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The Zuiderdam 7/31 review you waited for !!!


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please e-mail vjb223,I have a ??you contacted me before but lost address, sorry. ? regarding half moon cay

Vjb - I would be happy to, but I need your email address. I have a couple different ones of my own for different purposes - and I am not sure what one I used but I can't find your email address. Thanks

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Thanks for the objective review. Someone posts an honest detailed review and right away the flamers come out. I am tired of readng the "Oh I had such a wonderful time reviews" with absolutely no details. Most people are so happy to be on a cruise they cannot be objective in their reviews. One person on this board indicated that as long as they did not have to cook the food and clean up, they were satisfied. Try MacDonald's, Burger King, etc. They cook and clean up.


We were on Zuiderdam in July and I posted a detailed review. Lots of areas to be improved. However, we had opposite experience with food compared to Superstein61. We thought that food and service in the Pinncale was far superior to food and service in the Vista Dining Room except for lobster night when they served all the best entrees the same night.


giorgi-one, thanks !!!


And yes - I should say food is very subjective - so what one person enjoys, someone else may not

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It's funny because I didn't read this review the same way as hdawson. Didn't seem that negative to me. Seemed objective. And I love your humor, Superstein. Thanks for the review! Can't say it's real upbeat, but some very good information.


But I can't help wondering how you got those rum punches down when you wrote in the past that you can only drink one brand of rum which you always bring it with you since they don't have it on the ship. Be very careful with me;) ...I'm the proverbial elephant:D .

heather - thanks. overall, we had a very nice time - but I do try and be objective. As to the Rum Punches - well, let me say this - they use the cheapest rotgut rum I think they can get - LOL - But its rum, so . . .


Seriously, Its not that I will only drink one type of rum - its just that I prefer a certain one. But you can give me pretty much any rum drink and I will enjoy it.

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We are also staying at the Marriott Marina and we asked them specifically if they had a free shuttle to the Port and they said "yes". They even say they do on their website. What kind of "view" did you ask for. There are only two views. One view is toward the cruise ship basin and the other toward the yacht marina. How did you get to the Port if not with a shuttle?


Dexter - My mistake - let me clarify. The Marriott does not have a free shuttle from the airport. they did have a free shuttle to the cruise port - but when we checked in (around 6pm) they told me the earliest one they could put us on was at 2:30. That was far too late for our taste.


At the Embassy - when their early shuttle's have been full, they actually gave me cash to pay for a taxi to the cruise port instead. Not so at the Marriot. Wait until the 2:30 shuttle or go on your own. (we just took a Taxi - it was $12 with tip)


I guess if you could check in early and book the shuttle, you may be ok. But I wouldn't count on it - as I thought getting in at 6pm would be earlier than many folks.


As to the view - we asked for a view towards the cruise ships - did so the day I bid on Priceline and got the room. Reiterated my request at check-in. Instead, we were put off in some wing (can't recall if it was east or west) - where you had to walk out the front lobby door and turn right into this wing. It was only 3 stories high - and in the opposite direction of the cruise ships. We were near the far end of it overlooking a marina. the exact opposite of our request

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Sailed Zuiderdam last February and appreciate your honest review. I was one of those "SO THRILLED TO BE ON A CRUISE" reviewers that I may have gone overboard in my positiives. I agree that the drink waiters were very aggressive and the Sail Away party was definitely "becalmed"--or as my dh said, "dead in the water."


BUT we did have an amazing dinner in the Pinnacle. My dh is considered a gourmet cook among our friends and it takes a lot to impress him. Maybe we were just lucky, but from what I've read on the boards, I believe your experience was not typical.


Look forward to the rest of your review. Thanks!

Cameron - thanks. Glad you agree with me on the Sail Away party.


As to the Pinnacle - people shouldn't get me wrong, it was good - but I did not see it living up to the hype here. I really saw no difference between the Pinnacle food and that in the main dining room.


Perhaps I am jaded as to steaks - but some have compared the Pinnacle to the finest Steakhouses. I have eaten at places like:


Chicago Chop house - Chicago

Gene & Georgettis - Chicago

LG's Prime Steakhouse, Palm Desert, California

Charley's Steak House, Orlando, Florida

Metropolitan Grill, Seattle, Washington

The Steakhouse, Kansas City

Shula's Steakhouse, Florida

The Palm, Chicago

Ruths Chris, various cities

Morton's of Chicago, various cities

Sam & Harry's, DC

Smith and Wollensky, Chicago

Jess and Jims, Kansas City

Manny's Steakhouse - Minneapolis


among others. These are among the best steakhouses in the country (moreso the independents than the chains). IMO, the Pinnacle Grill while good, doesn't hold a candle to any of them. to mention the Pinnacle on a par with any of these is doing a disservice to these great steakhouses.


Again - I am a big beef eater - and love a great steak. Its my favorite food. So I feel safe in making these comparisons.


however, taste is always personal.

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Ok – I know I skipped the day at sea – but I will cover the 2 days at Sea a bit later – for now, I am on Port Days.




We arrive in Tortola, again have our breakfast without a crowd in the Lido around 8:00 am and then disembark the Ship around 8:30am. We are heading to Virgin Gorda and we decide to walk to the ferry dock – which we can see from our ship. It’s about a 10-15 minute walk. One hand, glad we chose to walk – on another, well . . . read on.




Tortola was in the midst of some festival – and if we had chosen to take a taxi, it probably could have gotten us half way to the ferry dock and that’s it (I spoke with folks who said this was the case). That’s because the natives had traffic at a standstill. Cars, taxi’s etc could go no where no matter if they beeped their horn, tried to move, etc. Apparantly their was some morning “festivities”. I think they called it a stomp. Well, picture this. Hordes of locals walking down the street at a slow pace. Throngs on either side of the road drinking and smoking (and I am not talking regular cigarettes) – some whom who looked like they had been at it all night. Loud music playing from various parked cars / booths. Most of the folks looked to be in their 20’s and 30’s. Honestly, if I did not know in advance this was a festival, the thought that would have came to my mind was we were the only Americans in a 3rd world country that just overthrew their government and were taking part in acts of civil disobedience. Now let me make it clear – no one harmed or threatened us – but some of the looks we received, well – all I can say is that by the time we reached the ferry dock, my 10 year old daughter, who was holding my hand as we walked, was literally shaking because she was so scared. Let me make this also clear – this is not a racial observation on her or my part – as she has several good friends of various races. Its just that Tortola’s idea of a festival seemingly differs from mine.




Anyway, we get to the ferry station and I calm my daughter down. A man from Smith;’s ferry asks if we are getting the ferry to Virgin Gorda – and I say yes. He starts to direct us to Smith’s ticket booth when another man comes up and says don’t go with him, he will get us a better deal on a different ferry. An argument ensues among the two men – and we ultimately end up at Smith’s ticket window as I liked the first man – who was wearing an official Smith’s shirt and worked directly for them. The other guy seemed dubious.




We get on the ferry, take a seat on the top deck and take in the wild street scene for about 5 minutes before the boat leaves. We enjoy a nice transit over to Virgin Gorda with some lovely island scenery. At Virgin Gorda – we all board a safari taxi to the Baths (included in the deal we made with Smith’s).




We traverse the path down to the baths and take up a nice spot on the beach. I must say the Baths was tremendous. Not only the Baths themselves – but the nearby beach. Many boats on daytrips parked out away from the beach making for a lovely setting. The place was not crowded at all – until the official Zuiderdam excursion came thru. When we went thru the baths, it was quite empty and we really enjoyed it. We heard from others on board on the excursion that they went thru in a long line – which ruined part of the experience.




Furthermore, the thing that I didn’t expect but was pleasantly surprised was their was excellent snorkeling right off the beach. My daughter and I went out numerous times - in some areas the water is not very deep, in others it can get deeper but still excellent snorkeling with all the rocks, etc. We saw a very nice variety of sealife – and get this, by afternoon, my daughter had convinced my wife – who typically runs out of the water at the sight of a fish, to use my mask and snorkel and go with her. This was my same daughter who herself was squeamish until a few days ago. Well, my wife gave it a try – and now she is hooked. Looks like I have to buy her a mask and snorkel before we go to Hawaii next year.




We stayed at the Baths til around 2:30 (there is a nice little bar on the beach – had a few softdrinks from it), then headed up to the Top of the baths to wait for out Taxi . At the top of the Baths, there is a very nice – albeit overpriced restaurant with a nice freshwater pool. Since we had some time, my daughter and I wanted to take a dip in the pool to clean the saltwater off of us. But you need to be a patron of the restaurant – so my wife and I each bought an overpriced drink anmd we enjoyed the pool for a bit.




The taxi ride back to the ferry was uneventful, as was the return trip on the ferry. The nice thing was by the time we had gotten back, the street festivities had ended, ,and Tortola was somewhat deserted. Nice and peaceful – except for all the trash, beer bottles, etc strewn about the road. My daughter just remarked – can you believe how much litter these folks generated.




The nice thing was, we caught the 9am ferry over and 3pm ferry back – so we spent pretty much all port time at the Baths – and it cost a lot less than the ship excursion, which was only their for about 2 hours

OOPS - Almost forgot, Dinner tonight (unless I have my days mixed up - it is Dutch night in the Dining room - and there is an on-deck Barbecue by the Lido Pool). You know which we opt for - the BBQ. We head up around 5:45 and see they have a special on all you drink Pina Colada's from then til 8pm for $11.95. I am not a big Pina Colada dinker, but I am thirsty (even though I did fire up the old blender in my room while my wife and daughter were showering and made myself a nice Banana Rum Smoothie) - YUM. Plus they are served in a pineapple - which my daughter finds fascinating, so I order one. We grab a table and enjoy the sights sailing out of Tortola - then at 6pm, the BBQ is ready. grilled steaks (YUM), ribs, fish, sausage, baked potatoes, salad, etc. I try a little of this and that - and get two steaks :D . Quite good - cooked just as I liked them (they asked my preference and took it right off the grill for me). So good in fact, I head back later for a third steak :D What can I say - i love steak - and I took the third one instead of dessert ;)

Early on, no one is around to refill my unlimited Pina Colada - all the waiters are too busy trying to sell more packages. So I head up to where the waiters are getting them and get a refill there. Later though the situation imporves and the person who sold me my Pina Colada is back several times with refills.

We hang out on deck til close to 8pm - and they keep refilling my pineapple ;) - before heading off to the nights entertainment








The GOOD: The Baths, Snorkleing at the Baths, Saving money and getting extra time doing the Baths on your own, the BBQ




The BAD: The festivalgoers in Tortola first thing in the morning

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Dear superstein61,


Thanks for your review as it stands thus far. I'm enjoying it immensely; particularly your format and your tongue-in-cheek little pokes. For instance ... if you'd left out the blender and the Rum you could have taken a Tux!!!! LOL ;) Since I don't take a Blender or Rum, I DO have the weight allowance!!! :D Since you don't like the formals in the Caribbean, you have the weight-space to bring them! To each their own.


Thanks, particularly, for your remarks on the J-category cabins on Main Deck ... that's where I'll be staying on the Oosterdam next Feb, so I'm curious about details from there.


Oh ... and in case you or anyone else is interested, you're currently up to 11 goods -- 13 if you include the two "ok" rankings under entertainment -- and 11 bads. :) In other words, you're beating your Vegas odds of 3 to 1 (negative to positive)!!!!!!! ;) :D How anyone could see this as saying you didn't have a good cruise is beyond me.

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Another day, another island. Of course, we would have preferred to have visited St Thomas first under the original itinerary and stayed till 11pm. Alas, HAL changed this as you know. We weren’t happy about this, but what can you do.




Everyone on the ship has to be up today at 7am for Immigration. You are called by decks to go to the Queen’s Lounge and show your passport or alternative ID. Our deck, the main deck, is called first. There is a long line but it moves very quickly. So we are thru and up to breakfast. After breakfast, we can exit the ship (they are still calling other decks – but once you have cleared, you get a piece of paper which lets you off the ship – you just can’t get back on until the whole ship has cleared.)




We catch a Taxi to Redhook $24 for the 3 of us – and catch the ferry $3 per adult, $1 for our daughter) to St John. On St John, we forgo the car we had planned to rent if we had more time and take a Taxi to trunk bay. I normally would have gone to a different beach because Trunk bay is usually overrun with cruisers – but we are the only ship in port, so it should be quiet. Eventually the official Zuiderdam excursion comes – and the beach gets a bit more busy – but they leave after their 2 hours or so and its another uncrowded, peaceful day swimming and snorkeling.




Had our first snorkeling setback as on our way out to the reef, my daughter and I see a jellyfish clear as day straight ahead. I slowly back away – but she swims like mad to shore. Ok, she is back to being squeamish – afraid of getting “stung”.




So I snorkel myself for a while and see lots of interesting coral and fish – then I convince her back in and eventually she is out with me and we see a small squid / octopus. She is so excited !!!




We pretty much just relax and enjoy the day. I should note that we did rent fins here – since the reef is a ways out from the beach. We did not need fins at the Baths on Virgin Gorda (we own our own masks and snorkel).




We decide to leave around 2pm and hire a taxi to go around the island and show our daughter some of sites that make St John’s special to us. The taxi driver is very nie and we get to take her and show her many lovely places. We even see a precursor of Charlie moving in, as it is overcast – and on the far side if the island, the boats have been called in to Hurricane Bay by the authorities.




Our ride back to ST THOMAS is uneventful and we get back at the ship around 4pm – just in time for the skies to let loose with a nice shower. We head onto ship briefly to get my credit card – and then my daughter and I head out to do a little shopping (well – she shopped, I paid) at Havensight.








The GOOD: St Johns, Trunk Bay, Snorkling




The BAD: - HAL Changing itineraries and limiting time in St Thomas (and for me, St Johns)

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An observation relative to the Pinnacle Grill. You wrote:


however, taste is always personal.


Exactly correct. I always try to keep this in mind. I also try to remember that one ship's Pinnacle Grill may well be inferior (or superior) compared to another ship's. I know that they're very similar from ship to ship, however the Pinnacle on the Statendam is, in my opinion, better than the Pinnacle on the Volendam ... both in terms of service and in terms of quality of the food ... and I've eaten in both several times. So ... what you experienced on the Zuiderdam may well be reflecting that kind of difference, and that difference results in what appears to be some of the "over-hyping" by some others here -- the Zuiderdam's Pinnacle may be inferior to some of the Pinnacle Grills being praised here.


Do I think that the Pinnacle Grill has been over-hyped here? Yes ... to lesser and greater degrees, relative to the ship and the person. I've eaten at better in Dallas, KC, SF, and NYC. But not MUCH better ... and less-so on the Statendam than on the Volendam.

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Dear superstein61,


Thanks for your review as it stands thus far. I'm enjoying it immensely; particularly your format and your tongue-in-cheek little pokes. For instance ... if you'd left out the blender and the Rum you could have taken a Tux!!!! LOL ;) Since I don't take a Blender or Rum, I DO have the weight allowance!!! :D Since you don't like the formals in the Caribbean, you have the weight-space to bring them! To each their own.


Thanks, particularly, for your remarks on the J-category cabins on Main Deck ... that's where I'll be staying on the Oosterdam next Feb, so I'm curious about details from there.


Oh ... and in case you or anyone else is interested, you're currently up to 11 goods -- 13 if you include the two "ok" rankings under entertainment -- and 11 bads. :) In other words, you're beating your Vegas odds of 3 to 1 (negative to positive)!!!!!!! How anyone could see this as saying you didn't have a good cruise is beyond me.

Rev - Thanks. Yes, as to packing - I guess everyone has their own priorities :D


We really liked the J-category cabin - it felt like we had more room than a typical cabin. I wondered in advance about the somewhat different shape and layout - but it worked well for us. I know Host Doug has mentioned just be sure to get on on the Main Deck - as ones on other decks are smaller.


Yep - and I just posted 3 goods to one bad for St Thomas- so I must be blowing those odds away - LOL:D

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An observation relative to the Pinnacle Grill. You wrote:


however, taste is always personal.


Exactly correct. I always try to keep this in mind. I also try to remember that one ship's Pinnacle Grill may well be inferior (or superior) compared to another ship's. I know that they're very similar from ship to ship, however the Pinnacle on the Statendam is, in my opinion, better than the Pinnacle on the Volendam ... both in terms of service and in terms of quality of the food ... and I've eaten in both several times. So ... what you experienced on the Zuiderdam may well be reflecting that kind of difference, and that difference results in what appears to be some of the "over-hyping" by some others here -- the Zuiderdam's Pinnacle may be inferior to some of the Pinnacle Grills being praised here.


Do I think that the Pinnacle Grill has been over-hyped here? Yes ... to lesser and greater degrees, relative to the ship and the person. I've eaten at better in Dallas, KC, SF, and NYC. But not MUCH better ... and less-so on the Statendam than on the Volendam.

Agreed. I am sure as you note, the quality varies from ship to ship.

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Hey buddy keep it going !!!


One question..

Did I read you right, did it really cost $24.00 each way ($48.00 rt) for the taxi to Red Hook ??




Srpilo - thanks. It was $24 each way for all 3 of us - so $8 per person. The rate varies from $10 down depending on the number of people

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We signed up for the shuttle to the pier at the Marriott when we checked in, again, this was a Monday sailing, so perhaps that's the difference, not sure. We got the 11 a.m. shuttle, which was perfect. We were the only ones on this shuttle. There had to be alot of people going to the pier from that hotel, so the earlier ones were full. I agree, I wouldn't have waited for the 2:30 pm shuttle, I would have taken the taxi as well, I like to be there early.
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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue]Thanks superstein for giving us some info on your cruise.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#0000ff][/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#0000ff]We went to the Baths years ago & loved it.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#0000ff][/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#0000ff]Tortola - been there years ago - was there again this past winter - don't like the island. And, unofrtunately will be there again in 2005. So sorry that you had to be there on a day when the islanders were having a festival and celebrating whatever. Glad you were able to calm your daughter's fears down and were able to go to the Baths and forget all that nonsense.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#0000ff][/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#0000ff]Looking forward to reading more about your cruise.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#0000ff][/color][/font][/b]
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[quote name='superstein61'][font=Times New Roman][size=3]ST. THOMAS[/size][/font]

[font=Times New Roman][size=3]We decide to leave around 2pm and hire a taxi to go around the island and show our daughter some of sites that make St John’s special to us. The taxi driver is very nie and we get to take her and show her many lovely places. We even see a precursor of Charlie moving in, as it is overcast – and on the far side if the island, the boats have been called in to Hurricane Bay by the authorities.[/size][/font]
[font=Times New Roman][size=3] [/size][/font][/QUOTE][color=darkorchid][b]:) Thanks for everything you are writing!! :) [/b]

I have thought of those boats often this past week. When we vacationed there and heard it referred to as Hurricane Bay... it really puts things into perspective. We stayed south of Coral Bay so we would pass that area each day. I told [/color][color=darkorchid]hubby that since we have the long time there (in November), we should rent a jeep and have lunch at our favorite place there... Shipwreck Landing. :) I think you and your daughter would enjoy staying Concordia (part of the Maho group). Not sure if your wife is into that, but might be worth looking into if returning to St John for a land vacation. [/color][url="http://www.maho.org"][color=darkorchid]www.maho.org[/color][/url][color=darkorchid] The land that Maho is on is leased and the contract runs out in 7 or 8 more years, and it looks like it will not be affordable for Maho to continue, which is why Con[/color][color=darkorchid]cordia is being built on land that was actually bought by Stanley Selengut.[/color]
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[quote name='superstein61']

As to the sail-away party, IMO, it really was done as an opportunity for HAL to sell sail away drinks - and nothing more. It consisted of the cruise staff (not the director) introducing themselves - and dancing to about 3 songs, encouraging the audience to participate. this was similiar to our cruise 2 years ago on the Maasdam.

[b]If it was similiar to your cruise 2 years ago on the Maasdam, you knew what to expect. [/b]

These sail-aways parties jsut can not compare to Disney or NCL. Both make a much bigger deal out of it, more music, more fun, shooting streamers on Disney, games and some cruise previews on NCL, etc. HALs just seemed very blah.[/QUOTE][b]Why do we keep trying to make every cruiseline like every other? I strive to find differences among them.[/b]

[b]A cruiser who has done their research should select the cruiseline that offers the most of what they want and IMO should not be trying to make that cruiseline then adopt patterns and ways of doing things that mirror another. If you prefer NCL and Disney's sailaways, then list that on the "like it" side of your check list when selecting which line to cruise. IMO, HAL's sailaway is just fine the way it is. [/b]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Superstein-[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue] With regard to the Marriott-seems to me you got what you paid for. When you book a hotel via Priceline, you book the hotel at a huge discount! Simular to the price for an interior cabin. For those of us that booked the hotel at less of a discount, it makes perfect sense that they would put you in one of the less desirable rooms of the hotel. Marriott would be doing themselves a disservice to accommodate those that have paid Priceline type rates in the best view rooms while putting those that paid a greater price in the non-view wing IMHO.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue] Sounds like your daughter really enjoyed the cruise! My kids were scared to snorkel at first, now keep begging to "go back"!!!![/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy]Superstein, your review is such fun to read! And it certainly sounds like overall you were having a great time. I shiver to imagine, though, what you're going to write about the "seniors" on sea days. Remember you made a friend out of me so try to be kind;) [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]As to sail-away parties, I could care less:) ... I don't think I've gone to one yet.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]You have a fascinating writing style that's very easy to read so I can't wait to read the rest. You know what you need, though? You need a cruise buddy who lives in the Ft. Lauderdale area to carry your blender, rum and sundries. Then you'd be all set with your weight limit:D [/color][/size][/font]
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Superstein, I have enjoyed your review very much.
On your visit to the Pinnacle the first night of the cruise, you say that you dressed in casual clothes. Did you in any way feel out of place? Were others dressed formally? Did your wife wear casual clothes too? I am asking this because we are considering dressing casually for the Pinnacle the first night of our cruise and would like to know how it went.
I agree with your assessment of Tortola. We spent 2 weeks on a sailboat there 8 years ago and found the locals to be very unfriendly. It is easy to imagine that cruise ship passengers are not met with hospitality.
We wondered at first if it was because we are Americans but our captain was from England and he was treated the same way that we were.
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