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Poll: Do you take your kid's out of school...

Bahamma mamma

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Apparenty I am a rotten,miserable parent who's not teaching their kids about values or responsibility. I'm taking them out of school in October for not one week but two.

Oh well, I can always go and visit them at the county lock up when they are adults- at least they're going to have fun while they are still young!!

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That holds about as much float at the Titanic...

You are so full of crap... I can hardly breathe.


Parents don't give much, if any, effort to ensure that when kids are pulled out of California schools that the schools do not lose money... to think they do is total BS. Just listen to the posters on this board who don't give a crap. Do you really think they are going to go out of their way to ensure that the school gets their funding...? If you do... you are so full of crap that you stink beyond all belief.


It is interesting that you say this, because here is a quote from one of your posts on a different thread ...


Ok... I just checked... and if I pulled the kids out of school, I could do a 7 day cruise that I could drive to... closer to $700 per person if I pulled them out of school and left the 3rd child at home... but I suppose he would balk at that.


This quote comes from post # 25 on a thread you started (the link to the thread it below) ...




Apparently when it comes to YOUR money, it is OKAY to pull YOUR kids out of school. You just don't like it when someone else wants to do the same thing.

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Wow...tough crowd!!

First off...I haven't run away....I go to bed early....one of those "old" people (60...a "boomer")

I'm also a guy, as I referred myself as a "Dad", who got custody of my kids in the 70's. Also I quit smoking when I got custody of my kids...it was important, since my daughter had asthma as a child... I tried not to be selfish.

And dammit, I'm certainly not "holier than thou"!

I tried to get the point across that I didn't agree with people taking their kids out of school just to save money. It sends the wrong message.

I don't agree that it's okay to take kids out of school just to "have fun".

I worked hard all my life, and now just want to enjoy my "golden years", and sometimes that means trying to get vacation time without a lot of chaos.

Heck, I love kids...I used to be one..(still act like one sometimes!) I have an autistic Grandson, who is home schooled, and yes, I've taken him on vacations when school is in session to avoid other kids making fun of him...you know, the ones who haven't been taught to be nice....by responsible parents.

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I have taken the kids out of school for vacation. One to the yucatan peninsula, and one to WIlliamsburg, VA. I prearranged both trips with the teachers. We got their assignments ahead of time and they did the homework before we got on the plane. They also had a "vacation journal" that the teacher gave them. They documented the trip-pictures, journals, what I liked, what I learned, foods from the area we visited, history of the area, different types of culture/dress/language etc... They then presented what they learned to their class mates when they returned. Both trips were educational experiences, and were also a lot of fun for them. I believe that school and education should be taken seriously. I also think looking at the individual student and their needs is important. If a child is having difficulty in school-and struggling-maybe taking them out of the classroom setting wouldn't be in their best interest. We all do what we think is best for our kids- well, most of us anyway.

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I take my kids out of school for vacations - they have always been great & responsible students. They are polite & well-mannered too. I look at it this way...


My parents took me out of school for a few days when I was in highschool to go to Hawaii with them, my sister and her fiance. They had plenty of room for us to stay an additional week on another island at no additional cost, but a teacher said I'd miss an important test. My sister and now brother-in-law had to fly back with me and miss the week in paradise. You know what, I don't remember anything about the test, or the class..... but I do know I missed out on making lifetime memories with my family in Hawaii. And, we've never had the chance to go back. Life gets busy and goes fast, make memories while you can.

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It is interesting that you say this, because here is a quote from one of your posts on a different thread ...


Ok... I just checked... and if I pulled the kids out of school, I could do a 7 day cruise that I could drive to... closer to $700 per person if I pulled them out of school and left the 3rd child at home... but I suppose he would balk at that.


Great catch Cuiser!!!


This post from Mr. "taking kids out of school fof vacation costs the district money....PROVE ME WRONG TO NO AVAIL" VentureMan 2000. It's comical. He doesn't even have the common sense to not contradict himself on the same board.



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Just have to add my 2 pennies. Guess what? I'm a 60 yr. old baby boomber and also a soccer mom! That's right! My miracle boy is 11 1/2. My DH and I have been traveling with him since he was 3 weeks old and his grandmother was dying back East. We live in the West. My child has learned a lot about the world around him and about the people in it. He has traveled all throughout the US., Mexico, the Caribbean and Hawaii. We are a family that lives to travel and explore. We have been on spring break cruises for the last two years and are going again this year. I have yet to be bothered by children of any age on any of these cruises. But I sure have been botherd by people "my age" and their endless complaining. Just because a person is "60 or older" does not give them the exclusive right to sail when they want and expect people with children to stay out of their way. Someone on this thread is just way to judgemental. But, don't blame it on your age! I'm 60 yrs. old and I believe in the "live and let live" view of life. :)


I have taken my child out of school every Thanksgiving week since he's been in school. He always has made up the classwork and homework that he has missed. There is no greater education than to travel and see new and exciting places, meet new exciting people and experience people of all ages. Just for the record, my DS has excellent manners that he is always congratulated on by every new person that meets him. Just because a parent takes a child out of school to travel it doesn't mean that they are doing their child a disservice, or that that child is less or more well mannered than any other child.


The last time I checked this is a free country and no one should dictate to anyone else when they should or should not be able to travel with their children.

I feel really sad for people that try to restrict other's rights!:mad:

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We have taken our DS out of school for vacations, land-based and cruises, since he was 3 1/2 (now almost 6 and in kindergarten). We always take assignments with us (when he was younger, it was to find objects on the ship that began with a particular letter, etc) and we create our own to go with what we are doing at the time. We will again take him out of school in mid-September to travel to Seattle, then Vancouver BC, and board a ship to Alaska. Could be a once-in-lifetime trip, and we want to share it with our DS.


You know, my parents were the exact opposite. I had to have my wisdom teeth out on spring break my senior year so I wouldn't miss any school (missed a week anyway because of complications). There are a lot of things I plan on doing differently than my parents, and vacationing during the school year is one of them. Price has nothing to do with it - it's when we can go. Our strategy may change a little over the years as DS gets older, but I will never be adverse to taking days off during the school year.

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Take them out for a cruise or other vacation until they are in high school and can't miss. Their childhood goes by very quickly and you can't ever get it back...traveling is a great education in and of its self!

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In reply to the OP's original question, I haven't done this for financial reasons but if I couldn't afford the ludicrous mark-ups on every flight seat, hotel room and cruiseship cabin during any school break period then, yes, I would. In these days of mega-pressure why should any family not be allowed to have a week of quality time together just because they have less financial means than others?


That said, I do take my kids out of school for around a week every year. Why? Because my husband and I both work in tourism and it stands to reason that we cannot take our own holidays during peak tourism periods, which, naturally, coincide with school holidays. Our kids spend their entire Christmas, Easter and summer holidays in daycare. They have to get up at the same time every morning as when they are in school because we have to be at work at the same time every morning. When we have our holidays, we have to get up at the same time every morning as when we are at work because they have to go to school. What is so selfish and irresponsible (as some posters here have suggested in sweeping statements) about a family spending one week a year together on holiday, even if it does mean the kids have to miss school for that week? Perhaps said posters have never had to bear the disappointment on their child's face during school holidays when mummy and daddy say no they can't go to the beach, zoo, themepark or wherever because they have to go to work. Perhaps said posters have never, during their own hard-earned holiday time, had to sit in an empty house watching daytime TV because it's chucking it down with rain outside and their kids are at school. Perhaps said posters should think twice before making such sweeping statements. (OK, I'll get off my soapbox now.)


In either case, financial or holiday incompatibility, as long as the time off is planned (responsibly) in conjunction with the child's (children's) teacher(s) then it shouldn't be a problem. Fortunately, we have (almost) always enjoyed the blessing and understanding of our children's teachers and this is as it should be.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I work as a nurse and our vacations are approved by seniority. I have 16 years seniority, and as of this year, was still unable to get vacation time when both of my kids would be out of school. Two years ago they both missed 5 days to go on a cruise. It went extremely well. We were able to vacation as a family. The teachers and the principal knew exactly where we were going, and why we chose that time to go. We are doing it again in January of 2008. I was able to get the week "after" winter break for my vacation, so that is when we go!


My parents took me out of school for family vacations several times while I was growing up. I remember these vacations very well, and appreciate the fact that I was able to go. I am sure that my children will remember their vacations fondly as well.

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Just have to add my 2 pennies. Guess what? I'm a 60 yr. old baby boomber and also a soccer mom! That's right! My miracle boy is 11 1/2. My DH and I have been traveling with him since he was 3 weeks old and his grandmother was dying back East. We live in the West. My child has learned a lot about the world around him and about the people in it. He has traveled all throughout the US., Mexico, the Caribbean and Hawaii. We are a family that lives to travel and explore.




The last time I checked this is a free country and no one should dictate to anyone else when they should or should not be able to travel with their children.

I feel really sad for people that try to restrict other's rights!:mad:



And he will use it later in life. My DH has been traveling with his parents since he was born. His father delivered babies and had to vacation around his delivery schedule. His travel background is extensive and he is able to use what he has learned very successfully in his job (he is not in the travel industry, IT actually). He has excelled in his studies (many awards) even missing a few weeks a year until his late teens (also he is highly educated). I believe you learn from all experiences, I learn every day from this board. I would not hesitate to take our kids from school, My DH has many fond family memories. We want to give that to our children too. My DD still talks about our Grand Cayman holiday in 2005 when she was 4. In her SK class (this year) they were discussing stingrays and she was able to talk about how she swam with them. I never traveled until my honeymoon at 26 and view it as a missed opportunity.


Sorry for getting carried away!



P.S. I just saw this thread tonight so I apologize if this has already been discussed.

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I am taking my son out of school for 6 days for our vacation. I planned this over a year ago. His teachers are very understanding, especially since he has Aspergers (like a high functioning autism) and he knows he will have to make the work up. BEing a single parent, I can't afford the prices that are charged when kids are out of school, and I want him to experience things now before he graduates high school next year. I do what I can for my son and he will have memories. If others judge us because I take him out of school, too bad. Don't judge anyone until you've walked in their shoes.

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I took my kids out for our cruise in 1/06 because that was the only way our college kids could come, too. But after that I decided that it was too hard on my HS son to make up the work so the college ones couldn't come this year. I would prefer that we all go but it's impossible unless DS misses a week of school and I don't want him to do that again.



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It all boils down to values. Do you value education or is it money and convenience? Do you value the teaching and practicing of the work ethic and what is right or is it "they are my kids and it is a free country"?


You can rationalize and try to justify anything in our society. What are your values? Some of you have spoken volumes about them.

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I value my time with my son, period! We only live once and don't have many second chances. I don't want to say I wish I done this and regret it later. Time is precious, just like life.


Very well said.

I have taken my 11 yr old out in the past only a couple of times, but she has been responsible and has either finished her schoolwork b4 we even left, or took it with her to work on in the plane, and on vacation.

We prbly wont take her out once in high school, but, who knows, we may decide to.

Next fall we are taking all out for a week. (preschool, kindergarten, 7th grade) We will let teachers know in August, when school starts, so they are well prepared.

IT IS A FREE COUNTRY, I value education, but I value my time spent experiencing the world with my family too. Life is too short, you never know what tomorrow may bring. AND, when we take a vacation, just bcuz we have kids, doesn't/shouldn't mean we should be chained to vacations only at breaks...

My cruise isn't until Jan 2009, but, I picked a week that the kids will already have 2 days off, so only missing 3 days...

Just my 2 cents...:D

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It all boils down to values. Do you value education or is it money and convenience? Do you value the teaching and practicing of the work ethic and what is right or is it "they are my kids and it is a free country"?


You can rationalize and try to justify anything in our society. What are your values? Some of you have spoken volumes about them.


I definitely value my child's education and that is why I want her to travel! Having an opportunity to see the world is extremely valuable and will make her a well-rounded individual. Only a small fraction of learning takes place in the classroom. The world is a classroom and my DH and I are her most important teachers.


DD's classroom teacher's only objection to our upcoming trip is that she can't go with us.

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My son's teachers are all jealous because they can't go. He is learning to speak spanish in school and maybe even use it in Florida. He absorbs everything, the culture, surroundings, everything. H learned about Tulum and how many people lived in Cozumel. He seen New Orleans a year before Hurricane Katrina hit. He experienced how they live in the South, the hospitality, history of New Orleans through tours. I value my son's education, but I value my time with him even more. Once he's in college, he may not want to be with mom. I don't know that.

I have seen so many people judge others on this board. It's a free country here and we are all entitled to our opinions. But there is no need for bashing parents who take their kids out of school for a week. Nowadays, many parents work their butts off over 40 hrs a week, coming home to cook, clean, and help kids with homework. Some parents may barely see their kids at all, maybe working second or third shift. who knows. Maybe those who bash and want to pass judgement should walk in the others shoes. At least we can say we spent time with our kids, we do what we can for them while educating them in other things other than academic studies. Is that what life is about? Work and school? No wonder why so many people get stressed out, they are afraid to enjoy life. Family comes first in my life, everything else is next. Education will always be there, I won't.

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My youngest is a senior in high school and we don't take her out of school for vacations. The only time I can remember taking them out is one day when our three kids were in grade school and it was the day before Easter break.

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I never even put a minutes worth of time into this before. My DH works his tail off M-F to provide for us. I work extremely part time, but that includes Saturdays. Our family day together is Sunday. That only changes at vacation time. We scheduled our cruise in February, and I knew I would be removing our DS for a week. He will be in 1st grade. I never even thought it would be potentially a bad thing. Still don't. We have an upcoming WDW vacation this summer, the week after school lets out. That vacation made sense to me to wait for. The cruise, not so much. It's a better time to cruise in February, hands down. Also feel that DH and I are doing something WE want to do for US. I find this important because DS WILL do well in school, despite his week vacations here and there, and will one day grow up and :(leave us. Our relationship is just as important. So we do things that we want the way we want, just as we do things the way we need to for DS.


Bring on the flames...

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I never even put a minutes worth of time into this before. My DH works his tail off M-F to provide for us. I work extremely part time, but that includes Saturdays. Our family day together is Sunday. That only changes at vacation time. We scheduled our cruise in February, and I knew I would be removing our DS for a week. He will be in 1st grade. I never even thought it would be potentially a bad thing. Still don't. We have an upcoming WDW vacation this summer, the week after school lets out. That vacation made sense to me to wait for. The cruise, not so much. It's a better time to cruise in February, hands down. Also feel that DH and I are doing something WE want to do for US. I find this important because DS WILL do well in school, despite his week vacations here and there, and will one day grow up and :(leave us. Our relationship is just as important. So we do things that we want the way we want, just as we do things the way we need to for DS.


Bring on the flames...


That is great to hear. Family is important and crucial to our kids. Hope you have a great time on your vacation.

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