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Constellation transatlantic April 28th


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We're keeping an eye on Lifeboat sixty-nine ..... :D


Oh Beav, I am blushing!;) I should be arriving at the port around 11 or so as my flight arrives shortly before 10. Hopefully, I should still have a chance to snag a good upgrade.


Regards, Juan

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Oh Beav, I am blushing!;) I should be arriving at the port around 11 or so as my flight arrives shortly before 10. Hopefully, I should still have a chance to snag a good upgrade.


Regards, Juan


Ahh....to blush again. Something I haven't been able to do in years !! :(

We'll hope and pray the Celebrity upgrade fairy will arrive extra early in Bayonne on April 28!


Hi all. We will be on the connie for the transatlantic crossing. So good to see so many family on board. I'm sure I'll be seeing you at the martini bar. We are David and Steven. Shackled since 1989


Welcome aboard, shackled David & Steven! Gary and I have been happily shackled since '95, so you've got a few on us. You can bet our little group will add lots of color to the Martini Bar!

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:) Hey boys, finally found this thread a few weeks before we sail- I guess I was too busy being "control queen" over on the other rollcall thread!:o


Totally forgot I started a thread on this cruise over here- guess it died an ignoble death....Ruy, glad you started this up. Also glad that many of you have "hooked up" with tablemates. It'll make our table seem so dull by comparison....but we're dining with friends from previous cruises, so I'm sure, somehow, we'll manage a passable journey...;)


Every TA we've done has had a fair number of family on it- last TA (Constellation '04) there were about 40 of us on board, and they let us take over the "teen" area for a cocktail party one afternoon. On Infinity last Fall, they had an official FOD meeting scheduled every night in the Martini Bar at 7:45, and listed it in the program, but I think it depends on the cruise director.


Looking forward to meeting you all.


Andrew (& Ed)

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David and Steven: We are glad you will be joining this "Royal Crossing". There will be more "royalty" on boad then at Camila Parker Bowles wedding ceremony. As far as what to pack here is my suggested list:


1) Sunglasses - You do want to avoid the paparazzi, especially on deck 10 aft at sunset and after hours in the persian gardens.


2) A dog, a cute baby, or a younger boyfriend. You don't want to be seen walking around the promenade deck without holding one of those. They tend to attract smiles and attention.


3) At least 27 pairs of shoes, including morning cabin shoes, black leather, brown leather, cowboy boots (for the "Brokeback Mountain" night), work-out sneakers, pool sandals, tuxedo shoes. You can only come down the Grand Staircase in the dining room wearing each pair once, otherwise it's considered a fashion-emergency. Ruby Red's don't look good while you walk in the San Marco Dining Room's red carpet. They tend to blend.


4) Speedos. Nothing like making a "big splash" at the thalassoterapy pool. Just be careful coming out of the pool. The cold water and atlantic breeze tend to make speedos shrink.


5) Don't worry about the cashmere and sweaters. Celebrity has it's own "adopt a bear" program. I'm sure on this posting I already read something about "little bears a la goldilocks". Those come two for one by the way. They are expensive, good looking, charming and guaranteed to keep you warm, right MikeyBear?


6) Ear plugs. Every so often you can put them on at the dining table and not one person will notice. They come standard at dining tables which don't include at least one gay couple.


7) A weekly pass on Celebrity's handrail system (Reduced rates available after midnight). You grab the handrail at the martini bar with your left hand and it takes you right back to your own cabin, with stops if you wish. While your right hand remains free to wave good bye and push other "royalty" out of the way.


Seriously, yes it tends to be on the cooler side. A few cashmere light sweaters from banana republic work perfectly for me. You can wear it over a casual shirt....They take less space then full sweaters. Also a fleece, easy to pack and great to walk on decks. Two suits and a tux (or not) and maybe a dinner jacket. I don't think silk and linen will take you very far on this crossing. If you are planning on staying in London a light jacket or coat should be fine. During the day it's not that much different from other cruises, but you don't see a lot of people wearing shorts. It's not like they are going to be getting off and going to the beach. Evenings are no doubt more formal. Pair of sneakers, black shoes, brown shoes and a pair of sandals is all I bring. 9 shirts for the evening and 9 for the day. A few t-shirts for working out. Closet space is somewhat limited. Plus you have to leave room for some folks, who might use this transatlantic opportunity to be liberated and come out of the closet. It's called "Mid-atlantic Rave"! The best thing after the black and white party in Provincetown and gay pride in Toronto.


Beav: Lifeboat 69 is available for upgrade on the Celebrity website! It's listed under "Family Deluxe Ocean View". Lifeboat number 1, which gets incredible views is also available under "Friends of Dorothy Ocean Specials" all part of the happy hour on fridays before the sailing date. Celebrity's new ships will have an all "gay deck", with larger closets, upgraded bathroom amenities and a choice of handcuffs or a leather collar for those booked in Concierge Class. Cabin music selections will include Barbara Streisand, Bette Midler, Lena Horne, Abba, Dame Kiri te Kanawa, Madonna and Michael Bubble.


Juan: I expect you will have a tan when you arrive. The rest of us who live north of South Beach would be better off taking care of that business now by purchasing a bottle of Celebrity's "Tan in a Can" available at the spa. Those who don't want to spend the money on that fantastic product need not worry, the steam and lighting usually create the perfect glow effect.


Andrew: I didn't see your posting. It must have gone into the depths of the cruise critic board and I couldn't rescue it. You have done such a wonderful job with the main posting, I'm sure Ed is ready to board the ship! I think you should bring the dog, we can move it from cabin to cabin as Celebrity's security officers respond to barking on deck 9 and they will never find him.


Redheadinsemass: By the way Dennis and I have been shackled 19 years... and I have too much time in my hands to type all the non-sense above. We are from Amesbury, Mass. Where are you guys at?



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Hi Ruy, Steven and I are from Plymouth MA. Thanks for the tips. I would have frozen my ass off. Definitely sounds like a wool and tweed type of crossing. I just keep hoping that warm weather will magically appear. It is a pathetic by- product of being a New Englander.:rolleyes:

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I no long own a speedo by the way. I decided to forsake them last year when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror coming out of the shower. I was reminded of a horrendously over endowed samoan woman i had seen on the pages of National Geographic. (or Irene Cara in Fame). I now wear trunks and belong to a gym. Things have improved but speedos are best left to the young and lithe or big fat German tourists who don't know any better.:)

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Hey Guys:


Wow! So many new posts since I last posted this afternoon. This activity of posts sure does get me excited about the cruise every time I come to this site to check on what is the latest.


David and Steven: We have been shackled since 1986! Celebrating our 20th this summer. We are just one year ahead of Ruy and Dennis. Unfortunately, my partner will not be aboard on this cruise. But we will be on the Constellation's departure on May 20th; only two weeks after we disembark on May 6th.


Andrew: Welcome to this thread. I have been seeing your posts on the Roll Call thread. You are doing an awesome job on the list. I have never seen the thread that you started here.


Beav: We are never too old to blush again!;)


Ruy: I have really enjoyed reading your last post. I wish I had the creativity that you have to come up with such comments that are essential to have such good humor. I'm glad to be seated at your table. I will not be as tanned as you might think. I gave up on the tanning thing about two years after I moved to Florida. The last time that I had a tan line was over 25 years ago.


Counting the days!


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David and Steven: Be careful I see wild ROYALTY on the run. German Cruiser seems more upset than Gerard Schroeder on ELECTION DAY. I would be hiring some BODYGUARDS if I were you two. As far as I'm concerned he can go back to cruising the RHINE RIVER. If he is not as slim as he was 15 years ago, don't you worry, he will float. GOOD DAY TO YOU TOO! I personally have NEVER seen a fat American tourist. "Mabel and the Midnight Buffet" is just a Hans Christian Andersen fairytale.


As for speedos, they are only worn by fat ITALIAN tourists. You know those fat Italians with those awful bodies, filled with muscles and dark hair, and those green eyes, riding those motor scooters saying Ciao! Oops, time to turn the magazine page.


Steven: Since you joined the gym I think you need a reward. Here is a low calorie recipe I found just for you:


German Bundt Cake

Yield: 1 cake

1 ¼ c Butter

2 ¼ c Sugar

7 Eggs

2 ½ c Sifted flour

2 ½ ts Vanilla


Cream butter and sugar well. Add whole eggs, one at a time, beat after each addition. Add flour, all at once, and beat well. Add flavoring. Bake in greased and floured bundt pan at 325ø F. for one hour. Cool ten minutes before removing from pan.


Now, what you do with the cake after it's baked and the icing is on it's up to you.


Talking about wool and tweed, I suggest we all wear kilts on formal night. It's all about the belt. I would make sure a fan is placed at the bottom of the Grand Staircase, a-la-Marilyn Monroe. Either that or a reenacting of the Ascot Races.


Beav: What do you think ? I need your wisdom to set the dress code straight.


Juan: I guess you will blend in with the New England crowd, we all know it's too early to go to Provincetown. The only person who will stand in the crowd is BEAV who will be nicely "blushed".


Francois: I now need to pick a fight with the French Canadians... any suggestions?



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I feel so left out! I don't read the board for two days and you guys write two pages. I just can't keep up with all of you!



I was planning on bringing an assortment of speedo and thongs to soak up any rays that may come our way on our voyage and as you know from my pictures, I am neither German or Italian. Surely someone else will be joining me on the topless deck??? ;)

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We all know that as a nation America is the fattest.
And, just like men of a certain age - my age, darnit -, America tends to be fattest in the middle! Those of us on the coasts are still making a valiant, if not always winning, effort!:D


David and Steven, I grew up for the most part in Marion! Just around the corner (or across a few cranberry bogs...) Some of the family is still there, although the other gay brother escaped to Newton.;)


Ruy, one of Ed's talents, among many, is good weather kharma. So we'll see if his can tame the North Atlantic again- it has worked on the last two crossings, so he may be running out of luck, but here's hoping...If not, I look better in layers anyway-no speedo for me no matter WHAT the weather....Does Jantzen make a floor length Mumu style mens' bathing suit?:rolleyes:


One word of caution about kilts: we will have several guys wearing the real thing on board, so unless your legs are THAT great so as to distract, you might look a little funny in an inexpensive one purchased from Pleasure Chest or All American Boy!:eek: ;)



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Hi everyone,


I am looking forward really to meet you all on the ship.


John: You are right, posts keep coming at the very high speed. I

can hardly keep track. I will be gone for three days, I can't wait

to see what will be there when I return.


Ruy: If you need to pick a French Canadian fight, please do not go

towards Celine or Cirque du Soleil. One of them may be on



This is becoming very entertaining.



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At the advanced age of forty-seven, I'm afraid my speedo days are over, boyz.


If Ed's good weather luck holds out for yet another jaunt across the pond, you'll know you've found BEAV if you see something like this (not quite floor length, Blazerboy, but close!)



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Juan: I guess you will blend in with the New England crowd, we all know it's too early to go to Provincetown. The only person who will stand in the crowd is BEAV who will be nicely "blushed".



Yes, "blushed" from way too many martinis, followed by countless glasses of Syrah!


Does anyone know of any good sun preparations? I don't mean a sunblock or a tanning lotion but more of an anti reflective coating for redheads to prevent blinding others.


Yes, it's called a North Atlantic crossing in the merry, mary month of May! :D

But, seriously, I'm sure the effervessence of your personality will detract from your reflective coating. Not to worry, dear, you're amongst "family" !!

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Andrew: Don't you worry, my legs are priceless... (I wish) I've actually taken insurance for the voyage. Just like Sophia Loren and her cleavage... insured to the max. Pleasure chest ran out of my kilt size, so I had to order one from International Male. Do you think a flight attendant skirt could pass for a kilt?


Beav: That Mumu was fabulous. I will now know exactly what you look like when you enter the Persian Gardens. Can we get a deal and outfit the entire family ?


Redheadnsemass: Ruy LOVES freckels, the more the better. Actually what about a little lunch or dinner in the city prior to departure?


Francois: I wouldn't dare say anything about Celine. Like I said before I will even sing "Non Je ne regrette Rien" to make you happy.


Dennis says hello to everyone. Ruy

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Two weeks to go, fellas!


Hi Naomi, eh, Ruy. Say hi to Dennis for me.


John: There definitely has been a flurry of activity here in the past couple days. Must be the excitement of the approaching departure date.


Beav: If you are going to be blushing from too many martinis, I'm afraid that you may have company. For sure, I'll be there blushing also.;)




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Ruy: If you are looking for private transportation from JFK to Bayonne, you may right to try www.limos.com. I have used them before when looking up private car transfer in Barcelona and had no problem with the company that I selected. My recommendation is that when you select a specific company, go into the Better Business Bureau website to check if the company is "clean" or if there are issues with it.


I will also post this on the other board in case you get to the other one first.


Regards, Juan

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