ready-to-go toiletries bag a week or so in advance to see if I need to replenish anything, and then pack a day or two before we leave, and this is for any trip. No matter where I'm going or the time of year, I ALWAYS have a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, ALWAYS. I chill easily, and you never know when you might have a cool, rainy day.

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...have a packing story for you..we went on a cruise out of Athens..I had packed at least 2 months before. Just before we left we bought a new suitcase and I moved my stuff to it. Or at least I thought I had. For some fool reason I packed my undies in the outside zippered pocket on the suitcase. 26 inch high bag so the pocket did not show any contents.


got to Athens and realized I was either going commando or shopping in Athens for underwear. I made the mistake of emailing this tale of woe to a friend. When I got back to work there was a photo-shopped movie poster of the movie "Commando" with my head on Arnolds body.

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Hello, so this will be my first time cruising and I'm excited and nervous! How early is too early to pack? I'm heading to Cozumel in June.


How I envy you. I remember my first cruise. It was on the Conquest, Sept. 2005. I remember driving up to the port on a tour bus and looking up at the ship and the first words out of my mouth was "holy s*, that is one big ship." The whole bus just cracked up laughing. Of course after 3 hours of riding on a bus that had plenty of jello shots flowing anything would have made them laugh.


And we landed up staying two extra days out because Hurricane Rita closed the port. Costa Maya allowed us to dock at their port of a day. It was an added bonus because this port was not on our origin itinerary. Then the extra sea day we had heading back to Galveston was beautiful, sunny and the waters was as smooth as a plate of glass. That first cruise was the one that got us hooked on cruising.


We just came back from cruise #17 and while we still get excited about each and every cruise it will never be like our first. The Conquest will always have a special place in our hearts.


I hope that there will be some small thing on your first cruise that you will always have with you.

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Bring something that will make your room smell nice. I brought a yankee candle plug in on my first cruise. When I open the little box I keep as a souvenir from that cruise, the plug in is still in there and I can close my eyes and am instantly back on that cruise.


What a cool idea! Thanks for that. :)

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Our second cruise was to Cozumel and even though we are from Florida I have got to tell you it was so hot hubby and I both nearly got heat exhaustion. So bring some way to stay hydrated that doesn't include alcohol which will only dehydrate you more. One of those battery operated/spritz bottle fans will really help with the heat if you can keep them filled.


Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen.


Small personal first aid kit with OTC meds because that stuff on the ship is doggone expensive and when you need it your need it and don't want to have to wait 'til port when you'll have to search for it.


Men will need several of those wicking type t-shirts that pull the wetness off of them.


Loads of good deodorant.


Cannot emphasize COMFORTABLE SHOES enough. Also, something that saves the bottom of your feet from the heat of walking in Cozumel. Flip flops are not going to cut it.


If you are going to the beach, a mesh draw string bag for wet items, beach stuff, etc. Easy to dunk and then hang in the shower to dry once you get back to your room.


Hair ties. Trust me, the last one you have is guaranteed to break or disappear when you need it most so have some extras for just in case.


Sunglasses ... unless you need the expensive prescription kind just bring a couple of pair of cheap-o types that way if they break, get lost, scratched, or whatever you aren't out big bucks.


If your face is sun-sensitive, or you haven't acclimated to summer sun yet, bring a wide brimmed hat. This will also help if you have light-sensitive eyes.


Something I saw someone else do is they bring their oldest beach or bath towels with them and rather than bringing wet and sandy towels back to the ship, they toss them or donate them after their day at the beach is over.


Did I mention sunscreen? Because yeah. Sunscreen. My husband is Hispanic with naturally tanned skin tone and he still fried like an egg during our day in Cozumel.

Edited by mamkmm2
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I am always partially packed. I have my cruise goodies which I keep in a tote bag. All I have to do is "add clothes".


One thing to mention about sunscreen. If you plan to snorkel, please purchase some coral safe sunscreen. Most sunscreens you purchase at the drugstore or Walmart, Target are not safe for coral.


Have loads of fun.

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Welcome aboard.


Make sure anything you can't do without - prescription meds, documents, electronics ( camera, phone, laptop, tablet, etc. ), etc. is a carry-on, not in your checked luggage. We always include a change of clothes too. I've seen horror stories of people having lots of problems because their checked luggage went astray.


I have a detailed packing list on my computer. I update it for each trip and check things off as I put them in our bags. Then I print an extra to take along to use when I pack on the ship for the trip home.


I don't know if anyone else mentioned it but if possible it's a good idea to go to the port the day before your cruise and stay overnight. Then you're not stressing about delayed / cancelled flights, etc.

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I am about to go on my 2nd cruise ever, and I learned a few things from the first one.


The first one being, you honestly don't need that much clothes. I over packed. Most days were spent in a swimsuit and cover up during the day and a simple evening attire at night. You don't need that many daytime outfits. Also don't bring a lot of shoes, stick to comfy ones instead. You do more walking than you expect.


As mentioned before, pack a little pharmacy bag with essentials (tylenol, aleve, gravol, tums, sleep aids, etc). These things are ridiculously expensive on the ship. Also don't forget to pack some sunscreen and aloe, those are also way overpriced but essential to a healthy and happy vacation.


Have fun, be yourself, and take it all in. It's a great vacation experience!

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Not too much more to add to the good advice already given. With the exception of: don't get too caught up in the extras a lot of folks suggest you bring. I know some use the post its and duct tape and over the door shoe bags (among other things), but none of it is really necessary. Bring the essentials (swimsuit, sunscreen, comfortable shoes, a change of clothes or two) and you'll be just fine.

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i didn't read all the replies so not sure if any one mentioned a lanyard. You can get your key card punched and put it on the lanyard so you don't lose it/ forget it in a slot machine.

I am more of a last minute packer but that is just me.

Water shoes if you are doing any excursions that may require them


Also you mentioned Cozumel as one of your ports. I highly reccomend Mr. Sanchos if you are looking for a great beach day. It is all you can eat and drink and full use of their pool, chairs, kayaks etc and amazing service! Or if you dock downtown there are tons of shops, hooters, margaritaville etc.


I second the travel cup to keep your drinks cold on those hot sunny days.

If you are a pop drinker you can normally bring a case on with you so you don't need to buy any and on carnival and NCL i know you are allowed a bottle of wine. (bring a corkscrew)


I am going on cruise number 3 in 16 days and can't wait. I am sure you will LOVE it. I am now addicted!

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Power strip in the room is good for charging multiple cell phones, tablets. This isn't your home, sometimes you will only have 1 or 2 outlets in your cabin. Make sure you bring a power strip WITHOUT a surge protector....if it has a surge, they won't let you take it on board


Literally bring half of the clothes you were planning to pack....one nice outfit (guys, not a tux.....formal night can be topsiders, dockers and a collared golf shirt) 2 or 3 swimsuits is a must


Main dining room and "specialty" restaurants way overrated....Food on most cruise lines is wedding food quality. Good, but not awesome....stick to the buffet, food just as good


If you like lines and lining up like cattle, go early....you get to stand in line to get on the ship and wander around by the pool with a drink in your hand because nothing is open yet....if the ship leaves at 4, get to port by around 130 and you will stroll on board and get right to your room as opposed to wandering around aimlessly like the cattle that lined up at 10


Lastly and most important....HAVE FUN!!!!

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