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Cruising Christine turns Gold in Gold Country: an Alaska/Legend Review

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Skagway cont'd


After dinner, we went back to the room, and I took some more pictures as we sailed away out of port.














We had planned on going to see Studio VIP that night in the main theater, but I wasn't feeling good, so we stayed in instead. This would be the first cruise that I have ever gotten sick on, and that sickness would follow me home and take me awhile to get over. A lot of people in our roll call said that they got sick as well. There was definitely something going around on the Legend that week.


Well, that's it for me for tonight. Next up is Glacier Bay, which was absolutely AMAZING!!!

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Your pictures were wonderful. I loved reading about the dog run and seeing the videos. Thanks for mentioning about not feeling well. I also got sick and we wondered if something was going around. It still was a fabulous cruise.

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Your pictures were wonderful. I loved reading about the dog run and seeing the videos. Thanks for mentioning about not feeling well. I also got sick and we wondered if something was going around. It still was a fabulous cruise.


Yup, there was definitely something going around! I was quite surprised how many people on our roll call page mentioned that they got sick during the cruise. I'm glad you still had a great cruise though! It was definitely amazing.

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Glacier Bay


When I left off, we were in Skagway, and that was the day that I started feeling ill. The next day we were in Glacier Bay, and that morning I woke up feeling way worst. I had a sore throat and chills. It was actually a good thing that we weren't in port that day, because I spent a good portion of the day in bed binge watching episodes of Modern Family. But, when you are in Glacier Bay, no matter how sick you are, you still have to find time to enjoy the sights! And I definitely did that day.


I started off the day in normal fashion: by crawling out of bed and heading to the balcony to take in our new surroundings. I can't recall what time we got up, and I have no idea if we were actually in Glacier Bay at that point, or just approaching it, but it was gorgeous already! Have I mentioned how much I loved that balcony? Even in the shot below, you still can't see the whole length of it.




Despite not feeling well, I still managed to get out of the cabin with my husband to go to the lido for breakfast. No salsa available for my omelet, which was disappointing, but they did have my favorite cappuccino muffins that day so I grabbed a couple. Seriously, I love those things. And of course, a nice big side of bacon.




Near the lido pool they had a white board with activities listed for the day, including the times that we would be arriving at the glaciers.




Again, I don't know if we were technically in the bay at this point, but it was simply beautiful already. And the weather was clear and sunny.





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Glacier Bay cont'd


I really think we lucked out with how gorgeous the weather was that day. Looking back through my pictures, I think it definitely made a difference in how nice some of them came out (in my opinion). And the glaciers are not the only attractiveness of Glacier Bay. The mountains make for some really nice pictures too.




I spent some time that day watching and taking pictures of the seagulls that were following alongside the ship.






Some of the mountains in this area were very dark in color, and I just loved the contrast between the dark black and the white snow.







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Glacier Bay cont'd


For lunch that day, we decided to try the pay-extra seafood place on the lido deck.




This place is not listed as a dining option for the Legend on Carnival's website, so I would be interested in knowing how long it has been on this ship. If it's new, that might explain the ungodly amount of time it took for us to get our food. Not even exaggerating, but even with only a couple people in front of us in line, it took at least a half hour. I suppose if the workers were still learning how to make the food, that would explain it. There did seem to be a supervisor watching over all of the workers like a hawk.


Fortunately, though, the fish was very good. So I guess it was worth the wait. Normally I don't mind waiting so much when we are on vacation, but I still wasn't feeling good and just wanted to go back to the room. Anyway, it was definitely better than the fish that we at the Fish 'n Chips place that the Conquest used to have. The only thing I didn't care for was that they didn't have regular tarter sauce. Just some spicy version of it.




Since I wasn't feeling well, we took the food back to the room to eat it. That was the nice thing about having a room on deck 8, aft. It was so convenient to grab food and go back to the room.


I rested and my husband kept watch for the next glacier, and when it was time, I enjoyed the viewing of it from the comfort of our balcony.









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Glacier Bay cont'd


A pretty decent picture of the whole glacier.




I really like this one because you can see the flow of the glacier from higher up in the mountains.




The only picture of calving I managed to get. It really wasn't much, but I was lucky to have been zoomed in at just the right time.




Now, this next picture completely frustrated me when I looked at it after uploading it to my laptop. For some reason, I decided I wanted to take pictures of the icebergs near the glacier. I was focusing on getting the two largest ones that you see in the picture, but didn't notice at all what was on one of the other icebergs behind them. If you look closely towards the top left of the picture, do you see the two dark things on the ice, and one in the water? Yup, those were seals (or sea lions, as I still don't know the difference). Ugh! I could have zoomed in on them and got some good pictures. Silly me for not being more observant.




Saying goodbye to the glacier as we headed off to see more sights.




Just throwing this picture in because I like it. :-)



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Glacier Bay cont'd


I took a lot of pictures on the way to the next glacier, and they are mostly all the same: pictures of the mountains, the snowy tops, the coast line along the bay. I'll share a few of my favorites so you can get a sense of just how breathtaking Glacier Bay National Park it.








At some point, while we were sailing to the place that the Captain said was his favorite place in the bay, I tried to snuggle up under the blue Carnival beach towels on the balcony to enjoy the view. I didn't stay out there long, though. It was still pretty chilly, and my illness was really causing me to want to just stay in bed as much as I could that day.




Eventually I had to venture back out onto the balcony, when we arrived at the place that the captain bragged about. He wasn't lying. There really are no words to describe it, and my pictures just don't do it justice.





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Glacier Bay cont'd


The captain announced that he was going to spend a half hour in this position, then he was going to turn the ship around so that the other side of it could get the same view. The half hour didn't go by quick, fortunately, but still. I could have literally spent all day there just taking in the view.




This next picture is my absolute favorite picture of the entire trip, and it's now my background on my work computer. I was going for the classic "use the water as a mirror" picture.




Some more pictures of that area of Glacier Bay:









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Glacier Bay cont'd


Oh no! The ship was turning around, and I was losing my view.




Time to say goodbye and take a few last pictures of this incredible spot.






It's funny. I'm going through my pictures, and I'm amazed with just how many glaciers we saw that day. It didn't seem like this many at the time.


Another one:







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Glacier Bay cont'd






I have to step back for a moment because I realized that I posted this picture without explaining what it was. Believe it or not, this is actually a glacier. It's a black one, because it's covered in silt.


A picture of us approaching the glacier.




It's funny, when my husband first told me to come out on the balcony because we were approaching a glacier, and that's what I saw, well, let's just say I told him he was crazy. But I did eventually figure out that he was right and I was wrong. I can say that because he probably will never read this, lol. ;)


More pictures of the dirty glacier.







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Glacier Bay cont'd


To flash forward back to where I was, it was getting late in the day, and we would see one last glacier.






My last picture on the balcony before heading to get something to eat for dinner. The sun was still shining on what ended up being a perfect day.




I still wasn't feeling well, and just knew that I wouldn't be able to sit through a whole dinner service in the MDR. Which is always disappointing to me because I just love the MDR dinners. Instead, we decided to grab dinner from the lido and bring it back to the room.


That night, I had some lasagna and some fish. Both were on the MDR menu that night, and when I had read the menu earlier that day, I couldn't decide what I was going to get. Since we were buffeting it that night, I got both. And some fries and rice. I know what you are thinking, where's the veggies? I was just all about comfort food that night.




I grabbed some dessert too, though I didn't care for the one on the right and only ate the other one.



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Glacier Bay cont'd

I was able to see a pretty sunset that day. I don't normally get to see many on cruises. I think it's because the two times we have cruised in the fall, when the sun sets early, we have had Early Dining. Which means we were always at dinner when the sun set. In Alaska, though, it wasn't setting to about 9:30 pm at that time of year.








That night we did go to see the Viva Variety show with Side Show Bert in the main theater. I probably shouldn't have gone, but at that point I had pretty much been in bed most of the day (when I wasn't taking pictures or getting something to eat), and I felt like I just need to get out of the room for awhile. This guy was ok. He's one of those jugglers/comedians. Only he wasn't very funny, and he screwed up a couple of his juggling acts. The guy that we saw on the Fascination last November was hands-down better.




The only other thing we did that evening was to make a pit stop at the coffee shop so that I could get a shake to help my throat that was still hurting. I got a black and white one (vanilla and chocolate), and omg, it was good! I don't know why I have never gotten one of these until now, but I will be getting more in the future. I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm not a fan of Swirls. That stuff just doesn't taste like ice cream to me. But this was made with real hard-packed ice cream.




Well, that's it for Glacier Bay day. Final thoughts: a lot of people ask which is better to have on an itinerary, Tracy/Endicott Arm Fjord or Glacier Bay. That's really a tough one, and I don't think I can choose my favorite. I loved them both for different reasons. The fjord allowed us to get up close and personal with the glacier thanks to the small boat excursion. That's a memory I won't soon forget. And I loved the wildlife that was everywhere there. But man, that view in Glacier Bay...!!! Honestly, I think you can't go wrong with either. But doing both in one cruise is the icing on the cake.


Next up (hopefully this weekend), will be Ketchikan and our excursion to Totem Bight and the Lumberjack Show.

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You're pictures are sensational! I really loved the first sunset photo. Thank you so much for this review, I've read some of your other ones and have come to the conclusion that you need to travel more and review more just so you can share your photojournalism talents with us.

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OMG, I had to stop and put on a bib to catch the drool from your pictures. Absolutely BREATHTAKING. It's all I can do not to book an AK cruise right now! Pictures in post 131 did not come up (anyone else have that problem?) Also, I missed it and too lazy to go back, but what cabin were you in? I love being on deck 8 for the same reason as you, up and down one flight to food, etc. When you cruise thru Glacier Bay are you going slow? Hope you feel better tomorrow and congrats on the beautiful sunset!

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Wow. I've been waiting for these pictures and they did not disappoint! Just beautiful. So glad your cold didn't ruin your day in Glacier Bay!


Glad you are enjoying them! And yes, it was a fantastic day no matter what. If you are going to be sick, then be sick in a place with incredible scenery. :)


You're pictures are sensational! I really loved the first sunset photo. Thank you so much for this review, I've read some of your other ones and have come to the conclusion that you need to travel more and review more just so you can share your photojournalism talents with us.


Thanks so much for the kind words! That actually means a lot to me, because I do enjoy sharing my travel experiences very much. Probably because I know how much I enjoy reading about everyone else's. There's no better way to research the ports that you are going to visit than by reading first hand accounts from people who have been there. That's what I love most about this board.


OMG, I had to stop and put on a bib to catch the drool from your pictures. Absolutely BREATHTAKING. It's all I can do not to book an AK cruise right now! Pictures in post 131 did not come up (anyone else have that problem?) Also, I missed it and too lazy to go back, but what cabin were you in? I love being on deck 8 for the same reason as you, up and down one flight to food, etc. When you cruise thru Glacier Bay are you going slow? Hope you feel better tomorrow and congrats on the beautiful sunset!


Thanks so much! Yes, I just saw that those pictures didn't come up. Not sure why, but I'm going to try to repost them now. We were in 8239, which was an extended balcony cabin in the aft of the ship. It was an accessible cabin (we were upsold to it 6 days before sailing), so it is laid out sideways, making the balcony much longer than normal. It's located literally right off the aft elevators/stairs, making the location super convenient to access the lido. There was also nothing above it on the lido that caused us any noise to disturb us. I'm actually not sure what's above the room.

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Ok, let's try this again. I believe these are the pictures that didn't come up in post #131, of the first glacier that we visited that day.



Glacier Bay cont'd


A nice shot of the ship either approaching Glacier Bay, or sailing in it. Either way, we were making our way to the first glacier.




And there she is!









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Your pictures are gorgeous!!! Such an awesome review, glad you enjoyed and sorry you got sick. Alaska is on my to do list for sure! I totally understand about the snow being from Ontario, but to see it in such beauty and not on the side of the road is amazing!

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The line was quite long to get past security, and we did wait for quite awhile.



One thing to note is that, as I mentioned, we had a check-in time of 11 am. However, no one in the terminal ever checked our documents to see our time slot. For the Legend, this was supposed to be its first sailing with staggered check-in. But I honestly have no idea why they didn't just wait until the ship got to Seattle to start this because clearly the Vancouver cruise terminal employees didn't get the memo. I would find out later that they apparently also did not get the memo about people being able to bring on one bottle of wine per person because apparently the confiscated everyone's wine, and people were not happy having to pick it up later on the ship. I think they didn't get it back until the next day.


Anyway, at least I had a good view while waiting!


I can't remember if it was before or after the security checkpoint, but at some point the line broke off and it was Legend one way, Noordam the other. Lol, I couldn't believe how many people didn't know what ship they were on! I suppose someone else must have booked the cruise for them. :D


Once we got through security, it was more lines and more waiting.


I've always had FTTF, but Carnival doesn't have FTTF when it's in Vancouver, so this was the first time having to deal with this long of a wait.


I was on this sailing as well. The lines didn't split up between cruises until after security. Line-ups of this duration is not typical when sailing out of other ports even without faster to the fun.


I'm surprised you say you saw lots of signs, we couldn't find any before finding the security line on our own.


We ranted a bit about this on our podcast...



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Our last port on this cruise was Ketchikan. I can't recall why, but I didn't take a picture from the balcony this morning after waking up. We must have been short on time as we had an excursion booked through Carnival. I did, however, take my usual food-porn picture of breakfast.




I probably had too much carbs for breakfast that morning, but hey, why not live a little while on vacation, right?!


When booking excursions, I always prefer to book outside of Carnival. Not necessarily for the price, but because I tend to find much better excursions that Carnival doesn't offer. For some reason I wasn't finding much for Ketchikan. I wanted to do both a totem tour and see the Lumberjack Show, but would loved to have found a tour that did both along with something else. But since I just wasn't finding anything, I booked with Carnival for their Totem Bight & Lumberjack Show tour.


For this one, we were instructed to meet outside in the dock area, and were led to our tour bus.




This is another reason why I prefer non-Carnival tours. I like the smaller tour buses with less people better.


Our driver/tour guide, though, was very good, and told us all about Ketchikan on the way to Totem Bight. (You can see him in the picture above, near the front of the bus.)


There were a couple totems right near the entrance of Totem Bight. Our tour guide (I really wish I could remember his name) explained to us that some totems were used as places to hold the ashes of loved ones. Those are called mortuary poles. This is a copy of a mortuary pole and is called "Thunderbird and Whale."




This one is called "Eagle Grave Marker."




Some history on Totem Bight:





Edited by bakersdozen12
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