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Another late trip report- Arvia Caribbean February 2024

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Me: Im still 35. Its only been 7 weeks since we got off the last cruise but Caribbean here we come 
Hubby: He’s 35 still too. I’ve decided he is worse than me for holidays now. 
Scarlett: Will be 9 so in the scubas club. 

Georgia: Will be 8, she is still in the splashes. I think she would prefer to be with Scarlett though. 

These are my beautiful girls on Iona at Christmas.


The Plan

Going with P & O on the Arvia for two weeks in February


Cost us £7036 for two weeks for balcony cabin (kids will be on bunk beds) and includes the food (and drinks such as tea coffee and juice while in the restaurants). We also have £730 obc, including share holders. Parking in Manchester was £96. We also spent £360 on seat selection which I was really not happy about. 

The itinerary 

We are on deck 14 this time, at the front. I have sort of a plan and budget but this could change if we find something else. As it’s the Caribbean it’s a lot of beaches. 

Friday Day 1 Fly from Manchester to Bridgetown Barbados, go to Savvy on the Beach for dinner. 

Day 2
 Board a Catamaran for snorkelling with turtles. 

Sunday Day 3. 
At sea. We have 6th street diner booked. 

Monday Day 4. Tortola. Go to Cane Garden Bay

Tuesday Day 5. At Sea

Wednesday Day 6. La Romana. We didn’t make a plan and the town doesn’t look safe to explore ok our own so there is a pool on the port we will go there. 

Thursday Day 7. At Sea. We have the beach house booked. 

Friday Day 8. St Maarten. Water taxi to Great Bay Beach and get some jet skis. 

Saturday Day 9. Antigua. Jolly Beach today 

Sunday Day 10. At Sea. 6th street diner booked. 

Monday Day 11. St Kitts. Carambola or shipwrecked bar on friggets beach. 

Tuesday Day 12. Martinique. Boat to anse mitten. 

Wednesday Day 13. St Lucia. Reduit beach. 

Thursday Day 14. At Sea

Friday Day 15. Disembark and fly home from Barbados. 

Saturday Day 16. Land in Manchester 6.30am and drive home. 

I have budgeted £900 for our drinks and speciality dinning. I will not buy the package as I don’t think it’s good value(£80 for our cabin per day but quite a few wines excluded) also £70 on petrol. £30 for in case we have food or coffee on the car journeys etc. 

So we have £1000 in total to play with.Ill take a credit card in case. 

Will always do a running total of costs. Love knowing how much I’ve paid per day. It seems to differ in cruises. Some are low at £250 per week and some have been high as £700. So it’s just guess work but I always love to over budget so I can come away with extra for next holiday. 

I also have €350 and $2000 in cash and credit card as back up. 

Still have my spreadsheets! 

We never do beaches as a family. It’s always been either Florida or some city to go to. This time we are literally spending it on the beach every day and hopefully won’t get burnt.

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Pre travel day. 
We didn’t do much today. I took some things to the post office, I’d already had my hair done a few days back, the kids were in school and apart from pack we didn’t do much at all. 

Friday Day 1. 
We were up at 5.30 this morning to get showered and ready, it still took us until 6.50 to set off. Scott drove to Manchester and we did the meet and greet as usual. We find this the easiest ones, better than when we did the Disneyland Paris one.


We got there for around 8.30am so we made good time. Dropped our bags off at the check in, went through security and we hadn’t even passed an hour.


Everywhere looked busy so we took a guess at where we would depart from and went and sat there. We found a plane called Alfie and sent a photo to sister in law who had just had Freddie the day before so Alfie was a big brother now.




We got bored so went for a walk back to where all the coffee shops are and as soon as we did our gate got called. We went back down to the gate, put my flight socks on while the others queued and boarded around 11.10. The plane however was delayed till around 12 take off that should have been 11.35. 


I’ve decided that I really don’t like flying, hate all the waiting around to get there for the day. It’s not exactly relaxing. 

I managed to break my tv screen and it couldn’t be reset without resetting the whole plane so I didn’t have anything to do for 9 hours. I’m not sure how I managed to break it,Scott says I just have that kind of touch but this was a really inconvenient time for this to happen. I was sat next to random people and Scott sat with the girls. They seemed perfectly happy as they were watching tv most of the time.





Me and Scott sort of napped, although I’m always worried about snoring. We had a drink, which we thought was chargeable but  wasn’t so we got a few drinks, Scott had beer.


Food came around about 3 hours into the flight. Some kind of chicken with rice, bread and butter with cheese and crackers and a chocolate pot. They had forgotten about the kids so they used an adults one plus kids ones so they ended up with loads of snap. They had the kids meal which was chicken with broccoli and potatoes, but they said they were too hard. Then they had everything else we had plus a bag of mini cheddars and a chocolate bar! Wish I’d had the kids meal instead. 






Few more drinks then about 7pm we got afternoon tea. We didnt get a photo as Scott had the phones. This was sandwiches egg,cheese and pickle, then cheese spread. They were horrid. Then a caramel tiffin which was nice. We also polished off two bottles of water and the fruit pastels we fetched. We took the mini cheddars and the other two water bottles off with us.


We landed at 8.50 U.K. time. So around 4.50pm. It was strange getting off the plane with the little steps then lining up for the bus but It took 50 minutes sat on the tarmac before we got off the plane and onto the bus.


The bus was 35mins drive. When we got there we somehow got let to bypass some of the queue for check in as we were the only one with kids left which was great.


By the time we had gone through all the security and boarded, dropped our bag off at the cabin and went to the buffet for dinner as we weren’t dressed for the main dining room it was 7pm as we were still in our travel clothes and the bags hadn’t come. 


So the plan to go to savvy’s went out the door as we were all too tired  
I had chilli and rice with sweet potato fries, kids and Scott had hunters chicken with sweet potato fries and salad. We really do not like the buffet at all.



But that was all we could have. We were shattered so Scott got two beers and headed back to the room.







Me and kids had the water. We were in bed for 8.30 which was 12.30am uk time. It had been a very long day. Our baggage wasn’t even here yet. I’d only packed the toothbrushs in hand luggage. So everyone slept nude. 

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Posted (edited)

Saturday Day 2 Barbados


We thought we would struggle today with getting up but that wasn’t a problem, we weren’t on this time zone yet so we were up at 4. We gave up trying to get back to sleep just after 5 and decided to un pack since the cases had come at some point during the night while we were sleeping. We showered and got dressed before going up to the buffet when it opened at 6.30am. I just had some melon and a muffin. Kids had some eggs and sausages etc. We went back to the cabin to wait for an hour and get all our bag ready before getting off the ship around 8 as we didn’t want to be late.


We had actually booked an excursion today with Cool Runnings Catamaran in Barbados.


We sat and waited for the taxi man. There was another group going the same place too. We all got in and only drove 10mins down the road. We were asked to take our shoes off then We loaded onto the catamaran and got some seats at the back. They gave us non alcoholic cocktails, which I didn’t like but the kids and Scott seemed to and set sail to the first snorkelling bit, this was near to the beach that wanted to go to, near to the harbour lights beach club. We saw a big turtle in the water just before we got in. I wasn’t quick enough with the camera before he went back under the water.



We hadn’t brought our snorkels opting to use theirs instead and now I wish I’d brought them. Once we were in we didn’t actually see anything. It was difficult actually as we didn’t realise how hard it would be to swim with the current. I’ll be honest the sea looked still so I’d forgetten all about the current. We managed to help the kids and were glad we had the life jackets on.






The next stop was a shipwreck with lots of different fish, a lady next to use swam around with bread in a bag so that all the fish came and she gave the girls some of the bread to feed them. That was actually really cool.


Back on the catamaran and we sailed past the cruise ships and out to a bay,















we had some lunch which I didn’t think was brilliant, some rice and strange fish etc. Scarlett started being mardy for some reason and not wanting to eat. She said she felt sick but I know that’s not true.





There was only two other kids on the boat, two Chinese boys a little older than my two.  Then you could get back in the water just to swim. Well me and Scott got out of the back of the ship first and they said we had to get back on immediately as they needed to move the boat, I couldn’t get out and this skinny bloke had to pull me out which I wasn’t very happy about. How he pulled my fat arse on I’ll never know. Scott scraped his knee getting back on himself.

We moved the boat and others went swimming but we didn’t go back in as it was a bit scary. It was good but it’s not something I would repeat. We should have just gone to the beach and then done the little boat that went out to the turtles. 





It seemed more of a party boat for people in their 50s than anything else. If we came again we would just do the beach and boat. And Georgia made a friend called Betty from Canada. 


But we didn’t realise what the catamaran would be like before we did it and it was always a bucket list thing.


We got off the catamaran and walked back to the ship stopping at the store for some snacks on the way. I got a bit mardy as we were inside this store and there were people queuing everywhere, it was organised and I stood where o thought was a queue and a woman with kids pushed past me, quite rude. Then I managed to find the till I needed and I was behind this same woman with the massive trolley. We only had crisps and pop. She said we could go in front of her, I suspect because she had literally walked two steps in front of me two minutes ago. I was paying and I turn around and Scott is giving her kids dollars. Now normally that wouldn’t have bothered me but it just didn’t sit well with me so I wasn’t best pleased with him.


It was around 3pm when we got back on the ship. We had a bit of a walk around, played rummy in Brodies and no one served us which was very disappointing but saved me money so we went back to the cabin instead.

We were tired after being up so early so we napped from about 4.30-5.30 while the girls played on their phones. How they manage to stay up and not nap I don’t know. Maybe we are just getting old. Showers and hair washed and we went down to the main dinning room for 6.45.









We both had lamb koftas which were nice



then I had steak


Scott had tuna.



The puddings didn’t look great so we went to the buffet for some. We were only an hour in the mdr for dinner.





Unfortunately there was nothing on that we wanted to see and we were all pretty tired from the busy day. Back to the cabin for snacks on the balcony and bed by 9pm




5hr catamaran cool runnings $330

Shop $11

Scott’s stupid tip $10

Magnet $5

Edited by Vampiress88
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Sunday Day 3


It’s a sea day today. We are up at 6.30 and still shattered, maybe it’s jet lag. We went to the mdr for breakfast around 8.15. We all had the usual poached eggs and hash browns etc.





We sat and waited for a while to book another cruise. We were hoping for extra obc for the Christmas cruise that Scott wants to go on. I’m not that fussed for it but he is.


Scarlett wanted to go to kids club so she went there for a few hours. Georgia stayed to bug us instead. We picked her up at 11.15 and went to keel and cow to play cards. Again no waiter came to serve us which is unlike P&O.


We decided on the quays for lunch. Georgia went and got katsu curry. Scott wanted the Yorkshire pudding wrap and by that time I couldn’t be bothered to queue so me and Scarlett got the same. I didn’t like the wrap at all but the cauliflower cheese was nice. Scott finished most of mine off. I should have gotten the same as Georgia.






With nothing much else to do we went and sat in the sky dome. It was really boiling hot and the music bingo was on soon so we had a few drinks and some ice cream while we waited.





The girls decided they didn’t want to do the bingo and wanted to go to kids club instead but Georgia only wanted to go for an hour, which is typical so we put them both in there while me and Scott did the bingo instead. Loved listening to the songs but we didn’t win. Never seem to at these ones.


Scott went to get a seat in Brodies while I got Georgia from kids club. We tried to do the jukebox quiz but as usual weren’t very good. It was so busy in Brodies I had to go get drinks from the glass house which was along the same floor, it must be because it’s a sea day. We picked Scarlett up when it closed at 4.45 and went to get dressed. I had a table booked for 6th street diner at 6pm. It looked cool with all the American food and booths.







We arrived. Bought a cocktail and soda. We ordered starters to all share, the churros, corn bread with honey, Ruben croquettes. We all just rotated the plates around so that we all got to try some. The corn bread was the nicest.








For mains, Scott had chicken burger and didn’t rate it. The chicken was really thin so there was too much bread.



I had the steak,



the girls had ribs. They were a bit messy to eat. The steak was ok but not something I would get again.








We had cake, little donut things and lemon meringue, the lemon meringue was nice but heavy.








We left a little underwhelmed but we might try again.


Up to the club house for around 7.30 for a comedian, impressionist person who Georgia thought was quite funny but we didn’t.



So we only lasted an hour there before going back to the cabin. We were in bed by 9.30.

Internet    £24.00    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Coke            £3.55    
Tango    £2.70
Ice cream    £2.35    
Ice cream    £2.35    
Ice cream    £3.00
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Coke            £3.55    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Cocktail     £9.20    
Soda            £3.50    

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Monday Day 4 

Tortola today. We were up at 6am. We had loads of time so we went for the sit down breakfast.

We had the usual, poached eggs on toast. I thought it was always just me set in my ways having the same thing but it seems like all four of us are all like this. 

We got off the ship just after 8.30 and there were red open sided wagons waiting to go to cane garden bay which is where we wanted to go. So we paid $96 for the 4 of us to get there. These were little winding roads up a mountain and down the other side. It was a little hair raising, not something I would want to repeat.




We got to the beach, we walked towards the sea and we passed the toilet block on our right, some people selling magnets and then we turned left and took a seat there. Not sure what the place was called. We paid $20 for two seats and there was a straw like umbrella but it was too windy to have it up. So he took the red ribbon off the back to show we had paid. 



We spent about two hours in the sea playing, the sea was really lovely and warm and we just didn’t want to get out, the kids tried to snorkel but the water wasn’t clear enough and nothing for us to see.







Me and Scott just floated about while they ran in and out. It was good fun, especially as beach holidays aren’t something we are used to and I didn’t know if they were too old to play like this or they would just be bored. But no my girls make the most and we all had a lovely time.  


We got out, I put my summer dress on and got just our phone and money in one bag and left the rest of our clothes and snorkels in two bags on the seats, seemed safe and most others sat there were from the ship too. 


We had a little walk up the beach to see what else there was, there wasn’t any thing that caught our eye for drinks or food so we turned around and had a wander back. When we got back me and Scarlett went to the toilet and to have a look at the menu. 


When we got back Scott was fuming. The man with the dreadlocks in the turban who I’d paid for the sun loungers had come up to him as I was at the toilet and demanded we pay. Scott explained that we had already paid, we had actually been the first ones here and our bags had been there for hours but we had been in the sea but the bloke kept arguing, said he would come back when the wife who apparently paid is back. That would be me. 

I know exactly who I pay, I make a mental note of it as I feel it’s quite strange in the Caribbean, it’s seems very disorganised and a bit beggy. Anyway the bloke came back and said the same thing to me, he asked who I had paid and I said it was him, he argued saying it wasn’t but I had watched exactly what he had done so I explained that I know he tied my money up with a red ribbon taken off the back of my chair. He then looked a bit sheepish, as I couldn’t have known this any other way and said ok before walking off. It did feel like he was trying this on thinking we wouldn’t have questioned it. 


At this point Scott was really cross at how we, especially he as his was more heated that mine, had been spoken to. I was too but I knew there was no point in letting it get to us. Scott needed beer to calm down it usually works but I had to spend 20 minutes to convince him to get some as he didn’t want to spend anymore money with people who spoke like that to us. I just said that maybe the Caribbean bloke must get people trying to con the sunbeds all the time and as we’d been in the water so long he would have thought it was a free sunbed. Not sure if that’s true but will try to give the benefit of the doubt. 






We didn’t get back in the water, instead we got dressed while the kids played in the sand.







Scott had a bucket of 6 beer while me and the girls had a water, and a fresh lemonade with a box of chips for $34. Me and Scott weren’t hungry but we knew the kids needed something to put them on. I still think it was all a bit sore from how things went down. It actually quite spoilt what was a nice day so far. 


We had decided we were going to get the next bus back, it was very hot, we were both a bit on edge, luckily the kids were none the wiser and I didn’t want to get the last bus.


Although we did have a little argument with Georgia as I’d gone to the toilets, asked if anyone else needed to go. All answers no, there was a good queue of 10 women and when I came back Georgia said she needed to go so we had to queue again. I’m just going to start making her come with me as I can’t be queuing like this all the time. On the way out we bought a magnet from the little stalls. 


So we managed to get on the last one that hour, at 2pm, me and Scarlett had to ride in the cab which was scary but there were seatbelt and I don’t like being apart from the others. We got back to the port and had a quick look around. Bought a bottle of nice pop from a vending machine and tried to see if there was any wifi as we couldn’t get onto anything with our phones. Scott wanted to try the cigars at the bottom of the pier  but it was an adults only bar. 


We got back on the ship and the kids were pestering to go in the pool. They changed their swim top and got right in.







As me and Scott were already dressed we just got some drinks instead. Scott had two punk ipa, I had a coke and kids got a tango. They managed to play in the pool from 3.30-4.45 when it looked like it was closing, as it was the indoor pool. 


Back to the cabin and I washed the kids hair, they got dressed and played on their phones while I went in the shower to wash the sea and sand out of my hair. I came out to find Scott snoring on the bed, he must have fallen asleep waiting for me to finish in the shower as he says I take too long. The kids had already taken pictures of him asleep as he never believes he has napped. 

menu for tonight. 






We didn’t want to wake him so left it as long as we could. The table was booked for 6.45 so we had to wake him at 6.15 but luckily he is very fast at getting ready. Mary checked us in again. The kids like her as she remembers their names and always has a chat with them. 







For dinner I had the tomato soup.



Scott and Georgia had whitebait. Scarlett ordered another whitebait for Scott to have. I can’t stand those with the little eyes always looking at me. Georgia is braver than me eating them and even Scarlett had a try. 


We all had fish and chips which were really nice apart from the mushy peas. Those were really weird and not at all nice. 


Georgia had panacotta,



Scarlett ordered fruit salard and I couldn’t stop giggling at it. The way she had said it to the waiter he didn’t bat an eyelid but we did as she put an R in it. My face was red from laughing in the end.



Scott had bread and butter pudding. 



We finished dinner around 8pm and as there was nothing we wanted to see and only hubby really drinks then we  did the usual for us, went back to the cabin for a drink on the balcony and to play cards. The balcony whilst in the Caribbean is very lovely. We were in bed by 10pm. 

cane garden bay. $96 taxi
-$20 umbrella 
-$41 food/drinks/magnet



Punk ipa    £5.55    
Coke            £3.55    
Tango    £2.70    
Punk ipa    £5.55    

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Tuesday Day 5

Sea day!
Still up at 6am. Never get a lie in at all. Slow shower and get dressed as I’m not rushing if I don’t have to. We got to breakfast at 7.45. We really are creatures of habit in this household. Scott had bacon with his poached eggs and hash brown just to spice it up a little. Girls had the same. I got a muffin as I wasn’t really feeling it today. 



Now we were excited this morning as last night we had spotted a quiz in Brodies that had our name written all over it. A Disney quiz! We went back up to the cabin and got our coffee cups. We made our coffee and went and sat in Brodies for about 9.15, as we were there early we played pool with the girls. The quiz started about 10 am. 


We managed to get 19 out of 20 correct. The only one we didn’t know was who wrote Peter Pan. The girls won a golden sticker for this quiz and they were really happy. This is the first time we have ever won a quiz on the cruise ship. Really was a quiz just made for us. 


After the quiz, we decided to hang out on the balcony for an hour, deciding what to do with the rest of our day. As it’s so nice on the balcony with the red hot sun we probably could just stay here all day. 


At about 12 we decided we were going to go in the pool so we went up a deck and got some pizza and chips for our lunch. the girls played in the pool till about 2 o’clock. They always do love the swimming pools while we are on holiday the best. 







In the pool area, there was a full house bingo to songs again and the girls decided to get ice cream as well. 




As usual at about 3:30, we went to Brodies to do the jukebox quiz. We love doing that quiz, even though we never win, we did come once close to winning, but that was in December. We do tend to play it a lot at home too with what comes on the radio as we do listen to a lot of music even though none of us can sing or play any. 


After getting quite a few pints in Brodies we got showered and ready in nice dresses and we’re down for 6 pm for the photos for the children. We whizzed around all five photo booths really quickly i’m managed to get sat down for dinner by 6.45. 




Scott tried the terrine, which is something he’s never had before, and he said it was okay. 



I had asparagus and it was horrible, Georgia ate it instead. She does have a knack of eating the random things we try. 



Me, Scott and Georgia then had the curry chicken Kyiv which we had last time in December and it was very nice. 



Scarlett decided to go for something different for a change and had some kind of fish in a sauce. When it came, it was the most fishiest fish that any of us have ever had and Scarlett hated it. 



So I had a little bit of my dinner and then traded with her. I know I should’ve probably just eaten my own dinner and left her to it as we did tell her that she wouldn’t like it but she tried something different for a change, and that’s not like Scarlett at all and I don’t like them two to go hungry. It’s better for me to be. 


For pudding we had a cobbler, and it was really nice. 



We decided around 8:30 to go up to the clubhouse to see what was on. I think we lasted about 30 minutes in there before we got fed up and wanted to go back to the cabin. As usual, we all got ready for bed talked for a while and were asleep by 10. 

Punk ipa    £5.55    
Coke            £3.55    
Mocktail     £3.95    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Coke            £3.55    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Ice cream    £2.35    
Ice cream    £2.35    
Ice cream    £3.00    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Coke            £3.55    
Tango    £2.70    
Punk ipa    £5.55    
Cocktail     £9.20    











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In La Romana today.

We hadn’t booked an excursion, which was good as the excursion we wanted was cancelled. Anyway, due to weather, we had decided to just go to the pool that was in the port.


So this morning, we actually woke up at 7, which is quite late for us. Scott went and got some muffins from the buffet while I had a shower and got dressed. We ate those and we were off the ship and down to the pool area in the port by 8 am.









We sat around a little while and had a bit of a walk around then we were in the pool by 9 am, the kids and Scott are playing tag.






The people at the port were doing dancing which we found strange but they had some good Caribbean music on to dance to but the weather wasn’t great. It kept raining which wasn’t too bad when you’re in the pool, but not brilliant when you sat around the side trying to sunbathe.



There was a man with coconuts to drink so I thought it’d be cool to get one of those. I watched him cut it up with a machete and then we all tried the coconut water. None of us really liked it and it’s not something I would get again, but when you’re in the Caribbean, it’s something you’ve got to try. Scott ended up finishing it. Don’t think that would ever be allowed anywhere else with the size of that knife.




We got out of the pool at about 11am and had a wander round looking for a magnet. A lot of the people were trying to get us to buy things. There was a man with a monkey and parrots, so the girls had some pictures taken with them. Because obviously if there’s a monkey you’ve got to hold it.





We also got some churros that weren’t very nice. So we bought the magnet and got back on the ship.


As we were back on board for 12 pm we got a hotdog for lunch from near the pool. Scarlett had said that she wanted to go to the kids club this afternoon so they both went there around 1.30pm but Georgia wanted to be collected for the quiz in Brodies, as she likes to do that with us but I think Scarlett has some friends so would rather stay at the kids club. 


We collected Georgia at 3 pm, us three played the quiz and had some beer and mocktails. It’s a good job Georgia was there as she knew the answer to one we didn’t. We ended up winning this quiz with 9 1/2 out of 20. I can’t say it was a big crowd to compete against. And it was a pretty pathetic score to win with.




We had a few more drinks in Brodie’s and I picked Scarlett up at 4:45, as there was another quiz at 5 pm, so we did that one. Can you tell we like quizzes? We went back to the cabin got showered and changed and went and sat and had a drink in Anderson’s while we waited for a table. Surprise surprise. The only drink I choose is not available and will not be available all week. Typical.





The buzzer went off for the Olive Grove at 7. We were in the Olive Grove till 8:20.






In the Olive Grove, we had some really nice spicy prawns for starters they were excellent.



Scarlett had kids, sausage, mash, and sweetcorn,


Georgia had beef gyros,



I had paella,



Scott had Peri Peri chicken.


We tried four different desserts, the baklava, the Panna cotta, honey, cake and tiramisu.









I can’t say we liked any of the desserts, but the starter was the best and the mains were quite good. Scott did pinch a little bit of Georgias. I was hoping Scarlett would have tried something a little different tonight.


We were quite tired and full today. There was nothing on that takes our fancy so as usual instead of going out at night, we went back to the cabin, sat on the balcony watching the Caribbean sun and chilled out and were asleep by 10.

I do sometimes worry that I should be doing more at night but at the same time why force ourselves to do things we aren’t fussed to do.


Coconut $5
Photos $30
Churros $4
Magnet $4




Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Tango    £2.70
Punk ipa    £5.55
Punk ipa    £5.55
Hot chocolate     £3.25
Punk ipa    £5.55
Mocktail     £3.95
Nobbys nuts    £1.45
Punk ipa    £5.55
Appletiser    £2.95
Tea    £2.40
Nobbys nut    £1.45
Punk ipa    £5.55
Pringles    £2.00
Punk ipa    £5.55
Pringles    £2.00
Cocktail     £9.20
Total £73.75



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It was a sea day today. We were still up at 6.30am though and I’m still not sure how as these tablets usually make me really groggy. I’m thinking it’s because we have the door and curtains open, so there is a nice breeze and the sun streaming through.


We went up two flights to go in the hot tub for half hour before I washed my hair. Can’t be washing it more than once a day, way too much work.

We managed to get to the MDR for breakfast. We have decided now that we really do prefer breakfast this way. Hated the buffet since the lack of trays and usually the bacon is better. As always we had the poached eggs, bacon and hash brown, Georgia did try the eggs Benedict but don’t think she liked it.








The kids wanted to go to the kids club, it must be an excellent club this time as they are in there so often, so we took them at opening which was at 9.30 and we went back made a coffee and did the washing.


You’d think that would be boring when you’re on holiday but it’s actually quite easy since your sat on the balcony in the Caribbean sun on the ocean with your coffee, no annoying kids just a timer to tell you when to put the washing in the dryer.


We picked the kids up at closing time so 11.45 and went to the buffet for dinner as it was just below the kids club. We had meatball pasta which was meh, the puddings were nice though but I don’t remember what we actually got. I think it was a weird type of meringue.


All this sea air makes me sleepy so the adults had to have nap while the kids played with their phones. When they were younger we used to bring drawing things. Its easier to fetch the phone now they are older but they only get limited time and games on it. I think they were playing Sasquatch this time.


We got up and went to music bingo like the other day. We tried to get through it but we really weren’t feeling it today. The kids wanted to play pool instead so we went and did that. I managed to beat Georgia which I am useless at so I was very pleased. Scott got a couple of drinks and some Nobbys nuts.








We did the jukebox quiz as always. Nope we didn’t win. I don’t think we ever will, not even as close as we came that time with the ones from our era.

We played some more pool and did the individual quiz even though we didn’t really do it on our own.


It was time to go back and get changed for dinner. We were going to the beach house tonight which everyone loves, we went for Georgias birthday on Iona last time.


We were ready a bit early so thought it was a good time to go to the crows nest as Georgia had been asking to go. I picked a drink and surprise surprise they didn’t have it. I think maybe I should just give up now.












We went to the beach house for 6.30pm as booked.





We paid extra for these salt fish things, got some chicken wings, nachos and beef empanadas.








We didn’t like the starters at all. The fish was horrid and the beef things were basically Cornish pasties. So we left the fish. Luckily the kids seemed to like theirs and Scott stole some of the chicken wings.


The girls ordered fajitas and seemed to do ok after being warned about the hot plate.



We both had the lava block steak as we always do.




Usually our favourite but the prawns were not cooked properly. I ended up leaving them and eating the steak. By the end I felt so sick I just wanted to go back to the cabin so we didn’t even bother with dessert much to the kids disappointed and my annoyance at the money we had spent. I did mention this to the waiter and they said we should have told them as soon as I tasted it. Problem is that once you eat bad food it’s all down hill from then.


We went straight back to the cabin. I was quite a bit poorly that night, I’m sure from those prawns. The kids watched a film and we were in bed for 9.30pm.

Not such late stop outs and usually we don’t have a valid excuse but tonight we definitely did. No more beach house for us now. It’s a good job there wasn’t anything on we wanted to do.

Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Tango    £2.70
Crisps    £1.35
Punk ipa    £5.55
Punk ipa    £5.55
Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Tango    £2.70
Punk ipa    £5.55
Nobbys nuts    £1.45
Pringles    £2.00
Cocktail     £9.40
Mocktail     £3.95
Starter    £1.50
Steak    £7.00
Steak    £7.00
Mocktail     £3.95
Total £77.85


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St Maarten today. Not one I was really bothered for. Plan was to water taxi over to the beach and have a lounge.


So we were up at 6.30 which is now our usual time. As on port days Scott goes and get muffins and himself a coffee while I shower and the kids get dressed.

We were all ready and off the ship by 8am.


We went and queued for the water taxi and we saw a turtle just bob up, split second and he was gone. Then there were lots of really big lizards on the rocks all different colours.






We got the taxi over $28 return for 4 of us. It wasn’t a bad ride but as soon as we got off there were loads at the end of the pier trying to get us to sit with them and I really don’t like pushy people.


Scott told them no and we had a walk down, I’m glad I wasn’t there on my own with the kids as they make me feel quite uncomfortable. We came across one with a woman at the bar, didn’t try to sell to us at all just said good morning, but we quite liked the place, there was a price sign just outside the bar. This was Lizzy’s.



We got two chairs with the umbrella, wifi and fruit punch for $20 which I thought was good. We had a chair a row from the sea as we don’t like to be too close. There were only about four or five rows.


The only thing I didn’t like about this beach was the hill in the sea. So you’d be walking into it and suddenly your off a ledge. Even worse to try and get back out but we all managed.


We had a lovely time playing in the sea. It wasn’t very clear again same as Tortola so you couldn’t snorkel but it was nice and warm and we just kind of floated while we watched the kids running in and out for a good hour or two.




At one point Georgia said she could see a turtle and she could. Now I’m sure your not supposed to touch them but this poor little guy was getting absolutely battered. He couldn’t swim out as he was on the bit where the waves break all the time. After watching him and losing sight of him a few times in the next 20 minutes we decided that we would just move him. He wasn’t safer there. I couldn’t catch him and neither could Scarlett. Luckily Georgia was quick enough to spot and scoop him and quickly had him to Scott who took him out as deep as he could where the waves weren’t crashing and then watched as he swum out to sea.


We decided that was enough sea for us so Me and Scott went and got the fruit punches. I didn’t like it way too much rum. Scott said he couldn’t even taste the alcohol. I’m not one for alcohol at all so he drunk mine instead.


I then had a strawberry smoothie followed by a mango one. These were lovely $6 each. They tasted like soleros. Scott got a beer bucket for $15 and then a few banana daiquiris $8 each. They were all very nice drinks and reasonable prices.







The kids played just near the water and they did so for ages. We had a few people comment on how nice they just played together and how good they were. They really are.





There didn’t seem to be many children, more retired people if I’m honest.

We did get bugged by some people asking about hair braiding and massages etc every two minutes which was the only bit that spoilt it, and it wasn’t anything that could be helped by the bar.


We ordered some lunch. We got jerk chicken wrap that came with chips. We ordered one to share as we always do. Usually as we aren’t that hungry and because it’s not always nice. This was the nicest chicken wrap I think I’ve ever had. We kept umming about ordering another one and I really think we should have. It was $13. I really regret not getting another one. It was the one that got away.




The kids played some more and the bloke in front of us had been snorkelling far out and found a massive shell and he gave it to the kids. Which is now going to end up in our bathroom. We left for the water taxi about 3pm ish.



We picked up a few snacks some bracelets and a magnet. It had been red hot and even though we had put so much sun cream on we all still ended up burnt. The kids legs are very tanned now. And that was factor 50. I could do with really long leggings on them. They all at least went brown, not like me who is bright red.


Back to the ship for 4ish. We went and showered then got dressed and went to play pool at Brodies.


We were off to 6th street diner again tonight.







Our table was for 6.30pm and it was a different menu to last time. I had a mocktail with candy floss which was really nice.



For starters, we all swapped but Georgia got fried chicken on a donut,




Scarlett got monkey bread,



I had weird pork balls



Scott had prawn cocktail.



I didn’t like any of them. I preferred the honey bread from the other menu. I thought the chicken on the donut was the best out of the bunch.


For mains Georgia got spicy sausages,



Scott and Scarlett had philly cheese steak sandwich



I had beef brisket.



Mine was really nice and Scott was enjoying his.

However for the second night on this cruise my child, this one being my youngest this time, decided the sausages were too spicy and to swap with me. She was right and the sausages were too spicy. I left most of it. She however liked the brisket so ends up eating all of it. Things you do as a mum.


For pudding we had s’mores pudding apart from Scott who had peanut butter pie. He said it was ok. Ours was a bit rich so we only hate half of it.




We went up to the club house for “I love rock” now we are big rock fans and the band we saw on Britannia in April ‘22 that did rock songs were amazing. This was the house band pulse. It wasn’t very good and we managed 20 minutes before I decided I wanted to go to bed instead. They were murdering the classics and it was making my ears bleed. Dramatic I know 😂

We went back to the cabin and finished watching the film we had started the other night instead.


St Maarten Great Bay Beach turned out to be the best beach  we did. We got great beach, great food and good drinks, apart from Us getting burnt it couldn’t have been any better.



Water taxi $28
$20 2 chairs 
$6 smoothie
$14 smoothie and daiquiri 
$15 bucket of beer 
$21 chicken wrap and daiquiri 
$58 cigarettes 
$7 crisps
$4 bracelets 
$8 magnet
$11 crisps and sweets

Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Mocktail     £3.95
Punk ipa    £5.55
Tea    £2.40
Cocktail     £10.45
Mocktail     £3.95
Total £35.40




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More great posts and wonderful photos. My girls were always smiley too at that age and to be fair, weren’t too bad as teenagers! I’m intrigued that they’ve always got matching outfits - apart from the formal night. My three are really close in age, and were of a similar size between about 5 and 13 so I would try to buy clothes in Sales and they just then selected what they fancied between them. I don’t think they would have liked matching outfits though! Now in their late 20s, their styles are very different. 

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7 hours ago, Ardennais said:

More great posts and wonderful photos. My girls were always smiley too at that age and to be fair, weren’t too bad as teenagers! I’m intrigued that they’ve always got matching outfits - apart from the formal night. My three are really close in age, and were of a similar size between about 5 and 13 so I would try to buy clothes in Sales and they just then selected what they fancied between them. I don’t think they would have liked matching outfits though! Now in their late 20s, their styles are very different. 

they hate the matching outfits if I’m honest. 
I’m just find that there aren’t so many nice tops or dresses that fit them so I usually buy the same so there is no arguments and I always know what they are wearing if one gets lost. 

usually at home though they aren’t matching though but that’s because they aren’t nice going out tops for wearing around the house. 

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Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed report, it makes entertaining reading! Your girls look lovely in the pictures. Mine are 31 and 28 now, and still costing me money…..

I hope your sciatica has improved, I had a bout of it in January and have only now got rid of the numbness in my knee.

 I presume you had an enjoyable cruise, but sometimes it doesn’t sound like it 😂.


Down in this part of Sussex we say mardy, at least in our family and circle of acquaintances and ne’er do wells.

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5 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

they hate the matching outfits if I’m honest. 
I’m just find that there aren’t so many nice tops or dresses that fit them so I usually buy the same so there is no arguments and I always know what they are wearing if one gets lost. 

usually at home though they aren’t matching though but that’s because they aren’t nice going out tops for wearing around the house. 

Good point about finding them if one gets lost. Like school uniforms on trips really which most Primary children around here wear, apart from the one or two who want to ‘express their own individuality’! 

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In years to come you will ask your lovely little girls " what didn't you like.? Nothing it was all great." We did cool runnings, but can't remember what's the lunch was like. Great review Vamps.


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On 7/18/2024 at 8:14 AM, July morning said:

I enjoy reading your reports and of course the photos lovely girls. I chuckle when you say one is mardy or gobby 😂 in other words ordinary kids 😁

Mostly me that’s mardy I think 😂 

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Day 9. Antigua. 


We were up a bit later today than usual at 7am. We did the usual with the shower and muffins etc and off the ship by 8am. We wanted to try and beat the crowds. We were in Antigua today.


We walked through the port and lots offered to take us. We ended up choosing a woman to drive and said we wanted to go to jolly beach. It was a toss up between this and Dickinson’s bay and I don’t know if we chose wrong, jolly beach was told to us as more of a child friendly beach. We made a deal with her to pick us up at 3pm since that’s what time we left the other beaches. It was $80 then we left a tip for 4 of us.


When we got there it was deserted apart from one other couple. There was two bars next to us with a toilet in one. We bought some chairs and an umbrella $30








It was windy and cloudy. The girls did go in the sea but it was absolutely full of seaweed, but to look at the photos you wouldn’t think that. You literally couldn’t go in there without getting covered in it. I was regretting my beach decision and I really wanted to just leave but I didn’t know how to contact the taxi person and Scott wouldn’t let me get someone else.


It rained at least 3 times while we were there and we got soaked, the kids weren’t bothered as they were in costumes but I was clothed at this point. I didn’t even bother to go in the sea at this beach I just really wanted to go home actually and I was quite upset and mardy. The kids tried to make the best of it though. How we passed 6 hour there I will never know. The kids enjoyed it though luckily I was just ridiculously annoyed for picking it.






They made some pools like hot tubs in the sand. They buried each other in the sand, mainly Georgia got buried. They also made a big castle with a moat. Who needs bucket and spade. I was worried that mine at 9 and 8 wouldn’t want to play like this. But they were just so happy to play and dig around.


At midday we went and got a drink. A strawberry smoothie for me and girls then a daiquiri for Scott. They weren’t brilliant. It cost $15 for both and the person behind the bar was pretty rude. I didn’t really want to go back for food so we went to the other bar and they had stopped taking food orders already. So this wasn’t looking so good. We went back to the first bar and now that one wasn’t serving either. I was pretty annoyed by this point, as there was no other way of getting any food at this point. The food didn’t look great anyway and looked over priced but the kids were getting hungry.


There were a few coming around and selling things. Also a bloke singing “it will be alright now the coconut man is here”






I went and took a little nap on the sunbed, mostly because I was mardy and fed up, then we got dressed and ready to go wait for the taxi. This was the beach day I had least liked. On the way back we looked at all the houses and they looked pretty run down.



We forgot to buy a magnet and just got back on the ship. I was unfortunately in a mood and just couldn’t shake it. We went straight up to get some food. We brought pizza and burger down to the room and had those before having a shower, especially the kids who had been crawling in sand all day I thought their costumes where ruined.


We went to Brodies for a drink and did the 5pm quiz. We played some pool. Unfortunately as I was in a bad mood we started arguing as I don’t like how loud Scott gets when he’s had something to drink and I probably didn’t say things in the nicest way so he went straight to bed instead.


Me and the kids got some chicken from the pool grill and then watched a film with snacks while he snored away. As most of the time it will blow over in the morning when we aren’t both wound up.


$85 to jolly bay
$30 umbrella 
$15 2 drinks 




Punk ipa    £5.55
Tea    £2.40
Tango    £2.70
Punk ipa    £5.55
Punk ipa    £5.55
Tango    £2.70
Punk ipa    £5.55
Nobbys nuts    £1.45
Total £31.35


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Sea days today.

We were up at 7 and got to the sit down breakfast for 8.30am. We weren’t feeling it this morning so kids had cereal. Scott had the usual. I had pastries. We didn’t particularly enjoy breakfast this morning. It felt more like chore.





We weren’t sure what we were going to do all day but Scarlett wanted to go to the kids club and Georgia wanted to stay with us so we got a coffee and sat on the balcony while Georgia drew in her book. Most of the time this is what we seem to do in a morning. It’s only in the afternoon we tend to go about the ship more.


We collected Scarlett at 11.45 when kids club ended and got some pizza from the pool deck for lunch. Scarlett took forever to eat her dinner and there was a charity bike ride in the sky dome so we just played cards for a while. As it was sea day we did get the internet to keep up to date with everything today and get some pictures of our new nephew, Freddie.


After we played cards it was time for the music bingo. It was quite good today and we were 1 away from winning with two different cards. We got beat to it though. The girls and me had ice cream while we played. I always enjoy this ice cream on here. Scott’s rarely bothered for ice cream.



It was nearly quiz time and we do love our quizzes so we went down to bodies for the juke box quiz. Really proper bad at it but at least we knew bewitched and chumba wumba since that our era, I assume all the others only know it as it comes up at least once per cruise. We then played pool and Georgia put her songs on the music jukebox box they have and we carried on trying to teach the kids how to play pool.


Last quiz of the day was the individual one. We still didn’t win but hey ho we like to try. We went back to the cabin to get all dressed. Unfortunately we weren’t as fast as we were the first night. Scott had a cut from doing his hair that wouldn’t stop bleeding so we left him there while we did the photos. All the lines were busy and we spent over an hour doing them as it took us an hour just to get a table. Again we should have planned better for that, we usually know better.





The table was ready for 8.30pm which is ridiculously late for the girls but didn’t have much other options at this point.

Me and Scott had prawns on ciabatta and it was lovely.



Georgia wished she had ordered that too. For mains we had chicken in a curry sauce with broccoli and potato. I didn’t actually like this at all.



Then for pudding we had trio of chocolate and Scott had raspberry soufflé.





It wasn’t the nicest celebration night we have had apart from the prawns which were excellent. Yet when I compare them to the other prawn starter at olive grove Scott couldn’t remember those ones at all.





We finished around 9.15 and then went back to the cabin to chill before bed. We were in bed quite late for us at around 11pm. We left the curtains and door open again as it was just so warm.


Internet    £24.00
Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Tango    £2.70
Ice cream    £2.35
Ice cream    £2.35
Ice cream    £2.35
Punk ipa    £5.55
Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Tango    £2.70
Nobbys nuts    £1.45
Punk ipa    £5.55
Tea    £2.40
Punk ipa    £5.55
Punk ipa    £5.55
Pringles    £2.00
Total £80.30

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Your girls are lovely and look like they had a great time! 😀 So refreshing to read about the downs as well as the ups. I was onboard for a week in Feb so am reading with interest.

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Great review. What gorgeous girls/young ladies Georgia and Scarlett are.

They are so lucky that you are able to take them away on such lovely holidays. When I was their age (admittedly 50+ years ago) it was an annual 2 week holiday in August to either Wales or Cornwall (still got very happy memories of them tho).

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11 minutes ago, Vampiress88 said:

Sea days today.

We were up at 7 and got to the sit down breakfast for 8.30am. We weren’t feeling it this morning so kids had cereal. Scott had the usual. I had pastries. We didn’t particularly enjoy breakfast this morning. It felt more like chore.





We weren’t sure what we were going to do all day but Scarlett wanted to go to the kids club and Georgia wanted to stay with us so we got a coffee and sat on the balcony while Georgia drew in her book. Most of the time this is what we seem to do in a morning. It’s only in the afternoon we tend to go about the ship more.


We collected Scarlett at 11.45 when kids club ended and got some pizza from the pool deck for lunch. Scarlett took forever to eat her dinner and there was a charity bike ride in the sky dome so we just played cards for a while. As it was sea day we did get the internet to keep up to date with everything today and get some pictures of our new nephew, Freddie.


After we played cards it was time for the music bingo. It was quite good today and we were 1 away from winning with two different cards. We got beat to it though. The girls and me had ice cream while we played. I always enjoy this ice cream on here. Scott’s rarely bothered for ice cream.



It was nearly quiz time and we do love our quizzes so we went down to bodies for the juke box quiz. Really proper bad at it but at least we knew bewitched and chumba wumba since that our era, I assume all the others only know it as it comes up at least once per cruise. We then played pool and Georgia put her songs on the music jukebox box they have and we carried on trying to teach the kids how to play pool.


Last quiz of the day was the individual one. We still didn’t win but hey ho we like to try. We went back to the cabin to get all dressed. Unfortunately we weren’t as fast as we were the first night. Scott had a cut from doing his hair that wouldn’t stop bleeding so we left him there while we did the photos. All the lines were busy and we spent over an hour doing them as it took us an hour just to get a table. Again we should have planned better for that, we usually know better.





The table was ready for 8.30pm which is ridiculously late for the girls but didn’t have much other options at this point.

Me and Scott had prawns on ciabatta and it was lovely.



Georgia wished she had ordered that too. For mains we had chicken in a curry sauce with broccoli and potato. I didn’t actually like this at all.



Then for pudding we had trio of chocolate and Scott had raspberry soufflé.





It wasn’t the nicest celebration night we have had apart from the prawns which were excellent. Yet when I compare them to the other prawn starter at olive grove Scott couldn’t remember those ones at all.





We finished around 9.15 and then went back to the cabin to chill before bed. We were in bed quite late for us at around 11pm. We left the curtains and door open again as it was just so warm.


Internet    £24.00
Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Tango    £2.70
Ice cream    £2.35
Ice cream    £2.35
Ice cream    £2.35
Punk ipa    £5.55
Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Tango    £2.70
Nobbys nuts    £1.45
Punk ipa    £5.55
Tea    £2.40
Punk ipa    £5.55
Punk ipa    £5.55
Pringles    £2.00
Total £80.30

Sorry you had a bad day. Looks like the girls still enjoyed themselves, much better than school. Did you manage to get good prices for your cruise as they always seem much more expensive during school holidays.

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St kitts today. The plan was for carabola beach resort.


We got up around 7am. The kids did not want to get up this morning when they had such a late night yesterday. As we usually do I shower while Scott goes get the muffins as he is much quicker than I am. It’s our own till routine now that we prefer.  After we got ready and had breakfast we were off the ship my 8.20am. We looked at the little shops and Scott got a light Caribbean t-shirt to wear for $10, I had told him to get one earlier in the cruise but never listens.

We found a lady driver called darleen. She was going to take us to the beach. We did have to share a taxi even though it was the same price for just us she explained that as there was a cap on it that this was the only way to make money. Which i understand but at the same time hate sharing. It cost us $56.


We got to the beach resort and got two sunbeds with an umbrella for $30. We had packed light today as the other days we hadn’t needed everything we brought like the swim shoes.

We had quite a long time in the sea today. It was very clear so you could snorkel. We kept feeling things next to our legs and when we looked there were quite a few very transparent fish. You’d have not been able to spot them if you hadn’t felt them there and you couldn’t see them from above the water either.




The water here was strange. The tide was going out and in at the same time so it was like a cool wave pool but it knocked you over if you weren’t paying attention.


We decided to have a wander down to the other bar we had looked at called shipwreck bar. As we walked we found so shells that looks like unicorn horns and the kids started to collect them in my bag for home. We also found a huge starfish.


I couldn’t get a good photo and I think it was dead but we all didn’t dare touch it as you don’t know if they could hurt you. We didn’t stay at the shipwreck bar but walked back. Scott said he was glad I had ended up choosing the one we had. Walking through the waves were ok but the sand was really hot so you had to be careful of your feet. Now was the one time I was wishing we had fetched the water shoes, but being typical us this was the one time we didn’t fetch them.


We also found a crab. This one was alive and under our sunbed. The girls shooed it into the sea away from their feet. We got some cocktails. A dirty banana for Scott, a frozen lemonade for the girls and a strawberry smoothie for me for $30.


Scott said it was the nicest drink. It took ages at the bar and I struggled to carry the drinks back especially on the red hot sand. They were supposed to have waiters about but we didn’t see any where we sat.


We also had an issue with our umbrella not being up and I had to go ask four times for someone to come and put it up as we really needed some shade for me and the kids to escape under. Unfortunately the pin was missing for it and I couldn’t just take another one as they were all tied to the umbrellas. They ended up putting a nail in it but I was a little annoyed that it took that long when we wanted to sit in the shade, it was a good 40 minutes of me asking.




We had a walk over to the right of the complex where there was a little inlet for snorkelling and saw a few fish there.



We were burning our feet though it was so very hot that day. We had put more suncream on before each swim and after.

The kids and Scott went back to put more on while I ordered a beer bucket and a wrap. It was expensive though and the service was terrible and slow, I was stood there a good 30mins just trying to get served. The chicken wrap was $31 and the beer buckets plus a bottle of coke was $25.


The wrap was average at best. It definitely wasn’t worth what we paid but we didn’t have that much choice where we were. The taxi wasn’t coming till about 3.30pm so we had ages to play in the sand again.









The kids and Scott went back in the sea and as soon as he had finished his beers Georgia tipped the bucket of cold water onto Scarlett. She knew it was coming as they had agreed but I don’t think she thought about how cold it would be. It made for a good video.


After that they had an outdoor shower and got dressed ready for the taxi. Scott did want another dirty banana drink but after 10mins and no service we gave up. The taxi woman was already waiting for us outside anyway. We had to share the taxi back again which did annoy me slightly as it was fairly cramped this time with 8 people in it. Dread to think if two hadn’t been very slim children how we would have all fitted.


We got back to the port, bought a magnet for $5 and then some pop and snacks for $23. We were back on the ship for 4pm and then realised how much sun we had caught. I looked the worst as I’d had my sunglasses on and all my eyes were white while everything else was bright red. The kids decided it looked like a superhero mask, but not a very good one.


We had a quick shower and got dressed to catch the 5pm quiz. It wasn’t in Brodies though today but the, I want to say emerald bar but I think that’s Iona not Arvia and I’ve forgotten now, but it’s the one at the bottom of the atrium next to the coffee place.




Kids had a coconut cocktail, Scott got a beer and bought me a Rossini cocktail even though I don’t drink I had said I liked the looks of it, didn’t mean I wanted to buy it but he thought he was being sweet. I didn’t like it so he ended up drinking it as well.


We went to chose the photos at the Photo Booth from the nights before and went to reception for something that I’ve forgotten.


Dinner was at 6.30pm in the main dining room.




I had halloumi with bacon and figs. It was quite nice.



Scott had pate, which I don’t think he has tried before.




Then me, Georgia and Scott had sea bass



while Scarlett had steak.



For some reason tonight it was taking Scarlett ages and ages to eat and we were getting quite annoyed at it by the time we got to deserts. I had creme brulee and Scott and Georgia had apple bread and butter pudding. Scarlett had carrot cake.

We were finished by 8pm so we went back to the cabin.






We had decided it would be a quiet time to do the washing so we put that on and had snacks while playing cards in the room. We went to bed around 10ish. We had been warned that tomorrows port was Mardi Gras and that a lot of things would be shut and that we might not get a taxi so we changed our plans around and decided to only do the town that we could walk to. I did email the ferry people to ask if they would be closed but never got a response so didn’t want to risk it.

Punk ipa    £5.55
Cocktail     £9.40
Mocktail    £4.05
Punk ipa    £5.55
Coke    £3.55
Total £28.10


Carambola $30 2 chairs
South friars bay
$56 taxi to carambola
$30 cocktails and lemonade 
$31 chicken wrap
$25 beer bucket and coke
$10 t-shirt
$5 magnet 
$23 snacks


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