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Sailing NCL Escape 9/16/2017 - Western Review


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The Freestyle Daily for Day 2 is attached. I don't have the front pages. I had detached them to keep the main schedule with me throughout the day. These were kept in my wallet all week. But the front portions were in the suitcase. When we got home we were so tired that we just dumped one of the suitcases in the washing machine, papers and all. (I even washed a pair of earrings) So unfortunately they didn't make it. Luckily there were no important papers like birth certificates in there. LOL. But still a lot of good and useful information! ;p

Day 2.pdf

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The Freestyle Daily for Day 2 is attached. I don't have the front pages. I had detached them to keep the main schedule with me throughout the day. These were kept in my wallet all week. But the front portions were in the suitcase. When we got home we were so tired that we just dumped one of the suitcases in the washing machine, papers and all. (I even washed a pair of earrings) So unfortunately they didn't make it. Luckily there were no important papers like birth certificates in there. LOL. But still a lot of good and useful information! ;p



LMAO! Thank you!!:')

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Day 3: Roatan Island, Honduras


We were not to get into Roatan until 10AM so we got up early and knew this would be a great day to have breakfast in the main dining room. I highly recommend going for breakfast in the main dining room sometime. It is just a different atmosphere and much more laid back then the garden café.


If you remember from an earlier post, I had the shore excursion credit as a perk from NCL. So in doing my research I looked at all the excursions NCL had to offer at Roatan. We were wanting to do something "educational" since we took my oldest out of school for a whole week and he would need to write a report. After doing a ton of research on travel websites and NCL's website we knew we would almost always come out better to book excursions on our own. It's been said a thousand times here on Cruise Critic and it will be said again because it is true. Booking on your own saves 30-50% in most cases.


So we ended up booking Daniel Johnson's Monkey and Sloth Hangout. enhance

We booked the Island Tour and Hangout package which was $30 a person but children under 5 are free so we only paid $90 for all of us. BTW I booked by messaging them on their facebook page. It was so easy and I was given step by step directions on how to find them.


Once we found the lady holding up the Daniel Johnson sign, she quickly looked up our names and assigned Kim to be our driver. As we started out driving, Kim quickly started giving us the history of Roatan. She would tell us when we were entering a new community. She answered every question we had and she did an awesome job. It felt like we were riding in the car with a friend.

She was also willing to find certain landmarks for my husband. My husband is a pastor and he spotted a sign with our denominations symbol on it. So when Kim found this out she said she could take us to the most popular church in our denomination so that we could take pictures. My husband loved this and it certainly made him proud.


We finally arrived at the Hangout and were taken back to meet all the animals. We saw all kinds of animals.


This was what they called and "island rabbit" I can't remember the actual name.


There was also a raccoon and a kiawati which I can't seem to find a picture of. I know I had one, we put them in my son's report. Oh well.


Then we were able to see the monkeys. The white faced capuchin monkeys are actually cage free and allowed to roam free. The only time they are enclosed in a cage is when guests are there. They would jump on your head when you weren't looking. And they loved looking in pockets. We all had a wonderful time with the monkeys.







They also had spider monkeys which we were not allowed to go into their cages because they were described as bipolar.


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Next up was the birds



Our boys were not able to go into the cage with the scarlet macaws. Our guide said that they have a very mean bite and were mean to kids. I have seen reviews with other kids going in with the birds so maybe these guys were just having a bad day. Either way, they were still beautiful.


Next was the highlight of our trip to Roatan, meeting Olivia Benson:



All of the animals had names from TV shows but I can't remember them all.



Sloths can turn their head a full 180 degrees




We were ready to take this gal home. They did say they make the perfect pets so maybe that is in our future!


With that our stop at Daniel Johnson's Monkey and Sloth Hangout was complete. We all learned so much and loved every minute of it. We got back in the car with Kim and she drove us back to port. We had the option of stopping at Parrot Tree Resort for lunch but we were all very tired and we prefer to eat lunch on the ship.


So we headed back to port to get on the ship for lunch at the garden café. We had intended on going back out and doing some shopping but we never got back off the ship.


To be continued...

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After lunch we went and checked out the arcade. We had $100 arcade credit and I didn't think we would have any problem using it up with 2 boys. They would have spent every dime of that on the first day. We played this really cool air hockey game that is made for 4 players so we had a blast with that.


Not a whole lot to say about the arcade...its a typical arcade. My parents and brother also had the arcade credit and were constantly taking my boys to help them use their credit up. We also all won some tickets...actually a lot of tickets. We accumulated a lot over the course of the week. I thought it was a decent arcade with a good variety of games. My only issue was the "Candy Crush" game was down. I could have done some damage on that game, but it wasn't working so I just played it on my phone! :')


It was then time to get ready for dinner! Tonight was the night my parents were taking the kids so hubby and I could have a date! Our last view of Roatan.




After dinner hubby and I got our swimsuits on and watched Beauty and the Beast from the hot tub in Spice H2O. If you go to Spice to watch a movie and decide to do so from the hot tub, don't turn on the jets. You will not be able to hear the movie and they cannot be turned off manually. It is on a timer. We ended up reading the subtitles for the movie for at least 10 minutes.


Later on we went to Howl at the Moon and my hubby loved it. Those guys are super talented and it was so much fun to see them go back and forth. At one point they had a request to for "Big Daddy" to play drums to Sweet Home Alabama. This got the wheels in Aaron's (hubby) head turning. He asked me to make a request and for him to play piano and sing with them. I didn't want to because I'm super shy. He got a little upset with me but we decided it was for the better because it was almost time for the PG-13 version. We had already heard from my brother that it can get crazy after hours so we just left.


We walked around the ship searching for anything else to do kid free. We were trying to cram everything we could into this one night since we were childless.


Even though I thought we would stay out super late and live like we were teenagers again (HAHA), that did not happen and we were back to the room by 11:30 PM. I feel like such a MOM!:hearteyes:


Next up: Harvest Caye!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I better finish this review. Life is getting crazy and its about to get crazier. I'm an accountant and we are working on a few deadlines that are coming up and I just decided I was going to start studying to become a CPA. I really thought I would make my career without the license but I keep thinking..."What If..." So the only way to find out is to buckle down, study, and take the test. With that being said, this past cruise was likely my last until year or two from now when I have hopefully passed all four parts!


On to Harvest Caye!


We woke up pretty early (the time change really messed with us) and were able to watch the sunrise from the balcony and quickly get ready. We were heading to the buffet for breakfast since we wanted to get to Harvest Caye as soon as possible since this was our only beach day we planned.


We quickly ate breakfast and headed to Deck 4 where we were to get off the ship. Since we had the shore excursion credit we were looking at different excursions that we could all do as a family. There were not a lot of excursions that included a 4 year old (and the one we wanted - electric float boat) was sold out. So because me and Ben, my oldest are so fair skinned and burn so easily we opted for the clamshell. This would turn out to be a great decision later on.


Not my picture but I wanted to show what the clamshells look like:






We claimed our clamshell and grabbed life jackets for the kids. By the way, they offer children's life jackets complimentary, just ask! About this time, Aaron (hubby) had me in a panic because he asked me if I brought our passports and birth certificates and I said no. I didn't think we needed them since this was the "private island" (I realize its not a private island per se, but you really can't get off the island so I didn't think we needed them). So we were already hatching up a plan in case they wouldn't let us back on the ship (give my parents our room key, access code to our safe, bring back our stuff). As soon as everything was settled, I headed back to the ship (ITS A LONG WALK), realized I left my room key in the bathroom on the island, headed back and found it was still there (Thank God!), made the LONG trip back to the ship, grabbed our passports, and headed back to our spot on the island. I don't know where my head was that morning but I was certainly very forgetful.


When I got back to our clamshell I quickly got into the ocean. It was cloudy and raining but I didn't care. We were just happy to be on vacation. We were all having a great time and then...we heard thunder. OH NO! I was in the ocean all of 10 minutes before they put those red flags up and ordered everyone out.


We got out hoping it would pass quickly and it was only getting stronger. Rain was picking up and lightning was visible. This is where the clamshell came in handy. Although it is not a very good shelter from the rain, we were able to put our towels and clothes in a dry spot under the clamshell and chairs. It didn't keep everything dry but it did protect the important stuff. We waited for about 20 minutes but it didn't clear up so we explored a little bit. We found an awesome spot by the pool for when it opened back up.




We were patiently waiting for the storm to pass. (See the life vest on my boys above). We waited another 30 minutes only to hear the lifeguard give us a weather report. The storm they thought was moving out actually looped back around and hit us again. Mother Nature seriously has a vendetta against me. A couple weeks ago, with the solar eclipse...clouds moved in right over Greensboro and just sat there the entire time. Didn't get to see it at all except on the internet!




Check out those clouds! The rain was picking up again so we went to explore a little more. We were able to check out the scarlet macaw, snake, and butterfly garden. Those were really nice additions to the island and add a little culture. A little side note about that though...DO NOT expect a very cultural experience on Harvest Caye. It is a private island without an official private island title. At this point, Aaron got tired of waiting and decided he was going back to the ship and resting until the storm passed. We stayed and played beach volleyball, beach soccer, played in the sand. My kids enjoyed throwing sand a little too much. Look at that handful of sand ready to be thrown my way.




It was now about lunch time and we were getting tired of waiting. And we were running out of things to do that didn't involve water. And my kids didn't really understand why they couldn't go to the splash pad. So we decided to go to lunch on the ship and come back IF and when it cleared up.




Yes I did! I forgot my husband's water shoes. Made a mental note to grab those when we went back out.


About the time we got on the ship and sat down to eat we seen our friend, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun (got it stuck in your head now right) start peeking out and pretty soon after we seen people getting back into the water.


We quickly finished up and went back out to enjoy a little bit of time back out on the island.


Both of my boys really enjoyed the splash pad...They would have spent all day there but since we now only had 2 hours before we had to be back on the boat we had to manage our time so we could experience as much as possible.


We spent a little bit of time in the ocean, pool, and splash pad. We made sure to wave at the zip liners going over us. That looked like so much fun but a little pricey for one zip.


We left the island at 4 to get ready for our Perspectives Photo Shoot. My husband got us involved in this. I personally thought the picture package we were receiving for free was enough but he wanted to do this so we went.


The photographers in the studio were great. It was so much fun and he wouldn't stop taking pictures. About the time we thought we were done, my boys would do something crazy and he would start snapping again. We had an awesome time and I couldn't wait to see the results in a few days.


Spoiler alert: The pictures were AMAZING! I highly recommend the Perspectives Studio if you want a good quality photoshoot. But be prepared to PAY $$$. It was so expensive for the different packages they had. We really couldn't afford any of it. We felt terrible because we felt like we wasted his time. But the photographer reassured us that he had fun and it was no loss to him and there was no obligation to purchase from the beginning. So if you choose to do the Perspectives Studio pictures...There is absolutely no obligation to buy and it is not even high pressure but the pictures are so AMAZINGLY GOOD that you feel guilty for walking out with nothing!


We then went to dinner where this was my son's dinner...A FOOD PICTURE!




This was the first and only night a smiley face was on his hamburger. It was a nice touch though!


We then just enjoyed the night walking around seeing the various things going on in the atrium, Spice, and also enjoyed some arcade time with the boys!


Next up: Costa Maya

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  • 2 months later...

Day 5: Costa Maya


WOW! I am so behind but I would be so upset if I left this review unfinished so here it goes.


When researching our shore excursion options, we decided to go with The Native Choice Chacchoben Mayan Ruins tour. It was super easy to register and you can pay the whole bill online by credit/debit card or just the deposit and pay remainder in cash when you arrive the day of. They also emailed detailed directions on how to get to the office site.


We decided the night before we would do a quick breakfast in the room to enjoy and since we knew we had to get ready to get off the ship pretty quickly. The continental breakfast that you can order in the room is decent. We ordered plenty of fruit and muffins along with coffee and juices. We also ordered extra milk so that the boys could have that as a snack later in the day.


So in getting ready to go the Chacchoben, we lathered on the sunscreen, bug spray, and packed our bag with plenty of extra.


Getting into Costa Maya was an adventure. They had armed guards at the end of the pier...kind of scared my boys but we assured them it was ok.




We headed to the long walk following the picture directions that were emailed to us. It is about a mile walk. You have the option of getting a cab but I thought we could handle the walk. What I didn't think about was how much we would be walking at the ruins and the complaints of how tired and hot my boys were. So if I had it to do over again, I would get a cab to the place. This was a stop after about 10 minutes to complain and rest.




There were people all along the road asking where we were heading and constantly telling us how close we were. Everyone was very friendly.


Once we arrived at the Native Choice office we were greeted with cold bottled water. Pretty soon we were able to get into a nice air conditioned van where we met our driver and tour guide. Our tour guide was Ivan and he is one of the best. He was very knowledgeable and took time to give great details about the history of the country the ruins.


When we arrived at the ruins, we were told we could take a quick bathroom break and were given more cold water. Side note: the bathrooms is where you realize you are in another country and realize how fortunate you really are. Toilets did not flush and paper was thrown in a trash bin.




If you are a history lover like my husband, he is the best tour guide. I personally enjoyed the ruins and just reading the signage. Ivan's constant comment was nice but sometimes long winded. I definitly felt we got our money's worth though. Ivan was still a great tour guide and very patient with our two boys. My 4 year old is a very loving child and doesn't know a stranger...He kept going up to him and holding his hand and telling him he was so nice. Ivan said he had a grandchild his age so he just went with it!



These guys were following us the whole time. They were with Native Choice and were carrying around backpacks full of cold water. You can also see him carrying around umbrellas in case it started raining. They were very prepared.


A few pictures of the Ruins.




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With our tour finished, were were very tired and ready to get back to the ship. Many people were napping on the ship, including my own.



By the time we arrived back at the port, it was very busy. There were two other ships that had arrived while we were on our tour. Carrying a sleeping child through a crowded city is enough to wear you down.


When we arrived back to the ship we went to the room to rest and then grabbed some lunch at the buffet.


We then took advantage of the pool and slides while other passengers were still out in port. Even though we were in port, the ship was rocking and the pool was like a wave pool. It was awesome and my boys loved it even more. But it was soon time to get going and get ready for dinner. This was as were were leaving Costa Maya.



The night life for us was uneventful. We just explored and did family things after dinner in the Manhatten Room. We enjoyed Karaoke very much and even watched a little bit of Tangled in Spice H2O. We did a little shopping and just walking around the ship before calling it a night. So much to do on this ship.


Next up: Cozumel (and no plans to do anything)

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The meet and greet was good but we didn’t stay long. Ourkids were getting bored and tired of standing. The only available chairs werein a back corner and once we sat there, we were ignored. (I’m not complaining,we knew it would be harder to participate in the meet and greet because of ourkids – Splash was closed during the timeframe and our parents had their ownplans)
question about this please.



Were there only a Few chairs because they’d all been moved or were there simply no chairs in the venue the meet and greet took place?



I specifically had to request that the M&G on the Epic I went to HAD chairs ahead of time and I am glad I did. I cannot stand standing up that long and i’m also With an enderly travel companion.

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  • 1 month later...
question about this please.



Were there only a Few chairs because they’d all been moved or were there simply no chairs in the venue the meet and greet took place?



I specifically had to request that the M&G on the Epic I went to HAD chairs ahead of time and I am glad I did. I cannot stand standing up that long and i’m also With an enderly travel companion.



There were plenty of chairs at the beginning. We got there right at the time it was supposed to start. It was also a very large meet and greet group. I can't remember the exact number but I know it was more than 50.

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On to Day 6.


When you are out at sea and do not get the internet package, you are completely disconnected and at the ship's mercy. We turned on the TV (and noticed in our daily) there was a Hurricane Maria update. WHAT!?!? Hurricane Irma had already ruined the cruise before ours and now we had a threat of Maria messing with ours. I didn't worry too much because the reports didn't look as bad as Irma. OH THE JOYS OF CRUISING IN HURRICANE SEASON! It was a little stressful but I would do it again.


Today was Cozumel and we had absolutely no plans. We didn't have an excursion planned and my husband and I had been to Cozumel before. We had also heard of increased crime in the area (which i now realize they say all the time) so we had planned on staying on the ship. However, my parents had convinced us to go out exploring with them.




My sister, brother, and his wife all had an excursion to go swimming with the dolphins and we wanted to try and watch. We quickly found a taxi and made our way to the excursion site.


Just a word of advice you may already know. You cannot just go be a spectator and watch people swim with the dolphins unless you pay $20 per person. That was too much money for us to just sit and watch so we got back in the taxi and made our way back to town for some shopping.


A lot of really neat shops in Cozumel and they will try and get your money any way they can. We had one of the jewelry shop owners follow us out the door to try and sell us a ring. We were interested but didn't bring enough cash with us. They said, "Go back to the ship and get cash, we will hold for you" Crazyness! It didn't bother me too bad - I know that is how they make a living, but I wasn't walking all the way back to the ship and back for a ring. Just be aware if you go into any of the shops, be prepared to negotiate, but just know they don't give up easy.


Then my husband and I decided to do something we had never done before. We went to one of those foot spas where the fish eat the dead skin from your feet.




It tickled so much I couldn't even keep a straight face for the picture.


We did a little more shopping getting the boys some toys (which are now broken), some figurines, hot sauce, and key chains for the boys teachers. My mom even bought me a Michael Kors purse which I got for Christmas and carry now. I remember the moment she bought it - I was standing right beside her - yet I was still suprised Christmas day! That's really not hard though - I usually am waiting in excitement as the kids open their presents because I forgot what we bought.


It was getting close to lunch time and my dad wanted to find a local restaurant to eat at, however, my husband who has traveled out of the country more often was a little leary so we headed back to the ship.


We had lunch in the buffett thinking they would be serving Mexican cuisine and we were wrong. I couldn't believe they didn't showcase the local flavors of the countries we were visiting. That was kind of dissappointing.


We also went to the Family GLOW T-shirt painting since we would be going to the Family Glow Party later that night. These type of events need work. There was no guidance on what to do and they run you out after 30 minutes. So because of this our shirts looked pitiful. They also only have a shirt up to a size large.


We really should work naps into these days, but when I'm on vacation, I want to get everything in I can - my hubby is the opposite. His idea of a vacation is sleeping A LOT. My youngest didn't even make it through dinner. Lesson learned - I have to slow down and let my family nap.:')




After dinner we went to the Family Glow party which was done really well. They had pizza and a few appetizers which was helpful for my youngest who slept through dinner. The Splash Academy team really does a great job with the kids. They also had all kinds of games for the kids and dancing.


One thing I really like about Norwegian is that they are very family friendly. This is the first cruise I have taken with the kids so other lines may be the same but this is what I noticed about Norwegian. Anytime they had big events that take place at night, they try to make a family friendly version a little earlier in the night.


Next was the Comedy Juggler, Scotty Cavanaugh! He was awesome! I laughed so much, I hurt. My oldest boy, Ben loved it so much too that he wanted to spend his birthday money and buy his DVD. He now wants to learn to juggle - he still talks about it but we really need to learn how to tie shoes first.



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Day 7: Oh no, the cruise is about to end.:loudcry:


We started the morning by going to Margaritaville for Breakfast. It is free for breakfast and you can get made to order omelettes, bacon, potatoes, sausage, eggs, cereal, yogurt. Nothing different from the buffet but it is less crowded and a different atmosphere for eating. I really enjoyed it.


We spent the morning going down the waterslides, in the pool, last minute shopping. The whole time my family keeps trying to convince me to go on the ropes course. My mom said she would only do it if all 3 kids did it. I am severely scared of heights and I chickened out the last time I tried a ropes course (at Wonderworks). So my mom only said she would go on the ropes course because she didn't think I would do it. BUT I DECIDED TO DO IT! It took me all week to work up the courage and I even almost backed out. But I didn't!




I just want to say, IF I CAN DO IT, ANYONE CAN!


I was shaking, hugging every post when I came to it, and doubting my every move but i accomplished it and I was proud.


Yes I would do it again - it was exhilerating and so much fun!


I also loved that they have a small one for the kids. My oldest is a little more cautious but my youngest is fearless and would have gotten right up there with us if they would have allowed it. But he was content on the kids rope course.




We ate lunch at O'Sheehans for the first time. It was crowded and I ordered 3 entrees because I couldn't decide. I should have went to O'sheehans earlier in the week. Don't make my mistake. I'm convinced that meal alone caused me to gain 5 pounds (which I still haven't shed) Space it out! Enjoy meals early in the week! :')


Later that night, they boys wanted to watch the poolside movie but they were having Karaoke Idol at the same time and my husband was a "finalist" There were some pretty good singers and my hubby ended up coming in 2nd. The 2nd place prize - a NCL water bottle!!!


I wanted to stay out and enjoy the night a little more but I was also getting anxious about making sure everything was packed and outside our door, picking out our picture from our picture package, and settling everything before we disembark.


The picture package was awesome - we were able to get 50 pictures free. The cashier had to ring each picture up and then apply the discount. I was getting a little worried when our total hit the 1,300 mark but the discount worked and it came down to 0. If you like the pictures the ship takes, please get a picture package, because retail pictures are insanely priced. We did purchase the USB with all our pictures on it. Look at how cool this USB is!enhance

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Debarkations and Final Thoughts!


The morning of debarkation we had a quick breakfast and gathered all our stuff and headed to the debarkation line. We had originally gotten the tags that are the latest you have to get off because i wanted to enjoy every last minute i could. But we changed our minds that morning the more we were thinking about the LOOOONG drive home. So we went ahead and got in the long line. I think the debarkation times are just like the embarkation times - just a number. It was a very somber day - most people were quiet and the workers were busy getting ready for the next cruise.


My thoughts:


Because of Hurricane Irma, the cruise prior to us was cancelled and people on the cruise before that one had the option of staying on board to get away from the storm. Our party felt this effected the cruise in many areas.


The food:I don't remember having a seafood night and I looked for it. I was really looking forward to the seafood buffet and I do not remember having that. Also, in the MDR I remember seeing Prime Rib like 5 nights in a row. It just got us to wondering how they might have double stock of prime rib since the cruise before us was cancelled so trying to get rid of it. And if they were unable to restock in missed ports maybe that is why the menu was the same so much. Don't get me wrong, the food was great, I just expected a little more variety in the MDR. The food is one of my favorite parts and I was just a little bit let down (it still was a meal I didn't have to cook);p


Customer Service: Our room steward was a little short with us a few times and sometimes service was a little slow. We thought that maybe some of the staff has family effected by the hurricane and didn't feel like working anymore (understandable). Or maybe they were overworked because they couldn't pick up workers who were supposed to join in one of the missed ports. This is all speculation but I do think it had something to do with the hurricane.


Cleanliness: The ship was overall clean and I was very pleased. I figured they would have it in great shape since they had an extra day without passengers to clean and get things ready. My kids came home singing the washy washy song and now sometimes we sing it before dinner!


Crowds: I didn't feel that the ship was as crowded as what I read about in previous reviews. Again I will chalk this up to Hurricane Irma as I am sure many people had to cancel at the last minute because of travel interruptions.


The ports: I loved the ports and would travel this itinerary again. I would hope that Harvest Caye would be more pleasant weather wise next time. I was a little dissappointed in that but that was in no way NCL's fault. Stinkin weather. LOL.


Our biggest issue: On one of the sea days we were going down the water slides consistently. These water slides do have a weight limit i think of 300. Now as you have seen from pictures, my husband is not a lightweight. But he has done awesome and lost 70 pounds before the cruise. He's very aware of his weight and what it is and it is definitly not 300 anymore. He went to get on the yellow waterslide with our oldest son and the attendent looked at him and asked if he was below the weight limit...He answered yes. That wasn't a problem. The problem came when the attendent looked at him again and said, Are you sure. Seriously? And the worker wouldn't let it go. This really embarrased and bothered my husband to the point he wouldn't go down the water slides anymore. When we got home, it bothered him so bad that he called NCL. All they offered was $25 onboard credit for our next cruise. He didn't want any compensation (and we didn't even take that), only for the workers to be a little more tactful. I understand safety but don't stand there and argue with someone about it in front of other people, just have them get on the scales if you are that doubtful.


The entertainment: I wished I would have been able to go to more of the entertainment, especially the comedy shows. Traveling with kids makes that difficult but i will get to enjoy those type of shows on an anniversery cruise! (Yes it is already being planned)!


I didn't feel singled out because I had kids. They had plenty to do for everyone and I really liked that about NCL.


I'm sorry it took me so long to finish my review...Wish I could have finished it sooner.


Until next time! - which looks to be May 2020 on Carnival Ecstacy! (and hopefully one in between cause thats too far away from today!)



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