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DH and I play team triva once a week with a group of friends ( and win most of the time:D ) How's the triva aboard ship? Is it team or individual? I think I already asked this....but "hold'em" on board?? We play that at least once a week ??

OK that's it for now....I'm getting excited, but feel unprepared all the sudden:confused:

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Have not sailed on infinity but the games depend on the CD so that doesn't matter. We enjoy Trivia---won three out of five games last cruise. The prizes have changed. They now ofer very nice small pillows (coosh kind),luggage tags, canvas totes, playing cards, lanyards, visors and maybe other stuff I did not see. they play teams of no more than four. Also have Outburst, Pictionary (which they sometimes call Win, Lose or Draw), Taboo, Tribond, etc. You will be able to find a game or two everyday.


They have three card draw poker in the casino, whatever that is. Have not seen Texas hold 'em yet.


Have fun!

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We had a familly on our last cruise who were winning every game, then we noticed they were filling in the answers as they were read out.

Isn't it sad that some people have to cheat at what should be a fun game. That's why they usually have the teams trade papers for marking.

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Have not sailed on infinity but the games depend on the CD so that doesn't matter. We enjoy Trivia---won three out of five games last cruise.


Congratulations on your wins. How are you? Just love them trivia games, especially battle of the sexes...


Arno.... "Second guessers" trivia junkies

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DH and I play team triva once a week with a group of friends ( and win most of the time:D ) How's the triva aboard ship? Is it team or individual? I think I already asked this....but "hold'em" on board?? We play that at least once a week ??

OK that's it for now....I'm getting excited, but feel unprepared all the sudden:confused:


On one of our cruises, they had the wrong "correct answer" for a chemistry question. When my husband brought it to their attention, he was informed that they use an answer code from a trivia publisher and are not in a position to verify its accuracy. In light of the fact that my husband has a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Yale, he probably has substanitally more knowledge about chemistry than whoever designed that trivia question and answer. A friend at our trivia table, with similar scientific knowledge, also thought my husband's answer to that question was right and the official answer code for that trivia question was wrong. Consequently, I don't like to play trivia games, unless the person conducting the game has sufficient knowledge to know when there is a mistake in the answer code.

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On one of our cruises, they had the wrong "correct answer" for a chemistry question. When my husband brought it to their attention, he was informed that they use an answer code from a trivia publisher and are not in a position to verify its accuracy. In light of the fact that my husband has a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Yale, he probably has substanitally more knowledge about chemistry than whoever designed that trivia question and answer. A friend at our trivia table, with similar scientific knowledge, also thought my husband's answer to that question was right and the official answer code for that trivia question was wrong. Consequently, I don't like to play trivia games, unless the person conducting the game has sufficient knowledge to know when there is a mistake in the answer code.

So you want the cruisestaff to have a chemist, a sportswriter, an historian, a librarian, and a handful of other fields of expertise all in one body? Wow.


The chances the person asking the questions will know more about any category than all of the players participating is as close to zero as possible. We've noticed quite a few wrong answers from the leader, and we shrug and move on. It's just the way it is, and debate isn't as much fun as trivia for most folks.

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It's too bad you let one bad experience stop you from playing :(


On one of our cruises, they had the wrong "correct answer" for a chemistry question. When my husband brought it to their attention, he was informed that they use an answer code from a trivia publisher and are not in a position to verify its accuracy. In light of the fact that my husband has a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Yale, he probably has substanitally more knowledge about chemistry than whoever designed that trivia question and answer. A friend at our trivia table, with similar scientific knowledge, also thought my husband's answer to that question was right and the official answer code for that trivia question was wrong. Consequently, I don't like to play trivia games, unless the person conducting the game has sufficient knowledge to know when there is a mistake in the answer code.
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They have different kinds of trivia-type games:


No individual...

They have "team" trivia with teams of 4 or 5

They have Music Trivia...with themes like Broadway or oldies (also in teams)

They have "Battle of Sexes" with all of the men versus all of the women...


I think I'm the guy most people hate by the end of the cruise...

I'm a veteran of six TV Game Shows and was, at one time, the biggest money winner on Wheel of Fortune...

Our last cruise, (and we ONLY play on "at-sea" days), between my wife and I (often we're on the same team) we had amassed two white canvas totes, two insulated lunch cases, two hang-around-the-neck wallet type cases, three Celebrity T-Shirts, one bottle of champagne, one Celebrity Garment bag, some decks of cards, and two blue canvas totes...


I've got a drawer at home with a bunch of Royal Caribbean water wallets, key chains, luggage locks, some Princess Key Chains and a couple of Carnival "Ship-on-a-stick" trophies...


We were beaten TWICE on the last cruise...once, when after hitting on 19 out of 20 on Broadway "Name that Tune", we discovered that another team hit a perfect 20 out of 20--and I am sure legitimately...I hate to cite old stereotypes, but it was a team of men who never missed a broadway show and had seen all of them several times over and knew all the lyrics and even the choreography...


The other time we were beaten was to a group who we were watching as the answers were being given--and their pencil was hard at work crossing out and writing in answers they clearly hadn't known...It was so obvious because when the Asst. CD read the questions, they were shouting out wrong answers...yet claimed later to have scored an 18 out of 20!! And their paper had more cross outs and re-writings than one could possibly imagine...


I guess if someone really wants the T-Shirt or Tote Bag that bad, well....


As to wrong answers, we've heard them from time-to-time...

Sometimes it's because they pull them from sometimes dated material--like OLD Trivial Pursuit Cards...One of the questions on our last cruise started out with "The winner of TWO Tour de France..." Ummm...the card was about four years old...it was just news that Lance Armstrong had won his SIXTH...

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I very much enjoy all of the trivia games they have on board. Note that the opportunity for "cheating" does not present itself all the time, because many of the games are verbal. At least that has been my experience.


The fun you have is really dictated by the groups that are playing. You may see the same people time after time and form alliances. It's always good to know what fields people are in or what their knowledge area is so that you can decide who's answer to use in a pinch.


As for the "right" right answer, the leader of the game always gave us a disclaimer in advance that the "right" answer will be the one provided on the print out from which the leader is reading.


Sure, the chemistry situation given was not fair for the poor guy who put his life into the field, but how in the world would you stop anyone from saying they're an expert in anything just to win the point? Stranger things have happened, so I suppose the disclaimer is the fairest way to deal with it.


There are also sometimes more than one correct answer...remember Cliff Clavin's turn on Jeopardy in that classic Cheers episode?


In any case, HAVE FUN PLAYING TRIVIA and I hope to play with CC Trivia fans soon.

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On the Summit, one of the crew members, Mark, handled the trivia contests. He was so rude and obnoxious that we stopped going to the games, even though we love the trivia games. He would deduct points if you showed up late, if you corrected his pronounciation of words and a bunch of other reasons. He would add points if you said he was good looking or a stud.

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Ok, I'm sorry, but I just have to respond to something here...and let me preface this by saying that DH and I usually DON'T compete in any of the ship's games, as we prefer other activities such as dancing, etc. So, this post is by no means written out of any frustration at a ship's games.


I'm a veteran of six TV Game Shows and was, at one time, the biggest money winner on Wheel of Fortune...

Our last cruise, (and we ONLY play on "at-sea" days), between my wife and I (often we're on the same team) we had amassed two white canvas totes, two insulated lunch cases, two hang-around-the-neck wallet type cases, three Celebrity T-Shirts, one bottle of champagne, one Celebrity Garment bag, some decks of cards, and two blue canvas totes...


I've got a drawer at home with a bunch of Royal Caribbean water wallets, key chains, luggage locks, some Princess Key Chains and a couple of Carnival "Ship-on-a-stick" trophies...


....I guess if someone really wants the T-Shirt or Tote Bag that bad, well....


Umm, don't you think that last sentence really applies to yourself? You admit to having amassed a huge stock of "treasures" that you probably don't even use, yet you begrudge one person a t-shirt or tote bag? Personally, I don't blame them for cheating - maybe they thought that was the only way they could win anything at all, what with you and your wife winning everything else.


I think I'm the guy most people hate by the end of the cruise


If you know this, then why don't you change your actions a bit? Sorry, but I am not fond of people who must gloat about their winnings (see above list) gloat about how many TV shows they had been on and how much money they had won, and then acknowledges that people probably hate it. Yes, people do. Perhaps you might consider letting other people win once in awhile, especially when you are on a cruise ship and there are a limited number of games to choose from. Just a thought.

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So you want the cruisestaff to have a chemist, a sportswriter, an historian, a librarian, and a handful of other fields of expertise all in one body? Wow.


The chances the person asking the questions will know more about any category than all of the players participating is as close to zero as possible. We've noticed quite a few wrong answers from the leader, and we shrug and move on. It's just the way it is, and debate isn't as much fun as trivia for most folks.


Of course I don't and that is not the point I was trying to make. In my opinion, the fun of trivia games is seeing how well you remember things that you learned along the way, including relatively useless information, but it is a joke when people get credit for an answer that is really wrong, while others don't get credt for an answer that is really correct. On the other hand, I enjoy the specialized trivia games, such as music, where you are asked to name a song and composer after hearing just two notes on the piano because the host really knows his subject matter and makes it fun.

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.... Consequently, I don't like to play trivia games, unless the person conducting the game has sufficient knowledge to know when there is a mistake in the answer code.


Oh, that's terrible...want my mouse pad?? ;)

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I agree with you, MajorsWife; I just don't like boors who enjoy spoiling the fun for everybody. My apologies for any offense to you.


I do think many people take these games way too seriously; it's all meant to be just fun, and to add pleasure to the cruise! ...Isn't it? :rolleyes: :)

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I didnt mean to start a debate or nasty thread:(

Just was curious about team or individual......uhhhh ....well.....thanks anyway :eek:


I wouldn't worry about it...it's nothing new here on the boards. A simple inquiry turns into a long, drawn-out debate....


Enjoy your cruise, play trivia, have a ball, and create memories that will last a lifetime...it's what it's all about!



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I didnt mean to start a debate or nasty thread:(

Just was curious about team or individual......uhhhh ....well.....thanks anyway :eek:


Please accept my apologies, but it was not my intention to create any conflict on this thread. I just tried to express why I prefer not to participate in general trivia games at sea, and didn't realize my post would open up a can of worms.


Again, I am sorry.

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I wouldn't worry about it...it's nothing new here on the boards. A simple inquiry turns into a long, drawn-out debate....


Enjoy your cruise, play trivia, have a ball, and create memories that will last a lifetime...it's what it's all about!




Karyn, I was thinking the EXACT words you typed:eek:.


And I agree with your advice too.


I have played trivia enough to know the women can be worse than

the men....in the "control" part of the game....and it is a game, right?

I try not to let it bother me anymore. But boy, some of the gals

are cut throat.


Darcie, sorry about your experience too. Sounds like the guy who

was in charge was a control freak himself:confused: points deducted for

being late??? Give me a break. And if you were in the restroom?

Did he penalize folks for that too?:rolleyes:

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Ok, I'm sorry, but I just have to respond to something here...and let me preface this by saying that DH and I usually DON'T compete in any of the ship's games, as we prefer other activities such as dancing, etc. So, this post is by no means written out of any frustration at a ship's games.


Umm, don't you think that last sentence really applies to yourself? You admit to having amassed a huge stock of "treasures" that you probably don't even use, yet you begrudge one person a t-shirt or tote bag? Personally, I don't blame them for cheating - maybe they thought that was the only way they could win anything at all, what with you and your wife winning everything else.


If you know this, then why don't you change your actions a bit? Sorry, but I am not fond of people who must gloat about their winnings (see above list) gloat about how many TV shows they had been on and how much money they had won, and then acknowledges that people probably hate it. Yes, people do. Perhaps you might consider letting other people win once in awhile, especially when you are on a cruise ship and there are a limited number of games to choose from. Just a thought.

WOW!!! Excuuuuuuuse me...

I wasn't "gloating"...I was just establishing that I like trivia and have some sort of propensity for it...


When I was refering to people who want the bag or T-Shirt THAT much, I was refering to people who felt compelled to CHEATING for it...


Yes, I have a drawer full of stuff...Note I didn't say a drawer full of T-Shirts and Tote Bags...I've given a whole lot of those away (the luggage tags and cheap key chains are what's in the drawer...and believe it or not, there are not a lot of takers...


AND, remember these games are for TEAMS...So, I generally help win a lot of stuff for a lot of the friends I've made on the ship (Many times, the CD brings only 4 prizes and the team has 5 or 6--I always let my teammates take the prizes in those instances...And, I'd much rather see them get it than the CHEATERS in some other group... THAT was the point...


I'm sure glad you dance and don't play trivia...I don't dance, so, maybe we won't run into each other on a cruise...Fine with me...I don't hate people who are good at something and usually come out ahead...I DO dislike people who berate and belittle others without provocation...


I guess it's hard to cheat in dancing...So we won't have to worry about you...

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::sigh:: Some people just don't get it. Oh well.

Give me a break...I got it...

I wrote a little about the trivia on the ships in answer to a question...and YOU came on here and ATTACKED ME personally in a highly insulting manner...


You like to put other people down...but when it comes back at you, you want to act like the person you attacked is somehow clueless and doesn't "get it"...


I find your attitude incredibly offensive.

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