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Review of a 6 day re-positioning cruise with MSC Armonia in the Mediterranean


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Hi all!


I just came home from a 6day re-positioning cruise with MSC Armonia from Genova to Venice,stopping in Civitavecchia, Corfu (Greece), Kotor (Montenegro) andSplit (Croatia). Since I had a hard time finding information onArmonia before the cruise, I will write down a few things that mighthelp somebody else searching for information on this ship. I havepreviously cruised with NCL, Carnival and Costa, and will make a fewcomparisons to these cruise lines.


On this trip was, besides me, also my husband and our children aged 6 and 4, as well as my parents in law.



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We drove by car to theport of Genova. Getting to the city was easy. To find the rightterminal at the port was not. The signs were not clear and it addedto the confusion that we were to go to a terminal which was quite farfrom our ship. After check-in and security check we were shuttled bybus to the ship. However, after asking several persons and sent indifferent directions, we finally managed to find the right place.


We dropped off our luggage outside and since we had children with us we were directed to the priority line.We arrived shortly after noon and check-in was very fast. There was no line whatsoever! However,after that we needed to wait for more than an hour before finally being allowed to board (among the first ones) around 1.30 p.m. The staff did not know – or at least did not tell – why boarding was so late.


The room where we were waiting was quite spacious and there were plenty of seats and a playground for the kids.



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We were quite impressed by the food on the Armonia, especially in the main restaurant. The dishes were on the small side, but this is something we appreciate, and it was always possible to order an extra dish or two.


When we boarded, however, lunch was only available in the buffet, so that is where we headed for our first meal of the cruise. Unfortunately,the food was not impressive on this occasion. Most likely the food had been cooked two hours previously (according to the daily program the buffet was to open at 11.30) but since we did not get to board until 1.30 p.m., the food was not fresh any more.




The rest of the cruise the food was perfectly fine in the buffet though, both for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Besides one station where meat was cut for you, there were no stations where the food was made on the spot.


The good thing is that there were never any lines. The drawback was that there were seldom enough seats. At one occasion we actually gave up trying to find a place to sit after circling the restaurant and its adjacent areas several times, so we took the food with us to the 6th floor where there are several bars with plenty of seats. I am not sure you are supposed to bring food down there, but we did not have much choice and it was a pretty calm and nice place to eat at. And nobody told us off. :rolleyes:



The drink selection for breakfast. There were no juices served for lunch and dinner.



The buffet was divided into the main indoor part, and an outdoor part. This is the outer one.


On most occasions we chose to eat in Marco Polo, the main restaurant. For dinner we were assigned a table for the six people of our group. For dinner, the service was generally great, and so was the food. On average, we found the food to be better in the main restaurant than in the buffet. The variety was also better, especially for deserts which tended to be a bit repetitive in the buffet (but far from as repetitive as we experienced on Costa).


I found several reviews complaining of slow service at the Armonia, but we did not think this was true. Usually we had dinner in about 75 minutes, which included 3-4 courses. The only time which could be perceived as slow was before the first dish was served, which generally took about half an hour. In the meanwhile we were served bread and drinks though, so we did not find this exaggerated.


For breakfast and lunch service was not quite as good. For these meals there was a small buffet in the main restaurant from which you could eat your full meal if you wanted. Drinks, however, needed to be ordered, and there was the possibility of ordering from a menu as well. For breakfast I tried the pancakes and the waffles. The pancakes were fine, whereas I can not recommend the waffles. They were dry and came with half frozen berries. For dinner we generally ordered a main course, but had starters and desert from the buffet.


To get service for breakfast and lunch was not always straight forward.There were times we needed to ask to get the table prepared for as many people as were seated and we sometimes had to ask several times before we got our drinks. For lunch you needed to ask to get a menu, and you only got one menu per table, even if many people were seated around the table.


For breakfast and lunch there were no fixed tables, but you were assigned a table as you arrived, sometimes sharing with other people. There were not many tables for two or four people.



The Marco Polo restaurant prepared for breakfast. Most tables were big, round ones.


It is always hard to judge food quality, since tastes vary. My husband thought the food on MSC was the best out of the four cruise lines wehave been on (NCL, Carnival, Costa and MSC). However, he could be biased since he is Italian, and many of the meals served on MSC are of Italian origin. I would say that the food was at least in par with the other cruise lines. Food in the main restaurants were most likely the best, whereas I found the buffet better at NCL and Carnival.

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Great to see a review of Armonia. As you say, there is very little information about this ship. I haven't sailed on her (though I've been on her sister ship, Sinfonia). I'm interested in reading about your experiences onboard, so I'll be following along.

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We had a stateroom with window on the 9th floor. It was about the same size and standard as rooms of the same category on other cruise lines. There was enough storage, the beds were comfortable and the bathroom functional. The only drawbacks were that the window was leaking when it was raining, and there were times when there was no warm water in the shower.


Our steward was great, not only keeping the room in order, but also going out of his way to fold our clothing, keep our things orderly, etc. The only complaint (and this one comes from the kids) is that there were no towel animals, which was a first for the cruise lines we have been on.




As usual, the staff was very international. MSC seems to have a bias towards recruiting service staff from Indonesia. We were also surprised to see that in the main dining room all staff were male.The staff was quite friendly and helpful for being a European cruise,much more so than on Costa, for example. The number of smiling faces were not quite the same as on cruises sailing on more American itineraries though. I believe this is just a cultural difference. As mentioned above the service for breakfast and lunch in the main dining room could be improved, whereas our steward, and service throughout the rest of the ship, was quite good.

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The ship


The ship seemed to be in a good shape. Its design was modern, but subdued compared to all other cruise ships I have been on. There was nothing of the grandeur you find on many cruise ships. It was quite comfortable though, cozy, and relatively easy to maneuver.



Subdued, modern design




There were plenty of lounges and bars throughout the ship where you could hang out or have something to drink. They were seldom crowded.









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On the pool deck there were two big pools (that were never used during our cruise due to the cold weather), two whirlpools (which were usually crowded), as well as a big water park for kids that looked fun, but was never used during our trip, once again due to the weather. The pool deck was extensive and had room for plenty of loungers.







On the top deck, in the back of the ship, there was a sports court which was a great place for the kids to run around. Besides playing with balls, we have a tradition in our family to bring along baloons which are great fun to play with on the sports court. The wind and the movement of the ship make the balloons fly in all kinds of unpredictable ways, which is a lot of fun, and thanks to the net the balloons do not fly away.




My favorite spot on the ship was the back of the boat. It was not well signalled and obvious to find, which made it a very calm place to relax and watch the sea. On most floors there were chairs available and on the floor of the buffet there were also tables.



The back of the ship while passing through the Strait of Messina


One drawback of the design was that if you used the wrong set of elevators to reach the buffet or the kids´ club on the 11th floor, you needed to cross the open pool deck. This would not have been a problem, if it wasn´t for the heavy rain we encountered on several days of our cruise. The rain, combined with limited drainage from the pool decks, left the decks covered with water. Another drawback with the design of the ship was the limited size of the main theatre. There were not enough places, so there were three shows every night and even so you needed to book seats ahead of time on large computer screens that you could find around the ship.




One thing that I missed was a running or walking track. It was possible to walk on the sides of the ship on floor 6, but in the very front and back it was necessary to cut through indoors. It was also possible to walk around the middle of the ship on floor 12, above the pool deck, but in order to make it a longer loop, stairs needed to be climbed.



Walking on the 6th floor of the ship

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What a lovely review with fantastic photos from the cosy Armonia. It's very nice to see your photos from the ship. The reason for the theater not being large enough is that MSC Armonia was lengthened and refurbished back in 2014. They added more passenger cabins and the passenger capacity increased but the theater and the buffet restaurant was not enlarged. That's why they have three shows each night. We sailed on the Armonia just after her refurbishment and had a lovely cruise and the Red Bar became our favourite lounge in the evenings :)


Thank's for you review. :)

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MSC for kids


The kids´club was open on port days from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. when there was a two hour break before they opened again for the evening. On sea days there was also a break between noon and 2 p.m. If the kids were in the club they were provided with dinner in the buffet at 8 p.m.


The kids were divided into four different groups according to age, and they all had different rooms. Sometimes the groups were merged, most likely due to the fact that there were not many kids on the ship on our sailing.


Our children went to the kids´ club a few times and it seemed to be similar to the clubs on other cruise ships. The only concrete difference I can think of is that the children were given a gift pretty much every day they went there, even if they were just there for a couple of hours. One day they came back with t-shirts they had painted, another day with an excavation kit, etc.

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So, now it´s time to tell a few things about the ports we visited. We had not booked any shore excursions ahead of time, neither with MSC or independent ones. Actually I need to give a warning for booking your own shore excursions when travelling with MSC, since the cruise line often changed arrival time compared to the ones stated on the ticket. It was not only that they arrived late due to unforseen circumstances. In the daily program they stated an expected arrival time up to two hours after the one that was stated on the ticket. And in reality we arrived even later than that.


I do know that the cruise lines have the right to change times, but it seemed to be changed systematically, which could be very frustrating if you have booked a private excursion with a starting time 2 hours before you actually reach port.




Our first stop was Civitavecchia, which is often called the Port of Rome. However, the drive into Rome is quite far and since we had all been there before, we decided to stay in Civitavecchia which is a fair sized town right by the water. When we got off the ship there were plenty of shuttle buses. We inquired if they were free and got the answer “Some of them are”. We decided to walk instead, which was a good choice since it was only a 5 minute walk into town.




We were there on a Sunday, so the majority of the shops was closed. A few touristy ones were still open and if you would like to attend a church service the main cathedral, Cattedrale Di San Francesco, was quite close to the port and had mass (in Italian) several times during the day.


The main shopping street is Corso Centocelle. Walking up the street, there is a small park after a while called Parco del Pincio, where there is a playground and a few Mediterranean pine trees where we picked gigantic pine cones. :p


Walking right along the shore from the cruise ship is a beach made up of small rocks. I would not recommend it for swimming, but it was a nice walk along the sea.



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Corfu, Greece


Our next stop was the island of Corfu in Greece. This day, the rain was pouring down, so most people never left the ship. My husband and I decided we needed some exercise and walked into the town of Corfu,which is almost 3 kilometers from the dock. Once again there were shuttle buses going between the ship and the terminal, but it was only a few hundred meters, so we decided to walk.


We followed the shore all the way into town. It was not the nicest walk– the rain was pouring down and there was no pedestrian walkway along the water, but we crossed parking lots, terminal buildings, etc. It felt quite safe though and once we got closer to town we walked along the road where there were a few stores.


The Old Town of Corfu is quite picturesque with small narrow streets and two castles up on hills hovering over the town. The shops seemed interesting, but by that time we were both soaked and we decided to take a cab back to the ship. We were expecting exaggerated prices due to the rain, but the taxi driver stuck to the official price of 10 euro.

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Such a shame that it rained during your Corfu visit, we have been there 18 times, 14 of which were land holidays. Shame you did not do the tour to the Akilion Palace and the Koum Quat factory, at least you would have been out of the rain.


Finding your review interesting so far.

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Kotor, Montenegro


Kotor was our favorite port on this cruise. We got up early in the morning to be able to watch as we went through the Bay of Kotor up to the city. It looked similar to Norwegian fjords, with high mountains on both sides and small villages crammed along the water.




We were the only ship in town and got to dock right on the pier by the Old Town. The Old Town has a wall around it, with three gates. Once again it was a beautiful town to walk around and interesting, but touristy, shops to visit. What our kids remember the most is all the cats that roamed around town. It seemed to almost be a trademark ofthe city, and many souvenirs had cats on them and there was even a cat museum.




The Old Town is quite small, about 200 meters in diameter, so once we felt we had seen everything we walked around some of the newer parts of town as well. We ended up at a small shopping center called Kamelija. It was quite nice and modern. We had ice cream (very good and cheap), used the free bathroom facilities and did some shopping in the grocery store. We usually like visiting grocery stores when weare abroad, in order to compare products, prices and availability. Products of international brands had about the same price as in countries in Western Europe, whereas local brands were quite a bit cheaper.




Our next aim was to climb the stairs behind the city up to a church and a fortress in the mountains above. It is a quite steep climb which is supposed to give great views of the bay. The cost is 3 euro per person. By the time we reached the start of the trail, however, it started pouring down and we decided to give up and head back to the ship. We weren´t lucky with the weather on this trip...



The church in the mountains above the city. This is as close as we came...

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We were in Kotor in April, a very nice sunny morning for the bus tour and rain in the afternoon, sounds like this is a common thing for Kotor. Funny enough one of our previous MSC ships the Poesia was moored where the Armonia was.

Heading out between the mountains they played the Love boat theme tune on the ships horns on Majestic Princess, the echo was great.

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We drove by car to thepèort of Genova. Getting to the city was easy. To find the rightterminal at the port was not. The signs were not clear and it addedto the confusion that we were to go to a terminal which was quite farfrom our ship. After check-in and security check we were shuttled bybus to the ship. However, after asking several persons and sent indifferent directions, we finally managed to find the right place.


We dropped off our luggage outside and since we had children with us we were directed to the priority line.We arrived shortly after noon and check-in was very fast. There was no line whatsoever! However,after that we needed to wait for more than an hour before finally being allowed to board (among the first ones) around 1.30 p.m. The staff did not know – or at least did not tell – why boarding was so late.


The room where we were waiting was quite spacious and there were plenty of seats and a playground for the kids.

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