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Slipped in hot tub area!


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Doesn't sound easy to rip up the wood and tile and replace. Perhaps the upscale lines use something besides wood and tile around the pools and hot tubs?? I don't know... I'm not sure concrete or brick would work on a ship?? What else would they use for the decks?? Our community pool used to have wood decking around the pool, people would slip if they weren't careful, but there were signs that warned people the wood would be slippery when wet... I don't think anyone thought about suing the community.
You're not sounding to smart here. Brick? Concrete? Come on! Look at the picture below. Nothing has to "ripped" up. Why not cover the entire area with the non slip surface that is seen under the lounges in this picture.286424617bnigOh_fs.jpg
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Thanks for all comments given. To clear up a few issues I will explain in greater detail. I was not wet. Nor did I go into the hot tub.I was wearing Nike ACG sandals with a rubber sandal bottom. I was holding on to the side rail with my right hand and my sons hand with the left. My wife and I do not believe in children left unattended in a hot tub. My son had just come off the slide and was very cold. He asked if he could go into the hot tub to warm himself. He was in the tub for about 1 minute. My concern was that I counted several people slipping in the same exact spot that I did. If I was 66 and not 36 I might have broken my arm or even my hip. I have seen non slip surfaces on other ships around this area before. I do not intend to sue or even ask for a cruise discount. I was surprised that I had to pay for the stiches, but someone needs to pay the doctor. All of this should have been caught on camera, since they have several cameras in this area. Thanks for the comments though. Ryan

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During my last cruise on the Inspiration, I was walking past the pool and slipped on the wet surface right in front of one of those yellow 'careful' signs. Pertty dumb! I was sitting on my butt laughing so hard I couldn't get up, a pool attendant came rushing over to help me which made me laugh even more, he weighed probably 50 pounds less than me, no way was he going to help me up. So my husband tried to help me up and also fell on his butt. We were laughing so hard at how ridiculous this was, we sat in the water for several minutes laughing and laughing. This was in 2001 and now you tell me I should have sued Carnival! GEEZ!!! :p

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Man, some of you are harsh.


1. I don't see how you can be so sure it was the OP's fault. He claimed he was holding the railing (sure, you can come up with any tortured interpretation of the story to say that he may not have been holding the railing, but it seems obvious he was). Sometimes, you can slip even when being careful. I'm not saying it's Carnival's fault, but I don't see how you can say it's his fault, either. Not everything is black and white.


2. He specifically said he wasn't suing. (BTW, I agree that it would be a bad idea to sue over the incident). He simply asked if it was a good idea to write to Carnival to alert them of a potential problem. Why ridicule him over this?


I think we are aware that the OP said he didn't intend to sue. I'm fairly certain that the "suing" responses were in response to the people that directed the OP to sue (as noted by their response being quoted in the replies) Nobody has ridiculed the OP... sometimes people reply to others within the thread (for example, this post, is not directed to the OP, it is directed to you)... so keep that in mind. I think everyone has given their opinion as the OP asked, and nobody has ridiculed him. If someone's opinion is that it isn't Carnival's fault, that is THEIR opinion.

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You're not sounding to smart here. Brick? Concrete? Come on! Look at the picture below. Nothing has to "ripped" up. Why not cover the entire area with the non slip surface that is seen under the lounges in this picture.286424617bnigOh_fs.jpg


You're not sounding to smart here. I WAS BEING SARCASTIC based on YOUR post which was "The point is that this whole problem with slippery floors in the pool and solarium area is preventable. The cruiselines can easily use something for flooring that is not like ice when wet. Wood and tile are and shouldn't be used."

My point was what else would be used if wood and tile shouldn't be used for FLOORING? Now, had you said they could place something over the wood and tile, that would be different... but what else beside wood and tile would be used for flooring?? :rolleyes:


Sorry you missed the sarcasm.

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Thanks for all comments given. To clear up a few issues I will explain in greater detail. I was not wet. Nor did I go into the hot tub.I was wearing Nike ACG sandals with a rubber sandal bottom. I was holding on to the side rail with my right hand and my sons hand with the left. My wife and I do not believe in children left unattended in a hot tub. My son had just come off the slide and was very cold. He asked if he could go into the hot tub to warm himself. He was in the tub for about 1 minute. My concern was that I counted several people slipping in the same exact spot that I did. If I was 66 and not 36 I might have broken my arm or even my hip. I have seen non slip surfaces on other ships around this area before. I do not intend to sue or even ask for a cruise discount. I was surprised that I had to pay for the stiches, but someone needs to pay the doctor. All of this should have been caught on camera, since they have several cameras in this area. Thanks for the comments though. Ryan





Thanks for the clarification. GC's observations about your positioning got me thinking; Based on your statements, one can then conclude that your weight was not properly distributed over your feet because your six year old is, most likely, considerably shorter than you are, so you had to be leaning over or at an angle to the side. Like I mentioned earlier, if you fell on a 'non slip' surface, you would have needed more than a couple of stitches to close your skin due to increased contact friction with the surface.

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The hot tubs are just bacteria factories. Iwouldn't use them if you paid me. At the minium people should shower before getting into either one. But the only ones using the showers are the kids playing there. And the OP wrote he was holding the otheer rail. The compensation for this injury is the medical bill and a free cocktail.






I agree the OP should file a suit. They should file one against you, or others like you, for not being there to break their fall. :mad:


I do believe people should file lawsuits in cases of obvious negligence where actual harm was done but the awards should not exceed the actual harm. In other words, if no harm, then no foul. Additionally, if you sue someone over an accident resulting in two stitches, the deciding factor should be based on whether the plaintiff could have avoided the accident with diligent behavior and whether the accused acted in good faith. If the plaintiff could have avoided the accident, no award. If the accused acted in good faith, no award.


As for bacteria in the hot tub, no amount of showering prior to entry will remove the most likely source of hot tub bacteria; inhabitants own GI tracts. You don't have to have someone else's, your own can make you equally ill.

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Did anyone even read the origianl post.....or do you just come and and start typing whatever comes to your minds ??? :rolleyes: He was not asking about suing!


To the OP.....it would not hurt to send Carnival a note.

I mean there are materials for just this use.

rougher tile with a gritty surface.............rubber surfaces....special strips, etc.......

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Yes it is preventable... why don't the cruiseline just remove the pools and spas... then nobody will slip from the water they are covered in coming out of the pools and spas. :rolleyes:


And I blame the Cruiselines for making me sea sick. They should give me free sea sickness patches. :rolleyes:


Where's that thread where the cruise lines are to blame for everything, and the passengers take no responsibility at all. Tired of the Whining.

A real intelligent response. The point is that to design a ship to have a slippery surface when wet is insane. Of course everything on a ship gets wet. It doesnt have to be by the pool.
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First, glad you were OK and didn't suffer a serious injury. But, my first thought on this post and similar ones who state "Should I write (insert cruiseline here)", is why didn't you speak to someone onboard when it happened? Maybe the pool manager who could have quite possibly fixed the problem if there was one. At least the pursers desk so there would be a record. But to finish the cruise, go home and then come to CC and ask if you should write a letter just doesn't make sense. If it wasn't important enough to report while onboard, it can't be all that bad...... And I apologize if this sounds like a flame, I don't mean it to be. I just don't understand if someone doesn't report a problem when and where it will do the most good.

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You are right....I won't go in. We have one at home and they told us 6 people in a hot tub is like 150 in a regular swimming pool. Ugh! We sanitize every time we get out and you know a cruise ship isn't everytime someone gets out!

If the chlorine levels are correct there is nothing unsanitary about them.

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I think we are aware that the OP said he didn't intend to sue. I'm fairly certain that the "suing" responses were in response to the people that directed the OP to sue (as noted by their response being quoted in the replies) Nobody has ridiculed the OP... sometimes people reply to others within the thread (for example, this post, is not directed to the OP, it is directed to you)... so keep that in mind. I think everyone has given their opinion as the OP asked, and nobody has ridiculed him. If someone's opinion is that it isn't Carnival's fault, that is THEIR opinion.


Actually, people have ridiculed him. (But thanks for the condescending lesson about posts being directed at different posters, because I've never read a messageboard before. :rolleyes: ) A couple of responses are quoted below. If you don't think those are ridiculing, I guess we just have different definitions of that word.



Post responding to the OP:


"I think it is a very poor idea to contact Carnival. You came from a spa... soaking wet... was not watching what you were doing... and slipped due to the area being wet. Do you blame your shoe/slipper manufacturer for slipping on a wet deck when you are wearing them.


Take some responsibility for yourself. I'm really tired of hearing whiners thinking it is someone elses fault when it is their own."


Post responding to the OP:


"Why is it that what ever we do it is never OUR fault...its always someone else's fault. You were in an area which is known to be always wet and know to be extra slippery when wet. DAH! Were the stairs faulty?...were the stairs steeper than usual?....were the hand railings not solid enough? Where is the Cruise Line neglegent? You took a fall and you were not seriously hurt, chaulk it up to experience don't worry be happy!:rolleyes:"

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Actually, people have ridiculed him. (But thanks for the condescending lesson about posts being directed at different posters, because I've never read a messageboard before. :rolleyes: ) A couple of responses are quoted below. If you don't think those are ridiculing, I guess we just have different definitions of that word.




I am sorry if you thought it was condescending... you have no idea how many people come here and DON'T realize that, so I was simply telling you, just in case you didn't realize that (you are new to the boards, I was TRYING to be helpful), however, since message boards don't have the benefit of tone, I guess you thought I was trying to be condescending...


As for ridiculing, you included the ridiculing comment in your "point #2", which was about him suing... nobody here claimed he said he would sue... nobody was ridiculing him about suing. There were others that said he should sue and THOSE people were the ones being ridiculed, about suing. As far as the OP being ridiculed about anything else, sorry... some people have strong opinions, and may take that overboard, but they are still stating their opinions.

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Did anyone even read the origianl post.....or do you just come and and start typing whatever comes to your minds ??? :rolleyes: He was not asking about suing!


To the OP.....it would not hurt to send Carnival a note.

I mean there are materials for just this use.

rougher tile with a gritty surface.............rubber surfaces....special strips, etc.......

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I am sorry if you thought it was condescending... you have no idea how many people come here and DON'T realize that, so I was simply telling you, just in case you didn't realize that (you are new to the boards, I was TRYING to be helpful), however, since message boards don't have the benefit of tone, I guess you thought I was trying to be condescending...


As for ridiculing, you included the ridiculing comment in your "point #2", which was about him suing... nobody here claimed he said he would sue... nobody was ridiculing him about suing. There were others that said he should sue and THOSE people were the ones being ridiculed, about suing. As far as the OP being ridiculed about anything else, sorry... some people have strong opinions, and may take that overboard, but they are still stating their opinions.


Well, first, let me apologize for making false assumptions. That was rude of me.


Second, I understand that those are people's opinions and I have no problem with them. My opinion is also that Carnival did nothing wrong. However, I just thought some people were being a little harsh with the guy.

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Was this an "ADULTS ONLY" hot tub? If so, why was a 6 y/o in there?


Back in October I climbed Dunn's in Ocho Rios for about the 9th time, and when posing for a photo, I slipped WITH WATER SHOES ON, and had a large bump on my knee for about 2 months, but I chalked it up to an accident. All the times I have never even had a scrape, but this time I did. My Fault!


Sorry for your injuries, but this could happen anywhere, even at your backyard pool. I would only disagree with your infirmary charges, they should have been covered for damage control if nothing else.

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Did anyone even read the origianl post.....or do you just come and and start typing whatever comes to your minds ??? :rolleyes: He was not asking about suing!


To the OP.....it would not hurt to send Carnival a note.

I mean there are materials for just this use.

rougher tile with a gritty surface.............rubber surfaces....special strips, etc.......


Most people (myself included) were not reacting to the Original post, but to others (firewater) who suggested he sue.


but face it, its a good debate and interesting.

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I agree that children shouldn't be in the hot tubs on the cruise ships because that is their rule. But I just want to point out that the hot tubs that I've been in on the cruise ships aren't very hot. My pediatrician said that they shouldn't be in water over 100 degrees hot. (I have a hot tub at home and keep it at 100). So it's really not dangerous for the kid to be in there.


He did have insurance... but he shouldn't need to use it. Carnival should have just taken care of it...no questions asked.



I also want to mention that last year on the Valor, I nearly fainted in Lido dining room... I had no family near me... and I caught the eye of a server and waved her over. She was so caring and helpful... she sent for the doctor (even after I said that I thought I was fine... )she wouldn't let me get up, she gave me water and bread. Luckily my son came strolling through and I called to him to go and get Daddy... who then wheeled me back to the room where I slept the rest of the day. I must have had a touch of something... But anyway, my point is that from what I've encountered, the staff does care.

I am not concerned about any danger to kids in hot tubs: I am concerned about kids being in an area that is considered for "ADULTS ONLY"

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Back in October I climbed Dunn's in Ocho Rios for about the 9th time, and when posing for a photo, I slipped WITH WATER SHOES ON, . .........





I also fell while standing perfectly still wearing Nike water shoes in a flat area in Dunn's falls. I wasn't moving at all and suddenly I was on the back of my head with my feet in the air and my DW was holding my arms up screaming at me asking if I was OK; I was unable to answer because she had my arms up which prevented me from lifting myself up enough to get my head out of the water. :D I was finally able to break one arm free and lift myself up enough to tell her I would be if she'd quit drowning me. :eek: I got up and didn't have a mark from the fall nor a single pain. :cool: Talk about lucky! Everyone nearby was standing perfectly still watching me and asking if I was OK. I was more confused than embarassed because I couldn't figure out why I fell. I thought I was on firm footing and wasn't moving and hadn't moved for at least 20 or 30 seconds when I fell. It was as if the river bed just jumped up and smacked me in the back of the head and covered me in water....or at least that's what it seemed like instead of falling. :confused: The only thing that was sore afterwards was my hand from my DW holding extra tight the rest of the way up. ;)

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Did anyone even read the origianl post.....or do you just come and and start typing whatever comes to your minds ??? :rolleyes: He was not asking about suing!


To the OP.....it would not hurt to send Carnival a note.

I mean there are materials for just this use.

rougher tile with a gritty surface.............rubber surfaces....special strips, etc.......

clue: when someone says" I don't intend to sue" they could well mean< If I think I could win I might try it!!! We were on a vacation in St Maartin about 15 or so years ago: I slipped on a 1/2 broken stair, but I was also carrying too much luggage on one side: anyway I broke my foot in 2 places, the resort offered me nothing, not even a ride to town for exrays: I was a bet ticked off, did write a letter asking for maybe, a few days comped the next year: no response. Did I expect them to pay for my emergancy treatment: nope, nor did I think of sueing. BTW, I was carrying too much luggage as we had been given the wrong room and were told to get out luggage asap and get on the golf cart to return to the reception area for the correct room keys. After we got settled the cart driver (also bus boy) showed up at our new room: did he care about me? NOPE< he wanted his tip!!!!
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I call that a sue carnival thing.


Many people don't like to take responsibility for their own carelessness. If you read the small print I am sure they hold themselves harmless on accidents like the one described. Negligence comes in if theyve had a bunch and not done some of the things suggested here to help prevent.

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Many people don't like to take responsibility for their own carelessness. If you read the small print I am sure they hold themselves harmless on accidents like the one described. Negligence comes in if theyve had a bunch and not done some of the things suggested here to help prevent.


LOL, it's not the first time Crazi has told someone to sue over an issue that shouldn't be sued for...

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Help, I was on the CB in September and jumped in the deep end. I don't know how to swim. I guess I should have sued the cruiseline when they revived me because there was no sign up saying I should be able to swim.


Just kidding but the same concept.


Over your head, you should know how to swim.

Wet roads, they are slippery and you should drive more carefully.

Wet deck around pools and hot tubs, they are slippery.

Hot tubs, NO KIDS ALLOWED!!!

Ships sway in the ocean. Opps, is that really true?


One problem with fixing the said "slippery floor problem" around the pools is what happens when someone stubs a toe or catches a foot and lunges forward face first into that new grip and end up with road rash on their face. Hmmmm. Lets think this over. Hmmmmm. I bet more law suits. Best offense there would be that they knew to put the new tacky floor down. It was applied wrong or was the wrong type for the job.


I guess some people really do just need to get a clue.

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