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Project Runway?


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Aw I'm a fan of Jay's. I think his collection is cool. The clothes look young and hip. I wouldn't wear most of them but my niece would. Remember he tried to stick to a certain price point and did not want to use unfair child labor, those were his terms. Curt where did you go I love reading your PR posts. COME BACK! I can't wait until tonite Where are you???



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Jay's collection: To paraphrase one of the guest judges from this season, No, No, No, No. I really liked a lot of Jay's designs on the show, but these didn't do anything for me. I only really like one of them. Very clear point of view and the line was well-tied together. Not my style, but then again, I'm not his target buyer anyhow.


Wasn't there another winner? Daniel? He took a job with Micheal Kors if I'm recalling correctly.


If I were betting, my money would also be on Jeffrey. But I'm hoping for Michael. I would love to wear a lot of his things and I'm a 30-something, married, corporate, golfing type from Connecticut. Not exactly his target buyer.

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Jay's collection is much more sophisticated than I expected. Sleek and slender. I love the use of the color blocks. And the way he used geometric shapes in color throughout. However, that evening gown is dreadful and doesn't look like it belongs in the show at all.


I'm looking forward to seeing Chloe's collection (she's the one who won season two).


Curt, you're the best!

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My money is also on Jeffrey and not just because I think he is the most talented.


The past two winners have not really done anything. Jay turned the money down so he could design under his own terms and I think just brought his first collection since Project Runway to Olympus Fashion Week. That was an embarrassment for PR.


Chloe, season two winner, took her winnings and went back to Texas. She even said she probably wouldn't change much and didn't want to get into the trenches that are Seventh Avenue. I don't think the judges actually believed her but she was true to her word. Another embarrassment for PR.


Jeffrey already has a fairly successful design business and the win on Project Runway could very easily send him into the big time. He is the most likely for that to happen to.


If that did happen, Project Runway would have serious credibility as being able to produce the "Next Great American Designer" as they advertise they are doing.


I think a win by Jeffrey would position him for mass market.


Any opinions about my theory? Curt? Jane?



I'm not voting for winner personally because I think that any of the 4 could be chosen and I think that the produceres of PR might be a little more into the "shock and awe" of the audience. So they may just choose the person they feel will create the most "buzz" for the show. We all know the buzz - Jeffrey's personality, Uli's prints, Laura's not "young" enough and Michael can come up with some real clunkers along with his winners.


But as to your thoughts about why Jeffrey would win. Hmmm???? I think your theory about the past winners is right, but I don't know if Jeffrey's the one to fit the bill. Would he move his family to NYC? Can he afford it even if he wanted to? How would he do working for the Macy's Corp making private label clothing for the Macy's customer? (I could see the fights between him and Macy's management! LOL!).

So, in that aspect, the other three are better candidates. They would all cooperate w/ the Macy's management team. Michael and Uli could move here for a year or so and since they're single, it isn't such a stress. Laura already lives here, so no problem there.


So I guess my question is about the rules themselves..... can the winner take the $100,000. prize money to start their own business and skip the internship with Macy's?

Curt, do you happen to know the answer to this????


BTW, I think the funniest prize is the car. What would any of them do with a car in NYC....besides pay $400. a month to park it in a garage! LOL!!!!




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Curt has pointed out several times that the producers do not decide who wins. The judges do.


No one really expects the next big designer to come out of this show. It's just puffery. Game show contestants are picked partly for talent, partly for personality. I suspect most serious designers would disdain this show with its silly assignments. But, that's exactly why I like it. It's good TV.


The only reason I think Jeffry will win is because all those fashion critics folks on this thread posted links to liked his clothes the best. So, I suspect PR judges will be in the same boat.

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My money is also on Jeffrey and not just because I think he is the most talented.

Me too, with Uli second, and I don't know what the judges would do with Laura and Michael, I'd have them tied for 3rd for different reasons...

I do think that they are all talented in different ways, and each has a completely different market that they could be successful in...

But as far as who actually "brought it" to the final show, for international design stardom, Jeffrey edged everybody else out.

Also side note:

Just putting it in a different perspective, I have heard that the Asian market (the hip young women in Tokyo and other major Asian cities are absolutely salivating to buy any of Jeffrey's designs. The bright colors, the stripes, the polka dots, the cutesy, but edgy are all things that they would literally wear walking down the street during the day.

And I'm hearing a little buzz on certain celebrity starlets (think the young party going types) also would wear his clothes to clubs, openings, or events. (Think Mischa Barton, Lindsey Lohan, Nicole Ritchie types)...


The past two winners have not really done anything. Jay turned the money down so he could design under his own terms and I think just brought his first collection since Project Runway to Olympus Fashion Week. That was an embarrassment for PR.

Well, see his first collection since PR above...

We will see what happens, I haven't read any press or reviews of Jay's collection, but I've been swamped/busy with work, so I haven't really looked. Maybe you've read something Blue Herons?


Chloe, season two winner, took her winnings and went back to Texas. She even said she probably wouldn't change much and didn't want to get into the trenches that are Seventh Avenue. I don't think the judges actually believed her but she was true to her word. Another embarrassment for PR.

Well, I think that Chloe has done well, and just expanded the business of her own little boutique line in Texas. And she's perfectly happy, and making more money. Much like I think Kayne will end up doing, even though he finished fifth.

I actually think that Kayne has the potential to make tons of money, as he has gone from local designer to literally international designer now. Yes, it is all in pageantry, but that is a lot of money there. I still think that he would also be really wise to start designing skater outfits for the international level skaters male and female (Vera Wang started this way), I think it totally is a different outlet for him that fits his design style.


Jeffrey already has a fairly successful design business and the win on Project Runway could very easily send him into the big time. He is the most likely for that to happen to.



If that did happen, Project Runway would have serious credibility as being able to produce the "Next Great American Designer" as they advertise they are doing.

I think a win by Jeffrey would position him for mass market.

Any opinions about my theory? Curt? Jane?

So, summing up in general...

Don't anyone get your hopes up on Michael winning, I just think he really disappointed on his collection. But, I really also think that they almost invented the viewer's choice award for him. (Just like they kind of invented it for Rupert on Survivor).

Now, they have taken Daniel V "under their wing" (Season 2 2nd place); and currently feature him in commercials, on the website, and in promotional appearances. If I'm reading between the lines of my sources (and I'm not sure on this, I'm really just "straining" to read between the lines), but I have a "feeling" that they are going to do this same kind of thing with Michael. Sort of "take him under their wing", and do little features and promotions with him (if he wants to take their offer to do so or not, but he'd be smart to take it).

But also in general, from "embarassment" standpoint...

It's not the best for PR, but not the worst either...

Whether Jay or Chloe really followed through on the "prizes" or not, any success they have will be attributed to PR. And note every season PR will continue to feature them. But, they will also feature people like Daniel V and Michael, and Kayne or whoever ends up doing well in any capacity.

But, I do think that they are ready for someone who is going to actually "work with them" and stay "on the line" so to speak.

It's just like American Idol...

They will showcase and promote anyone who is doing well, and "claim" that they discovered them, whether they won or not.

They will also take certain people that they like "under their wing" and create careers for them (Chris Daughtry and Tamyra Grey I'm talking to you!). Then even if someone "disses" them publicly (Kelly Clarkson I'm looking at you), they will still "claim" and promote all of their success - Kelly Clarkson = Grammy Awards, Carrie Underwood = Country Music Awards...

Just wait until later in this season if they don't start all this talk and "claiming" of Jennifer Hudson, who was like 8th or 9th place before, but is now starring with Beyonce Knowles in the upcoming Dreamgirls movie. Wait and see how much American Idol starts talking about her and "claiming" her...;)

That being said...

So, I'm not sure how "embarassed" they are, but I think they are really looking for someone who will go full out with PR and INC (Macy's).

And who is going to "fit" best with that potential.

I really do not know who is going to win, (I refuse to let any of my sources "spoil" me) so it should be a fun, interesting evening regardless.

Okay enough rambling, I really have to go work now, or I won't get home in time for the show tonight!:eek:


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So, I'm not sure how "embarassed" they are, but I think they are really looking for someone who will go full out with PR and INC (Macy's).

And who is going to "fit" best with that potential.


Curt bringing up the INC. line. Do you really think they would choose one person over another just because they would fit with the Inc. line? If they are going to do that, then I would think that would be a strike against Jeffrey as I just don't see his collection as fitting in with Inc.

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I'm not voting for winner personally because I think that any of the 4 could be chosen and I think that the produceres of PR might be a little more into the "shock and awe" of the audience. So they may just choose the person they feel will create the most "buzz" for the show. We all know the buzz - Jeffrey's personality, Uli's prints, Laura's not "young" enough and Michael can come up with some real clunkers along with his winners.

LOL! I just posted to BlueHerons, and I really have to get to work, but quick answers here...

I do agree that any of them could win, according to what the judges decide, because each brings a completely different potential market to the table... I still don't think it's going to be Michael though...

But as to your thoughts about why Jeffrey would win. Hmmm???? I think your theory about the past winners is right, but I don't know if Jeffrey's the one to fit the bill. Would he move his family to NYC? Can he afford it even if he wanted to? How would he do working for the Macy's Corp making private label clothing for the Macy's customer? (I could see the fights between him and Macy's management! LOL!).

So, in that aspect, the other three are better candidates. They would all cooperate w/ the Macy's management team. Michael and Uli could move here for a year or so and since they're single, it isn't such a stress. Laura already lives here, so no problem there.

Note I mentioned this as a possible judging concern in my post above...

"Which one is going to match best and be able to actually work with INC (Macy's) and fulfill a line that will be able to be marketed there?"

I really think that is going to be an important criteria in the final judgement...

So I guess my question is about the rules themselves..... can the winner take the $100,000. prize money to start their own business and skip the internship with Macy's? Curt, do you happen to know the answer to this????

Yes, I do! They either take the contract and all, or they don't get the $100,000. Jay eventually chose to not go with the contract and give up the money, in order to be under his own "rules". Which is why it took him almost two years to get his first collection in Fashion Week.

The car is new as of Season Two, but I think it's kind of separate...

I'm not 100% on this, but I think that it's more of a matter of the car sponser, and they'd rather give them to people (Chloe, Daniel V, Tim Gunn) and have them shoot commercials/promos; as it's the best publicity for cheap for the car sponser so they'd rather just give them away.

BTW, I think the funniest prize is the car. What would any of them do with a car in NYC....besides pay $400. a month to park it in a garage! LOL!!!! Jane

Me too! I think you have to have been a Manhattan-ite at some point in order to get this! Maybe they park it at a friend or family member's house in New Jersey or Connecticut? Or Long Island?

Now I really have to go work.:p


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Hi, As I re-read many of these postings, reading between

the lines.......I would guess Jeffrey is going to win.


As many of you know I don't like him and will never pretend I do,

I would be a hypocrite If I said I did..


As I stated a few pages back, I won't be surprised if he wins

because I truely think all the reality shows are fixed..to

a certain extent.


Anyway, I will be watching tonite along with the rest of you.

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Wasn't there another winner? Daniel? He took a job with Micheal Kors if I'm recalling correctly.




Tim Gunn said in an interview with a magazine that Danial turned down the position with Michael Kors because it wasn't (and I'm paraphrasing here) 'important enough' postition.


I'll look for a link.

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We will see what happens, I haven't read any press or reviews of Jay's collection, but I've been swamped/busy with work, so I haven't really looked. Maybe you've read something Blue Herons?




Well, I think that Chloe has done well, and just expanded the business of her own little boutique line in Texas. And she's perfectly happy, and making more money. Much like I think Kayne will end up doing, even though he finished fifth.

I actually think that Kayne has the potential to make tons of money, as he has gone from local designer to literally international designer now. Yes, it is all in pageantry, but that is a lot of money there. I still think that he would also be really wise to start designing skater outfits for the international level skaters male and female (Vera Wang started this way), I think it totally is a different outlet for him that fits his design style.





Curt, thanks for posting the photos from Jays Collection. I loved his collection! I haven't read any reviews.


I agree the financially, Chloe and Kanye stand to benefit the most and Kanye more than Chloe.


My favorite Project Runway designer, Austin Scarlett (think Laura Bennet done Helmut Lange) is the head designer for an Amsale line and is doing well also.

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But as to your thoughts about why Jeffrey would win. Hmmm???? I think your theory about the past winners is right, but I don't know if Jeffrey's the one to fit the bill. Would he move his family to NYC? Can he afford it even if he wanted to? How would he do working for the Macy's Corp making private label clothing for the Macy's customer? (I could see the fights between him and Macy's management! LOL!).

So, in that aspect, the other three are better candidates. They would all cooperate w/ the Macy's management team. Michael and Uli could move here for a year or so and since they're single, it isn't such a stress. Laura already lives here, so no problem there.



BTW, I think the funniest prize is the car. What would any of them do with a car in NYC....besides pay $400. a month to park it in a garage! LOL!!!!





I didn't even think of that Jane! I cannot see Jeffrey designing for Macy's. Kinda like a Bob Macke line for Talbots. Not.


I do think the car thing is kind of weird. Maybe they can sell it? They certainly don't show Jay screeching around Manhattan in the little convertible he won.

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Tim Gunn said in an interview with a magazine that Danial turned down the position with Michael Kors because it wasn't (and I'm paraphrasing here) 'important enough' postition.


I'll look for a link.


Excellent article by the way and the below is part of the interview between the Chicago Tribune and Tim Gunn





Do you think he did that successfully?


“Well, yes, but I’ll also share something else with you. My darling little Dan has become a terrible diva. And it’s really unattractive.”



Based on what? What has he done to merit being a diva?


“Exactly. Based on what? And now he’s offending people. He’s offending the press.”



I want to say he must have offended Michael Kors – most people, if Michael Kors offers them a job, they would take it! People starting out in fashion would kill for that job.


“He’s been offered several jobs. He’s turned down everything. They’re not good enough for him. I said, ‘But you have no experience. I know you almost won ‘Project Runway,’ but you have no experience. Who’s going to let you direct-design at a company? You’re going to have to be an assistant designer.’ ‘Well, then I’m going to do my own collection.’ But Daniel, you’re not ready for that! Unless you have a very experienced sidekick and tons of financial backing, you’re setting yourself up for failure. And people love you now.

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Hi,:) I was going to post a reply right after the show

last night but it seems the boards have been "OUT OF SERVICE"

and that has been going on alot lately.


Anyway, I enjoyed the show, am not surprised at all that Jeffrey won,

and overall I hope all 4 of them find what they are looking for,

(that would be buyers for the particular collections they offer:))


Have a good day ya'll.

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I was really surprised by how bad Laura looked in the Jeffrey scandal.


I'm glad Jeffrey won, he was my favorite of the four with Uli second, Michael third, and Laura fourth. Strangely tho, my taste would align me closest with Laura.

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This is my 1st season being a “PR” addict and I have learned some things about the show. I do know everyone here has their own opinions and I hope you can respect my honest one:


I think it was Lois that mentioned before this but I do think that they knew beforehand who they wanted to win the contest. I think Jeffrey won because he has performed well through out the competition, but not because his Final Collection was better. Which leads me to disappointment as I was hoping at the final Finale they all had a even chance to win.


Speaking of Jeffrey, I'm glad he was not found guilty of getting help, although I thought he was acting and looking guilty and in a comical kind of way now with everything in perspective. But sometimes things are not what they seem. LOL, I think Laura exposing it probably did not soften the judges towards her. He was the first to present his collect then Uli, his friend in need. (Maybe a coinsidence). I find I really like Uli's spirit and good heart. I had thought her designs predictable but she had a remarkable collection comparatively. I absolutely loved her swim suit and the way the model WORKED it on the runway removing the cover!


I honestly thought Uli’s Collection was best. It was fresh, expressive and the type of clothes the average woman would want and would actually wear. I felt bad for her because if the Finale was really about the designers finale Collection SHE SHOULD HAVE WON! But it seems like it is about their designs from start to finish. Oh well, I guess I can understand that but I still think it puts you at a disadvantage if you “HIT IT” in your Collection line. You still are screwed if you have not delivered consistently in each or the majority of the prior PR competitions.


I was not wowed by Michael's Collection. My gut first reaction to him when he came out was; you’re a designer, why didn’t you design something for yourself to wear. (I know other designers did not dress the part either but for some reason I was disappointed in his look, too “off the street” for the Finale and him IMHO, to me.) I think Laura definitely has the edge on being sure she looks the part at each junction. Sorta like when I go to get my hair done, I notice if my hairdresser herself has her hair “hitting and holdin!” Black folks lingo ya’ll. -LOL Speaking of that…. Why was the “BLACK” contestant the first to be cut and slashed in the Finale! Ok, I’m kidding, well sorta. Think what you want.


Laura’s collection I think is too much her and not enough of main stream America and what the average woman would want to wear. I mean as elegant as her clothes are, they are knotches above what most women would feel comfortable in wearing, maybe even on Formal Night on a cruise (hehehe). But definitely what the “Vogue,” Parisian type would wear.


I don’t know if I will be sucked up in next Season after personally feeling that they did not give the contestants a even chance to win in the Finale. This is MY OPINION, so please don’t bother to personally attack it or dissect it.

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I was very happy to see that Jeffrey won. Yeah, he had his a-hole moments on the show, but he can design clothes. IMHO he should have won the trash contest - his dress was great! Anyway, I thought his collection was wonderful. While most of it was a little out there for what I would wear, I can certainly see that he will have a market for his designs. And while the judges may have a favorite in mind before seeing the show, I think that their choice for the winner was justified in Jeffrey's collection.


I also thought Uli's collection was great. It would've been a tough decision between her and Jeffrey, and I'm glad I didn't have to make the decision. To the poster before who said that she was the clear-cut winner, I obviously disagree. I do agree that her collection is something that I would many pieces of, but I think it was less (to use one of Tim's words) cohesive than Jeffrey's collection. I wouldn't have been disappointed if she won though.


Laura - her outfits were great, but I felt like I kept seeing the same thing over and over. I think she knew it too.


Michael - what happened? He and Jeffrey were my faves throughout the show, and I feel like he lost his mojo or something. I mean look back to the fuchsia hot pants, his jetsetter outfit, his black and white outfit, etc. Those were great. I didn't see any of that in his collection. I saw hoochie mama. I was so disappointed. He deserved to be the first of the four Auf'd - nobody should be bringing race into that one.


Anyway, just my view on how the show went. I look forward to season 4.

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I was so disappointed. He deserved to be the first of the four Auf'd.

I agree Michael did seem to lose his "MoJo," but no, I think Laura should have been first to be off'ed now that I think about it. Michael won 2 contests... how many did Laura win?


LOL, scratch that, her Collection was better than Michaels. Hahaha

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Hi, GeekyMom,:) I think this thread has been overall really nice...

without anyone attacking each other.

We just all have our own views...which is a good thing:D


I didn't go into too much in my earlier post...but I always admit

when I am wrong...I have to say I liked the red polka dotted

dress Jeffrey made:eek:....but I still wanted one of the other

folks to win. Actually I agree, Michael's stuff was not up to

his usual standard (in my opinion) and I really loved Uli's


The one dress of Laura's I loved.....was the glittery dress where

she changed the color and just had the green belt.

I don't usually go for that much sparkle but I really liked that one;)


I will watch again next season too......

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Hi Lois,


True, no one here has turned butt ugly and attacked other posters which is nice since Project Runway was a fun show and I know an escape for me.


I don't know I just saw some inside stuff i didn't care for, but I guess that's true in any Reality show.


I did enjoy the show and really liked seeing Kayne (my fav contestant) and some of the other contestants in the audience last night at the Finale.


I hope you guys will keep us posted on what this season's contestants do after the show. I believe they are all talented and hope after the national exposure, this show will help boost their careers both at home and maybe nationally.


It would be cool to see some of their designs in a Target, Walmart or Macy's. :p

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I very much enjoyed the show, I thought all of the designers did a great job.


But, I was underwhelmed that Jeffrey won. We all have our own taste and his just did not suit mine. Sure, a few of his pieces throughout the competition were OK, he just never seemed all that edgy to me. The babydoll mini dress reminded me of a dress my mother made for me probably in 1968, many of his things reminded me of stuff I've already seen in years past. He looked the part of rock and roll, he said he designed clothes for rock stars, I wish he would have injected a little more of that into the season and his final collection.


I have to agree, Michael was a bit disappointing, although I did like his designs, nothing really jumped out as unique. Uli and Laura did what they do best and I think they did it beautifully and impeccably.


I see (I hope) bright futures for all these people, as well as a couple of others from the season. I wish them all well and I hope Jeffrey starts designing clothes that have an edge and look different than what is already out there. I hope to see Lauras beautiful evening gowns and cocktail dresses in magazines. I would love to wear almost anything Uli designs and I hope Michael finds a niche in the sportswear design world.

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I very much enjoyed the show, I thought all of the designers did a great job.


But, I was underwhelmed that Jeffrey won. We all have our own taste and his just did not suit mine. Sure, a few of his pieces throughout the competition were OK, he just never seemed all that edgy to me. The babydoll mini dress reminded me of a dress my mother made for me probably in 1968, many of his things reminded me of stuff I've already seen in years past. He looked the part of rock and roll, he said he designed clothes for rock stars, I wish he would have injected a little more of that into the season and his final collection.


I have to agree, Michael was a bit disappointing, although I did like his designs, nothing really jumped out as unique. Uli and Laura did what they do best and I think they did it beautifully and impeccably.


I see (I hope) bright futures for all these people, as well as a couple of others from the season. I wish them all well and I hope Jeffrey starts designing clothes that have an edge and look different than what is already out there. I hope to see Lauras beautiful evening gowns and cocktail dresses in magazines. I would love to wear almost anything Uli designs and I hope Michael finds a niche in the sportswear design world.


Kathy, what a well thought out and excellent post:)

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Speaking of Jeffrey, I'm glad he was not found guilty of getting help, although I thought he was acting and looking guilty and in a comical kind of way now with everything in perspective. But sometimes things are not what they seem.


That's Jeffrey's raison d'etre.



LOL, I think Laura exposing it probably did not soften the judges towards her.


Were the judges made aware of the situation or only the producers? Personally, I don't think the issues should be brought to the attention of the judges unless it was found that he was indeed cheating.


In any case, I think that throughout the whole show Laura has been painted as a women who didn't need the money to get her business started (not true) and that, IMHO, was not right. I think that the cards were stacked against her because of that.



I find I really like Uli's spirit and good heart. I had thought her designs predictable but she had a remarkable collection comparatively.


Totally agree.

Her designs are gorgeous and I think she's an excellent role model. A good blend of independant designer with a strong point of view yet I could also see her doing a great collection for Macy's. Besides, she'd look so adorable in the car commericals! LOL!!!


I honestly thought Uli’s Collection was best. It was fresh, expressive and the type of clothes the average woman would want and would actually wear.


I'll agree with you that Uli's collection was incredible - fresh and expressive, as you say.

However, any collection that's for the "average woman" is not a criteria for high fashion. Look on your local streets, at the mall, etc, sadly the "average woman" has a pretty bad sense of fashion.


I was not wowed by Michael's Collection. My gut first reaction to him when he came out was; you’re a designer, why didn’t you design something for yourself to wear. (I know other designers did not dress the part either but for some reason I was disappointed in his look, too “off the street” for the Finale and him IMHO, to me.)


Michael's was most disappointing. I think his problem is his age. He's still naive and finding his way and creates some really bad stuff along with his fabulous things. So, I never thought he deserved to be the winner. I think he has incredible potential. I'm sure he'll be offered great design jobs at major companies and within the next 10 years I think he has the potential to be a major force in the fashion industry. He's got a great personality and alot of talent. It just needs some years of honing under the guidance of a great design house.



I think Laura definitely has the edge on being sure she looks the part at each junction. Sorta like when I go to get my hair done, I notice if my hairdresser herself has her hair “hitting and holdin!” Black folks lingo ya’ll. -LOL


Yes, she definitely has a consistant message and strong POV and I hope she gets a backer. She has a great future as an eveningwear designer. Carmen Marc Valvo watch out, your competition has arrived!


Speaking of that…. Why was the “BLACK” contestant the first to be cut and slashed in the Finale! Ok, I’m kidding, well sorta. Think what you want.


Huh? You see a race issue here? I think you're creating something that absolutely didn't exist.


Laura’s collection I think is too much her and not enough of main stream America and what the average woman would want to wear. I mean as elegant as her clothes are, they are knotches above what most women would feel comfortable in wearing, maybe even on Formal Night on a cruise (hehehe). But definitely what the “Vogue,” Parisian type would wear.


Well, again it's not about what the "average" woman would wear. Though if you stay with that thought, her designs are more "wearable" by the average woman that Jeffery's are. And Michaels winning outfit earlier in the season - the hot pants and halter top - wow'ed everyone. But again, will never be seen on the "average woman".


Honestly, of all the finalists, I think Laura's clothes were the most easily wearable by the "average woman" and would fit a wider range of sizes & body types than the designs of the other finalists.



This is MY OPINION, so please don’t bother to personally attack it or dissect it.


Now you tell me!:D

Well seriously, I certainly didn't attack, but posting a long opinion on a public opinion board and then telling people not to comment is not how forums work. ;)

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I see (I hope) bright futures for all these people, as well as a couple of others from the season. I wish them all well and I hope Jeffrey starts designing clothes that have an edge and look different than what is already out there. I hope to see Lauras beautiful evening gowns and cocktail dresses in magazines. I would love to wear almost anything Uli designs and I hope Michael finds a niche in the sportswear design world.


I agree.


And I think that many of the others will succeed too. Kayne's pageant biz is going through the roof, I'm sure.

Malan had his own fashion show under the tents (no small feat!) and I'm sure he'll be in Neiman Marcus and Barney's. Vincent's line is already slated for Bergdorf's here in NY, so NM will probably get it as well.

Even boring Robert is an excellent designer and I could see a company like Ellen Tracy or Anne Klein hiring him to create some conservative, though elegant, designs for the professional woman.



I didn't see the previous seasons on PR and now that the show's a hit, it'll be interesting how they mix it up for the next time!

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