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Project Runway?


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Hi Dawn, glad we could help:)

Jane's explanation was much more thorough than mine.


Thanks for the compliments. Again, Jane is much more

fashion savy than I will ever be...as she is in the industry.


I know what I like and what I feel good in;) and hopefully

I look ok when I dress up too.


Jane, I got my first pair of Brighton's...they are silver and

are definitely comfortable on the ball of the foot area:)

must be those Italian soles!:D I almost...(almost is the operative

word) got a pair of Stuart Weitzman..they were on the clearace

rack at DSW.....saw a cute pair of sandals marked down

80% but didn't have my size.

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Ah, now I understand why I kept thinking that Daniel won one of the seasons. It was all the promo with him. I'm sad to hear he's gone diva and especially that he turned down Michael Kors.


I don't like Jeffrey's collection myself, but after watching each of the runways shows it was clear he was the winner. I love the designs of Michael, Laura, and Uli, but they were not innovative and trend-setting like Jeffrey.

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I just wonder why Laura thought Jeffrey had someone do some sewing for him. I wouldn't put it past him. All 4 are expert sewers and they should be able to tell from the handwork if it looked the same the whole season or if there was a drastic change during the 6 weeks they had to make their collection. All four made things that were really loads of work. Laura's in particular and being that pregnant must have meant that she sewed morning, noon and night. Jeffrey came with his collection done. I can see where she thought he cheated. Just my opnion.


What makes you think Jeffrey cheated? I just want to know since we couldn't see the handiwork close up how could anyone not in that room think he had help? There should be alot of difference between what they did all season and what they did during the eight weeks they had to complete their collection. They had alot more time with their collection. Jeffrey also was usually the one who was finished first with his project and never made anything simple. Love him or hate him he can sew.

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Didn't mean to rile you about Laura. Sorry. It was just an opinion. I probably should have stopped with Laura wasn't innovative. Neither is Ralph Lauren. It's not a bad thing. But Ralphie would likely never win PR, either.



I'm not riled up at all about your comments on Laura at atll I just didn't - and still don't - understand the point the you were trying to make.

You had said her "clothes were beautiful BUT think about this, they were in the haute couture range".

Unless the clothes were supposed to be main stream prices, that comment still doesn't make sense to me and I was trying to figure out what you meant. Besides, all the designers clothes would fall into the high priced range - especially Jeffrey's.


Ralph Lauren? Sheesh, no he'd never win PR. He'd never even make it on to the show as a contestant. As anyone in the business knows, Ralph is not a designer, he never was. He a stylist and a retail visionary and knows how to hire the right designers to execute his concepts. He's a marketing genius but he probably couldn't sew a button on. (look how he's helping his dauther create am empire from cheap candy) He's never claimed to be a designer. It's the media who put him on that podium. :)

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Thanks, actually that is very clear. So much so that it made me realize that all of your "quotes" were from the same poster. I thought they were from different posters and I just couldn't get quotes from different people on the same posting. Thanks Jane and Lois.


That could be done with some cutting and pasting, but I prefer to address one person at a time, otherwise I think it gets confusing.


Also I really enjoy reading both of your posts through out the Cruise Fashion thread. I have learned a lot.


Thanks for the kind words.

I also learn alot from some of the terrific people on this board!



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I'm a 5th generation home sewer. I've sewn clothes for my kids and myself for 28 years. I did make a shirt once for my husband. Anyway, I just wonder why Laura thought Jeffrey had someone do some sewing for him. I wouldn't put it past him. All 4 are expert sewers and they should be able to tell from the handwork if it looked the same the whole season or if there was a drastic change during the 6 weeks they had to make their collection. All four made things that were really loads of work. Laura's in particular and being that pregnant must have meant that she sewed morning, noon and night. Jeffrey came with his collection done. I can see where she thought he cheated. Just my opnion.


Given the fact that all the designers had to create a 13th piece for their collection after showing up for Fashion Week last season, I think Jeffry was just being prepared. I'm surprised the others weren't as finished(especially Laura) given the previous season.


Did Jeffry cheat? Who knows? But it is interesting that the pleating receipt was not in his collection of receipts. And he over spent his budget. He certainly pushed the envelope.

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Ralph Lauren? Sheesh, no he'd never win PR. He'd never even make it on to the show as a contestant. As anyone in the business knows, Ralph is not a designer, he never was. He a stylist and a retail visionary and knows how to hire the right designers to execute his concepts. He's a marketing genius but he probably couldn't sew a button on. (look how he's helping his dauther create am empire from cheap candy) He's never claimed to be a designer. It's the media who put him on that podium. :)


Ralph Lauren has always just "been there" for me. Didn't know his history. Just read a couple of bios and he did design wide ties. For sure that wouldn't have gotten him even an early interview on PR! LOL

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Ralph Lauren has always just "been there" for me.


I agree. While his stores are gorgeous and the photo ads for his clothes are always intoxicating as they make us dream of another life, the actual pieces, have never really "done it" for me.


Didn't know his history. Just read a couple of bios and he did design wide ties. For sure that wouldn't have gotten him even an early interview on PR! LOL


Ralph was a men's tie salesman. He thought the ties were boring and so his company allowed him to get into the "design" end he them started picking the prints and changing the sizes. He's got a keen eye for elegance and color and his designs became the best sellers for his company.


He's a very smart guy and changed his name from Ralph Lipschitz to Ralph Lauren (which is pronounced LOR-ren and not Lor-REN. He's the first to tell you he's american, not french).

He got backers and the rest, as they say, is history.




BTW, still trying to understand your comment about Laura's clothes.

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BTW, still trying to understand your comment about Laura's clothes.


I was just blathering. It really doesn't deserve any attention.:o


I'm always surprised at the time management issues the finalists seem to have for their 12 piece collection. I would think every single contestant would go into the competition with that collection already done in their minds. Heck. I've never come closer to designing clothes than the belli dance costumes I used to make with no patterns, but I've designed several collections in my head. For someone like me with very little sewing skill, I can see where construciton issues could really slow you down. But not these guys.


Maybe it's just initial exhaustion followed by procrastination. As a writer, I know deadlines seem far away...until they're tomorrow.:rolleyes:

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Sorry, I've been working way too much (need to sleep now).

I've got lots to say on this, but unfortunately I posted, then "the Internets" hiccupped or something and my really long (really long) post did not go through....

But I saved it, (because I've had that happen before), so hopefully I'll be able to repost my comments on Monday afternoon...

Please forgive me, lots of work, but if anyone is ever staying or going to LA before or after a cruise, let me know, I'll hook you up with hotels or shopping (check all of the other boards)...


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Now... on to Top Chef. The cousin of one of my closest friends is a competitor -- Frankie (the bull).
Wow that is so cool. I love that show. My DH thinks I am a reality junkie (and I am)! My main observation from last night. 3 women, 1 man in top 4...Man wins 3 men, 1 woman in bottom 4... Woman goes home.


This is SO Off Topic for this Fashion Board...

But, here is a thread on the "Foodies" Board to discuss "Top Chef"...

Top Chef Discussion

Have at it...

I'll see you there...



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I was just blathering. It really doesn't deserve any attention.:o


okey dokey - as a reader it's hard to determine when a writer is really trying to make a point or "just blathering". So now that I know, 'nuff said. Thanks. :)


I'm always surprised at the time management issues the finalists seem to have for their 12 piece collection. I would think every single contestant would go into the competition with that collection already done in their minds.


I think that the designers are too busy creating a collection and a portfolio of drawings that gets them onto the show in the first place.


Also, I think that the final collection takes shape as the show goes on. For example, if Uli had her collection already done in her mind, then it would have been all tropical prints. But since she was told so many times to expand her fabric choices, she chose some beautiful solids.


Also, fashion changes and though all designers are individuals, they still need to follow some of the current overall trends to a certain extent. So what was in their head as an option 6 months prior may now look like yesterday's news on the runway today.


But I'm sure you're right in that they do have *some* pre-meditated thoughts about what they'd like to have on a runway show. But there's still the shopping (which can be very frustrating as you can't always find what you want), the sewing, the fitting, the rejected pieces, etc etc etc. And of course, don't forget the required elements, like a swimsuit, which is one of the hardest things in the world to design and I'm sure took each of them a long time to create and fit.

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Maybe I haven't been watching the credits close enough, but what's the connection between Donald Trump and PR? There must be one.


His daughter has been a guest judge of PR.


Santino was a judge for one of the pageants Trump owns (I think it was Miss USA)


PR got to design the evening gown for Miss USA for the Miss Universe pageant -- both of which Trump owns.


Seems like there were more connections, but that's all I can recall now.


Any ideas?

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Maybe I haven't been watching the credits close enough, but what's the connection between Donald Trump and PR? There must be one.


His daughter has been a guest judge of PR.


Santino was a judge for one of the pageants Trump owns (I think it was Miss USA)


PR got to design the evening gown for Miss USA for the Miss Universe pageant -- both of which Trump owns.


Seems like there were more connections, but that's all I can recall now.


Any ideas?


The executive producer Mark Burnett Productions.

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Sorry, I've been working way too much (need to sleep now).

I've got lots to say on this, but unfortunately I posted, then "the Internets" hiccupped or something and my really long (really long) post did not go through....

But I saved it, (because I've had that happen before), so hopefully I'll be able to repost my comments on Monday afternoon...

Please forgive me, lots of work, but if anyone is ever staying or going to LA before or after a cruise, let me know, I'll hook you up with hotels or shopping (check all of the other boards)...



Where are you Curt? Can't wait to hear more.



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I'm sure you're right, but the PR website only mentions the Weinsteins and Miramax and I have seen no mention of PR on any sites about Mark Burnett. Seems odd.


Then it may be NBC who is the parent company of Bravo. Also they are both NYC high profile reality shows.

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I miss the show already! When did they start filming for this season - perhaps we'll have next season to start thinking about sometime in the not-so-far future?!


One of the articles I posted said that Project Runway will not do a Winter show for the Olympus Fall Fashion show which means they will not start filming again until June or July for the Fall 2007 show.

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One of the articles I posted said that Project Runway will not do a Winter show for the Olympus Fall Fashion show which means they will not start filming again until June or July for the Fall 2007 show.


I read that too. Oh the horrors! Whatever will we do! Curt Where are you? I would love to hear your final take on the final take.



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Just got a new Barbie catalog and there was Robert Best with his "Best Models Zoom in for Fashion."


Three different dolls with three outfits each. I can't be positive, but I don't think his name ever appeared in the catalog before.


And the clothes are boring.LOL


I would have pasted in a link but he's on several pages. just check out the Barbie site for collectors.

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  • 7 months later...
I read that too. Oh the horrors! Whatever will we do! Curt Where are you? I would love to hear your final take on the final take.Tina

Hey all!

So, I have to update here for all of the Project Runway fans...

Back story, so that this makes sense...

First of all for those of you who don't know, or don't keep up on my other threads...;) :p

I'm Swedish/Irish and my fiance is Gambian/African...

So, just our little fun thing is to look at kids who "might" be some kind of combination of what our future kids might look like.:rolleyes:

Secondly I was in Manhattan for business and pleasure this past week...

I had a big meeting Tuesday morning (in my business sometimes they are in offices, and other times they are in restaurants, cafes. etc.)...

So, big meeting with clients about 10 AM Tuesday in Manhattan.

During the business meeting, my clients are all asking about my fiance, wanting to see pictures, etc. - and we're in a West Village Manhattan Cafe...

Right as they are all looking at pictures of me and my fiance...

A little curly haired strawberry blond mocha skinned 2-ish year old boy bursts in the door and runs over to me!

I automatically (because of all of the coincidence and circumstance) say "Hey Buddy!" to him, and he laughs and grabs my tie.

Then a little maybe 3 or 4 year old blonde girl runs over as well, and starts laughing with the boy, and both jumping around me.

THEN, after a few moments, I look up...

And it's Heidi Klum and Seal!

Heidi immediately apologizes profusely and says "I'm so sorry! My kids seem to like you!"

Seal looks at me and gives me a big smile and a shrug like "Kids, what are you gonna do"...

At any rate, I say to them both, "Order your food or coffee or whatever, I'm fine with them until you are done"...

So, they order, I hang around with the kids, and they apologize PROFUSELY for interupting my meeting, as they take the kids out the door and they give me a big smile on the way out...:D

So, so nice, in their behavior and actions. And couldn't apologize to me enough!

Just thought I'd share!


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Hey all!

So, I have to update here for all of the Project Runway fans...


Back story, so that this makes sense...

First of all for those of you who don't know, or don't keep up on my other threads...;) :p

I'm Swedish/Irish and my fiance is Gambian/African...

So, just our little fun thing is to look at kids who "might" be some kind of combination of what our future kids might look like.:rolleyes:


Secondly I was in Manhattan for business and pleasure this past week...


I had a big meeting Tuesday morning (in my business sometimes they are in offices, and other times they are in restaurants, cafes. etc.)...

So, big meeting with clients about 10 AM Tuesday in Manhattan.

During the business meeting, my clients are all asking about my fiance, wanting to see pictures, etc. - and we're in a West Village Manhattan Cafe...


Right as they are all looking at pictures of me and my fiance...


A little curly haired strawberry blond mocha skinned 2-ish year old boy bursts in the door and runs over to me!

I automatically (because of all of the coincidence and circumstance) say "Hey Buddy!" to him, and he laughs and grabs my tie.

Then a little maybe 3 or 4 year old blonde girl runs over as well, and starts laughing with the boy, and both jumping around me.


THEN, after a few moments, I look up...

And it's Heidi Klum and Seal!

Heidi immediately apologizes profusely and says "I'm so sorry! My kids seem to like you!"

Seal looks at me and gives me a big smile and a shrug like "Kids, what are you gonna do"...


At any rate, I say to them both, "Order your food or coffee or whatever, I'm fine with them until you are done"...


So, they order, I hang around with the kids, and they apologize PROFUSELY for interupting my meeting, as they take the kids out the door and they give me a big smile on the way out...:D


So, so nice, in their behavior and actions. And couldn't apologize to me enough!


Just thought I'd share!



How fun!


Please tell me she's filming or they are finished with filming?

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  • 2 months later...
Hey all!

So, I have to update here for all of the Project Runway fans...

Back story, so that this makes sense...

First of all for those of you who don't know, or don't keep up on my other threads...;) :p

I'm Swedish/Irish and my fiance is Gambian/African...

So, just our little fun thing is to look at kids who "might" be some kind of combination of what our future kids might look like.:rolleyes:

Secondly I was in Manhattan for business and pleasure this past week...

I had a big meeting Tuesday morning (in my business sometimes they are in offices, and other times they are in restaurants, cafes. etc.)...

So, big meeting with clients about 10 AM Tuesday in Manhattan.

During the business meeting, my clients are all asking about my fiance, wanting to see pictures, etc. - and we're in a West Village Manhattan Cafe...

Right as they are all looking at pictures of me and my fiance...

A little curly haired strawberry blond mocha skinned 2-ish year old boy bursts in the door and runs over to me!

I automatically (because of all of the coincidence and circumstance) say "Hey Buddy!" to him, and he laughs and grabs my tie.

Then a little maybe 3 or 4 year old blonde girl runs over as well, and starts laughing with the boy, and both jumping around me.

THEN, after a few moments, I look up...

And it's Heidi Klum and Seal!

Heidi immediately apologizes profusely and says "I'm so sorry! My kids seem to like you!"

Seal looks at me and gives me a big smile and a shrug like "Kids, what are you gonna do"...

At any rate, I say to them both, "Order your food or coffee or whatever, I'm fine with them until you are done"...

So, they order, I hang around with the kids, and they apologize PROFUSELY for interupting my meeting, as they take the kids out the door and they give me a big smile on the way out...:D

So, so nice, in their behavior and actions. And couldn't apologize to me enough!

Just thought I'd share!



Sounds like a preview of your kids, huh?


I saw where people are saying Project Runway will be back in mid-Nov., but nothing official. Anybody know the scoop on this?

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