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Celebrity Silhouette - Review - February 23, 2020 - March 6, 2020


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Monday 3/2/20 - St Vincent


We went to the gym at 6:30.


When we got back we showered and got dressed.


Our room service breakfast was delivered while we were at the gym.  An omelet for Scott.  Yogurt with granola for me.





We still weren’t sure what we would do while on St Vincent.  We had trouble finding information.


We got off the ship and figured we would play it by ear.





When we exited the pier area a taxi driver approached us and showed us some areas on a map that most people are interested in.  We told him upfront we aren’t interested in a group tour.  He still wanted to show us the points of interest.   He focused on the Botanical Gardens and Villa Beach which we agreed would be interesting to see.  He wanted us to do a group tour which we don’t like since he had a large van to fill.  We thanked him for the information but told him we didn’t want to be part of a group tour.


As we were walking another taxi driver approached us who had a smaller taxi.  We told him what the other driver mentioned as highlights but that we weren’t interested in a group tour.  He said he would take just us and wait for us at each stop, show us what we wanted, and bring us back.  That worked for us.


Our first stop was the Botanical Gardens.  The driver dropped us off at the entrance and said he will meet us at the exit when we are finished.


The gardens were beautiful.  We were paired up with a guide for the gardens who would explain what we were looking at.  This definitely made a big difference over just walking around on our own.




The guide mentioned that people have weddings at the Botanical Gardens and this cage like area is often used for the reception.



The arch is where the bride starts walking down the aisle at the ceremony



This is our guide with a tree that reminded us of a Christmas Tree



This was funny and shows how the guide made such a difference making it come alive for us.  He talked about this flower and how during Halloween men would use it to make googly eyed glasses and women turn it the other way to make it look like long eyelashes.





This was a pretty little gazebo in the gardens.



There was a section with parrots but we didn’t get a good picture of the parrots.




We were at the Botanical Gardens longer than we expected.  We enjoyed our time here very much.

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Monday 3/2/20 - Continued


We met our cab driver when we left the Botanical Gardens; he was waiting at the exit just as he said he would be.


He took us to a beach that we walked along for a bit.



When we got back in the cab we asked if that was Villa Beach.  It wasn’t but he thought we may like that one better.  


We asked if we could go to Villa Beach next.  He brought us there and we walked along here too.  We weren’t impressed with Villa Beach.  It was very narrow and wasn’t that clean.


We were told there is a little boat from Villa Beach that takes you on a quick ride across to a little island where the beach is supposed to be very nice but there are no facilities there.  



We were ready to head back to the ship.


The driver stopped at a lookout for us to take a few pictures.




The driver brought us back to the pier.  


We stopped in a few shops near the pier.  We couldn’t find an ornament.  When we asked in one store they pulled out a box of plain ornament balls (like what they may put on the tree in the store) rather than an ornament with the name of the island that we wanted.


We were able to find a keychain and we will use that as an ornament.


We headed back onto the ship.



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Monday 3/2/20 - Continued


Back on the ship we stopped in the cabin to wash our hands.


We went to the Porch for lunch.




They brought us bread which had a cheese that reminded me of Velveeta in it.  I don’t like Velveeta cheese but when I got a piece without cheese on it the bread was good.   Scott liked it with the cheese on it.



I went outside the Porch to take a picture of Scott.  It was pretty empty in the restaurant for lunch.



I had the ceviche to start. This was light and refreshing.



Scott started with the Pil Pil shrimp which he enjoyed.



I had the Paella which I wasn’t crazy about.  It was OK but I gave Scott those big pieces of sausage.  It was filling and I didn’t eat much of it.



Scott had the wrap which he enjoyed.


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Monday 3/2/20 - Continued


After lunch we walked around the top deck a few laps.


We went downstairs and were walking along near the photo area and I had Scott pose with these statues.




We went up to the cabin and tried making that video for YouTube again.


We sat on the balcony reading my kindle and Scott looking through some papers.


When we came back inside we put on the TV.  There is a lot of news about CoronaVirus COVID19 now.


The doorbell rang and it was Alex bringing us a fruit bowl.  we snacked on the grapes; there were really sweet.  All the fruit we have received has been very good.



We watched some more TV and just puttered around in the cabin for a little while.  The afternoon just flew by.

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Monday 3/2/20 - Continued


We showered and changed for the evening.




We met our new friends (Char & Joe, Tracy & Jeff) at the Retreat Lounge for a drink.  Jeff brought a special whiskey that he wanted to share.  




Me, being the wimpy drinker I am, ordered my wimpy peach bourbon drink.



We talked about all having dinner together at Murano so we will ask the Murano host if she can have them added to our reservation on Wednesday.

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Monday 3/2/20 - Continued


We went to Murano for dinner.




The amuse bouche was shrimp with caviar.  This was light and tasty.



For his appetizer Scott ordered the lobster bisque.  The soup wasn’t just brought out in a bowl; it was a whole presentation.  The different components were separate:  the liquid in a pot, the crouton, the Creme fresh (sp?), the lobster and things that go in the soup.  



The liquid was poured into the bowl



Scott added the creme and the crouton



He said it was pretty good.  I’m not a soup person;  I don’t like any hot liquids.


I stuck with a simple light appetizer - the mozzarella tomato salad.  This was good.



We were brought an intermezzo today - apple sorbet.  



For our entrees I tried something different and ordered the turbot.  It was OK but not my favorite fish.  Scott ordered broiled lobster tails.  We ended up switching entrees.




For dessert they brought us the cookie ice cream from the Lawn Club Grill. The manager from the Lawn Club must have mentioned it to them since the Murano team asked us if we wanted that tonight.  I even remembered to ask for my ice cream on the side.  This was great; we both enjoyed it.



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Monday 3/2/20 - Continued


We weren’t finished with dinner until about 9:15.  The show in the theater, Antonio Larosa, started at 9 and the theater was crowded.  We stood near the back to watch the rest of it.


We went to the casino.


Scott got a straight flush at the 3 card poker table and won $2,000.  He is doing much better than I am in the casino this trip.


We played various games in the casino tonight from tables to slot machines.    




We left the casino a little after 1 and walked around the top deck a bit.  


When we got back to the cabin Scott ordered room service pizza and a hot dog.  He enjoyed his late night snack.


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    Thank you for the explanation, Noreen. 

I was thinking that maybe the butler had a way of warming the food. 

My DH and I enjoyed eating breakfast on the balcony whenever  we were on a cruise. But, we always ordered cereal,fruit and coffee. 

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On 4/12/2020 at 8:03 PM, mchell810 said:

The sunset picture (with Scott) is just lovely!  All your talk of the bourbon drink makes me think I need to have one tonight.  I don't like peaches, but I am sure I can improvise something! 😉



He hates taking pictures but over time has learned that I like taking them so humors me.  Sometimes we get a good one.  Thank you.


You can probably use a different fruit.  Scott tried making it at home.  It wasn’t quite the same and a little too strong, but it was close.



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On 4/15/2020 at 11:22 PM, dreamer976 said:

I absolutely LOVE your Easter eggs, Noreen. They are just too cute!


 I hope you both had a peaceful Easter/Passover. 


Thank you - it was fun making them.


I hope you had a good Easter/Passover as well



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Tuesday 3/3/20 - St Kitts


I went to the gym about 5:45 this morning.  Scott was tired so skipped the gym today.


I saw a beautiful sunrise.  This is taken with a IPhone 11Pro which doesn’t do it justice.




I went back to the cabin to shower and get dressed.


Our breakfast was delivered.  Scott had an omelet and I had yogurt with granola.  I forgot to take pictures of todays breakfast.


We were off the ship around 8





The cab drivers wanted to wait for a few more people headed the same way since the taxis were all larger vans. A group of other people were headed to Carambola Beach Club also so our wait was only about 10 minutes or so.


On the way the driver stopped so we could take this picture from the taxi van (I think it’s where the Caribbean and Atlantic meet).



We got to Carambola before 9; it was relatively empty.  I think they were still setting up for the day.




We got settled in our lounge chairs.  It was kind of nice getting here this early when it was still pretty empty.



We walked over to the lagoon area.  Last time we were here there were snorkel excursions, kayaks, and other things on this side.



Scott snorkeled in this lagoon area out to that rock in the middle that looks like a cave.  You can barely make out his little snorkel sticking up near the cave.  I didn’t snorkel here since I didn’t bring my water shoes and it was very rocky getting in.  He said he saw turtles and all sorts of fish.


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Tuesday 3/3/20 - Continued


We walked down the beach headed back to where our chairs were set up.




We both went snorkeling in the regular beach area.  I was just drifting along and didn’t realize how far out I was.  I wasn’t paying attention just watching what was under the water.  When I did look up I got a little nervous but saw Scott snorkeling near me.   He’s normally diving down and exploring while I just float along the top.  He saw that I was drifting and wanted to make sure I was OK.


We stayed in the water a long time.  We went back to our lounge chairs around 12:15.  I read my kindle and Scott just relaxed watching the water.


Our driver was due back at 1 so I went to change about 12:40.


I know it is normal on the islands to do so, but we don’t like having to arrange when we’re getting picked up when we first get there.  What if you change your mind?  We would have stayed longer if we didn’t have the cab coming back for us.  We usually only spend a few hours and are ready to go back but sometimes you are just having a good time and want to stay longer.  Or it could be the reverse, you are ready to go sooner and feel stuck.  


The driver was waiting for us so we headed back.


We did some shopping at the pier.  We easily found ornaments.  Scott found hats and T shirts; he probably got at least 10 Tshirts.  He also found a sweatshirt.  We got some chocolates from the chocolate factory.




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Tuesday 3/3/20 - Continued


We were back on the ship a little after 2 and tried making a video of our room again.


Alex delivered a cheese plate;  we won’t eat most of it - there is too much smelly cheese (like blue cheese) but the grapes were good and we ate a few crackers. 




We washed out our bathing suits and snorkel gear.


We also put together a bag of of regular laundry and a bag of dry cleaning to go out.



We went up to the suite sundeck to watch sail away.  I always find it a bit sad when we’re leaving the last island of the trip even though we still have two sea days on the way back to Fort Lauderdale.





It was really beautiful watching from up here.




We headed back to our cabin.  Scott looked so relaxed and comfortable.


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Tuesday 3/3/20 - Continued


We showered and got dressed.


We stopped at the Retreat Lounge and tried Pomegranate Mojitos.  Someone was drinking it and it looked good so we decided to give it a try.  It was good; very refreshing.




Scott took a picture of me with the interesting fruit background when I commented that I was surprised there wasn’t a photographer here.



We went outside to get a picture of the sunset.



We went to dinner at Murano.  




We have been sitting at the same table with the same waiter, Marco, a few times now.  We like it since we miss having that connection you have when you eat somewhere like Luminae with the same waiter daily; we ended up having that experience here in Murano.  Marco is great; he is very professional and starting to relax a bit more now that he realized how easy going we are.  The sommelier is also very good.  Scott has started branching out and trusting her recommendation for wine when he tells her what he is ordering for dinner.  It’s also become a running joke when they bring my Sprite, the can is presented and they talk about the year being a good one (kind of like you would do with wine).  The host and manager also are great.  We really are enjoying our dining experiences at Murano.


Jen and Mike were at the table near us so I took a picture.






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Tuesday 3/3/20 - Continued


The amuse bouche was tuna today - it was very good.



For appetizers Scott had the peeky toe crab and liked it today.  



I had the pork belly.  OMG - this is so good.  That little round thing standing up on top is a dried apple and it breaks the richness of the pork if you take a little of bite of it in between eating the pork.



For our entree Marco remembered we like the broiled lobster tails to make surf and turf.  Scott had his with lamb chops and I had mine with Chateaubriand (they can make this for 1)




Our dinners were both really good. 


For dessert we had the cookie with ice cream from the Lawn Club Grill.  Marco asked if we wanted it; we would have ordered something off the Murano menu for dessert otherwise.  Once he offered we were happy to take him up on it.  This is probably our favorite dessert we have had on the ship.



We were too full for our little plate of chocolates so Marco wrapped them up for us.  How cute is this?  It looks like a little foil purse.



We went to the theater for the show - Dan Wilson.  It started at 9 and we arrived a little after but we were able to find seats.  He was pretty funny.


We went to the casino after the show and played various games until about 1:30.



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I'm still looking at your posts/meals with longing in my heart.  I want someone to cook for me( and serve me) and then do the dishes and clean up the kitchen.  LOL.


We've only ever cruised in Aqua Class, we get a canape plate daily.  On the first day, I ask the room attendant for cheese/crackers daily.  I also mention we don't like blue cheese.  I was surprised on the last cruise we were given saltine crackers.  Next time, I'll bring my own.  They took away the cracker variety from the buffet as well( our last cruise was Sept 2019 on Equinox). 

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19 hours ago, calicakes said:

I'm still looking at your posts/meals with longing in my heart.  I want someone to cook for me( and serve me) and then do the dishes and clean up the kitchen.  LOL.


We've only ever cruised in Aqua Class, we get a canape plate daily.  On the first day, I ask the room attendant for cheese/crackers daily.  I also mention we don't like blue cheese.  I was surprised on the last cruise we were given saltine crackers.  Next time, I'll bring my own.  They took away the cracker variety from the buffet as well( our last cruise was Sept 2019 on Equinox). 

That’s a good idea to let them know what you don’t like to avoid wasting things.  We didn’t ask for any of the treats left in the room (other than the scones and the set up for the cabin crawl); so it was a nice surprise when something showed up.  

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