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Cruising on Queen Victoria with walking difficulties


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Host Hattie
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fabnfortysomething was awarded the badge 'Great Review'

Several years I started a series of blogs relating our adventures[and misadventures] of cruising with someone who has walking difficulties ie my husband.

For anonymity I call him 6.

You may remember the 70s series about Steve Austin an astronaut who was severely injured and rebuilt with bionics to the tune of 6 million dollars.

Well as a result of Rheumatoid arthritis hitting him in his 40s he has had replacement hip surgeries totalling nearer £6000.[although rising]

We took to cruising around 2008 as a low mobility option to travel and were hooked ,cruising at least once a year and making some great friends along the way.

A brain haemorrhage in 2019 added insult to injury but we still managed a round UK and Ireland cruise that year.

That turned out to be our last cruise for a while for obvious reasons.

We both have a quirky sense of humour so this review is light hearted but focusing on issues relating to walking difficulties.


We decide against flying after our last cruise in July resulted in airline losing our luggage for 10 days,delayed flight and very bumpy

Even with wheelchair assistance it’s just too much hassle

We have cruised mainly with NCL but last year did back to back transatlantic Southampton New York and thoroughly enjoyed it so booked end October Southampton to Spain and Portugal to celebrate his 62 birthday


We had spent the previous week babysitting whilst daughter and son in law went to a child free wedding then stayed at an Airbnb nearby to enjoy as much time as we could with our granddaughters.They live 260 miles away

Grandaughter A [age 3]loves to hitch a ride on Grandas mobility scooter

Grandaughter B[age 1] hasn’t clicked on yet but may be fights later


We headed down to Southampton 60 miles away on Thursday night to spend night in Holiday Inn express just of M27

It’s a large hotel but car park very full probably with cruisers but only 6 disabled car park spaces

Breakfast was included next morning but the buffet was disorganised chaos

Hopefully not a sign to come of upcoming cruise.


Our boarding time for Queen Victoria was 1.30 but checkout from hotel was 11

As part of booking we chose complimentary cruise parking with CPS and set GPS for Queen Elizabeth2 terminal

I set cars GPS and 6 set google maps on his phone which contradicted each other

However both got us lost and by time we eventually found correct gate 4[not marked on outside which ships were docked there we were a bit stressed!

Once we found correct place it was a very simple matter of driving into terminal where CPS personel took photos of car and took our car key

They informed us that as we would be returning to Mayflower terminal our car would be driven there

We unloaded cases onto a trolley and went to luggage drop a few hundred yards away


It was now 12 noon and there was a line of people standing outside

However we saw a sign for disabled assistance to left of them so went in that door where we directed to take a seat

The pleasant gentleman explained that as we were only silver level we may have a wait but no worries-we had a seat,water dispenser available and relatively quiet

6 was having what he calls”strokey moments” when he can get a bit overwhelmed-mainly due to   getting lost on way there


12.30 we were invited to go to desk at end of line of seats to check in for wheelchair assistance

Unfortunately they couldn’t find his name on list despite sending forms back in February

The guy was very nice and added his name manually but the letter he gave us was very hectoring and stressed how failure to follow correct procedures could result in denying boarding

Very annoying when we had in fact done so and caused 6 to write official letter complaint to Cunard on return-awaiting response.


We had a lovely lady called Marie assigned to us as wheelchair pusher who would accompany us onboard to our cabin

She took us to the pre security area where suite and priority passengers were waiting to be called

There was a bit of a delay as there was late disembarkation of passengers on previous voyage

Once they started the call for suite guests and working down list Marie fast tracked us with rest of wheelchairs to security

Unlike at airport he was not required to leave wheelchair[or more to the point remove his boots which can be a real issue to get back on without aid of seat and shoe horn!]

Marie then pushed wheelchair up a pretty steep ramp way onto the ship and checked us off at our muster drill station before depositing us at our stateroom 7029 where she pointed out safety hazards such as ridge up into bathroom before bidding us farewell


Our cases had already arrived so at 1.30 were able to unpack and sit out on our balcony to enjoy sunshine and embarkation traffic

Time  to crack open the half bottle of Pol Acker in our fridge

We found room 7029 very well situated

Balcony cabin near forward and very near front elevators/stairs

2 decks below spa

4 decks above Golden Lion pub where we would plan to spend time


On our previous QM2 Transatlantic we met a lovely lady K who was travelling with her childhood friend

we were delighted to learn she had persuaded husband C to join her for his first cruise on this voyage

they had taken coach option with Cunard and messaged to say they were stuck in traffic at Oxford


again on QM2 we spent most evenings in Golden Lion pub listening to Watson Duo,husband and wife pianist and vocalist who were also on this ship

they were playing 4-5 so went to see them and reintroduced ourselves


we had first sitting at 5.45 in Britannia restaurant

we were asked if we wanted a table for 2 or to share

we chose former and were led to table by window where we could see QM2 passing by on way to her refit in Hamburg

dinner was complete with 3 course by 7.10 and found seat outside chart room where we were joined by a lovely couple waiting to go into their second sitting

we were also joined by K and C who had joined ship in plenty of time and spent rest of evening chatting before heading to bed


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Saturday at sea


The clocks had gone forward an hour which caught people unawares.

I turned up to art class at 10am but several people turned up an hour late

The class was repeated at 2pm each sea day so had a second chance

The classes themselves are free but if you don’t bring your art equipment you can purchase for $35

This is good value as you get watercolours brushes pencil eraser and sharpener as well as pad of watercolour paper.


The ship was rocking and rolling and when the captains announcement came that we would be skipping Vigo the next day for safety reasons it was no great surprise.


I found 6 11.30 at corner of chart room and went up to Lido for a light lunch-not many people around probably being sick in their cabins

Those up and about were staggering around


I had visited the spa the previous day and signed up for embarkation day special of 100 minutes full body massage and mini facial

Also included voyage long access to thermal suite for $189[normally $149 on its own]

As an incentive to book a series of 3 massages I got complimentary massage oil and cooling gel it was suggested to use morning and night to enhance effects of massage.


I then spent 40 minutes in thermal suite watching the water in pool slosh around in  response to the rough sea conditions

I had tried to avoid the complimentary facial rejuvenation consultation ie botox sell but was reminded on leaving spa-oh well could be a laugh so rebooked for 2pm next day


Tonight was first gala night-black and white so returned to cabin to shower

6 returned after remaking acquaintance with Gino          who was bar waiter at Golden Lion on QM2

He is now working on board Queen Victoria in Chart Room and on board with his fiancée who he met on QM2


It’s nice to see the efforts people make to get dressed up on Gala nights especially as still experiencing rough seas

We got a table for 2 in quiet area next to window so could watch the show that was the waves crashing up and down!


After dinner we went to chart room and waiting for football to finish on screens in Golden Lion

The Watson duo were due on 815 but football running late

We spent rest of evening in there and paired up for quiz with K and C for the quiz[we came nowhere near winning!



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41 minutes ago, Trevor Fountain said:

Your husband is not a number, he is a free man!


have you read the description of why I call him 6?

we have been married 37 years-he says he would have got less for murder[i hope hes joking!]

Edited by fabnfortysomething
added info
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12 hours ago, Trevor Fountain said:

Can I ask, how you find Cunard compared to NCL. I really like NCL, but haven't cruised Cunard since the QE2 retired.

we really enjoy both

I prefer the smaller ships to the giants such as Escape where it can get too crowded in places

Cunard definitely is more elegant

to be honest the smart evening attire requested by Cunard is what we would wear on an evening on NCL even though it is billed as casual

the gala nights are fun to bring out the best clothes


possibly due to itinerary the 2 Cunard cruises we have done havent had many children on board and definitely an older/infirm clientele[so we fit in!]


not the adventure playgrounds to be found on NCL but they do have kids clubs 

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Today should have been Vigo but instead another sea day and so art class at 10am


6 was heading to breakfast and turned on tv to check navigation channel and it said 7.30am instead of 8.30-he said he would check as there had been no notification of time change-in fact it was indeed 8.30


The seas were a lot calmer just gentle rocking of ship

People in hot tubs although not brave enough for pools!


After art class I found 6 outside chart room and we listened to the Captains daily noon announcement

He confirmed better weather forecast and gave interesting history of Galicia coast we were sailing by


I had fish and chips in Golden Lion then headed 1.15 to Royal Court theatre for a presentation on new ship Queen Anne which is still being furbished

We have booked her for next August to Sweden and Norway


I then turned up for my facial rejuvenation consultation with Dr Jorge

H took an imaging camera of my face which shows areas of sun damage etc and said that my skin care regime is working as not too much to worry about-thank you Temple spa

However he recommended a thermal treatment which would last up to 3 years at cost of $3000

No thanks!

Anyway if I were to consider it the last place I would have it done is on a cruise ship where unable to get follow up!


There was a hair show in the atrium where 4 hairdressers from spa were giving 4 women a makeover and giving advice on correct way to shampoo and condition

We were invited to attend for a free scalp and hair consultation in spa


3.15 there was a crafts meet up where can chat to other guests whilst knitting,sewing or whatever crafts you have brought along

A few people turned up expecting supplies to be provided and were disappointed

Cunard are missing a trick as selling mini cross stitch kits etc could be extra income for them as with the art supplies


6 had checked back my emails and confirmed I had returned the special needs form back in February but no confirmation of receipt

After dinner I went to Pursers office to check whether definitely on list for disembarkation


There was a harpist playing so sat and listened for a while

Unfortunately had to move on after an elderly man was talking absolute bilge to his companion

It was distracting enough for me but even worse for 6


As a result of his stroke he is unable to filter out conversations and hears all sounds in a room at the same intensity

This can be helped slightly buy use of earplugs and sitting with back to wall but wasn’t helping here


We moved up to Commodore lounge to listen to the Watson Duo with a more mellow song set

Unfortunately we found another idiot sitting alongside him also talking rot at top of his voice so decided to call it a night.   


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30 minutes ago, fabnfortysomething said:

However he recommended a thermal treatment which would last up to 3 years at cost of $3000

These sales people onboard will throw out a big number and see what sticks. We all have to be smart enough not to lose our mind as we breathe in sea air!

Similar to a guy in a jewelry shop on QM2 who nonchalantly quoted to DW the price of a necklace for $7,000…then said just wear it off the ship and don’t worry about paying duties, customs etc. 
That was one of the few times I was turned off about my experience on a Cunard ship. 

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We wouldn't buy jewellery anywhere other than Hatton Garden.

I imagine there may be similar places to be found around the world, but not generally where you find lots of tourists.


Sorry I mean real jewellery. We do buy really cheap stuff online.

Edited by D&N
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We woke to find we were docked in Lisbon with a great view of the city from our balcony.

It was a warm sunny day 20 degree C


We had an overnight stay here and had planned to meet up with a friend who lives in Lisbon that evening

However 6 was having what he calls a fuzzy day which is also a side effect of his stroke and he recognises the signs to take it easy

Doubled with the fact his arthritis was acting up we decided to stay on ship.


NCL Dawn was docked alongside and obviously disembarkation day as lots of taxis lined up to ferry passengers onwards


6 went to find a spot to relax on quiet ship as most people had gone ashore

I headed for Thermal suite and was only person in there


Afterwards I found 6 and we went up to pool deck where a few people were enjoying pool in the sunshine

We found the adjacent Winter Gardens bar with covered roof and had a quiet drink before heading to Lido buffet for lunch


I had another massage booked for 12.30 which was again very enjoyable

Afterwards I went for my complimentary scalp and hair consultation

No hard sell but recommended scalp exfoliation/pre shampoo

Will give a go but will find something cheaper when get home!


I found 6 resting up on the balcony after having had his weekly injection that keeps his inflammatory arthritis at bay

We spent rest of afternoon watching activity on dock below


We had our usual restaurant table and were all done by 6.45 so headed to Chart room to people watch


I decided to head to theatre to watch the 8pm show-land of make believe -leaving 6 in bar as he doesn’t do shows!

It was a lively 45 minute fun production to be repeated at 10


I collected 6 from the chart room and we headed up to the Commodore lounge where were joined by K and C for rest of the night  


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Today 6 is 62 year old

I asked him how old he feels and he replied 75

That’s an improvement on yesterday when he said 100!


We sat outside Chart room which was busier than yesterday

K and C came past and said they had been out on deck but it was cold.

We had lunch up at Lido buffet overlooking port

Wet and windy with lots of umbrellas and raincoats on show


Lisbon is very reminiscent of San Francisco with hills and trolleys and of course the bridge spanning the River Tagus

Today the bridge was obscured for a lot of the time with rain clouds

Plenty of tuk tuks driving around but looked a very cold day to be doing that!


I spent an hour in the Thermal suite which was busier than yesterday when I was the only one there

6 managed to get online for his monthly support group for stroke survivors and was entertaining the group with tales of our cruise so far[especially the rough seas]


We joined K and C for afternoon tea at 3pm-first time we have done it and was fun

We tried not to eat too much as restaurant 5.45


We had requested our usual table and the waiter remembered it was his birthday

As we exited River Tagus to the Atlantic the seas were a bit choppy but I managed to take part in online fan performance class in our cabin


The rest of the evening was spent in the Queens room where the Watson duo were playing

On deck 2 was a lot more stable


On Qm2 last year we spent a lot more time in Golden Lion pub but found it too noisy with sports screens on most of the time so we visited a lot more of available bars such as Commodore club and Chart room



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Many happy returns 6. Hope you are having a great time aboard QV. Hopefully you will have some sort of birthday bash tonight with a few G&T's, and a catch up with K and C. Were they members of the Sunshine Band by any chance?

It's my birthday later this month, and I'm hoping to have a bit of a bash with D, G and S attending. Though I might settle for KFC instead of a RBD.

Can't decide if I should book a QV cruise, so I'll continue to read your live review. 

PS. You're not spies are you?


T F 23

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19 minutes ago, Trevor Fountain said:

Many happy returns 6. Hope you are having a great time aboard QV. Hopefully you will have some sort of birthday bash tonight with a few G&T's, and a catch up with K and C. Were they members of the Sunshine Band by any chance?

It's my birthday later this month, and I'm hoping to have a bit of a bash with D, G and S attending. Though I might settle for KFC instead of a RBD.

Can't decide if I should book a QV cruise, so I'll continue to read your live review. 

PS. You're not spies are you?


T F 23

I would recommend this ship

as mentioned our cruising history is mostly with NCL but this is our 2nd Cunard and have booked Queen Anne for 2024

next cruise though is May next year with MSC for frst time

they have staus matched us and we are doing 5 day cruise out of Southampton and treating Dughter Son in law and Grandaughters to it

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Thursday at sea


I had intended to do the 10am art class but woke up at 10.10

6 had already gone

We were crossing the Bay of Biscay and unlike a few days previously it was calm seas and sun shining.


I found 6 out by the Lido pool and he looked puzzled when I said had missed art class as it was now only 9.40

My iphone and watch had reset itself to Paris time!


Getting my art kit I headed to the class

Packing up my watch said 12 noon so only 30 minutes to my massage so headed up to Lido to grab a bite to eat

They were still setting up as was only 11.05 -my watch had reset to Paris time again!


I found 6 by Pavilion pool and when we confirmed was actually lunch time headed back to Lido buffet

We were approached by Seeven our attentive wine waiter from Britannia restaurant who now knew to provide our usual drinks within a few minutes of sitting down!

It would have been rude to refuse a drink so we didn’t.


I had my 3rd and final massage then went to the 2pm art class to finish off work had started that morning


Time to return to cabin to shower change and pack in record time so could leave cases outside door whilst we went for our final restaurant meal


We found a harpist playing in lobby deck 1 and stayed to listen

In fact 6 found it so soothing he has taken to listening to harp music at home along with other soothing music when he needs to calm his “strokey brain”


I headed to bed 9.30 after calling at Golden Lion to say goodbye to K and C who would be getting a coach back to Manchester in the morning.


6 stayed out a bit later and experienced the silent disco where people in headphones were belting out HIHO Silver Lining with no apparent backing!  

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Time to go home

There was no note on disembarkation info as to what time to leave stateroom and we didn’t fancy the scrum at breakfast so decided to hang out in our room till we were kicked out

Our disembarkation time was 9.30 and we had instructions to meet 15 minutes before in Connexions room deck 1.


Our previous Cunard trip last year 6 tested positive for Covid on morning of disembarkation.  Our instructions were to stay in cabin util rest of guests were off ship then we would be escorted off separately

It was a bit surreal to get knock on door and confronted by 3 ships employees in Hazmat suits

1 to push wheelchair and the other 2 with sanitising backpacks to spray in our wake!


8.50 the steward knocked on our door obviously wanting to get started on cleaning

We headed downstairs and could see Connexions room next to exit of ship .Very convenient apart from the fact that queues of people waiting to scan their cards to get off were blocking the entrance-QV staff should have thought that one through and picked a room on other side

There were several wheelchair bound people trapped and eventually an officer cleared a way for us all to get to that room


We recognised the staff in there as same ones as at beginning of voyage so obviously Port of Southampton staff

This time 6 name was on the list and we were directed to wait -we found a relatively quiet corner where he could put on his headphones and create a bit of isolation.

Several people were complaining that they had been told to go to card room on deck 3 instead so had missed their earlier disembarkation time


There were a lot of people needing assistance so patience required

His name was called at 9.50 and we were escorted off ship and right to car park directly opposite the ship

We were on the road by 10.15


An update on the mess up with wheelchair assistance

6 sent a complaint via the contact us link on Cunard website

We got a response that it had turned up in the flights assistance department[no wonder didn’t get a response about sending form!]

They forwarded to customer services and we got a reply

It seems this is not an isolated incidence and apparently in future there will be a new aspect on Manage my Booking to completed these forms directly!  

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Hey, don't knock Connexions 1 as mobility assistance waiting area. It used to be the pub until some one with common sense realised [ and something I made a point of every single cruise!] trying to get a load of wheelchairs off the ship by having to use stairway B lift deck 2 to deck 1, was potty!

Yes there are 'people' in the way but the staff soon sorted that out for us.🙂

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2 hours ago, fabnfortysomething said:



Time to go home

There was no note on disembarkation info as to what time to leave stateroom and we didn’t fancy the scrum at breakfast so decided to hang out in our room till we were kicked out

Our disembarkation time was 9.30 and we had instructions to meet 15 minutes before in Connexions room deck 1.


Our previous Cunard trip last year 6 tested positive for Covid on morning of disembarkation.  Our instructions were to stay in cabin util rest of guests were off ship then we would be escorted off separately

It was a bit surreal to get knock on door and confronted by 3 ships employees in Hazmat suits

1 to push wheelchair and the other 2 with sanitising backpacks to spray in our wake!


8.50 the steward knocked on our door obviously wanting to get started on cleaning

We headed downstairs and could see Connexions room next to exit of ship .Very convenient apart from the fact that queues of people waiting to scan their cards to get off were blocking the entrance-QV staff should have thought that one through and picked a room on other side

There were several wheelchair bound people trapped and eventually an officer cleared a way for us all to get to that room


We recognised the staff in there as same ones as at beginning of voyage so obviously Port of Southampton staff

This time 6 name was on the list and we were directed to wait -we found a relatively quiet corner where he could put on his headphones and create a bit of isolation.

Several people were complaining that they had been told to go to card room on deck 3 instead so had missed their earlier disembarkation time


There were a lot of people needing assistance so patience required

His name was called at 9.50 and we were escorted off ship and right to car park directly opposite the ship

We were on the road by 10.15


An update on the mess up with wheelchair assistance

6 sent a complaint via the contact us link on Cunard website

We got a response that it had turned up in the flights assistance department[no wonder didn’t get a response about sending form!]

They forwarded to customer services and we got a reply

It seems this is not an isolated incidence and apparently in future there will be a new aspect on Manage my Booking to completed these forms directly!  

We are used to the form filling and our agent now keeps a copy and files it with Cunard for us although last time, we weren't on the list either in S'to, and were given 'the letter', rather officiously too I thought.

However, knowing we were on the list, I listened to the spiel with, I have to say, growing impatience as I too didn't really appreciate being given 'the letter', then asked to see 'the list.


Yes our named cabin  was on 'the list' but with the incorrect cabin number. Oh derrrrr! Which dept. messed that up, I have no idea but it's bad enough needing wheelchair assistance without the added hassle of being told you haven't filled out the correct forms!

We got a profuse apology before we embarked.

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