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Discover Shopping Warning!!


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I hope this doesn't get censored because this is really important information for those who sail Celebrity and use their suggested shopping program, putting your trust in the shopping "Expert", the "MUST SEE" stores and the cruise lines' ability to make you believe "untruths."


I'm one po'd little Cruise Critter right now. I don't know exactly how much info I can devulge without getting censored, so I'll take it easy. I don't think any of you are gonna believe what happened. Steve and I went to one of the "MUST SEE" SHIP'S SUGGESTED stores in Aruba (you know...the ones where you can buy with confidence?). To celebrate our anniversary I picked out a gorgeous dark alexandrite ring and Steve picked out a NO NAME watch that cost an arm and a leg (name brand would go here if I weren't afraid of getting censored). Within 12 hours the watch has broken, the little piece designating the number "4" had fallen off and was just floating around the face of the watch. The first thing we did when he was available was to go talk to the NO NAME male shopping "expert" (again, censorship?) and told him what happened. You know how the "Guarantee" on the back of the Discover Shopping page says that if you encounter a problem on the cruise to let them know immediately? Well, we did that, got a form and a ton of promises of resolution before we moved on to make more commissions with other shoppers.


We were promised that the NO NAME store would make it right, that we would be able to deal directly with the store itself, promises that they would make it right and it wouldn't cost anything, that postage would be refunded, etc. etc. yada yada poo poo.


When we got home we called the NO NAME store and were told that yes, they will repair the watch at their leisure and at no cost, but they WILL NOT refund postage, NO GUARANTEE as to how long it will take and they WILL NOT refund our money.


What's with the super-duper shopping guarantee? :confused: We would have been SO much better off to buy here in the states. What's with the promises? :mad:


Mad and sad at being let down by the NO NAME store we purchased the items at, but mostly really disappointed that we were told "untruths" by the NO NAME shopping guide. Any ideas on who I can complain to who might care? I really trusted the NO NAME Cruise Line, the NO NAME Shopping "Expert" and the NO NAME store.


Yeah, I'm upset about the taxi situation in Barbados, but that's another story.

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I think at this point you are taking the right steps with a couple extra I would add. Did you purchase with a credit card and if so I would put a hold on the purchase. Is there a manufacturers warranty, I would probably feel safer dealing with them then with the store itself. At this point I don't know what your problem with the Cruise line is. You can't expect that every shop they deal with is going to provide something 100% when you first make a purchase. If they fail to abide by their warranty once all other efforts fail, then there is a problem but you have too many other avenues open to you right now. I also don't make a lot of purchases at ports but always use a credit card in the event of a problem. Also, it is not unusual to have to pay postage on an item being returned for service, that is pretty much a standard in many industries. The computer I am writing this on had to go back to one of the top manufacturers for warranty repair and I had to pay postage.

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weebie - I feel for you. We had a similar thing happen to us while on the Coral Princess. We used their "guaranteed" store and when everything went wrong they told us that they don't "guarantee" anything! I waived the paper in front of them and read aloud the info about their "guarantee" and they just basically waved me away and I was left standing at Guest Relations in utter disbelief. I wrote a letter to Princess afterwards telling them what happened and that we were out money etc. and how rudely I was treated etc. and the response I received was "hope you enjoy your NEXT cruise" - lol.


Have since learned to completely AVOID any ship-sponsored/guaranteed store like the plague! Also have learned to avoid any recommended restaurants in port by the ship (but that's another story!)



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My husband got suckered into buying the coupon book for 20.00. I could not believe he did that. They offer these free gifts that are not worth .02. I told him I would not go into the store to get them. Well, he did and surprise surprise they tried to sell him a 13,000.00 necklace. I should have taught him a lesson and told him I wanted it. I let him off of the hook with just a "I told you there is sucker born every minute". I do not go to the shopping presentations on the ship. There were no coupons in that book that I would use and to make it worse we had to pay for it. It is a lesson you learn. You do it once not twice.

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Where is this 'weeble' person? You don't start a thread like this and diappear!

I am assuming this was on Galaxy since that is where they were '2/07'.

I for one never go to the lectures either. I have gotten friendly with a couple of the shoppers guides and have had lunch or drinks bought by a them. I figure I've gotten a better deal than if I had shopped at their stores! I got something for free!:D

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Here's the truths in completion. The ship was the Celebrity Galaxy. We did a great cruise to the southern caribbean. The shopping "EXPERT" on board that we dealt with was "Eric". We purchased the watch at Columbian Emeralds in Aruba. A really nice sales person, and we bought a beautiful ring and the watch. As soon as we realized the watch had broken we went to visit Eric and he filled out a "merchandise adjustment form" which he gave us a copy of. I told him of my displeasure of purchasing a high priced watch and having it break right off the bat and he PROMISED Columbian Emeralds would take care of the problem directly and not to worry.


We wanted to deal with a reputable company for a purchase totaling this much money, but BOY did we get screwed! The really bad part is that no body will help. All I could do with Celebrity is leave a complaint that got added to the stack of complaints they already have. Another CC member asked why I was mad at the cruise line. The reason, I thought, was obvious. They tell you they guarantee those stores and everything you buy there. Where's our guarantee? We feel like we were lied to by Eric AND by Celebrity. Look at it this way...if you purchased a watch at your local jewelry store and it broke, you could take it back and have it repaired, replaced or get a refund, right? So why don't I have those rights through Celebrity?


I realize these stores pay the cruiselines HUGE amounts of money to be on their "MUST SEE" list, but what do we get as consumers when it comes down to it? A really pretty receipt that basically says, "Do it our way or don't. Too bad, so sad. Send it back in at YOUR expense, we'll fix it on OUR time when we get to it and ship it back. Take it or leave it."


They have better customer service at K-mart then Columbian Emeralds and Celebrity.

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I had a problem with Columbian Emeralds as well quite a while ago. Bought cultured pearl earrings that were NOT cultured pearls when I saw the "coating" come off the glass pearl. I had charged the purchase on a credit card, refused payment, and was refunded my money in due time.

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We've bought "safe" items on our cruises, like liquor and gold chains, but I would NEVER buy anything expensive in a situation where you cannot easily come back to the store. What an advantage the store has! And of course the ship and the stores are in cahoots to make money. Don't trust them!


Do your big-ticket shopping at home and shop for t-shirts on the cruise :D !!

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A few years ago, my sister bought a very expensive emerald and diamond ring from Columbian Emeralds and within the week, the emerald cracked in half. She had a heck of a time trying to get the store to come through on their promises. It was such a bad experience, we've never entered one of their stores again.

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I had a problem with Columbian Emeralds as well quite a while ago. Bought cultured pearl earrings that were NOT cultured pearls when I saw the "coating" come off the glass pearl. I had charged the purchase on a credit card, refused payment, and was refunded my money in due time.


We contacted our credit card as soon as we got home and they said we should try to work out the situation with the company first. My husband called and he has a slight tendency to hang his head and say, "OK" to just about anything to avoid confrontation. I begged him to let me try to settle this when it first happened, while we were still on the ship, but he trusted Eric and Celebrity to do the right thing. Now we're....well, not in a very good condition. Maybe I should contact the Columbian Emeralds in Aruba?

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A few years ago, my sister bought a very expensive emerald and diamond ring from Columbian Emeralds and within the week, the emerald cracked in half. She had a heck of a time trying to get the store to come through on their promises. It was such a bad experience, we've never entered one of their stores again.


I've learned that also...avoid them like the plague. Did she get her money back or was the ring repaired or replaced? :mad: What's with that store? I cannot believe the feedback I'm getting. I can't believe Celebrity doesn't keep posted on threads like this, yet they continue sucking in the money from their "recommended" stores. Don't they know how that makes them look?

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I just tried to post something like your post only had to do with Mexico adding 15% to my AE after the cash register bill had a different total and I guess I was censored for putting the name of the store. Maybe Anne can answer that question about censoring. I was not aware that I could not put in the name of the store. Anyway, I just spoke to AE and they are going to credit me the $ but will not be going back to the store to collect.

How about that! I make out ok but if anyone else does it and does not check their bill they will end up paying the 15% additional. This whole mess just does not seem fair and we the people who keep going and buying over there get s_____. I am really tired of this.

I hope yours works out for you and again I do always pay with credit card because that is your only recourse. But I guess if it is not enough $ they will not go after the store not worth it to them. The cruise ships should be aware of these things and try to rectify if they are reputable. They do get lots and lots of money for sending people to their stores...It is a shame. Hope it works out. Please someone explain what is censored.

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I have been cruising for 7 years and have purchased jewelry/watches since my first cruise. I have had nothing but good transactions, now having said that I probably have cursed myself. I have had issues with loose stones, etc and each time I have contacted the store and they have provided excellent repair service with no questions asked. I have also traded up at various times and each time I have received more then I paid for it. In all instances I bought something that was unique and something that I would have difficulty finding in the states and certainly if I did it would be at a much higher price. I do not doubt that some people have had bad experiences just my two cents that I have not and I am very happy with all of my purchases.

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My husband bought a well respected brand wrist watch with three hands - sort of like a stop watch - in St. Thomas about 10 years ago. Again, it was a store recommended by the crise line - RCL in this case. Several months after the purchase, the hands began to fall off. He contacted the watch company, but had no satisfaction, since the charges he was to be assessed were more than half of what he paid for the watch. (I have no idea why the warranty didn't cover the watch). Not wanting to "spend to send", we took the watch to a better local jeweler and were told that it would cost almost as much as he paid for the watch (over a couple of hundred dollars) to have the watch fixed. We figured it wasn't worth it.


I guess this situation will continue as long as unknowing or unaware cruise customers frequent these stores. The stores have a captive audience - their customers are gone on the next tide and may never come back to their port. The cruise companies really absolve themselves of all responsibility. After all, in the cruise line's minds, customers should be savvy enough to know what they're buying! And in the end, all that's left are disappointed and disillusioned cruisers who had a vacation (maybe of a lifetime) marred by deceit. We're now careful, as much as one can be, with our purchases.



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I have been cruising for 7 years and have purchased jewelry/watches since my first cruise. I have had nothing but good transactions, now having said that I probably have cursed myself. I have had issues with loose stones, etc and each time I have contacted the store and they have provided excellent repair service with no questions asked. I have also traded up at various times and each time I have received more then I paid for it. In all instances I bought something that was unique and something that I would have difficulty finding in the states and certainly if I did it would be at a much higher price. I do not doubt that some people have had bad experiences just my two cents that I have not and I am very happy with all of my purchases.


Thanks for the feedback. Did you ever do business with Columbian Emeralds? Also, did the cruise line do anything to help you? So far we've gotten zippo help from anyone.


I think I'm most upset that (1) we believed the GUARANTEE that Celebrity boasts about and (2) Eric PROMISED it would be taken care of by Celebrity at no cost to us.


I purchased a ring on board the Carnival Ecstasy and they have been awesome about Customer Service. Everything's hunky-dory.


The customer service we've gotten between Celebrity and Columbian Emeralds wouldn't fit into a thimble.


Please believe that I am not a griper, moaner or whiner. I just want the promises and guarantees fulfilled.

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weeble-I have bought at Omni & AH Riise in St Thomas; Venetian in St Maarten; Kays & Little Switzerland in St Kitts. Some are ship sponsored/recommended. I am at the point with them that I am a returning customer and do not put the ship down on the receipt. Thus getting a better price as the Ship "kickback" goes to me not the cruise line. I have shopped at Columbian Emerald but never bought just found better deals elsewhere. Keep pushing back at the cruise line they will eventually work with you. Keep in mind everyone out there that when you buy watches that you get the International warrenty not the US warrenty. Which means that its more work to get them serviced but tehy will service them. I have purchased Rolex, Tag, Breitling & Maurice Lacroix. I have had to have them service from time to time and warrenty was always honored. As far as jewelry the store and manufacturer has always stood behind them. I just had a Sophia Fiore ring (Venetian) fixed no questions asked and have had Omni fix a bracelet again no questions asked. Never had to contact Celebrity because it has always been taken care of.

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:mad: A lot of people on Cruise Critic, including CC themselves, wanted me to keep them posted as to any progress made and I'm sad to report zip, nada, nothing. No one seems to care and no one has returned the calls I made last week. It's my husbands watch and he refused to stop the credit card payment and thinks everything will work out just fine. Living in a hopeful, bright fantasy world where everything turns out OK must be fun. Thumbs down to Columbian Emeralds, Eric the "EXPERT" and Celebrity.

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Weeble I was wondering if I could get just a little more info. What kind of watch did you purchase? And where are you located. I have some freinds that can probably help and I might be able to offer you some advice outside of the cruise line channel. But I just don't have enough information yet.

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