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“Smartguide” excursion app


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1 hour ago, flossie009 said:

It is a shame that those guests on our excursion who could not or would not use the technology, backed the guide, ensured that the technology was not available to any of us.


I agree, that would be very disappointing.

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We have used the app on each of our excursions to date. Though there has been some hiccups to begin with it has worked really well for us. Today, the guide decided that there was only 2 of us so she wouldn't use it. Really a shame as we could have used it a number of times.

i think those that are knocking it should maybe give it a try first.  If the phone solution is not for you i understand but to throw the whole system out seems a little extreme considering that a number of people critizing it have not tried it. 

Maybe there is a hybrid solution.

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3 minutes ago, 1982CruzStart said:

We have used the app on each of our excursions to date. Though there has been some hiccups to begin with it has worked really well for us. Today, the guide decided that there was only 2 of us so she wouldn't use it. Really a shame as we could have used it a number of times.

i think those that are knocking it should maybe give it a try first.  If the phone solution is not for you i understand but to throw the whole system out seems a little extreme considering that a number of people critizing it have not tried it. 

Maybe there is a hybrid solution.

Let's remember WHO caused all this - REGENT!

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i don't understand how anyone expects them to try it out without using real clients in real situations. I expect they will take into account all feedback.  Have you never been a guinea pig for something new? Why is this a problem? Try it or don't, no problem but maybe give it a fair chance before slamming something you really don't know anything about.

i understand the arguments against it. All i am saying is give it a try and then try and help them improve it rather than just slam something you have no first hand knowledge of.

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4 hours ago, 1982CruzStart said:

i don't understand how anyone expects them to try it out without using real clients in real situations. I expect they will take into account all feedback.  Have you never been a guinea pig for something new? Why is this a problem? Try it or don't, no problem but maybe give it a fair chance before slamming something you really don't know anything about.

i understand the arguments against it. All i am saying is give it a try and then try and help them improve it rather than just slam something you have no first hand knowledge of.

I tried it 3 times; worked once. DW tried 3 times with same equipment and settings and help from Destinations - NO GO. As stated above, NO ONE from Regent requested any feed back on use during our 12 days on board. NO request for feedback on electronic card. "Guinea pigs" often get compensated ; don't know of any "guinea pigs" that pay $2ooo/day for the experience. Tell us about how Regent is receiving/evaluating feedback.

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5 hours ago, 1982CruzStart said:

i don't understand how anyone expects them to try it out without using real clients in real situations. I expect they will take into account all feedback.  Have you never been a guinea pig for something new? Why is this a problem? Try it or don't, no problem but maybe give it a fair chance before slamming something you really don't know anything about.

i understand the arguments against it. All i am saying is give it a try and then try and help them improve it rather than just slam something you have no first hand knowledge of.


A "luxury" business does not just haphazardly implement a new technology to be tested by guests paying thousands of dollars for a luxury experience. Regent had no backup option for those guests who had problems using the app. Regent sought no specific feedback about the app on my recent cruise. That is not to say that the app doesn't work for many people,  but it is to say that the app doesn't work for many people.  I saw lots of people on tours having problems and being obviously frustrated.  The implementation should never have happened in its present state.  


So those of us who have used the app shouldn't criticize it?  I don't understand your point.  I paid a lot of money for my cruise and I don't like it when the app stops working in the middle of a guide's explanation of some point of interest.


It is obvious that Regent didn't consider many of the problems that I highlighted in my earlier post.  So what are guests who have no cell phone or guests who say they don't know much about using their phones supposed to do?  And what about those with disabilities that make using a phone difficult under the circumstances of a tour?  If Regent didn't contemplate situations such as those I mentioned earlier and address them before a widespread release of the app, then Regent deserves criticism.




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on a recent cruise, 8 excursions were marked with the "regent app" symbol, 2 of those actually had the guide provide the technology. So even if we were all prepared, the guides were in most of the cases not, didn't even know about it.  (and on the one tour it worked, the guide told me he hated carrying the heavy box around). 


The problem is that Regent is assuming that we, the passengers, are providing the equipment for the audio guides. Not Regent, not the tour guide. If everyone had smartphones and everyone carried them 24 hours, great. But not everyone does. Maybe a younger demographic does or assumes that's the case, but the Regent Demographic might not. 

The problem starts with: 

1. No information about this until you get on the ship. Maybe because it's a new program, maybe your TA has info but doesn't share it...who knows. 

2. Have you tried to download 60 MB of app data via the Regent internet connection on the ship ? Good luck. 

3. No information whether the app uses wifi, internet data or Bluetooth   (Yes, I know now how it works, but its not something Regent has passed on). So a lot of people, especially when outside their normal data plan area don't use their phones. 


So unless Regent ensures that everyone is on the same page and has access to the same technology, this will not work. And for the few who were able to use it, blaming the people who aren't able to (for whatever reason) is not a good thing either. Everyone should have the ability to listen to the tour guide. 


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As we understand it, Regent is trialling the excursion app in order to enhance the guest’s experience where a tour operator does not already supply equipment to enable guests to better hear their guide’s commentary (a common complaint in the past)


No guests are being forced to use the system; those who wish may simply continue to listen to the guide direct as they did previously,


We received notification in advance of our cruise which enabled us to download the app in readiness & bring our headphones/ earbuds. Having done so we are eager to have the opportunity to use the system whenever appropriate.


However, we do agree that Regent should be more proactive in

a) giving guests better advance information about the system & the need to download the app; maybe something on the website linked to the excursion booking page would be useful

b) assisting guests with use of the system

c) ensuring that tour operators/guides use the transmitter

d) seeking feedback; both from guests and tour guides



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First i aplogize to anyone i offended, it was not my intention to do so.   It was an end to a very long day and frustration with a tour guide making the decision that because only 2 of us wished to use the app it wasn't worth her while thus making our tour experience worse than it could have been while not negatively impacting anyone else's experience.   No excuse if i offended people just an explanation. 


I concur with everything Susan (Flossie009) said and wish that i had made my comments in the same well laid out manner. 


My perspective on being a 'guinea pig' when spending thousands of dollars a day is different, neither better nor worse than anyone else's.  I look at the trial and the opportunity to try something that may potentially enhance my experience as a positive.  I don't mind being an unpaid 'guinea pig' if it potentially is beneficial to me.


I hope Regent comes up with something that works for the majority of people.  Making everyone happy is unrealistic i think. 


Personally using the phone works for me and i don't want to add another device to carry around but i understand that is not the perspective of everyone. I looked forward to finally hearing a tour guide without being in a large crowd around her/him. 


We received an email from Regent through our TA at least a week before our cruise laying out the app, what needed to be done and how it worked.  If people chose to ignore it, didn't get it or not in a position to use it then excursion would be handled as they have been in the past. If you tried to use it and it didn't work that is frustrating and better support should be provided by Regent. 


By the way i am not tech savvy at all. My DH is and he tried his best to assist people on our various tours to use the app. Sometimes he was successful sometimes he wasn't. 

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As with all things, there are multiple sides to the story.  As a tech guy, I applaud Regent for trying something new that should theoretically make things easier.  I deduct points for apparently being too close-lipped about it.  I deduct a few more points for not really considering their demographics.  I’ve had to help numerous people log on to the ship’s WiFi after they’d worked with the computer center to no avail.  It’s not reasonable to expect non-tech savvy passengers to usher in this new technology in one fell swoop.


As we’ve said before, some sort of duplex/hybrid system would be ideal where the tour guide had one mic that fed two transmitters - one WiFi and one RF so we had a choice of how to listen...but a system like that would be heavy and twice as complex and therefore more likely to crap out.


I’m in my late 50s and in a tech field so I love the thought of being able to just use my phone and not have to mess with another receiver hanging around my neck...but I understand that a lot of people won’t or can’t use their smartphones for this (assuming they even have one).


As is often the case, I don’t know what the right answer is...but I know that a wrong answer is pushing out a half-@$$ed solution to the wrong demographic group.

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While I own a smartphone and an Ipad, I don't own earbuds.  DH has hearing damage that makes using the earbuds futile.


These are the sorts of things that drive me nuts.  Expecting everyone to have the same capability with no customer support or backup plan.  Sounds good on paper, not so good in practical application.

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23 hours ago, UUNetBill said:

pushing out a half-@$$ed solution


6 minutes ago, orvil said:

Expecting everyone to have the same capability with no customer support or backup plan

IMHO, these are are overly harsh, unwarranted and not particularly constructive criticisms.


Regent are trialling a potential solution to an issue that guests previously identified.
The technology is good but, with the benefit of hindsight, it does appear that the solution being trialled does not suit all those who cruise on Regent, for a variety of reasons.


Hopefully Regent will address the concerns raised.
We hope they do not just totally abandon the system as it it does do a good job for some of us and without it we will all just be back to square one.



23 hours ago, UUNetBill said:

some sort of duplex/hybrid system would be ideal

If Regent could supply simple Wi-Fi receivers & earphones to those unable to use their own equipment it would probably help


18 minutes ago, orvil said:

DH has hearing damage that makes using the earbuds futile.

I am not sure that any technology, except the guide carrying a loudspeaker, would address this issue.

Or is your husband OK with over-ear headphones?





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He has pretty severe tinnitus.  His job requires the use of headsets, but they are of a much higher quality than anything the tours can provide and bulky.  He is pretty much resigned to having to stand next to the tour guide.   

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Since I am part of an "older demographic," I guess I can be the one to say this out loud. Regent is wise to be testing things like this out, even if they aren't good for a part of the current demographic. Because the thing about aging is, it leads to eventual inability to do the walking tours or even take a cruise, and sooner or later leads to the end of life. And there goes your customer base, unless you're willing and able to adapt.


The next wave entering that demographic are comfortable with smart phones, and already know or can soon learn what kinds of head gear work for their specific needs. And the next wave after that will EXPECT a useable and convenient technology, which right now is smart phone-based. So let them test things out. What's the alternative? One of the most frequent complaints they get about excursions is "I couldn't hear the guide."  This is obviously an imperfect solution, but at least they're working on a solution. And the alternative to the current solution, even in the settings where the app is being used, is the status quo--stay close to the guide if you want to hear her.  That's the non-tech solution.



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I saw Flossie's comment about this being a trial.  That surprised me, so I went back to the letter from Regent and it does say that Regent is testing a new mobile app (see copy below).  I spoke with the various members of the ship's management about the problems on more than one occasion and no one said or hinted anything about this being a test.  The ship's management was obviously aware of many complaints. 


This "test" appeared to be a complete rollout of the new Smartguide app rather than a genuine test.  If this was truly a test, there would be a mechanism or survey in place for capturing the results of the test. Guests were not asked for feedback so there was no valid way to measure the success of the new technology.  A test would have criteria that would define success. Does Regent even have such criteria?  There was no accommodation for those who obviously could not use the app. Why would a luxury-styled company set up a trial and have no alternative during the trial for paying guests who clearly cannot use the new app?  


I am not knocking Regent for trying new technology, but I am criticizing them for the rollout and for not communicating in some manner about the concerns that are occurring daily on the cruises and highlighted on this thread. While there are many things about Regent that are good, communication is consistently the weak point, IMO. If this is truly a test, how long is it going to run?  How is Regent getting feedback?  What is Regent's plan for those who don't have phones?  etc., etc. If Regent's message to some, if not many, of its guests is that they will have to hang closely around the guide if they want to hear the guide's narrative, I think that is very problematic for a "luxury" image.


There are technologies that work already.  Until the Regent app is proven to work better than those technologies, the app shouldn't be put into widespread use. Beta testing by a cross-section of voluntary users would make more sense.  


Dear Valued Guests and Travel Partners,

During your upcoming cruise, we will be testing a new Regent Seven Seas Cruises mobile app, which will be utilized on select shore excursions throughout the cruise that will enable you to more easily hear the tour guide’s commentary through the comfort of your own smartphone and headset. To enjoy the benefits of this app, we encourage you to: 

  • Bring your smartphone, headphones and chargers on your cruise and bring your smartphone and headphones along with you – fully charged – to your shore excursions. A full list of shore excursions that will utilize this app can be provided to you by the Destination Services desk on board.


Your tour guide will help you connect to the audio through the Regent Seven Seas Cruises app during the relevant excursions. For additional questions, please visit Destination Services on board. 


We look forward to seeing you! 


Kind Regards,


Regent Seven Seas Cruises

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3 hours ago, CruisetheCs said:

There was no accommodation for those who obviously could not use the app. Why would a luxury-styled company set up a trial and have no alternative during the trial for paying guests who clearly cannot use the new app?

There is an alternative. Listen to the guide direct (see the screenshot in post #2).

The new app takes nothing away from those who do not use it.

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7 hours ago, flossie009 said:

There is an alternative. Listen to the guide direct (see the screenshot in post #2).

The new app takes nothing away from those who do not use it.

Floosie 009, you are right IF it works. The one time (of my 3 excursions that it was used) that it worked it was great, as I reported above. When it didn't work, it was a major  Distraction as the untrained Guide tried to help several people connect and/or reconnect or try to explain to the uniformed (no communication from Regent) what "it" was all about..


What I strongly object to is Regent conducting a 'test" that isn't a TEST. I spent about a half-hour on Saturday at half-time of the Chelsa game thinking through a test that Regent could have easily done near their office in Miami using Focus groups (many are surely available in the Miami area) of seniors or a group of the many Regent veterans that live nearby in Southern Florida. As pointed out by CruisetheC above, developing the procedure is easy, the hard part is deceiding a practical criteria for success. As far as we now know, Regent may have rather just decieded to "just do it". Please Regent tell us what is going on!

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I agree and applaud Regent's attempt to find a solution for hearing the guides on tours.  I also agree that unless all participants on the tour can take advantage of the audio portion, this solution will not work.  People mention being close to the guide to listen if you do not have a smartphone or are having issues connecting.  The problem with this is when guides have an audio solution, they no longer talk in a loud voice, they speak in a conversational tone.  Asking the guide to speak loudly and use the audio solution means those listening over their smartphones will be hearing yelling the whole time.  Often tours are traversing through narrow spaces, are indoors, etc. and the group needs to spread-out, having the audio continue in my ear is what I expect.  There is no way a person could always be beside the guide.   I personally love the freedom an audio device brings to a tour - I no longer have to stare at the guide to hear what's being said - I can look around, linger for a moment, take photos, etc. and still benefit from the guide's information.  One other issue that hasn't been brought up in this discussion is the need to be in airplane mode.  Is this really a requirement or just an easy way to find the wireless network?  When I travel I use my phone, - texting, email, etc. I still need to be available.  Being in airplane mode means I'll be out of touch for the duration of the tour.


There is no easy answer, but I would think that with the  buying power of Norwegian Cruise Line Holding, LTD, purchasing units for all guests or requiring the companies they do business with to provide units, should be the focus. 

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3 hours ago, cruisegal919 said:

.  One other issue that hasn't been brought up in this discussion is the need to be in airplane mode.  Is this really a requirement or just an easy way to find the wireless network?  When I travel I use my phone, - texting, email, etc. I still need to be available.  Being in airplane mode means I'll be out of touch for the duration of the tour.




I mentioned airplane mode, so sorry if I wasn't clear. There is no need to be in airplane mode. My advice was for people like me who keep their phones in airplane mode while cruising (it saves battery a bit by not searching for a cell signal and decreases the chances of accidentally triggering international service).  On many phones, when you turn on airplane mode, blue tooth is automatically turned off. If yours does this, you need to go back into settings and turn the blue tooth back on in order to use your wireless earbuds.

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I have a few points to consider. I believe I was one of the first to receive notice of this (below) and posted it in a separate thread. This information was provided to me by my TA, but I believe the same note should be included in the precruise packet so everyone has an opportunity to download the app at home. On that other thread there was a lot of discussion about security and to the best of my ability I provided the information that I received on the ship. In my opinion the responsibility for educating and ensuring that the Regent guests know that this is a test and they are looking for feedback is with the Destinations Services director. On my cruise last month (prior to Deep Freeze) the Destinations director did training on the APP but didn't want to be involved after that. When I went to him to get information on the security aspects he wouldn't come out of his office to speak to me about it, I had to leave him two notes. When we got to two days before the end of the cruise I went to the Executive Concierge and magically the information from Miami arrived in my suite that afternoon. He/she also has to work directly with the tour guides explaining why it's important that they try using the system. The Destinations director should have responsibility for getting feedback, either through a survey directly to guests that were on excursions that included the TEST or have a session like they did at the beginning of the cruise to receive live feedback. Unless the Destinations director takes an interest in the guests views it cannot be a valid nor successful test. I do believe we are sometimes too critical of Regent to try new things, and they did this in response to guest complaints about not hearing the guide during excursions. I believe we should give them the benefit of the doubt to give this a try, but they have to keep their end of the bargain and get honest feedback during the test.




Dear Valued Guests and Travel Partners, 
During your upcoming cruise, we will be testing a new Regent Seven Seas Cruises mobile app, which will be utilized on select shore excursions throughout the cruise that will enable you to more easily hear the tour guide’s commentary through the comfort of your own smartphone and headset. To enjoy the benefits of this app, we encourage you to: 
  • Bring your smartphone, headphones and chargers on your cruise and bring your smartphone and headphones along with you – fully charged – to your shore excursions. A full list of shore excursions that will utilize this app can be provided to you by the Destination Services desk on board.
Your tour guide will help you connect to the audio through the Regent Seven Seas Cruises app during the relevant excursions. For additional questions, please visit Destination Services on board. 
We look forward to seeing you!
Kind Regards,
Regent Seven Seas Cruises
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As I posted earlier... 

i was on a 14 day Crystal River Cruise.

Crystal had a whisperer for all guests to use. I did mostly walking tours and we had no issues.... it was great!

Tried Regents app on our last cruise...

Didn’t work very well.

Why can’t Regent make the investment and provide whisperers for all guest???

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