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25th Anniversery Extravaganza Cruise! Live from the Royal- Southern Med. 6/25/16


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Sunday, June 26

Cartagena, Spain



We will port in Cartagena around noon- and our plan is to.... anyone care to guess? Anyone? Find an ATM machine! Oh. and see stuff. I have a plan all written out for seeing some ruins and riding a funicular. And I fully hope that happens. But in truth, we have decided to give ourselves a little break this trip. We are normally planned, spread-sheeted, scheduled down to the last second. And we are pretty tight structure on this trip as well, with this one caveat... If we find a more interesting option, we will let go of the plan and just follow our instincts and interests. With such a port intensive cruise, if we push it as hard as we normally do, I fear this will feel more like a drill and less like a vacation. So we have given ourselves abundant permission to abandon the plan and just enjoy the day- and each other.


And speaking of which- the best part of wandering the ship last night was just reconnecting with one another. We both work very intense jobs- long hours- late nights. Hopefully this vacation is shaping up to be exactly what we want- a chance to spend time together. I absolutely love the time Bradley and I spent just chatting and laughing. We stopped solving problems and just enjoyed the moment. It makes me really, really, really look forward to retirement with this old guy. :)

Tracie-Lynn :)



your day sounds perfect.... i believe each vacationers needs to do exactly what each vacationer needs to do.


You may remember our last Med cruise where I had everything planned out and thought it was manageable but boy was I off. Everything took so much longer than I had planned. Thanks to my amazing partner, he decided everything had to be cut back to a more manageable day. Where we focused more on us.


What a smart guy!


I know your memories from this trip will be those special times like you had last night just wandering, laughing and enjoying the time together. What a great way to celebrate.


Enjoy today!


Vickie & Bernie

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Tracie thanks for taking the time to do a live review, we will be on Royal this fall so I am reading all I can about her. congratulations on 25 years, we will be celebrating our 40th. Enjoy your cruise and please keep writing. PS. Do you do pictures 😊

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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Cartagena, Spain- Part 2


Hi Friends-


You just never know what you will see on in the Atrium. It is 6:30 in the evening and I am enjoying my tea and right through the Atrium saunters a woman in a Princess robe (one of the nice ones, I might add) and her slippers. Wow. She stops to chat with people and saunters on. I guess the only redeeming part of this story is that formal night is not until tomorrow- so there's that. I am pretty sure if she just added some sparkly jewelry and the right shoes....


Cartagena is a lovely town. We stuck pretty close to the main drag, did a bit of shopping around, and then headed up to the Castillo Conception. There is a partially recovered colosseum and the basic structure of the castle/ fortress, which was reportedly built in 1 BC. Once we had our fill of the ruins, we headed back to the main street to find a little lunch. Bradley had paella and I had crostos, both deliciously served by the World's grumpiest waiter. Obvi, he is not a Princess employee and has no clue about the acronym- C*R*U*I*S*E. Just saying. But the food was good, and pretty cheap- considering. I do have to mention, there were no prices on the menu leading us to believe that there might be two prices. We have found this to be a reasonably common practice in our travels, and honestly it does not really bother us at all. Just worth a mention, though.


On our self-guided tour of the Castillo, we walked all the way from bottom (town side) to top, looped around and did it again. Our pedometers say we walked about 9 and half miles and up 71 flights of stairs. I'll take that. It would be great to come home with my pants a bit baggier and not tighter for a change. I will warn those who will come behind me on the next trip 'round this section of the Med--- I wore skinny jeans today, and it was hot. Skinny jeans are NOT proper attire for scaling stairs. I would have killed for a pair of shorts.


After all that exercise and our lunch, Bradley and I parted company. He was ready to return to the ship and I wanted to shop. I found a lovely little boutique-type store that had really cute tunic tops and skirts. I did a bit of damage there, whilst Bradley had his way at a Tabac. I think I will get a lot better use out of my purchases than he will get from his.


We returned to the ship around 4 pm- both of us looking a little worse for wear. What is it with the wind that makes fine hair just look stringy. Ick. We walked around a basically empty ship, stopped and shared a very small plate of fries and then found ourselves at the Ocean Terrace. Bradley had the Chili-Lime Crab Margarita and I had a club soda. He really enjoyed the crab dish, but I think he would request a little more "heat" in the form of chili in the future.


We returned to our cabin as the phone was ringing. It was Desmond, the waiter in charge of the Ultimate Balcony Dinner we reserved for June 27th. He asked to come to the cabin to discuss our selections. It all sounds so yummy- I can hardly wait! We have a ton of non-refundable OBC and are having a great time finding ways to spend it. (Yes, I know how we could alternatively deal with it, but we actually want to use it onboard). We have also booked the Super Tuscan dinner on the 29th. Looking forward to that as well. So this is what you have learned: we are not starving.


I will head to the dining room for the late seating for dinner. I don't think Bradley will join me, though. I am hoping see Generoso and say "hi". He is the maitre'd on the ship, and is known to be a real stand up guy. It will be a privilege to shake his hand. I already know that I am going to have a salad and the Pad Thai. One nice thing about being a pretty experienced Princess cruiser is that I no longer feel the need to eat every thing in sight. I know there will be another cruise and another opportunity. (Fingers-crossed for the Diamond out of Singapore on January 17-- I bought an extra FCC just to hedge my bet).


Oh! and I had a chance to stop by the Captain's Circle desk. I swear that is the busiest woman on the ship! There is a long line every time I walk by. I think there was a bit of an issue with people getting the wrong colour card. I know I like credit for the cruises I have sailed- so I can't blame folks for wanting to get that straightened out. In spite of connectivity issues with the internet, she handled her stressed contingency like a champ! So here are the stats:

Blue- a whopping 2377!

Gold- 744

Ruby- 298

Platinum- 394

Elite- 169

The Most Travel Passenger has 779 days on Princess.

She was not able to find the cut-off number for the MTP luncheon.

I truly appreciated her time. It was great of her to share the information with me- and ultimately- you!


Well, my pot of tea is gone, and I think I need to go and hunt up Bradley.


Can anyone point me to the nearest restroom, please?


More later-

Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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I'm a little late coming to the party but just want to thank you for taking time to do a Live From on your 25th Anniversary cruise. Happy anniversary to you and 'he who shall not be named.' So glad that you have an OS - it's a perfect occasion to enjoy the suite life! Looking so forward to following you on the rest of your adventures. Enjoy!

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If you're unaware of it, we've always been able to exchange our UBD's half bottle of champagne for a 750ml bottle of wine that costs the same price ($32).


Wow...MTP has "only" 779 days! I can't remember the last time the top 3 were under 1,000 days.


All of our MTP events have been cocktail parties on port intensive cruises...lucky you to have a luncheon. On longer cruises with a lunch our over a year of sailing with Princess only results in a chuckle from the CC hostess. I'm beginning to think that an elusive MTP lunch will never be in our future. ;)

Edited by Astro Flyer
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Tracie add me too as one of the late comers of your blog. I just saw it today.


I hope that some day, DH (mine doesn't like to share his name either) and I will have the opportunity to do a cruise over seas. Especially since he will be retiring in the next 2 years and I work part time with a flexible boss (friend).


We are celebrating our 38th anniversary this year by doing the 15 day round trip to Hawaii from LA in October. This will be our second time and we really enjoy the sea days.


Thank you for sharing and I will be enjoying what you write without a doubt! :)

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If you're unaware of it, we've always been able to exchange our UBD's half bottle of champagne for a 750ml bottle of wine that costs the same price ($32).


Wow...MTP has "only" 779 days! I can't remember the last time the top 3 were under 1,000 days.


All of our MTP events have been cocktail parties on port intensive cruises...lucky you to have a luncheon. On longer cruises with a lunch our over a year of sailing with Princess only results in a chuckle from the CC hostess. I'm beginning to think that an elusive MTP lunch will never be in our future. ;)


That is a small number for top three.


With just over 600 days we rarely make it into the top 3 (only once we made it on a 7 day Cal Coastal). Sometimes we don't even make it into the top 40.


I know what you mean about the chuckle from the CC host. I still remember inquiring re the cut off when we had under 200 days and she just smiled and said "not even close", but recently we had the same CC host and we were #5.


I am sure you will see the lunch.


Personally we prefer the cocktail party as it fits our schedule better and we get to mix and mingle with officers and top 40. We have been stuck at some pretty interesting tables at the luncheons. Other times great tables. Well I am just happy to be included.

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Hi Tracie, Murph here....Tables are now turned, I'll be reading about your adventures! We made it home last night and are severely jet lagged!!


Our 4 weeks flew by.....and had no problem getting in our 5-10 miles a day without even trying!


We also did the UBD and it was wonderful. Way, way too much food though...be prepared. We had also asked to trade our 1/2 bottle of bubbly for a full of something else, but it was a no go for us.


Don't know what deck you are on, but we were on Baja and had no issues from the soot except for the very last full day (Friday). But we just always had slippers for the deck surfaces and our cabin steward always kept pool towels on the chairs just in case. Awesome cabin steward btw.


The gal with almost 1500 days was on for 3 of our 4 weeks. She had come down from the Regal. Some of these people just cruise forever!! Don't expect a luncheon, but the cocktail parties are far better than they have ever been, kind of turned into a "specialty dining" night for us. We were sorry to see Captain Nash leave, but Captain Bob Oliver is a hoot....


Have a great cruise!!

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Monday, June 27, 2016



Dear Friends-


I really think I am ready to become a professional cruiser... this is so much fun! So the status update for the moment: I am back in the Atrium, but not my little corner. There is a woman sleeping in my corner- with her feet up on the table. I am sitting toward the edge- trying not to stick out like a sore thumb. I am in dress chambray slacks and a blouse- and it is formal night. I look like a pair of brown shoes with a black suit. For the most part, people seem to be very dressed up. Lots of suits and tuxes and some super sparkly clothes. We have opted out of formal night for this cruise and have decided that we dine ensuite. This saved the 16 extra pound of luggage in the form of high heels and Spanx that are required to do formal night correctly. In an alternate universe, there is probably some blogger writing: "and you should check out the woman in jeans trying to pass them off as chambray slacks- ON. FORMAL. NIGHT." (To further plea our case-- we are doing the UBD in our room this evening. We have just run away to let the cabin steward do his thing.) There have been no recent sighting of "robe woman" this evening- but the night is still young.


Now to back up a bit:

Last night-

Bradley tapped out on me- so I went to dinner alone. I had a salad and the Pad Thai, which seemed to frustrate/ amuse our Thai waiter. He kept asking me how the dish was. I finally explained that I have had the most amazing pad Thai in Thailand- and I understood the Princess version is really more like noodles and sauce with peanuts and tofu. I think he exhaled a bit. I finished with the creme brûlée and headed back to the room. It was all fine, but to be honest, if I had not recorded it in this blog- I would not remember the meal. I guess the best part was chatting with Generoso, the maitre'd hotel. He is a very charming and personable and is bending over backward to accommodate any requests- even with the handful of grumpy and entitled passengers. He and I talked a bit about the Super Tuscan dinner on the 29th- as he will be hosting the event. I was already looking forward to the evening- and after talking with him, I am anticipating a wonderful meal!


As soon as I returned from the MDR, Bradley and I headed to bed. We were still struggling with the time changes, but had worked very hard to stay awake all day, but 10:00 was the absolute limit. I woke at 3 am and puttered around until 4 am, and finally headed back to the bed. We had planned to get up at 5:30 am for our morning walk. What do they say about the best laid plans of mice and men??? We woke at 8:42 am in a total panic (I have no idea why we were panicked- after all, we are on vacation!) We threw our stuff together and headed down to Sabatini's for breakfast. I had two eggs and 3 slices of the best.bacon.ever. Bradley had Eggs Benedict and guess what??? He got Canadian bacon! So the absence of the bacon of Canadians on my Eggs Benedict yesterday was just a one off. Whew. All IS right with the world.


We headed off the ship at about 9:15 to find a cab- as we wanted to go to the cable car to ride up to the Rock of Gibraltar. There were plenty of white van cabs- but you had to purchase a tour to ride in one- and we did not want to take a tour. So we walked through port, thinking we would find a regular cab once we exited the port area. Guess what??? No cabs. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. So, we started walking. Fortunately, we are somewhat fit, so walking is not terribly problematic. Thanks to Bradley's super-duper GPS, we found the cable car and were only behind about two tour vans. The cable car cost 10 pounds per person for one way, 12.75 for a round trip ticket. I bought two round trip tickets with some left over pounds sterling (left over from out British Isles cruise last June)- knowing full well that we would probably not use utilize the trip down. It is one of those "better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it moments. We were pretty packed into the gondola, but the ride was short and pleasant and scenic. It was pretty overcast in the morning, so we were not sweltering in the "little metal box on a string". The advantage to the fog was that it was cool- the disadvantage was that you could not see from the top to the bottom. What we did see, however, is monkeys, well actually the Barbary apes. Lots and lots of monkeys. All shapes and sizes. And while this may be a highlight for some people- I find wild monkeys to be terrifying. So I typically give them lots of space. I don't try to pet them or feed them or pick them up. I used to think they were really cute until a baby monkey hugged my leg in Ocho, India- and all the mommy monkeys raised their hackles and started hissing. Something about that pack mentality.... We did get some great pictures, and by "we" I meant Bradley. (I am not really allowed to take pictures-- as I appear to have one leg significantly shorter than the other, thusly creating a significant tilt to every picture. Oh. and I also cut off everybody's heads-- kind of right from the forehead on up. So I am the words and he is the pictures. Once again, a perfect match!)


After we walked around up top, we decide to walk down (see, I told you!). We started down the road and walked to St. Michael's Cave. It was 10 pounds to enter- and it was a really great representation and safe way to see a cave. Due to it's acoustic perfection, there are often concerts in the caves- but not today. The caves are very well lit- but a word of warning--- there are quite a few stairs. There were some huffing and puffing people.


We continued down the road and the the number of white tourist taxis started up the hill. The road is very narrow and will allow for one vehicle at time, and while everyone attempts to share the road, it can get a little dicey. We chanced upon a hiking trail called the Gibraltar Nature Reserve. We decided to avail ourselves of this detour and it worked out great. We basically were able to walk straight down on stairs and gravel paths verses and extra 5 km of traversing in winding roads. Also, we crossed a wonderful little suspension bridge. As a word of advice, should you decide to walk down, after the caves, you will come to two very large gray guns at the Devil's Gap Battery. Take a left and walk toward the iron gate. It looks like a dead end, and if you were in a vehicle, it would be a dead end. However, if you are walking, there is a very narrow entrance to a foot path that will lead you to the upper part of down town. It is a bit steep in spots, so wear proper shoes. I was in running shoes, and I did slip once. I was fine and nothing more than my ego was bruised.


Once we reached the upper part of town, we walked through the very narrow streets until we reached Casemates Square and Main Street. This is a wonderful area with pedestrian friendly roads. There are tons of shops and cafes and pubs. We were on a bit of a mission. Last year, when I was on the BI cruise, I forgot my contacts AND my glasses. I only had the lenses in my eyes. For some, this would be no big deal, but without correction I have a four inch visual field. (And while I may be the Queen of Hyperbole- at times, this is one time I am dead serious). Luckily, I knew my prescription and was able to buy some lenses in Gibraltar at about 20% of the cost of lenses in the States (even at the discount on-line sites). So this year, I brought my official prescription- unfortunately, we had to find an optician that has my prescription (which is pretty extreme). It took a couple of tries- but we did find some. I was able to buy 120 lenses for 95 pounds ($131). In the states, I would pay over $500 for that amount of lenses. Score!


Once we had accomplished that mission, we headed back to the ship. We did go down the wrong street at one point, so we added a couple of km to our trek. By the time we made it back to ship, it was almost 2pm. We were starving and decided to go to Alfredo's. I had the two antipasti dishes and Bradley had a calzone. We synched up our pedometers... we had walked about 10 and half miles- and the equivalent of 60 flights of stairs. Which means only one thing... nap time!


And now we are waiting for our dinner to begin. Hopefully we can eat on the balcony. Captain Oliver has announced that we will have 3 to 4 meter swells this evening, so we have dusted off the ginger capsules and I am rooting around looking for my psychologically suggestive SeaBands.


This got waaaaaaayyyyy longer than I planned- so I will cut here and post about the Ultimate Balcony Dining tomorrow or later tonight.


Thank you for your patience.


Anyone have a snack?



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We did the UBD while in Santorini since we had a late departure (10PM) and it is also a tender port. We scheduled it for 7:30 and we were on the sunny side of the ship and we were able to enjoy sunset while eating on our balcony. Because of how long the UBD takes we were just finish in when we were leaving port. I can honestly say the price you pay is well worth the experience and the service.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sea Day!!!!!!


Hi Friends-


So here is the current situation... It is well after midnight- and I just can't sleep. I am not sure if it was the pot of tea at 6 pm, the nap, or the amazing, yet huge dinner. There is no settling right now- so I have been up to the Concierge Lounge- and camped there for a bit, but the elves came into clean and I left them to work in peace. So I drifted down to the IC for another pot of tea- this time herbal ginger twist- and this is reason #98,673 that I am a loyal Princess cruiser. When I left the room, I took my cruise card and iPad, but no coffee card. When I requested a pot of tea, I handed over my cruise card and mentioned that I had forgotten my coffee card. No charge. I love that the crew trusts their passengers. This is a classic example of why I always tip the staff at the IC at the end of the cruise. They have consistently taken care of me (and others). So here I am, tucked into my corner seat in the way back of the IC writing the details of the evening.


And now for my mini review of the Ultimate Balcony Dining... The event actually began Sunday afternoon when Desmond came to our cabin to ascertain our preferences. I really don't eat seafood so he suggested a veggie quiche in lieu of the crab quiche. Check. I also selected the steak and my husband selected the lobster. Desmond took Bradley's cocktail order and was off.


Fast forward to Monday evening, our selected time was 7:00 pm. Jackson and Roby arrived at 7:05 to begin setting up the table. Fortunately, the weather gods were smiling on us- in spite of a very strong head wind, the aft portion of our balcony was calm and gale-force-free. Our table was set with linens and a lovely little vase of red roses. Next, we waited for the photographer. This was a bit of a wait- and when she got there, she was a bit discombobulated. The battery in her camera was not charged. She had to change out SD cards mid shoot. I think in hindsight, we would have skipped the whole photography ordeal.


Once the photographer departed, we were seated for dinner. We started with deluxe canapés. I really enjoyed the salami and cheese- but left the majority to Bradley. Next, we received our quiches as an appetizer. The quiches were portioned well and in and of themselves were delicious. I do have to note the garnish that was served with this dish. There were julienned peppers in a mustard vinaigrette. Both Bradley and I loved this. I could have eaten a big old dish of the garnish.


Next our salad arrived. We had endive and mixed greens with candied walnuts, pears (I gave mine to Bradley), and goat cheese. The salads were brought sans dressing, a detail that I am very grateful for. There is nothing ickier that soggy, dressing soaked salad. I eat such a tiny bit of dressing (and have been known to skip it), that I really prefer to add my own. The salad was a wonderful combination- but was huge. I mean really, really huge. Think "family of four" huge. I tend to fill up on salad anyways- and this meal was no exception.


Our main came and was cooked perfectly. I like as raw a hunk of beef as I can talk the chef into making. And my steak was rare. Really, really rare. Yay!!! Perfect! Here is the rub- they brought me not one, but two 8 oz filets. Two man sized steaks. There is nothing in my eating repertoire that will allow me to eat a pound of red meat. I can work my through 6 oz. on a good day- which is exactly what I did. The steak, the béarnaise, the garnish (veggies with tiny little potatoes) were super yummy. My compliments to the chef, because lord knows, it can be a challenge to get a very rare steak on a Princess cruise- and this was perfectly prepared.


We ended with a lovely dessert that was comprised of a quartet of mousse- chocolate, espresso, vanilla, and hazelnut (?) sandwiched between two layers of dark chocolate and garnished with fresh raspberries. We made it through a quarter of the dessert before crying uncle. I am not sure if this was one of the Norman Love concoctions, but I do have a tip for many of the NL desserts- deconstruct before you eat! They are great, but a tad unwieldy to get on a spoon.


So here is the bottom line: It was an amazing meal with spotless service- but I think it is once and done for us. We were so conservative on our food consumption during the day, and we still could not eat a percentage of the food that was brought to our cabin. I fear we are becoming food wimps as we get a bit older.


And now I am listening to a really, really loud interactive pianist noise pollute the entire Atrium. It is 1:13am and I am wondering when the pain will end. This is one form of entertainment I just do not enjoy. Also not a fan of some of the audience participation-- the only person who should sing a John Legend song with a mic is John Legend. I applaud the courage, but am a bit curious how much liquid courage facilitated the process. What I know is that I cannot outlast this guy and cannot tolerate him much longer- so I will probably head up to the cabin soon.


Plus, I fear that I am way over-sharing.


Too wordy???

Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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Hi Tracie

Thank you for your live from am really enjoying it will be on the Royal Princess in 47 days for 21 days. The ultimate balcony dinner sound wonderful can you tell me how much it is and how you go about booking it.

Thank you again and Happy Anniversary.



$50pp. Call room service. They do 4 per night.

Edited by Colo Cruiser
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June 28, 2016

Sea Day!


Hi Friends-


I finally managed to settle down around 2 am- and then was struck by the Great Sea-Coma Monster. I did not wake again until 10:30. So much for breakfast at Sabatini's this morning... No worries- I highly doubt I will starve. It is almost 6:00 pm, somewhere on the Mediterranean, and I still have not really regained my appetite. I skipped breakfast, had bread pudding while Bradley had Pub Lunch, and drank about 8 million cups of coffee.


After lunch, Bradley and I decided to lay out (really nap) on our balcony. We are in an aft cabin and we have one of the wrap-around balconies. We have two round glass tables, 4 chairs, and two loungers- like the ones found in the Sanctuary. We have had no hint of soot. I will give a small word of warning- We are on the Emerald Deck, right above the Vista Lounge. Sometimes, we do hear a bit of the bass reverberation in our cabin. It always seems to end by 10 pm- so we are not really bothered by it. We have also felt fairly heavy vibrations from the thrusters when docking. Once again, not troublesome to us.


I called to order afternoon tea in the room- to be delivered at 4 pm. I then left to see some friends and ran into John and Linda- who I know from previous cruises. They are # 2 and #3 for the MTPs with around 750 days each. Ahhhhh... the life! They originally booked for 3 weeks and then hit an amazing fare drop ($399 pp for an interior) and decided to stay on for another 3 weeks. I really hope that when it is our turn to retire that we will have that flexibility and freedom. They, along with a few others of you (eg, Pescado Amarillo (PA), Vicki and Bernie, Pia, Pam), are my cruising heroes. I want to be just like y'all someday! When I returned the tea had arrived- and even though I told them it was for two- they brought enough for a small army of very hungry hippos. We at about 10% of what they brought. See??? Not starving.


I watched the movie- Sisters- on the interactive TV. I really love the television on the Royal. You can select a movie, pause it, and come back to it at will. Very nice feature. We both can start different movies and it will keep place on both. I have not indulged in any of the old Love Boat reruns on this cruise- still way too disturbed from my last binge-watching experience on the Emerald in March. Shameless hussies- every one of them! Just as the movie was wrapping up, I received a call from a mutual friend of my buddies Keith and Chris (my cousin ;)). I told them y'all said hi, and will chat a bit more with him this evening at dinner.


I am now safely ensconced in my favorite corner of the IC, typing and drinking herbal tea, typing and drinking, typing and drinking. The Captain's party is soon- and I think I will be a solo for this shindig. Bradley is chilling in the room.


As a mention-- on this cruise, we have late seating, and I don't think I will do that again. 8:15 is just too late for us. I will go with 5:30 or 6 pm option in the future. I've tried it once, and it is just not me. However, guess what is on the menu tonight????? A free pot of tea to the first person to guess correctly!


Come on and play along for fun!


Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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