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Constellation transatlantic April 28th


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I will be keeping a low profile as having come off a 33 day vacation with 28 of them on the Millennium.


Smart man. You know how nasty us Queens can get when people "out do" us all! :mad:


BEAV: You have a great sense of humor. I think I'm going to get an inferiority complex.


Inferiority complexes not allowed in this group. We'll take care of that at the martini bar! ;)

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We need to figure out our "meeting place". The cruise critic group is meeting at 4pm, I think we should mingle with everyone there and go for a drink after we sail and before dinner?



My initial thought was the martini lounge (say 7:00 or 7:30pm?). But maybe Michael's Club would be a little quieter venue where we could get acquainted easier? Once we know each other after the first night, we can then "take over" the martini lounge on a nightly basis, complete with tiaras, of course! Just a suggestion ... I'm a good go-alonger and we'll meet ya'll anywhere! :D

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Welcome Royal Caribbean! (David)!


Ruy, I was "off-line" this weekend, as I am most- we DO have a computer at the house, but, like the exercise bike, is relegated to the attic with the ironing piled on top...


Juan, another Virgo? Yea! My real regret is that, with my project opening this Fall, I can't be cruising on my birthday- done it several times, and it's a lot of fun!


Since I do not have ways with words as you guys do, so I just keep being entertained by reading them in these posts.

Francois, don't worry about your way with words...get enough red wine in me, and I'll speak in French to you (I'm a little rusty from my college French). Heck get enough red wine in me, and...:eek:



...and I'll pass out alone like a good boy in my cabin.;) (And you all thought I'd say...:D )



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David: Congratulations on your recent commitment ceremony!


Ruy: Hope you had a good flight going home.


I agree that we should set a time and place to meet for drinks so that we can all meet each other. I am not familiar with the Constellation (first time on Celebrity) so if anyone else here has sailed her or a Millenium class ship before, perhaps you can offer ideas. I think most of the people on the other roll call have agreed to meet on deck 10 aft at 4 PM. I, like BEAV, am easy going and am open to any suggestions. But, please note that BEAV also said that you guys would take care of my inferiority complex at the Martini Bar.:D


Made my appointment to have my legs and eyebrows waxed. Also having manicure and pedicure just in case one of the girls (real girls) lends me her open-toed stilettos.;)


Regards, Juan

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Thanks for the welcome!


I have a Scottish accent which I cannot seem to get rid of even though I have been in the US since 1993. David


David: I have been here for over 20 years and I still have my Brazilian portuguese accent, but if after you offer Andrew a glass of red wine so he can start speaking french to Francois, you offer me a glass of wine, I will develop a new Scottish accent to match yours. I had a feeling your screen name came from RCL and Celebrity, but still wanted to have a little fun with it. PS: I don't believe for a minute you will be keeping a low profile. We won't let you.


BEAV: The clock is ticking and people will have less and less time to read the board this week, so I would suggest we follow your lead and meet at either the Martini bar or Michael's Club at 7pm... I haven't been on board, so why don't you make the decision for us ? Chances are we will meet at the Sailaway at 4pm.


JUAN: You had your eyebrows waxed, did you get a Brazilian bikini wax too? :) I got home after my five day of Palm Beach and we are oficially on vacation now! Dennis is cooking me breakfast as we speak.


John and Rob: Where have my favorite Indianapolis boys been hiding lately?


Here is the "Royal Founding Stiletto Stealers Sisters" updated list:


Ruy and Dennis - Amesbury - MA

John and Rob - Indianapolis - IN

Bryan and Roger - New York and U.K.

Frank and Norm - Santa Barbara - CA

Steven and David - Plymouth - MA

Francois - Ottawa - Canada

Juan - Miami - FL

Brian and Gary - CA

Andrew and Ed - CA

Wim and couple from South Africa (names ?)

J and Mikey - NJ

Bob and Barry - Staten Island - NY

David - Poconos Mountains, PA version of the Scottish Highlands

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Oh, yes. I forgot to mention my Brazilian bikini wax. But then I should make it clear that it would be waxed completely!:D Ouch!


Did I not mention that we are all coming over for breakfast cooked by Dennis? Glad to see that you are already on the start of your vacation. Nothing better than to start your vacation with breakfast cooked by your dear hubby. Will Dennis be cooking breakfast for us when we get together for the "Royal Breakfast" at the Ocean Liners restaurant? Thanks for maintaining the list of the "Royal Founding Stiletto Stealers Sisters." Good job!


I've also thought that as the clock ticks, there will be fewer and fewer posts specially from those out on the west coast who will be flying over to the east coast on Thursday. I think I'll probably make my last posting sometime on Wednesday and I'll check for any updates on Thursday to see if there is anything new. I'll be busy packing on Thursday.


Beav, you want to pick the place to meet at 7 PM as Ruy said? Either Martini Bar or Michael's Club. I promise to limit my martinis to three as I do not want to get under my host on the first night.:D


Haven't seen any postings from John and Rob lately. Hope all is well.


Regards, Juan

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Dear Fellow (fella?) "Royal Founding Stiletto Stealers Sisters"


The honor (honour) of your presence is requested at Michael's Club, Promenade deck 4, Friday, April 28 at 7:00pm (7:30pm for those making fashionably late entrances).


In the unlikely event Michael's Club should be closed for a private function or having been transformed into a non-alcoholic juice bar, please proceed up one deck to the Martini Bar, Entertainment deck 5.


On the agenda:


1. Public inspection of Juan's wax job (has a nice ring to it, eh?)

2. Formation of plan to steal stilletos from the str8 but accepting females in our CC group.

3. Tiaras - are yours shined and ready to go?

4. A few words by David demonstrating his Scottish oral skills

5. A lot of words by Rui, demonstrating his Portuguese/Scottish "multicultural" accent(s).

6. Very few words from BEAV, desperately trying to conceal his "Modesto" (Scott Peterson, Gary Condit country) accent.

7. Possible appearance by Blazerboy, dependant upon how many str8s are buying him martinis one deck up.

8. Open forum - time permitting

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Hey guys


Did you know that on the first night the Martini Bar usually has a Martini Sampler night. You are given 6 different martinis so that you can decide which ones you like and which are like "Drain Cleaner" It costs $10 and the measures are just under half size. I have been known to float into the restaurant afterwards, as normally you can get a top off on one or two that you like. On the Millie last month we only did it for the first cruise, as my partner Marc wanted to make sure I did not disgrace myself again!


Ha ha.....Gary & Brian, I never thought anyone would be interested in my oral skills.


Ruy...I did say I would be keeping a low profile? Have you seen what a low profile looks like?


Andrew, it will be good to see you both again. Connie TA Westbound 2004?

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Your Royal Celebrity David: The only things that would qualify you for a "low profile" would be sitting at a bar stool,(where I can only see you from waist up) or on your knees (oops) praying for St. Andrew, patron saint of your beloved country. Or a combination of both!


BEAV: the "Royal Founding Stiletto Stealers Sisters" posted in the cruise daily patter as FORFSSS will be honored with your suggestion of Michael's Club for our first meeting.


as per BEAV:

On the agenda:


1. Public inspection of Juan's wax job (has a nice ring to it, eh?)

2. Formation of plan to steal stilettos from the str8 but accepting females in our CC group.

3. Tiaras - are yours shined and ready to go?

4. A few words by David demonstrating his Scottish oral skills

5. A lot of words by Rui, demonstrating his Portuguese/Scottish "multicultural" accent(s).

6. Very few words from BEAV, desperately trying to conceal his "Modesto" (Scott Peterson, Gary Condit country) accent.

7. Possible appearance by Blazerboy, dependant upon how many str8s are buying him martinis one deck up.

8. Open forum - time permitting


**The only changes are: There will be very FEW words by Ruy, as he much rather watch David demonstrate his Scottish oral skills . I know my postings here tend to be a little ehh "long", but that's due to the fact that my fingers are very fast when typing, would you like a demonstration? Did someone say Gary Condit? Is he coming along? I rather bring Gavin Newsom.


** Bryan (from Bryan and Roger) will perform his skills. I'm not quite sure if it's comedy, drama or Shakespeare, I have a feeling it might be something from "Carmem"... "Les voici! voici la quadrille,

la quadrille des toreros.

Sur les lances, le soleil brille!"


but this quadrille is not of toreros, but of stiletto stealers.


** I already have a plan to introduce Dennis and I as Andrew and Ed so we can cash in on those free martinis, people will know immediately that my "accent" is the one from California. Actually they will know I'm the impostor when they look at my not so well shined shoes.


In person Ruy is actually rather subdued and will defer all speech courtesies and pageantry to his older, more experienced sisters. Watch out for Dennis' killer looks if I don't behave.


JUAN: Breakfast was delicious. Followed by haircuts and some last minute shopping. I received my copy of "The Only Way to Cross", it's signed by Mr. Maxtone-Graham on board the SS Norway in 1985. It's too bloody heavy and I don't know where I'm going to pack it.


O.K. boys, start packing your exquisite suitcases.

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Hey guys


Did you know that on the first night the Martini Bar usually has a Martini Sampler night. You are given 6 different martinis so that you can decide which ones you like and which are like "Drain Cleaner" It costs $10 and the measures are just under half size. I have been known to float into the restaurant afterwards, as normally you can get a top off on one or two that you like. On the Millie last month we only did it for the first cruise, as my partner Marc wanted to make sure I did not disgrace myself again!



Sounds yummy! Whaddya say we start out at Michael's at 7:00pm, then gravitate up one deck to the Martini lounge for samplers? Besides, if we are a group "to be seen" it only makes sense to circulate the ship and give everyone equal opportunity to "experience" us, right? Humility is my strong suit, by the way in case you didn't already pick up on that!


Glad to have an "in the know" person such as you, David, for all these insider ideas! Any other pointers you can give us ???? :D

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Beav, that sounds perfect, as I will have to greet and wave to the multitudes that evening upstairs (and collect my drink vouchers- back off Ruy, they're mine! !:mad: but if you're nice, I'll share...:D )! Ed may or may not stop by- he may still be getting primped for dinner! But we'll be in the Martini Bar for sure.


David! I just made the connection! Moya told me you'd be on board! Will be nice to see you again too!


Oh, and I leave tomorrow afternoon, and won't be "on-line" in the interim before we board!


So, I'll try to check in tomorrow, and that will be that! CAN'T WAIT!



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Checking back in. There sure is a lot of activity going on now as departure time approaches.


Michael's Club at 7:00 PM it is! Convenient for me as my cabin is on deck 4 also. Then we can go up to the Martini Bar or just go with the flow.


Oh gosh! A public inspection of my wax job? Well, being that I am rather shy, I'll have to have 2 Cosmos before than can happen (never mind the 3rd and 4th drink as that is for later in the evening and you know what happens then;)), but I will also have to upgrade to a much larger cabin since I prefer to allow only one public inspection to be held in my cabin for all of you at the same time. This is embarassing. Can I change this item on the agenda for a demonstration of my latin oral skills?:D :D :D I'll need to have all four of my drinks for this one.


I saw on the other roll call board that two more guys from Kansas City, MO will also be coming along. This royal group just keeps getting larger and larger.


David, Connie TA westbound 2004 has been sold out for a few months already. Not only is it a great itinerary but there's also a Pied Piper group on board this sailing. No wonder it is already sold out. Great tip on the Martini Bar first night!


Ruy, Glad to see that your hubby cooks for you. My hubby wouldn't know what to do in the kitchen. He doesn't where anything is stored (I'm not implying that I'm a great cook but I know much more than he does). If you give him a cup of water he wouldn't know what to do with it (except probably drink it, and believe me, he will get drunk on that). Glad to see that you received your copy of "The Only Way To Cross". It is a great book. I am almost finished and hope to be by the time that I leave on Friday morning. The autobiography of Tab Hunter that I am reading is another thick book (and hardcopy too) but I'm packing it anyway.


Regards, Juan

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Juan, I was refering to the connie westbound 2004 beacuse it was three years ago that we sailed with Blazerboy.


I understand that the Connie westbound 2006 was really sold out by around September last year. seems even as people cancel, their bookings ae not being replaced with other people. It is popular!

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Juan, I was refering to the connie westbound 2004 beacuse it was three years ago that we sailed with Blazerboy.quote]


David: You are absolutely correct. I guess the excitement of this cruise coming up made me overlook the fact that you did indeed indicate it was 2004. Oh, well. I need a drink at the Martini Bar already.


Regards, Juan

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hi guys we're back and dry. suck days. but no crowds. roger had never been there so it was ok for him. but was nice and relaxing.


ok. we're all ready. jewels and outfits at the ready. what time and where are we meeting?

just heard i will be doing the play AGAIN in may and june in london, and then the festival in scotland in aug. so this vacation better do me a lot of good!


good travel for you heading this way and see you friday.


Bryan and Roger


ruy you back home yet or still sunning yourself?


we're in cabin 8146 i think.:D

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