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Credit Card Charged in error

Alan & Giselle

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Just had an E-mail from P&O entitled, What to do today@? It's the lovely, daily dilemma when you holiday with us.


I think the best thing to do is spend a fortune on there WIFI and check your bank account.

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I received the email Saturday, checked my bank today no sign of a trans or pending. I'm presuming that it was declined as that account only has £100 or so in it except when I'm making a transfer over the net or phone, so if a transaction for £800 came in it would be way over the limit. There were no charges applied either.

Credit card may have £200 taken off but that's no worry as again it's a card I use online only, and other than a couple of £5 transaction it's been clear for weeks.

I believe that P&O as the company the contract is with should put the customer back into the position they were in including compensation for Distress & Inconvenience. I have a feeling that a file has been run x2 whether that is by the 3rd party pulling a wrong file or resent by P&O is another story, and is no excuse either way.

I'm lucky it's not going to hurt me at all. Those that have been hit be it a minor inconvenience or a serious financial hit have my sympathy, the whole thing has been very badly handled from a customer perspective.


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Insane magnet, good customer service would dictate that as a minimum you let everyone affected know when you have (illegally) raided their bank account and what they can do if this has caused them issues. The first many customers knew about this was when they had no access to money.


The returns are not all swift, they are taking 5 to 7 days when if P&O chose to, they could make a same day return. They clearly don't choose to as this would cost them rather than their customers.


As to compensation no I was not advocating, meary reporting however as a bear minimum those with debit card transactions have lost interest, lost access to their own money and will have had to make a number of phone calls / visited their bank.


Perhaps if P&O were to offer a small goodwill gesture to everyone involved they might save the considerable time it will take to wade through correspondence from people who have been made even more angry by having to visit the bank for a statement, try to get phone records etc. As someone on another forum said how do you get a statement of the cost of calls if you use a mobile phone?They would then, I suspect, only be left with people who have really been hit badly by this and so would have a more significant claim. Who knows they might even get back some good will out of this fiasco.


And as for the degree of arrogance comment while I really don't have to justify my opinions to you I think that this applies when:


Contact centre staff are (allegedly) saying no proof no pay, see previous comments about mobiles.


Simply repeating the same answers parrot fashion, regardless of the question asked.


Refusing to answer perfectly legitimate questions asked by many customers eg why have you retained my bank details months after a transaction and without my permission. (If they won't answer customers perhaps they will answer the Commissioner)


They have not handled this well in my opinion and the opinion of many, many other guests so I can't fathom why you are jumping up and down and being sarcastic to me in their defence.

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Insane magnet, good customer service would dictate that as a minimum you let everyone affected know when you have (illegally) raided their bank account and what they can do if this has caused them issues.


Which would result in everyone who received that message phoning P&O's call center.


Have you ever tried to call P&O? They are not the best at answering the phone at the best of times, so can you imagine what it would be like with the world and his wife calling them.

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Mine's Cunard rather than P&O, but the same problem applies. I've had a hold on my bank account since Friday. It's still there so I've just spoken to my bank who can't remove the hold until Cunard authorise it or until it expires in 8 days from the original request. So much for Carnival saying that payments have been recalled. There is certainly nothing on my account to indicate this according to my bank. I suspect that Carnival have done nothing and are simply waiting for the holds to lapse. It fits in with their timescale of 7 working days. However, if you log it as a Visa dispute with the bank they will credit your account with the held amount so the money is available again. The credit will automatically go once the hold goes. My bank is Nationwide, but guess this applies to all banks. Hope this helps

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With a very similar situation with NS&I after two weeks of frustration and many phone calls I spoke to Halifax who told me they would put it through to the DD disputes team. Two hours later the hold was released. I'm convinced this was Halifax's doing as usually transactions take place overnight.

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If people are going to claim for bank charges etc etc it would make common business sense that the 3 lines effected are going to expect some form of proof of the costs involved. Otherwise everyone could just put in claims of £5k (as an example) and say this is what it has cost me. If you have ever claimed on insurance have you not had to show proof of what you are claiming for? When all the dust has settled they hopefully will be in a position then to add additional OBS etc. for stress etc. It is very scary reading some of the posts on CC and pando and cunard facebook pages. People are down multi thousands.

I personally feel the lines have no idea how many people are effected. How would they know last Friday/sat. They do not keep card details. They may be able to go back and find who paid monies in the timespan indicated..but that will amount to a lot of people, also not everyone who has paid money over seems to be effected at all . They would have to rely on the 3rd party to pay back as they are the only ones with the account details.

the people in the call centre that customers are talking to will only have a script to read from for this. They could not promise anything or likely do anything.

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They took £785 out on Saturday but it was back in today.

Luckily it didn't cause me any problems or real expense, but it's still annoying that they can do this.

I think that at least a small amount of additional OBC would be a nice gesture, even as somebody else has said enough for a couple of drinks or a bottle of wine which doesn't cost them mega bucks.



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Although mine is with Cunard, it is still Carnival, however. I used a DD card to pay a new cruise deposit through a TA in March. On Friday I received the email from Cunard about this issue. Stating that it only affected payments made between December 2016 and April 2017 so it had to be this payment that was affected. Checked with my bank and was told that there had been no withdrawal of any monies by Cunard in the past 20 days.


So the question is why did I receive the email if I was not affected? One has to wonder just how secure our details are with Carnival. Surely this is one subject that they should have had the correct information on before sending out emails giving people with no internet banking a worrying weekend before being able to visit their bank on Monday.

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Although mine is with Cunard, it is still Carnival, however. I used a DD card to pay a new cruise deposit through a TA in March. On Friday I received the email from Cunard about this issue. Stating that it only affected payments made between December 2016 and April 2017 so it had to be this payment that was affected. Checked with my bank and was told that there had been no withdrawal of any monies by Cunard in the past 20 days.


So the question is why did I receive the email if I was not affected? One has to wonder just how secure our details are with Carnival. Surely this is one subject that they should have had the correct information on before sending out emails giving people with no internet banking a worrying weekend before being able to visit their bank on Monday.


Have you checked the difference between your actual balance and your available balance? Most people have just had a hold placed on funds rather than an actual withdrawal, though it amounts to the same thing when trying to access your money.

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Have you checked the difference between your actual balance and your available balance? Most people have just had a hold placed on funds rather than an actual withdrawal, though it amounts to the same thing when trying to access your money.


It's odd because I got the e-mail saying there was a holding payment which had been reserved but I have been checking my available balance since this story has broken and it's been ok. Surely they're not just sending e-mails to everyone??

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Can I just point out that P&O won't have any liability as this will fall to the third party who in turn will have insurance provision to cover these eventualities. Insurers will require an identifiable loss to compensate against.



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P&O are liable for this, as it has been taken from peoples accounts in in their name.

Also, they have been responsible for selecting, vetting and approving this particular third party to act as a factoring company for the recovery of finances from their customers. P&O should have ensured that the companies processes were robust before approving them to act in their name.

P&O cannot just play Pontius Pilot, and wash their hands of responsibility. They have a duty of care.

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I had the email saying that money had been taken from my account - I paid the deposit on an Oceana cruise at the end of March with my Debit Card - but that it had been put back overnight. I went into my bank yesterday - I don't have online banking - but they could see no trace of any withdrawal. All seems fine - hopefully!

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P&O are liable for this, as it has been taken from peoples accounts in in their name.

Also, they have been responsible for selecting, vetting and approving this particular third party to act as a factoring company for the recovery of finances from their customers. P&O should have ensured that the companies processes were robust before approving them to act in their name.

P&O cannot just play Pontius Pilot, and wash their hands of responsibility. They have a duty of care.


P&O will suffer no monetary loss as Florry has already said but they are liable and have to deal with customers personally as they are the seller... it is another thing what peoples perceptions and feelings will be like when this is "sorted", they have a lot to do to regain goodwill and loyalty and that is down to how they deal with Customers involved in this sorry mess and what other "non involved Customers" make of their response to this situation, it is in their own hands how people will "react and feel" toward them and if they feel comfortable using this Company again....there will be many people waiting to see how this all turns out with great interest and perceptions can change quickly, I hope they deal with this honourably and do not follow the "Sports Direct" model of care.

Edited by barriead
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It's odd because I got the e-mail saying there was a holding payment which had been reserved but I have been checking my available balance since this story has broken and it's been ok. Surely they're not just sending e-mails to everyone??


I made final balance and deposit payments in March and April via TA. I didn't get an email and they didn't try to take payments so not everyone affected.

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P&O are liable for this, as it has been taken from peoples accounts in in their name.


Also, they have been responsible for selecting, vetting and approving this particular third party to act as a factoring company for the recovery of finances from their customers. P&O should have ensured that the companies processes were robust before approving them to act in their name.


P&O cannot just play Pontius Pilot, and wash their hands of responsibility. They have a duty of care.



I meant this in the context of the previous comments that P&O would have a financial loss - this will be passed on.



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P&O are liable for this, as it has been taken from peoples accounts in in their name.

Also, they have been responsible for selecting, vetting and approving this particular third party to act as a factoring company for the recovery of finances from their customers. P&O should have ensured that the companies processes were robust before approving them to act in their name.

P&O cannot just play Pontius Pilot, and wash their hands of responsibility. They have a duty of care.

Do you know how many of these 3rd party companies they are. I should imagine none of us do. To say they shouldn't have gone with them..They must have been with them years and years. Someone posted on facebook about this and was saying everytime you purchase anything using your card (supermarkets-garages etc) the payment goes via one of these companies.

I don't think they are washing their hands of responsibility. Suddenly last fri/sat they started get hundreds maybe thousand of calls saying whats happening. At that stage I would guess they would have been caught unawares as they knew they don't hold card details. Since then the world and his brother have been contacting them. They along with the 3rd party company are trying to sort it..but if you are talking 1000's of payments its not something they will be able to sort out..just like that..NOW.

Compensation...well theres a thing...some people who operate close to the edge month to month..as many people do...are having serious problems..with the possibility of DD defaulting etc. Yes they should get something over and above expenses incurred..but they should have to prove what expenses (otherwise everyone could just say I have spent £5k sorting this out..i want £5K) Other people are luckier and have the money in their account that they can stand multi thousands being put on hold twice. Same as some people have actually had the money taken out, and some have just had a hold put on..not that easy.

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Companies outsource all sorts of functions and services, they don't always have the expertise and it's more economical. It's great when everything goes well but not so great when someone makes a mistake. Usually it's the way things are sorted out that makes the difference.

From what I've seen the messaging from P&O failed to give reassurance and explain why it was best to call the third party, so it left people feeling fobbed of and their distress not duly acknowledged.

For me this comes back to what I have said many times, customer service at P&O is usually great until something goes wrong. They are so intent on following processes they completely forget the human element [emoji53]



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Well I haven't received my money back yet but I've just received this.



I would like to apologise personally for the issues that you may have faced as a result of the recent payment error.



Elavon is required to retain historic data for reference and audit purposes and since we were notified on Friday, we have been working at the most senior level with Elavon, the card payment processor, to understand fully exactly what happened and how it happened.



I am sorry that it has taken a number of days to establish the facts, but Elavon needed to complete a thorough investigation into the system fault to ensure that the right corrective action is taken to prevent further occurrence. We are now confident that Elavon understands the cause and we have an absolute assurance that it could not happen again. I would also like to confirm categorically that this was not a result of a security breach and that no personal information has been compromised or put at risk at any time.



We have also been working with all UK banks to put in place the quickest way to correct the issue. The banks and credit card issuers have all been notified and I am pleased to tell you that they are doing everything possible to speed up the refund and pre-authorisation reversals.



Unfortunately, I cannot give you absolute clarity on timescales as each bank differs in its processes. However, as a result of these actions we have been advised that all corrective actions should be finalised by this weekend.



If you have incurred any bank or credit card charges as a result of this incident we will reimburse you and I will write to you again at the end of this week with details of how to claim.



Once again I apologise most sincerely but please be assured that we are doing all we can to resolve this as soon as possible and equally to ensure that it cannot happen again.





Kind regards



Paul Ludlow

Senior Vice President, P&O Cruises

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New email straight from P&O Senior vice president Paul Ludlow with update information stating Elavon is required to retain historic data for reference and Auditing purposes " if I did except this fact on keeping my details they used it to steal my money"

Elavon investigation into their system fault? and they now understand and ensure the right corrective action is taken to prevent further occurrence "We (P&O I take it ) are now confident Elavon understand the cause and we (P&O I take it) have absolute assurance it could not happen again? And no personal information has been compromised or put at risk at any time.


These handing companies must comply with PCI DSS compliance Requirement 3 on data protection. Elavon has not failed big stile not fit for purpose!


P&O are now happy there 3rd party Elavon Merchant Services have sorted the cause of payment error out! Was it technical was it human error still no information on why? How etc. and reassuring P&O have excepted Elavon absolute assurance it could not happen again? "P&O Never say Never"


But will all of P&O customers Now trust P&O with payment details in the future. Our

Credit card payment has a charge added but Debit Card free! How many feel conferment leaving personal details now knowing 2nd unauthorised payment can be taken at anytime. Day 5 and still waiting for P&O to return money 1 minute to take up to 7 to return first email stated all payment where reversed same day Friday!









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So basically what P&O hierarchy are saying if you suffered bank or credit card charges we will reimburse you everybody else who is lucky enough to have enough money in bank to not cause a problem TOUGH. Typical of P&O doesn't matter about stress and worry caused and incidental charges that would be hard to prove we don't give a toss.

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Yes received the same email but they won't compensate for not wanting to spend your own money because £6,400 of your money is stuck in a pending account and you would go seriously overdrawn and may get a bad credit rating.

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If you were affected and complain I feel reasonably sure they will deliver a good will gesture so long as you don't tell anyone they have it to you - it's what they always do.



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