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Denied boarding


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If Carnival makes an exception in your case, then it will have to make an exception every time a similar case comes up to be fair to everyone. Where does it end? The young man has learnt an important lesson that will benefit him the rest of his life. Look at this as a positive from an otherwise crappy situation.

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I think it's good to share these experiences, as it helps others better understand the type of company Carnival is. I'm not saying that's good or bad. I'm sailing with Carnival and likely will continue. But knowing how they handle their guests when something unfortunate happens is very good to know and will certainly stay in the back of my mind when considering booking options. Though honestly, I think all cruise lines are equally terrible when it comes to this.


Since you are an expert in pools and everything else, please explain how Carnival can make exceptions when someone doesnt have proper travel documents that are REQUIRED by the CBP :rolleyes:


Now you are a Homeland Security expert too I guess.

Edited by ryano
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This is my biggest issue is just have some compassion and give us a break. Especially since we have went on multiple cruises with them. I'm not saying it was in anyway shape or form Carnival's fault. It was completely on him/us for not making sure sooner he had it. But would it hurt them to be a little compassionate? At one point we were standing at the counter debating whether or not my family was going to go without him and both my kids were crying. One Carnival employee even made the comment that if somebody else was in working in customs that day that they would have probably let us on. I also don't understand why we had to wait over 3 hours just to be told no. The boyfriend had family relatively close to the port and had we been told sooner that he wouldn't be allowed on, the rest of us may have went on the cruise anyway. At least then we could have been assured that he had someone there to pick him up and he wasn't just stranded hundreds of miles from home. I guess I just feel doing a good deed here may cost them a couple grand, which is nothing to them but overall would do more good than harm. We will most likely spend more money than previously if they credit us for another cruise, would be more likely to consider future cruises with them and would pass on that they are a good company that takes care of their customers. As it stands now they will definitely not get any future business from us, not that it will hurt them at all lol.


I have to disagree with you. Carnival was following the rules of our country by not letting you board. The boy friend was the one who was negligent in forgetting his wallet. Do you have any idea how many sob stories Carnival would get if it got out that it reimbursed people like you? Insurance, which I buy, would be meaningless and the couple grand you are talking about here, well I couldn't begin to guess how much that would turn into and that would, in the end, result in higher prices for everyone else as they insure your and everyone else with a sob story from their own negligence through higher prices. I for one am glad they follow the rules here. The only possible way I see you getting your money back is if you have travel insurance through your credit card that you booked your cruise with that would cover this. Otherwise this was your families lesson (expensive lesson) to learn.

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Sounds like a total bad luck story. I would have left the boyfriend if he was an adult. I'm sorry. No use in everyone wasting their money! I get that's terrible and could have happened to anybody, but do you really think it's rational to expect Carnival to reimburse everyone when the rest of you guys could have gone? He could have caught up at the next port. You could have mitigated your loss but chose not to.


I'm so paranoid about leaving certain things like IDs that I bring a passport and a birth certificate for everyone and everything is carried between my husband and I so that if one person loses or forgets something heaven forbid, the other has valid ID for everyone. So sorry. Lesson learned.

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Sounds like a total bad luck story. I would have left the boyfriend if he was an adult. I'm sorry. No use in everyone wasting their money! I get that's terrible and could have happened to anybody, but do you really think it's rational to expect Carnival to reimburse everyone when the rest of you guys could have gone? He could have caught up at the next port. You could have mitigated your loss but chose not to.


I'm so paranoid about leaving certain things like IDs that I bring a passport and a birth certificate for everyone and everything is carried between my husband and I so that if one person loses or forgets something heaven forbid, the other has valid ID for everyone. So sorry. Lesson learned.


Same here. When we travel I get all the passports, ID's, and BC needed to board at before we leave home and hang on to them myself with our boarding passes. I make sure we get on that ship. It is called taking responsibility.

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If Carnival makes an exception in your case, then it will have to make an exception every time a similar case comes up to be fair to everyone. Where does it end? The young man has learnt an important lesson that will benefit him the rest of his life. Look at this as a positive from an otherwise crappy situation.


I guess I feel like it's not like we weren't totally prepared from the start. He didn't forget to bring what he needed from home or anything it just fell from his pocket at some point in leaving the hotel that morning. If he would have left it at home then I would agree it's on him so tough luck. Since it was purely accidental that it fell from his pocket I feel they could have cut us some slack and or let us have at least part of the money put towards another cruise with them.

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This is what causes pre cruise nightmares.


Not sure it was Carnival making the decision but customs per this comment by OP: One Carnival employee even made the comment that if somebody else was in working in customs that day that they would have probably let us on.

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I know that their cruise contract covers them and they do not have to refund anything and that the boy showing up with no ID is not Carnival's fault, but Carnival should try to do something for these people. This scenario could happen to any of us driving from far away. Short of taking everyone ID when they get in the car, how could a person prepare for this?

Edited by asalligo
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I guess I feel like it's not like we weren't totally prepared from the start. He didn't forget to bring what he needed from home or anything it just fell from his pocket at some point in leaving the hotel that morning. If he would have left it at home then I would agree it's on him so tough luck. Since it was purely accidental that it fell from his pocket I feel they could have cut us some slack and or let us have at least part of the money put towards another cruise with them.


Still not Carnival's fault and they can't set a precedence by cutting you some slack for a situation like this. There are too many people just like you that would ask for the same. He should have or you should have had a secure place for something that important. Like I said. When we traveled with our kids 19 and 22, I collected drivers licenses at the beginning of our trip to keep with BC and passports. I kept them in a secure place where an "accidental fall" could not happen.

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Sounds like a total bad luck story. I would have left the boyfriend if he was an adult. I'm sorry. No use in everyone wasting their money! I get that's terrible and could have happened to anybody, but do you really think it's rational to expect Carnival to reimburse everyone when the rest of you guys could have gone? He could have caught up at the next port. You could have mitigated your loss but chose not to.


I'm so paranoid about leaving certain things like IDs that I bring a passport and a birth certificate for everyone and everything is carried between my husband and I so that if one person loses or forgets something heaven forbid, the other has valid ID for everyone. So sorry. Lesson learned.


Just so you know, if you miss initial boarding, you cannot catch up with the ship.. If you get left at a port, you can catch up at the next one.

My Cousin and her hubby missed boarding time by 2 minutes. they did not let them board. Ship was still there, still had 88 minutes before sailing away. Not allowed to board. This was a Carnival cruise last Thanksgiving. They spent it with us, instead of aboard, that's how I know.

Edited by dulcimergirl
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I know that their cruise contract covers them and they do not have to refund anything and that the boy showing up with no ID is not Carnival's fault, but Carnival should try to do something for these people. This scenario could happen to any of us driving from far away.


There is a little thing called personal responsibility. Carnival can not do this for every passenger with a sob story like this and there would be many. They are not an insurance company. Yes it could happen to any of us. But it is our responsibility to make sure it doesn't. Not Carnivals. Unless OP can get some relief from his Credit Card INSURANCE, then OP needs to see this as an expensive learning lesson and take precautions that it doesn't happen next time. I'm betting OP won't allow it happen again.

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Still not Carnival's fault and they can't set a precedence by cutting you some slack for a situation like this. There are too many people just like you that would ask for the same. He should have or you should have had a secure place for something that important. Like I said. When we traveled with our kids 19 and 22, I collected drivers licenses at the beginning of our trip to keep with BC and passports. I kept them in a secure place where an "accidental fall" could not happen.


I do agree that it wouldn't be good business practice to reimburse everyone and I will start keeping all important documents together myself in the future. But what would it have hurt to let him on in the first place? Would anyone's security have been at risk because he was on the ship without a ID with him? We were also told on the phone by Carnival and employees at the port that each port is different and they may have let him on at other ports. If it's a policy then stick to it, no exceptions. It's more frustrating knowing that a different customs employee that day or sailing from a different port may have changed the outcome.

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I know that their cruise contract covers them and they do not have to refund anything and that the boy showing up with no ID is not Carnival's fault, but Carnival should try to do something for these people. This scenario could happen to any of us driving from far away.


I believe they are entitled to their port fees back, but that's it. I don't see why the rest of them couldn't have gone. Yes feelings will be hurt but the whole group made a decision to waste the trip, because of one person. I know 18 year-olds are self absorbed but I would have insisted the group go. Maybe he could have gotten his ID and caught up the next day.


I will defend Carnival here. It was a Homeland Security issue. And they do have compassion. I've seen several stories of them going out of their way to help folks who get struck with sudden illness or death in order to lessen their loss in spite of their rules. Can't do that for everyone. And in my opinion, this situation isn't deserving. They had options. And when crap happens, you need to be pliable. It didn't have to be a wash for everyone. Their choice.

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Hint to the boyfriend. Man up and get a job at the local Mickie D for a few months so he can repay the lost money and make amends. I am sure OP and family will be impressed and give him a 2nd chance.


He does have a job at the local wings joint and is going to school to be an electrician actually. I have no doubt he will pay us back when he has the money. It just shouldn't have come to this in the first place in my opinion.

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If you truly believe you were wronged, then file a chargeback on your credit card. Carnival will likely win the chargeback. Then you file a chargeback a second time, which goes through the arbitration process. It's very rare that companies continue to fight at that point and you are likely to get your money back without anything additional. If they do continue to fight, you go through arbitration and the worst that can happen is you are out the money you were already out. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


If you end up winning, Carnival may not want you onboard ever again, though :)


My opinion, for the penny that it's worth - is that this says a lot more about Carnival simply not caring. Regardless of what rules or terms state, Carnival can certainly make exceptions "for the sake of customer satisfaction" - that's a term I got used to when working for a major tech company long ago. Carnival wins nothing and it's bad business on their part. But what can you do? I'm not sure how I'd handle it, personally.


More expert (but completely incorrect) advice that you feel clearly explained rules and regulations don't apply to you.


Another teaching moment for you to pass along to the next generation.

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Just so you know, if you miss initial boarding, you cannot catch up with the ship.. If you get left at a port, you can catch up at the next one.

My Cousin and her hubby missed boarding time by 2 minutes. they did not let them board. Ship was still there, still had 88 minutes before sailing away. Not allowed to board. This was a Carnival cruise last Thanksgiving. They spent it with us, instead of aboard, that's how I know.


OK well I stand corrected. Only option is to leave him then. It sucks but what happened sucks worse.

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I do agree that it wouldn't be good business practice to reimburse everyone and I will start keeping all important documents together myself in the future. But what would it have hurt to let him on in the first place? Would anyone's security have been at risk because he was on the ship without a ID with him? We were also told on the phone by Carnival and employees at the port that each port is different and they may have let him on at other ports. If it's a policy then stick to it, no exceptions. It's more frustrating knowing that a different customs employee that day or sailing from a different port may have changed the outcome.


They couldn't let him on without violating our Government rules per WHTI. I would rather they follow our governments rules for all of our sakes than allowing exceptions for anyone. The customs employees are not Carnival employees. They are Government employees. They could make the exception not Carnival. Again not Carnival's fault.

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Just so you know, if you miss initial boarding, you cannot catch up with the ship.. If you get left at a port, you can catch up at the next one.

My Cousin and her hubby missed boarding time by 2 minutes. they did not let them board. Ship was still there, still had 88 minutes before sailing away. Not allowed to board. This was a Carnival cruise last Thanksgiving. They spent it with us, instead of aboard, that's how I know.


Carnival absolutely allows you to catch the ship at the first foreign port if you miss the initial embarkation. You are not, however, allowed to catch the ship at another U.S. port due to some law.

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I do agree that it wouldn't be good business practice to reimburse everyone and I will start keeping all important documents together myself in the future. But what would it have hurt to let him on in the first place? Would anyone's security have been at risk because he was on the ship without a ID with him? We were also told on the phone by Carnival and employees at the port that each port is different and they may have let him on at other ports. If it's a policy then stick to it, no exceptions. It's more frustrating knowing that a different customs employee that day or sailing from a different port may have changed the outcome.


Proper ID is needed to board these ships for a reason. The rules have to be in place and rigid for the safety and security of everyone. That's basic common sense.


I wouldn't get hung up on someone saying another port and he may have been let on. Who knows if that's true or not. Someone in my Magic group went on the Magic out of Galveston last year. Her 80-year old aunt forgot her ID, and they did NOT allow her to board.

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Carnival absolutely allows you to catch the ship at the first foreign port if you miss the initial embarkation. You are not, however, allowed to catch the ship at another U.S. port due to some law.


You also need a passport to catch up at a foreign port. You can't fly there without one.

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Wouldn't he need a valid photo ID and his BC to get back in through customs?
My thought exactly, one of the reasons I double up on ID. One cruise my DL dropped out of my bag on the xray machine when boarding the ship in a port, never take my passport off the ship. Had it at the boarding check but didn't once we got back to the room so knew it had to be between boarding & our cabin. Luckily I had my passport as well so no questions at customs. Food for thought for sure!! BTW a few months after the cruise I received an envelope from Royal with my DL in it :D




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This is my biggest issue is just have some compassion and give us a break. Especially since we have went on multiple cruises with them. I'm not saying it was in anyway shape or form Carnival's fault. It was completely on him/us for not making sure sooner he had it. But would it hurt them to be a little compassionate? At one point we were standing at the counter debating whether or not my family was going to go without him and both my kids were crying. One Carnival employee even made the comment that if somebody else was in working in customs that day that they would have probably let us on. I also don't understand why we had to wait over 3 hours just to be told no. The boyfriend had family relatively close to the port and had we been told sooner that he wouldn't be allowed on, the rest of us may have went on the cruise anyway. At least then we could have been assured that he had someone there to pick him up and he wasn't just stranded hundreds of miles from home. I guess I just feel doing a good deed here may cost them a couple grand, which is nothing to them but overall would do more good than harm. We will most likely spend more money than previously if they credit us for another cruise, would be more likely to consider future cruises with them and would pass on that they are a good company that takes care of their customers. As it stands now they will definitely not get any future business from us, not that it will hurt them at all lol.


That must have sucked for all of you! Sorry this happened. As a parent of 3 forgetful kids, I can imagine this happening. Hey-kids are kids. What a bummer--did you at least go to the beach for 5 days?

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