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Uniworld Gems of Northern Italy June 23-July 2

papa B me

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After 2 years of planning the day finally arrived for our trip to Italy with Uniworld. This is our third trip with Uniworld. We previously sailed the Rhine on the SS Antoinette and the Danube on the SS Maria Theresa. As others have posted this isn't really a River Cruise. It is more of a floating hotel. The time is primarily spent in the Venice Lagoon visiting a variety of the Islands with a major emphasis on Venice. I will attempt to do a day by day review with detail. I'm not a photographer so I'm sorry to say that there will be no pictures with this review. It isn't quite live as it is now Wednesday of our trip as we are sitting in Chioggia. Between the busyness of the trip and some internet issues early in the trip I am getting a late start. I will try to focus on the itinerary, service, food, and the ship itself. I will also compare the experience to our other two Uniworld trips to help those who have sailed Uniworld and are considering this trip. I apologize in advance as I tend to get wordy at times as I want to convey as many details as possible. Thanks in advance for taking this journey with me.



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This itinerary includes a 2 night precruise to Milan. We generally schedule to arrive at our port of embarkation 2 days early to allow for any travel hiccups. So this worked our really well for us. It's also great for dealing with Jet Lag before getting on the ship.


Our flight from Knoxville TN was scheduled for 2:00 on Thursday June 22nd. It left right on time so we arrived in Atlanta about an hour later. We had a three hour layover. We flew Delta and were blessed to be in buisness class. So we went to the Sky Club for a few snacks and to relax until our boarding scheduled for 5:00 for our 6:00 flight to Milan. Things moved like clock work and were were on the plane getting settled in with our pre flight drink and arranging our full size comforter, pillow, headphones, and comfort packet. Took off right on time for our 9 hour flight. So the most stressful part of the trip was over for me(or at least I thought it was). As we reached cruising altitude they began serving our pre dinner drinks and snack. I sat there and thought how fortunate we were to be in buisness class and also how fortunate we were that this was our 4th trip to Europe in the past 3 years and we have never had any flight issues.


We would be arriving at about 9:15 the next morning in Milan. I planned on having dinner with one movie then go to sleep and hopefully get 4-5 hours of sleep which would give us enough energy to hit the ground running once we reached Milan. I had purchased tickets in advance for the Duomo rooftop that we planned on doing after we arrived assuming our room wouldn't be ready that early at the hotel.


So completely relaxed with a smile on my face and a song in my heart(That's Amore) I settled in for the evening with my headphones on and movie playing.


The captain comes on about an hour into the flight to give us our welcome aboard comments except it wasn't a welcome. In stead he said that there were some indicator lights on in the cock pit that concerned him and that he didn't feel comfortable starting across the Atlantic so we had been given permission to land in Boston to have it checked out. He thought he knew what it was and it should be about a 20 minute fix but he would make no guarantees. It would be necessary to dump some fuel to lighten the plane for landing since we were only going to be 2 hours into a 9 hour flight.


We landed uneventfully and began our wait to take off again. The captain came on about 30 min later and said the ground crew were on board and it shouldn't be long. 30 minutes later he came on to say he had some bad news that when they landed they were still to heavy and came in too fast and blew the thrusters. So they had to be replaced but hopefully should be a short time. But because of the flyers bill of rights they had to offer to allow to let people get off the plane and stretch and they began serving dinner. All should be fine as the crew were good to 1 am before their allotted time of flight time expired and we would need a new crew. Bottom line is we backed away from the gate at 12:59 am. So we made it off the ground and back on our way arriving in Milan at 2:30 pm instead of 9:15 am. But we were safe and sound.


What a stressful night. My point of sharing all of this is for those who may be reading and are considering their first trip abroad. ALWAYS build in a day or two extra for travel before your trip start date to allow for the unexpected.


We were on the ground finally and now the its time for a vacation!

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Brian, I am quite looking forward to your review of this interesting itinerary. Glad the flight stuff worked out OK, though a little more stressful than it needed to be. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

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I'm looking forward to more of your review too. My husband & I are on the July 16 departure of this trip, the Milan portion was sold out as we booked so late (last week!) so we start right in with the cruise only portion on July 16. We are coming in a day early & staying at the Bauer Palazzo for the night before making our way to the River Countess.


Because we booked so late (we did their "You deserve the best" promotion) I've been frantically scrambling to get everything done. So it'll be nice to be able to get some first hand info from someone on the trip right now.


Enjoy yourself & may the rest of your vacation be stress free!

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So much for a live day by day account. The internet was in and out all week. After numerous attempts at posts where I would be writing and then the internet would go out and I would lose what I wrote I decided to just give up. The good news is that I have the full perspective now for the entire trip. I'm going to post each day individually to hopefully make it easier to read and follow. So here we go.

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Day 1: Arrival in Milan


As soon as we walked out of customs with our luggage there was a Uniworld representative waiting with a sign. About 12 Uniworld guests arrived within a 20 minute period and we were divided into two groups for the approximately 1 hour drive to out hotel. The transfer was in a Van that sat 7. I sat in the back of the van with the opportunity to get to know our first couple. Over the course of the week we met 2 other couples along with this one and the 8 of us shared our meals, shopped, and shared gelato together. In my opinion always one of the highlights of the trip is making new friends.


Our hotel was the Star Rosa Grande. It was a 4 star hotel in the heart of the city. It literally sits next to the Duomo. The room was a nice size by European standards with bathroom containing a tub/shower combo , double sinks and a bidet. My wife was impressed with the strength of the blow dryer. The room also has an inroom safe. Uniworld always recommended throughout the trip to leave your passports in the in room safe and not carry them due to the potential of pick pockets. The hotel also has a very nice breakfast buffet that is included in the Uniworld price. Although I didn't utilize this the bar was an apertivo bar where for the price of a drink($10-$12) it included a tapas bar as well in the price.


TIPS: There are no wash cloths in the hotel rooms so you will need to bring some if you desire them. Also the plugs were not the typical European plug. I didn't realize this so did not have the correct adapter for my converter. However there were USB outlets on each side of the bed which took care of charging all the items that needed charged


It was about 95 degrees when we arrived. Upon arrival there were 2-3 Uniworld reps waiting to whisk us inside, give us water, take us to the hospitality desk to pick up a packet of info and walk us to the check in desk. This all took about 5 minutes. We never touched our luggage. They took it from the Van and by the time we arrived at our room they were there with the luggage. An extremely efficient process. We were in our room by about 4:15. We had 45 minutes for a quick shower before the first scheduled event.

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Day 1: Milan Evening


After a quick shower and a few minutes of organizing we headed down to a meeting room on the ground floor for Uniworld's introductory meeting for an overview of our time in Milan. Luc would be our host. He was one of the best that I've seen on my trips thus far. There were I believe 5 Unwiworld employees present during our stay in addition to the local guides. There would always be at least one Uniworld employee with us at all times for organized activities. They would also be posted through out the day at the hospitality desk.


Luc reviewed our itinerary for the next 2 days and said it would be a difficult two days due to the record heat but they would do all they could to make it easier. And they did. Every tour they took advantage of as much shade as possible. Water was handed out before, during and after the tours as well as always being available at the hospitality desk. Bus transfer were used as opposed to twenty minute walks where possible. I actually heard very few complaints about the heat and a good bit of praise about how it was handled.


The meals were not included other then breakfast for the pre cruise stay. However Uniworld did have reservations made at moderately priced restaurants for those who wanted to eat as a group. We did this our first night with the couple we met on the shuttle and it was very nice. It was a traditional Milanese restaurant where prices averaged around $15 Euros.


Luc gave a great deal of practical information for our stay from protecting against pick pockets to tipping. After the meeting he took a short orientation walk to point out shopping areas, best Gelato(it was the best of the entire trip), best pizza, best panini(it was), ATM's, etc... This was only about 15 minutes but was extremely helpful. The walk ended near the restaurant they had reservations at and I would say about 30 or more chose to take advantage of this.


The hotel is located very close to all the major shopping. The main shopping street is a mix of high end and "normal"(H&M) type shopping. After dinner my wife and I walked this street and got a good orientation for our free time the next day. There were multiple talented musicians and entertainers on the street. As the sun was going down it was quite enjoyable walking. It felt very safe during our stay other the being very careful when in the Duomo square which is quite congested. There you were more aware of potential pick pockets. But with common sense and a few safe guards there were no worries. So after our first Gelato stop it was off to the room and in bed by about 10 pm.

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Day 2: Full day in Milan


Our first full day started about 9 am. The group was broken into 3 different groups for the excursion. We started from the hotel with about a 5 minute walk to the Duomo. Uniworld always has the tickets in advance and schedules their excursions to avoid as many crowds as possible. This does usually mean early starts but you become aware how important this is as you see the crowds build during the day. So there were no lines to contend with. You do have to go through a security process. If you have a bag or pack it is opened and they do wave metal detectors around you.


TIP: Shoulders and knees are to be covered at the Duomo as we all as other Cathedrals we went to. The strictness seems to be at the mercy of the guards but isn't worth being denied entry. Wife took a wrap that I carried in my day pack for shoulders and took shorts to change into as the day got hotter(plenty of rest room stops to do so). I wear zip off long pants and zip off the bottoms after the cathedrals.


The Duomo was spectacular. A wonderful guide. The audio boxes are great. Uniworld always had them charged and handed them out before all excursions. You keep your provided ear piece or you can use your own if you prefer. A funny side note: I met someone on roll call that was actually on our cruise. I gave her this description if she wanted to find us: Look for a short, balding, slightly stocky guy in his mid 50's with the most beautiful woman in the room that makes you wonder how he got her and you will find us. While sitting in the Duomo during the tour this couple sat next to us and said, "Are you Brian?" So I said my description was accurate huh?? It was fun watching her explain her way out of it LOL. This became the 2nd couple we spent the week with.


After the Duomo we walked through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. This is a beautiful architectural structure that houses many of the designer labels. Not in my price range but nice to walk through. We also waked by the Opera House(an optional tour of the Opera house was available for about 49 Euros) that afternoon. There was then a coffee/bathroom stop where for 3 Euros you could have coffee/tea or as I did an Iced peach tea with restroom break. Time to cool off and regroup after the walking tour. It included some snacks as well. We worked our way towards a bus and then were bussed to a fortress to walk around the outside and interior courtyard and learn more of the history of the city as well as seeing a beautiful park. They had clearly done their homework to structure their touring where we were in the shade much of the walking and always when we would stop and the guide would share additional commentary. They also always moved the busses so there was no need to back track. As we came out of the fortress into the park and were walking to the bus here comes Luc on a bicycle with a basket full of waters. Just another way I continue to be impressed by the small details Uniworld thinks of.


Onto the bus and then driven to the highlight which is Davinci's Last Supper. This is certainly a highlight of the trip. Only 30 people can enter at at time. Uniworld had our tickets at the allotted time and our group was in there alone. Was spectacular.


TIP: If you have mobility issues and would prefer to skip the walking tour you do not have to miss the Last Supper. Uniworld will bus you to the Last Supper directly.


We were back by 12:30 to the hotel. We chose the Panini shop on the side of the hotel that was recommended as opposed to the places they had reserved. We didn't tour the Opera House but instead went out on our own for an afternoon of shopping. We also decided we didn't want a big dinner so didn't go with the group. Asked one of the Uniworld staff for a good recommendation for pizza/salads. He told us about his favorite(not the Uniworld recommendation) on a side road across from the Duomo. It was wonderful. 10 Euros for a pizza. We could have shared one but didn't so left some on the table.


Conclusion of Milan: It is a big city. Lots of graffiti and congestion. Uniworld does a great job and we enjoyed it. Not necessarily anywhere we would revisit. But "The Last Supper" in my opinion is worth the pre cruise.

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Day 3: Verona, Lunch at a winery and transfer to Venice and the ship


Day 3 started with a 6 am wake up call. The buses would be leaving at 7:30. We were divided into 2 buses and it was posted the day before so you knew which bus. The reason for the early start was to beat the heat and the crowds. It was about a 2 hour drive to Verona with a stop for restroom/coffee/snack before reaching Verona.


There were showers throughout the day. Uniworld was prepared with Umbrellas from the hotel to the bus then gave them to all when getting off the bus at Verona.


The heart of Verona is Pedestrian only. Uniworld dropped us off as close as possible. I believe it was about 1 and a half miles to walk through the town. An option was given to stay on the bus as they moved to the other side of the town for those with Mobility issues. Then you could walk around if you chose at the other end or sit somewhere and have a coffee.


Verona is a pretty town to walk through with the typical shops up and down the streets. The highlight is going into a very small courtyard to see Juliette's balcony. You can't believe the number of people in this small courtyard. There was only about 30 minutes free time to look around the city center before continuing to walk with the guide to the other side of the city. We were disappointed in our guide. Hard to understand and really didn't keep things moving along. Again be prepared to be defensive against pick pockets in this small square if you want to view the balcony.


When we got to the other side of the city we were shocked to see the Colliseum and a fortress/walls and beautiful bridge to walk across the river. This was the highlight of the tour but no time to wander or view as we were simply walking back to the bus.


TIP: If I had known ahead of time I would have stayed on the Bus and ridden to the other side of the town where they park and skipped the walking tour to spend time at the Colliseum, fortress, bridge, etc... It would have been much more enjoyable unless you are dying to see Juliette's balcony.


More day 3 to come.

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Day 3: Continue to lunch at winery


We left Verona for another couple hour drive through some beautiful landscape with vineyards and small villages. Our destination was the Vaipolicella wine estate that is still owned by the descendants of Dante.


This was a beautiful setting for a 3 course lunch(risotto, main course which was said to be veal but we all agreed was a pork loin, and dessert.) It was paired with 4 different wines. The wine and food flowed freely.


TIP: I somehow missed that there was the Risotto and a main course. So they came around offering seconds on the Rissoto. It was so good I took seconds and still felt comfortable for dessert. I was quite shocked when the main course came. I somehow managed to suffer through and eat all given me. So bottom line: skip seconds.


It was at this lunch we met the third couple of our eight. Come to find out they live in Florida in a development my father in law developed. Such a small world. I encourage those who are a little less out going to be open to meeting other couples and developing travel friendships. It really enhances the experience if you are open to it.


We wandered the estate after the lunch as opposed to the winery tour. It is a beautiful estate. Then back to the bus and on to Venice and the ship.

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Day 3: Continue to Venice and the ship


I forgot to mention that when we left Milan we didn't have to put our luggage out the night before outside the room. You left it inside the room and about 45 minutes before departure they picked it up. They sent all the luggage ahead to the ship in separate transport. So when we arrive in Venice the luggage was already there.


We arrived at the ship about 5:00. The ship was docked where cruise ships dock right in front of the terminal(we would move later that night). This made getting off the bus and onto the ship quite easy. Check in was quite simple. As we were arriving as a group they said feel free to go to the lounge first and check in as the line died down. Many did this and we stood in line maybe 5 minutes or less. You simply have your picture taken(for security purposes) and are given a scan card which is your room key, key to access ship(there is always security posted at the entrance but the door is locked at all times so you can scan yourself in), and you scan each time you get off or on the ship so they know who is on.


Dinner was at 7. I'll address food later in a different post.


Every night at 9 there were the house entertainment with a piano player/singer and a female singer with him. They were very good. we went to the lounge after dinner for just a few minutes as there was virtually no one there and it had been a long day. We were in bed by 10.


Next up will be describing the River Countess and it's cabins.

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The Ship: The River Countess staterooms


In way of context, this was my third Uniworld trip. Previously I sailed on two of their newer SS(Super Ships). Both times before we were in their suites. On the newer ships the suites were about 300 sq ft with a built into the room balcony that could be closed off and windows opened to have a private balcony. The standard rooms I. Believe on the SS ships range from 170-200 sq ft. The SS ships hold up to 150 people. I believe they are the same size as Vikings Long ships that hold 190. Both the Antoinette and the Maria Theresa were spectacular and these are my basis of comparison.


The River Countess is an older ship that can hold 120(there were 104 on our sailing). The suites are 220 sq ft(there are 4). All of the rest are 150 sq ft. The suites and the higher level non suites have what they call a French balcony which is just a sliding door. The suite we were in had the bed facing the sliding glass door(not true on the non suites), a small sitting area with two chairs and a small table. There were three closets. Next to the batherrom as a make up area and a bar set up with alcohol of choice, Nespresso Machine, wine, kettle, teas, assortment of glasses, etc... as well as a mini frig with beer, other alcohol, mixers, juices, sodas, etc... The suite comes with butler service which will tailor the set up to your needs(more about butler when I get to service).


The standard rooms do not have any of the bar set up or make up area.


The suite bathroom consists of 2 sinks and large shower. Heated towel racks and floors as well. All the standard provision proivided by high quality suppliers.


Standard rooms only have 1 sink with much smaller bath room.


All the cabins have storage under the bed for suit cases. Please be aware that on each side of the bed only half the underspace is open with the other half solid. One of our new friends didn't discover this until they were mentioning they wish they could put their luggage under the bed and we showed them.


The consensus from those I talked to in the non suite cabins is that they are definitely small but very functional. I certainly felt it was worth being in the suite for the reasons listed above but its a matter or personal choice and budget.


Bottom line is our suite was very nice but I did find myself missing the balcony on the SS ships and the extra space. We will probably only sail on the SS ships in the future with Uniworld.


Next up: the common areas of the ship

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This is fun following along! One of Chris' HS friends lives in Milan and she's always asking us to come visit. Sounds like it would be fun.


You are right, it is a bit of a challenge to go from the Super Ships, to one of the older ships. The SS vessels tend to spoil you.


Did you post any pictures on line? Would love to see some visuals to go along with your excellent narrative.

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This is fun following along! One of Chris' HS friends lives in Milan and she's always asking us to come visit. Sounds like it would be fun.


You are right, it is a bit of a challenge to go from the Super Ships, to one of the older ships. The SS vessels tend to spoil you.


Did you post any pictures on line? Would love to see some visuals to go along with your excellent narrative.



Thanks for following along. Sadly I'm the worst photographer in the world. I have some pictures on my IPHONE but not worth posting. I'm also not even sure how to begin posting pictures.



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The Ship: public areas


The ship itself I believe was built around 2002 and was then refurbished for the Italy cruises in 2012. As all of the Uniworld ships it is decorated in the boutique hotel style. I certainly understand that this style isn't for everyone. But we enjoy it. Wouldn't decorate our home this way but fun for a week. I do believe that the Countess is a little more subdued then the Antoinette or the Maria Theresa.


The ship consists of 4 floors.


Sun Deck:

The sun deck is large and spacious with both lounge chairs with a panel that can be raised for shade over the head and deck chairs and tables. There are several areas with shaded areas. There is a large chess board on the deck although I never saw anyone utilize it.


There is an enclosed area on the sun deck where they have put a pizza oven. It has a café feel. There are tables and chairs in this area. It is open for lunch and dinner as an alternative venue with pizza and salad. We surprisingly didn't eat there but I believe there is occasionally a pasta as well.


During the sailing time there is usually a historian brought on board to give commentary on the Lagoon and surrounding islands. They use the audio box devices. They were excellent.


We often walked the deck for exercise during the evening or in the afternoon. There were always servers on the upper deck to bring any drink you ordered(all included) and they would commonly bring trays or prepared drinks from champagne to spritzers, to water.


Unlike river itineraries there is never a threat of the sun deck being closed as there are no bridges or locks to contend with on the Venice Lagoon.


Upper Deck:

The upper deck is where the 4 suites are and the rooms with French balconies. At one end of the deck is the dining room which seats all guests(I will discuss further when I get to food). At the other end is the lounge/bar area. Next to the lounge is also a small library with books, games and a few tables. Never saw anyone utilize this area. In the middle is the reception area(kind of in between top deck and middle deck) as well as the doors to move in and out of the ship.


Middle Deck: All standard Rooms


Lower Deck:


Least expensive rooms are here with widows basically at water line level. There is also an area they call the patio with 24 hour coffee/tea, Danish/pastries in morning, etc.. There is also the work out room with a few pieces of equipment and a massage room. There is a full time masseuse who also holds workout classes in the morning at 7 am. I believe it was 80 Euros for a one hour massage. There is also a self serve laundry room with a couple of machines/dryers and ironing facility. This is free of charge. They provide laundry detergent free of charge at the front desk. Finally there is a small gift shop(as well as some display cases near the lounge) with a variety of jewelry, gifts etc... If you don't get a massage or take the optional excursions this is a great place to spend any OBC if you have it from a TA or as we did from Amex Platinum Card. My wife got several pieces of jewelery.


TIP: If you have OBC and plan to use it in the gift shop do it early in the week as they have limited items and others tend to wait till later in the week.


So overall, we enjoyed the River Countess. If I have never been on the SS ships I would have been thrilled. But I have to admit a slight let down because I was always comparing her to the larger ships and the extra space and upgrades they provide.


One last piece of information. I was surprised that our last two days we were rafted with Crosi Europe's riverboat that sails the lagoon. We were docked and they docked next to us. I never saw anyone going through as I think they unloaded before we came through the lobby on their day of arrival and then left before we left. This surprised me. Wasn't expecting this. Not a big deal but fyi.

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Loving reading your comments! So... what was the best gelato, Panini, etc. in Milan? The internet issues were the same we had. My comment to Uniworld was that if they intend for this "U by Uniworld" to be a success they need to get to work on their connectivity issues.

And the risotto at the winery ... I presume it was the amazing red-wine risotto? We bought a couple of bottles of wine at the estate and were pleasantly surprised by how affordable they were!

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Day 4: A full day in Venice


As mentioned we originally docked at the San Basilo docks where cruise ships dock and then moved in the evening around dinner time to River Sette Marini which is in the heart of Venice. It is in walking distance(about 15 minutes) to St Marks Square and near the main "green" space which is a nice park. The views are great and this is a special time.


The main excursion was at 8:30 and was a walking tour from the ship to Doges Palace. This was an excellent guide who as mentioned earlier made good use of shaded areas to walk to the palace then guided us through the palace. Was a very good excursion. At the end of the tour you have the option to go out on your own or walk back to the ship with her. I asked some questions as to what the walk back would be like as I was tempted to go out our own and I'm so glad I did. She took us through many back streets even showing us where she lived. It really enhanced the tour and we were back on the ship for lunch.


TIP: At every point ask questions if you aren't sure what to expect or what tour to take. The cruise director as well as all the guides and staff are happy to help you make decisions.


At 1:30 the cruise director did a full cruise overview. I also believe this is where the captain informed us we wouldn't be sailing any on the PO as the water levels to low.(They will be sailing it this week as there was rain in the regions that feed the PO). Many were disappointed. I wasn't as I never expected to sail the PO as it is often too low. In addition it isn't scenic at all. The only plus is it saves about 30 minutes on the drive to Bologna. This meant an extra night docked at Chioggia which was good for us(I'll explain more later).


At 2:15 the ship pulled into the Lagoon for a scenic sailing of the Lagoon that lasted until about 5 when we docked back at Riva sette Martin. There was a wonderful historian(American who has lived in Venice for over 20 years). Then at 4:15 she hosted a Vento wine tasting in the lounge which was interesting and enjoyable but lightly attended as most were still on deck.


At 5:30 there was something I wasn't expecting. It was a buffet dinner since we would be leaving at 6:55 for a tour that I'll explain in a moment. I've never had a buffet for dinner with Uniworld and must admit I wasn't thrilled with it. Quality was excellent. Choices not so much. But they were trying to get everyone fed before the highlight excursion of the trip.


If you have never been to Venice before, the busy center is St Marks square that houses the Basilica and Doges Palace. Think Disney world main street. Massive amounts of people during the day. When we arrived in Venice during our transfer to the ship I counted 7 large ocean liners. So conservatively at 3000 per ship that would be 21,000 plus all the people that are in Venice by other types of travel. When we went in the morning to the Doges palace the line for the Basilica was unbelievable.


So... Uniworld has arrangements with St Marks Basilica for a private showing in the evening. They have a local guide/historian by the name of Susan who is British but has been in Venice for over 20 years as well. By far one of the best guides I've ever experience. We were ushered into the Basilica and seated. There were no lights on other then the natural lighting through the windows. Then as she spoke they began lighting the Basilica which highlighted the gold and the mosaics. I've been in many cathedrals but this is truly magnificent as we were the only ones in the basilica, Susan was outstanding, and the basilica was jaw dropping. We then went into the crypt where St Marks remains were once entombed. We were also allowed to get very near the high alter where his remains currently lay. Fabulous experience.


Forgot to mention, we left the ship by water taxi. This in itself is an experience with no more then about 10 of us in each water taxi. We then had the option to walk back to the ship which we did or for those concerned about mobility they provided a Vaporetto back to the ship(larger boat then water taxi).


When we arrived back at the ship there was food available in the lounge which included Shrimp, different finger foods and dessert. More people in the lounge because of the food so a little more dancing, etc...



Great Day!

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Loving reading your comments! So... what was the best gelato, Panini, etc. in Milan? The internet issues were the same we had. My comment to Uniworld was that if they intend for this "U by Uniworld" to be a success they need to get to work on their connectivity issues.

And the risotto at the winery ... I presume it was the amazing red-wine risotto? We bought a couple of bottles of wine at the estate and were pleasantly surprised by how affordable they were!




Thanks for following along and reliving the experience. The Gelato and Panini place were actually on the side of the Hotel building. We had gelato several times in Venice, Chioggia and others and it was by far the best.


Yeah, as much as I love Uniworld they need to figure out the internet issue. My understanding it was mostly an issue for Iphones and Ipads which is what I use when traveling. When it was working it was so slow that I would give up.


The Risotto was the red-wide risotto and was the best risotto of the week. It was a great lunch. Thanks again for following along.

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Really enjoying your trip report. We sailed the inaugural season for this cruise, and it wasn't exactly the itinerary it is now, but very similar. Your Venetian experiences are bringing back great memories. We had ample time in Verona, and agree, the Colosseum was the highlight. We spent quite a bit of time inside it, walking around. We felt the Juliet's balcony was a tourist trap, and nothing more.


With regard to the ship, we had a French balcony cabin, and felt it to be adequate for our needs. The bathroom, despite being small, was very functional. In addition, the Countess has the typical "aquarium" class cabins, with the small windows, but also a deck, beneath the lounge, whose cabins have large picture windows.


Looking forward to your food review. Our weather was so good, we ate outside 5/7 nights, and really enjoyed the pizza/fresh fruits/vegetables/prosciutto.



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Really enjoying your trip report. We sailed the inaugural season for this cruise, and it wasn't exactly the itinerary it is now, but very similar. Your Venetian experiences are bringing back great memories. We had ample time in Verona, and agree, the Colosseum was the highlight. We spent quite a bit of time inside it, walking around. We felt the Juliet's balcony was a tourist trap, and nothing more.


With regard to the ship, we had a French balcony cabin, and felt it to be adequate for our needs. The bathroom, despite being small, was very functional. In addition, the Countess has the typical "aquarium" class cabins, with the small windows, but also a deck, beneath the lounge, whose cabins have large picture windows.


Looking forward to your food review. Our weather was so good, we ate outside 5/7 nights, and really enjoyed the pizza/fresh fruits/vegetables/prosciutto.




Thanks Robin for following along and reliving the memories. They have made quite a few changes. My observation of Uniworld over the few years I've been sailing is they do take the feedback seriously and try to adjust their programs accordingly. I think as a whole there is a little less bus time then prior and have moved away from emphasis on the Po as they did when they first released this itinerary. Will address food and service at the end of my review.

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Day 5: Sailing from Venice to Chioggia


If you aren't familiar with the Venice Region there are many Islands dotting the Venice Lagoon. Anywhere from uninhabited to Islands with tens of thousands of residences. Today we sat sail for a fishing village called Chioggia. The sailing was for 2-3 hours in the morning. We divided our time between being on the sun deck to going to the cabin and laying on the bed and watching many of the Islands pass by. It really was a relaxing morning.


Today there were 3 choices for the afternoon excursions:


#1 Bus ride to Padua for a walking tour and a visit to St Anthony's Basilica

#2 Walking tour of Chioggia and a sister Island next door(now considered part of Chioggia) called Pellestrina

#3 Chioggia by bike(approx. a 12 mile bike ride)


We chose the bike ride. There were about 20 of us that chose this excursion(including the Captain of the ship). We rode through Chioggia and around a bay over to Pellestrina then onto the beach at Chioggia. At the beach we had about 30 minutes free time to either walk the beach, get a drink, or in our case try some more Gelato while looking out over the beach. This was a nice excursion and a good way to view the Island vs a traditional walking tour. There were a number of stops along the way to rest for a moment. We didn't find the bike ride challenging. It is all flat with mostly bike paths but there was some riding with a little traffic(foot and vehicle) but the guide was good about keeping us together and safe. I highly recommend this excursion if you feel comfortable on a bike.


Most selected the Padua tour. Most of the comments I heard was that it was nice but nothing special. I can't comment other then that since I didn't go. Maybe others who have taken that tour can give more detail.


I didn't talk with anyone who did the walking tour of Chioggia. If you go on this cruise and like us aren't going to sail the Po I wouldn't recommend this tour since there is plenty of time to explore Chioggia while docked. Just my opinion.


Normally it the Po is navigatable it is necessary to choose one of these three as everyone must be off the ship as it will sail that afternoon to the Po. It must cross a small part of the Adriatic Sea to reach the Po and Italian law will not allow a river cruise ship to transport people on the Adriatic. So normally you would then be bused at the end of your tour to where the ship is docked on the Po. But since we weren't sailing the Po you could stay on the Ship and do your own thing in town or just relax. It was also nice we didn't have a bus ride this day but just rode our bikes back to the ship and got on to get cleaned up for dinner. By the way the Port you would go to on the Po is Porto Viro then moving to Polsella later that evening. All for naught for us though. We just stayed in Chioggia. I think the main reason of moving to the Po is to put you closer to Bologna and Ferrara for the next days excursions.


Back on board about 4 we got cleaned up for the Captains welcome reception and Gala Dinner


TIP: Don't worry too much about the welcome and farewell reception. It really is no different then all the other nights since alcohol is always included. The lounge is filled every night from about 6-7 prior to dinner. The only difference is the Captain says a few words and introduces a few people. But to be honest since this occurs on your actual third night you are on the ship you have already met all the staff. Also DON'T stress over what to wear. On cruises past I wore a jacket with no tie. This trip I wore a tie with no jacket as I knew it was warmer then usual. BUT, 75% of the men wore neither tie nor coat and women wore anything from smart casual, to sun dresses. NO FORMAL DRESS was worn that I could see.


Dinner that night one of the choices was a Filet with Large Prawn(Their surf and turf) More on food later.


All in all this was a very relaxing and pleasant day.

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Thanks for posting all of the details once again. We've only been on the SuperShips so far, and I think we'd have a tough time moving to one of their older ships. We started out in a Category 1 on the Antoinette and have only up-sized since that first cruise.


We'll be visiting Italy this fall, but doing it completely on our own as a land-based trip. I'll be watching for the rest of your posts.


Hope they get the internet squared away! (On the SS MT last year, they gave us portable hotspots to use on the tours. Are they doing that at all?)

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Thanks for posting all of the details once again. We've only been on the SuperShips so far, and I think we'd have a tough time moving to one of their older ships. We started out in a Category 1 on the Antoinette and have only up-sized since that first cruise.


We'll be visiting Italy this fall, but doing it completely on our own as a land-based trip. I'll be watching for the rest of your posts.


Hope they get the internet squared away! (On the SS MT last year, they gave us portable hotspots to use on the tours. Are they doing that at all?)


Moving from the SS to the smaller ships wasn't bad but certainly noticeable. I wouldn't hesitate to do it if there was a bucket list itinerary and that was the only way to do it but otherwise no. I will eventually do Rome, Florence, Amalfi, etc... on a land based.


They mentioned that they had the portable hot spots to rent but they didn't hand them out.


Thanks for following!

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