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Meet Your Celebrity Message Board Hosts

Host Anne

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Today is the first day on Cruise Critic...so I have a lot of questions! I will start with this one: How do I go about finding out who else is sailing March 23, 2007 on the Constellation?


Welcome and glad to have you with us.


As for your cruise, I hope you have lots of reading time before you leave. The Roll Call thread for your cruise is among the longest with over 2500 posts.


The Roll Call thread for your cruise is located here: Constellation March 23, 2007 to the Southern Caribbean

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Walt & Anne,


I am a relative newbie to the "X" boards, so I thought it proper to say hello directly to yourself and Anne. HELLO!!!

I have a 10 JUN 07 trip to AK on Infinity set so I imagine you will see a few posts from me between now and then.


Got a good chuckle from your INTRO post on this thread referencing CPA related acronyms, for those of us in the field it seems so odd others don't get the humor....;)


Any recent knowledge you can impart on Infinity's DD set for late MAY 07. I'm hoping for the much ref'd "new bedding" but will settle for a good POD overhaul.


Again nice to meet you & see ya in the trenches....

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Thanks for posting, Walt. Our alma maters have something in common the last two years...NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!


Well this could be the rubber year, to use a bridge term, with both the Gators and the Tar Heels in the "Elite Eight" this morning.


You must know, however, that NCAA stands for North Carolina Achieves Again. :D

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With you all the way, Walt...although I must admit I'm rooting for Kay Yow's WolfPack tonight - those women are something else.


Sorry to see Kansas lose - I had imagined a final four with Kansas and UNC for quite the spectacle. Go Tar Heels tomorrow (both sets!).

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Walt and Anne

I am a relative newbie(about 1 year) to these boards and I love them. You both do a great job of moderating - especially on the "hot "topics of "pods" and "what to wear or not to wear:eek: ". My first cruise was on NCL so I was very familiar with with that section of CC and now I am getting familiar with Celebrity. Well just wanted to say hello and thanks for all you do.



PS - Walt I too have been on the Orient/New London Ferry - way back when (and now too since I live in LI). Big difference today from what it used to be when it carried cars and trucks and passengers were delegated to a small, hot cramped 20X30 foot space - try doing that in a near n'easter! Anyway reading your bio brought back those memories. Thanks!

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Hi Walt and Anne,

We are going on our first Celebrity Cruise August 2nd for my wife's birthday and would like to know what is appropriate wear. I have grown out of my Tuxedo and would like to be able to wear a dark suit for the formal nights. Is this appropriate and acceptable?:)


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  • 1 month later...
How do I edit my thread that I started? It does not have the edit icon to click on, and we are now the innagrual sailing on Cel. Quest 10/31. I need to correct the title.


Hi,:) once 20 minutes go by the edit feature doesn't apply.

One of the moderators will have to fix it for you.

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  • 3 years later...
It’s occurred to me as the Cruise Critic message boards have grown over the years, that many who post on the boards don’t really know the hosts and what’s involved in our role on the boards as moderators.

Therefore, I thought I’d take a few minutes to introduce myself and discuss a few things about the boards and our role as moderators. Host Walt is planning to follow with an introduction as well.

I joined Cruise Critic several years ago when researching information on an upcoming cruise. The amount of information and the friendly people who were providing the information kept me coming back time and again. During a cruise on Explorer of the Seas, I happened to meet several Cruise Critic hosts and our Community Manager, Laura Sterling, who were sailing on the same cruise. We began talking and I learned a lot more about Cruise Critic and the folks who ran it. When an opening for a host came up later that year, Laura approached me about serving as a host.

As a volunteer (I have a real job and family), I looked at being a Cruise Critic host/moderator as an opportunity to get away from the demands of my every day job, help keep the boards a friendly place to be, continue to gain information for our own cruises and meet many wonderful members that we sail with on cruises.

I started cruising back in 1992 when we decided to try a family vacation in a warm climate versus the winter ski vacations we used to take. Once we boarded a ship that was it. We’ve been sailing ever since. Both Cruise Critic and cruising have changed significantly over the years. Our first ship, Monarch of the Seas, was one of the largest cruise ship sailing at the time. Now she is considered small! Likewise, there were less than 20,000 members of Cruise Critic when I joined. Now there are nearly 200,000! The growth of both has been amazing and it’s been fun to be a part of such a wonderful industry that for the most part brings a lot of enjoyment to people’s lives.

Since 1992, we have been EXTREMELY fortunate to sail to the Caribbean, Panama Canal, Mediterranean, Baltics, Hawaii, Alaska and Mexican Riviera. We have enjoyed each and every cruise even though some weren’t as great as others. We have met wonderful people on every cruise and stay in touch with passengers from almost every cruise. It is the best thing about cruising.

As for Cruise Critic, our host responsibilities are pretty simple and straightforward. We are here to ensure that members abide by the Community Guidelines. They exist to keep our on-line community a friendly and informative place to be. While everyone agrees to abide by Guidelines when they sign up as a Cruise Critic member, I’m guessing that many haven’t taken the time to review the Guidelines. I’d like to take a few minutes to review some of the important items in the Guidelines that surface frequently on the boards so that you may have a better understanding of why hosts do the things we do.


This probably sounds pretty simple but unfortunately, especially when dealing with an emotional issue, people sometimes begin to post things that are directed as a personal attack on another poster. There simply isn’t room for that on the message boards and those posts are removed. Subsequently, anyone that posts something related to an item that has been deleted must also be removed because the subsequent posts no longer make sense since they refer to something that no longer appears on the boards.


The boards are here to discuss the topic of “cruising.” Any questions regarding board policies, the Community Guidelines, etc. should not be posted to the board itself. Members are free to contact the board host/moderator or our Community Manager, Laura Sterling (community@cruisecritic.com) with any questions regarding the Guidelines or policies and we’ll be happy to answer them in a private email.


Not all cruises are alike and people (even on the same cruise) have varying opinions on things they like and dislike. That’s one of the best things about Cruise Critic. You can get a wide range of information from a lot of people. You’ll find positive and negative things about cruises and it’s up to a member to determine how they utilize the information. Hosts do not remove any information because it reflects positively or negatively on a cruise line, a port of call, etc. Only information that is in violation of our Guidelines is removed.


We depend on our members to help us keep the boards a friendly place to be. There is a quick and easy way for members to “alert” hosts when they see what they believe is a “problem” post on the boards. Hit the little “red triangle” that appears in the right hand corner of every post. This will bring up a box where you can type a message that is sent to the hosts to alert them to a problem post. While we are not on line every moment of the day (both Walt and I have full time jobs), we do our very best to address problems as quickly as possible. Most importantly, avoid responding to problem posts. This is probably the hardest thing for members to do. Unfortunately, the more people that jump in on a problem post, the more the problem tends to grow. Remember to use the alert button. Of course we want you to state your opinions on any given subject, but keep in mind that others may and will have varying opinions from you own and everyone’s opinion is welcome.


No question, cruising is what we enjoy most. We cruise once or twice a year and have been fortunate enough to sail to many ports around the world. There is still plenty left to visit, though, so we are still working on places we haven’t been. Other than cruising, I enjoy photography (taking sunset photos are my favorites), playing tennis, all types of music, and cooking. While some cruises have been better than others, we have yet to be on a cruise that we didn’t enjoy in some way. While Celebrity is at the top of our favorites list, we also regularly cruise on Princess and Royal Caribbean and enjoy both of them a great deal. We like the smaller ships (under 80,000 tons) much better than the megaships. I like feeling like I’m on a ship rather than in some big hotel. We like traditional style cruising as we feel it is more conducive to getting to know fellow passengers and crew members.

We have a daughter in college and she cruises as much as she can with us. I’m now waiting for her to begin taking us on cruises once college is complete and she’s among the working! Everyone tells me not to hold my breath. :)

Finally, I’d like to remind everyone that the discussion of cruising should be fun (for the most part). When problems occasionally arise, our boards certainly are an important place for members to come discuss issues. But for the most part, we hope that members find participation in Cruise Critic and their cruise experiences to be enjoyable and helpful. Together, we can keep our boards the place that everyone wants to come to learn about and discuss cruising.

Happy Cruising to All ~


Anne started it off, now I'll add a bit about me.

I’m a practicing CPA who, after graduating from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, started out on Wall Street with Price Waterhouse many years ago. (I won't say how many years, but as a hint, Larry Brown and Billy Cunningham were my classmates and Dean Smith began his head coaching career my Junior year.)

Then I accepted a VP position with a retail holding company based in Los Angeles. In 1997 I went back to my CPA roots and accepted a position with Coopers & Lybrand. Shortly afterward C&L merged with Price Waterhouse and I would up back with my original firm.

Today I’m in a full services CPA practice in Woodland Hills, CA where I supervise all of the non-routine (i. e., non-tax related) services provided by the firm.

My first "cruise" was on an old war surplus LST that was used as a truck/car ferry from Orient Point, Long Island, NY to New London CT over 50 years ago. My first time spending a night on board a ship was in 1978 when we sailed from Port Hardy at the north end of Vancouver Island to Prince Rupert on the ill fated Queen of the North (BC Ferry). (The Queen of the North sunk last March after hitting a rock near Prince Rupert.)

Finally my DW convinced me to take a real cruise on HAL’s Nieuw Amsterdam in 1987 on a 7-day Inside Passage cruise and, as they say, the rest is history. Been on many cruises, barges, ferrys, and sailboats since. Unfortunately, many of our ships are now either tuna cans or deep sea diver objectives.

I found Cruise Critic during its first year of operation when it was offered as part of AOL’s content offerings in the good old AOL 2.0 days. It was my first experience with any web message board and I found it fascinating how otherwise virtual strangers could engage in meaningful discussions, share experiences and create friendships. I was hooked.

Then out of the blue, a guy name of Steve Faber sends me an e-Mail. Seems that he’s the monitor to enforce AOL’s Terms of Service on CC and needed some help. He liked my posts about my cruise experiences and invited me to replace his previous partner, SafariLama. Because he lived in Studio City CA, just down the road from my home in Tarzana, he invited me to lunch at Pinot Bistro. Never one to pass up a free lunch at a great restaurant, no less, and he talked me into splitting the workload. Interesting what a good meal and a great bottle of wine can accomplish, isn't it?

Steve is now retired in Florida and spends a lot of time cruising. Both on big ships and on his sailboat.

If I remember correctly we had an average of, perhaps, 50-60 posts total on all boards back then and had boards for such lines as Royal Cruises, Regency Cruises, Seawind, Renaissance, Premier, etc., etc.

The crises never stopped. Back then AOL had a major problem with its huge growth; it had a totally inadequate number of inbound modems. It was so bad that it made the national news for a while, and AOL had to abandon it’s pricing plan of “nickel minutes” (5 cents per minute of connect time) and go to flat rate pricing. We at Cruise Critic were affected because our members couldn’t get on because they couldn’t connect with AOL. And us Hosts were also out of luck so if a flame war started, we would have to hope it would burn itself out.

Then AOL started the series of ill-fated buggy upgrades, AOL 3.0, 4.0, etc. And Cruise Critic was growing rapidly. It finally became necessary for Cruise Critic to decide whether to leave AOL and go on the web, or stay as we were as an AOL content offering. The decision to go with two Cruise Critics was made. There was the web Cruise Critic and the AOL Cruise Critic. Finally the call was made to go forward with just the web, so all of the AOL only folks had to migrate over (with no transfers of any old material from the AOL Boards). That was back in 2000.

The Hosting gig has been a lot of fun, especially when I see how many people learn from us and contribute so much useful information to our members. And sharing the gig with Anne has also been great. She has been on more X cruises than I have and fills in the blanks for me quite well. And the best part is that she is just a fun lady.

I won’t repeat Anne’s list of Board matters, because it covers the waterfront rather well, so I’ll stop now.

Thanks to all of you for your great participation on the boards. Without you things would be boring and lonely.


Help me find the meet and mingle sign for my stateroom door. I need to tell my cc friends to print it out for their door. email me at kfb1953@yahoo.com


Thanks for bringing this thread back to life

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Tikigal ~ I'm searching for it for you. I haven't located it yet. If I can't, you can send me an email and I'll create one for you.

Thanks SO much for the initial 'resumes' from both you and Walt. I often wondered how one takes on the role of host(ess). I've been on cruise critic almost since the beginning when there were fewer messages and fewer cruiselines (under another email address-- work related!!) and now mostly keep up on the terrific information provided by posters. I've learned so many things about cruising and related topics that I would NEVER have been aware of without Cruise Critic. I think this site is great and the posters extremely helpful and even when the subject becomes a little heated, out comes some interesting points of view. Without the hosts making their kind suggestions as to meaningful discussion, the site might just become a place to grouse and complain. Again, thanks for your efforts over the years...very much appreciated....and Andy's too!

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Tiki ~ what you have found is the download from Cruise Critic. But it was designed for the Royal Caribbean Meet & Mingle, not the Celebrity Connections. Doesn't matter, though if you'd like to use it. I think you may have responded in this thread to some folks you wanted to respond to on your Roll Call. You may want to copy the post over there.


Have a fantastic cruise!

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Thank you hosts for all you do the keep the peace here. I moderate a couple of other boards that are tiny compared to the traffic here so I know it can be difficult at times.


I really appreciate what you do because I really enjoy the discussions here.

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Thanks for the kind notes, everyone. You are all very welcome. I have been very fortunate to meet many of our members onboard ships over the years. It is the best thing about the boards. The exchange of information beforehand and the wonderful shared experiences onboard are what this site is all about.


Thanks to ALL of you for making our community such a great one!!!!


Happy sailing to all!

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