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Hull Bay questions. Thanks!!


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Hey Ms411 have you ever been to Hull Bay or the Hull Bay Hideaway restaurant?

I'm going to do a beach I've never done before on St. Thomas. A great friend of mine recommended Hull Bay, he said it was very popular with locals lots of tourists don't know about it. 

Looks right up my alley. 

Btw what's a "Frenchie" ?

I'm sorry I don't know what a "Frenchie" is. 😕



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Yes, I have been to Hull Bay. The road going there used to be very bad, but someone said it was repaved in 2021 or 2022. Taxis don't like going there because it's out of the way, and they can't pick up a fare leaving Hull Bay like they can at Magens or other popular beaches. Best to rent a vehicle.


There weren't chairs for rent last time I was there which is usually the case at local beaches.


The name of the restaurant has changed but I can't remember what it is now.


A Frenchie is a Virgin Islander of French Canadian descent who settled in VI long ago. Some went to St Barts. They are a small tight-knit group that do a lot of commercial fishing and farming. They have a reputation of being very protective of their property and have a reputation for settling disputes on their terms.


Hull Bay can get rough especially in winter. Popular surfing destination Jan-Mar.


It's too out of the way for my taste.

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1 hour ago, Ms411 said:

Yes, I have been to Hull Bay. The road going there used to be very bad, but someone said it was repaved in 2021 or 2022. Taxis don't like going there because it's out of the way, and they can't pick up a fare leaving Hull Bay like they can at Magens or other popular beaches. Best to rent a vehicle.


There weren't chairs for rent last time I was there which is usually the case at local beaches.


The name of the restaurant has changed but I can't remember what it is now.


A Frenchie is a Virgin Islander of French Canadian descent who settled in VI long ago. Some went to St Barts. They are a small tight-knit group that do a lot of commercial fishing and farming. They have a reputation of being very protective of their property and have a reputation for settling disputes on their terms.


Hull Bay can get rough especially in winter. Popular surfing destination Jan-Mar.


It's too out of the way for my taste.

That's all I needed to know it's back to Sapphire. Thanks for the info, and the definition of Frenchie. Damn I didn't know anything about that😟. Last thing I need is too walk into a hornets nest somewhere out on some deserted beach or rent a car. I rent a car either way I'm in trouble.  Sapphire Beach in a TAXI WITH SEAT BELTS. Ol Frenchie doesn't have to worry one bit about Ol Whitey. Thank you for the heads up. Appreciate it  Ms411 

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I recommend Hull Bay for land based visitors, because it's a different atmosphere than the other beaches. If taxis were readily available every day, it could be an option for cruisers. There are private excursions that go to Hull Bay.

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The French😂😂😂😁😂😂😂you got me started Ms411. I don't get this it never fails the French pop up all over the world in some unpleasant capacity and always try and piss on everybody's parade. I thought St. Thomas was the USVI not the FrenchieVI. I'm famous for going off the beaten path getting lost and missing the rest of my cruise and have to fly home with nothing, can't do that anymore. 

Plan B stay ON THE BEATEN PATH keep my mouth shut(I'm worse in person)and get back to the ship in one piece. 

Frenchie oughta see Martinique LOVE that island the place is magnificent, Frenchie still mad cause we saved there ass 80 years ago. Guys shake it off, have some fun before they get there ass kicked again and we have to go and save their ass again. 🙄

Thanks again sorry to ramble but it's true.

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Can’t wait to get back to HB! For a gorgeous beach, Sapphire and Lindqvist are it…For a wonderful day away from your fellow cruisers (or us when staying at Sapphire on a big ship day), Hull Bay was always a great spot, now even better…



If concerned about getting a taxi there and back, read the reviews. If you are determined to try something new after multiple cruises here, renting a car is safe and easy too…

Edited by blue_water
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Thank you that's great information.

My buddy ran the campground on Water Island for about 9 years he told me all about Hull Bay. He said exactly the same thing you did. Big ship day go to Hull Bay which I had not heard of Hull Bay. I love that side of the island too.  Sapphire is my favorite beach. 


While I'm on this subject I have another question. Thank you for your help.

Ok on a cruise ship visit if you were to go in or around town CA during the day, WHERE would you stop in and have a nice lunch that's a local establishment.  My buddy said Bologno Bay has a great cookout thing but I'm not sure we're going to be there late. I would love to sit and have a nice dinner on St. Thomas but our ship leaves straight up at 5pm so I have to have lunch.  

So downtown Main St. are they're any local hole in the wall but AWESOME local fare type restaurants? It doesn't have to be anything 5-star quite the contrary the homey'r the better. I've eaten some absolutely wonderful meals in Mexico back in the day in these aren't even restaurants these places are rough. ICE cold beer and authentic Mexican food I'm in I don't care how nice or not nice it is as long as the food is good and local. 

Btw I don't know if anyone remembers but the Hard Rock Cafe St. Thomas I had lunch in there in 1996.  Yep, there was a Hard Rock  on STT. I promise.


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There's a popular local eating place right at Havensight - Virgin Haven. 




Across from Havensight is Paradise Bistro. Not sure if they have oxtails every day, but they surely do look good.


There's a new food truck near the Pueblo Supermarket. I think he has limited seating outside.


No need to go to town for local food. BTW, better local food options near Crown Bay.😂

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I haven't been downtown in a long time I was going to make a concerted effort to spend some time in town this go round. Stop and have a nice local lunch. Shop and hit Riise like the good ol days.

There's a very nice pub restaurant type thing across the street on the hillside from Havensight I forgot the name I thought it was very nice. It's in a shopping area on the left corner I think. Was with a large group from the ship they went shopping in the store next door and I went to the bar next door. Place is nice. 

I'm just going to keep an open mind about that. 

Last time at Secret Harbor I had a great lunch at the Sunset Grille but it wasn't like local fare. I was looking for something a little more traditional if that makes any sense.



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If you ask for local food in town, most people will recommend Gladys' Restaurant. She's been operating 20+ years in town.


But, there's a newer restaurant, 758, in the Grand Hotel facing the fort. We enjoyed the meal we had there not too long ago.


There are 2 other new ones in town but I can't remember the names.



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2 hours ago, Ms411 said:

If you ask for local food in town, most people will recommend Gladys' Restaurant. She's been operating 20+ years in town.


But, there's a newer restaurant, 758, in the Grand Hotel facing the fort. We enjoyed the meal we had there not too long ago.


There are 2 other new ones in town but I can't remember the names.



Thanks you.

I have one more question 😁 would you let the number of ship's in port dictate whether or not you went in town or not?

For whatever reason it seems the last several times there's been 5-7 ships in port that's why I either got off the island and went to St. John or I went to the other side of the island Secret Harbor or Sapphire. I cannot imagine what it's like walking around downtown with 4 or more ships in port. 

Btw last time or the time before that, downtown, parts of it were closed. 

Would love to see downtown like it used to be. Too much fun. 😎



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Fewer people go to town now. Blackbeard's Castle used to be a popular draw, but it's been closed since the storm. Many stores have closed. The Ice Museum closed after the storm. 


Instead of going to town they are flocking to the beaches and St John so those attractions have become more crowded.


It will never be like it was before unfortunately. I like that there is more emphasis on beer since the town of Charlotte Amalie was once named Taphaus (various ways of spelling it) which means Tap House since there were so many beer houses. There's a very nice beer lounge, Taphus, on Main Street inside one of the stores (Billabong? Used to be Caribbean Surf). The flights are fun to try.


A locally produced vodka, Mutiny, made from breadfruit, is being promoted in some places so you might want to try it. Funny, though, I don't know of anyplace that has breadfruit on the menu. 



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Beer!! Dang I didn't know that. Thanks for the history lesson. I'll find the beer lounge (that even sounds cool) beer lounge how awesome. 

The breadfruit vodka produced locally sounds SCRUMPTIOUS. Yummy. 

Mutiny I wrote it down. I'm extremely open minded when it comes to breadfruit vodka produced locally. 

Nice thanks. 


Btw WTH is breadfruit? Sounds great!!

Appreciate you. 🤜🤛

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Craft beer is popular here now, too. Tap and Still is at Havensight and they have their own beers. Leatherback is across the street from Havensight and has a menu with mostly some alcohol added to the dish. 


Breadfruit is a tropical food that is eaten as a starch and fed mostly to slaves because the tree grows rapidly and has high carb content. I think the captain from Mutuny on the Bounty promoted it during Caribbean colonial times, but I'll confirm that later.


I've had it in Jamaica and St Croix. It has a fairly neutral taste which makes it good as a potato substitute. It's usually roasted. A restaurant at Havensight across from Tap and Still, bar + kitchen, gives free samples if you order food. They have plain and flavors to sample.

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>> Last time at Secret Harbor I had a great lunch at the Sunset Grille but it wasn't like local fare. I was looking for something a little more traditional if that makes any sense. <<


Absolutely! MS411 is much more current on this topic, and Gladys’ is a top recommendation. Have you been to ‘De Coal Pot while on the East End?


Whenever we are on the island and get into town we make a point of hitting the Green House for a lunch…It’s a touristy spot and a chain (we like the SXM place too), but we love eating there. The mahi mahi and grouper are my favorites, friends like the coconut chicken and fish tacos.Probably not much less a local experience than SG, maybe just a bit more casual bar atmosphere with good food.

When we are waiting for a ferry to Tortola we will get a bite at the Petite Pump Room over the ferry terminal and watch the pontoon planes come and go. But at busy times the fumes from the ferries can be a problem on the outside deck…


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I've never been to the De Coal Pot. 

The Green House I've heard of that. 

Last time we ported at Havensight I grabbed something to drink hopped on a safari van🥺 and we went RIGHT around the east side of the island and stayed all day at Secret Harbor I had a nice lunch(but not local) I didn't get a chance to go anywhere else. 

You have no idea how many safari vans full of people I saw going to Magens Bay or to a beach somewhere over there or somewhere like over in that direction if you know what I mean. 

I wanted to go anywhere but wherever those zillions of other people were going. 5 ships in port. Love Magens Bay  I wanted to go but with that many people going it would be a 20 minute wait for a drink if you're lucky. That particular day thank God for Secret Harbor it worked great other than not being able to have a true local meal. I missed that last time and I don't want to do that again.



Ms411 Magens Bay is where you take a nice soft sided cooler. No worries about who's manning the bar, you bring your own, keep walking down the beach don't look back until you can barely hear anyone drop your party. The rest is history. 😎





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 I'm still trying to shake off the "Beer lounge" thing. Who's idea was that??

That's genius!! I like that direction too Ms 411😁, your correct they're on to something with the local craft "Beer lounge" thing. 

 Ice cold local draft in 90 degree heat and equatorial sunlight that will barbeque your ass from head to toe and keep barbequing..... I'm in.

 "Beer Lounge". 

Charlotte Amalie  

Blackbeard's Castle needs to stay closed or turned into another "Beer lounge". 


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Here's the link to more info on Taphus, but I don't think the pictures do it justice. Unless it's changed, which I doubt, they have nice leather seating with tables just off from the bar. Very cozy.




The Blackbeard's Castle tour was very nice, especially when they were making and selling their own rum on the property. They had a beautiful rum bar that opened maybe in 2016 and was destroyed in 2017. 


Secret Harbor does a good job of limiting the numbers at the beach. Only a limited number of beach chairs available for rent. Not much parking. No loud music.

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When we cruised here years ago we had a favorite, small bar right on Waterfront/Veteran’s Dr. Can’t recall the name, and probably no longer there. But just enough space to get out if the rain, and they had a sign - 

“A day without a buzz is a day that never was!”
One of those places you remember…

As far as the East End beaches, we’ve had the driver drop us at nearby Cowpet Bay and enjoyed our time there virtually free of fellow cruisers. Beach bar/restaurant but no lounge rentals. For amenities you are stuck with Secret Harbour Resort, which can be crowded, Sapphire, where at least there is some space to get away from the main area, Smith Bay, again, limited amenities, or Coki which is the smallest beach and so the busiest…



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Ms411, TAPHUS that place is magnificent. WOW!! 

Definitely a new(for me anyway) MUST  TAPHUS gives me all the reason I need to the leave the beach come in town and have a LOCAL or local enough draft. Those pale ales looked to DlE for!!

Somebody spent some $$$ that place is beautiful . Atmosphere and vibe looked AWESOME. 

Thanks for the info and the link.

They finally did it. Looks like the premier watering hole in the USVI.

Location I know exactly where it is, it's genius. It's everything you would ever want in a "beer lounge" and then some.


Signature Hot Charlie sounded WONDERFUL. 

Sea Walls Guave Pale I'm very picky, that place is it. 




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There's no way whatsoever to spend all day on a cruise visit to St. Thomas and not drink. Water don't cut it, actually water just piss you off. Gatorade only goes so far, soda in the heat will make you sick. Ice cold refreshing beer it's the only way to go.😁 If you go downtown on Main St. drinking goes along with that, I always loved that about Charlotte Amalie. 

Walk all over town having a nice drink shopping and no worries of Barney badass breathing down your neck. 

St. Thomas has never failed me. 

Always a nice beach somewhere, always a place to get a drink, best taxi drivers in the Caribbean. Never a worry, and NEVER a hurry. That's HUGE!!

St. Thomas is special and you can tell it.

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I hope you enjoy your time at Taphus. St John Brewers has a tasting place not too far from Taphus, but it's not as cozy as Taphus. Trying to sell too many caps and t-shirts instead of beer related merchandise. 



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Gladys Cafe. I just checked it out that's a nice place too, very nice. I've walked through that corridor several times but it was a long time ago. It's no wonder everyone recommends it. That place is sweet. Taphus is right around the corner. Thanks chief I can't wait to try them out.The 2 venues you have provided are premium. 




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