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Rude People

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I just read the Scottishexlorers post which is a review on the Explorer of the Seas.

I was really excited about this cruise but after reading the review I am alittle dissappointed.


He mentions that it seemed most people were from the surrounding areas, NY and NJ and that alot of the people were rude and a stampede for the buffets and food. I went on a Carnival Cruise once from San Juan PR and found the same thing. 95 percent were it seemed from Jamaica Queens NY. And I am from queens, NY so I know. But I experianced all the same things he mentioned and some things worse I felt. My wife and I decided to try RCCL.. We were amazed at what a totally different crowd we had. Polite, respectful and no running and pushing for food. (RCCL Mariner out of FL).


Now my wife and I have booked Explorer of the Seas out of NJ in august and are praying for alittle more class of clientel. Although we try to have a nice time despite what we see, the purpose of the vacation for us is to relax and get away from here (nyc) and the rudness.



Does anyone else notice this with sailing from NYC or NJ ??? Or do you find it goes by certain times of year or with prices of the cruise??

PLEASE let me know your experiances out of NY and NJ, I hope that not everyone has the same findings as scottishexplorer.

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I just read the Scottishexlorers post which is a review on the Explorer of the Seas.

I was really excited about this cruise but after reading the review I am alittle dissappointed.


He mentions that it seemed most people were from the surrounding areas, NY and NJ and that alot of the people were rude and a stampede for the buffets and food. I went on a Carnival Cruise once from San Juan PR and found the same thing. 95 percent were it seemed from Jamaica Queens NY. And I am from queens, NY so I know. But I experianced all the same things he mentioned and some things worse I felt. My wife and I decided to try RCCL.. We were amazed at what a totally different crowd we had. Polite, respectful and no running and pushing for food. (RCCL Mariner out of FL).


Now my wife and I have booked Explorer of the Seas out of NJ in august and are praying for alittle more class of clientel. Although we try to have a nice time despite what we see, the purpose of the vacation for us is to relax and get away from here (nyc) and the rudness.



Does anyone else notice this with sailing from NYC or NJ ??? Or do you find it goes by certain times of year or with prices of the cruise??

PLEASE let me know your experiances out of NY and NJ, I hope that not everyone has the same findings as scottishexplorer.


I won't be on Explorer until 2007 but, speaking as a New Yorker (Staten Island here), I think people just love to throw those sterotypes upon those of us from NJ/NY. It's kind of like judging all of NJ based on what you see on the Turnpike. I've sailed out of NY on both NCL and Carnival as well as Carnival out of Florida several times. Truth be told, I found ruder people on the sailings out of Florida (and these were not cruises overrun by New Yorkers or New Jerseyans, in fact most seemed to be from Florida or the mid-West). Very thoughtless, rude people but, I don't believe all people from Florida or the mid-West are this way. I think it's just potluck who happens to sail with you. Bottom line, go and enjoy yourself. If you find someone rude, simply move to avoid further annoyances.



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I sailed on the Voyager last July from NJ and I am sailing on the Explorer this July from NJ....I personally found the people to be MUCH nicer then from other ports..........I plan on sailing from NJ everytime now...close to home and I enjoy the company of fellow NJ, NY and CT people...I think you will be pleasantly surprised...Maybe the other poster just had a bad experience...don't judge all cruises out of NJ by one post....Have fun!

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Well as I said I live in NYC myself. And you are right the sailing which I witnessed that on was not from NY, it was from San Juan and with Carnival.


We do enjoy ourselves but it just makes my wife and I alittle dissappointed to see the kinds of behavior that we witnessed on that ship. We didn't feel at all like we had been on a vacation.

I mean everyday, people would run for the food, hold 5 lounge chairs the whole day that you would see were never used. Smoke in non-smoking areas, cut in line, nudging people in line, even teenage kids fighting and poking fun at the cruise staff who were only try to do there job and with a smile. Just plain rude and unmannered. And sorry to say, every where I seen were queens NY, or somewhere in NYC.

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I just read the Scottishexlorers post which is a review on the Explorer of the Seas. I was really excited about this cruise but after reading the review I am alittle dissappointed.


He mentions that it seemed most people were from the surrounding areas, NY and NJ and that alot of the people were rude and a stampede for the buffets and food.


If you read the review carefully he goes on to say "But we encountered a lot of extremely rude people, most of them being extremely rude old people". There have been many posts on these boards about rude old people along with senior bashing on cruises leaving from everywhere, not just the New York area. I therefore put less credence in his remarks that rudeness abounded simply because most of the passengers were from New Jersey or New York. If you have been on these boards for a while then you have read the many posts about seniors running in to the dining room as if it were their last meal, etc. That topic has been debated ad naseum so there is no need to do so now. There have also been many replies regarding wonderful seniors that people have met on cruises. People from the New York area are sterotyped as being rude and I think the person that wrote the review is just sterotyping. I actually find it rather funny when Americans are categorized as rude by foreigners. I have travelled in Europe several times and I always find the Americans to be the most polite. If there is an attraction to be seen the Americans will line up and wait their turn to get in. The Europeans on the other hand will push and shove and cut in line and display no manners whatsoever.


Don't worry about rudeness on your cruise. If you're afraid of a stampede when the dining room doors open just get to the dining room 5 minutes later and the stampede will be over.

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As a former New Yorker, now living in the south, I still gravitate to the northerners...pls do not categorize all one region of people into one type. Rudeness is found all over. And I loved Explorer( not out of NY though)... I say take it with a grain of salt...go and enjoy. You be kind ---it rubs off on others!

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I don't feel that I run into more rude cruisers from any one particualr area over others. What I see is just rudeness returning across the country and not limited to those on cruise ships.

Rudeness and the like are coming back to the surface and because of it's brief absence, we are noticing it more. It seems as we get further away from 9/11 and the kindness and support that united us, we are returning to the *me* generation we were thought to be prior to that date.

In some cases, you just have to read some responses on this board to see it. Differing opinions on here have been known to close a thread or chase people away. I have learned through a couple early mistakes of how I express an opinion that it can be taken wrong and am now very careful in choosing my words. In some cases, I totally ignore *trigger* posts because I believe they are posted with the intent to cause friction.

Hope the next time you cruise you can feel more relaxed. You may have to give up people watching tho! ;) :)

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We just got off the EOS in May (9 day Carib). It seemed like the majority of ppl were from NJ. In fact the cd and activities staff often teased the different gatherings 'is there anyone on board NOT from NJ?'. We are from CT and had a blast. The majority of ppl were fun and polite. Enjoy !

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I agree with the posters above. Don't let rudeness ruin your vacation, and I second superjerryw's suggestion to simply wait 5 minutes to let others go first into the dining room. Or, when someone tries to cut into your disembarking line, just politely but firmly point them to the end of the line. (We did this.)


Another thought- rudeness may sometimes be differences in perception. I go bonkers when a group of people walk really s-l-o-w-l-y and in a horizontal line in front of me. Maybe they think I'm rude when I (politely) say, "excuse me" and cut through.


Anyway, don't let others' negative thoughts ruin your cruise. Enjoy the fact that you can drive to the pier- and have a great time!!!

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I sailed on the Voyager last August from NJ and while I do not think that the passengers were rude, they were definitly a "NY" crowd. Most of the people that you will meet will be from NYC and the surrounding area so there is plenty of NY attitude which isn't rude if you are a NYer, but to outsiders it may seem that way. If you are looking to get away from that, then a cruise from NY won't work.

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Well, I have no idea if demographics has anything to do with rudeness, since I encounter rudeness every day of my life. But, I can pretty much assure you that since you're cruising in August from NJ, your ship with be loaded with children, teenagers and families. The EOS is absolutely filled with all the things the younger clientele adore.


We are cruising from Brooklyn on the Crown Princess in September and chose this time because there's sure to be very few children on our cruise.


Hope you booked a large balcony for your R&R. Enjoy! ;)


Now my wife and I have booked Explorer of the Seas out of NJ in august and are praying for alittle more class of clientel. /quote]
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thank you,

you have settled my fears that not all cruises are the same and hopefully we will have a great group. We booked a Junior Suite and are looking forward to it. Anyone have info on Cabin 1640 on the EOS??:)

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We have always found this absolutely hysterical...standing in a long line to get in the diningroom. Everyone is assigned a table, so what's the point?:D :rolleyes: :D



If you're afraid of a stampede when the dining room doors open just get to the dining room 5 minutes later and the stampede will be over.
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I’m a southerner who has lived in the Midwest for the past 28 years. I find that Midwesterners are not rude, they are just not as friendly as southerners. :D

I have also traveled in Europe, the Caribbean, and the US and the only time I encountered truly rude people was in the airport in Paris. This was rude as a collective whole and not a few people.

As far as the dinning room stampede on the cruise ships I’ve been on, it only seemed to happen on the first night.

Go enjoy your cruise and don’t fret about what might be.

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Having traveled a good part of the world during my navy career, I always found New Yorkers and New Jerseyites to be amongst the most friendliest, outgoing and well mannered people out of ALL the places I have been to.


I laughed when I read a recent review on a NJ hotel - they said something to the effect that the shuttle driver was obnoxious and rude and was yelling at other drivers..." I'd simply laugh that one off.


The only REALLY rude people I've met during my travels was when I visited Paris France - the most dirtiest place and I couldn't wait to leave.

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It's funny reading this thread because everyone has a different opinion on the people in each area of the country. I'm from the midwest and have read many surveys that indicated people from the midwest were the friendliest! I think part of the issue is that rude behavior does not have a universal definition, not just between nationalities, but within the US as well. If pushing ahead in line isn't considered rude in your area (very prevalent here in south Florida), then you'll push ahead on a ship. I get upset sometimes, but I'm really trying to control my IED, at least on cruises! :)

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All right, another interesting thread!! It's been debated before and it will again. You're all right in your comments. People are getting more rude, everywhere you go, whatever you do, and I don't think it's some new virus. It may be a mental defect, rude children, rude adults, rude older people. We tend to be an extention of our environment. The more common rudeness gets, the more agressive and rude people there are out there. We may be more aware of it on our cruises because we are more confined to a smaller area and see the same people for a number of days, I don't know. I don't like rude people and it's hard to avoid them on a cruise ship. I sometimes feel like being rude "right back atcha" but then catch myself and realize they really don't care. I'll keep reading and see if anyone comes up with a solution.

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Well I'll try this again. It's the world we live in. Cruisin ain't what it used to be 30 yrs ago, neither is a trip to the Mall. The Today Show had a segment on road rage. It seems they have finally figured it out. It isn't rude peoples fault. They have IED....intermitant explosive disorder and it should be treated at an early age. Now I've heard it all....:rolleyes:

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It seems they have finally figured it out. It isn't rude peoples fault. They have IED....intermitant explosive disorder and it should be treated at an early age. Now I've heard it all....:rolleyes:

Isn't it amazing? They keep coming up with new reasons for people to avoid taking responsibility for anything they do. I really wish my parents had been more educated about this stuff back when they were raising me. My father said over and over that we are all responsible for everything that we do both good and bad. I kept telling him that he didn't know everything and it turns out that I was right!!

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Well I'll try this again. It's the world we live in. Cruisin ain't what it used to be 30 yrs ago, neither is a trip to the Mall. The Today Show had a segment on road rage. It seems they have finally figured it out. It isn't rude peoples fault. They have IED....intermitant explosive disorder and it should be treated at an early age. Now I've heard it all....:rolleyes:


LOL...it's amazing that the human race is still around at all...with all the "disorders" that have always been around but we're just finding out about now.


I think a lot of us have differing opinions on what rude actually is, which is why a bunch of us can be on the same ship and some can say people we're rude and others not, but that's a discussion for another time I guess.


As far as the buffet thing goes, I've never seen a buffet open without a stampede unless there was the "table 1 may now go to the buffet" thing going on (and even then a couple of people just have to get up from table 10 and go to the buffet anyway :p ). Anyhow, I'll always make it a point to head to the bar and get a drink when the buffet first opens and wait for the line to go down before going there. The way I see it, I could stand in line for 10 minutes to get my food, or wait 15 minutes and have the buffet virtually all to myself, and being a picky eater, I can examine the gravy to make sure there are no mushrooms in peace, rather then having a group of people slobbering behind me.:D

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I can attest that going out of NY/NJ can generate a different class of clientel. I have cruised 15+ cruises, many of them from NY/NJ. I never had a problem until 2005 on the Carnival Legend out of NY. The teenagers on that ship must of came from a boot camp for unruly teens. They were not well mannered or even ment to mingle in with cival people. I took my 13 yr old granddaughter and the teen boys thought nothing of grabbing her in areas that should not be touched! She was so upset(even though she cruised before and had a great time) she didn't want to leave the cabin. I spoke with the staff about the situation and nothing was resolved. Suppposidly a grandmother had taken 6 grandchildren on this cruise and the teens were out of control. A few other pax on the ship complained about the same situation happening to their children to the cruise staff , but if fell on deaf ears. This was my 1st and last cruise on Carnival Lines (since I never encountered a problem like this on RC Ships) I don't know if the price is one of the reasons you find different classes on different ships, I am trying Princess Crown out of NY July2-11, 2006 and this should tell the tale!

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I can attest that going out of NY/NJ can generate a different class of clientel. I have cruised 15+ cruises, many of them from NY/NJ. I never had a problem until 2005 on the Carnival Legend out of NY. The teenagers on that ship must of came from a boot camp for unruly teens. They were not well mannered or even ment to mingle in with cival people. I took my 13 yr old granddaughter and the teen boys thought nothing of grabbing her in areas that should not be touched! She was so upset(even though she cruised before and had a great time) she didn't want to leave the cabin. I spoke with the staff about the situation and nothing was resolved. Suppposidly a grandmother had taken 6 grandchildren on this cruise and the teens were out of control. A few other pax on the ship complained about the same situation happening to their children to the cruise staff , but if fell on deaf ears. This was my 1st and last cruise on Carnival Lines (since I never encountered a problem like this on RC Ships) I don't know if the price is one of the reasons you find different classes on different ships, I am trying Princess Crown out of NY July2-11, 2006 and this should tell the tale!


pmshirl, I'm so sorry this happened to you and your granddaughter. Have you considered writing a letter to Carnival about the behavior on the cruise? What you described your granddaughter having to experience goes well beyond rudeness and into harassment and should *never* be tolerated.


We joke about some of the rude behavior here but I don't see anything funny about what you had to go through. I hope your granddaughter is okay.

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I have noticed similar behavior on the Carnival Destiny out of San Juan, where the kids/teenagers were left unattended and were absolutly out of control.


I also thought it was inappropriate for Carnival to have a booty shaking contest on the pool deck. Its one thing for an adults only kinda party but the way the Carnival staff had underage teenagers up on the stage shaking stuff in front of adults and kids. Very inappropriate.


Both my wife and I were shocked, to here and see the stuff that went on there.


But as you said all comments to the front desk had no actions taken. Those sort of things lasted the whole cruise.

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