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Medical Emergency on Carnival Ecstasy on Saturday April 8th 2017 (while in port).


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Does anyone have any info on what happened to the female passenger that had a medical emergency on the Carnival Ecstasy on Saturday April 8th?

We were still in port in Charleston & me & my family has priority boarding & had a cabana booked. So we went directly to shore excursion desk & were 2nd on line. Then we noticed crew gathered around a passenger laying on the ground by the stairs & one crew member was performing CPR (chest compressions). That continued for about 10 minutes, then I went to see if our cabin was ready with our girls. Husband came later to the cabin. He said they did about another 5-10 mins before medics came on board & took her off the ship.

Another passenger said she knew a passenger, that was a nurse, that was assisting with the CPR & that lady had told her that the 'patient' had a blood clot that had gone to the lung & prognosis was poor,

It was pretty traumatic for me seeing them doing the CPR, never seen that in real life. Just some things I didn't realize (won't go into details).

I looked online, googled etc & can find no mention of this incident anywhere.


There was another medical emergency on April 14th I think (or could be 13th) where an older female was taken by coast guard medevac. That I saw online, but not the other incident that I witnessed.


So I just wondered if anyone had heard any further information about the passenger. Did she make it? Or if she is still alive how is her condition, and what happened?

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No I haven't heard anything , seems you have most of the story though.


I know, I suffer from anxiety though & seeing this unfold was traumatic for me & not knowing how the passenger was, caused me anxiety the rest of the cruise & still keep thinking about the poor lady. I feel so bad for her family, friends & loved ones. I pray that the medics did amazing work & she made some miraculous recovery, but just thinking that probably wasn't the case. :(


Also the blood clot story is 2nd hand, so no idea if that is true. Just would be interested to know what had happened.

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Yikes, I had a blood clot diagnosed on my last cruise!! That was the risk. I probably should have debarked and flown home.

Not sure if I would fly , knowing I had a blood clot . :o

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Not sure if I would fly , knowing I had a blood clot . :o


Correct, either stay on the cruise & hope for the best, or get off at the next port (to go to a hospital).


But yeah, flying can cause clots or definitely make them worse.

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We all can't stop living due to medical issues, but depending upon what type of blood clot and the risks involved, one should consider going on a cruise. I was booked on the Carnival Dream for May 14th, my neurologist told me that he did not want me to sit on a plane longer than an hour at a time, therefore, I had to cancel this cruise but I did take out the insurance and its week two that I am waiting to see if I get returned the portion that Carnival didn't reimburse me. I was willing to choose a Carnival ship out of Florida but Carnival would not allow me to transfer the booking to another ship although I didn't mind paying penalties if they allowed me. Therefore, I booked the Harmony of the Seas out of Ft. Lauderdale and quite honestly, its the newest and largest ship so I am all great with it, although my other half will not see New Orleans as we were doing a pre and post stay there.


I live with lupus, fibromyalgia and now I have herniated disks, C4-C5, C5-C6 and C6-C7 but the one that my doctor is concerned with is N5S1 because should that rupture and yes I am a candidate for surgery now but he wants me to hold off because I am only 54 and that would mean getting arthritis at an earlier age (as if that would bother me he should know what its like living with lupus alone haha) and there is a risk the surgery not take, but should I get a rupture (lifting more than 8-10 pounds, sitting longer than hour, bending and reaching incorrectly, etc) I have three hours to get the surgery or I get paralyzed. As a result, I took out a medical insurance plan for international travel that covers pre-existing conditions its called GeoBlue....no out of the pocket expenses, everything paid fully at 100%, 500k evacuation coverage, and the list goes on wonderful plan for just $49.60!!



One may say I am taking a huge risk, but I am not going to stop living, and I am going on this cruise. I am currently on prednisone to get the inflammation down with the disks and lupus and I be ok, should something happen, I have insurance, but there is a much higher chance nothing will happen.



What I am trying to say, is this woman who went on the cruise knowing about her blood clot surely wanted to enjoy her life and didn't think anything would go wrong in that week, these things happen, just as if a healthy person who just happens to have a sudden heart attack and stroke, or a bad fall anything can happen so I stress to everybody especially middle age with health issues and older people to make sure you have insurance coverage and a good one because it can cost an arm and a leg.



I have all confidence things will work out for me and should I have a rupture I know RC will do their best to get me off the ship asap, somehow someway, and should things get to be the worst for me, I may be agony pain, but I am not going to die, I am going to Aruba in August and on the Elation in October, nothing is going to stop me.



I pray and hope the two persons that were evacuated are fine now and I do hope especially that women with the clot is alive and will be well. God Bless to all.

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I pray and hope the two persons that were evacuated are fine now and I do hope especially that women with the clot is alive and will be well. God Bless to all.


I pray that too, I just don't think after at least 15 minutes of CPR it looks too good for her.

Maybe she was unaware of the blood clot too? Could that be possible? Sorry, not too knowledgeable about blood clots.

Also, like I said, the story about the blood clot was 2nd hand, so may not even be true.


But I just find it strange, as it was so serious a situation, that it is not in any news anywhere.

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Oh & I also think it is great you are living your life.


My severe anxiety keeps me from doing some normal every day things a lot of the time, so I was very worried about taking a cruise and being around so many people (as social anxiety is a big thing lately). But I dealt with it. Some things were tough, like the buffet on the first day (bad move on our part as I almost had a panic attack with all the people around me moving around & sometimes bumping & pushing), muster drill & having to go on deck & line up in tight lines (last time we had done muster drill inside at tables) and some other times. But i just took breaks, went to the bathroom, splashed cool water on my face, took deep breaths etc.


Like you said, you've got to try to carry on living. I realize my medical situation is totally different to yours though & probably not half as serious, but wanted to agree.

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Does anyone have any info on what happened to the female passenger that had a medical emergency on the Carnival Ecstasy on Saturday April 8th?

We were still in port in Charleston & me & my family has priority boarding & had a cabana booked. So we went directly to shore excursion desk & were 2nd on line.


Glad you mentioned you had priority boarding, and were 2nd in line. Not sure why you needed to let us know, but great for you I guess?


Then we noticed crew gathered around a passenger laying on the ground by the stairs & one crew member was performing CPR (chest compressions). That continued for about 10 minutes, then I went to see if our cabin was ready with our girls. Husband came later to the cabin. He said they did about another 5-10 mins before medics came on board & took her off the ship.

Another passenger said she knew a passenger, that was a nurse, that was assisting with the CPR & that lady had told her that the 'patient' had a blood clot that had gone to the lung & prognosis was poor,

It was pretty traumatic for me seeing them doing the CPR, never seen that in real life. Just some things I didn't realize (won't go into details).

I looked online, googled etc & can find no mention of this incident anywhere.


Spend some time at the emergency room in the hospital, and you will notice it is non-stop all day with cases. Why would 1 in thousands of medical incidents in one day be posted in the news?


There was another medical emergency on April 14th I think (or could be 13th) where an older female was taken by coast guard medevac. That I saw online, but not the other incident that I witnessed.


A full medevac is different than the daily medical incidents that happen in life. You don't have very many medevacs in a year, but you do have CPR performed just about every minute of every day.


So I just wondered if anyone had heard any further information about the passenger. Did she make it? Or if she is still alive how is her condition, and what happened?


Accidents, health issues, and health emergencies are part of life and death. It's always sad to witness it first hand, and even sadder to witness it when it involved an untimely accident. You always feel for the family and pray or hope everything is well. Maybe the family is in mourning. Maybe they want privacy. There is no need to excessively to pick out one person, a stranger, and bring it up again just to find out? Just learn to let these things go, and let the families involved mourn or rejoice on their own terms.

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Accidents, health issues, and health emergencies are part of life and death. It's always sad to witness it first hand, and even sadder to witness it when it involved an untimely accident. You always feel for the family and pray or hope everything is well. Maybe the family is in mourning. Maybe they want privacy. There is no need to excessively to pick out one person, a stranger, and bring it up again just to find out? Just learn to let these things go, and let the families involved mourn or rejoice on their own terms.


Geez, sorry. Having witnessed it firsthand (I said I was priority meaning we were one of the few on board to see this. We were 2nd on line & it was happening right by guest services, so hence me saying we were 2nd on line. Then I guess they stopped passengers boarding, that was the only reason I mentioned it, sigh.) it effected me. I kept seeing the images in my mind the whole cruise.


I do suffer with some mental health issues as I said before & see a therapist. I told her it has still stuck with me as it was so traumatic for me. I feel I just need closure. I pray she made a recovery, but highly doubt it. Knowing she got all the best medical help she could get, but did not make it, that may help. I don't know it would, but maybe it would.


People are constantly posting passengers that have accidents or jump/fall overboard & are never found on here. Why do you choose me to pick on.


Thanks, you have made me feel one hell of a lot better now.

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Due to privacy laws such as HIPPA, it is very hard to ever find out what really happened to people medical wise.


Awe true, didn't think about that. Seems a lot of the time it is published, at least that there was an incident (whereas there is no record anywhere of this even happening). But didn't think of that & yes, that does make sense. My only thought was if she stood any chance at all, at least we were still in port & not out at sea, so medical help could get there quicker.


Thank you.

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NJsharon, I am sorry for what you witnessed. I was once on a land vacation in the Caribbean and a man collapsed on the dance floor. Again, there was CPR, and a lot of commotion. We just left the area and went back to our room, but heard next day that he did not make it. It was very sad and I still think about it today 30 years later. So I understand your wondering. I think we all just really wish to hear happy endings.


On a slightly different note. I have also some anxiety issues, but the bigger issue for me at muster drill is being unable to stand that long due to painful back condition. For you next cruise, as far as muster drill goes, I would register before your cruise with special needs for the special need muster drill which does take place inside where there are sitting areas. Then when you board the ship you go to Guest Services and register for it again, and they tell you where it will be. It took me several very painful and uncomfortable muster drills to learn that I could do this, and last cruise it made all the difference to a good start on my cruise.


Hope you go on to many more cruises.

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Geez, sorry. Having witnessed it firsthand (I said I was priority meaning we were one of the few on board to see this. We were 2nd on line & it was happening right by guest services, so hence me saying we were 2nd on line. Then I guess they stopped passengers boarding, that was the only reason I mentioned it, sigh.) it effected me. I kept seeing the images in my mind the whole cruise.


I do suffer with some mental health issues as I said before & see a therapist. I told her it has still stuck with me as it was so traumatic for me. I feel I just need closure. I pray she made a recovery, but highly doubt it. Knowing she got all the best medical help she could get, but did not make it, that may help. I don't know it would, but maybe it would.


People are constantly posting passengers that have accidents or jump/fall overboard & are never found on here. Why do you choose me to pick on.


Thanks, you have made me feel one hell of a lot better now.



my son has anxiety and some people on this forum will not care about your condition or what they might say to make it worse. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. Unfortunately you probably wont get the closure you are seeking. Have you tried any distraction mechanisms? do you have any techniques that you use to get you past something like this until enough time and space occurs to get you in a better place.


Until someone can walk in your shoes or have someone they care about in your shoes, they cant know what you are going through. I applaud your efforts to try to find out what happened to this passenger.


I think you should try to put distance between things that might trigger this anxiety for you. This site might be a trigger for you and I hope you can have your anxiety ease over time.


good luck NJSharon

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Often times, one does not know that they have a blood clot at all and only find out when, like in this situation, it goes to the lungs. 15 minutes of CPR is not a good sign for this poor woman.


I had blood clots in my lungs last year after a surgery, and had no idea. They did a scan to check for other things and there they were. No symptoms.

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Geez, sorry. Having witnessed it firsthand (I said I was priority meaning we were one of the few on board to see this. We were 2nd on line & it was happening right by guest services, so hence me saying we were 2nd on line. Then I guess they stopped passengers boarding, that was the only reason I mentioned it, sigh.) it effected me. I kept seeing the images in my mind the whole cruise.


I do suffer with some mental health issues as I said before & see a therapist. I told her it has still stuck with me as it was so traumatic for me. I feel I just need closure. I pray she made a recovery, but highly doubt it. Knowing she got all the best medical help she could get, but did not make it, that may help. I don't know it would, but maybe it would.


People are constantly posting passengers that have accidents or jump/fall overboard & are never found on here. Why do you choose me to pick on.


I don't feel people should be publicly talking about a person's loved one committing suicide on a ship either. However, on Carnival boards, it seems to be discussed way too much, when it should just be quietly forgotten and let the families involved grieve or rejoice in their own ways, without strangers discussing their private affairs.


Thanks, you have made me feel one hell of a lot better now.


Ships are small cities. My small city, I know of at least 10 people that passed away, and my city has a population of 5000. Yes, it's sad, and yes, seeing a person being worked on while the ambulance is on the way is an unfortunate site to see, but my number one point is, not to openly discuss these items, and let the families have privacy.

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Thanks, you have made me feel one hell of a lot better now.

The quicker you learn to ignore Havingfun the better off you will be. Havingfun hates Carnival and is only here to troll and stir trouble. Why the Admins let him do it is beyond me.

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The quicker you learn to ignore Havingfun the better off you will be. Havingfun hates Carnival and is only here to troll and stir trouble. Why the Admins let him do it is beyond me.



she has anxiety and its not easy to ignore anything. its part of the process. They will get upset over things that people without anxiety doesnt. you cant tell someone with anxiety to just ignore something... it doesnt work that way as much as telling someone to quit smoking will work.


its unfortunate that some people will not understand this and continue to push.

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my son has anxiety and some people on this forum will not care about your condition or what they might say to make it worse. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. Unfortunately you probably wont get the closure you are seeking. Have you tried any distraction mechanisms? do you have any techniques that you use to get you past something like this until enough time and space occurs to get you in a better place.


Until someone can walk in your shoes or have someone they care about in your shoes, they cant know what you are going through. I applaud your efforts to try to find out what happened to this passenger.


I think you should try to put distance between things that might trigger this anxiety for you. This site might be a trigger for you and I hope you can have your anxiety ease over time.


good luck NJSharon



Thank you so much. I didn't even realize we would have to be outside in those tight rows, squished together, until it happened. In previous cruises we had been inside, in the theater or dining area, so I guess I assumed that would happen. But thank you, I definitely will, in the future, alert them to my special needs.


I have gotten a lot better lately. This cruise would not have even been possible about 6 months ago. I couldn't go to my local grocery store without crying & getting major anxiety because of all the people around me. It does sound crazy to those that have never experienced it and I wish so much I didn't have it, as it stops me from doing a lot of things. But I do try to force myself into new situations, by trying to use coping techniques I have learned.


It was a tough cruise, but definitely had some enjoyable points too. Thank you for understanding.

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Do you know, my father in law is the same way? He has been a widow for 43 years and he does not drive, we take him to the doctors appointments and to the stores. He has a phobia of being outside alone, now he learned to meet us down at the driveway when we are on the way picking him up but he will not travel alone. I love him very much for all the reasons possible, he is funny and smart and has spunk even at 77 years old...as a result, we take him along with us on our cruises and other vacations such as Aruba each year.


I had to cancel my Carnival Dream out of New Orleans cruise four weeks ago due to my doctor not allowing me to sit on a plane for over an hour, therefore, we booked the Harmony of the Seas for the same weekend out of south Florida, just a 50 minute plane ride. My father in law must be next door to our room, he has gotten better but still has his fears, well I almost didn't book the cruise because I needed two side by side cabins and during speaking to the agent one opened up and its the first two cabins all the way forward and on deck 6, we prefer higher but we grabbed it as it was our only choice.


It is true, until you are in their shoes is the only way you understand, but for me, I see it through my father in law so I totally understand, we will always have him come along with us, he needs to live life to the fullest and we will always help him along and for those who have these and I am sorry I call them phobia's because I do not call them mental issues as my father in law and many others are sane in mind its not a mental issue really, its a phobia and we all have some trust me, some people are afraid of bugs, some of bats, others of dogs, etc. It is a real thing but the trick is to understand you have these issues and try your best to overcome them the best you can and its good speaking to your love ones and friends as they can help you with things too.

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Geez, sorry. Having witnessed it firsthand (I said I was priority meaning we were one of the few on board to see this. We were 2nd on line & it was happening right by guest services, so hence me saying we were 2nd on line. Then I guess they stopped passengers boarding, that was the only reason I mentioned it, sigh.) it effected me. I kept seeing the images in my mind the whole cruise.


I do suffer with some mental health issues as I said before & see a therapist. I told her it has still stuck with me as it was so traumatic for me. I feel I just need closure. I pray she made a recovery, but highly doubt it. Knowing she got all the best medical help she could get, but did not make it, that may help. I don't know it would, but maybe it would.


People are constantly posting passengers that have accidents or jump/fall overboard & are never found on here. Why do you choose me to pick on.


Thanks, you have made me feel one hell of a lot better now.


This was my sister's hairdresser. She made a full recovery.


Sleep well.

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Often times, one does not know that they have a blood clot at all and only find out when, like in this situation, it goes to the lungs. 15 minutes of CPR is not a good sign for this poor woman.


This is very true. We did not know my 25 yo daughter had clots until the night she died. She was my only child and died in 2013 of a pulmonary embolism, a clot that went to her lungs. Apparently, they came from a severe car accident a couple months prior where she injured her legs. Wish there was a way to determine this earlier, but she had no symptoms.

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This was my sister's hairdresser. She made a full recovery.


Sleep well.


if this is true then it would be a miracle to find out that detail on this board that quickly.


if your just saying this in hopes that just by saying it , it will help, its probably the cruelest thing I read on this board ever and that is really saying something.


I really dont know what to make of this.

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