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X cruiser sails Azamara to Cuba Jan 15 to 24 2019


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32 minutes ago, CruzinNoony said:



I am enjoying your review so much and your pictures are awesome.  I am getting ready to book a cruise on an Azamara ship to Cuba thanks to you!!

Wow! That's exciting. I haven't even shown you much of the ship yet but I will of course and you'll see the various dining and relaxing venues and get hints to the Azamara service culture as we go along.

Right now we have 3 more tour hours to go before going back to the Journey and later we will go on an Azamazing Evening that lives up to the name.

But now work. Luckily I am off tomorrow to continue this ramble.


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Hello Norris,


Thanks for sharing again your wit and photos. I would say video too but, seems like hardly anybody looks at our videos.  I am currently only on page 7 and wanted to say I am here for the long haul. For those reading and can't wait for the summary I offer the following:


"Anticipation" - Carly Simon


"Patience Young Grasshopper" - Kung fu


"Good things come to those who wait" - Heinz Ketchup



Kevin Reid



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Excellent photos of your walk around Old Havana, Norris. There is some terrific looking architecture there. I would be in heaven wandering the streets there. The Museo de la Revolucion looks fascinating. A very different take on events, I'm sure.


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Yay! Another excellent Bimmer09 review! And JMO but after reading what you've posted so far I really do think the cruise lines will see a spike in Cuba bookings  :classic_biggrin:


I'm glad you both weren't in Havana during the January 28 F3 tornado - do you know if any of the places you visited were damaged? I noticed this classic car didn't fare too well :classic_sad:




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Another "thanks so much for this excellent report." My husband and I signed up for a Feb 2020 Cuba cruise on Silversea without much idea about what to expect of our stops in Havana and Santiago de Cuba, so I am appreciating this ongoing orientation!

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11 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:


I only went to three restrooms while onshore. Only one of them had a person attending them and requiring a small tip- 25 pesos (a quarter in our terms). He had toilet paper (not needed)

and paper towels to dry my hands as there was water and a sink and soap. That was in the Botanical Gardens way outside of Cienfuegos. I used the restrooms in the Havana Opera House where there was no attendant. I used the restrooms on a boat dock in Santiago de Cuba. No attendant, no water.

Carol can chime in with her experiences when she sees this post.


I think at Carol's first restroom stop in the Museum of the Revolution she gave the lady the smallest coin she had- 1 CUC and from then on we would ask to have some of those broken down into quarters. We exchanged another $100 U.S not CDN next morning and got 87 CUC

and got some small coins for toilets.


No hat purchase for me as I don't wear them even though they looked stylish and I didn't buy any cigars but got gifted a couple and enjoyed one on the ship.

Thanks for reading this!


Carol chiming in on rest rooms in Cuba for the ladies, about which I could write a book. I don’t want to be seen as an Ugly American, demanding that everything be just like home. But let’s be pragmatic—forewarned is forearmed. Azamara gave us some excellent advice months ago to carry our own toilet paper. To which I would add don’t expect light, soap, paper towels, a toilet seat, a door with a lock, flushing capability, or a functioning sink. TP in your pocket and travel handiwipes in your purse are a girl’s best friends. But do expect to have to tip an attendant. And some were quite insistent about it. But nowhere were the public ladies’ bathrooms filthy or gross and they were always welcome after hours of sightseeing. 


To the guy related to the Harbert Swedish Bakery, can you get me a virtual cinnamon roll please?


Carol aka Deck Chair Queen

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11 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:

The red Chevy is a big roomy car so instead of using my pocket Canon camera for out of the window shots I have room to use my bigger DSLR and a 24 to 70 mm L lens.




Lots of tour buses in Havana. Notice at left the huge chunk of uprooted concrete left as a tripping hazard, especially at night.



We turn onto the Malecon, the 12 km seawall road but use it only briefly







Down by the Capitol Building on the main wide boulevard, the Prado



The Opera House





We drive up the tree-lined Prado with its statues and public benches to arrive

at our next tourist stop, requested by Carol.



Part of the old city wall still stands



Beautiful architecture abounds



and the not so beautiful 







We are going in to visit the Museum of the Revolution


A couple of items of interest. Our driver asked if we minded mostly avoiding the Malecon as the sea was rough and the salt spray is bad for the finish on these lovingly restored cars. We understood completely. Also re the Museum of the Revolution, I think our guide was surprised to have an American request to go there. We had recently watched the eight part Netflix documentary The Cuba Libre Story and were fascinated by the history and, frankly, impressed by what they accomplished. Seeing that little boat, the Granma,  in person was very moving. The exhibits inside were all labeled in Spanish and not tourist friendly but I was able to get the gist  and of course having a private guide at my side really helped. Next trip more museums, says I. 

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On 2/2/2019 at 9:42 PM, Deck Chair Queen said:

A couple of items of interest. Our driver asked if we minded mostly avoiding the Malecon as the sea was rough and the salt spray is bad for the finish on these lovingly restored cars. We understood completely. Also re the Museum of the Revolution, I think our guide was surprised to have an American request to go there. We had recently watched the eight part Netflix documentary The Cuba Libre Story and were fascinated by the history and, frankly, impressed by what they accomplished. Seeing that little boat, the Granma,  in person was very moving. The exhibits inside were all labeled in Spanish and not tourist friendly but I was able to get the gist  and of course having a private guide at my side really helped. Next trip more museums, says I. 


Carol – Thanks for joining the thread, but did you really need to quote 138 inches of pictures [I measured] in order to add your 8 lines of text that didn't even refer to them?  It was bad enough on my laptop, but people reading on a phone would have worn out their finger scrolling to find your addition!

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12 minutes ago, singinalot said:


Seriously?! 🤔 I don’t mind it at all and I value her input AND enjoying the pictures again because it gives context.


Seriously, it is a violation of chat room protocol.  Glad that you enjoyed the re-runs.  OMMV.

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I was late to the party, as I have been hanging out on the RCCL site since we are sailing on Jewel of the Seas in September.   

I just happened to catch your link on the Princess site when I took a peak there.  So glad I did!!!

As always, I am loving everything and look forward to more!

Thank you to both you and Carol for taking us along!!  


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9 hours ago, FRMPEI said:

Hello Norris,


Thanks for sharing again your wit and photos. I would say video too but, seems like hardly anybody looks at our videos.  I am currently only on page 7 and wanted to say I am here for the long haul. For those reading and can't wait for the summary I offer the following:


"Anticipation" - Carly Simon


"Patience Young Grasshopper" - Kung fu


"Good things come to those who wait" - Heinz Ketchup



Kevin Reid



Kevin! So good to see you here! Kevin writes fantastic photo and video reviews on the X board.

Patience is a virtue....



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21 minutes ago, ROWSE said:


I was late to the party, as I have been hanging out on the RCCL site since we are sailing on Jewel of the Seas in September.   

I just happened to catch your link on the Princess site when I took a peak there.  So glad I did!!!

As always, I am loving everything and look forward to more!

Thank you to both you and Carol for taking us along!!  


Rowse, welcome, welcome, welcome! ( I sound like Gordon Ramsay).

I'm glad I put that link on Princess. I haven't done a review on there since a year ago and have no cruises booked with them.

Where is the Jewel going in Europe in September?


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8 hours ago, Host Jazzbeau said:


Carol – Thanks for going the thread, but did you really need to quote 138 inches of pictures [I measured] in order to add your 8 lines of text that didn't even refer to them?  It was bad enough on my laptop, but people reading on a phone would have worn out their finger scrolling to find you addition!


Quoted pictures is frustrating.  I've long wondered why the forum software even allows it?


Or make it an opt in feature...for those times when it serves a purpose.  But including pictures in replies, by default, is wrong.

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10 hours ago, Deck Chair Queen said:

Carol chiming in on rest rooms in Cuba for the ladies, about which I could write a book. I don’t want to be seen as an Ugly American, demanding that everything be just like home. But let’s be pragmatic—forewarned is forearmed. Azamara gave us some excellent advice months ago to carry our own toilet paper. To which I would add don’t expect light, soap, paper towels, a toilet seat, a door with a lock, flushing capability, or a functioning sink. TP in your pocket and travel handiwipes in your purse are a girl’s best friends. But do expect to have to tip an attendant. And some were quite insistent about it. But nowhere were the public ladies’ bathrooms filthy or gross and they were always welcome after hours of sightseeing. 


To the guy related to the Harbert Swedish Bakery, can you get me a virtual cinnamon roll please?


Carol aka Deck Chair Queen

We were in Cuba in December 2017 and visited the same ports.  100% agree with Carol's assessment of the women's restroom facilities.  In fact, if I were to compare them to restrooms experiences elsewhere in the world, Cuba's were by far not the worst!  But still bring your TP and handiwipes.

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8 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:

Rowse, welcome, welcome, welcome! ( I sound like Gordon Ramsay).

I'm glad I put that link on Princess. I haven't done a review on there since a year ago and have no cruises booked with them.

Where is the Jewel going in Europe in September?



We are doing a 9 day Eastern Mediterranean out of Italy on September 15, on the Jewel, with our dear friends, with three days precruise in Florence.

We loved the Western Mediterranean so much last October that we needed to do the bookend to it!

We haven’t sailed RCCL for 10 years but friends had chosen this cruise and invited us, so it is a “YES” of course.

Hoping your polar vortex weather is improving!!!



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12 hours ago, Deck Chair Queen said:



To the guy related to the Harbert Swedish Bakery, can you get me a virtual cinnamon roll please?


Carol aka Deck Chair Queen


I'll get right on that, and I'll order up a couple "3-in-1" Coffee Cakes and Swedish "Sweet" Rye bread at the same time!

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Still at the Museum of the Revolution....







We return to the main building







Art depicting the Granma





Granma art detail



A view into the courtyard



More to come

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Ernesto Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos in a realistic diorama



Camilo and Che hustle to a hairdresser appointment in the Sierra Maestra mountains





Radio equipment used to broadcast propaganda









The gift shop



My thanks to the obliging museum staff who allowed Carol to ride the elevator (for staff only) between floors as there were a lot of stairs to climb.


I am going outside to smoke and take pictures of the environs before we meet Raydel and the car.




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Some beautiful architecture in Havana



Some just need a power-wash and a lick of paint









Carol relaxes and reflects. She would walk 4 miles today.









We stroll halfway up the Prado to meet the car. A statue to a National Hero, Jose Marti





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Our chariot awaits 



These cars have no seatbelts, nor airbags, nor modern brakes. They are louder than modern cars too. This one does have modern alloy wheel rims to make up for the lack of window cranks LOL! The city roads are pretty smooth and the drivers not maniacs. There are no cars with 1,000 watt custom stereo systems making the bodywork rattle so I know we are not in Chicago.

They are big and roomy and very stylish and have individuality. To us they are eye-candy and remarkably still running after 60 years of use.


We are heading to the outskirts to visit Fusterlandia. Carol has no clue what that is. "You'll love it!" says I and leave it at that.



we will be on the Malecon briefly








The city streets gave way to wide boulevards with a leafy median and well-kept houses as we turn inland.  Traffic lights give a countdown to when the light turns  red which I wish we had in Chicago  and the drivers pay attention. The modern cars on the road are brought in to be used by the Government and then sold to citizens after two years but are very pricey. There is a car transporter docked today. A 2 year old Peugeot (few people's dream car, I imagine) can cost $100,000 we are told. We drove through roundabouts or traffic circles as they are known in the USA. I noticed gas stations were few and far between. Gas was about $5 a gallon but sold in liters. 

After about 25 minutes of suburban driving we reach our destination.


Next up, Fusterlandia.


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10 hours ago, SOLIVITA LADY said:

Just love your reviews. Both the pictures and dialogue make me feel like I’m there with you. After reading this I may have to book a Cuba cruise. 



Solivita Lady


Jackie, so good to have you join us.

I think your last sentence is prophetic.


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Bummer, I’ve been stalking you for many previous reviews and now I’m going to out myself.  You are very entertaining and I believe factual in your writing style. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to write another excellent review.  Cuba has been on my bucket list for years, and I’m very sure it will be happening this year.  You are giving me many insights in planning for my future cruise.  Can’t wait to read more about your wonderful “journey” on Journey!

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it's a ramble of color spread over 4 outdoor floors and into the neighborhood. A labor of love

art work that took 25 years. Carol, the Outsider Art collector was immediately happy we came.

I found out about it from a CC photo review





I would of course climb the steps to the top winding my way around each floor




The stairs begin at the end of this shady hallway



My eyes dart here and there, distracted by so much color and vivid imagination.



The artist's home peeks up, over the walls of the crazy compound. Dali, Picasso

and Gaudi influences at a guess.



A table top





as I climb higher 



zoom shot



Lots more...

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