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Live!!! Tuggers Does The Zenith (again!)


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Zenith Feb 21, 2007

Started the day with a nice dining room breakfast. The fruit on this cruise has been great!

Sweet oranges, pineapple and berries. Very nice to be able to make a light meal with fruits and cereal. I’ve grown to like starting the day on a lighter note.

Can you believe we haven’t had waffles yet????

After breakfast we were lazy, no pool time, still a little overcast. Just reading and exploring the ship and some of the shops. We went to the library and it is still suffering from a lack of attention since the Librarians are gone. Books were in poor order and condition and there was not one pen or pencil anywhere to sign books out. So they were just walking out the door. I did tell GR they needed pens but didn’t go back to check and see if they had taken some for use there. If offends me that X doesn’t take care of their books!

Lunch was Pasta and Burgers on the aft deck. Very, very good. The burgers and fries are always good on X and the Pasta Bar now offers four sauces daily along with four pastas. You can never go wrong with one of these choices. If you sail Celebrity and you like to eat lunch in the dining room, do at least one day of pasta or burgers. And eat on the aft deck. The Buffet is not one of my favorites, but the pizza, pasta and burger bars are worth the effort to carry a tray.

Ash Wednesday Service was conducted by the Catholic Priest onboard. I went because there was not a service for any other denomination offered. It was nice but as so often is the case, it was held in a room very close to the Rendezvous’ Lounge that had music going at full tilt. Even with closed doors, the music was distracting.

Dinner was great. Fish Crumble, Mushroom Bisque, Caesar Salad, Broiled Spring Chicken and a Chocolate Dessert (don’t remember the name of it but Paulo, our waiter recommended it). Dinner has been delightful each night due to the lively conversations with our tablemates.

Out table is a testament to how wonderful it can be to meet new people and make new friends. I never understand when people come on cruises and choose to stay by themselves for meals. I truly feel they miss out on a lot.

There was a Casino Night with Natalie (CD) starting at 10:30 with a raffle. For 30 minutes they gave away t-shirts, polo shirts, casino packages, spa packages and shopping packages. It was a lot of fun. I won a polo shirt and then went back to my slot machine, did a couple of pulls and got a 7, a triple and a 7. $180. It was a good night for me!

With that I headed off to bed.

Zenith Feb 22, 2007

JoAn and I both got some much needed rest last night. We set our clocks forward one hour and I think we were both asleep by 12:30 new time. Neither one of us woke up until 10:45!! Strange for both of us, but very much needed.

Because of the hour, we had breakfast up top. Just some light cereal and fruit, half a bagel and coffee. Ate on the aft deck again. It was so nice. We sat there for almost an hour. The warm sun, a gentle breeze and the ever changing wake to watch. Heaven!

Also spent some time out by the pool. It was very warm and sunny today. Then I moved to the Fleet Bar and read for a while.

Having had such a late breakfast, I just had a hot dog and fries in the buffet area at 3:30.

Unfortunately, the Captain’s Club Party (the only one) was at 5:15! I got the letter a couple of days ago asking me to be recognized and I agreed. Frankly, I would have turned it down if I had realized that I had to be in formal dress by 5!

I managed to get dressed and down to the Celebrity Show Lounge by 5 as we were asked. Tanushka had thoughtfully arranged for everyone being honored to be admitted early and be served a drink. Natalie did a great job of welcoming everyone and introducing the Captain. After his welcome to everyone and Tanushka’s little spiel I was escorted on stage to receive my certificate and roses. The Reznicks were onboard so they were top cruisers with 65!

Some new hor d’hourves were served along with the standard array of drinks. The drinks were pretty scarce. I did get what I wanted (Limon Martini) but I only got one and it seemed that after the first round of drinks were served, that was it. The bar servers disappeared. More cost cutting I suppose!

After the party JoAn and I went up to the Sushi Bar. This was the first time we had been there this trip and it was VERY good. X does such an excellent job with the sushi that I can hardly stay away. I imagine that we will be regular customers most nights from now on.

We just walked around and killed time after that. Sat and talked with some fellow passengers and spent some time with another single CC’er.

My dinner was quite good. Spinach Turnover, Rhubarb Soup, Caesar Salad, Turkey and all the trimmings. I don’t care for the new beef dish they have on this menu and am a little tired of the scallops and pasta. I don’t eat veal for personal reasons so that leaves the Turkey. It is good so I’m not disappointed with this dinner.

One note on wine. The Foley Pinot Noir that I drank on the December 8th Zenith cruise

was $48 per bottle. I ordered it without looking at the wine list and imagine my surprise to find it is now $59 per bottle.

We did have a small ‘incident’ at dinner with one of our tablemates who did not feel their meal was served correctly and chose to take the outcome as a personal insult. It was a shame to cast a pall on what had been, until that point, a wonderful meal. Sometimes I just think people have to have a little drama in their lives. Hopefully, they will be a little calmer tonight.

I passed on dessert. After the scene, I just didn’t have a taste for it. We also passed on the show and toddled off to our cabins shortly after dinner.

Another detail concerning liquor. The Martini Bar has a new menu that has deleted several of our favorite martinis including the Limon and the Peach. Martini’s now have different prices, from $9.50 to around $15.00. I will get the menu and post more on this later. I was just stricken to find the Limon no longer listed! Most are made with Gray Goose and Absolut. I understand X has severed their ties with Van Gogh.

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Feb 23, 2007

Woke up to a beautiful, sunny and calm day. Went up to the pool deck and at least ¾ of the chairs were ‘reserved’ by 8:20!

JoAn and I went to breakfast in the dining room. Pineapple Juice, Orange Sections, Cheddar, Bacon and Onion Omelet with wheat toast. Everything was great, served hot and just the way we wanted it.

After breakfast we managed to find two chairs by the pool. JoAn went back to her cabin for a minute and I went to get water for my Emergen-C drink. You guessed it! Someone took over my chair, moved my book and claimed not to know where the money was that was securely tucked in my book cover! He did give me back my chair but wasn’t happy about it. Some times the pax do get a little over enthusiastic with the chair saving and ‘snatching’.

We stayed out by the pool, reading and people watching for about three hours then headed in for a dining room lunch of Berry and Peach Chilled Soup and Calves Liver w/Onions and Bacon. Rice Pudding for dessert. Very nice!

We went up to the Fleet Bar for Battle of the Sexes Trivia but just missed everything except the last question. (for some reason, last night at dinner and today at lunch, food was coming out of the kitchen very slowly) We did stay around for the fabulous view as we docked in San Juan. For once we were early.

Immigration took about an hour with only a few people having to be paged over and over.

JoAn and I decided to take a little rest and then get off the ship to find internet access.

Hopefully, I will get this posted and then finish today’s journal this evening and get it posted in St Thomas.

So far the cruise has been great. There is a lot of unobtrusive maintenance being done, carpet being replaced, upholstery being re-done, etc. The ship looks great for her years,

the crew and staff are perfection and I am VERY sad to see her go. She will be missed!

If you still have time, jump on this beauty for a cruise before it’s too late!

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Rick - will tell Natalie Rick and Kathy say hi (she's doing a good job btw!

Gail - a door prize is something offered as a prize when your raffle ticket is drawn. Since we did not have a gift exchange some of us donated things so others could see what fun it is and maybe they will consider doing a gift exchange next time they are asked!

Bob - so who is bringing me a piece of cheesecake????

Host Andy - Camilla is FCS and seems a little unsure of herself in that position, she was very nervous when speaking at the CC Party which I thought was strange. I'll tell her you said hi.

DebC- women are ahead 5 points and Joey is doing it

tupper - will deliver message to Joey

Jose is Restaurant Mgr, whoever asked.

BT - Ouch! Maybe my $50+ wasn't so bad!

RTT - yes, I had heard the new photo vendor was very 'in your face' but I like them and especially Ralston.

Hope I got everyone's questions answered. If not re-ask and I'll try to get them next time.

Wish you all were here. IT IS WONDERFUL!!!

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HI Gail,


I got your note about the live posts, so I thought I'd pop-in and see how the cruise is going so far.


Sounds wonderful. At our recent Merc cruise they honored the top couple for their 250th cruise!!!! Makes 65 seem like they are just getting started.


I have not been on the Zenith, but MIL has and she says its great.


Give JoAn my love, and tell her that I hope she's having a great time too!!!


Keep the post coming, I can pretend I'm on board with you!!!

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Sounds like you're having a ball. Makes me that much more anxious for our 4/14 PC transit.


I'll share a virtual Dirty Martini with you this evening before dinner. So, enjoy, here's to both of you - CHEERS :D:D

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Zenith Feb 21, 2007


Started the day with a nice dining room breakfast. The fruit on this cruise has been great!

Can you believe we haven’t had waffles yet????


No! I can't believe it.:cool:

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Gail, Good morning from GA. Spring has actually come to North GA. The spring thunderstorms arrive tonight.

Glad you are having fun. $15.00 for a martini? What will they be when we cruise again in Sept.? Have you heard anything about new dining room menus?

I hope they leave the pasta bar and waffles alone.

Have you heard what happened to Justin in FCS? We sailed twice with him and he helped us quite a bit.

Enjoy the rest of your trip

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Hey Gail

So very nice of you to take the time to give us a peek into your current cruise. You discriptions bring us right on board with you and you know thats where we'd all rather be. Tell us all about your pool time for us fellow pool/sun worshipers. That way we can close our eyes and imagine being poolside as well. April 13 seems so far away I don't think I can possibly wait that long. Any extra bunks in your room perhaps??? Thanks again and I'll be looking for you posts. Great job. Sharon

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Feb 23, 2007

Woke up to a beautiful, sunny and calm day. Went up to the pool deck and at least ¾ of the chairs were ‘reserved’ by 8:20!

JoAn and I went to breakfast in the dining room. Pineapple Juice, Orange Sections, Cheddar, Bacon and Onion Omelet with wheat toast. Everything was great, served hot and just the way we wanted it.

After breakfast we managed to find two chairs by the pool. JoAn went back to her cabin for a minute and I went to get water for my Emergen-C drink. You guessed it! Someone took over my chair, moved my book and claimed not to know where the money was that was securely tucked in my book cover! He did give me back my chair but wasn’t happy about it. Some times the pax do get a little over enthusiastic with the chair saving and ‘snatching’.

We stayed out by the pool, reading and people watching for about three hours then headed in for a dining room lunch of Berry and Peach Chilled Soup and Calves Liver w/Onions and Bacon. Rice Pudding for dessert. Very nice!

We went up to the Fleet Bar for Battle of the Sexes Trivia but just missed everything except the last question. (for some reason, last night at dinner and today at lunch, food was coming out of the kitchen very slowly) We did stay around for the fabulous view as we docked in San Juan. For once we were early.

Immigration took about an hour with only a few people having to be paged over and over.

JoAn and I decided to take a little rest and then get off the ship to find internet access.

Hopefully, I will get this posted and then finish today’s journal this evening and get it posted in St Thomas.

So far the cruise has been great. There is a lot of unobtrusive maintenance being done, carpet being replaced, upholstery being re-done, etc. The ship looks great for her years,

the crew and staff are perfection and I am VERY sad to see her go. She will be missed!

If you still have time, jump on this beauty for a cruise before it’s too late!



It's never too late to sail on the Zenith. I'm sitting here perusing a brochure on the Zenith (7 days in the Med) under it's new colours, Pullmantur Cruises (an RC company). I'm just off one of their other ships after 7 days in the Carribean. Sure the majority of passengers were Spanish, but we had a great time on the Holiday Dream (ex Europa) with large cabins, excellent food and service, nice entertainment, and all-inclusive to boot.

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Feb 23rd continued, then Feb 24th:

We were docked further down than we usually are in San Juan which made quite a hike to the hotel for internet. Finally got everything posted and made it back on board ship about 7.

Dinner was Escargot, Strawberry Soup, Caesar Salad and Four Cheese Pasta w/Spinach. Pistachio Ice Cream for dessert.

We went to the Newly Wed, Not So Newly Wed game which is always fun. Then a stop by the Martini Bar for a chat and off to bed.

Feb 24, 2007

We arrived in St Thomas (Havensight) at 7. We were down at the very end if the dock. I think they want us to get our exercise.

We had breakfast in the dining room and headed off the ship at 10:15. We got a cab to the Red Hook Ferry and made the 11 AM ferry to St Johns where we got an open jitney to Trunk Bay. We spent a few hours on the lush beach and in the wonderful water before returning to Cruz Bay to get the 3 PM ferry.

For those interested, here’s the breakdown on the cost so you can compare with the excursion offered on the ship.

Cab to Red Hook $10 per person

Ferry 5 per person

Cab to Trunk Bay 6 per person

Entrance to Trunk Bay 4 per person

Chair rental 7 per person

Cab back to ferry 6 per person

Ferry 5 per person

Cab back to ship 10 per person

We liked doing it on our own because we were in charge of our own timetable.

We had not had lunch so when we got back on the ship at 4, we showered and went up for Sushi which was very good. As usual.

I guess I might as well fess up to this since I made such a big deal about the dining table being such a great way to meet new people and make new friends. I still believe this BUT, unfortunately, some of our tablemates have not turned out to be a ‘joy’ to be around. One couple just can’t be pleased and seem intent on making things difficult for the servers and Maitre D. They send things back without even trying them and take anything that is not their idea of ‘perfect’ as a ‘personal insult’. We’ve had some ‘for this kind of money, it should be perfect’ nights and it really does start to wear after a while. Tedious at best. The woman even started to weep (not cry, actually weep) because her food was served too hot and she took that as an insult. See, 'for this' comment above! Very, very tedious!

They also do some strange things at the table that are considered very rude in America. Maybe it is different in the UK, but we’ve started to leave the table immediately after dessert to avoid watching.

We could change tables, but I refuse because it is ‘my table’! The one I always sit at and I’m not giving it up. (okay, have you figured out they’ve REALLY annoyed me?). So, we continue to go to dinner. It isn’t really terrible, but complaining, uncouth people do take some of the shine off the dinner hour!

Tonight was Salt Cod Bandade, Cream of Mushroom Soup, I skipped the salad, Chateau Breande (sp) and Mohr Im Hande for dessert. The beef you could cut with a fork but that didn’t stop one person from sending it back! Everything was wonderful!

The dessert, of course, is a special favor to me from the chef. When offered to everyone at the table, three took it, ate no more than two or three bites and pushed it away. Lots of things I don't know, but one I do, is everyone ohh's and ahh's over this dessert. It didn't bug me too much but JoAn said it was highly insulting.

Please don't think this is going to ruin our cruise! We have delightful dinner conversation with the people from Canada and the Canary Island people are nice.

We are still having a GREAT time.

After dinner we went to the Liar’s Club Show which was pretty cute. Joey does really well with his ‘Uncle Anthony from NJ’ act and Natalie is getting more comfortable with her role in the game. James, the new Activities Mgr is finding his place with the team.

One other thing I need to add. To anyone who was expecting a call from me today, I didn’t forget or get too busy. It’s just that salt water doesn’t do too well with cell phones. And since I had been in the water about an hour when I realized I had my phone with me, suffice it to say, it’s pretty much toast!

And how was you’re day???????????

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Feb 23rd continued, then Feb 24th:

We were docked further down than we usually are in San Juan which made quite a hike to the hotel for internet. Finally got everything posted and made it back on board ship about 7.

Dinner was Escargot, Strawberry Soup, Caesar Salad and Four Cheese Pasta w/Spinach. Pistachio Ice Cream for dessert.

We went to the Newly Wed, Not So Newly Wed game which is always fun. Then a stop by the Martini Bar for a chat and off to bed.

Feb 24, 2007

We arrived in St Thomas (Havensight) at 7. We were down at the very end if the dock. I think they want us to get our exercise.

We had breakfast in the dining room and headed off the ship at 10:15. We got a cab to the Red Hook Ferry and made the 11 AM ferry to St Johns where we got an open jitney to Trunk Bay. We spent a few hours on the lush beach and in the wonderful water before returning to Cruz Bay to get the 3 PM ferry.

For those interested, here’s the breakdown on the cost so you can compare with the excursion offered on the ship.

Cab to Red Hook $10 per person

Ferry 5 per person

Cab to Trunk Bay 6 per person

Entrance to Trunk Bay 4 per person

Chair rental 7 per person

Cab back to ferry 6 per person

Ferry 5 per person

Cab back to ship 10 per person

We liked doing it on our own because we were in charge of our own timetable.

We had not had lunch so when we got back on the ship at 4, we showered and went up for Sushi which was very good. As usual.

I guess I might as well fess up to this since I made such a big deal about the dining table being such a great way to meet new people and make new friends. I still believe this BUT, unfortunately, some of our tablemates have not turned out to be a ‘joy’ to be around. One couple just can’t be pleased and seem intent on making things difficult for the servers and Maitre D. They send things back without even trying them and take anything that is not their idea of ‘perfect’ as a ‘personal insult’. We’ve had some ‘for this kind of money, it should be perfect’ nights and it really does start to wear after a while. Tedious at best. The woman even started to weep (not cry, actually weep) because her food was served too hot and she took that as an insult. See, 'for this' comment above! Very, very tedious!

They also do some strange things at the table that are considered very rude in America. Maybe it is different in the UK, but we’ve started to leave the table immediately after dessert to avoid watching.

We could change tables, but I refuse because it is ‘my table’! The one I always sit at and I’m not giving it up. (okay, have you figured out they’ve REALLY annoyed me?). So, we continue to go to dinner. It isn’t really terrible, but complaining, uncouth people do take some of the shine off the dinner hour!

Tonight was Salt Cod Bandade, Cream of Mushroom Soup, I skipped the salad, Chateau Breande (sp) and Mohr Im Hande for dessert. The beef you could cut with a fork but that didn’t stop one person from sending it back! Everything was wonderful!

The dessert, of course, is a special favor to me from the chef. When offered to everyone at the table, three took it, ate no more than two or three bites and pushed it away. Lots of things I don't know, but one I do, is everyone ohh's and ahh's over this dessert. It didn't bug me too much but JoAn said it was highly insulting.

Please don't think this is going to ruin our cruise! We have delightful dinner conversation with the people from Canada and the Canary Island people are nice.

We are still having a GREAT time.

After dinner we went to the Liar’s Club Show which was pretty cute. Joey does really well with his ‘Uncle Anthony from NJ’ act and Natalie is getting more comfortable with her role in the game. James, the new Activities Mgr is finding his place with the team.

One other thing I need to add. To anyone who was expecting a call from me today, I didn’t forget or get too busy. It’s just that salt water doesn’t do too well with cell phones. And since I had been in the water about an hour when I realized I had my phone with me, suffice it to say, it’s pretty much toast!

And how was you’re day???????????

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Sorry for the double posts but it is taking 45 to 60 seconds to submit, when I can get it to at all.

Tupper, Rick and Andy, delivered your messages.

Ed, we'll get to the waffles. Thanks for the Mattini, it will save us some bucks tonight!!!

willieg, pasta and waffle are the same, some tweaking has already been done to the menus in the last couple of months and they're ok so far. Justin is on vacation but may not come back to Z due to time restraints.

Sharon, pool and weather have been lovely! We plan to go to Cane Gardens in Tortola tomorrow and you know how great that is. We've just got some rude people on this sailing but you can ignore them. Maybe their mama's just never taught them any better!:D

Will post when I can. So glad so many of you are enjoying sharing my cruise with me!!!

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Would you check and see if you can get a pitcher of Cranberry juice from roomservice. Thanks, don't think you can use your soda card, so I am looking for a way to get some cranberry juice.

Thanks, counting the weeks until April 13th.


Also, is there a refrig. in the CC rooms?



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I guess I might as well fess up to this since I made such a big deal about the dining table being such a great way to meet new people and make new friends BUT, unfortunately, some of our tablemates have not turned out to be a ‘joy’ to be around. One couple just can’t be pleased and seem intent on making things difficult for the servers and Maitre D. They send things back without even trying them and take anything that is not their idea of ‘perfect’ as a ‘personal insult’.


Just tell them to LEAVE your table! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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I am sorry about the rude people at your table. It's lucky that you have some nice dinner companions to take some of the sting away. As to the dessert I had to google it to find out that it is an "Austrian specialty - Mohr im Hend - warm chocolate cake served with hot chocolate sauce and whipped cream." What's not to like? :D

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Gail - I hope things get better with the table mates! Maybe they will stop coming to dinner! We had a similar experience a few years ago on the Summit. 2 sisters that had to "special" order everything and then complained about it. They even complained about their shore experiences. It's not easy coming to the table and listen to that for 2 hours. Good Luck!

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Hi Gail !


Thanks for your great updates. I am sorry to hear about your difficult tablemates. I agree about Mohr Im Hend, as it is one of my very favorite Celebrity desserts. I havent had it in ages though. Thanks for saying hi to Camilla for me.


Enjoy the rest of your Cruise !

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Hi Gail,


I'm loving reading your posts about life onboard. It makes me even more excited for my upcoming Connie on March 12.


Enjoy the rest of your trip.


Has there been any scuttlebutt (sp?) about the Carnival/Mugger/Fight Back incident in Costa Rica or has that piece of news not made it to the daily papers on board?


Thanks! Tracey

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Tuggers, I'm enjoying your posts! Sorry to hear you have rude whiners as tablemates...perhaps they think of themselves as royalty..haha. We have been in your situation and have had to endure it a couple of times.

I've always thought....'seat us with teenagers or with 100 year old folks, I don't care, but please seat us with happy people so we can enjoy our dinner'.

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Just curious if the activities director James might have just come over from Mercury. There was a James on that cruise, British, tall, blond with receding hairline and a bit on the heavy side that was on our Merc cruise. He ran the Karaoke and the Talent show and he was wonderful??


James is a pretty common name, but just curious if its the same guy?

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Tuggers, Thanks for delivering my message to Joey! I am kind of curious about the activities mgr too. He must have come from another ship or I would have thought Joey would have had a chance to move up in that situation, if there was an opening. If I recall when you sailed Zenith the last time Natalie was activities manager, but she is now CD? Wow...sounds like a job with a great opportunity to move up the ladder rather quickly. It will be interesting to see where all of this crew goes, when the Zenith is out of the fleet, as they don't necessarily HAVE to go to the Journey or so I was told. Kind of like a tight knit family being split up I guess....


Regardless, enjoy the rest of time with Zenith while she's still here! It sounds like alot of fun!

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